
[m] [Journey] Knuckles in blood

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
journey card

This is my first attempt in the search for sassy, bitey a melanistic Vulpix or a sweet and cuddly (choc)merle tricolor flareon.

Ruisang just got out of a fight. Whatever happened or who he fought is really unimportant to him; probably just anger issues, wrong place wrong time kinda stuff. He's in the Sanctum City slums and I am a-okay getting him into deep shit/wounded. He has a Mawile (lv53) with him in a Pokéball. x

Traits: Dark / Ghost / Fighting / Poison / Dragon .
Pokémon: Melan Vulpix. (choc)merle tricolor Flareon. A fun traited Rowlet or Female Meowstic. Inferno Treecko.

Ruìsāng stumbled out of the back-alley brawl, his cheek still throbbing from the impact of a well-aimed punch. The taste of copper lingered in his mouth, a gift from his companion.  The murky slums of Sanctum City embraced him like an old friend, their decaying walls nearly suffocating him

His breaths came out in ragged gasps, a mix of adrenaline and pain making each inhale a sharp reminder. Ruìsāng's knuckles were raw, his clothes stained with dirt and blood. He leaned against the alley wall, his heart pounding in his chest.

The distant echoes of sirens broke the silence, but he ignored them, his senses still sharp, scanning for any signs of pursuit. The flickering streetlight above him cast eerie shadows, elongating his silhouette as if mocking him. The taste of regret mingled with the metallic taste in his mouth.

He tried to convince himself that he wasn't his father, but the taste of blood on his lips served as a reminder of the lineage he could never fully escape.

!!! Warning this topic contains gore on page 2, after the TW.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Thump. Thump. Thump. Your heart beats at a violent pace, echoing through your ears like a war drum. The rhythm synchronises with the approaching sirens, until it drowns out every other sound. Thump. Thump. Thump. They are coming closer, are they here for you? Thump. Thump. Thump. Your body tenses. Is it finally time to show the world the legacy your father left you with?

Just when you’re about to drown in your own chaos, a soft voice reaches out to you, a serene calm amidst your violence. ”Are you alright there, son?” A woman in her late 60s stands before you, her weathered face wrinkling against a warm smile. Years of kindness etched in her face as she reaches a hand out to your arm, her touch as gentle and welcoming as a warm summer breeze. Like a grandmother reaching out for her long lost son, she stares at you with the promise of unconditional love.

You notice the strong scent of her perfume as it envelopes you. A sensation of calm and belonging rushes over you, your body beckoning you to be at ease as the woman’s hand finds your arm. A strange sensation, but have you not longed for it ever since you were a child? Is it not peace you’ve always wished for?

Will you let the scent wash over you?

Will you listen to the peace it's offering?

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng's trembling hand found his own hair, gripping it tightly as if it could tether him to reality. The rage that simmered within him was a baffling force, an uncontrollable torrent threatening to consume everything in its path. Why did he wage wars and punch holes through walls, seeking validation in violence? The anger, a relentless parasite, gnawed at his very core, a constant reminder of his father.

Amidst the chaos in his mind, a gentle voice reached him, pulling him back into the world. His gaze fell upon an older woman, her eyes filled with compassion. “Son,” she called him, a term that settled heavy on his shoulders. Would she too recoil in horror if she knew what went hidden beneath?

She appeared sweet, akin to the grandmothers in stories, the ones who baked cookies and shared tales of youthful mischief. Ruìsāng longed for such tenderness, ached for the touch of genuine kindness. Yet, when her hand reached out, instinct overruled reason. He recoiled and slapped away the helping hand, the barrier he had erected against the world holding steadfast.

Don’t touch me,” he snapped. Tears burned behind his eyes as his heart pulled towards her, desperately urging him to accept the kindness for once in his life. He froze again after his own aggression, pressing his hand to his chest and his back against the wall.

As calm settled over him once more, he managed a whispered plea, “I’m fine. Sorry. Thank you. Please go.” There was something about that soft scent, but it was terrifying— the desire for warmth clashed with the fear of being burned by it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

The old lady whinces when you slap her hand away, a pained frown lingering on her face as she rubs over the bandages covering her weathered hand. One would half expect her to lash out to you, to cuss you out for being a disrespectful brat. Yet, when her gaze lifts to meet yours, you find nothing but kindness.

Her smile softens, her kind eyes taking in your features. While she stares straight into your soul, it is not pity you find in her eyes, it's the promise of peace. Is she oblivious to see you for who you are? Or does she see past your tough exterior and find the boy buried deep within - the one who desperately craves the safety he never got growing up?

"It's alright, son." Her voice washes over you, a beacon of light in this cold world. "Here, for your bleeding nose." She holds out a clean, self embroided, white-with-blue handkerchief. Another helping hand, this time while respecting your boundaries for personal space - but a helping hand nonetheless.

Will you accept it?

Or will you yet again bite the hand that's trying to save you?

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng stood there, back pressed firmly against the wall. He couldn't shake off the deep-rooted fear residing within his chest. In his experience, strangers never offered anything; they only took. It was a truth he had accepted, a shield he had constructed to protect himself. Alastor and Lucifer were different, their care genuine, but strangers? They weren't supposed to be kind.

And yet, there she was, extending a hand toward him, not to snatch away, but to offer. His red eyes shimmered with disbelief and mistrust as he stared at the grandmother. He expected her to recoil, to vanish into the shadows and whisper about the broken boy. But she didn't. Instead, her smile softened, her gaze meeting his without fear. The contrast to his expectations left him baffled, his brow furrowing deeper in confusion and wariness.

When he pushed her away, she respected the space he so desperately created around himself. His guard wavered, his defences slowly crumbling under her unexpected kindness. She reached out with a handkerchief, offering it to him. He accepted it with a trembling hand, his fingers brushing against hers. Confusion and worry in his eyes as he held the handkerchief, his gaze flickering between the cloth and the woman before him.

Blood will be hard to get out,” he mumbled, his voice catching in his throat. The words were an apology, an acknowledgment of the potential inconvenience he was causing her. His eyes darted to her hand, noticing the bandages wrapped around it.

I’m sorry,” he added softly, deflating further.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Well, well. Look who just rolled a magnificent 2. Who knew it would turn out like this? Are you really that tired of fighting this continuous war within you? "It's okay, son." The grandma's calm and soothing voice lingers in the air. You breathe in, and that is all it takes for the powerful scent of the parfume to reach you, to embrace you in its figurative arms. Your worries fade, your pain disappears, and your traumas lift from your shoulders. How nice. Your body stands no chance, it doesn't fight back.

"Come, son, let me bring you away from here." You hardly hear her voice. As you begin to move, the tug of a warm hand holding your wrist, the dark alley fades to a blossoming lavender field.

So serene...

So peaceful...

Within the blink of an eye, the world around you flickers, fading into a haunted tablue of wilted flowers and barren lands, a surreal tapestry of decay and desolation. Yet, as swiftly as the night surrenders to dawn, the grim spectacle disappears, the sunny skies and lavender fields returning before you. Huh?

How bizarre...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

“It’s okay, son,” the grandmother told him. Was it okay? He doubted if he ever truly knew the meaning of the word. Could ‘okay’ be found in the bitter tears his mother shed, or in the countless nights he spent in strangers' homes, unwanted and unloved?

In that moment, a weariness settled upon him, a bone-deep exhaustion that made the fight drain out of his veins. A flicker of something buried deep within his chest yearned for the simplicity of acceptance. For a brief heartbeat, he entertained the idea of surrender, of allowing himself to believe in the fleeting illusion of care, of ‘okay’.

So he closed his eyes and inhaled, a shuddering breath that tasted of desperation and hope. Maybe, just for this night, he could lower his guard, pretend that the world could be kind, even if just for a moment. How ridiculous, he thought, but deep down, a tiny spark of longing dared to believe otherwise.

Flowers. A sudden explosion of vibrant colours and fragrant scents enveloped Ruìsāng, and he couldn’t help but close his eyes, momentarily swept away by the surreal beauty. Was this a dream, he wondered, his scepticism warring with the intoxicating aroma that surrounded him. But just as quickly as he blinked, the scene shifted again.

Wilted petals crunched underfoot as Ruìsāng found himself standing amidst desolation, a stark contrast to the floral paradise he had just witnessed. His heart pounded in his chest, and he instinctively recoiled, his brows furrowing and eyes widening in confusion and fear. What sorcery was this?

And then, in the blink of an eye, the world transformed once more, reverting to the sanctuary of blossoms. The rapid shifts left Ruìsāng dizzied.

What are you doing?” he demanded, his voice laced with frustration, his eyes wide with distrust, and his jaw clenched in anger. He berated himself for his momentary weakness, for trusting a stranger. His fist clenched at his side, a silent plea for an explanation, a desperate hope that she would elucidate this perplexing situation before his patience wore thin.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

The grandma halts, turning towards you. "What's the matter, son?" She asks, genuine concern written all over her face. She tilts her head, after which her sweet eyes drift away from you and take in her surroundings. The chirping of birds reach your ears, as true as the sun warming your face.

"Just a little further.." She motions, but she no longer touches you, she no longer moves to guide you. "I'll tend to your wounds at my place, I couldn't bear.." Her voice trembles, her hand on her heart. "Merely standing by as those cops closed in. What if they got to you?" Oh, her heart bled as she looked at the state the poor boy was in. Such a fighter, he was. So strong.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

What’s the matter?” Ruìsāng echoed, his voice a mere whisper, the desperation palpable. “Y— You just— You can’t—” His words trailed off, lost in the chaos of his own thoughts. What was he even trying to convey? What answer was he seeking? He stared at the woman, his eyes pleading for something he couldn’t name.

“Just a little further,” she said gently, her tone soft and understanding, lacking any trace of force or coercion. He furrowed his brows, trying to recall if he had heard any sirens, any indication of law enforcement. His memory felt foggy, the events of the night a jumbled mess. Maybe she was speaking truth.

Okay,” he replied, his voice barely audible, surrendering to the inevitable. There was a defeated acceptance in his tone, a resignation to his circumstances. Fighting hadn’t changed anything; avoidance had only prolonged the inevitable. Perhaps, just this once, he needed to heed someone else’s guidance. And so, he followed her, step by step, to her house, even if it felt like being led into a hag’s lair.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

As the grandma continues leading you through the field of flowers, time seems to lose its usual grasp on reality, slipping through your fingers like the petals of the delicate blossoms surrounding you. With a twinkle in her eyes, the grandma gently beckons you forward, her weathered hand pointing with a sense of anticipation. "Over there, son," she says, her warm voice soothing.

Following the direction of her finger, you catch sight of a quaint structure in the distance—a charming wooden house that seems to have sprouted organically from the vibrant tapestry of the flower-filled field. The small abode exudes an inviting charm, nestled amidst the blossoms like a secret waiting to be discovered. With each step, the scent of blooming flowers becomes intertwined with the aroma of home-cooked delights.

A gentle smile plays on her lips as she gracefully turns the key in the lock, the door yielding with a soft creak, revealing an interior that echoes the character of its owner—cozy and steeped in the rich hues of a life well-lived. But most of all, the place feels like home. Something you have always craved for as a kid, and perhaps, something you still crave for as an adult.

"Come on in, make yourself at home. Would you like some tea?"

She welcomes you in - her home is yours. At least, until you're ready to leave once more.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng had likely never experienced true peace. His moments of solace came in fleeting encounters, tangled between bedsheets, in violent brawls, or in the haze of alcohol. These respites were nothing more than temporary distractions. However, now, a sense of serenity enveloped him in a way he hadn't known before, as if peace had taken on a tangible form.

Guided to her home, he found himself in a place that felt more integrated with the world than any home in their reality. Nestled amidst blooming flowers, a perfect part of it all, beckoning him inside like an alluring sanctuary. He let himself be lured in.

Yes,” Ruìsāng responded softly when she offered him tea, his voice barely above a whisper. What he really wanted seemed irrelevant, as his past desires had only led him astray.

With uncertainty etched in his movements, he crossed the threshold, his fingers awkwardly fumbling with his coat. He looked around and couldn't help but question their location. "Where are we?" he inquired. He wasn’t sure if he could trust her. Something, a gut feeling, told him he shouldn’t; but that feeling was always there. He so desperately wanted to, though…  

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Where are we? Please. Can't you see, boy? Can't you see the place you just walked into? Didn't you notice the threshold you just willingly stepped over? A chill runs down your spine, the coldness an oddity compared to your warm surroundings. The fire crackles in the hearth, but you feel nothing of its warmth.

"Someplace beyond the city, dear." The grandma answers you honestly, she hums as she crossed the room towards her kitchen, filling the kettle and letting it heat up on the stove. "Don't worry, son, you're safe here with me." She turns to meet your gaze again, a warm smile plastered on her lips.

Before you can even consider grabbing a cookie, your eyes notice something scratched into the side of the table. It seems to be scratched in quite the haste..

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Something was off. t wasn't the usual discomfort he experienced when a stranger invaded his personal space. It was an unsettling sensation, as if an unseen force were tearing at his chest, a voice within relentlessly screaming—leave, leave, leave. He found himself ensnared in a situation he couldn't comprehend, a fear gripping him even as he hesitated to step away from the promised tranquillity.

Beyond the city, she had claimed it to be—safe, she labelled it. “What if I want to go back?” he asked her, curious to hear what would happen. Would she let him? Was he stuck here with her, now? Had her previous behaviour been a lie? The door beckoned, but he remained motionless for the moment.

He looked around with a lazy glance, before his eye caught on something scratched into the side of the table. Brow furrowed, he leaned over. Wanting to dismiss it as mere coincidence, he couldn't shake the suspicion that the scratched letters eerily resembled his name. Absurd, surely.

Still, that gnawing feeling scratched through the walls now, higher, further in, deeper. It clenched his throat as he swallowed and his hand reached for the Pokéball in his pocket. “What do you want from me?” he queried. Because nothing in life was free.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Do you truly long to return to the tumultuous existence of strife and hardship, back to the struggles with your past, including the challenges tied to your mother? Take a moment to recognize the peace and contentment that surrounds you in your current circumstances. Can you not feel the palpable absence of pain, the serenity that envelops you now? Why are you still fighting the hand trying to help you? She's helping you. Helping. You.

"Oh, the path down the road leads straight back into the city, son." She answers calmly. "Wander it and you'll be back before you know it." She speaks again, grabbing a cookie for herself and taking a bite. There's nothing threatening about her as she sinks down onto one of the chairs. She sighs softly as she massages her bandaged hands, weathered from old age, worn down under years of labour.

Your hand fumbles through your pocket, but there's nothing to grab at. A disconcerting realisation washes over you - you have nothing on you. Not your phone, not your wallet, not even your house keys - nothing. "I want to help you, son." The grandma's eyes linger on your hand in your pocket, before they move up to meet yours. "Why do you ask?"

The shrieking sound of the kettle disrupts the serene air, screeching and roaring. The grandma doesn’t get up from her chair, waiting for you to answer her.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

There was peace in serenity, even if its promise was false. There was peace in never having to return. Sometimes, he opened the door to his home, hoping his mother would have left to never return. She never did. He wondered why it was so easy for everyone else to leave. Others left effortlessly, but she clung like a leech, draining every ounce of vitality. And here he was, denying tranquillity because he didn’t trust it.

The grandmother told him the road led back to the city. She indulged in a cookie, while his stomach churned in mistrust. His crimson eyes fixated on her hands. “What happened to your hands?” he asked. It was only fair, right?

Panic surfaced when he realised she was absent. Anger ignited like a wildfire, jaw clenched, eyes widened—locked onto the one who had stolen Lìeyàn. A threat formed in his hiss, a step taken closer. He’d rip that skull from her spine if she wouldn’t give her back.

Where is she?” he hissed, taking a step closer to the woman. “Where is my stuff?” he demanded, voice escalating to a yell, as he gestured with his hand.

Give her back to me or I swear—

He’d kill her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Her hands move tenderly over her aching palm, the bandage wrapped meticulously around her hand and lower arm. ”I burned my hands a while ago, son,” she confesses, truth hanging delicately on her words, yet a sense lingers that the full narrative remains untold. Despite the tremor in her hands, she interlaces her fingers, placing them on the table. She remains quiet as you raise your voice.

The kettle continues its shrill protest, its wail even drowning out your frustrated outburst. Unbothered by your ‘tantrum’, the grandma rises from her chair and crosses the room. The room is enveloped in a hushed stillness as she removes the kettle from the stove. It lasts and it lasts as she fills the cups with steaming hot tea.

Only after she delicately placed both cups on the table next to the two of you, does she regard you again. ”She can’t come here.” The woman states. Blandly. Matter-of-factly. She blinks, as if she doesn’t understand your anger. Why would it matter? She didn’t belong here. This was no place for a Pokémon like that.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

The older lady claimed to have burned her hands some time ago. As she moved her hands, Ruìsāng clenched his jaw, his own hand forming a tight fist, bandages constricting around it. Her responses felt like fragments of the truth, reminiscent of the adults who spoke to him during the times of being taken away from his family.

When the confirmation of Lìeyàn’s disappearance hit, a surge of anger, panic, and helplessness overwhelmed Ruìsāng. The woman continued with an air of indifference, as if nothing was amiss. This stoked the anger beneath his skin, coursing through his arms and hands, an itch to do something. The desire to seize her by the collar, to scream, to compel her to return his Mawile surged within him, anything to bring Lìeyàn back.

She can’t come here.

Well, then he was done with this. He had no reason to stay. “Fuck this,” he hissed through clenched teeth, pivoting toward the door. She had promised him a path to return home, and that was precisely what he intended to follow.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

As you turn your back on the elderly lady, a bone-chilling silence descends upon the room. The air thickens with an ominous tension, and the temperature drops to an unnerving degree. The chair behind you creaks as the grandma rises from it. A gust of frigid wind sweeps through the room, the fire - once a comforting beacon - struggles against its force. The feeble orange light of the dying flames cast grotesque shadows that dance menacingly across the room’s walls, until, at last, it flickers for the last time leaving nothing but darkness behind.

In the inky blackness, you hear the haunting sound of a teacup being dragged across the table. ”Thread carefully, my son, for some doors, once they have been closed, can never be reopened.” Her words hang thick in the air, a warning, a threat. Her voice remains calm, but lacking its previous warmth. ”Stay - let me help you. Please.” Her words echo through the room. You hear her footsteps, dragging, approaching.

Run. Your body beckons you. Run. Your instinct screeches not to turn around - a primal, desperate urge in your chest pounding like a relentless drumbeat, beckoning you to flee. Flee. Get out of here. And most importantly: Do. Not. Look. Back.

Will you listen to it? Will you remain standing in your quacking boots and face what is behind you - or will you take your chance and run, run towards the promise of sunlight behind the front door?

It's all up to you.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Silence enveloped him, like the abrupt hush of a hundred whispers. Tension clung to his skin, a heavy weight settling onto his muscles and bones. The wind brushed across his face, and with one final breath, the fire extinguished. Emptiness lingered, a pervasive sense of absence that eluded definition. Then, darkness swallowed everything.

His hand gripped the doorknob, a taut restraint, frozen in anticipation. Every fibre of his being pleaded for movement, for that simple turn of the knob to unleash light, to return home. Yet, what was there to return to? What was he fighting for? To go home to his drunk mother?

Stay, she urged.

Run, his mind begged.

But his mind had never steered him right. His desires only ushered in pain. Unsure of what to wish for, what to ask, he teetered on the edge.

Help me how?” he hissed, the anger lacing his voice an inseparable part of his words. “You make vague promises, but what can you do? Bake me some cookies and insult me with temporary bliss?” he spat. What was that worth?

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Thud. Thud. Pause. As you turn around, the air becomes dense with an unnatural stillness. The feeble light that once clung to the room now reveals a ghastly transformation. The elderly woman stands, but her form is twisted, a far cry from what you saw before. Her limbs elongated and contorted in unnatural angles, dark claws edging her fingers. Her eyes, once warm and inviting, now gleam with an otherworldly luminescence, reflecting an abyss that stares straight through your soul.

A sinister smile curls around her lips. She takes another step forward, and, suddenly, she materialises before you with a disconcerting speed that defies the law of nature. The temperature around you plummets as her skeletal, long fingers reach out. She pauses, the claw an inch away from your chest, pointing straight at your heart. ”All I want is to protect you..” Her voice is a distant echo from the kindness she once spoke with. Cold sweat runs down your spine. Run. Any sane person would.

The grandma hesitates, before her claw-like finger lowers, a frigid touch as it pushes against your sweater. ”You can’t outrun it..” She whispers. Mesmerised by the mad thumping of your heart. "But I can make it easy for you.." She adds, a sinister promise to a boy who has never been given the easy way out.

”No more agony..” she continues. ”No more torment..” Her words hang in the air, laden with a promise of relief. Gently, she taps your chest, the razor-sharp claw slicing through your sweater like a knife through butter. Her cold gaze fixates on your response to her icy touch. Before you can grasp the situation, her finger precisely lands on the spot where your heart beats fervently. Abruptly, it ceases. A pause lingers, stretching what should be two heartbeats into an agonizing century for you.

Her tap resonates again, and miraculously, your heart resumes its rhythmic dance as if untouched by the unsettling interruption. Her obsidian eyes, however, remain fixated on your chest before slowly lifting to meet your gaze. In that gaze, she unveils a silent demonstration of the power she holds — a mastery over life's delicate pulse. The unspoken message is clear: she possesses a control you lack. "Don't make me do it the hard way," her threat lingers. "I'll make it painless." She can make it easy. She can bring you the solace you desire. The peace you've been craving for all these years. All you have to do is..

”Drink it, son.” Her bony fingers lift the teacup to your face, urging you to drink. The steam rises, its burning heat creating a stark contrast to the chill in the air. Its inky colour is a far cry from what tea’s supposed to look, and as the wind blows through the house, the rancid, rotten smell reaches your nose.

”You don’t have to feel a thing, I promise..”

Easy? Is that really what you want?

Don’t you have things to fight for?

Remember, some doors, once closed, can never be reopened: are you ready to close the door to your life?

Character sheet
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