
Small steps

2 posters
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

Zhènyǔ kept his eyes fixed on Xìnyì who walked in front of them, tightly hugging Chuchu as he was discussing which ice cream they wanted. It was a shame he could not hear what he was saying, that would be an even better distraction.

It was a good thing that someone has never died from laughter. Hopefully…

Out of the corners of his eyes he could see the piece of cloth. The woman had undone herself for him and now held it out towards him, leaving her in a simple top which did not go unnoticed. “Thanks,” Zhènyǔ said through gritted teeth, his voice strained.

The fabric felt as thin as it looked. Zhènyǔ held it in his hands as he looked down on it. No way he was doing this. Would it even fit? Only one way to find out.

”Mā de.” His arms went through the sleeves first and already he noticed it was going to be a struggle. Zhènyǔ tried pulling it over the shirt he was wearing, or at least what remained. “How do you even get in these things?” So far it was anything but comfortable, nothing like what he was used to wearing. There also was no stretch at all. His head went next, and that's where the real struggle began. He had no idea how to get it over the rest of his chest, yet he refused to admit he was stuck again.

Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Shaelyn blinked in surprise when the man started to put on the shirt.

She had thought he’d wrap it around himself or something to make the holes a little less noticeable.

Did he really think it would fit?

Well, it seemed like they were about to find out.

Shaelyn halted, watching him curiously as he wrestled with her shirt.

He cursed and asked her how to get into this thing. Shaelyn simply tilted her head to the side slightly. “I drop it over my head and it fits,” she told him easily.

She wasn’t planning to tell him that he shouldn’t be trying it on. Really, it was too amusing to see what would happen if he kept trying.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

With some — a lot — of effort Zhanyu managed to pull the thing half way over his chest. The loose sleeves nearly felt like wings. It wasn’t like anything he had ever worn before. It was the first and last time. He started to feel like it might’ve been the wrong choice.

He did not immediately notice when the woman stopped walking, too busy with his own struggle. She might think it was easy, but he did not agree. “Okay— no— no way that this is going to work, at all.” Zhènyǔ gave up, his frustration evident.  He did not want to rip her shirt into shreds too.

As he was once more undressing, he could hear Xìnyì in the distance, yelling that the ice cream cart was right here. “One moment!” Zhènyǔ also stood still as he was removing her shirt again. All the struggling nearly undid his neatly tied bun. Stray locks of hair were already escaping everywhere and it was no longer on the back of his head.

“Thanks anyway,” he muttered when he finally had the shirt back in his hands, handing it over to her.

Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Shaelyn watched curiously as the man tried on her shirt, trying to recall where she’d bought it, just in case he ripped it. Even if she didn’t know, she could always send a picture and the label to someone who would figure it out for her. It wasn’t particularly special; she just liked the top. It was loose and fitted nicely around the few brighter items she owned.

Eventually, he gave up, and Shaelyn chuckled as the child discovered the ice cream cart. The man struggled, his hair nearly undone, and he handed her shirt back to her.

Holding the shirt, Shaelyn blinked in surprise, looking from him to the shirt and back to him.

I thought you could wrap it around your waist or shoulders to cover most holes,” she said, a hint of confusion on her face.

She could have told him this beforehand, of course, but it had been too amusing to watch him struggle.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

Zhènyǔ could not even look her in the eye as he gave back her shirt. What had he been thinking? One look at both of them and everyone knew it would never fit. The offer was nice, although it resulted in even more shame.

That was until her words reached him.

His purple eyes shot to hers instantly as he stared at her. No. He was never meant to wear it, at least not in the usual way. How had he not— why did he think—

Speechless he stared at her, then to the shirt and then back to her. At his side one hand curled into a fist, his knuckles quickly turning white.

“What?” It was all he could say, his voice hoarse as he did. He had made an absolute fool of himself. All of it made sense now.

Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Shaelyn wondered in what universe putting on the shirt would have made sense. Clearly, it wasn’t exactly the ‘one size fits all’ kind of clothing, and her size would not fit him. She could see the realization kick in, but still he asked— What?

So, Shaelyn showed him.

Taking the two sleeves in her hands, she wrapped one over her shoulder, and one around her other side, crossing them over her chest so the shirt covered most of her back, while the huge sleeves covered a lot of the front.

This made more sense.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

The staring continued when the woman showed him what he should’ve done. It only added to his own shame. So simple and efficient. What had he been thinking trying to—

Zhènyǔ shook his head as he closed his eyes. At this point even a shredded shirt was better than wrapping anything over his shoulders.

It made more sense. Of course it did. “I don’t want to talk about it,” Zhènyǔ muttered as he turned around and continued walking. Best to forget this ever happened. What happened? Exactly, he did not know either. Nothing happened.

“The ice cart is right there.” At this point Zhènyǔ would do anything to change the subject. He was still unable to look at her.

Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Shaelyn watched as the man shook his head. Really, maybe he’d hurt his head a little inside that slide. The memory of the slide pulled up the corners of her mouth, and she covered it to chuckle softly. It was still funny.

The man said the ice cart was right there. “Do you know which one you want?” she asked, raising her voice to address the child. “Get as many flavors as you want,” she continued with a grin. She knew a child on that much sugar would be a pain in the ass, but, well… that wasn’t her problem, was it?

Did you choose yet? I feel like something fresh might cool you down. You’ve turned all red,” she told the man innocently, a teasing glint in her eyes.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

Forgetting what happened and carrying on was the only thing he could do. Luckily there was the ice truck that served as the best subject changer there was. Xìnyì was already waiting for them, standing on his tippy toes to try and look at the flavors they had.

Before his son had even said anything, he already knew what he would go for. Chocolate and strawberry. In the end he always had to eat the leftovers because it was too much and he disliked both those flavors. ”And the blue one! With extra disco balls. Oh and, hm—” Xìnyì was pointing at it on the menu, a bright blue flavor called smurf ice. It looked like some chemical substance. Normally he would ask him if he could eat that much, but right then he did not care.

Zhènyǔ kept staring straight ahead, which meant he was glaring angrily at the employee. A kid from maybe seventeen just trying to earn some extra money. He failed to notice how they became visibly nervous. “I’m not— forget it, Lemon sorbet.” If only he saw the irony behind that decision he would’ve gone for something else.

Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
The kid ordered many flavors, and Shaelyn laughed softly. She’d always liked children, which made it worse when she learned she would never be able to bear any of her own. While adoption was an option, she knew it also depended on the person she’d be with. In this day and age, not everyone wanted a family. And it would be up to her to decide if they were worth letting go of that.

She asked whether the man had chosen yet, suggesting that something fresh would cool him down. Though he denied it, he went for lemon. Shaelyn chuckled again before smiling at the vendor. “Coconut, please,” she ordered with a smile.

Soon enough, the kid had their pile of ice cream and the two of them had theirs. After paying with her card, Shaelyn turned back to them and smiled. “Want to sit down there? I’ll get you a proper shirt afterward. Promise,” she said with a grin. The least she owed him was a shirt that didn’t look like the kid had been hungry.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

There was no way Xìnyì would finish everything he’d ordered. It was too much and instead of a cone he got a cup. The look on the kids face told him enough, but he was too shy to complain. “You can have mine when I’m finished.” His face cleared up and he happily started eating. At least half the cone would be left when he was full. Zhènyǔ just knew it.

Zhènyǔ accepted both cones while the woman was paying for it. In the back of his mind he made a mental note to pay her back. “Here,” he  held her ice cream towards her once she was finished. “And what do we say to the lady?” Xìnyì was already stuffing his mouth full of ice, but managed a happy ‘thank you’. What even were manners?

“Good idea,” Zhènyǔ agreed, even if it was mostly for Xìnyì, before he also needed a new shirt. He followed her and sat down on the bench, the kid joining them and went to sit right in the middle. “It’s— it’s fine, you really don’t have to.” There was still a hint of irritation in his voice, all of it directed at himself. “We’ll just have to go home after this.” An early end to their little trip to the playground, but they could come back another time.

For a second he looked down at his son, when he noticed he’d stopped eating. The ice was melting at a rapid pace in the boy’s hands. Zhènyǔ gritted his teeth, wondering if he should say something about it or not. When Xìnyì only kept staring he held out his hand. “Here, let me hold it.” Zhènyǔ was fighting to keep the worry out of his voice. He was given the cup and held it on the boy’s lap so he could continue eating.

Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
With the kid right in the middle, Shaelyn chuckled. She knew that to an outsider, they would now look like a happy little family—despite the chaos of it all. While it softened her smile, it also made her chest ache with the knowledge that it was a situation she would never truly find herself in.

He told her she didn’t need to do it, that they could go home after this, but Shaelyn shook her head. “I am quite certain the little one disagrees with going home,” she winked, glancing at the kid for a moment. “Besides… where’s the harm in a little shopping trip?” She’d always enjoyed it. While she wasn’t one to buy the most expensive things for no reason, there was something cathartic about treating yourself.

You seem like a kind father. Not many take their children out of a wife’s hands to spend a day at the playground,” she noted with a soft smile as she watched him with his son.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

No matter that he held the small cup now, the ice cream inside had melted significantly by now. It was such a small thing, which would almost go unnoticed, but Zhènyǔ was aware of the problem. All he could hope for was that his son would one day master this affinity of his.

”I wanna go shopping,” Zhènyǔ could hear from next to him. He closed his eyes, suppressing a sigh that lay at the tip of his tongue. It was so hard to say ‘no’. Especially since it was not often he had a whole day to spend with him. “Looks like we are going shopping,” he muttered with a slight grumble to his voice.

The expression in his face stiffened a bit. “Sadly enough she’s no longer in the picture,” Zhènyǔ said softly, a sigh to his voice. It was not the subject he wanted to discuss with Xìnyì here, but for now he was too preoccupied with his almost melted ice cream. “Whenever I get the chance I try to spend time with him. It's better for him, he already spends too much time with babysits as it is.” Those rare moments where he was not out for work and had to rely on a babysitter for help. His purple eyes looked down on the kid as he was talking.

Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
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