
Searching shadows

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Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

If he had to choose between grabbing a drink or returning home, the choice was quickly made. Nothing good awaited him there. As they walked, Dai stayed close to him, not daring to wander off too far. Míngzé couldn’t help but wonder for how long. His bet was on a few minutes before he had forgotten everything that had happened previously.

“I do not,” Míngzé answered the question this stranger asked him. “Unless you’re talking about coffee.” If you looked carefully there was a smile on his lips. Having a cup of coffee from time to time was something he did enjoy.

He hummed softly as the other talked about a quieter place. “If there is such a thing, with the weather as it is, everyone wants to grab a drink.” The streets were busy already so he doubted any place was quiet really. "Best to take the first empty table we come across."

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256

Archibald of Aerithorn
He had not meant coffee with his question, but he himself could appreciate a good cup of it. He preferred it over tea. Though alcohol was just another way to take his mind off things, he needed quite a lot of it to actually be effective. And then there were other methods too, anything to keep his mind off things that would hurt him.

”True, it will be quite hard.” With this many people out it might indeed just be smarter to take the first spot they could get. ”Let’s do that then.” He agreed and kept scanning around, trying to find a place that seemed like it would at least have a table available.

Once he spotted one he lightly guided the man towards the place. ”Seems like they have an empty table here.” The weather was good enough to just sit on the terrace and it would be easier with his own pokemon, since she wasn’t just a small one. He didn’t know this place, but if it wasn’t any good they could always go somewhere else.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Lucky for them they found an empty table relatively soon. The sun was high in the sky, sending a pleasant warmth over the seating area. With the man’s help he found his way to the table. Before he sat down he folded his cane and placed it on top of the table. There was no cover from the sun here, but he did not mind.

“That went better than expected,” Míngzé mentioned as he leaned back in his seat. All they could hope for now was that things would not take too long as it was busy. Around him he could hear the many people talking and laughing.

Dai went to lie down at his feet under the table. Exhaustion had finally caught up to him. “Any idea what you’ll get?” he asked a bit awkwardly. Smalltalk was not his best skill. Which reminded him of something. “Oh, and I never asked you your name.”

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256

Archibald of Aerithorn
They sat down at the table, the only one that had still been available here and he wondered how long it would take before someone would come to their table. But he guessed it might take a while when it was this busy. They had just been lucky enough to already find a table at the very least.

He watched people walking around, taking orders from other tables when the man in front of him asked what he would get and that he had never gotten his name. He had gotten used to not telling people his name if they didn’t ask him for it, but once they did he knew what to give. ”I was thinking of just getting a beer, perfect for weather like this.” And not too expensive either.

As for his name, he knew what to give, though he hadn’t caught on to the other’s name either. ”Archie and yours?” He was fine with any name to call him really, he wasn’t using his own full name either.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
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