
Something about babies and candies

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Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Usually, Mindo was keen to avoid busy places. Especially now that she had a somewhat legit way of making money, there was no need for her to. She disliked the crowds, and especially the drooling, sticky kids that places like these usually attracted. Today was different though. She didn't have work, and was aching to get as far away from the four walls of her room as she could. Don't get her wrong, it was wonderful to have a roof over her head (even if it leaked sometimes), but staying in the same place for long just made her... Well, restless might be the kinder word the use. As not to loose her marbles, she actually got up and decided to get out. The allure of the halloween event had been enough to get her on a boat to Luminaland. And for someone who disliked crowds, Mindo was exceptionally good in blending in to one. As expected, the open square connecting the different rides was packed with people. She made her way through, the hood of her jacket covering most of her face as her keen eyes scanned the crowd. It was just too easy. Walking fast, she bumped into some inconspicuous looking stranger. With a mumbled apology, she went the other way, leaving them in the crowd. A grin from ear to ear painted her face, as she easily snatched the bills out of the wallet and threw the rest of its contents on the ground. Score.

Rather pleased with herself, she strolled up to one of the booths and bought the largest loaded fries she could find, together with a fruity cider. Was she gonna finish all of that? Definitely not. But who cared? Not her money. With her goods in her arms she sat down on top of one of the picnic tables. She let her Houndour out of its ball, and pushed a good amount of the fries towards her friend. She rarely put Soot in his ball, but where she disliked crowds, Soot straight up despised them. It was quieting down, though, and she was eager to share her loot with him.  

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Qiān was a great Pokémon, there was no denying that. Míngzé wouldn’t know what to do without him. Throughout the day he helped him numerous times. But he had a mind of his own and was sometimes just as stubborn as his owner. When he’d asked the pokémon to bring him to a stall where they sold sweets, he refused. First they ended up at a stall where they sold toys, then one with only drinks and now he could already smell the fries.

“Just what do you want?” he asked the Inteleon with a hint of desperation. He kept tugging at his sleeve, no matter how many times he tried to pull back. “I asked for a waffle, not fries.” It made his nose wrinkle just speaking about it. But Qiān grabbed his hand, pulling him towards somewhere, not even giving Míngzé time to struggle.

All Míngzé knew was that they were still at the same place, the overwhelming scent of fries not leaving his nose. Qiān had brought him towards a table where some girl sat with her pokémon and fries for the both of them. He looked at the girl, trying to get her attention by waving before pointing to himself, then the fries on the table, next to Míngzé and at last to the stall. It was simple. He wanted fries too. “Acreus, Qiān, stop bothering people.” At times his pokémon was too social and shameless.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Mindo was munching down on her fries with very little disregard for her environment. The sad truth was that her diet mostly consisted out of instant noodles and maybe other things she could nick from the market. It was miracle that she hadn't contracted scurvy yet, really. It was just that at the end of the month, there was often very little left for actually decent food. It was frustrating, to say the least. She had a roof over her head, and an actual job, but it was hard to deny the temptation of the more illegal activities. She had made so much more from doing the odd illegal job here and there... Then again, she had to remind herself, she was just as eager to lose it all while gambling the next day. Ugh, whatever.

Even before he came in her vision, she knew she was not alone by the way Soot stiffened, his hackles slightly raised. A strange pokémon approached her, and Mindo retorted slightly. It was an Inteleon. Yikes. Mindo eyed it suspiciously. She had never quite liked those weird lizards, they looked way too human for her liking. Especially with their weird, humanoid fingers. His trainer trailed behind him, looking slightly annoyed.

She stiffened, worrying for a second that this might have been the poor sod she had stolen the wallet from, looking for revenge. Luckily, the trainer did not seem familiar at all, and she relaxed only a little. At least he was a lot less off putting than his pokémon. The redhead took in his taller posture, her eyes lingering on his long, luscious hair. That would make most women jealous. She shifted, putting another fry in her mouth. Soot gave a warning bark, telling the Inteoleon apparently named Qiān to keep his distance. "Kinda rude to beg strangers for fries, ya know,"she said dryly, not really sure what to think of the two strangers. It was only then that she noticed his eyes, and the way the pokémon guided him. Her eyes widened. Shit, was he blind?   

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It would not take long for his stomach to start grumbling. After walking around for a few hours he got hungry and now he desperately wanted food, but he was not alone. Qiān was also hungry but had an appetite for something else. Míngzé couldn’t remember when his pokémon had become rather unruly all of the sudden, but sometimes Qiān forgot why he was here.

Míngzé really hoped the stranger wouldn’t mind Qiān’s behavior. Maybe a ‘it is fine’. But no. He grabbed the Inteleon by his arm and tried to pull him away from the other table. “I think he has forgotten what respect means,” Míngzé sighed. Again he tried to pull the pokémon with him but it was no use. Qiān pulled his arm free, leaving Míngzé momentarily speechless.

This behavior was definitely not normal for a pokémon that was well trained. “If you think this is how you’re getting fries, you’re wrong.” Míngzé crossed his arms and gave his pokémon a stern look, but Qiān only waved at him dismissively. He stood next to the young woman’s table and made no effort to move away. Mingze turned towards the other. “I’m truly sorry, I don’t know why he behaves like this,” he admits with a hint of desperation.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
As things progressed, the duo turned out to be quite comical. Mindo had heard of people who had pokémon to help them with their disabilities, but from what she had gathered they were usually trained to be quite obedient. This did not really seem to be the case here, as Mindo started to figure out that the weird lizard just had a real taste for fries. That made her crack up a little, as she could relate. Heh, maybe the Inteleon was hungover too. Happens to the best of us, buddy. Mindo smirked.

When the man grabbed the pokémons arm, and the Inteloen's response was just to immediately pull free and dismiss him, Mindo couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Oh fuck, this is good," she laughed well spirited, though a little mean. At least she was a lot less on edge than she'd initially been. What harm could a polite blind guy and his disobedient, fry obsessed pokémon do to her? With a grin she gave the Inteleon a look. "Guess dude just really wants some fucking fries, huh,"   She stuffed some of her own fries in her mouth and gave the rest to Soot, who gulped them down immediately. Like his trainer, he wasn't very eager to share. With a jump, Mindo got off the table and stood in front of the strangers. "I'll help your lizard get some fries," she put her hands in her pockets. "If you'll get me a beer, that is," Hey, everything came at a price, y'know? Was that morally wrong to ask of a blind guy? Maybe, but who cares.  

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé was slowly getting worried by his Pokémon's behavior. Ever since he got him, Qiān was well behaved and did exactly what he was supposed to do. This only started recently and out of nowhere. It was driving him mad, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. He shot the girl an annoyed look when she started laughing, but sighed deeply. To an outsider this must be hilarious.

“I don’t think fries are very good for him,” Míngzé muttered. It was clear that he had lost this fight. There was not much he could do against the pokémon. He was also hungry, he also really wanted some food, but was he getting it? No, not at all. “You’d almost think I’m here helping him.” For a moment Míngzé thought about it. Surely Qiān was not tired of his job. That would really complicate things.

The young woman offered to buy fries for Qiān in exchange for beer. If he denied it, he would not be going home soon. “Fine.” The inteleon made a happy noise, glad he won this battle. “Help me sit down first,” Míngzé said to him and now the pokémon was happy to help. He led him to the bench the other was sitting at and he swiftly sat down. Out of his pocket he grabbed some money and placed it on the table. “I’ll need the change back.” For this amount of money, she could buy herself at least four beers.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
The stranger did not really appreciate her laughing at him, unsurprisingly. She noticed, but it certainly didn't stop her. He looked at least somewhat well off, with his fancy clothes and all. Why on earth would he invest money in a service pokémon, that would lovingly ditch him for some fast food? It was beyond her, but at the moment, Mindo was grateful for it. The free fries and surprising scene had put her in a good mood, which was rather rare.

"Potatoes are vegetables, I'll have you know," she dismissed his words with a joke. Regardless, he already seemed to have given up the fight. The thought of him being his pokémon's service person made her chuckle a little. Well, suppose that was reciprocity for you. As the man finally relented, the Inteleon made happy noise that made Mindo warm up to him even more. As long as she didn't look at his weird human-like fingers, the lizard truly wasn't that bad. At least they shared a love of fries. Soot was not quite as thrilled, and kept a safe distance from the strangers, giving Mindo a somewhat annoyed glance every so often. The redhead ignored him, as the stranger handed her money without a second thought. It was a lot. Way too much. Shit.

Mindo had never been good with money, once it was in her hands, it slipped through her fingers like water. It wasn't that much, but then again, if she ran with it from a man with bad eyesight, surely she'd get away with it. For a second she seriously considered it, but then felt a pang of something almost like shame. No, she wouldn't. She already got her fill today, that wasn't the life she wanted to be involved with anymore. Besides, she was too full from the fries to run. Yeah, that was the reason. "Hm? oh, yeah, yeah," she dismissed him absentmindedly. Shaking off her earlier thought, she snatched the money from the table and gestured the Inteleon to follow her.

Luckily, the line was rather short. Within a very short moment, she had returned with the lizard happily munching on some fries, and not one, but two beers in her hand. With a wolfish grin on her face, she set one down next to the stranger. "Felt like you needed one too," she told him and cheersed his bottle without waiting for his response. As the silence grew, she could feel the eyes of the Inteleon burning. Ugh, fine. With some effort she grabbed the change from her pocket, and extended it to the stranger.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

No matter what he said, his pokémon was getting fries. They were ‘healthy’.  He highly doubted it was good for pokémon, but it would harm no one from eating them once. The girl left together with Qiān and Míngzé was left behind. He cupped his cheek as he went to lean on the table and took this chance to look around. There was too much going on for him to really make sense out of everything. It was tragic that his pokémon was about to have food, while he was the one who was hungry.

Míngzé looked up when the girl finally returned and a beer was pushed in his hands. This was unexpected. Most people would be delighted by this surprise, but Míngzé looked more lost than anything else. Their bottles touched each other and he still sat there unmoving. Slowly he brought it to his nose and sadly enough confirmed that it was indeed beer. “I don’t like beer,” he eventually said as he placed it down on the table and pushed it over to her. “Looks like you now have double the amount of fun.” It was rude of him not to accept something that was free, but it was her own fault for not asking. In exchange for the beer, he grabbed his money back and put it away without checking if it was the right amount.

Qiān had joined them at their table, happily munching from his fries. “Did they sell more than fried food?” Míngzé decided to ask. WHile frying everything was popular, it was one of the few things he did not like.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Her face dropped when he denied the drink she so generously bought him with his own money. Mindo rolled her eyes at him, but doubted he'd see it. "Boo, boring," she complained as a joke, but felt a little bit hurt. Stupid. It just meant more beers for her, she had no reason to complain. Setting the cold glass to her lips, she took a sip. Even though it had been colder lately, it still tasted good. One of the few chilled drinks she actually liked, though mostly for the alcohol.

The inteleon seemed very pleased with himself, munching down on the fries he had now obtained. Soot was sniffing at him from a distance, and Mindo snickered at the sight. Still weird, a pokémon on its hind legs that behaved suspiciously human. But c'mon, how could you not identify at least a little bit with a pokémon who gnawed down on fries with as much delight as a toddler? TWell, perhaps she should've asked the stranger that. Mindo looked thoughtful for a second. "I'm pretty sure they sell those french sounding pancakes too," She stretched her neck to see. "How on earth can you not like fries though?" she gestured at his pokémon. "At least your lizard's got taste,"   

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Mingze huffed when she boo'd him for not drinking the beer she ordered. "Maybe if you'd asked me before ordering beer—" he started but did not finish his sentence, he did not have to. If she'd asked hi, he would've told her he wanted something else. Instead he shook his head. "I don't drink," Mingze explained. Not that he would drink beer even if he did drink other things. It is disgusting.

Qian was sitting next to him and he just knew the pokémon was enjoying himself. Hopefully he did not discover a new taste. Mingze was not planning on buying him fries daily. The pokémon had his back slightly turned towards the houndour, protecting his precious meal.

"French sounding pancakes?" Those he'd never heard of, but it was better than whetever they had. "Don't like the taste, that's all. People go craze for them, but there is something about them that I really can't stand." And he wasn't even a picky eater. But the smell of food made his stomache grumble. In an attempt to quiet down the sounds, he placed a hand on his abdomen, but it was futile. Her comment about Qian made him roll his eyes. "You are right, a bad taste is still a taste." A very bad one in this case.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
 Awh, did she hurt his feelings? The way he huffed at her only widened her grin, but she bit her tongue before mockingly repeating his words. He did just buy her a beer, no, two beers. Perhaps unwillingly, but still. Then again, she didn't really mind his company, or his lizard friend for that matter. At the very least, they had made her day more interesting. That was worth something. "Your loss," she shrugged and charmingly put both bottles to her lip at the same time, taking a large sip that she nearly choked on. Imagine not drinking. How boring, and terribly depressing life would be.

The redhead cocked her head at him. "Y'know, the very thin ones. Creeps? Kraps? Crepees? Something like that," it was french sounding word that her dyslexia did not agree with at all. Another point for fries over crêpes, at least that was a word she could make out anywhere. "They're sweet, if that's what you're looking for," look at her being helpful and everything. It definitely made up for the few coins she slipped between her fingers into her own pocket. Just a few, nothing he would miss, nothing he would know. She just couldn't help herself. "Damn, who's the rude one now?" she laughed. Between him and his pokémon, he was the only one judging her taste in food. At least his pokémon shared her appetite. Not that she really minded, in fact, his snarkiness rather charmed her. It wasn't quite what she'd expect from someone so regal looking. "So you'd rather starve than give into these delicious snacks?" she snatched one of his inteleon's fries and dangled it in front of his nose, making sure the fried odor would hit him. With a subtle throw, she dropped it into her own mouth, a toothy grin on her face.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The pancakes — or more like the french kind of pancakes — didn’t sound too bad. He hummed softly as he thought it through. Nothing could go wrong with something sweet. He should also get something to drink, because he was not touching that beer.

One corner of his mouth pulled into a smile when she could laugh at his comment. Good, she did not take it personally. “Have I ever stated otherwise?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. Míngzé would never deny it.

Míngzé wrinkled his nose when he could reek the disgusting smell of one of her fries. Using the back of his hand, he pushed hers away. “That’s a difficult question,” Míngzé said as if he was already deep in thought. “I’m afraid starving is the lesser of two evils.” Now he was simply being dramatic for the sake of it. If he really had to, he would eat that, but there were so many options to choose from here.

When he looked over his shoulder, all he could see were various colors of blobs all moving around each other. There were simply too many people for him to be able to navigate. “Qiān, can you stop eating for a second and help?” he asked the pokémon, but he only made a sound which meant ‘no’. Mingze blinked a few times as he gaped at his pokémon. Meanwhile, the large reptile offered one of his fries to the Houndour.

“Pokémon, they are worse than children,” he sighed as he let his shoulders hang. It’s fine, he would wait until his pokémon was done. If he’d brought his cane, there would be no problem, but he simply refused.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
  "Nah, but you look the posh type," she appreciated the smile he gave her. This felt nice, actually. Mindo wasn't used to having conversations like... These. Not with complete strangers, that was for sure. Previously, all strangers were enemies. Out on the streets, the luxury of small talk was something they could rarely afford. Especially for someone like her, it was better to just stay out of everyone's way as to not get mugged for money or drugs. But here, now, people were just... Carefree. He was, and she could be too. At least a little bit. In this moment, she didn't really need anything from him. That felt nice.

"Hm-hmmm, i'll ask you that again when you've gone without food for a few days," she said with a grin, chowing down on the fry she had snatched. "I bet you'll be begging me for one then," On hand and knees, she'd bet. Something like that could turn a picky eater into an omnivore real fast. Mindo would know.

The stranger turned his attention back to his lizard, who was stowing its face with fries in utter delight. Despite the polite tone of his question, the pokémon blatantly denied him. It was enough to make Mindo fold over in laughter, banging her fist on the table. Sure, Soot wasn't that big or impressive, but at least he listened. This Qiān just seemed to do as he pleased, not even minding his trainer sulking next to her on the bench. Still recovering from her laughter, she watched him toss a fry towards Soot. Apparently he'd warm up enough to the strange pokémon, as he sprang up and snatched it between his teeth mid air.

"So I'm guessing your lizard's not just a regular pokémon, right?" she guessed. It was quite clear the stranger was desperate to satiate his sweet tooth, and apparently, he could not do it without his pokémon. From his movements, Mindo made up that must be related to his vision, or some other kind of disability. She set one of the beers to her lip again, finishing it in just a few big gulps. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "If he's like, y'know, some kind of guide pokémon, why doesn't he listen?" she asked him. "Or are fries just his mortal weakness?"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

For a moment he was taken aback. That was not something he heard every day. “The posh type? You should see my apartment, nothing posh about it.” But that did not matter, he was happy to have a place to live in that he could call his own. Even though it was a shithole apartment.

Míngzé pretended to really weigh out his options. A humm rolled over his lips and he slightly narrowed his eyes. “No, starvation still sounds better,” he decided jokingly. No, if he was very hungry and there was no other option at hand, he would have no problem eating some fries. He was not that spoiled. But right now there was another option and it was just out of reach. Mostly because Qiān was being a little bitch lately. And this girl also noticed.

A frustrated sigh escaped. “Correct, they trained him to help people.” Years ago his family had bought him once he could no longer go outside without his stupid cane. He was perfectly well behaved then and Míngzé had no idea what had gone wrong. “It might be, at least that would explain things.” Míngzé looked at Qiān who continued eating from his fries, unbothered by the fact that they were talking about him. Every now and then he tossed another one to the Houndour.

"Honestly? I have no idea, he started acting this way recently,” Míngzé sighed. It was rather frustrating, especially since the pokémon seemed to listen to everyone but him. “Maybe he got tired of me, who knows.” For now he was not worried. He could always go back and ask the people who trained him for advise, but for now he didn’t think that was necessary.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
 Well, that was a surprise. For someone who refused to eat fries, had a fancy all evolved pokémon, and at least relatively decent black clothes, she'd at least expected him to be somewhat well off. Mindo shrugged, guessing that there might be some history behind the guy that she wasn't going to get into with a complete stranger. Either that, of healthcare here was actually better than she'd originally thought it to be. The deep distrust she fostered towards the authorities had caused her to never make use of it before. She took care of her own. Sorta.

"Suit yourself, I'm siding with your lizard here," a wide grin was plastered on her face, actually finding some enjoyment in the conversation they were having. His sense of humor surprised her, and so did his weird helper pokémon. Apparently the dark-haired stranger wasn't quite satisfied with the service his Qiān was providing him, how surprising. Mindo would beg to differ, any pokémon training someone to like fries was doing a service to its trainer, and humanity in general. Her own pokémon would certainly agree, as he was happily munching on the fries the Inteleon was throwing at him, despite already having had his own share. "Fat fuck," Mindo joked at Soot, before returning her attention to him. His last words made her snort."Heh, imagine that. Or maybe he sees you as his own personal butler, instead of the other way around," she laughed, and pondered for a moment before doing something quite unlike herself. "You know what, if your pokémon isn't gonna help, I'll come with you to get some food. Wouldn't want you poor unfortunate soul to starve," she said with a shrug and sat up from the bench, planting her hands in the pockets of her jacket. "If you'll let me steal a bite, that is," her eyes met his own. "I'm Mindo, by the way,"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé couldn’t help himself from rolling his eyes when she declared to side with Qiān. All because he liked fries too. “Obviously the wrong side, but you made your choice.” The Inteleon made a happy sound and even gave one of his last fries away to the girl. It was ridiculous how easy the creature made friends with everyone.

“Me? A butler?” Míngzé repeated as he looked at Qiān who acted as if they weren’t talking about him. He couldn’t help but shake his head. “Then he has horrible taste in butlers too.” A butler who had trouble pouring a drink was not one that was very desirable. Just like fries were also not very desirable.

But then the other offered to help him. With a raised eyebrow Míngzé looked at her questionably. “It’s fine, you don’t have to,” he told her, but too late as she was already standing on her feet again. Looks like he has no other option. With a soft sigh he stands up from his seat too. “It all depends on you being a good butler.” If she was, then maybe she could have one very small bite. A little one.

His newly found butler introduced herself as Mindo. “Míngzé,” he said in response as he held out his hand. “It’s best if I hold your elbow.” That way he had more stability and it was easier to follow her.  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
His remark earned him a laugh. "Nah, I bet you're not half as bad," she wasn't sure if it was a compliment or insult, be he looked like a butler. His luscious, black hair and sharp facial features just made him look... Fancy? She wasn't quite sure what made her have that connotation, but it was amusing nonetheless. Then again, having a butler with a disability (and she assumed it was his eyesight) most likely wasn't very productive.

"Eh, I know. But you did just buy me two beer. Gotta keep the score even," she responded to his protest with a shrug. Despite, if it would earn her another snack, she'd be happy to oblige. For someone her size, she had quite the appetite. The stranger didn't seem entirely to pleased, though. He got up with a sigh, which annoyed her. For once she was being kind, she was helping, and he didn't want it? Mindo scoffed. "You don't have to. I'm not dragging your ass there," she remarked dryly, her tiny ego clearly a little bruised.

Still, she managed to get over herself, even introducing herself to the stranger, who was apparently named Mingze. "Heh, so Min-do and Min-gze, that works," his following words made the smile fade from her face. Right. She should have seen that one coming. Mindo wasn't the greatest fan of physical touch with strangers, and reluctantly extended her arm towards the man, allowing him to hold on to her. His touch immediately sent electricity through her body, his sudden proximity far too intimate for her liking. Slightly awkward, she started moving towards the food truck. Soot gave her a concerned look, but she gestured him to stay with the Inteleon. He did so reluctantly, keeping his eyes on her as they moved away. The silence hung between them, thick and awkward. Mindo cleared her throat, a thought occurring to her. "Wait, you mentioned living in a shitty appartement, right?" she tried to steer the conversation in a different direction. "Whereabouts?"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It was only fair after he paid for her two beers. Míngzé hummed in agreement. That was true. Giving it a second thought he decided he deserved this. Still, he’d hoped his own damn pokémon would do his job, but that seemed impossible. The stupid thing. Apparently she did not like his reaction. “Too late, I already accepted your offer.” As if that meant anything. She did not have to and if she decided she did not want to, that was fine by him. But she went through with it.

“A match made in heaven,” he said dryly after she commented on their almost matching names. Míngzé was completely unaware of Mindo’s inner conflicts that followed. All he did was calmly wait until he could gently place his hand against her arm. It was a light touch, but enough for him to be of help. In this position however, it was impossible to keep his distance from her. Luckily for him, it was something he’d made peace with years ago. As she started moving, he followed suit.

Her sudden question made him look to the side with a cocked eyebrow.  “Yeah, more towards the city. It’s a big building, but the prices were cheap and the inside is not too bad.” Míngzé wanted to live alone, take care of himself, but he had to start small and that is why this place was perfect. “And so far the neighbors are quiet.” Especially at night. He really preferred not to listen to their nightly activities.

As they walked he was extra careful, not trusting her as much as he would Qiān. He could not expect her to be as thorough as his pokémon. “How much was it?” Míngzé asked while taking the change she’d given back earlier.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
His hand was light, yet his gentle touch felt heavy on her arm. Judging from his neutral expression, their proximity did not seem to bother Mingzé in the slighted. She guessed he had grown quite accustomed to it, with his sight and all. The same could note be said for Mindo, who was now rather thankful for the fact he could not see the shifting expressions on her face. She was fine with being pushed around, with spending nights with strangers every once in a while, but not to this. Honestly, she hated it - it made her horribly uncomfortable. Arceus, get a grip. She knew she was being weird about nothing, and forced herself to calm down. It was just a dude holding her arm, he wasn't strangling her. Arceus.

She was thankful he took her bait, as their conversation offered some distraction. A bit too much, perhaps, as she nearly let him bump into another stranger. She managed to get him out of the way just in time. Right, he was blind. She was guiding him. "Close to Silverton square? Ugly fucking grey buildings?" she guessed, eyeing him with a newfound curiosity. The block she lived in had somewhat of a reputation, it was situated in the less savory part of the city and often the place were young, rather poor people like her lived. Students, but also just... Well, dipshits like her. It wouldn't susprise her if he lived close, or at least knew what she was talking about.

She guided him through the crowd, approaching the food truck smelling almost sickly sweet. It was his question that caught her off guard. "Ehh," she hesitated, the few coins she'd snatched from him weighing heavy in her pocket. Oh, she really was an asshole. "Dunno, I think like 14 bucks or something?" she got the coins back from her pocket and snatched Mingzé's change from his hands shortly after, making up for what she'd previously done. Once again happy he couldn't see. "I'll get it for you, what do you want?" she offered.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé was right not to fully trust her. There was a sudden rougher pull that surprised him, but she continued talking like nothing happened. He quickly looked to the side, vaguely seeing someoneés figure walk by. So they almost crashed into someone. So far not the best ‘butler’ he’s had. “It is close to Silverton Square and it is definitely not a new building. I’m pretty sure some of the local youth likes to smoke whatever it is they have near the dumpsters in the back.” It always had a very interesting smell over there and if he left his window open at night he could sometimes hear them. Luckily it was further away from his apartment and did not bother him at night. “You know it?” Míngzé asked while he looked at her. The place had a certain reputation, which is why people told him not to move into that apartment. Yet he did anyway and was still alive. So all good.

Without giving him the chance to object, Mindo decided she would get it and grabbed his money. Míngzé knitted his eyebrows and was planning on saying something about it but ended up swallowing his words. No matter what, he was still capable of doing a lot himself, but he figured she just wanted to be helpful. “One of those french pancakes you talked about.” It would be enough to ease his hunger and once he was back home he could make something better.

He remembered what she’d said earlier. “Make that two,” he said with a shrug. If she wanted to take a bite, he might as well buy two. “Do you have enough?” If she didn’t he always had some more. While he would not enjoy any of the attractions, he still came prepared.     


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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