
[se] worth the wait

3 posters
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
With the plate empty and only one instance of burning, it was a successful meal. And as she said that they could go, he easily got up from the chair and stretched his arms above his head. A quick pop from his shoulder made him chuckle, but it wasn't painful nor a bother to him, just a reminder that his joints didn't always work the way they needed to.

He shook his head when she asked if he wanted a bottle of water. "No, it's alright." He said while looking around. A smile on his face as he found what he was looking for, but waited till Shae was back from returning the plate. Grabbing her hand as he gestured to a small stand just a few feet away from them. "How about dessert?"

His eyes glancing over the menu as he walked up closer. "Ice cream? or waffle?" Viktor asked, as he was trying to figure out what he wanted himself. The collection of ice cream wasn't the biggest, but they had at least a few flavours that he liked. He wondered if Shae actually liked ice cream, as he had seen her shivering in the cold at night, her affinity making her more susceptible for colder temperatures.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
After returning, Vik grabbed her hand, and Shaelyn couldn’t help but smile. It was hard to imagine how different things had been mere weeks ago, and how easily they could walk around now, her hand in his, knowing this was exactly where both of them wanted to be.

Yeah, sure,” she answered with a nod when he mentioned dessert. Something she noticed when holding his hand was how much easier it was to get through people heading their way. While she always had to sidestep, it seemed like people stepped out of the way for him, as if afraid to be run over.

Vik asked if she felt like ice cream or a waffle, and Shaelyn hummed softly. She preferred her desserts less… cold. But she also wasn’t very hungry, so the ice cream seemed like a better option. All she had to do was take very, *very* tiny bites or she’d be sitting through a brain freeze for the next half hour.

One scoop of strawberry,” she hummed, pointing towards the ice cream. That would be enough, or she’d end up dying.

Meanwhile, her eyes scanned the road ahead, noticing one of the stalls that sold the powders used to throw around. Looking from the pink ice cream to Vik, a small smile crept onto her lips.

He’d look… maybe not good, but definitely different once he’d be covered in pink.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
Letting his eyes go over the menu, he wondered which one he wanted to have this time. Shae ordered one scope of strawberry. Which was a good choice if he had to say so himself. Finally being able to make up his mind, he waited till he could order both of the desserts. "One scope of strawberry. And one with three scopes, one Malaga, one Pistachio and one Amarena." Leaning against the side of the stall to take a look around while waiting for the ice cream.

With a smile on his face, he handed over the one strawberry scope to Shae as he followed her face. "Let's finish this first, before you're going to ruin my clothing." He laughed as he wrapped his free hand around her waist, pulling her in closer. "I don't think that powder is eatable." And he'd rather not get it stuck on his ice cream. Ice cream that was actually very much soothing the lingering pain in his throat, finally giving him the refreshing that the water could not give him.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Unlike Shaelyn, Vik seemed to need the dessert. It was hard to forget why, considering his throat was probably begging for something to properly cool it down. She still felt a little bad, but distracted herself by looking around.

Being pulled out of her thoughts when Vik spoke, Shaelyn looked up at him in surprise, before taking her ice cream and chuckling. When he pulled her closer by her waist, she let out a pleased sigh, resting her head against his shoulder for a moment.

Your clothing will look like a work of art,” she argued with a smile. No matter what, it wouldn’t be as ruined as this man had done to her underwear.

Vik mentioned the powder was probably not edible, and Shaelyn hummed. It probably wouldn’t hurt to accidentally eat a bit of it, which was good considering she had every plan of tracing the colour on his skin later that night.

Looking up at Vik for a moment, there was something she wondered, but she decided against it as she took a small bite of her ice cream. It tasted well, though she knew her warmth would cause it to melt far too fast.

Does it help? For your throat, I mean,” she asked as she looked up again. “Should probably drink some honey tea tomorrow,” she continued with a soft mutter, trying to remember whether she’d brought any.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
Casually biting in his ice cream as he let his eyes wander over the main street where a cloud of colours is trying to get caught in the wind. Wondering how badly, or colourful, they would get out of this. "Probably." Viktor said with a chuckle as Shae said that his clothing would look like a piece of art. For a moment thinking about all the very white space back home. What a joyful thing to look forward to.

Looking around, he noticed her gaze linger on him, but when he looked back, she looked away. "Hmm?" He asked, while biting in his ice cream, softly humming as he let his eyes fall on Shaelyn.

Taking another bite, he hummed softly. "It does. Some iced water would've worked as well, but I prefer something tasty." He chuckled as the cold soothed his throat and eased the still burning feeling deep in his gut. The combined flavours of rum and raisins, cherry and pistachio did wonders for it. "Oh ye, that's a good one. Maybe we can get some on our way home?" He spoke, before a realisation dawned on him. "If we're allowed in the store." Viktor laughed softly.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Vik noticed her eyes linger on him for a moment, causing Shaelyn to ponder whether she’d ask her question.

First, she asked if the ice cream helped and wondered if they should get some honey tea for it. Vik seemed to agree, and Shaelyn nodded. “Otherwise I can have it brought over,” she smiled softly. It would be no problem.

That left the question she actually wanted to ask, though.

Does it bother you?” she wondered curiously, looking over her shoulder and nodding towards two girls who she’d caught staring at them. It was one of the few things on her little list of certainties she needed to have if they wanted to take the next step.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
Viktor shrugged when she suggested to let her driver bring it by. He was not used to have someone on speed dial to get everything that you needed at your whim. It was a strange thing to him and he much preferred to just get anything himself. "We shall see, alright." He said casually, biting in the cone of his ice cream. Maybe it was a bit too fast that he had eaten his ice cream, but even the soft throbbing sensation in his head was not worse then he was used to.

As he finishes his ice cream, Shae was looking around, making him follow her gaze as she looked at the two girls who had been staring at them. She asked if it was bothering him. It wasn't difficult to see what she was eluding to and he thought for a moment. Keeping his arm around her waist, he shook his head. "Once maybe. But no, it doesn't bother me. People are allowed to think what they want to think, as long as they are not bothering us, let them." He shrugged, placing a kiss on her hair while having her eyes on the two woman.

He would not let anyone stop him from showing how much he cared for the woman in his arms.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
It hadn’t been easy. Despite consciously telling herself she shouldn’t get attached to the man who had taken her into some dark place to fuck without even knowing her name, she’d folded so quickly. So easily had she given her heart to the man.

Still, the first reason she knew this couldn’t be easy was the most obvious one of all: age. Not because she cared. By now, she had a pretty good idea that they could make that work without too much trouble. Despite the difference, they seemed to easily understand one another.

However, the world would see—and draw conclusions from a short moment. Like the girls looking at them now. So, Shaelyn asked if it bothered him, never once trying to move away from his touch.

A small weight lifted off her shoulders when Vik easily decided it didn’t bother him. The corners of her mouth pulled up in a smile, and she could feel her cheeks warm up a little when he pressed a kiss into her hair.

Gods, she loved this man.

I’m glad,” she admitted softly, taking another small bite of her melting ice cream. She felt it was important to add, “It doesn’t bother me either. People have always stared.” From getting bullied in school to walking around in her seer’s attire at times, she’d gotten used to people looking at her, assuming things they could not know.

What do you think of PDA? Like—actual. Not just this,” she continued her next question. Clearly, he didn’t mind the simple touches, affection, holding her—which was great. She would have hated it if he made her feel like their connection was something he’d try to hide.

Still, she was curious.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
His whole life Viktor had to deal with reputation, how he looked, how he fought. Constantly worrying how he he had to present himself. And even if he didn't care, his father did. He had uphold that sense of reputation through his entire professional career and his time as surgeon. Forced to drop it once his license got revoked. He hadn't looked back. Never wanting to care anymore what others would think of him, how they would see him and what they would see of him. He was a disgrace after all, leaning into that was surprisingly simple.

So now, he didn't care what others would think of him. He would still be happy when people recognised him from his boxing career, but the press and that all wasn't for him anymore. Even now, if they would do an interview, or spread rumours about how he had fallen further. Why should he let that get in the way of his own happiness, a happiness that he had finally found after all those years.

"Everyone should be staring at you, you will be leaving them gawking when you walk by, dear." He said with a chuckle. She was beautiful after all, and while he had the pleasure of seeing that whenever he wanted, he knew that others would see it as well.

Viktor laughed softly at her next question. "If you want me to kiss you, just say so." He said with a smile. "No, I really don't care what others think, having been forced to watch out for my reputation basically my entire life. I'll keep you close, give you a hug, or kiss you if you're ok with that. PDA is absolutely fine, as long as it's not a problem for you."

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
At her words, Vik was quick to tell her everyone should be staring. She shook her head with a light chuckle, though the words only deepened the light blush on her face. “As long as you are gawking,” she smiled back, though it sounded just a bit softer than she had intended.

Her next question was once again met with a witty comment, and Shaelyn pursed her lips slightly. She was glad as he went on, telling her it was fine as long as it wasn’t a problem for her.

I do,” she told him, pushing away just a little so she could look at him better. She didn’t even realise it might have sounded like an answer to the latter at first, before adding, “Want you to kiss me, I mean.

Shaelyn was a firm believer that if anyone wanted to stop and stare, they could be given something to look at. Plus, she was highly curious what that ice cream of his would taste like on his lips.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
"I always do." He said with a smile, and who could blame him. If he had the possibility to just stare at her every moment of every day, he would die a happy man. It somehow still hadn't gotten through to him that he was a lucky man to have this woman at his side, so why should he care what others would think of them. Let them stare.

When she asked what his opinion was about PDA, he gave his honest answer. He had never cared much for it, the problem was that he never actually had a solid relationship to care for it. Not like this, not like what they were having right now. He'd love for the whole world to see how much he cared for her and if someone had a problem with that, he could deal with that. In a peaceful manner, hopefully.

Yet, her answer confused him, as it sounded as if she did mind that he showed her affection in public. But she quickly followed with that she wanted him to kiss her. Which was an easy enough request, as he placed an index finger under her chin to make her look up and pressing his lips on hers. Everyone that had a problem with this, could rot in hell for all he cared.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Shaelyn had never liked hiding her feelings. She was much of an open book, only some pages hidden in the back. While she would keep things appropriate in public, she didn’t want to live life worrying that a touch would make the other uncomfortable or that a kiss would be too much, too exposed.

So, she asked. They’d spent quite a bit of time together already, but most of it had been inside his apartment, away from the world where none could see them. It had been nice, and much of it had proven to her how she’d love to spend her life with him—but life wasn’t always hidden away somewhere. She enjoyed the sun, the people, and would love for it to work like that, too.

One finger under her chin said so much more than words ever could, and she eagerly leaned in, one hand finding the side of his neck as she allowed the kiss to last for a moment, her tongue brushing his lip briefly before she pulled back.

The pistachio is nice,” she joked with a wink, a cheeky smile on her lips.

Want to move on?” she continued, looking in the direction of the stall she’d seen a moment ago.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
Maybe once he would have cared about how he handled being with someone, especially someone this young. Now, he was finally giving himself the satisfaction to just do what he wanted to do, the freedom that he had yearned for so long. So the question was easily answered, shoving every last worry out of the window. Enough people within his close proximity knew about them, they didn't seem to have much of a problem with it. Besides maybe one or two. So he would not care for people who didn't even know him.

As he forced her to look up at him, he quickly felt her hand on the side of his neck. Soft lips against his as he wrapped his around her waist, keeping her close against him. No, he didn't care what others would think. One big middle finger to them as he kissed the woman that he loved. A soft chuckle as he felt her tongue go over his lips and a disappointed sound escaping him when she pulled away.

Following her gaze to the stand, he sighed when she asked if they would continue on. "I'd much rather stay like this for a moment longer." He said with a smile, but he let her go in the end. "Let's go."

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
With one hand against Vik’s neck and his arms around her waist, Shaelyn felt truly and completely consumed by his presence. The world around them faded as her lips moved softly against his, before teasingly letting her tongue run over his lip.

She pulled away then, knowing no good would come of letting that escalate. She drew her hand back as she stepped away from him, smiling at the soft noise of complaint.

I know,” she grinned. “And I’ll make it up to you when we’re alone,” she promised teasingly with a wink. She took a step back, then turned towards the stall, holding her hand sideways as she walked, moving her fingers to indicate he should take it in his.

For now, let’s grab some colour,” she smiled. The stall had several buckets of different colours, and, Gods, she just really wanted to cover him in some.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
"You better." He muttered when Shae promised him to make it up once they were alone. He looked at her with a soft pout when she stepped back from his embrace. They had been here with a goal and while they had not yet done the thing they came for, he had half the mind to just grab her and bring her back to the car. With a smile on his face, he shook his head, forcing that thought out of his mind. They were having fun, why leave now.

His eyes flicked to the stall that she had seen before. He wasn't sure about this whole colour thing, but it might be fun. Almost certain that he wasn't able to see once she was done with him. Walking behind her towards the stall, he let his eyes go over the different kinds of colours. He recognized some of the shades, even if he didn't remember the names of the colours. Someone once tried to teach him, but the names never stuck.

Unsure how this worked, he decided to let Shae do the talking. While he wondered which colour would fit her the best, a thought that drew a chuckle from him as he walked past the buckets.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
The stall was filled with different baskets brimming with colours, some brighter than others, but all of them mesmerising.

The idea was simple: people would ask for one or more colours, the stall owner would put it in a little container and sell it to them that way. Then, with a few colours in their pockets, people could move to the street and throw it at each other and strangers. People would often hug strangers or even touch them lightly to leave colouring. At the end of the day, everyone was a rainbow.

While Vik seemed distracted by the colouring, Shaelyn discreetly grabbed a bill from her purse that was more than necessary for a small bit of colouring. Handing it to the stall owner, she turned to Vik and picked up a single basket recently filled to the brim with neon pink. She weighed it in her hand before looking over at her man, who stood by some other buckets.

Well, surely this could be fun.

As she walked up to him, she asked, “Vik?” right as she threw the basket of bright pink in his direction, including the little basket which might land perfectly on his head if he didn’t move out of the way.

Oh m—” she said, before scoffing and turning on her heels, running away like her life depended on it.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
Viktor knew about the concept. He had never actively participated, but he had watched it a few times. It was one big spectacle of colours, which deed seem like a lot of fun and games if he had someone to celebrate it with. And right now, he did. So he walked past the baskets, inspecting the colours, wondering which one he should buy and how badly he would rub them onto her.

He hummed and turned around, his eyes lingering a little too long on one of the baskets when Shae called his name. Before he noticed it, a cloud of neon pink covered his glasses and his sight in general. Luckily for him, he had his mouth closed and his first instinct was to hold his breath. However, for a few moments his entire world was neon pink.

Couching because of the coloured powder, he stood there stunned, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. But the realisation came soon enough as he removed the glasses from his face and saw her running away. "Oh, you little—" he started, as he quickly paid the man and grabbing one of the bigger prepared bags he could grab, which was a bright blue color. With a few long strides following her, intended to return the favour.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Shaelyn sprinted away, knowing she had a head start because of the way Vik froze up when she showered him in neon pink powder. Despite her high heels, she managed to get a little ways ahead before turning around.

That was her first mistake.

Watching Vik remove his glasses, revealing a clean line in his otherwise pink appearance, caused her to choke on her own spit, coughing and laughing simultaneously.

She took out her phone and accidentally captured a video instead of taking a picture, catching the moment Vik picked up the bag and turned in her direction.

Oh no, oh no!

Ending the video and somehow still managing to snap a picture, she pocketed her phone again before taking a step back. The corners of her mouth turned up in amusement as she yelled, “Have mercy!

She knew as well as anyone, however, that she wouldn’t make it far before he’d catch her.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
Luckily Viktor didn't really needed his glasses, so when he pocketed them and grabbed the bag of brightly colored blue powder,he quickly made his way over to her.

Seeing how she had her phone in her hand, clearly with the intend of taking a picture, he made use of her lost of momentum to gain on her with ease.

A big smile on his face as she asked for mercy, the corners of her mouth curled up in the same smile. There was no ill intent here, just two people in between the colorful storm that were having fun. Which wasn't distracting him from his goal.

"Its too late to ask for mercy." Viktor said with a smile as he was just close enough, towering over het as he dumped the entire bright blue powder filled bag over her head.

+ shaelyn o'dubhshláine

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Knowing he was closing in on her, Shaelyn stopped running and braced for impact, letting out a squeak as she held her hands in front of her face to cover her eyes and mouth when the blue powder fell over her head.

As soon as the powder stopped, she shook her head, causing the powder to fly around, possibly hitting Vik as well when some of her loose strands of hair followed her movement. She pulled her hands away from her face and looked at him with wide eyes but a big grin on her face.

I— You—” she started, before bringing her now blue hand towards her mouth and laughing. “Oh my god—” she chuckled, unaware that the side of her hand coloured the tip of her nose blue while she laughed.

You’re so pink,” she continued, wrapping her arms around herself as her body shook with laughter. She wasn’t looking much better. With her crop top not covering a lot of her upper body, her shoulders, upper chest, and bare stomach were completely blue, as well as most of the shirt and a part of her red pants.

She looked like a Smurf.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
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