
[journey] Echo

2 posters
Mikhail Heo
Messages : 199
IC Posts : 189
Mikhail Heo

Despite the distress coursing through him, he wasn’t hurt badly. There were only scrapes on his hands and knees from landing on the sand and his prosthetic leg might be sensitive for a few days. Gureum came by his side, supporting his trainer soundlessly, and Nadezhda softly pushed her snout against his arm. His hand went over the pokémon’s fur, calming her down had the same effect on him.

Looking over the map, it luckily was undamaged. Though the symbol that had been brought out by the sun before was now engraved into the paper. Mikhail wanted to take another look at the map once he noticed that, but when his gaze went over the surroundings in trying to orient himself again he realised the moment to get to the twin palms was about to arrive. If he wasn’t fast it would be over before he could get to them.

“Блядь,” he let out as he stood up, though a bit wobbly. “We need to hurry.” At the moment it was all he could focus on. As if it was a mission he needed to complete.

Nadezhda already knew what they’d need to do to get there in time before Mikhail spoke. The pokémon lowered herself so her trainer could climb onto her. “You sure?” It had been a long time since anyone had ridden her. She nodded.

The ursaring ran to the twin palms as fast as she could; Mikhail holding onto her as not to fall off. Gureum followed behind, the blastoise slower than Nadezhda. When they arrived at the trees, Mikhail let himself glide off the ursaring, a curse leaving his mouth as pain shot through his prosthetic. Hoping he was still in time, he looked around for this key Ashton had said would lie 'where the twin palms kiss the horizon at dusk’.

Character sheet
Nickname: Misha, Mich, Mik
Age: 47
Birthday: 21/04/1977
Occupation: Veteran
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Your body aches, the fall didn't do you well, but you can manage. This isn't the worse injury you have sustained and years of training has made it so that you know how to deal with it. Letting your gaze go over the map, you notice that the moment on the map is close at hand, but your destination is far off.

Unsure how to get there in time, your Ursaring picks up on your anxiety, lowering herself for you to get on her back. A silent moment of trust as she nods when you ask if she's sure about this. Together with your pokémon, you make your way to the point on the map, while the sun is slowly sinking towards the horizon.

Looking around to find the spot that the map described once you let yourself glide off the back of the Ursaring, you almost feel discouraged that there doesn't seem to be a spot that resembles what it is you have been looking for.

you've rolled a 4 on a d20 with advantage for perception.

The sun is almost at the point that is considered dusk and you're unsure if you can still find the twin palms at this right. That is until your Ursaring gently pokes you in the back, only to look away. As you follow her gaze, you see two palm trees almost bowing towards each other, making an arch. Walking up towards it, you can just see the sun shine underneath the arch.

When the sun dips under the horizon and you feel the cool evening breeze go over you, you notice another box underneath the to palm trees. This one doesn't seem to be having a visible lock, yet it doesn't open. What will you do?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Mikhail Heo
Messages : 199
IC Posts : 189
Mikhail Heo

The palm trees had another box hiding underneath them. Mikhail looked it over as the sun disappeared below the sea, leaving only a minimum of light behind needed to see. There was no way to open it, not lock or other mechanic that gave away how to access the contents.

With the light fading away it became impossible to study the box properly and with his leg still nagging from the fall, Mikhail had to admit his defeat. “Пойдём домой,” he told the pokémon they would head back home. As they walked back down the beach towards the road, he turned the box around in his hands. A lot had happened today, but now they needed rest.

Character sheet
Nickname: Misha, Mich, Mik
Age: 47
Birthday: 21/04/1977
Occupation: Veteran
Sexuality: Gay
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