
[journey] a big old wrecking ball

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Fuck, fuck, fuck,” echoed in his mind as he regretted not bringing more Pokémon with him, especially Hēixié, who would have certainly given the fleeing man a sharp bite in his disgusting ass. Faced with a metallic door, he yanked at the handle, half expecting it to resist him. Surprisingly, the door swung open, allowing him to continue his pursuit.

But what he found on the other side wasn't supposed to be there. A room filled with screens and computers emerged, emitting a chemical scent that wrinkled his nose. Having spent far too many days around sterile, medical environments, the smell instinctively made him cover the scar on his stomach with a hand.

Asshole,” he muttered under his breath as he surveyed the branching corridors. He wished he had brought more Pokémon to cover more ground. Just as he was considering his options, a scream echoed from the red corridor, startling him and widening his eyes in alarm.


Driven by instinct, he dashed into the red corridor, prepared to burst through any doors in his way to get to the source of the scream.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Regretting your choice of not bringing more pokémon, leads you to running into the red light filled corridor. One that feels smaller and tighter with every step that you take, the chilling scream being replaced by soft moans and whimpers. The red light trying to disorientate you as you run through it. The corridor veers off to the right, placing you in front of yet another big metal door. This one proves more difficult to open, as your first try seems unfruitful, you remember training from a long time ago. Bracing yourself, you turn the handle.

you've rolled a 13 on a d20 for strength with advantage. The DC was 11.

As if the room before you depressurized, steam rolls over your feet, yet it's not burning you. The door opens further on it's own, stopping just before the wall. As you look into the room, the sound of claws scraping over metal makes you flinch. A soft whimper follows as you hear the sound of electricity zapping something.

Stepping into the room, the automatic lights spring to life and before you stands a cage.

Type: Null

The creature inside the cage is looking at you with weary eyes, it seems to tired to stand up, but every time it moves you see a shock going through it. The cage is also way too small to hold a creature of this size, forcing it to lay down on the cold metal plate at the bottom of the cage.

Even without a trained eye, you can see that the electricity going through the cage would be seriously harmful, maybe even fatally so, to a human being, as it is keeping the pokémon docile.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Frustration mounted as Ruìsāng struggled with the stubborn door. His initial attempt to open it failed, but a firmer push allowed it to relent, swinging open under his effort.

Steam billowed over his feet as the door continued to swing wide without his guidance. With furrowed brows, Ruìsāng stepped forward, instinctively lifting his arm above his head as the lights flickered on.

His eyes fell on a cage, and his arm slowly lowered as he stared in disgust. Inside was a creature, its head encased in a helmet that seemed to constrain it, trapped without clear reason. The creature looked up at him, its expression not aggressive—perhaps it had resigned itself to its fate.

Please don’t—” he began as the creature made a feeble attempt to move. “Stay, okay? I won’t hurt you,” he promised softly, his voice tinged with empathy. He was aware that he’d lost the chase now, but he couldn't leave the creature in distress. All he could do now was hope the escapee didn’t have another way out, or that one of the other captives would reveal his identity to the authorities.

I’ll get you out of here. Just don’t eat me, alright?” he joked lightly, scanning the room for anything that might help. His mind returned to the monitors he had noticed earlier, but his immediate concern was finding a way to deactivate the cage's power or unlock it. If there wasn’t a control panel or computer, perhaps there was a clue about what powered the cage. Maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to shut it down.

And if all else failed... would a Pokéball work? He pondered briefly. He could always release the Pokémon afterward if it proved effective.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

The moment you assess the situation you're in, the creature trying to get away from you, its eyes hidden underneath the helmet. Still, it is clear to see that it's afraid. Claws scraping over the metal plates its laying on, making a horrid sound. A zapping sound followed by a whimper coming from the pokémon, as it lowers its head.

As you come closer, the pokémon makes at another attempt to create distance between you and it, giving it yet another shock.

you've rolled a 10 on a d20 for pokémon handeling.

While your words seem to reach it, they make little difference. You can see that for this pokémon, you and whoever it was that had been working on it, are one and the same. And you coming closer means one thing, that it would get hurt again. Making the shocks from the cage not even that bad, not in its mind at least.

Focussing your attention on the screens and computers around you, you try to figure out how to get this pokémon out of its confinement.

you've rolled a 4 on a d20 for perception.

With the sounds that the machines are making and the amount of text on the computer screens, you can't determined a method to disable the cage. There are a lot of buttons, even more screens and not a single simple red one that screamed "DISABLE". There is not even a power cable coming from the cage, so that would be a dead end as well. What now?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The creature moved, and Ruìsāng sighed softly, raising his hands slightly to show he meant no harm. “Alright. I promise I won’t hurt you, okay?” he said gently. It would be much easier if the creature trusted him enough to let him move freely. He understood all too well what it was like to be cornered and unable to trust a helping hand.

If you know how I can set you free, the help would be appreciated,” he murmured, glancing around. He struggled to focus with the creature still confined in the cage. The computers made no sense to him, and he felt stuck. He didn’t want to leave the creature alone here if he could help it.

If he had his Metagross, it could have figured this out. “Fuck,” he sighed, staring at the buttons before turning back to the Pokémon.

Did they turn it on or off here? Just—give me something. Eat me if you’re out, whatever, I’m just trying to get you out,” he continued, running a hand through his hair. What a miserable situation. Why wasn’t Lìeyàn here yet?

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

The pokémon seems conflicted about your words. Unsure if you're trustworthy, yet it sees you trying to help it. Keeping its eyes on you while you walk around the complex, trying to figure out how to disable the electricity coursing through the cage. It does not dare to move, afraid to get shocked again.

you've rolled a 4 on a d20 with advantage on investigation.

In your frantic way of looking for a solution, you keep missing the thing that might actually help you. The multiple keyboards with strange buttons, screens on the walls and ceiling and all kinds of flashing lights are disorientating you, making it almost impossible to find what  you're looking for.

That is, until the pokémon decides to step in. Opening it's mouth to let out a horrible metallic scream, catching your attention and making your ears bleed at the same time. Focussing on the pokémon, you see it try to move towards the west side of the controls.

you've rolled a 13+3 on a d20 with advantage and help from the Type: Null on investigation. The DC was 16.

The controls you find yourself standing in front of is making any sense to you. Buttons flashing in multiple lights, names that say next to nothing to you. It's clearly not just a power off button, but it seems the Type: Null is keen on having you in this position.

What will you try

Pressing buttons at random, see what happens.
Investigate the controls, see if you can make sense of it.
Brute force your way through it, with all its consequences.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng flinched when the horrible noise sounded, and he looked back, trying to hush the creature. It seemed, however, like it wanted to guide him, help him figure things out. So, he watched, before walking to the west side of the controls. Here, multiple buttons lit up, but there wasn’t really anything that made sense to him.

There were an awful lot of buttons and very few clues as to what they did. Why wasn’t there just an ‘off’ switch? Why did they have to make things like these so needlessly difficult? Ruìsāng sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger.

One more try. He would see if there was something, anything, he could make sense of. He moved his hand to one of the buttons, trying to see what the Pokémon’s response would be. Anything that would help, before he just mashed the one that seemed to make the most sense.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

You place your trust in the captive pokémon. Hoping that while being confined here, it had learned something about the controls for its cage. As you let your eyes go over the controls, disappointed that there wasn't just a simple off-switch, you look over at the pokémon.

you've rolled a 17 on a d20 with advantage for insight.

While normally you're not sure about making a connection with a pokémon, this Type:Null seems to understand that you're trying to help it out, as it slowly inches as close to the edge of the cage as possible. Small shocks are trying to scare it off the edge, but it is ignoring it, determined to help you out this time. As it watches you going over the controls, it makes a small sound by a small handle. One easily missed if you're not looking for it. Just wide enough for your pinkie to fit through. It looks delicate, as if may it break, the pokémon would never be free again.

Are you sure about your choice? Do you put your faith in this pokémon and pull the small lever, with all consequences?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng moved his hand over the controls, and eventually, the Pokémon made a small sound. He froze, red eyes locking onto the handle where his hand had paused. He hesitated for a moment, questioning the wisdom of trusting the Pokémon. He wasn’t keen on trusting anyone, Pokémon or not.

But this Pokémon was desperate—trying to get out. If this wasn’t the right thing, then the Pokémon would be the one to suffer the consequences.

So, Ruìsāng placed his finger against the handle, studying its delicate design. “Let’s see what it does, then,” he sighed, before using the handle, hoping it would somehow open the damn cage.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

For a moment you wonder if it is a smart decision to place your trust in a trapped pokémon. And who are you kidding, making smart decisions was not never your forte. Placing your hand on the lever, the pokémon tries to stand up, only to get shocked back in its laying position.

Weighing your options, you decide to pull down the lever and see what happened.

you've rolled a 46 on a d100 for probability.

For a moment, nothing happened. And as the seconds creep further, you're starting to think that nothing will happen. But the moment you reach out to the controls yet again, an electric spark makes you retract your hand. More electricity springs over the controls and you're forced to step back. From behind the big control table, smoke is starting to raise.

you've rolled a 13 on a d20 with advantage for insight. The DC was 10.

Survival instincts kicking in the moment the realisation is coming through and you dive deftly behind the cage with the pokémon. Covering your ears, the machine bellows one very high pitch, before all the lights fall out. You somehow expected a bigger explosion.

The electricity keeping the pokémon in place flickers and dies and the Type: Null stretches its legs. Now finally able to stand up, it towers over you, eyes visible behind the mask. Cautious it bends forward to inspect you better.

And that's the moment the machine does explode, pushing both you and the pokémon against the wall. it blew a hole in the wall it was mounted on, which might provide a way to the outside world. Because you do think that this explosion, has been heard by more people then just you.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Nothing happened.

Ruìsāng had half a mind to pull the lever again, but an electric spark caused him to pull back his hand. The machine seemed to have some sort of kill-switch, and Ruìsāng hesitantly took a step back, staring at it.


This didn’t look good.

*Oh no.*

Realizing this was about to be bad, he dove behind the cage, covering his ears and keeping his head low, bracing for impact.

The Pokémon towered over him, and Ruìsāng waved his hand at it. “Get the fuck d—” he tried to command, but then the machine finally exploded, and both of them were thrown against the wall.

Fuck,” he groaned, pushing himself up from the ground and inspecting himself for injuries before looking at the Pokémon. “We should—get out of here. Are you alright? Come on,” he urged, beckoning for it to follow. There was a hole in the wall, and Ruìsāng desperately wanted to get out and see whether Lìeyàn, Módào, and Kàngjūn were alright.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Quickly checking yourself on injuries, before reassuring the pokémon, you decide to leave this place ones and for all. Unsure where the tunnel leads you, you take the gamble and take it anyway.

The amount of bends in the tunnel quickly makes you forget which way you were going. The lights are very dim, or none existent in  some parts of the tunnel and you have to look around you from time to see if the Type: Null was still following you.

you've rolled a 16 on a d20.

Accelerating, you try to find a way out as quickly as possible. Only for you to almost slam face first in the massive body of your Metagross. The pokémon turns around to greet you with a humble sound, before stepping aside. The police had made quick work of apprehending the rest of the terrorist cell.

you've rolled a 2 on a d20.

Now that you look around the room, you see that your Dragapult is slumped against the far back wall. It looks hurt, but not lethally so. It probably got into a fight with one of the people and tries to fight itself out of it, taking the brunt of it.

With all three pokémons in tow, you make your way out the same way you came in, only to find the police standing around the place you had started your journey from. They look at you sternly and one steppes up to you, ready to ask some serious questions.

you've rolled a 17 on a d20 with advantage.

The policeman is quickly stopped as your Mawile jumps past the man, stopping in front of you and making it very clear that the man wasn't allowed to come any closer. It seems that they still have questions for you, but the choice is yours if you're willing to answer those or try to sneak away now that you have your pokémons back.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng hated this place and silently vowed never to enter a tunnel again. He glanced behind him every now and then, surprised to see the Pokémon still following him. It made him wonder if it thought he could save it from that hideous helmet, too. Maybe he could. Someone had to. He wondered if a screwdriver would work.

Not that he had one.

Vik probably did.

There you are!” he exclaimed as he saw his Metagross. The Pokémon didn’t seem to care too much but was pleased to see him as well. It made Ruìsāng realize he should bring that Pokémon back to Vince soon. While he’d grown to like it, and it seemed mutual, it was never his.

Coming up to Módào, Ruìsāng let the Pokémon return to its ball, softly promising it some rest. The poor thing had gone through enough. With the Metagross and the unknown beast following him, he walked down the path, worried as he still hadn’t seen Lìeyàn anywhere.

Taking a step back, eyes wide and fist clenched in anger, Ruìsāng stared at the officer ready to ask him questions. He’d never been fond of the cops—and he hadn’t done any of this to get in their favor, either. When Lìeyàn jumped between them, he let out a relieved sigh.

The leader escaped. His rats will sell him out. I don’t know anything else,” he stated, before turning around and walking away. It didn’t matter. He’d failed to catch the man, and it wasn’t up to him to do it now. So, he picked up Lìeyàn from the ground and held her against his chest as he walked away.

He needed to find Vik.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

The policeman looks at you, looks behind you to see the small army of pokémons that you have gathered. Only nodding, he grabs something akin to a tablet and a pen and deftly writes down what you tell him.

"Thank you for your corporation, we had been looking for him for a few weeks now, but had lost his scent. You helped us a great deal." He reached behind him to grab something, but at that moment he got called away. With an apologetic smile, the man leaves you be.

With the authorities busy with finding the man and his lackeys, they don't seem to care about you or the strange pokémon that is walking behind you. The Type: Null keeping close to you, as if it is unsure about everything else around it. It tries to sniff at your Mawile, but quickly retreats. You're now free to go where you want to go.


Your journey is hereby over. The terrorist cell gets disbanded and a few days later a news article describes that the leader had been found. Nobody mentioned the laboratorium in which you found the Type: Null. it is now yours for the keeping, maybe you can figure out its secrets.

your journey continues...

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