
[se] True colours

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Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The pokémon was fine and not bothered by the sudden change. While it was odd, it did not seem to be harmful in any way. He could hear Dai barking at something in the distance — A pidgey on a stall — but since Lamar said nothing about him Míngzé assumed his houndour was still blue.

Lamar mentioned a guy completely covered in pink powder, a sight to behold if he had to believe the tone of his voice. For a moment he tried to catch a glimpse of what he meant, but it was impossible with everything going on around them. “I don’t see the problem, you promised to be my shield,” Míngzé said calmly, although amusement shone through in his voice. If a large amount of powder would come their way, he had his meatshield

Míngzé nodded when asked to continue. “Whatever you want, I’m completely at your mercy,” Míngzé said jokingly, with a small hint of a grin. There was nothing that could be done about it. Especially since this was his first time at this festival. He really had no idea what could be found here.

It was unfair of him to let Lamar make all the choices, something he was probably not used to. He struggled with describing stuff, and now he had to make decisions for him. Míngzé felt like he should try to help him a little. “There are all kinds of crafts here, yes? Like clay sculptures or handmade candles?” Basically everything he could touch was something he was interested in. A simple painting was completely worthless.

Meanwhile, he walked slowly as he was still trying to eat his whole candy floss. Not as easy task while walking and trying to use a cane.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He had indeed promised to be his shield and he would keep his word on that if there ever were to come that much powder their way. ”I don’t know if I will be enough of a shield with that much.” Both of them had already been covered in several different powders all of different colours and he knew it would be a hell to get it all out.

”Completely at my mercy, hm?” A smile played on his lips with those words. He knew it mustn’t be easy for Míngzé, not being able to tell what was around you. Which was why he wanted to take the man to some of the crafts instead of performances. The performances would be quite useless compared to something the man would be able to touch.

Which got confirmed when Míngzé started about clay sculptures and handmade candles. ”Yes, I’m quite sure I have seen some sculptures at the very least.” From all kinds of material really, clay, wood or whatever else people used for it. ”So clay sculptures first? I’m quite sure I saw one that had all kinds of pokemon.” He said as he started to head that way, making sure that Míngzé would be able to follow.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

This was nice, just a normal day, away from it all. Much of it was thanks to Lamar himself, who was not involved in anything. It made the man intriguing, fun to be around even and put him at ease. Míngzé wished more days were like these, but he knew what awaited him once he got home. Which is why he wanted to enjoy this day to the fullest.

“That much, huh? You’ll just have to try really hard,” Míngzé decided. So far they were in luck that the amount thrown at them had been barely anything.

One of the corners of his mouth pulled up into a small smile. “Completely,” he repeated with a firm nod. It was anything but a lie, the man could take him wherever he pleased to and he would not even mind. Something about enjoying this day to the fullest.

Lamar mentioned there were indeed sculptures of all kinds of pokémon, which sounded intriguing. As he said before, he was at the man’s mercy and simply followed him. “Soon you’ll come to realize I barely know anything about pokémon.” He doubted he would be able to tell which pokémon was which, simply because he did not know their names.

One eyebrow moved up in surprise when someone gently grabbed hold of his sleeve. Míngzé stared at whoever did it, a comment laying on his tongue but he quickly swallowed it. “Here,” a voice said when his free hand was grabbed. He could feel the person placing some powder in his palm, orange of color.

“That was odd. So, about being my shield, “he said, turning to Lamar. It was anything but practical, holding his food and cane in one hand, while the other was filled with powder. This left him with only one option. Without warning he threw the powder towards Lamar, which was easy given they were next to each other.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
Yes, it had been that much, though he doubted someone would throw that much at them at once. ”I will try.” That was all he could give, but it would be better than nothing at the very least.

He smiled when Míngzé once more confirmed that he would be completely at his mercy. It was of course slightly true that Míngzé wouldn’t be able to do much if he were to decide to drag the man around, but it wasn’t like he wanted to do that on purpose, he wanted the other to enjoy himself too.

He mentioned the sculptures and the fact that they were in the form of pokemon mostly. He hadn’t expected Míngzé to be able to recognise sculptures as certain pokemon, it would be quite hard after all. So many pokemon would feel like the other especially when they were made of the same material. ”That’s fine, can’t say that I know about all of them either.” Water types were mostly the easy ones, some of the others were harder.

He had been focused on the stall with the sculptures, so he didn’t notice that Míngzé had gotten a handful of powder from someone. He turned to look at the other when he mentioned something odd and once again about being his shield, only to receive a handful of powder, which was thrown at him. The orange was quite a stark contrast with the colours that had already been thrown at him and for a moment he just blinked, realising what had happened.

”So you would just throw powder at your shield?” He asked, though there was more amusement in his voice than anything else. As if someone had been watching them, someone put some powder in his own hand, red this time. He didn’t even hesitate before throwing it at Míngzé without warning, though he did make sure to avoid his face.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Their destination was a stall which contained all kinds of statues, but it would take a while before they got there. “A friend of mine made me believe that the Eevee I was gifted was a Vulpix,” Míngzé started explaining with a deep sigh, although there was a hint of fondness. “That went on for way too long.” All because the damned thing did not want to get touched at all.

Míngzé hummed and nodded at the same time. “It makes sense,” he said calmly. At least this confirmed that he had managed to hit him. Not that he could quite see the appeal in this festival. Probably a result of his own incapabilities. “Had to test if it worked.” And luckily it did.

All he felt was a slight tickle along his exposed arms, nearly too soft to feel. With a slight questioning frown he looked at the other. “Did you just throw some at me too?” He had to ask because he could not be sure. It could have been the wind, someone else of nothing at all. His eyes would not be able to tell him anything.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
That did explain a little why Míngzé wasn’t that confident at knowing his pokemon, but it was also something that couldn’t really be helped. He doubted he could recognise pokemon with his eyes closed. Maybe his own, but even then he wasn’t completely sure about the fact whether he would be able to.

Before they could arrive at the stall Míngzé suddenly threw some powder at him that he had gotten from somewhere. ”So I passed the test?” He asked, a smile playing on his lips. There were definitely people who were better shields for this, but he would at least do his best.

Though he couldn’t help but throw some powder back the moment someone put some in his own hand. ”I just added some colour.” Now they both looked like a canvas of different colours. But it seemed like Míngzé hadn’t felt much of it this time, since he had purposely missed his face. Still he wasn’t going to aim there.

Before they were at the stall with the sculptures there was suddenly something else that caught his eye. ”I might know something better than the sculptures for now.” He said as he turned Míngzé towards another stall. This one were pieces mostly done with glassblowing, but it wasn’t the figures that caught his eye, no it were the glasses. Some of them actually seem to give light. ”Remember how you couldn’t find your glass last time?” He wasn’t sure how much Míngzé remembered, but it was at least worth a try.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

When he was asked if Lamar had passed the test, he hummed thoughtfully. "Undetermined, I think we need more tests,” Míngzé said with a short shrug and a hint of a smile. Color still managed to hit him as Lamar threw some at him. A thought filled his mind, but he quickly pushed it aside. This was not the time. “Tired of all the black?” It was his go to color and his whole closet was filled with it.

They made their way toward one of the stalls and he managed to throw away the stick of his candy floss along the way. A questioning look filled his eyes as Lamar seemed to change his mind and all of the sudden they were changing direction.

With a raised eyebrow he turned his head towards Lamar. “Uh, yeah,” he started a bit uncomfortable. Luckily he had not drunk so much that he had holes in his memories. They were all still there, which was not much better. “I’ve learned that my coördination gets very bad after a few drinks.” Not even a few, one was probably enough.

“Not my proudest moments,” Míngzé continued with a shake of his head. The fact that they were at the festival together at least meant he had not fucked it up completely.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He smiled when Míngzé told him that they needed more tests to determine whether he was a good shield or not. They would most likely get more than enough chances to test it out. Though a shield shouldn’t really throw powder at the person he was shielding, but he had done so anyway. ”No, black suits you.” That had definitely not been the reason. Though a bit of colour didn’t hurt him either.

He hadn’t meant it as a bad thing for Míngzé, just as the reason why he had suddenly headed this way. ”Well, apparently they have a stand here that sells things made of glass.” He started as they arrived at the stand and picked up one of the glasses. ”And they seem to have glasses that somehow give light.” He said as he held one up for Míngzé to see.

He didn’t know if Míngzé would be able to see it very well, but it was worth a try at least, right? There were several shapes of glasses, so if this worked, they might just want to take a few of them.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

His eyebrows moved closer together. Míngzé was lost and it was clearly written on his face. He did not completely understand why Lamar would bring up that little fact from the blind date, when talking about crafts of glass. His cane hit something and at the same time Lamar seemed to come to a halt.

“Glasses that give light?” On the table he could indeed see various colors blending together into something unreadable. One of them was raised by Lamar, making it a little easier to decipher. Míngzé reached out to hold it in his own hands. Only this way he could get somewhat of an idea what it looked like.

Míngzé held it in front of his face, seeing the colors of the lights almost dancing before his eyes. “This is so weird,” he said as he stared at it, but he was strangely intrigued by it all. Something like this would definitely make his life a lot easier. “Never knew something like this existed, illuminating drinks. Are they for sale?” Having a few of these might not be a bad idea.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He held the glass out to Míngzé and when the man took it from his hands he picked another one up, turning it around to take in how different this one was. The glasses were in all kinds of shapes and he wondered how it had come to be that they gave light like this. But that wasn’t really important here.

”I did some research after last time, but hadn’t found any yet.” Most of them were custom as far as he had found out. So it wasn’t a surprise to find it here really. ”Yes, they seem to be, would you like some?” He had hoped to buy some to be able to give, but this would work too.

It would be useful for Míngzé, so he wasn’t surprised that the man was interested in these. If they hadn’t talked about this during the blind date, he might not have even looked at them, but now it was different. ”They should make it easier for you to find your glass at least.” Though it still wouldn’t be much help for keeping the glass straight when he was drunk, but that didn’t matter.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
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