
[journey] a big old wrecking ball

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
journey card

In this journey, I am not looking for a Pokémon unless it's a Type Null. I would prefer to get one of the items (a mega-stone, trait stone, shiny stone and/or a Fire Stone) so that I can do something more with his current Pokémon.

See his Wishlist.
Link to previous journeys: click.

Dusk is settling as he stands in front of the arena, his Mawile next to him. He still has his free ticket, but has never used it.

As the dusk began to settle, casting long shadows across the ground, red eyes gazed up at the colossal entrance of the arena. The fading light lent the structure an almost ethereal glow, making it appear even more imposing. Yet, he hesitated, lost in contemplation. The arena's grandeur and apparent opulence, coupled with the unsettling awareness of government surveillance, sparked a deep-seated mistrust within him. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he shook his head.

Beside him, the Mawile observed him with a mix of confusion and scepticism. Having been deprived of combat for a month during her time with Vince, it was evident she yearned to dive back into the fray. The thrill of battle, the clash of strength, and the cheers of the crowd were elements she missed dearly. Her restlessness was palpable, a stark contrast to Ruìsāng's apprehension.

Ruìsāng's recent troubles, however, had instilled in him a desire to steer clear of any potential danger. The thought of re-entering the battle scene, with all its inherent risks and the watchful eyes of authority, filled him with hesitation. Yet, as he stood there, with the evening's gentle breeze carrying the distant sounds of the arena to life—cheers muffled by the walls, the announcer's voice booming faintly, and the unmistakable clash of Pokémon in battle—he couldn't help but wonder.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Dusk is setting in while you look towards the Battle Arena. Listening to the announcer for the next fight, your mind starts to wonder. The itch for the fight shared between you and your pokémon, yet something is making you hesitate. Your recent adventures having all been everything but peaceful and the risks outweighed the rewards at this moment.

In the moments that you're standing here, waiting, thinking, hesitating, you see something move in the corner of your eye. The shadows, now your domain, elongated by the setting sun, making way for a spot of light coming from a door opening on the side of the arena. A head peaks out, scanning the surroundings, before popping back in and quickly closing the door, not good enough thought, as it is left slightly ajar.

In the meantime, from just behind you, a sound echoes from a grate. Looking over your shoulder you find a grate in the ground, normally you would think that it would be for sewage, but the sound coming from it was not rushing water. It sounded more like rushing, yet hushed, footsteps. In the silence of the incoming night, you can even hear some muffled voices.

Applause and cheers of joy erupt from the arena, a sudden noise in the silence. When it dies down again and the silence returns, the world around has come to a standstill again. The footsteps are gone, the door still slightly ajar and moving in the wind. The announcer announcing the next fight, and the itch for a fight still very much within you.

To summarize

You saw a man stick his head out of the door, scanning the surroundings before disappearing. In his haste, he didn't close the door correctly.
You heard hushed, yet rushing, footsteps in the grate in the ground.
You can still go inside the arena and decide to take a fight.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng's mind wandered to the vision of standing alongside Lìeyàn in the heart of the arena, a place where their bond could truly shine. Lìeyàn, though not the most formidable in physical strength among his team, was his most attuned partner. Their synergy in battle was unmatched, a testament to their deep understanding of one another. He was confident in their ability to triumph, yet victory brought its own dilemmas. Would showcasing their power invite unwanted attention, casting them as threats to be neutralised?

His contemplation was interrupted by the creak of a door, his red eyes briefly meeting a man before the door shut, seemingly left ajar. Curiosity tugged at Ruìsāng, a step towards investigation halted by an even more peculiar sound— footsteps echoing beneath the ground. His eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, he closed them, concentrating on the movements.

The sudden eruption of cheers from the arena snapped him back to reality, igniting a spark of determination to explore further. Approaching the grate, he knelt, peering into the shadows below, assessing whether visibility was possible, or if the grate itself could be dislodged. The thought of employing Lìeyàn's strength to unearth the grate crossed his mind, perhaps too drastic a measure for the mere whisper of a sound.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

The spark of curiosity within you urges you to take a closer look at the footsteps underneath the grate. Using the help of your pokémon, you quickly uncover the rest of the grate. The jaw of the Mawile tighten around the steel bars and pull, puling out further out of the ground.

you've rolled a 19 on a d20, with advantage, for athletics.

A soft sucking sound follows as the grate comes lose out of the muddy underground. With a 'plop', the grate flies over the head of your Mawile, the upwards energy almost sending it flying.

you've rolled a 18 on a d20 for luck? Or is it?

Not having taken in account the pure strength of your pokémon, you see the steel bars of the grate disappear behind some trees, a sound of steel hitting something slightly softer and a muffled scream, before silence.

Maybe it's time for you to jump in that hole, Ruìsāng. You may have killed someone with that grate, let's hope nobody is going to find out what actually happened.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Lìeyàn effortlessly uprooted the grate from the ground, though Ruìsāng hadn't anticipated her next move—to launch it skyward with her formidable strength. That was just like Lìeyàn, always adding her own flair to the task at hand.

The ensuing clang reverberated with an ominous tone, the unmistakable sound of metal colliding with an unintended target. Panic seized Ruìsāng as he grasped the potential consequences of such an impact. The dread of causing harm, perhaps irreparably, weighed heavily on him as he turned towards the direction of the thrown grate. The possibility of having inadvertently done harm — again — was a tormenting thought. He hesitated, torn between the impulse to flee from the scene and the responsibility to face the repercussions of his actions.

The notion of confronting the aftermath, of potentially seeing the harm caused by his decisions once more, left him grappling with a nauseating memory.

He closed his eyes, feeling the oppressive shadow of guilt engulf him. Imagined or remembered, the sensation of blood staining his hands, seeping beyond his skin to mark his soul, was overwhelming.

With a resigned breath, he descended into the darkness below.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Jumping down into the grate, leaving the poor human being for what it is or was, your eyes quickly adjust to the darkness around you. Finally back in your own element, your senses honed to the shadows all around you.

you've rolled a 19 on a d20 for perception with advantage. The DC was 16.

Looking around you, you notice a couple of footprints buried in the mud. Within seconds, you see that all of them go towards the arena with hasty steps as if they were in a hurry. Thinking back, it might have been the group you heard earlier. However, you also notice that there are footprints older in the mud, as if this tunnel has been used before.

The way away from the arena has been blocked off, another grate is blocking it, so your only option is following the footsteps into the arena and see what is going on there. making use of your affinity with the shadows, you move towards the arena were the sounds of battle still rage on.

After a short walk, the sounds of the battle die out and makes place for another kind of noise. The way before you splits in three, these pipes more clean then the others from before. You're still not sure what this tunnel has been used for, but for now they are your way in.

Will you go...

left, where you can hear hushed voices coming from
straight on, where the soft sound of water is trying to get your attention
right, where there is an absence of noise

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Descending into the darkness, Ruìsāng's eyes swiftly adapted, cloaking him in shadows that made him nearly indistinguishable from the surroundings. Lìeyàn, in stark contrast, was far more conspicuous, though Ruìsāng knew well that any foolish enough to confront her would quickly regret it.

Blocked paths redirected him towards the echoes of combat emanating from the arena, the sound stirring a familiar eagerness within him. Despite this, he maintained a cautious pace, his instinct warning against the recklessness of rushing forward.

Upon encountering a split in the path, Ruìsāng instinctively veered left, drawn by the voices that had lured him in. Merging seamlessly with the dark, he moved with silent purpose, intent on discovering those who lingered in such a place.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Turning left, you decide to make use of your affinity, disappearing within the shadows, masking every aspect of your body. Not even your tracks are visible in the mud as you continue down the tunnel.

you've rolled a crit on a d20 for stealth with advantage.

It takes you a good minute, before you find the course of the voices. Looking down a grate, you can see a large group of people, easily twelve or fifteen man sitting, standing, or leaning against the walls. One of them is standing in the middle, a big burly guy with a fedora on his head. From your position, you can see that the hat is just too small of his head, making you wonder if it was restricting the blood flow to his brain.

As you look closer, trying to figure out what they are speaking about, a drop of mud slips past you, falling on the ground.

they rolled a 12 on a d20 for perception. you're safe.

Luckily, the shadows are hiding you good enough not to get spotted. After a few seconds, the conversation picks up again. You're able to hear what a few of them are speaking about, but not enough to get the full story. The piece you pick up are:

"How long do we have to wait?"
"Are you sure this plan is going to work?"
"If the police is coming, we scatter."

From your advantage point, without the full story, you have the following options:

Stay, listen for longer and see if you can connect the dots.
Jump down, scare the men, knowing only a few things about what's going on.
Come up with your own plan.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Melting into the shadows, Ruìsāng effortlessly advanced towards the source of the commotion. His approach brought a group into view, numbering between twelve to fifteen, with a notably individual in a fedora apparently leading. Ruìsāng’s gaze sharpened as he edged nearer, keen to discern more details. While Hēixié was safely at home, he wasn’t entirely unarmed— Momo was snug in his ball, ready if the situation demanded.

He allowed the fragments of their conversation to wash over him, eyes closed to better focus. The group was poised for action, awaiting further instructions and ready to disperse at the first hint of the cops.

Under different circumstances, had there been fewer men, Ruìsāng might have taken a more direct approach. However, the odds were not in his favour tonight; confronting such a crowd single-handedly would hardly be a smart move.

Given his affinity for stealth, Ruìsāng trusted the shadows to cloak his presence. He dared to inch forward, driven by a need to gather more intel without risking detection. His focus was to absorb every detail—be it seen, heard, or even felt. Meanwhile, he signalled Lìeyàn with a subtle gesture to maintain distance, a silent command to hold position.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

you've rolled a 18 on a d20 for concentration with advantage.

When you close your eyes, you focus. Not only on the men below you, but also on your surroundings. Your affinity helping you in numerous ways, as you pick up the sensation of fear by a multitude of these men. Fear mixed with anxiety, as the people all try to get a good look at the man in the middle. It looks like you stumbled on them just at the right time.

"Listen closely, my friends, for we are at a pivotal moment. The Battle Arena, revered by many as the pinnacle of strength and valor, has become a symbol of profound inequality.

We've been silent witnesses for far too long, standing in the shadows, yearning for a day when the scales of opportunity are balanced. That day is today. Though the world may brand us as outcasts or terrorists, we know the truth. We are the heralds of change, the voice for those unheard, striving for a world where every trainer and Pokémon can aspire to greatness.

Our actions tonight will send shockwaves through the foundations of this corrupt establishment. We don't seek destruction but to dismantle an unjust system. This is a call to action, a plea for courage to break free from the chains of tradition and to embrace a future of equality and unity.

I ask you to stand with me, not in anger or malice, but with hope for what our world can become. Together, we can rewrite the rules of engagement, making the Battle Arena a beacon of fairness and opportunity. Let us be the architects of a new era, where every trainer has the opportunity to shine, unencumbered by the shadows of inequality.

Join me, and together, let's illuminate the path to a brighter future. Our legacy will not be one of terror, but as pioneers of a new dawn where every soul, human and Pokémon alike, can truly be free."

While the rest of the group bursts out in roars and cheers, you feel how the feeling of fear has almost entirely disappeared. You're also fairly sure that about everything this man has told is false, but that doesn't take away that you're witness to a possible terrorist attack.

How will you proceed?

Go on a head, see if you can lay a trap for the men. You might not have very much time to do so, so you have to be quick.
Go down the grate, take out as many as you can on your own, hoping that the rest will scatter. If not, it might bring trouble.
Go back up, call the police or any other kind of authorities and let them deal with it.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Amidst the tension, Ruìsāng discerned a wave of fear coursing through the crowd, igniting a strategic spark within him. He contemplated amplifying their fear, banking on the notion that a frightened adversary is often an unpredictable one. By instigating panic, he theorised he might disband the majority, isolating their leader for a direct confrontation—a prospect he arrogantly believed he could triumph in.

The leader hinted at a radical agenda, branding themselves as outcasts or even terrorists, intent on sending shockwaves through what they deemed corrupt institutions. A younger, more reckless Ruìsāng might have found common ground in their disdain for corruption. However, the awareness of innocents caught in the crossfire—people merely seeking to engage in Pokémon battles—solidified his resolve. Whatever their intentions, they were going to hurt innocent lives.

Acknowledging he was not a hero, he nevertheless recognized an opportunity to act. As the crowd’s fervour escalated into roars of approval, Ruìsāng felt a surge of revulsion, the dark depths of his heart stirring in response.

Understanding the futility of awaiting police intervention, Ruìsāng crafted a swift warning on his phone, detailing the imminent threat. He entrusted the message to Lìeyàn, instructing her to find a reliable outsider to alert the authorities before returning to his side. Despite her initial reluctance, Lìeyàn acquiesced, vanishing into the night.

Alone but undeterred, Ruìsāng advanced into visibility, embodying confidence and defiance. His introduction, laced with sarcasm and challenge, cut through the charged atmosphere.

Impressive speech. One has to wonder, do you really buy into your own narrative, or do you simply bank on their stupidity?

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

By sending your pokémon away, you're now utterly alone. Thinking yourself on top of the world, you make yourself visible for the men within the group. The moment they see you, they fall silent. The man that was just speaking glances at you with a confused look, but it quickly turns to a mixture of fear and anger. As you speak, they all gawk at you.

you've rolled a 12 on a d20 with advantage for Intimidation.
you've rolled a 10 on a d20 with advantage for Deception.

They all take a good look at you, before the man that is clearly the leader of this whole bunch, bursts out in laughter. Quickly, the rest follows. "Well, well, what do we have here, fellas. A child on the loose." The man with the fedora bellows at you. "Did you take a wrong turn somewhere? Lost your pops and ma?"

you've rolled a 2 on a d6 for an encounter.

While he leans forward to you making the feint of grabbing your hand, he reaches behind his back and grabs two pokéballs. The group around you quickly disperses, the men pressing themselves against the walls of the area when two flashes summon two pokémon.



This situation might get dicey real fast if you're not careful. Be warned, remember that you're alone.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

They called him a child, and Ruìsāng responded with a gentle smile. Despite his youthful appearance, marked by soft blonde hair cascading over his shoulders and impressively flawless skin that accentuated his youth, he felt no need to intimidate these men. Standing calmly amidst the tension, he appeared innocently composed, a stark contrast to the impending danger.

As one of the men advanced, leaning towards him, Ruìsāng elegantly stepped back, not from fear, but to maintain distance and avoid any unwanted contact. The tension escalated as the man withdrew two Pokéballs, and his companions pressed themselves against the walls, bracing for what was to come. Ruìsāng couldn’t help but chuckle softly as an Ambipom and Crobat were released, hopeful that Lìeyàn was successfully summoning help.

Resolved to stall for time, he engaged. “Well, if it’s a battle you want, who am I to deny it?” he declared with a slight smile. Opting for strategic simplicity, he chose to release only one of his Pokémon given the confined space, taking out a single Pokéball. The sphere enlarged in his hand, and with a flash of blue light, his Metagross materialised, positioning itself protectively between Ruìsāng and his adversary.

Pūjī, Kàngjūn,” Ruìsāng commanded crisply. His Metagross, possessing intellect akin to a supercomputer, had learned the language easily, launching into a Body Press against the Ambipom in an attempt to pin it to the ground.

He followed up with another tactical command, anticipating the movements of the Crobat. “Děngdài, ránhòu shǐyòng Jídòng Quán,” he instructed. This order was clear: Kàngjūn was to wait for the right moment and then strike with an Ice Punch, prepared to counter the Crobat’s approach effectively.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

While the leader clearly thinks to have the upper hand with two of his pokémon standing in front of you, his face is quickly growing pale the moment you let go of the pokéball hidden in your pockets. Gasps fill the room as the Metagross materializes in the room and if possible, the people try to force themselves into the walls behind them.

The leader quickly recuperates, laughing at the lone pokémon you sent out. But his laughter dies down fast the moment the Metagross goes on the offensive, casting both his pokémon at the side with ease. A vein is popping on the side of his head, visible under the fedora that is probably restricting blood flow to his brain.

you've rolled a 17 on a d20 for danger.
you've rolled a 5 on a d6 for a scenario.

While his head is turning more and more red with anger, the leader points his finger at you. "Get him!" He shouts, and before you clearly understand what is going on, two people make themselves lose from the wall and grab both your arms.

you've rolled a 8 on a d20 with advantage for acrobatics. The DC was 12

Meanwhile, four more people come into the lime light, clicking sounds suggest more pokémons. Flashes fill the room as four pokémon surround your Metagross.





Now you're restrained, outnumbered and you still don't know how long it is going to take Lìeyàn to come back with the police, if she already was successful in gathering them. What will you do?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
As the men initially laughed off the situation, their amusement quickly evaporated when they witnessed the raw power unleashed by Ruìsāng’s Metagross. A confident grin tugged at the corner of Ruìsāng’s mouth, his self-assurance bolstered by the knowledge that he could easily outmanoeuvre two of them.

However, his arrogance nearly cost him dearly.

In a swift turn of events, his arms were seized, and four more Pokémon burst into the room: a Fearow, Sceptile, Typhlosion, and Dragapult. His red eyes darted around, quickly assessing the order in which he would need to take them down, a hiss of annoyance escaping his lips.

Do you really think I’d be this arrogant if I didn’t have someone else here?” Ruìsāng whispered to the men gripping him. He then made a calculated move, lowering his centre of gravity by bending his knees and attempting to turn sideways to aim a kick at one of their faces. As expected, this manoeuvre led them to restrain his arms more firmly against his back.

This was exactly what Ruìsāng had needed.

The force they applied in holding him provided just the opportunity he needed to enact his next move. With a resigned sigh, he let his head droop slightly, feigning defeat.

Give up the fight and you’ll get out of here alive,” he murmured softly. He sensed the disarray and fear among the men; some seemed regretful of their involvement. By sowing seeds of doubt, Ruìsāng hoped to prolong the encounter, possibly avoiding the need to call upon a divine promise.

He then issued a command to his Metagross in a low, urgent tone: “Jiǎzhuāng gōngjí. Ránhòu xiàng wǒ Huízhuǎn qiú.

Accustomed to following orders without hesitation, the Metagross prepared to execute the plan. The Metagross locked eyes with the Typhlosion, feigned a forward attack, then spun around as he launched into a Gyro Ball.

At the same time, Ruìsāng threw himself to the ground, expecting the men's grip to hold him up from slamming into the ground, while lowering himself enough to avoid what was coming.

This would ideally leave them vulnerable to being slammed against the wall by the Metagross, while Ruìsāng safely hit the floor, using the chaos to his advantage.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

In the span of just a few seconds, a lot was happening. Two man grabbing you by the shoulders and wrist, ready to twist your arms on your back with the earliest signs of trouble. Four other guys sent out their pokémon, in a desperate attempt to get your pokémon under control.

Meanwhile the leader stepped back, watching the growing chaos unfold in the small area. When you try and see where the boundaries are, you quickly find yourself with your arms twisted on your back, them trying to work you to the ground and keep you restrained there. While they do not react to your threat, you can feel a shift in how they are restraining you. Now that you look around, there are multiple people not looking at ease with the situation unfolding here.

Quickly you command your Metagross, the pokémon locking eyes with it's opponent. The moment your Metagross comes into action, you make use of the confusion by dropping to the ground. A move not anticipated by the two man restraining you, who slam into each other with force and knock each other out. In the meantime, the Gyro Ball attack from your Metagross is wracking havoc.

you've rolled a 25 on a d100 for chaos.
you've rolled a 13 on a d20 for perception, with a DC of 10.

Chaos erupts in the small area. The other man quickly return their pokémon and the room fills with screams and yells. From your position you can just see that the leader is trying to make a quick exit, pushing himself past running men and disappearing through a small door on the other end of the room. What will you do?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
See, his plan hadn’t unfolded exactly as he had envisioned, but it was sufficiently close to work.

The two men, dumbasses, had managed to knock each other’s heads together, effectively taking care of that problem themselves. Still, Ruìsāng wasn't done; he commanded his Metagross to launch an attack, revelling in the display of its formidable power—a sight he could savour endlessly. Pure power.

However, when Ruìsāng scanned the area for the group's leader, he spotted the man making a break for it. Annoyed, he clicked his tongue sharply and sprang into action to give chase. Simultaneously, he signalled his Metagross with a raised hand.

Psychic! Bring him down!” he commanded loudly in the common tongue, sprinting after the fleeing figure. He had every faith in his Metagross to execute the command, but he wasn't about to take any chances.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

With the chaos unfolding around you, you spot the leader trying to make a break for it. Handling quickly, you sent your Metagross after it, hoping that the Psychic attack will take him down. What you hadn't taken in account, were the two pokémon of the leader and while they were in a heavily damaged state, they wouldn't let their trainer be attacked.

The Crobat shoots past you, just in time to react with a Protect to stop the attack of your pokémon, only to fall to the ground shortly after. It did give the man enough time to make ground between himself and you. Pushing yourself through the same door as you saw him disappear through, you find yourself in a maze of corridors. The road splitting in three before you.

you've rolled a 10 on a d20 for perception.
he rolled a 7 on a d20 for stealth with disadvantage.

The ticking sound of footsteps in the far right corridor is drawing your attention and you're for 90% sure he fled in that direction. Will you give chase?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Almost losing his footing, Ruìsāng nimbly dodged the Crobat that whizzed past, disrupting the Metagross’ Psychic attack.

With a hiss of frustration, he accelerated his pace, urgently pulling another Pokéball from his pocket. “Both of you, keep them here!” he shouted, hurling the ball behind him as he continued his pursuit. The Dragapult materialised, its appearance causing an uproar among the remaining foes while the Metagross positioned itself at the entrance to block any escape with its large body.

Ruìsāng, however, didn't pause or slow his chase. He darted around the right corner in pursuit of the group's leader. The chaos unfolding behind him was background noise to his singular focus. This man had not only orchestrated an attack but had also dared to mock him. Ruìsāng was intent on demonstrating what would happen if anyone underestimated him.


Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Let there be more chaos. With both the Metagross and the Dragapult on the scene, the people who were trying to flee now froze on the spot. Knowing very well that it was not smart to go against these two powerhouses, they decided to sit down and wait for the consequences of their actions.

Meanwhile, you pursue the one orchestrating this entire attack, diving into the right corridor, you quickly see the back of his jacket disappear around the corner. Flying around the corner, you're met with a big iron door. Knowing how fast the man before you probably went through this door, it shouldn't be too heavy to open up.

With a good turn on the handle of the door, it swings open, revealing a big brightly lit room. You're not sure, but it seems you uncovered something that wasn't meant to be seen by others. Multiple screens and computers are mounted on the walls and the scent around here was chemically clean. On the other side of the room are two corridors. One with a normal light, one with a bright red light. From the corridor with the red light a chilling scream echoes as you walk closer.

Which way will you take?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
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