

2 posters
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor’s eyes grew wide. Was Mingze talking about the artefact? It seemed the only possibility. But that begged the question how the other knew about the object hidden in the temple. The answer soon came as Mingze explained how a friend of his had been through something similar to Victor.

“And she found something where the fortune teller sent her?” Victor asked, curious about what Mingze’s friend had come across that made Mingze think something was hidden where the darkness had almost gotten to Victor. But apart from that, Victor also wanted to find out whether Mingze was talking about the artefact or something else. It was possible that he was alluding to something else, though Victor thought that highly unlikely.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Telling anyone anything felt like a risk. It was best if it stayed a secret, but given that Victor might have come into contact with it, he deemed it fine. Revealing parts of it was fine, but he would not tell him everything just yet.

Míngzé hummed in confirmation, nodding a few times as he did. “She did.” With how Míngzé reacted before, Victor might already have an idea that there was some item there. What it was still remained a mystery even to him. His fingers softly tapped his arm. “Some kind of stone, no idea what exactly it is. She talked about the strong power it possesses, one that can not simply be wielded by anyone.” So far, that was basically all he knew.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

This friend of Mingze’s had found something at the place where the fortune teller had sent her. Curious about what it was, Victor leaned in closer as he waited for the other to tell him more. It sounded like the same thing he’d come across. “Was this darkness that came after me there as well?” Victor asked. If so that would explain why Mingze deducted there must be an artefact at Xerneas’ temple as well.

But there were so many more questions raised by what Mingze told him. “Did she take it with her? And what kind of power did it possess?” he asked, eager to learn more. The artefact had been haunting his mind ever since he’d come across it and now he might finally find out more about it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It’s fine

Míngzé kept repeating the same few words while he talked. Telling anyone about this was a risk, but in a way Victor was already involved. If he told him more bits and pieces, perhaps he would remember something. A detail that seemed otherwise unimportant.

It piqued Victor’s interest right away and Míngzé drew a sharp breath. “I assume so, yes. As far as I’m aware, there was something there.” What he himself experienced, was not what he would call darkness, as the ghost had been too overpowering. Míngzé was glad he no longer had to deal with them.

“She did, which is a good thing if you ask me. If one person can make it, others can too and until we know what it does, it's best if they don’t fall in the wrong hands,” he explained calmly. That she had lost it immediately, was a detail he would not share. It was not important to the conversation.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Eager to learn more, Victor asked whether the darkness had also come for Mingze’s friend but to his disappointment his answer wasn’t definitive. He only assumed it had been there as well. “Something?” Victor echoed. “Could it have been something else then?” Maybe this friend had encountered something entirely else than the darkness Victor had come across.

Victor leaned forward when Mingze said she’d taken the object with her. “What does she intend to do with it?” Victor inquired further. If she’d taken the artefact to keep it safe that might indeed be a good thing—though he wasn’t entirely in agreement that removing the artefact from the place where it was kept safe, away from the world, was a good thing—, but Victor didn’t know Mingze’s friend and for all he knew she was the wrong hands that they wanted to keep the artefact away from.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé was careful with how much he revealed each time he opened his mouth. Not only was he telling someone else’s story, he was giving away information that might be crucial. Victor had told him he could be trusted, but you never knew how people would react when presented with great power. “I have no idea, it might as well have been the same power that came after you.” It was difficult to say, given he had not been there on either occasions.

His frown deepened when Victor asked an important question. Given everything that had been going on, the trip to the hospital, the fight before, he had never asked her. Also because she no longer had it anyway. “Again I don’t know. For now I don’t think it matters, given that she only has one part.” Not even. For now he knew the location of three of those artifacts, at least, he could be certain about two, the third one remained a guess. He could feel the pulsating darkness radiating from the one he owned. Almost beckoning him to come closer. It spoke to his soul, at least that is how he would describe it. Something he ignored.

“What do you think it does?” Míngzé asked curiously.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Disappointed that Mingze wasn’t sure what power his friend had encountered and whether or not it was the same thing that had come after him, Victor asked a different question. But again Mingze didn’t know. “That’s true,” Victor spoke slowly. “Still, are you sure she won’t try to use it for anything bad?” With the darkness that had clung to the artefact he’d encountered, he didn’t want to leave one of these objects with someone if he didn’t know their intentions with it.

That led the conversation to the big question: what did the artefact do? “I’m not sure,” Victor spoke honestly. “There are so many possibilities. But if it was used in rituals to mediate between light and dark it can be used for both good and nefarious purposes. The darkness I encountered must want to tip the balance towards the dark.” He stopped as he realised he’d said something he shouldn’t know if he hadn’t encountered the artefact himself and had read about it. “That’s why I wanted to warn you. That darkness is dangerous. I wouldn’t want you to come across it,” he tried to keep going in the hope Mingze would glance over his slip.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

A sigh rolled over his lips. He did not trust Lucina enough to believe she would not do anything wrong with the artifact. Even after their trip to the hospital she never told him what her goal with them was. But it no longer mattered as she did not have the artifact. “Positive,” Míngzé replied. Even if that was only because she lost it.

For now it was still a guessing game what these artifacts might be able to do. Míngzé had no idea, although there was a promise made that involved affinities. That was all he knew and for now he was not planning on figuring out their real power. If he could, he would keep them out of anybody’s hands. That was the only way to avoid disaster. It seemed Victor was also clueless.

“Makes me wonder if it is as simple als light and dark, good and evil,” Míngzé said thoughtfully. It might as well be more complicated than that.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor nodded when Mingze assured him that his friend wouldn’t try to use the artefact for anything bad. He trusted that the other knew his friend well enough to be sure about that.

What the artefact did was a mystery they could only speculate about. With the darkness forcing him to leave the temple earlier than he’d have liked, Victor hadn’t been able to go through the treasure of information in the room. The texts Victor had read, however, did imply that Mingze was correct: this went beyond good and evil. But how exactly, Victor didn’t know.

“I’m not sure it is,” he agreed. “But with the darkness currently surrounding it, if the artefact your friend found had the same darkness near to it, these objects can’t mean anything good at the moment.” If the darkness was kept from interacting with the artefacts, maybe they could be used for good as well, if it were as simple as that.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Victor seemed convinced that these artifacts were something to be careful of, and perhaps he is right to assume so. The silent song it whispered to him however did not feel all bad. That did not change the fact that he did not exactly trust those pieces either. If the same pull worked on others too, even those with a different affinity, it might cause some problems.

“Perhaps,” Míngzé said thoughtfully. “For now it is only guessing what they may or may not do,” he added with a short shrug. There was no way of knowing for now.

“Thank you, for coming here and telling me, Victor.” He brought a small smile to his lips. He appreciated the information, even when the other first tried to keep certain things from him, but with a good reason. It had given him a new lead. The question remained if he should go looking, or let it be for now.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Mingze was right that for now they could only guess what the artefacts would do. If only Victor’d had more time to read the well of information he’d found at the temple. He wondered if the darkness had come after him before he could read more on purpose. Maybe it had sensed that he was trying to find out more and had kept him from doing that.

Victor smiled when Mingze thanked him for coming and telling him about what he’d been through at the temple. “Thank you for listening to me,” Victor replied. “I’m just glad that you won’t have to come across the same darkness I did.” Even now Victor was still on edge, afraid of what lurked in the shadows. He didn’t want his friend to go through that.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

While he had not learned that much during this conversation, it was enough to give him a lead, a next point to start looking. It was more than he had before, so he welcomed it with open arms. “No problem,” he told Victor with a soft waving gesture. The other did not know why he really listened to the whole story and he wanted things to stay like that. The less Victor knew, the better.

“Yeah, me too. I’ll promise I’ll stay far away from any of it,” Míngzé said, although there was a sting in his chest, knowing he’d just lied to the man. He’d already faced it once, and would probably do so again in the future.

Míngzé got up from his seat so he could open the door for his friends. “Stay safe Victor and I’ll see you next time.” If everything went well in his life.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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