
Housewarming party

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

This had been a bad idea. Míngzé had toyed with the idea of canceling his family dinner he was hosting in honor of his first apartment. It was the smart thing to do. He was not up to the task. His mind was still somewhere in a desperate attempt to find himself. If he noticed something was wrong, how would his own parents be blind to it? They knew him too well. His sister too. Even Qiān was still stuck in his ball and had been for the last few days.

Vaguely he could hear someone speak, and then the voice became clearer and he recognized it as Lányù’s. The smell of the soup he was stirring also came to the surface again.

“Did you say something?” he asked as he looked up at Lányù. While stirring his thoughts had drifted off to a far away place, but they were now pulled back. Again he was reminded that this was wrong. That they shouldn’t be doing this at a time like this. “Sorry, I uh— I got distracted for a moment.” Míngzé had no idea what they were talking about. The soup was boiling and probably even ready, still he was stirring.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Lányù was worried. She stood leaning against the kitchen counter, finger absentmindedly sliding over the cool surface behind her, head slightly cocked as she observed her brother. She had done so for the past five minutes and in that time, he had just been staring into the soup as if he was waiting for it to sprout legs. He seemed preoccupied, to put it mildly. You are going to turn it into broth if you stir much longer.“” She eventually remarked. It was as if he forgot she was there, but she noticed him ‘waking up’ from his thoughts at the sound of her voice. She raised an eyebrow and placed the paring knife on the chopping block next to the partially cut bits of carrot.

“What were you thinking about? You looked like you were miles away.” She remarked, doing one figuratively look around the room as if she wanted to confirm something. It hadn’t escaped her attention that Qiãn was nowhere to be seen and that together with everything else was worrying her. Yes, indeed. Baatezu was lounging near the windows, looking out towards  the busy street but turning his head alertly at the sound of his master’s voice. The Houndoom’s tail lazily scratched the floor, curious about the absence of Qiān. His smell was very faint. He hadn’t been here for a few days at least.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Finally, he stopped stirring the soup and put the wooden spatula away in the sink. Lányù turned towards him and he had a good idea of how she was looking at him. It was a face he could vaguely remember from years ago, when his vision had been better. A look of worry probably clouded her eyes. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”He gave her a small smile that did not reach his eyes. There was no way Míngzé could tell her anything. He knew he’d promised that he would talk about it, but not with her. It was history repeating itself.

The soup was boiling and he quickly turned off the stove before it would burn. “The soup is ready, I can start on the potatoes if you can cut the vegetables.” Míngzé knew exactly where everything was and already had the bag of potatoes in front of him and the peeler in his hands. Hopefully she would let it go now that he’d given her something else to do. Slowly he started peeling the potatoes, being careful not to peel off his own skin. “Mom and dad will be here at five,” he continued his attempt of pretending nothing was wrong.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Lányù didn’t really expect an answer for him, at least not straight away. She shot him a disapproving glare he could not see when he attempted to shot her a smile that was about as genuine as politicians during election campaigns. She let out an exasperated sound. “Do you take me for a fool, little brother?” The question was rhetorical, of course, as Míngzé casually turned towards the bag of potatoes, peeler already in hand. Nevertheless, she also turned around and resumed cutting the carrots, feigning disinterest that she was certain he could see right through. As she cut off a particular big chunk of it, she did another do-over of the room. “That Intelion of yours is slacking. I’ve been here for forty minutes already and he hasn’t showed up once.” Perhaps a different approach was at hand. The muffled rustling of potato peels mixed with Lán’s steady tack! when her knife hit the cuttingboard. She quickly let her yellow eyes focus on the clock at the wall, a mostly useless accessory for Míng. They still had a good while before they would arrive. Plenty of time to drill him until he confessed.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Lying to someone who has always been in your life was near impossible. If something was wrong with Lányù he would also notice it immediately. Míngzé sighed at the realization that this really had been one big mistake. It did not come as a surprise, but now he was certain. Maybe he could still call his parents and cancel. “It’s nothing. I’m not sleeping that well, probably because I’m still getting used to this place. It’s different from our home.” A simple lie, but not one that was unbelievable. Even before— he had not been sleeping well. If he took that into account, it was not even a lie.

Míngzé stopped peeling the potatoes when Lányù asked about Qiān. He tried not to think about him, but other people noticed his absence, especially his sister who knew that the pokémon was always around. “He needed some time for himself,” he said as he continued his work like nothing happened. It was true, the pokémon needed some time off from the looks of it. Although putting him away in a pokéball was probably not the best idea.

He looked at Lányù, but mostly at the knife she held. “Are you trying to cut through my counter?” he asked, another attempt at pretending.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Lányù was only half paying attention to cutting up the carrots, cutting off some sizable chunks as she had most of her attention focused on her brother, often glancing over her shoulder to stare at his back as if she would somehow discern the truth of his words by looking at him. It was frustrating that he would hold something back from her. She said nothing when he told her he had not been sleeping well. For what is was worth, she believed at least that part of the story. He looked like had barely slept at all .. She let out a sigh. Just as she wanted to ask him something else, she missed the carrot by an inch and felt a sharp pain shoot through her index finger. “Gods damn it!” She hissed as she saw bright red liquid pool at the surface of her skin. Not for nothing, but he sure kept his knives sharp. She quickly shuffled over to her brother and turned on the tap water, sticking her bloody finger under it with a winch. “So you expect me to believe all that is wrong with you is that you’re not sleeping well? Really?” She went on, eyebrow raised and a steely look fixed on Ming’s face. “You need a to do a hell of a lot better than that.” She turned off the water and brought her bleeding finger closer to her face. A nasty cu tran from the left corner of her nail to the second phalanx and looked quite deep. “Got any bandages?” She continued on, steadying her eyes on her brother again. It was a weird thing. Alternating between interrogating him and casual conversation.   

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Everytime he closed his eyes for sleep, those memories slipped back into his mind. At least, Miongze feared that’s what they were. There were missing pieces in this puzzle, but it was a puzzle he did not want to finish. He rather lost all the pieces than keeping the remaining ones. Combined with the fact that he was alone in his apartment ever since he’d locked Qiān in his ball, caused a lack of sleep.

Again Míngzé felt his mind wander away as he was slowly peeling the potatoes. Lányù’s loud curing broke through to him and he let go of everything he was holding immediately. “Are you alright?” he asked concerned as he stepped closer and lay a hand against her arm. “Did you cut yourself?” This was always what bothered him the most, his inability to know what was wrong with someone. For all he knew, Lányù had cut off a finger and he wouldn’t know.

But she was quick to turn the conversation around again, so she was probably fine. He slowly let his hand drop from her shoulder again. “I don’t know what's wrong, okay? I really don’t,” he said louder than intended, giving in to the pressure. Míngzé took a staggering breath. None of it made any sense. He still wasn’t sure if all of it had simply been a bad dream.

“Uhm yeah— I do.” For a moment Míngzé was disorientated, and that in his own kitchen where everything was neatly organized. Eventually he moved to a drawer where he kept a small first aid kit. With shaking hands he opened the kit and went through the bandages. “Do you need a large one?” Luckily for her, he was well prepared for this kind of injury.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Míngzé answered her question, his voice raised slightly that made his sister pause. Lányù felt a pang of sympathy for her brother, but it reinforced that really something was wrong. She was getting closer. She also let out a sigh as she nodded. “Yeah, gimme one that wraps around my entire finger. I cut myself.” She muttered as she contemplated her next words. She looked at Baatezu who looked up at her with a questioning look, the Houndoom sniffing the air and tasting the blood that dripped from her finger. Furthermore, she leaned against the counter as she heard Ming rumble around in his first aid kit. “Come on, Míngzé. You know you can tell me anything. I want to help you.” It wasn’t a lie. It was the truth and the whole truth. The thing she had been doing since they were small and their brother had been shot. The way how he withdrew from her like this, it hurt her. They had their own stuff going on, their own lives with their own secrets that came with it, but this was something else. Something deeper. She pressed her shoulder against his in a soothing gesture. 

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

One that wraps fully around. Hopefully that meant the cut was not too bad. Míngzé found one bandage and handed it over so that she could apply it. It would be easier if someone else could do it for her, but that was out of the option. “Is it bad?” he asked while closing the medkit again. “Let me know if I can help.” Míngzé was worried, of course he was worried, even if it was only a small cut. It was just like she was worried now too. Even if she’d cut herself really badly, he would want to know about it. That was only fair.

A small smile broke through when he felt her shoulder against his, but the smile did not reach his eyes. Something about physical contact he liked more than simple, plain words. “I don’t think you can help me with this one,” he confessed. “Like I said, I don’t know what happened. It’s part of the reason why Qiān is in his ball.” It felt wrong to keep him locked up in there, but it was the only thing he could do. The only reason he did not question his own sanity completly, was because the pokémon's behavior.

Míngzé moved so that he stood next to Lányù, also leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest. “A few days ago I went to the beach with Qiān, like we do almost every week, and—” he swallowed back his words as he tried his best to decipher how to say this. Softly he started rubbing his own arm. “I think I got attacked, but next thing I know I wake up on the beach, a day later,” Míngzé told her with an uncomfortable laugh. It all sounded so unbelievable. And that was minus everything in between. “Maybe I just hit my head.” Although there had been no injury at all.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Lányù reached for his hands, closing her own around his and guiding his hands to her own wounded finger to assist him towards the place of hur so he could bandage it for her. She muttered a soft instruction to him how it looked and where she had cut herself, and left him to it. Closing her yellow eyes as she let him do as he did. She wasn’t a fan of blood. His next words made her pause. So, Qiãn was in his pokéball. She frowned at this, not liking the idea of the poor pokémon locked up in that prison for even an hour. It was supposed to be comfortable inside, the creature suspended in some form of stasis, but Lányù never liked the idea of it. She was about to reply to it, a sharp comment already on her tongue, when he continued, she decided against it. Intently looking at his face, studying it as he began to speak. She felt her stomach drop. “Attacked?” She repeated, voice strained. “Like someone had robbed you? Did someone hurt you?” She said as she turned her body to face him, tone serious and yellow eyes intently fixed on his face now, dreading the next words that would surely follow but also grounding herself to stay strong and not let her emotions get the better of her. She wanted to ask him a lot more but stayed quiet, allowing him the room to answer at his own pace.  

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

A small smile formed on his lips when Lányù put her trust in him. Carefully, afraid that he might hurt her, he followed her instructions. It was not easier than doing it yourself, but that did not matter. The fact that she let him do it and helped, already meant a lot.

Míngzé shook his head, again placing a hand against her arm. “Don’t worry,” he tried to reassure her. “Nothing like that.” But maybe it would’ve been better. At least then it would’ve been a simple human being. “Just a bunch of wild pokémon,” he continued while lifting his shoulders. He kept his gaze towards the floor. With what happened to their brother, could he even tell her what happened. Their brother never did and look where that got him.

With some effort, he forced himself to keep talking. “Something happened, but it’s a mess— in here.” Míngzé tapped his head. “I sort of remember being underwater, but that’s impossible. My clothes were fully dry when I woke up.” None of it made sense. Still, there was something telling him what happened, but it was a feeling he couldn’t place.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Míngzé began to bandage up her hand, the sight reminding Lán of those times when they had been younger, and she had scraped her knee or sprained her ankle. He had always patched her up during those moments, much like he was doing right now. The sight reminiscent of that time that was so long ago now. Itt felt nice when he placed the cooling bandage over the cut, it being big enough to cover is even if he had had misjudged the angle slightly. She let out a slight sigh of relief when her initial worry wasn’t confirmed and he at least wasn’t physically attacked but a person-although when he mentioned wild pokémon she once again began to chew the inside of her cheek. That did not improve matters much. She leaned in closer when she noticed it took him some effort to continue talking, placing her good hand on his shoulder.

It .. did not make much sense though and she frowned in confusion. The first thought that came to mind was some form of memory loss. “Like you went for a swim, but then dried off in the sun or something?” She suggested. That was ridiculous. Ming couldn’t swim. Qiãn obviously could, but he would absolutely know better than to take his master into the water. “What else?” Láng went on, picturing a scene of Míng laying in the sand on some random beach and feeling nauseous.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

This is where he should stop and let it be. Maybe a simple lie. Míngzé could tell her this was all he remembered, that there was nothing more. But she was his sister. Out of everyone, she knew fully well that he could not swim, that he even avoided the sea as much as possible. “It’s not summer anymore, Lányù,” he reminded her. Even after a day it would’ve been impossible for his clothes to dry with what little sun they had. “Even if it had, it would’ve smelled.” Those clothes he’d worn that day were now somewhere in the trash.

What else?

It was the first time he spoke about it, and saying it all out loud made everything even more surreal. If those memories didn’t come back over and over again, he would’ve thought he’d gone completely mad. “I don’t remember ever reaching the surface again. I was— I was underwater and then I was on the beach and Qiān was not there. He was still looking for me. ” A smile broke through, but it was more one filled with uncertainty and loss.

Quickly he turned around, back to the potatoes he was cutting. “Like I said, I must’ve hit my head or something,” he said as an attempt to lighten up the mood. Míngzé peeled the potatoes way faster as before, missing a lot of spots but he did not even notice his sloppy work.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Her brother continued on, she began to like the direction it was taking less and less. She anxiously chewed the inside of her cheek, a habit she had shaken a while ago and would resurface only when she was anxious or stressed. Pricking through her controlled demeanor like a pin to a balloon. Of course, he was right it wasn’t summer anymore, but her mind had begun to grasp at anything hopeful.

“I don’t remember ever reaching the surface again. I was— I was underwater and then I was on the beach and Qiān was not there. He was still looking for me. ”

Láng felt her hand falter as she let the meaning of those words sink in. She felt her heart break a little when a weak smile broke through his demeanor and he went on to continue peeling the potatoes. Her hand hovered uselessly in the air as she looked down at the potato he was peeling, part of it still covered in the light brown peel. “When you say you don’t remember even reaching the surface .. ” Her voice sounded distant, words meticulously articulated. “You mean you passed out? While underwater?” The question hung in the air between them as the implications of that was left unsaid. Her face blank, yet her eyes were now looking at him with a sharp intent. Near the window, Baatezu lifted his head, staring at Láng with a nervous flick of his tail.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

He’d told her what he knew, or thought he knew. It was a messy story, but that was how it was in his head. One big mess he could not comprehend himself. But now she knew too and he was ready to stop talking about it. Of course his sister wouldn’t let it go. Míngzé closed his eyes when she started asking more questions. Question he had no answers for.

“Lányù, I don’t know,” Míngzé said stronger this time. The potato he’d been peeling he deemed ready and thus he let it fall into a pot, only to grab a new one and start all over. “You can’t d— if that happened, there is no way that I’m standing here right now like nothing happened.” Míngzé threw his arms in the air for a second before he continued. See, that’s the problem. It was impossible. ”So don’t be ridiculous,” he said, his voice sharp. Lányù did not deserve that tone of voice, but he could not help it. The next potato he basically threw into the pot as his frustration was growing. It was a combination of stress, lack of sleep and the uncertainty that just became too much.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
At his harsh words she slightly recoiled, letting them sink in as the gears in her head began to turn. She looked away, staring without seeing anything as she heard the faint noise of Míng’s peeler gliding over the potato. Láng leaned against the counter where she had been peeling carrots, the vegetables forgotten already. At that point she felt her mood shif.. “So you just .. what? Went to the beach, took a swim and woke up with clean clothes and a hazy memory?” She threw her arms in an exasperated gesture, tone sarcastic. “And then you went home and locked Qiàn in a ball and just left it at that? Oh well, unfortunate what happened, but life goes on, I guess?” The eye roll was almost verbally manifested through her tone. She wasn’t angry, not really, she was scared. She was terrified. For him. It wasn’t fair to say it to him, but her emotions began to slowly take over that rational side of her mind as she began to feel panic rise like bile in her throat.“And now we are preparing dinner for mom and dad, who by the way will be arriving in a little over an hour, and we are just gonna leave it at that?” Her voice became a little shrill. ”Like you didn’t-” Like what, really? She did not want to say it. Nor admit it. And yet, that part of her was yearning for that confirmation from him. Dreading it as memories came back from her parents' phone call when they were relaying the news to her. They had been at the station then, the cops had wanted an adult to identify the body. Memories she had, for all intends and purposes, pushed very far down.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It was wrong of him to talk to her that way, but taking them back now was impossible. A small part had hoped she would not push aunty further and leave it at that. Of course she didn’t. Míngzé lowered everything he was holding and placed it down before turning around to look at her. The light inside was enough for him to at least see her movements. “Yes,” Míngzé replied as he narrowed his eyes. It was exactly what he’d done, partly because he did not know what else to do. He’d tried texting Fellin, but that went wrong and he was not going to tell any of this to someone he’d just met.

“That’s exactly what we are going to do.” It was too late to cancel their dinner because it would only raise more questions Míngzé did not want to answer. This, all of this was not even part of the plan. He instantly regretted telling her any of this. “Like I didn't what?” Míngzé challenged her, even taking a step forward. Whatever she would throw at him, it could not be true. He would deny it like he’d done so for days.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Lányù gritted her teeth. Not talking about things, it was what she excelled at. What she had done ever since her brother had died. She kept a lid on those feelings, those memories. Refusing to let them resurface. In her mind she had already painted the picture in awful detail. Asked the question .. How did he even get in the water? Did those pokémon push him in? Force him in? Had he called for help? Had Qiãn also been swept up in it?

She looked down at him then when he made a step closer and she felt anger prickle under her skin. No, she would not be the one to say it. She flat out refused. “You take the easy way out. I want to know what happened that night.” She growled, yellow eyes flaming as she held her ground. Mom and dad probably were already driving here as this was going down, but the dinner they had been preparing had been long forgotten by her. “I want to hear you say it.” He could tell her it had all been a stupid joke. Maybe for a second she would even give in to the desire to laugh and say that, indeed, it had been a cruel joke and he always had their father’s stupid sense of humor. Go back to the vegetable chopping and do the thing they had always done since they had been small. But there was an uncomfortable prickle beneath her skin that drove her to pursue this, her teeth sunken into this dirty secret like a dog who finally caught it’s prey. “Say it now or I swear, Míng-” She hissed softly, not sure what she was going to do but certain it wasn’t going to be nice.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Lányù was making everything more difficult than it should’ve been. If she was smart, she would agree with him and say that it was impossible. They shouldn’t be having this conversation over some fever dream he had while he lay knocked out on the beach. “You wanted to know and I told you, didn’t I? What more do you want?”

Something resembling a laugh escaped. She wanted him to say it? Hopefully she had a lot of time on her hands because he refused. “And what exactly do you want me to say? That some pokémon attacked me? That I hit my head and passed out for Arcues knows how long?” That was all she would get out of him. If only she was not his sister and did not have the same stubborn personality as his.

Míngzé cocked an eyebrow at her, only to then shake his head. “There is nothing to say, Lányù,” he retorted. He was fully done with this conversation and strode past her out of his kitchen and towards the living room. It was not deliberately, but as he walked past her, he accidentally bumped into her with his shoulder, which he chose to ignore. Whatever she wanted him to say, did not happen, so he refused.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Míngzé didn’t bend, of course he didn’t. He always was a headstrong wretch.

She couldn’t stand it.

She loved her little brother for it.

Yet here they stood. Facing off as she felt an uncomfortable heat rising to her skin, a dull thought somewhere at the back of her mind suggesting that she must be getting sick if she was running a fever. She let out a frustrated sigh, leaning against the kitchen counter once more. Gods, she wanted to hold him close and tell him it was all right, while also feeling the innate desire to strangle her idiot brother for hit stubbornness. Míngzé closed the conversation before she could retort, brushing past her with too much force for it to be accidental. She felt anger rise to the surface. And .. fear? A wet nose against the back of her hand made her jump, making a jerking motion with her body as she glanced down. Baatezu was standing next to her, pushing his nose against her leg and gazing up at her with confusion and worry. She scratched him between his horns, her yellow eyes focussing on Míng’s back who she just saw disappearing through the kitchen door inside the living room.

Her throat suddenly felt bone dry as a vision struck her then. She was seven, standing at the kitchen counter nibbling on an almond cookie her brother gave her a few seconds prior, walking away with Míngzé next to him to go on a walk. She watched how his back disappear through the door after he shouted his last words. Don’t tell pops I gave you that, okay? Lán-Lán? He had said. The last thing he had ever said.

When Lányù came back to herself again, she felt sick, her hands balled into fists. Her feet moved on their own accord as she halted near the door frame, yellow eyes blazing. “Don’t do what he did! Don’t walk away from me like that!” She reached him before she could stop herself and spun him around. Peering into his yellow eyes, an identical shade to her own, the gnawing warmth enveloping her entire body like a fever. “Míng?" Her voice shook, much like her own hands, fingers boring into Míng's shoulders.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
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