
Housewarming party

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé was someone who preferred to avoid conflict when necessary, especially with people he cared about. It would do no good for them to have a heated discussion about this, and that is where it was going. He’d done what she’d asked of him, and now she was making it worse. He’d hoped that she would leave him alone if he walked away.

While he could hear her coming after him, he’d never expected her to grab him. Without being given another choice, he spun around instinctively grabbing her own arm. It was only thanks to her grip that he didn’t lose his balance. But all of that did not matter. With wide open eyes he looked at her as he was slowly shaking his head. “That’s low,” Míngzé hissed, his frustration had made room for anger and he could feel his own hands trembling. “How dare you use him against me.” If it was not for his own feelings that were all over the place, he might have noticed the slightly hotter touch. Instead Míngzé moved his shoulders, trying to break free from her grasp. “It was a fucking mistake to tell you anything,” he spit while also actively pushing her arms away.

If he could take it all back, he would. If he’d known this would happen, he would’ve canceled this whole thing.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
A headache was beginning to form. She had not thought about that moment since it had happened. No,that wasn’t correct. She had thought about it once before. When her parents had called her to tell her, and she saw the scene play out before her again as she stood there by herself in the kitchen. She had allowed herself to think about it then, before she had suppressed it.

Until now.

She had been devastated then. And then angry. Even furious at him. The feeling of Míngzé’s weight pressing against her grip shook her, his words cutting through her like a knife, and she immediately felt her grip slacking as she let him go. He would have hurt her less if he had just struck her in the face.

Why didn’t he tell her? Why didn’t he trust her enough? Lányù’s yellow eyes focused on him. The answer right in front of her. Panic seized her throat as she made a panicked noise low in her throat when a ripple e of heat coursed through her. Again she saw the image of Míng in her mind. His lifeless body washing up against the shore. The word hanging between them unspoken. He had .. He had .. He ..

“W-wait .. if you .. if you ..then how are you?” It was beginning to be challenging to form coherent words as a headache was forming quickly behind her eyes and near the base of her neck and images she had wished she had forgotten were flashing behind her eyes like a sick slideslow. Sweat pearling at the base of her forehead. Breathing coming out in ragged gasps. Taking off the jacket she was wearing to expose her bare arms. It did absolutely nothing to help cool her. She pressed her hand against her forehead, groaning in discomfort as her emotions were still playing tug of war, alternating between pure rage and deep sorrow. She wanted to scream at him. She wanted to hold him.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

As soon as she let go, Míngzé took a step back. There was no way they would continue their little dinner now. He would call their parents and tell them he was feeling sick or whatever. They won’t be surprised by that fact and it was easy to reschedule something like this. He turned his back to Lányù again before heading towards his couch. “I’ll tell our parents dinner is off.” If he was not mistaken, that is also where his phone was.

He rolled his shoulders, glad to be free from her grip. It was too much for both of them, that he understood. The death of their brother left scars that would never fully heal and things like this were just too much. Míngzé would not blame her for anything. All he needed was some time and then it would feel like nothing happened.

Lányù began to speak again and Míngzé wanted to ignore her at first, but still looked over his shoulder. His eyes narrowed as she had trouble forcing the words out. “That’s what I’ve been saying,” he said, the frustration still evident in his voice. “I can’t be dead and stand here— stand here at the same time.” The moment that one word left his mouth, it felt like his heart skipped a beat. A lump formed in his throat that was difficult to swallow and he turned to the coffee table again. Right, his phone. He could hear Lányù behind him, but he thought nothing of it. Instead he focussed his attention on finding his phone.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Lányù had to lean against the wall for support when another wave of nausea hit her and the level of heat in her body officially had reached uncomfortable levels. She squeezed her eyes shut, losing what Míng said to her about calling it off. Her breathing began to come out in short, ragged breaths. Nails ticking on the floor, a wet nose against her knee followed by two red eyes staring intently in her own. She was about to reach to pet him when the flames under her skin felt like they flared with an intensity of a stove suddenly being turned to the highest setting. She let out a pained cry and fell on her knees, nails scratching in panicked compulsion at her skin. “Míngzé, I-I don’t feel so good ..!” She managed through gritted teeth, cradling her head in her hands as she looked around frantically as if she was expecting to find a solution to her sudden heat flashes just lying around his apartment.

“I can’t be dead and stand here— stand here at the same time.”

It all happened at once. The full realization of what he had just said came down on her like a sledgehammer. All she could see in front of her was Míngzé laying in an oak wood casket surrounded by beautiful roses, his skin pallid, devoid of life. Much like their older brother had looked then. They looked so much alike that sometimes it even scared her. Reminding her of what he could have become had he lived. How she had held her mother's hand as they had stood there, the woman crying uncontrollably, like she had done ever since she had seen her son’s corpse at the morgue. The sound of her mother weeping was one she could still recall with vivid clarity all those years later, tormented by it in her dreams in the years that followed. Lányù standing next to her like a statue, no tear shed for him. Not now. Not ever. The shock had been too great. To cope, she had done the only thing she knew. She had helped. With Míng, with housework, with everything. Busy. Yes, always busy so she had absolutely no moment free to even think about her brother’s passing. She never spoke of it, finding solace in the silence that enveloped the unspoken facets of her life. When she threatened to be left alone with her thoughts, she would simply take on more work so she would be too exhausted to think by the time her head hit the pillow. Until, after long enough, the memory of the accident began to fade to the background and the suppression was no longer a conscious effort. It was a natural one.

The imaginary flames became reality when they emerged from her skin like a bright, flaming cloak. The heat reaching a boiling point that became unbearable. From every piece of skin the flames released, dancing their macabre dance as she began to scream as 21 years of repressed anger and pain manifested itself in a ball of fire encapsulating her. It was lost to her then that the fire was not hurting her physically.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé could hear Lányù behind him, but paid little mind. She was angry, which was not weird given the circumstances, yet that gave her no reason to act this way. With his phone finally in his hands, he told it to call their parents. With a bit of luck their mother needed more time to get dressed and her hair fixed.

With a worried expression he turned around while the phone was still ringing. “Go lay down?” Míngzé offered, but she really didn’t sound too well. He stopped the call before it had actually begun and took a few steps towards his sister. “Lányù?” he asked concerned, especially when she did not react. “Come on Lányù, what’s wrong?” Was it because of what he’d said? Surely she did not end up in a panic attack or something because of it.

Once he was close enough, he placed a hand against her shoulder. The heat radiating off her was impossible to ignore. It burned hotter than every fever he’d ever had. No wonder she was feeling unwell. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner, you’re burning up.” Míngzé wanted to grab her arm to offer support and help her towards the couch, but that was when the heat got worse and he was forced to let go.

Flickers of light appeared around Lányù, something Míngzé had never seen before. With wide open eyes he looked at her, before taking a step back. “L— Lányù?” What was going on? It was almost as if she was on fire. But that couldn’t be. A loud ear piercing scream echoed through his apartment, forcing him to cover his ears for a moment.

What was happening? What could he do? Was she on fire? No. No, that was not possible. Panicked, Míngzé looked around his apartment, helplessly trying to come up with something. An idea flickered in his mind and he immediately ran towards the kitchen. He did not care that he bumped into everything, his shoulder against the doorframe, his thigh against the counter. It all felt irrelevant. A pot. That was all he needed. Then he could fill it with water, and throw it over her. But it was hard to find and do everything while he could not think straight. What if she— no. Not possible.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Lányù initially had closed her eyes shut out of fear that the flames would eat away at the sensitive membrane, acting out of pure instinct as she squirmed against the heat that was all around her. It was too much. Everything was too much. She felt it tingle, eating away at the layers she was wearing at an alarming rate. Thick plumes of smoke began to rise from her burning body. Her screams died down abruptly when the sudden realization hit her.

It doesn’t hurt.

It was a tiny speck of hope amongst the misery as the last scream died down with a pathetic sound. She collapsed to her knees, breath coming out in short and ragged exhales as she tried to make sense of what was happening, while also trying to make sense of the intense stream of emotions that seemed to have literally erupted from her skin. Frantically, she began to bat at the flames with her hands, which did nothing, letting out panicked sounds when a piece of chair she had been standing too close also caught flames. Images she had long suppressed flickered across her eyes again, letting out a cry as she closed her eyes shut. Wanting to suppress the onslaught of unpleasant memories.

He had died. He was shot. Why hadn’t he just told them how he felt so they could have helped him? Why had he brought Míngzé in such a dangerous situation? Why had he died? Why hadn’t he protected them? Why had he died? Why had he left them, left her, with such a heavy burden? Why had he died?

Lányù felt it then. Unsuppressed anger that raged through her much like the flames that had now engulfed her. She had been sad, yes, but now she felt nothing but anger. Anger at her brother. Anger that Míngzé also had died. That he had been reckless, careless, that he had died. That she had failed to protect him. Anger, directed at herself.

The flames stopped growing but raged on as she fell to her knees again, nauseous at the sickening heat that threatened to swallow her whole.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé had no fucking idea what was going on. People normally did not go up in flames like that, so he could only wonder what Lányù had done to herself. But why would she? Like all siblings they had fights, but none so severe that she would actively do something so stupid.

In the kitchen he threw open all the closets, trying to find something that would help. Under normal conditions he knew exactly where everything was, but now it was hard to think straight. He was looking for a cooking pot he would not find, because that was the one they were using for the soup. “Fuck, shit— Hang in there Lányù!” he yelled as he threw a closest close after finding a smaller one. It would still be better than nothing.

Filling the pot took way too long and Míngzé impatiently tapped his foot. “Come on, come on.” When it was finally all the way filled up, he ran back to his sister, not caring about all the water he was spilling. He did not realize that he’d lost almost half of it before he reached Lányù. Without thinking he threw the water at her, hoping it would do something.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Saliva began to rise in her mouth as the nausea began to reach its peak. The tell tale sign she was about to place her lunch all over Míng’s floor. She squeezed her eyes shut once more, fighting to keep the vomit down as the all consuming heat coursed through her. Lányù noticed him beside her half a second before it happened. Míngzé came stumbling out of the kitchen and-

The water hit her with a loud splash as parts of it crashed against the floor. For a second she thought it had worked- except the heat seared the water on her skin and tattered clothes away, drying her skin and reigniting the flame once more. For that little moment she felt clarity, before the flames took over again.  “Stay away from me!” She yelled at him, fear evident in her voice. In her delirious state she recoiled away from him, terrified she would burn him. “Don’t come closer, Míngzé!” Urgency now, as a new emotion began to take center stage.

Mingzé, her little brother. She loved him so. Memories of them as children flickered behind her now closed eyes, her mind focusing on one in particular. She was reading a bedtime story to him, his favorite. The rage began to die down as she felt the uncomfortable, painful hollow form in her body. The one emotion she had fought to  suppress ever since her older brother’s funeral. His name flickered through her mind. She refused to say it out loud and had done so ever since the accident. It would make it real. It would make all of it too real.

Her eyes began to sting. The flames slowly reduced themselves, burning with less heat and intensity, but not yet vanishing completely. Covering her face with her hands she sat there on the floor, slightly hunched over surrounded by a blackened ring where the fire had ate away at the flooring. Thick plumes of smoke rose to the ceiling, circling up from Lányù’s burning body.

Somewhere in the apartment the fire alarm went off and she flinched.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

What did you do when someone was seemingly on fire? Right, you needed water. It was like a burn, first water and then everything else. Míngzé did not know if his attempt at helping Lányù would really do anything, but what else could he do? Especially since he did not fully understand what was happening. He was acting without really thinking.

Míngzé looked at Lányù with wide open eyes, trying to gather more information. The warning to stay back came fast and he listened immediately. He backed away until he could feel the wall against his back, dropping the pot somewhere along the way. “What’s happening?” he panicked. Her voice also betrayed that something terrible was happening, but what?

“Please Lányù, talk to me,” he begged with a hint of anger in his voice. His nails dug into the wall behind him. Ever since that day, everything was going horribly wrong. It was fine when it was just him, but now his sister too.

The heat seemed to quiet down, but not disappear fully. After Lányù’s previous warning he did not dare come closer before he knew it was fine. “Lányù?” From what little he could see, she was closer to the ground. The fire alarm went off at the same moment, hurting his ears. Míngzé held his hands over them to shield them from the loud noise.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Blood was rushing through her ears as she sat on the ground, trembling as she tried to calm herself down. The intensity of the heat had lessened to her great relieve and with Míngzé out of the line of fire she began to slowly calm down. She heard him call her name from somewhere next to her. The blaring of the fire alarm was almost unbearable to her ears. It almost, almost succeeded in drowning out the terrible flood of memories and thoughts that were racing through her mind.

Baatezu howled somewhere further into the apartment, a low and sad tone in response to the screeching fire alarm. Lányù dared to look up, glancing around with clearer eyes now that the fire was no longer consuming her field of vision. Her pounding heart betrayed her. “Ming ..” She said softly, unsure if he had heard her over the screeching fire alarm. “Please talk to me. Anything.” Her voice was strained, echoing the momentous effort it took her to keep her voice somewhat steady and not burst out into tears. She wanted to hear his voice, confirm that he was in fact standing here, with her. To make the awful memories stop. Her eyes were truly burning now with unshed tears as the flames still danced on her skin. She looked down at them, breath still coming out in fast and unsteady paces. Gods .. if this was what it had been like for them, both her brothers for that matter, she understood Míngzé reluctance to talk about it completely. What a mess ..

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

In that moment he couldn’t feel anything else but useless. Something was wrong with Lányù and he still had no idea what just happened. He’d tried to help, but that did not seem to do much and now that she’d asked him to get away from her, there was even less that he could do.

Over the fire alarm, he could barely hear Lányù’s voice. “I uh— I don’t know,” he says loudly, trying to reach over the alarm. It was just so loud that it was painful and distracting. She wanted him to talk to her, but he couldn’t think of anything. “A week or so ago I went out and uh— got drunk,” Míngzé started with the first thing that popped up in his head and was lighthearted. RIght now he doubted she needed anything that would only make her worry more.

“Not recommended if you are me. I couldn’t walk in a straight line like— at all. Very embarrassing. Someone had to bring me home, otherwise I would probably have fallen asleep on the streets,” he tried to add an extra laugh at the end. All he wanted at that moment was for this all to quite literally cool off.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
As the minutes began to tick away Lányù began to feel more and more like her body was shutting down, and with that also her mind. In another situation she would have described the current flames as comfortable. A blanket too hot for some, but bearable for her. Míngzé spoke up behind her, she was just able to hear him above the sound of the fire alarm. While he talked she tried to get her breathing under control and stop her body from trembling, but that proved to be a difficult task.

Now that the searing hotness had faded, Baatezu finally was able to get close. The dual fire and dark type found the current temperature emanating from his trainer to feel quite pleasant. He stood about half a meter away from her and whined softly, his massive horned head moving from side to side as he observed her, nervous due to the blaring alarm and state she was in.

Míngzé continued and Lányù felt herself slowly come back down from her whirlwind of emotions. The flames slowly began to recede, not yet entirely disappearing. Her skin still felt unnatural warm, unusually so in comparison to ten minutes ago before this whole fiasco began. Her yellow eyes looked at her Houndoom, the desire to touch him battling with the fear of accidentally burning him. “G-go on .. I think it’s working ..” She muttered with a clearer voice.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Lányù told him that it was working, which he could only assume was a good thing. While it was warmer inside than it had before, it became a little bit less each second. Which was probably good. His heart was still racing as if trying to catch up to something.

Go on.

Fuck. “I uh— I don’t know,” he said desperately, trying to stay calm instead of giving in to the panic. “When we finally got back here, I actually forgot where exactly I lived. The apartment number. I just moved in and everything— and— and the day after was horrible. I spent a whole day in bed, or on the— you know. It was bad.” He spoke maybe too fast, but he was happy he was able to say anything at all.  

“Do I need to say more?” Míngzé silently prayed that this was enough. That whatever was going on was finally over. Carefully he took one step away from the wall and closer to Lányù.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Baatezu sniffed tentatively at her as he paced up and down, nervous due to her anxiety and nervous about the fire alarm blaring. He trotted over to Míngzé while whining softly and pushed his wet nose against the back of his hand, letting out a low grumble as if he encouraged him to do something about it, before he took place next Míngze’s leg, shoulder pressed against it and awaiting what he would do next.

Lányù listened as Míng continued on, only really half hearing what he was actually saying as she began to count in her head in a frantic attempt to calm her heartbeat and breathing. No matter what she tried, she couldn’t stop shaking. Trembling as if she was cold instead of burning hot. Smoke hung at the ceiling but lucky for her brother, Lányù had stopped fuming, in the literal sense. The flames receded back into her skin with a last flicker and the intense heat lowered itself to a temperature others would perceive as ‘unusually warmer than normal’ but certainly not uncomfortable.

Lányù felt like she had just been hit by a truck and dragged along for twelve miles. This also applied to her mind. While her heartbeat began to slow to a normal pace and she no longer felt like she was about to literally combust, her breathing faltered and before she could stop herself she began to sob. Her shoulders shook as she pressed her hand against her mouth to muffle the sounds. “I-I-I am so sorry, Míngzé ..” She managed, feeling tears stream down her face. They felt oddly cool against her heated skin. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm-" There was no trace of her normal calm and collected voice, instead it sounded oddly shrill as the weight of everything that had gone down in the span of fifteen minutes hit her. Covering her face with her hands once more. 

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé pulled his hand away as the first reaction to the wet nose against his hand. It was only Baatezu and he lay his hand and the pokémon’s head, trying to somewhat comfort him. With everything going on, the loud noise only made it worse. The pokémon was probably just as worried for Lányù as he was.

The fire alarm also quieted down as if it knew the initial panic was over. With that over, he could hear the soft sobs finally. A lump formed in his throat and carefully he took a few steps in her direction. She started to apologize for whatever happened he assumed. “Hey, hey, it’s fine,” Míngzé told her. In that moment he simply decided that everything was fine and that there was no need for him to worry anymore.

He stepped closer to his sister and placed a gentle hand against her back to then softly rub up and down. “Are you alright?” Which was more important than everything else. His apartment was still standing, so it was fine. “What— what happened?”


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
Lányù never in her life felt as tired as she did at that moment. She half contemplated just dropping over and falling asleep right then and there, if it wasn’t for the situation she was currently in. If it wasn’t for the fact she was not tasked with the aftermath of everything that had happened just now. Silent tears streamed down as her tattered clothes hung around her, luckily covering a good part of her, covering the most important parts at least. She sobbed only harder when she felt Míngzé hand on her shoulder, flinching a little with the anxiety still fresh in her mind. She cast a quick glance over her shoulder, eyes wide- but there was no cry of pain, and he didn’t recoil either. She hadn’t burned him.

Relief flooded through her and she began to sob once more, forcing herself to stand though her legs felt wobbly. She threw her arms around him and pulled him close. “I’m s-sorry I’m sorry I don’t know .. I just .. I’m fine .. I don’t know .. I-” To the best of her abilities Lányù tried to form a coherent sentence, but that seemed to be impossible right now. Her once composed and logical composure gone. As she held him against her she memorized this moment, seared it into her brain. He was fine. He hadn’t died, or at least .. not .. permanently?  

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé could feel his stomach twist in a knot. Somewhere deep down Míngzé already knew what happened to Lányù, but he pushed those thoughts away. There was a small chance that it was something else. A very small chance. He could still feel the heat coming off Lányù, but it was not burning hot anymore. Which meant she was okay. For now at least.

Under his hand he could feel her shift and he took a small step back to give her more room to stand up. The moment she was on her feet again, she threw her arms around him. Míngzé did the same, rubbing a hand over her back in a comforting gesture. Although he noticed how his movements were sometimes staggering.

She started talking, but it was hard to make sense of what she was saying. Míngzé knitted his brow, trying his best to follow her ray of thoughts. “Just take it easy,” he told her, his voice calm and steady. It did not at all fit with the rapid beating of his heartbeat or his slightly shaking knees. But right now she needed him to keep his own shit together. “Try to think about something good, maybe that will help.” He tightened his embrace a bit to let her know he was there and was not planning on going away.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lányù Xû
Messages : 52
IC Posts : 28
Lányù Xû
There they stood, amid a chair that had a smoldering patch while the smoke that hung near the ceiling was slowly circling, holding themselves together. Lányù felt her own knees shake a little, like Míngzé who despite it all kept his voice steady. His grip tightened reassuringly and she let out a shuddering breath she had not realized she had been holding, while Baatezu slowly circled around them and pushed his nose against their legs.

Lányù stood like that for a while, tears quietly trickling down her face, before she managed to let him go again. She took a good look at her brother then, noting that aside from looking pale and shaken up from what just had occurred, he seemed physically fine. Whatever had happened, what he might have gained from his premature and temporary passing, it did not show physically. She then looked down at herself, took in her tattered clothes and the blackened ring on the floor where she had stood when it had happened. “I .. just suddenly caught on fire.” She eventually muttered with a soft voice, swallowing hard. “Or .. rather .. um .. it came out of my skin.” It sounded absurd. In every way it also had been absurd. Lányù opened her mouth, but closed it as her yellow eyes flickered shut. Gods, she felt so tired. “I’m sorry.” She choked and wiped some tears away. She felt like a fool.

Character sheet
Nickname: Láng
Age: 27
Birthday: 11th November 1996
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

By now the smell of burning furniture and ceiling had spread throughout his apartment. Míngzé hoped it would clear up soon, but those were problems for later. What was more important was Lányù. First they had to be sure she was doing fine. Everything else came later.

Míngzé waited for Lányù to break the hug and only then lowered his own arms while taking a step back. His hands were still slightly shaking, but the adrenaline was leaving his body again, replaced by a feeling of fatigue. A worried frown formed on his forehead. “You suddenly caught fire? Just like that?” he repeated in a confused tone, looking her up and down but at least he could see no flames. “How is that even possible?” People were not supposed to generate fire from their skin. Míngzé gritted his teeth and shook his head at the answer that came to mind. Surely not.

He crossed his arms over his chest, the unease of the whole situation settling into his bones. “No need.” Míngzé could not blame her for this. If anything, it was all his fault. “I shouldn’t have— I mean— I’m the one who needs to apologize.” This could’ve been prevented, but now she had to live with the consequences.  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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