
Something about babies and candies

2 posters
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
As he progressed, the grin widened on his face, until it stretched from ear to ear. "Elevator has been barred off for Arceus knows how long?" she tried focusing her attention towards him again, but remembered just in time that she was supposed to be his guide dog at the moment. "Oh yeah I know it, I live there," she laughed. Honestly, it shouldn't have been that surprising. In her months living there, Mindo had quickly learned that that block had been used to stuff away people like them for a while. For now, she decided not to tell them that those 'local youths' could have very well been her, he really didn't have to know."Well fuck me, guess we're neighbors then," Honestly, not the worst kind of luck. There were plenty of shitty people living there, even worse than she was when it came to noise and illegal activity. At least he seemed like a decent neighbor. Shame he didn't like beer.

As Mindo snatched the money from his hand, she saw him frown at her. She twitched nervously, but thankfully Míngzé didn't make a fuss. Whatever he was thinking, he did best to keep thinking it. She really was just a stupid, untrustworthy fuck. The hell was she thinking, stealing a few bucks? It would barely be enough to buy a lollipop. Arceus, nobody should ever trust her with any amount of money.Thankfully, Míngzé ordered, and Mindo dutifully handed over the cash. The rest of the change - all of it, this time- she handed back to him, feeling a little bit better about herself. "Yeah, yeah it's fine," she said, slightly taken aback by his kindness. "If this is your ploy to get me to switch sides, it's not gonna work. Fries are still better," she joked, not entirely sure how to thank him. After all, she was not that different from a stray animal - free food was a fairly easy way to win her over. The man handed them back their crêpes and told them to enjoy their meal. Mindo sniffed in the delicious, sweet aroma.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Even after everything she’d revealed about the building he lived in, it still came as a surprise when she came to the conclusion that they were neighbors. “What? No, that’s pretty insane.” How small the world was for them to meet at a place like this. “I would say I haven’t seen you around but—” he started his sorry excuse of a joke. Míngzé swallowed his words before he could finish it and forever regret it. “Anyway— I just moved in, third floor. Any more places you know of that I should avoid? Or people?” There were a lot of shady people living there, but so far they’ve left him alone.

Míngzé did not mind that she paid, it was easier that way. They had to wait a bit while their order was being prepared, which was no problem at all. Yet, there was one small problem. Mindo still was convinced those disgusting fries were better. “How can you know without even tasting them first?” Míngzé asked in return, his eyebrows raised in a challenge. Even without having tried these, he already knew they were superior compared to fries.

After receiving their order, Míngzé softly pulled her arm so that they could step out of the way before turning towards her. “Although, if you don’t want it, you can give it back.” Momentarily he let go of her arm only to be able to hold out his hand so that she could give her crêpe back. He could eat both and if it was too much, then Qiān would not complain either.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Míngzé appeared more surprised than she was. Perhaps rightfully so, but with the amount of tenants they stuffed into those prison cells Mindo really wasn't. The rather harsh reality was that in this economy, affording a decent room or house in their price range was close to impossible. It forced all people like them into an uncomfortable proximity. Hell, if she'd be able to choose, she'd much rather be in one of the houses she used to squat - all on her own. At least they had working appliances, and cupboards that didn't threaten to fall out of their hinges with the slightest movement. Well, at least he did disprove her initial impression of him being fancy. "Well shit, so do I? Must be opposite ends then, I don't think I've seen you before," for a second she wondered if maybe he had recignized her, before realizing the flaw in her logic. "Oh definitely watch out fir my upstairs neighbour. He's a failed rockstar and loves the blast music at ungodly hours. You might've heard him already," fucking Johnny.

"Says the guy refusing to put a fry in his mouth," she replied with a sly grin. Then again, these did actually smell really fucking good. Mindo fostered a strong love for any food dunked and fried in ungodly amounts of fat and oil, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy some sweets from time to time. What could she say, she possessed a fine and diverse pallet. A gentle touch stopped her stream of thought. On instinct, she immediately pulled away before realizing it was actually Míngzè. Feeling a little embarrassed, she guided his hand back to her arm and slowly led him back to the bench.

"Nuh-huh" she shook her head at him. "You'd find me dead before ever I refuse free food," she pulled the paper plate away from his grasp, teasing him. "I owe you one though. Considering we're apparently neighbours, I'll bring over some beer to settle the score some time," a frown formed on her face. "Or whatever you like to drink,"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Who’d have thought that he would meet a neighbor here of all places. The chances were slim, but given that it was a huge apartment with many people, not impossible. But then came the big surprise, they were also from the same floor. “This is getting rather— scary.” This was too much of a coincidence. “I also only recently moved in, apartment 3C. The only one I’ve met — except for you now, is the old lady down the hall. She brought me an extremely burned apple pie.” It had smelled burned, but still he’d tried it, but he ended up throwing the whole pie away. If he thought back on it, he could still taste the disgusting taste on his mouth. When she informed him about some failed rockstar, Míngzé couldn’t help but sigh deeply. “That’s not going to keep me awake at night at all,” he said sarcastically.  

She would not give up on the fries and Míngzé rolled his eyes. “It’s called having taste,” Míngzé countered. If he did not need to put those foul things in his mouth, he would not do it. As they would now go back, he grabbed her arm, but she immediately pulled back. “Sorry,” he said, thinking he’d only startled her.

When Míngzé sat back down, he could immediately hear Qiān’s soft plea. “No, you had your fries.” Maybe if he’d behaved himself before, he would’ve given him a piece, but he would not praise this behavior. One corner of his mouth was slightly raised when Mindo refused to give the food back. Thought so. “I’ll keep you to your word.” Meanwhile, he took a bite from his food, happy to finally have something to eat. “You have to agree this is better than fries.” He would not take no for an answer.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
The confusion was clearly portrayed on her face as the man continued on, explaining how they lived only a few feet removed from each other. The fact they lived in the same appartement complex, sure, that didn't surprise her too much. But the same floor, too? Well shit, at least he was actually kind of decent. Nice to have a neighbour she didn't want to strangle, or at the minimum avoid. "Heh, yeah, that's Mrs Bundy, she can't cook for shit. If you smell burning, its mostly just her baking something," they were all quite the character, just as Johnny was. "Just use a broomstick to knock on the ceiling a few times, usually shuts him up... For a little while, at least,"

Despite their amicable neighbourly conversations, the battleaxe was not yet buried. Mindo was too much of a garbage disposal to give up her free food, and she was willing to admit that it was quite good - but nothing could beat the godly, savoury goodness of loaded fries. "Absolutely not," she kept her stance, though her stuffing her mouth with the crêpe made it seem rather unconvincing. "Good, yes, better, no," Slowly, they navigated their way back to their pokémon. Chewing on her treat, she shifted her attention to Míngzé. "Alright well, that was quite the adventure," She said, sensing their encounter was coming to an end. "Sure your lizard won't wander off again?"


Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Having a neighbor down the hall that could not cook and burned everything was not the worst. So far their whole floor did not seem that bad, even though he only met two of the residents. What worried him slightly was the next person she talked about. “So far he hasn’t bothered me” Hopefully Míngzé lived too far away to actually be bothered by it.

Now that he finally had something in his stomach, Míngzé felt like he could make it home again. He was glad he did not settle for the fries Mindo offered him numerous times. This was far better. At the mention of Qiān, the two of them gave each other a look and Míngzé raised one shoulder. “Not at all, but he better behaves otherwise this was the last time he had fries,” he said, more to his pokémon than to Mindo. It did the trick. Qiān stood up and threw away their trash.

Meanwhile, Míngzé also got up from his seat. “Until next time, I guess. It was nice meeting you,” he said honestly.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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