
[m] [Journey] Knuckles in blood

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Every fibre of his being screamed at him, a cacophony of dread urging him to swing that door open, to escape, to put distance between himself and whatever was changing shape behind him. He watched, frozen in place, as the figure warped into something else. A monster. However—it gradually loosened the grip of fear on his trembling form. He’d confronted monsters before, faced the cruel hands of those who revelled in violence, felt their touch on his skin. The familiarity muted the initial surge of terror, leaving in its wake a haunted, numbing dread that clung to him.

She pledged him protection. Maybe he should have opened the door, yet he lingered—listening, watching, waiting. For what, he did not know. He wasn’t prepared to relinquish this threshold, to move on from yet another monster, demanding his submission. No more agony, she promised. No more torment. It was an empty vow, for he understood its meaning now.

His heartbeat ceased as the vow of death hung between them—an unsettling stillness. No more pain, no more torment. It was an illusion of peace, a cruel mirage.

Then, his heart resumed its rhythm, an unspoken threat lingering in the air. But what power did it hold? What would it grant him? A lifetime spent battling for something better, striving for a life worth living. He refused to let it be snatched away before he’d have the chance to experience it.

A teacup lifted to his face, red eyes scrutinising the monster and then focusing on the cup in her hands. His heart pounded, the palpitations echoing in his ears. Cold sweat trickled down his face. A single solution crystallised in his mind.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

Yet, he'd never heeded advice whispered by monsters in the dark.

He sank his teeth into her finger.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

TW // biting off a finger.

Grandma’s hands tremble as she lifts the cup up to your lips, an earnest plea in her eyes. Her genuine desire to ease what is to come is palpable: she knows what lies ahead and wishes to soften the blow for you. In her mind, this gesture is an offering of ultimate solace, a tranquil resolution to your struggles. It might not align with the good ending you had in mind, but boys like you seldom encounter the favourable outcomes they seek - you of all people should understand.

A sick, bone-chilling, gut-wrenching CRACK echoes through the room as you sink your teeth into her index finger with a ferocity that sends shivers down the spine. Her pained wails pierce through the air, but your determination does not waver. Like a rabid, feral Pokémon you bite down through the resistance, until you hear a crunch you will most likely never forget. And neither will Grandma.

Her cries intertwine with the shattering sound of the teacup meeting its untimely demise on the unforgiving ground. She stumbles back, her shaking hand holding the spot where her index finger used to be. Grandma's eyes widen in shock, pools of darkness staring back at you. Black, rotten blood drips out of your mouth, along your chin. Like a dog with a bone between his teeth, there you stand, the proud new owner of grandma’s index finger.

”You…” She stammers, at first not believing what you’ve just done. The taste of her rotten finger lingers in your mouth, a reminder of how old the woman in front of you must really be. Too old to be among the living. ”You…” Her voice begins as a sinister growl, an otherworldly resonance escaping from the depths of her throat. ”You’re just- just like them. Just like the rest of them!” Anger seeps through her voice. She had wanted to help you. But no more of that.

In the blink of an eye, she propels herself towards you, a grotesque silhouette in motion. Her nails, now elongated and obsidian, resemble wicked claws hungering for the pulse of your heart.

Stupid boy. You should have ran.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng stood his ground, a resolve etched into the fibres of his being, a promise to himself never to be cornered again. She was just as manipulative as every adult in his life had been. “It will be better. This is for your own good,” they would promise as they’d ruin his life and give themselves a pat on the back. Disgusting. He longed for the freedom to let Lìeyàn shred them apart, one by one.

And so he bit the hand that fed him all that crap, the hand that promised him an end to this nightmare he deigned to call life. But what would he get if he ended it here? Nothing. He’d have fought to never come out the other end. He was done accepting the fate dictated by others.

A bone-chilling crack echoed through the room as the bone succumbed to his assault. The metallic tang of iron invaded his senses, mingling with the putrid odor of decay exuding from the mutilated appendage. The grandmother's anguished cries fell on deaf ears as Ruìsāng pressed on, his teeth tearing through sinew, bone, and corrupted flesh, his stomach threatening revolt. Undeterred, he forged ahead, drowning out the revulsion that sought to overwhelm him.

The culmination of his endeavor was marked by a final, sickening crunch.

What followed was a vile torrent of putrid, blackened blood, oozing from the severed finger, dripping down Ruìsāng's chin in a grotesque display. The metallic taste clung to his tongue like a malevolent residue as the stench of decay intensified, enveloping him in a nightmarish haze that nearly brought him to the brink of vomiting.

Stumbling backward, he clutched the doorknob for support, desperately battling the rising urge to retch. The woman uttered something in the distance, a distant echo. She advanced towards him, so he attempted to swing open the door in a frantic bid to escape.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Panic courses through your veins as you barely manage to evade grandma’s outstretched claws. With adrenaline-fueled speed, you lunge towards the door, fumbling frantically to unlock it. The air seems to thicken, every heartbeat echoing in your ears as you swing the door open, escaping the clutches of the nightmarish claws just in the nick of time.

You stumble into a world unfamiliar to you, its barren landscape stretching out for as far as the horizon reaches, the scent of decay and rot laying heavy on your lungs. Behind you, the grandma curses in a language long forgotten. She runs after you at a humanly impossible speed, grasping at your shirt. Her claws dig through the fabric and she pulls on you, her sheer strength sends you flying across the filthy ground.

Where you belong.

As you grapple to comprehend the situation, her claws descend upon you. She restrains your arms above your body, the grip on your right hand tightening like a vice, suppressing any resistance with her claws burrowing into your flesh. “I won’t let you..” She breathes heavily, “Get away with this.” She growls, her expression edging madness.

Her eyes gleam with a twisted satisfaction as she shifts her focus to your chest. With a chilling deliberation, she mutters an incantation in that long-forgotten language. The air crackles with an unnatural energy, and a ghastly glow envelops her obsidian claws. Deliberately, she guides her four-fingered hand downward, the claw tips tracing a sinister path towards your heart - not paying any attention to the black blood oozing out of her gaping wound.

As her claws approach your heart, she pauses with malevolent intent. The twisted dance of her fingers becomes a slow descent, gradually sinking into the skin above your heart. The excruciating pain is drawn out, a macabre ballet of suffering orchestrated by the malevolent grandmother. A surge of dark, ice-cold magic emanates from her touch, seeping into your very being. The skin around the wound blackens, a sinister mark spreading like a creeping shadow. The air crackles with malevolence as her cursed magic takes hold.

Your heart, once steady, now pounds irregularly under the influence of her dark enchantment. Each beat is a discordant note in the symphony of your suffering. She hisses incantations, attempting to entwine your heartbeat with the desolation of the barren land she calls her home.

”Feel it, son?” she ponders, as the beating of your heart grows more erratic, weaker even. ”Soon, you'll be a part of this place..” This wretched place she calls home. She leans in closer. ”I'll make you suffer for eternity.” She mutters, utterly mad. ”You're not worthy of anything else.” There was nothing left of the kind grandma who had offering to help you. It makes one wonder, if she ever intended to help you in the first place.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

 The door swung open, and a surge of panic, momentarily subdued, flooded back into Ruìsāng's consciousness. He needed to run, run, run, urgently obeying the screaming voice in his mind, urging him to escape. Live, get out of here, run — the words reverberated like a desperate mantra.

He tried to make it, desperately attempting to put distance between himself and the encroaching threat. Yet, success was fleeting. A force seized his shirt, wrenching him off balance and sending him sprawling to the ground. The realisation that she had caught up to him dawned too late. Eyes wide, he gasped for air upon impact, but there was no time. Claws descended upon him, and he was restrained.

Get out.

Tears welled in his eyes as he gazed up at her, a frantic attempt to break free only deepening the grip of her claws into his skin. She vowed not to let him escape the consequences of his actions, and he wondered if there had ever been a chance for him to leave peacefully.

As her claws neared his heart, Ruìsāng clenched his jaw tightly on the detached finger, enduring the pain. He refused to submit to lying down and letting her dictate his fate. The struggle against her hold manifested in grunts of pain and anger as he fought against her grip. He could feel her claw against his chest, the icy touch seeping through his skin, inching dangerously close to his heart — cold, dark. Yet, he paid no heed. The only imperative was to get out.

With each throb of his heart, her incantation seemed to synchronise, intertwining with the rhythm of his heartbeat. A part of him, now consumed by this chilling enchantment, felt the coldness, extinguishing the burning rage that had defined him for as long as he could remember.

You’re not worthy of anything else.

Those words, haunting echoes of a childhood filled with rejection by a father who saw him as nothing but trouble, fueled the resurgence of the fiery rage. It combated against everything she sought to impose upon him. Eyes ablaze with anger, he looked up and…

Defiantly spat her finger into her face.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Amidst your struggle, the grandma’s powers surge with a newfound malevolence. She focuses her strength on your weakened heart, not paying attention to your pained cries. The air itself seems to constrict as an invisible force clutches at your chest. Time slows, and with an agonising inevitability, your heartbeat wavers and begins to succumb to her influence.

In that moment, as her grip tightens around your very life force, you cling to the last shreds of defiance. With a surge of willpower, you spit out her detached finger straight into her face. The severed finger hurtles through the air, striking her eye with a sickening thud. The grandma howls, her claw disappearing from your chest as she grasps at her face.

The sudden intrusion shatters her concentration, and the dark magic that held your heartbeat captive begins to falter. Your heart, on the brink of surrender, defiantly starts to forge a new rhythm. In the midst of the chaos, the world around you flickers back into focus—twisting from the desolate lands to the alleyway she found you in, before it turns back to her.

But the grandma, fueled by desperation, launches a desperate counterattack. She reaches for your chest again, clawing at the wounds, fighting to regain control over your being. The world around you flickers back and forth, a turbulent dance between the desolate lands and the dark alley. ”No, no, no..” she grasps at you in another futile attempt, but you’re slipping from her control.

Seize the chance. Focus on the alley.

Get out of there.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

It was almost done. The prospect of relief tantalised him, tempting him to embrace. But he couldn’t. He had decided not to surrender, understanding that his entire existence would be meaningless if he did. He had to fight, had to win. He’d see Lìeyàn again. He’d go back home and he’d be able to tell Alastor about this and— at least someone would care that he was still alive.

Time warped, and in a desperate final decision, Ruìsāng spat the finger towards her eye. The monster howled, claws withdrawing. A brief moment—he could breathe again. His heart, once captured by her malevolence, resumed its defiant beat, pulsating in a new rhythm. The world flickered back into focus, beckoning him—

He had to get out of here.

The monster lunged once more, wounds reopening, skin tearing. Ruìsāng had to act. The world flickered and reality was so close, nearly tangible. She stood no chance against him there. He was winning.

So, he leaned back and made an effort to headbutt her at full strength, twisting against her grip as he focussed on the real world. On home, for all its faults.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38
until we
meet again

In a desperate, futile attempt the grandma claws at your chest. Her control over your consciousness slips from her fingers, your vision flickering between the rotten lands and the dark alley. She grabs at your chest, leaning closer once more. Her claws dig into the wounds she etched there before, the dark touch of her magic scorching like an ice cold flame against your skin. A malevolent grin curls around her lips, your control slipping once more. Her dark magic pulls you back into these lands, the curse embracing you-

Your head thuds against hers, an unexpected act of defiance that forces the grandma off you. Her pained howls echo through the hands as she grasps at her nose, in a poor attempt to stop the black blood from dripping all over her face. Her strength falters once more, and this time, it is enough for you to cut the ties between your heart and her dark magic. You escape. The rotten world fades out.

You find yourself stretched out on the unforgiving, cold ground of the dark alley. Your breaths come in ragged gasps, and you heart pounds so fiercely that you fear it might escape the confines of your chest. In that moment, you believe this might very well be the end of you - the unforgiving grey autumn skies and the consuming darkness of the alley merging to swallow you whole.

Yet, Death doesn’t claim you. Your heart persists, a relentless rhythm echoing the spirit of a true fighter. Live, live, live, it urges you. As the realisation of survival seeps in, pain courses through your body. Every inch of you aches, and your head throbs with the lingering echoes of the struggle. Time seems distorted as you lie there, staring up at the grey skies.

After an indeterminate span, a surge of determination prompts you to sit up. Your chest protests with aching insistence, the wind tugging at the remnants of your shredded shirt. Deep claw marks adorn your chest, tracing a path from your collarbone down toward your heart. The remnants of your shirt are soaked in red, the blood dripping onto the alley ground.

As you inspect the wounds on your chest, you notice the four dark, dot-like scars encircling your heart. These are no ordinary scars; they exude a eerie aura, as if they carry remnants of the dark magic that threatened to claim the very essence of your being. The scars pulsate with a malevolent energy, an unsettling presence that sets them apart from any mundane injury. The mere sight of them is something akin to a forbidden secret that should never be revealed. Perhaps you should not openly show them to the world.

Your dominant hand, the one that instinctively reaches out to assess the damage, tells a tale of brutality. The skin is not merely scratched; it's torn and mangled, revealing raw, crimson flesh beneath. Each movement sends searing waves of pain through your arm, and the blood oozing from the wounds creates a morbid canvas on your palm and fingers. With every attempt to move your fingers, the pain intensifies, a cruel reminder of the price paid for defiance.

As you gather your strength to rise from the ground, your gaze falls upon a gruesome sight beside you. The detached finger you bit off the grandma lies there, the taste lingering in your mouth a stark reminder of what you did. Movement up ahead shifts your gaze up towards the shadowy alley. Amidst the shadows she stands once more - the grandma. Vengeance written all over her face as her gaze lifts from her detached finger to you. In the shadowy abyss, a sudden, bone-chilling smile creeps across the old woman's face. Against all reason, she slowly raises a gnarled hand, the bony fingers contorting into an eerie wave. The gesture is both mocking and inviting, daring you to face her once more.

She's going to make you pay.

But, the grandma’s attention abruptly shifts, her eyes fixing on another presence in the alley. The wave freezes mid-air, and her gaze darkens with a renewed intensity. A silent understanding passes between you and the malicious being as her eyes lock back onto you. You may have escaped from her grasp today, but she will return for your heart. Maybe not tonight, maybe not tomorrow, but soon. Then, without warning, she disappears into the shadows.

And next time…

She won’t let you escape.

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