
[journey] Echo

2 posters
Mikhail Heo
Messages : 199
IC Posts : 189
Mikhail Heo
journey card

This is my first journey with Mikhail. I’m looking for a pokémon for him from his wishlist (other cute pokémon are also great! just think it would be fun for him to have a cute tiny pokémon) or an affinity (water, grass, ghost or ground maybe?) for Mikhail. You can throw anything at him just please let him keep the limbs he still has.

He's at the beach and the sun is starting to set. He has his pokémon, an ursaring and a blastoise with him.

It had been years since Mikhail had gone to the beach. The closest he’d come lately was when he’d been at lake Bagor which was so big it gave the impression you were at the sea, but that had been a long time ago as well.

He’d decided to come right before the sun started to go down so there wouldn’t be many others around. With the beach almost empty, he let Gureum and Nadezhda out of their pokéball so they could explore, though they never strayed too far away from him.

The soft crunching of sand sounded as he walked on the beach. His prosthetic gave him trouble at first, his balance slightly off as he’d never walked on this kind of terrain with it before, but, with some help from Gureum at the start, he quickly adjusted to it.

Mikhail stood still and watched the waves rolling over the sand before retracting back into sea. The sun was slowly starting to set and painted a portrait of reds and yellows across the sky. The sight was beautiful, yet it also made him feel melancholic, reminded of all those who would never be able to behold this again.

Character sheet
Nickname: Misha, Mich, Mik
Age: 47
Birthday: 21/04/1977
Occupation: Veteran
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

With both your pokémon with you, the sun slowly setting into the horizon, painting the sky in a colourful mix of blues, reds and oranges, you walk over the beach. Memories from times long forgotten surfacing as you find yourself at peace and in a moment of serenity. For ones, your troubles far away. Even with the constant reminder that there is now a prothesis where a leg was suppose to be, it giving you a moment of trouble over the lose sand.

While walking, the world around you continues. Moments pass, the earth still turns, the sun going lower and lower. A soft singing reaching you, making you stop. As you turn your head, you see a shadow deeper in the ocean. It's song trying to lure you into the water, inviting you to see what it is.

Meanwhile, it is your Ursaring that has found something else entirely. Hiding beneath a discarded pile of fisher nets, a box overgrown with seaweed. A heavy lock on it. Your pokémon standing in front of it, unsure what to do with you, gesturing you to come closer.

A scream makes you look up. For a moment your peace and serenity disrupted by a group of young men. They are calling out for you, one of them holding a super soaker and soaking you from their save position on the pier. One of them, a little younger, trying to make the others stop, even from your position you can see that he is frightened of you.

What will you do?

Follow the sirens song, see what is the shadow in the ocean. Either by swimming yourself or using your pokémon.
Help your Ursaring open the box, unravel its mysteries and see what more secrets it is holding.
Deal with the kids, knowing that they are only trying to agitate you, which might have a worse effect on your pokémon.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Mikhail Heo
Messages : 199
IC Posts : 189
Mikhail Heo

Mikhail was slowly strolling over the beach enjoying the tranquillity when soft singing caught his attention. Determining it came from the ocean, he looked out over the water. There was no boat the sound could come from, only the waves.

Right when he noticed something deeper in the ocean, a shadow that he couldn’t make out what it was from this distance, Nadezhda called him towards her. She’d found a box overgrown with seaweed and was looking at him, unsure of what to do with it.

But before Mikhail could inspect the box closer, he was hit by a ray of water. “Что за черт,” he let out in surprise before looking at the source of the water. It was a bunch of kids trying to get a rise out of him, though one was clearly not happy with the victim his friends had picked and tried to get them to stop.

Ignoring the kids—interacting with them would only further increase their efforts to annoy him—, Mikhail turned back to Nadezhda and the box. He freed the box from the discarded fisher nets it was buried beneath before looking for a way to open it. The lock was heavy, but the box was old and so he tried to force it open or find a weak spot in the box where he could open it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Misha, Mich, Mik
Age: 47
Birthday: 21/04/1977
Occupation: Veteran
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

As you curse the kids look up in surprise, yet they remain adamant in annoying you, spritzing you with water as you move closer to your Ursaring to investigate the box that she had found. Swiping off the seaweed that covered it, yet another spray of water hits you in the side. The kids are not happy with the fact that you're ignoring them, seeing it as a personal offense. Laughing at each other, calling you names and spraying you with more water.

Still, you keep your eyes on the box, trying to see if there is a weakspot in it, or how the heavy lock works. Recalling your old strength from before the war, you grab the lock, investigate it for a moment, and yank on it.

you've rolled a 19+3 on a d20 for strength. The DC was 19.

With one fell swoop, you shatter the lock. The kids silenced on the spot, seeing the strength that you just portrait. As quickly as they could muster, they run away, leaving one of their water guns behind. With that being dealt with, you focus back on the strongbox. Water had seeped inside, making most of the contents useless. However, there is a leatherbound tube inside. Opening one of the sides grants you a piece of parchment. As you roll it out, you see that it's a map.

What will you do

Investigate the map on your own, see how far you can get with it.
Investigate the rest of the strongbox, see if there are clues to what it is or who it belonged to before.
Ask for help at the locals, maybe they can tell you something.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Mikhail Heo
Messages : 199
IC Posts : 189
Mikhail Heo

With the seaweed and nets removed, Mikhail could inspect the box.

“Чёрт,” he muttered under his breath as the kids hit him with another ray of water. He’d hoped they would give up sooner, but that appeared to have been wishful thinking. His breathing and heartbeat were starting to speed up under the assault, but he kept his focus on the mysterious box. They were just kids, he reminded himself.

“Игнорируй их,” he told Nadezhda to ignore them. The ursaring had been softly growling at their assailants who were lucky they were out of her reach. At her trainer’s words, she turned towards him again.

After inspecting the box, Mikhail yanked at the lock, shattering it with one strong pull. The display of strength finally brought back the peace and quiet, and Mikhail breathed in, relieved that he could hear the sound of the ocean again.

A sweep of the box’ contents revealed that most of what was inside was compromised by water that had seeped in. He only found a piece of parchment: a map.

After a quick look at the map, Mikhail put it aside for a moment and investigated the rest of the box. Maybe something else in here had survived the water and could tell him more about what the map led to or who had made it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Misha, Mich, Mik
Age: 47
Birthday: 21/04/1977
Occupation: Veteran
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Ripping open the box finally grants you the peace and quiet you had been after all this time. The kids running away, screaming for their mothers, but the sounds die down in the wind as they are far enough. You focus your attention back on the box and its contents.

The map, preserved from the sea water, gives you little clues. All the symbols and markings on it look like child's scrambling, making it unclear what it's intended purpose. As you decide to check the box to see if there are other things that might have survived the attack of the sea water, you find yourself with little hope.

you've rolled a 6 on a d20 for investigation.

Holding the box upside down, goop is falling out of it. Sea water mixed with sand and more things you don't want to know lands on your shoes, as you're not quick enough to step away from it. As far as your eyes can see, there is nothing of worth left in the box, nothing that has any value or capability to help you out.

Will you try one of the other options next, or give up on the map and walk away?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Mikhail Heo
Messages : 199
IC Posts : 189
Mikhail Heo

Mikhail took a moment to breathe in the fresh sea air before looking at the box’ contents. A quick look at the map revealed symbols and markings that didn’t make sense at first glance. Knowing it would be easier to understand them if he had some kind of legend explaining what the symbols meant, he looked through the box to see if anything else had survived the water that had seeped inside.

“Говно,” he let out as goop dropped out of the box and splashed on his shoes. He wiped it off on the sand as well as he could before he took the map and sat down a bit further to study it. There was nothing salvageable left in the box.

Gureum came to look at the map over his shoulder and Nadezhda lay her head on his leg. “Let’s see if I can make any sense of this,” he spoke to the pokémon. The map didn't look like any of the ones he’d seen in the military, but maybe he could find a pattern in the symbols that would allow him to read it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Misha, Mich, Mik
Age: 47
Birthday: 21/04/1977
Occupation: Veteran
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Frustration is building up as the goop lands on your shoes and you use the sand to get it cleaned up. As you inspect the leather scroll case top to bottom, you can't find anything that could help in this quest. Deciding to inspect the map once more, you let your eyes go over the symbols on it.

you've rolled a 3 on a d20 for investigation. The DC was 12.

Symbols spinning and moving before your eyes as you try to decipher them. The only thing you can be certain off, is that it follows a coastline, but you're not sure if it's this one or in another country. The symbols seem to be in a language that you either never seen before, or is long forgotten, as even if your life experience you've never seen anything like it. For a moment you're certain that this map is only worth something to a museum.

The moment that thought crosses your mind, you hold the scroll case vertically. Gravity pulling on the other end and the lid falls with a surprisingly heavy thud in the goop that you just washed of your shoes. When you bent forwards to pick it up, you see that it has made an imprint. Looking closer, you can decipher three words "Ivanov's Seafarer's Hearth". Thinking back, you recall walking past a restaurant with that same name.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Mikhail Heo
Messages : 199
IC Posts : 189
Mikhail Heo

Nothing on the map seemed to make any sense except that it followed a coastline, but Mikhail was too unfamiliar with the region to know whether it was Cerynia’s or that of another country. The symbols might as well be ancient greek, he couldn’t read them.

“Похоже, тут ничего не получится,” he said to Gureum. It seemed like he wouldn’t be able to learn anything no matter how long he studied the map. But then he held the scroll vertically and he was proven wrong. Picking up the lid revealed an imprint: “Ivanov’s Seafarer’s Hearth”, the name of a restaurant he’d passed earlier.

Whoever had made the map had most likely gotten the scroll from the restaurant. Or was connected to it in another way. This was the best lead he had to find more about the box and map he’d found inside it and so he stood up to make his way towards the restaurant.

“Ты можешь этонести?” he asked Gureum to carry the box. The pokémon took the box with him while Mikhail kept the map safe. Going back into the direction they came from, they walked towards the restaurant. Maybe someone there had known the person who’d drawn the map and they would be glad to get the possessions of this person back.

When they got to the restaurant, Mikhail let his eyes go over the building, assessing it before he went inside.

Character sheet
Nickname: Misha, Mich, Mik
Age: 47
Birthday: 21/04/1977
Occupation: Veteran
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

With your pokémon in tow, carrying the box while you hold the map yourself, you retrace your steps back to the point were you began this day. Remembering where the restaurant had been located, it was not so difficult to find back the location mentioned on the lid.

The moment you set foot in the dining establishment, you immediately have the feeling that this is the correct place to be.

You are, however, not allowed to step further into the establishment. With a frightening speed, a girl on roller-skates crosses your path, stopping dead set in front of you with a smile and a curious look on her face.

Server Marina
Non-threatening, yet curious

"Howdy mister, what can I help you with today?" She asks with a big smile on her face as she casually starts skating circles around you, switching between going forward and going backwards with ease. She's obviously very skilled on her roller-skates. "A coffee maybe? A beer? Oh, you should really try our specials right now. I know you'll love them, everyone does." She continues without actually waiting for your response.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Mikhail Heo
Messages : 199
IC Posts : 189
Mikhail Heo

Before he entered, Mikhail let Nadezhda back in her pokéball and took a moment to take in the restaurant. The sides were open, giving the patrons the chance to enjoy the warm weather in the summer from comfortable wooden chairs. With the name in front confirming this was where he needed to be, Mikhail went inside.

Once he was in, he couldn’t step much further as a server came up to him. The girl dashed towards him on her skates and came to a stop right in front of him.

Mikhail tried to follow her with his eyes as she skated around him. The circling made him feel threatened, especially when her words sounded more like questioning than a server asking what they could help with today. Still, he tried to focus on the curiosity in her eyes. Despite how it came across, she wasn’t a threat.

“What are the specials?” he asked, overwhelmed by the movement for a moment before he felt the scroll in his hand and remembered what he was here for. “I’m actually here because I found something on the beach with the name of the restaurant imprinted on it and I was wondering if someone here might know more about it.”

Character sheet
Nickname: Misha, Mich, Mik
Age: 47
Birthday: 21/04/1977
Occupation: Veteran
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

The woman looks you up and down, unaware of the threatening feeling that she's bringing you as she keeps circling around you. As you ask for the specials, she comes to a stop in front of you with a big smile on her face. "Today, we have a Western BBQ Burger with mango Salsa, Grilled Fish Tacos, a Saloon Style Shrimp Po' Boy and Pineapple BBQ Ribs." She counts on her fingers, a look on her face as if she was concentrating hard to remember everything. "The Ribs are to die for, but the burger is so juicy." She continued, as she sets off to skate around you again.

When you mention that you've found something with the name of the restaurant on it, she stops once more. "Ohh." She said, before skating off, leaving you all alone in the restaurant. Just when you feel like you've waisted enough time in a place like this, you hear her call from the back. "Ashton! The man needs you!"

Owner, grumpy, old

The man that comes out of the back is clearly older then you are, his eyes are sharp however, as they take you in. He walks up to you, stopping just ten feet in front and crosses his arms. "Marina said you were in need of me? What have you found, boy." His voice is stern, that of a father or indeed, an owner. But there is wisdom in his eyes and you have the feeling that he can help you. But will you tell him what you have found?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Mikhail Heo
Messages : 199
IC Posts : 189
Mikhail Heo

Finally the girl stopped skating around. His heartbeat slowed down again and halfway through her explanation, her words started to register. Once she finished talking, he told her what he was actually here for: the scroll.

Without responding, she was off. Mikhail watched her disappear. Once she was gone he looked at Gureum, the two silently agreeing on the strangeness of what had just transpired.

When she left, Mikhail had expected that she was getting someone, but the more time passed, the more he suspected she’d simply gone. Whatever it was that he had found, maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to bring it here.

Right when it felt like she wasn’t coming back, the girl’s voice sounded and a man came out of the back. Mikhail took a moment to take him in. He was older than him, most likely the owner of the restaurant. As he studied the stranger, Mikhail saw the spark in his eyes that told him this man might know more. This was someone who’d lived life and learned its wisdom.

While he would never be sure that it had been right to bring the box and scroll here until he showed the man, it was the best option he had. If anything went wrong, he’d deal with that later. “If found this on the beach,” he showed the man the scroll with the name of the restaurant imprinted on it and the box it had been kept safe in. “I wondered if anyone here might know who made it or what it means.”

Character sheet
Nickname: Misha, Mich, Mik
Age: 47
Birthday: 21/04/1977
Occupation: Veteran
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Ashton looks you up and down when you speak, his eyes lingering on the map that you show. There is a flash of recognition in his eyes, yet the rest of his face doesn't betray any emotion. In stead he rolled up his sleeves and nods, reaching out to take both the map and the box from you. "It's been years since I've heard about this." The man muttered and you're not sure if it's against you or just in general.

The box gets placed on the table, as he rolls open the map and takes a good look. "Our family history is rich with tales of the sea," he began, his voice steady but filled with nostalgia. "Generations ago, our ancestor Nikolai Ivanov was a legendary navigator, known far and wide for his skills. During one of his voyages, he discovered a hidden isle, a place untouched by time and teeming with secrets.

Nikolai, sensing the importance of his find, marked its location on a map, the very map you hold now. He entrusted it to our family, knowing that one day, someone would be destined to uncover its secrets—."

you've rolled a 4 on a d20 for a constitution check. The DC was 12.

As you listen, you feel your eyes grow heavy. While the story is interesting, it is the monotone voice of the man that is lulling you in an almost peaceful sleep. You didn't even notice that you feel asleep, until Marina shakes you awake, a hand lightly placed on your shoulder. "I am so sorry, I should have warned you that grandpa Ashton is very boring storyteller." She giggles. Across from you, you notice how the elderly man is looking out over the ocean, deep in thought.

He turned around, his eyes filles with a strange determination. "Very rude, boy, to fall asleep when someone is telling you a story." He scoffed at you, but there is a smile on his face. "The key lies where the twin palms kiss the horizon at dusk. Follow the map, and look for the ancient stones shaped like a star. There, you'll find the legacy Nikolai entrusted to us, a treasure waiting to be claimed by the rightful heir." He explains as he points at the map on the table. "Good luck."

What will you do next? Go look with the clues that you got from Ashton, or ask more questions with the change that you can get even more information from this old family?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Mikhail Heo
Messages : 199
IC Posts : 189
Mikhail Heo

Recognition showed on the man’s face. After a quick second of assessing the situation, Mikhail let the scroll and box go when Ashton reached out for them. The man knew more, that much was clear.

Once Ashton had the map laid out in front of them, he started to tell the story of Nikolai Ivanov, an ancestor of his who’d been a legendary navigator. The man had found a mysterious isle and that was the place he’d marked on the map.

Mikhail tried to stay awake, but the man’s monotone voice slowly lulled him to sleep. Normally, sleep didn’t come easy for him, but maybe that was why he couldn’t stay awake listening to the story. With how little he slept, and when he did it was never really restful as he was always still vigilant, it was harder to fight the tiredness.

At the gentle shake, Mikhail jumped awake in alarm. His eyes focusing on the girl’s face in front of him, he realised his surroundings and calmed down. The old man was now looking out over the ocean in thought.

“I’m sorry, sir,” he apologised to the man about falling asleep.

The man explained what he should do to follow the map. While the explanation was clear, it still left Mikhail with questions. He remembered how he’d tried to read the map before and hadn’t been able to find any points of reference he could use to understand it. “How do I read the map?” he asked Ashton. The man had told him about twin palms and star-shaped stones, but he didn’t know where to start as he didn’t have a point on the map he recognised.

And there was one more thing that had drawn his attention. “You send me to find this treasure, but also say it will be claimed by the rightful heir. How could that be me?” He’d just found the map on the beach. There was no connection between him and the box.

Character sheet
Nickname: Misha, Mich, Mik
Age: 47
Birthday: 21/04/1977
Occupation: Veteran
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

The story that the man told you, although you slept through half of it, does intrigue you with a curiosity that has not yet been satisfied. Ashton noticed this as well, as he has this same glimmer in his eyes when looking at you. As you ask how to read the map, he laughs at you. "With your eyes of course, dear boy." He tells you, his laugher rumbling through the bar. "But in all seriousness, everything on the map I have already told you. The language on the map is one that has been passed down throughout the generations within my family. I just gave you the translation. Just know that it is this side up." He explains, as he gives you the map back. "This little symbol over here is a compass, keep it in the upper right corner if you ever forget which side is the top and bottom." He points at a small mark in the corner, and now that you examine it more closely, you can indeed see that it vaguely resembles a modern day compass.

Ashton's eyes softened when you speak about being sent to find the treasure, yet afraid not being the right heir for it. He shakes his head with a smile. "There is more to our family that has yet to be discovered, we're fairly certain that there will never be a rightful heir to find it, as none of us ever has found it. So if luck is on your side and you're able to grab it, you can have it, if you promise to show it around here." You can see his eyes glaze over as he tells you this. Clearly, he still cares for the legend within his bloodline.

Now, how will you proceed?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Mikhail Heo
Messages : 199
IC Posts : 189
Mikhail Heo

Of course he would have to read the map with his eyes, but when he didn’t find a point of reference on the paper there was nowhere he could start. Mikhail let the man laugh, smiling politely as he waited for the other to continue. When the man said he’d already told him everything on the map and explained that he’d just given him the translation before handing the object back, Mikhail took another look at the scroll, holding it the right way up, and tried to understand the map once more now that he knew how to make sense of it.

There was still one last thing he wanted to ask the man. Ashton’s eyes softened as he reassured him that maybe it would take someone outside the family to find the secret his ancestor had hidden as no member had been able to discover it yet. “If I find anything, I’ll make sure to come back here,” Mikhail smiled at the man.

“Thank you for your help,” he thanked the old man and the girl. “I’ll see where this will lead me,” he said, looking at the map.

He said his goodbye to the pair before leaving the restaurant. Once outside, he let Nadezhda back outside her pokéball. The pokémon immediately went to Gureum and the two pokémon looked at their trainer, waiting to see what they would do now.

Mikhail looked at the map. With the information he’d gotten from Ashton he tried to understand the markings on the paper. Thinking back on what he’d just heard he looked from the map to his surroundings as he tried to figure out what way he had to go to follow the map.

Character sheet
Nickname: Misha, Mich, Mik
Age: 47
Birthday: 21/04/1977
Occupation: Veteran
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Ashton nods slowly as you promise to come back once you have figured out the family secret. You can see that he is delighted that someone is taking up the mystery yet again, but you also spot a hint of fear, although you're not sure you can place why he would be afraid about this endeavour.

As you say your goodbyes and let out your pokémon, you start to think about how to tackle this mystery. You have somewhat of an idea where this mystery could lead you, but with that everything is said. As you look up from the map, and check your surroundings, it is not getting any clearer.

you've rolled a 13 on a d20 for investigation. It's a partial success.

Squinting your eyes against the light of the sun, you take a closer look at the map, holding it up against the sunlight. It is then that you notice that a small symbol is appearing in the paper. A symbol that, as you have to believe what Ashton has told you, stands for North.

Walking to the north, you keep your eyes on the map. Only looking up in short moments, to make sure that you're still going in the right direction.

you've rolled a Nat1 on a d20 for perception.

However, because you take only short moments to check your surroundings, you miss the hole that has been dug by some kids. Only noticing it when your prosthetic leg gives way underneath you and suddenly your entire world is upside down.  

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Mikhail Heo
Messages : 199
IC Posts : 189
Mikhail Heo

Even with Ashton’s explanation, it wasn’t entirely clear to Mikhail where the map would lead to. Maybe if he hadn’t fallen asleep and heard the entire story, things would be clearer. Now he had to work with the information he had.

After spending some time studying the map again, Mikhail held it into the sunlight, the light finally allowing him to notice a symbol that meant north from what Ashton had told him. He followed the map in that direction. As he walked he kept looking from his surroundings to the paper to make sure he was going the right way.

With his attention on the symbols that were still mostly a mystery to him, Mikhail didn’t see he was walking right into a hole that someone had dug in the sand.

His prosthetic leg gave way underneath him, the hole about as deep as his lower leg. The sudden loss of balance gave Mikhail no time to shift his weight to his other leg and he went down to the ground. Falling forward, his reflexes kicked in, remembering how to break the fall and absorb part of the impact as he’d done many times before.

He lay in the sand. Pain blossomed in his hands, arms, knee and what remained of his leg where the prosthetic was attached. He took in a deep breath to stabilise himself. Then he rolled over and sat up.

He was covered in sand and the map lay crumpled on the ground. Shocks of pain went through his stump, the sensitive nerve ends seemingly on fire. His breathing was rapid from the sudden events as a burst of anxiety went through him. He looked around. It was just a beach. The hole had probably been dug by playing kids. There was no fighting, nothing or no one to defend himself from. His hands gripped the sand below him to ground himself.

First he checked for any injuries before looking the prosthetic leg over and making sure it wasn’t damaged. Everything was covered in sand and he took a moment to wipe it all off as well as he could, the time that took helped calm down his breathing and thoughts. The map had landed on the ground as well. He smoothed out the paper and looked it over to make sure nothing had happened to it in the fall.

Character sheet
Nickname: Misha, Mich, Mik
Age: 47
Birthday: 21/04/1977
Occupation: Veteran
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

The moment you trip into the hole, your reflexes kick in and you break your own fall. The anxiety inducing event making your heart beat fast in your chest and for a moment you feel disorientated. However, you quickly gather yourself again, taking deep breaths and remind yourself that this isn't a field of war, but just a beach and kids might have dug this hole to play in it.

As you grab the map to see if there has been any damages, you don't see anything on it. You do notice however, that the symbol that had been brought to light by the sun is now engraved in the paper. Looking around, you can see in the distance the place where the map is leading you to, the twin palms. However, you remember Ashton speak about kissing the horizon at dawn and dawn is fat approaching.

What will you do to reach the point in time? Or do you give up for now and come back another day?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
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