
[se] worth the wait

3 posters
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Alright,” Shaelyn said softly, pulling him close to press a gentle kiss against his lips before letting him go. She watched him leave, then turned back to the stall he’d stopped at before. Looking at the Eevee the man was still carving, she beckoned him over. “Can you send that one to me when you’re done?” she asked with an eager smile.

It would be a reminder of their second date, a gift to be given later. She smiled as she paid and wrote down her address, handing it to the man before eagerly walking away again. She wasn’t anxious, didn’t wonder if they’d still be together by then. With Vik, for the first time ever, she dared to be confident.

He was taking a bit too long to find her. Wondering whether he’d gotten distracted or lost, Shaelyn walked back in the general direction of the car. Thanks to Vik’s size, she easily spotted him looking at...

Oh, dear God.

Walking up to him and soundlessly taking a place next to him, she peeked at what he was holding. “Are you going to buy it?” she wondered, her red eyes curiously looking up at him.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
It wasn't necessarily a problem that Vik had enough time, and money, to spend on things like this. It was a problem when an idea started to brew in his mind and he would have difficulty letting it go. He had given Shae basically free reign to decorate and fill the entire floor how she liked it, mostly because it really didn't matter to him how furniture was placed and what kinds of knickknacks ended up there. He had spoken about a few things that had to be on the floor, but maybe he could decorate one corner with this stuff. Making it one big canvas, a few black lights around. Might be fun, maybe Shae wanted to join in.

Speaking off. He had been lost in thoughts entirely, only to be pulled back when she was standing next to him, speaking. Blinking a few times until the words registered, as he shook his head and placed the bottles back on the table. "Not right now." He said, but his eyes lingered as the idea stuck in his mind. "Maybe later, I don't want to walk back to the car again." Letting out a soft chuckle as he turned to her. "Ah, oh, sorry. I got distracted. Was there something you wanted to see?"

Knowing himself he could probably just spent a couple of hours just here, talking to the merchants, getting his attention drawn to all kinds of craftsmanship and completely forget why they had come here in the first place. So it might be better if he would just let Shae take the lead and follow her, before they missed the main event.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Amusedly, Shaelyn looked up at Viktor, pulling him from his thoughts. It wasn’t something she’d noticed at first when they just started hanging out, but over time, his little moments of distraction had become obvious. He would see one thing, and the world seemed to fade away.

Another might feel ignored, but Shaelyn thought it was endearing. A part of her wanted to test just how outrageous she could be when he was lost in thought before he’d actually notice and register her words. A little game she could play at home, not here.

He told her he didn’t want to go back to the car again and stated the obvious: he’d gotten distracted. A mischievous grin pulled at her lips. She looked back at the paint he’d been staring at, then stood on her tiptoes, placing one hand on his arm as she leaned in close so no one else could hear.

Imagine all the things we could do with that paint,” she whispered, her breath warm against his ear.

Leaning back, she let the words hang in the air for a moment, a playful smile on her face before turning away from the stall.

Not particularly. Are you hungry?” she asked, raising her brows and blinking innocently.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
His plan got easily disrupted when Shae reached out for him, whispering in his ear. His cyan eyes glancing over the painting, it was an endearing thought, the room was practically empty. It could be fun. The price was steep, he could probably get it somewhere else for a lower price, but the quality could be questionable at best. And maybe he should dabble a little bit less in black market stuff. "You're a devil." He said with a sigh as he grabbed his wallet to pay for numerous bottles of paint. The black light lamps, he could get those easily, either brand new ones or just the ones that he had in his clinic. Another project, this was getting better and better.

Contemplating with himself if he should just keep this bag or bring it to the car, he decided that it wasn't as bad as the other bags that he had. So this one could stay, paint on paint was not the worse after all. Shae asked if he was hungry, to which he draped his arm around her shoulder pulling her in closer. "For you? Always." He whispered in her ear with a smile. "But not particularly, although I can go for a bite. Anything you want to eat?" As he looked around to find the food stalls, bringing the most delicious smells, although he had no idea what everything was.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
The stall owner looked at the two of them in pure confusion when he heard Vik say he didn’t want to buy anything, only for a single whisper from Shaelyn to change his mind. She turned around, glancing over her shoulder with a chuckle.

Viktor called her the devil, and Shaelyn replied with a wide smile, “And you love it.

She thought he deserved to indulge in whatever he liked, to spend a little more time on things that might not be useful but were fun. He had the money, and no one was stopping him from enjoying himself. All he needed was someone to keep him from overworking, and that seemed like a task made for her.

An arm wrapped around her shoulders, and Viktor whispered in her ear, sending a pleasant shiver down her spine and causing her cheeks to heat up. “Hold that thought for later,” she winked.

Perfect. A bite is all we need,” she replied when he said he could go for a bite. “There’s one dish they always have—” she continued, leading the way to the stall she had in mind.

Hey! Can we have one Dahi Puri?” she asked with a smile. The stall owner instantly started preparing a plate of the snacks, giving them the option to eat at the stall or sit down for a moment.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
For most of his life, Viktor rarely spend money on himself. Besides a few exorbitant purchases that might be seen as more of an investment then something he'd actually enjoy. So to now just spend willy-nilly felt strange to him, but the smile on her face made a lot of it better. And he had the money, so why not. Life a little, as he could almost hear Shae saying to him. "Sadly, I do." He hummed soft when she said that he loved it, she was a devil, through and through.

The conversation shifting to getting food, his answer resulting in an adorable blush on her face. Good to know that she was not the only one good at teasing in a public space. But in the end she had found something that she wanted to eat, dragging him with her to a stand that smelled delicious.

While Viktor was still reading the menu, Shae had already ordered and before he had figured out what it was that she had ordered, he got the question if they wanted to sit or take it to go. His eyes going from Shae to the man speaking to him. "We'll take a seat." He said, to which the owner nodded and continued his preparation. "Thank you." Viktor took the plate once it was ready, handing over the money. "Where do you want to sit?"

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Normally, Shaelyn would have given Vik a chance to order something he liked, but this time she was eager to share one of her traditions with him. The colour festival originated from a different region, and this stall sold the authentic snacks from there. Dahi Puri was a must-eat for that reason.

Vik paid for the food and took the plate while Shaelyn picked out a small table to the side, away from the main flow of people. The set-up was typical for a market: small foldable tables with slightly wobbly chairs. But it would do.

So, this is one of the original snacks from when this event started in Cerynia,” she explained as they sat down. She took a piece from the plate, unbothered by the heat still rising from it, and blew on it briefly before holding it out to him. “Open up. Don’t burn your mouth,” she smiled, determined to feed him a piece herself.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
He had no idea what he got himself into. Based on smell, it should be good, but that was about all. His choice of cuisine was not that broad and while he liked trying new things, he normally had very little different things to eat. So, he took a chance, paying for something he had no idea what it was. Finding Shae as he was handed the plate, a table out of the flow of people, a bit more quiet.

Placing the plate on the table and sitting on the opposite of her, he let his eyes glance of what it was in front of him. Getting no time to ask questions as she explained at least that it was one of the original snacks from when this event started. Viktor then made the mistake to open his mouth to ask a question, normally what it even was, only to get one of the things reached out to him. With a sigh, he accepted the food. Which was in and on itself a mistake, as it instantly burned the roof of his mouth, the back of his mouth and left blisters all the way down. Resulting in a slightly panicked look on his face as he caught painfully. "Fuck, that's painful." He groaned.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity

Shaelyn stared in horror as Vik coughed. She had forgotten one painful detail: other people couldn’t handle the heat of food right out of the pan. She blinked at the culprits on the plate for a moment before jumping up from her seat.

Oh my—I’m so sorry,” she gasped, rushing to the stall owner to get a glass of water. She hurried back to her poor, poor man, putting one arm around his shoulders as she walked up to him from behind, holding the glass of water in front of him.

I’m sorry. Are you alright?” she asked, a slight pout on her lips. So far, her attempt at being cute was not a success.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

The festival is in full swing, the air buzzing with excitement and laughter. Music plays from every corner, and colorful decorations flutter in the breeze. You are having a great time, moving from one activity to the next.

You don't realize until later that some of the vibrant colors have stuck to either your Pokémon or its ball. When you finally take a look at your Pokémon, you're shocked. It has changed color!

your pokémon is now scarlet-traited!

your pokémon is now shiny!

what's this?

Character sheet
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
One moment he leaned forward to accept the bite that Shae was offering him, a smile on his face as he bit down. The next moment, it felt like a molten ball of lava was trying to force its way down his esophagus. Viktor was pretty sure that it was leaving blisters in its way, as he groaned in pain and felt warmth spread over his head.

Couching painfully, he gladly accepted the cold glass of water that Shae brought him in a panic. The water giving a temporarily relieve of the burning pain still very much in his chest. Heaving for cold air, he held up a hand when asked if he was alright. "I'm good." He squeaked with a bit of difficulty as he took another deep breath, feeling the burning sensation slowly ebb away.

"Next time I want to scorch my innards, I'll call you." He chuckled painfully. Rubbing his face as most of the pain dissipated. "Taste is good, temperature was a bit much." Viktor sighed. "I'll wait a few minutes for the next one, if you don't mind."  

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Shaelyn pouted as she looked at her man in pain. She’d warned him—she truly had! Nevertheless, it was difficult for her to imagine burning one’s hand or mouth.

She could only remember one instance where she’d ever felt the hurt of heat, as that one stuck out so vividly. Ever since that day, heat had never hurt her. It had been a comfortable companion, the one certainty in her life.

Cold, on the other hand, scared her to the bone.

Vik told her that he’d call her if he wanted to scorch his innards, and her pout only grew worse. “I told you to watch out,” she said, worry in her eyes as she gave him one more pat on the shoulder, before sitting down in her seat again, taking one for herself and easily biting into it.

I don’t—” she started softly, furrowing her brow for a moment. “It’s not just my affinity. Some still get burned if they can’t match the heat,” she explained with a smile. “But I do not. I can’t even imagine the heat ever hurting anymore. I try to remember it’s different for others, but…” She let out a soft sigh, turning the scalding hot snack between her fingers.

To her, the memory of burning was equivalent to the fire she’d stepped through, her skin melting away as she held the crying child to her chest. Something like this… it seemed so harmless in comparison.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
He should've been more careful, no, he should've just listened. He had seen countless burn wounds in his work as a surgeon, he had done some skin transplants and reconstructions that made him shiver to this day. He had seen what fire could do. Yet, he had trusted Shae and maybe that had been the problem. As just this instance, he should've listened to her and his gut feeling.

But what's done, was done and there was little they could change about it. So when Shae told him that she had warned him, he chuckled softly and nodded. "You did, I should've listened. I didn't expect it to be this warm, lesson learned." As he watched her sit down across from him again, a look in her eyes that told him that she was thinking back at something.

Swallowing painfully, he listened to what she had to say. Her control over her affinity was a source of inspiration, giving him the determination to figure out his own as well. He still thought that an elemental affinity could have more uses then the spectral one had sold his soul to, but he was getting there, eventually. Reaching out over the table to grab her hand, he softly squeezed it. A reminder that everything was alright. "It's alright, dear. It happened, it is done. Nothing for you to worry about. I should have just listened to you." He told her, with a smile. It was just a stupid mistake, nothing more.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Even in pain, there was no blame directed at her, and Shaelyn almost wanted it to come, to prove her right. To not cower in fear for nothing each time something went wrong. It confused her, though it only strengthened her faith in him.

Her hand was squeezed, and Shaelyn looked at him with a soft smile as he reassured her everything was fine, and that he should have listened. To this, she nodded. “Please do,” she decided, her smile turning into a grin as she took another small bite of the snack. Besides that, he probably shouldn’t have put the whole thing in his mouth, but he was who he was.

Do you want another glass of water?” she asked, her eyes falling on the glass for a moment. The poor soul must have a painful throat now. She wished there was something she could do. While she could manipulate heat and pull it from a wound, technically, that hardly worked when someone burned the inside of their throat.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
With a crooked smile, he chuckled as she told him that he should listen to her. "I will, next time." He reassured her. Having burned his throat one time was enough for now. Not an experience that he'd like to repeat. It had been his own fault, a mishap in judgement. A lesson learned.

He shook his head when asked if he wanted another glass of water. Swallowing was still painful, but there was little he could do about it right now. Besides being careful with what he ate. So, he took one of the plate and took a small bite. This was better, still warm, but manageable.

His eyes focussing on her as he ate, questions filling his head as he tilted his head a bit. "If I may ask," he started as he pointed at her finger tips, "is there a maximum of heat you can produce or handle?" It was a question born out of curiosity, as he actually wondered how far the limitations went with the elements that one could harness by having such an affinity.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Shaelyn rubbed her thumb and index finger together, creating a small spark between them as she hummed softly. Vik had asked her how much heat she could produce or handle, and she furrowed her brow.

There’s still so much even I don’t know,” she chuckled, letting her fingertips run over her lower arm, recalling those wounds she’d seen only once before she was supposed to close her eyes forever.

I could step into a burning building, if the danger of collapse and the lack of oxygen would not take me out,” she told him. “Nothing I’ve tested would burn through my skin, but I’ll admit there’s plenty I have not tried.” There had been a period in her life where she’d considered sticking her hand in a blue flame, but she feared it would be too much.

Producing… I can create fire, but I’ve never been able to create a white flame,” she explained. As an orange-yellow fire ran colder than that, she considered her limit to be there.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
Her explanation met with a curious look on his face as he absent-mindedly took another bite of the food. Letting the warm fill him, now that it wasn't scorching his insides. Her explanation made sense, as he let his eyes glance over her body. Fire could not penetrate it, it would not break and blister. From a medical stand point, it was fascinating, how having a certain amount of control over an element could help people.

Viktor hummed softly, his curiosity satisfied for now. He had seen, and felt, her using heat before. She had produced small spark around him, yet he had never seen her wield actual fire. This was something he would not ask of her, as he had no desire to see fire up close.

"Fascinating." He muttered, as he looked at the food before taking a bite. Letting the new information settle in his mind, before focussing back on Shae. "Please, eat, before I finish this on my own." He chuckled, holding one out for her with a soft smile.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
At this moment, Vik did not understand why Shaelyn would have traded her affinity for his if her soul wasn’t so aligned with fire.

She’d heard of the potential a ghost affinity could have, and she wished to show him this—yet she had to wait. She wouldn’t push him in any direction but instead gently guide him on whatever path he wished to walk.

Most affinities are,” she replied when Vik called it fascinating. She could see the cogs in his mind turn as he thought about it, and it was enough for her to smile. There was still so much left to discover. She wondered what he’d be able to do a year from now.

With a chuckle, Shaelyn took the food from him and nodded. “Don’t worry. Eat up,” she told him, taking a small bite of the snack. “You need it more than I do,” she continued with a laugh. She didn’t need too much; he was a much bigger man.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
Eventually, he had to get used to it. Maybe he already had, yet couldn't convince himself about it. The hollow feeling in his chest, as if he was missing something, the moment he had accepted his affinity something had been taken from him and till this day he wasn't exactly sure what it had been. He had come to terms with the knowledge that he would, probably forever, feel this cold radiating from his soul. A ghostly cold gnawing at him at every moment.

"Hmm," he hummed as Shae said that most affinities were. He had not seen many of them, as he and Sim shared the same one and he knew next to nothing about the one Sang was dealing with, and all the problems it came with. Besides hers, Lamar's and that one kid that wanted to have his removed, he had seen very little of the affinities. His research had not brought him more information about anything, yet he wanted to pick that back up once he was settled in the building. Together with Lysa, who he still had to introduce to Shae, oop.

At least she took the food from him, saying that he needed it more. He chuckled softly, another question on the tip of his tongue, but he shook his head, it wasn't important right now. Taking a last bite, he let his gaze go over the other people enjoying the festival. "Do you want to stay here, or shall we continue?" He asked casually. Maybe he should get another glass of cold water, or ice cream.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
It hadn’t always been one of her greatest passions. Shaelyn could scarcely remember a time when she’d thought she’d grow up to be a dancer. Her body had always listened well to her command, and perhaps that had helped her find control with her affinity so well.

It wasn’t until long after the fire had consumed her and she’d sat down in the temple that her interest in affinities and religion had truly kickstarted. So, she knew how most people viewed them—that so many held absolutely no interest in them. It was why she eagerly answered any and all questions.

We can go,” she smiled when Vik asked if she wanted to stay here. “Do you want to take a bottle of water? Just… in case,” she asked, showing him a somewhat awkward smile as she pushed herself up from her seat, already grabbing the plate to return it, despite it not being necessary.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
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