
[journey] better off dead

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
journey card

I don't even know. I'd be glad if he survives.

It's kinda my second journey looking for a melanistic Vulpix or a sweet and cuddly (choc)merle tricolor flareon, but we all know that ain't what's gonna happen.

The room enveloped Ruìsāng in shadows, the feeble light struggling through curtains that were only half-open. He stirred in the bed that had become his prison, and as he reluctantly opened his eyes, the pain was the first to greet him—a relentless companion. With each beat of his heart, the pain resonated.

His mother's wailing was the sound that kept him awake at night. For a few more days, he had tried to drown out the cries, hoping that maybe, just maybe, she'd stop. But she never did. Disappointment clung to her like a shadow.

Determination surged within him. The pain, the exhaustion, the darkness—they were relentless, but so was he.

With steps heavy as iron, he moved mechanically through the dimly lit corridor, guided by a sense of purpose. Down the hall, to the elevators, through the front door, he stepped into the cold night air. The outside world felt unforgiving, the reality in stark contrast to the cocoon he left behind.

The Mawile, confined to her ball for days, was a reliance that had proven insufficient. It had always been just him, so—why bother? She, too, had been unable to protect him.

And so, underneath the dim glow of streetlights, Ruìsāng walked through the silent streets at night.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38
just a
dimly lit street

As you stroll through the streets, the tranquil autumn night wraps around you like a comforting shroud. Leaves, painted in hues of amber and gold, rustle softly, propelled by a gentle wind. Occasionally, a car passes, its engine humming in the distance. Away from your mother's wailing, you attempt to find peace amidst the dark streets. But oh, peace is a futile thing, my sweet child. And peace was never yours to begin with.

Midway through another street, a sudden realisation washes over you. An absolute stillness has settled over the city. Your footsteps, normally muffled by the ambient sounds, now echo in isolation as if the usual nocturnal sounds have been erased without a trace. The world seems to be holding its breath. It's quiet. Too quiet.

An overwhelming sensation crawls up your spine—a prickling awareness that you are not alone. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as if responding to an unseen presence. In the oppressive hush, devoid of sound or motion, an unspoken truth unfolds—someone is with you, their unseen gaze boring into the very core of your existence. The air becomes thick with an unspoken tension, and an invisible weight settles upon your shoulders.

A compulsion, urgent and instinctual, begins to gnaw at the edges of your consciousness. It's an unsettling feeling, an intuition urging you to confront the enigma that shadows your every step. As your heartbeat quickens, each pulse reverberates like a distant drumbeat, amplifying the stillness of the night.

Will you look over your shoulder?

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng had traversed these streets for the majority of his life, well-acquainted with them. Unfazed by the dangers, he found solace from the day he forged a bond with his Lìeyàn. She became the anchor he needed in this life, possessed with the maw of a demon and a fire in her chest that mirrored his own. From that day forward, she shielded him from threats, rendering him fearless against the scum of the streets and those who sought to strip everything away. They were nothing.

Until a week ago.

A growing unease took root within him, awakening the realisation that the crown he'd bestowed upon himself was made of thorns, and his throne was built on lies. He was nothing.

Though initially dismissing the sensation as a trick of the mind, Ruìsāng became increasingly aware that something was amiss. His footsteps reverberated in an eerie solitude as the night descended into an unnatural quiet, as though the very soul of the city had died. Yet, an unsettling presence lingered—someone close. Clenching his jaw, Ruìsāng reached for the Pokéball in his coat pocket as he came to an abrupt stop.

Turn around, whispered a voice from deep within. A foreboding sense that someone or something was approaching sent shivers down Ruìsāng's spine. Inhaling deeply, he turned around.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

You slowly turn, only to face a completely empty street. The familiar street stretches out before you, devoid of any life or sound. There is not a soul to be seen - just the same old streets you've wandered so many times before. Pfff! Your brain is messing with you here, clearly, there is no-one following you, no-one watching you. There's nothing off about these streets, nothing you have to fear. Everything is perfectly, mundanely normal.

You could almost convince yourself to believe that, if it weren't for the burning sensation of the scars on your chest begging you to believe otherwise. A sudden hand on your shoulder spins you around, a vice-like grip clamping onto you, shattering any trace of tranquillity. You are not given the chance to defend yourself, sharp claws protruding the already burning scars, digging deep within your chest. Your body yields involuntarily, heart pulsating against the cruel embrace of her talons. Helpless, you fall to your knees, and there she towers above you – Granny.

"Did you miss me, son?" Her claws twist around your heart, the pain transcending anything you have ever felt physically. A wicked smile spreads across her face, and with a simple jolt of her claws, your world fades to black. "This is going to be fun.." Are the last words you hear before your body crumples to the floor. Dead? Not quite..

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

In these recent days, Ruìsāng had sensed her presence lingering, a haunting anticipation of her impending arrival. He found himself standing, a knife gripped tightly in his hand, contemplating whether he could sever the scars that bound him to her. There lingered a desperate desire to dismantle the ticking bomb within his chest, to take control of his own fate. However, his weakness prevailed, and his heart continued its feeble rhythm, a constant echo that seemed to beckon her return.

The scars tugged at him relentlessly, as though pleading to be reclaimed by her. He cast his gaze downward, and in that vulnerable moment, a sudden force spun him around, disorienting his senses.

Before he could react, sharp claws pierced through the scars etched across his chest, tearing through the fragile layers of bandages. The initial contact sent shockwaves through his nerves, abruptly awakening him to her return. The claws, frigid and merciless, found their intended targets.

His body, betraying his will, yielded involuntarily to the brutal assault. Like the talons of a vengeful predator, the claws sank deep into his chest, each movement and heartbeat intensifying the torment.

Did you miss me, son?

Her words echoed, leaving Ruìsāng no chance to respond. A pained sound escaped his lips as she twisted around his heart, and the burning sensation escalated beyond a mere physical assault. It transcended the boundaries of bodily pain, infiltrating the recesses of his soul.

With a single, uncomplicated jolt of her claws, the world surrounding him blurred and distorted, darkness swallowing him like a suffocating shroud.

He heard her words.

He surrendered to them.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Your world fades to black, an absolute darkness surrounding your very being. Time becomes an elusive concept, slipping through your grasp like sand as you succumb to the abyss following the cruel intrusion of Granny's claws.

Suddenly, with an abruptness that mirrors your initial fall, you jolt back into existence. A sharp intake of air fills your lungs, as if you've been granted a second chance at life. Yet, the rhythm pulsating within your chest is no longer the familiar cadence you once knew. Changed. Different. As if it's no longer yours to control.

Your eyes strain against the oppressive darkness, revealing only fleeting glimpses of the desolate surroundings that now envelop you. The ceiling above you showcases a decaying mosaic of corroded metal, its jagged edges telling tales of anbandonement and neglect. The feeble glow of the place struggles to reveal the skeletal remnants of a warehouse lost to time, where rotting crates stand as silent witnesses to years of isolation.

As you attempt to focus on your surroundings, reality itself seems to warp and shift, playing tricks on your senses. The warehouse becomes an ever-changing tableau, a surreal dance of shadows and decay that defies comprehension. Behind you, a sudden burst of bright light shatters the oppressive darkness, temporarily blinding you in the stark transition from obscurity to illumination. A sinister laugh slices through the silence, and before the bright lights she stands - still staring down on you.

"How are you feeling, son? Remorseful for your actions, perhaps?"

She speaks, her voice devoid of kindness. Her dark eyes focus on her four-fingered claws, a painful memory you left her with.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Suddenly, reality crashed back around Ruìsāng, and he gasped for air, the impact of his right hand against the ground sending a jolt of pain through him as he propelled himself upwards. His heart throbbed relentlessly, and his nails instinctively clawed at his chest, desperate for the pulsating agony to cease. This sensation felt alien—as if some unseen force manipulated it. Yet, he yearned for control, at least over his own heart.

The details of his surroundings barely registered; he knew this woman could weave illusions effortlessly. The warehouse he perceived might be a mere facade; the streets he once roamed could still be his reality. None of it mattered. What did matter—


There she stood. Ruìsāng turned awkwardly, pushing himself up from the ground, fixating his red eyes on the glaring light, the mocking laughter, the monster. As she inquired about his feelings, questioning his remorse, he felt the anger, the ever-present flame within him, surge to the surface once more.

You sick bitch,” he hissed in her direction. “Remorseful? Fuck you.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Granny's laughter fills the warehouse once more. Unfazed by your angry words of defiance, she nonchalantly waves her claw. "Sick? Me?" Her voice echoes. "Have you seen yourself, boy?" She speaks, spitting out the last word as if it were a curse upon her lips. Your surroundings warp and distort as if reality itself bends to her will, the play of light taking on wicked tricks, casting eerie shadows around you. Granny's gaze descends to your chest, and a wicked grin curls around her lips as she revels in her own work.

Your chest bears the marks of her curse, scars pulsating with an ominous energy. Black veins snake across your skin like tendrils of dark magic, their pulsating rhythm synchronized with the unnatural beat of your heart.

"You could have had it all." She shakes her head. "And yet, you decided to take something that was not yours to take." She cracks her claw-like fingers, four, her gaze lingering on the absence of her index finger. Such a shame. Such pity. She could have granted you true peace, but now, she was going to make you pay for scarring her for the rest of her time.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

The monstrous laughter reverberated, a cruel symphony that seemed to mock his very existence. She dismissed him as if he were inconsequential, echoing the term ‘sick’ before directing it at him. The way her gaze traced down his chest, the shadows conspiring as if they were framing a grotesque masterpiece, sent waves of revulsion through him. His fist clenched, trembling with the effort to contain the pain. If she dared to make a move, he was ready to drag her down with him.

He could feel whatever magic she had coursing through his chest, dragging him down, doing something. Whatever it was, today was the last day he’d have to deal with it.

When she accused him of taking something that wasn't rightfully his, he erupted in a bitter laugh. “I never asked for you. I don’t need your false promises. You think you’re some kind of saviour? Disgusting,” he spat. Peace, she’d called it. “How’s your nose?” he continued, as if the state of her nose no longer held any significance. Perhaps, by fueling her anger, he could catch her off-guard, and he could take her down with him.

True peace.

What a joke.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

A bitter scoff escapes her lips, a derisive sound that hangs in the air. Her eyes burn into your very being, a storm of disdain brewing within their very depths. "You ignorant boy!" She spats out. "I never claimed to be your saviour, but I was going to make things EASIER for you. You chose to perceive me as a threat, but you failed to see the bigger picture." She growls.

The air thickens with tension as she draws in a sharp breath, her lips twitching with an unsettling mixture of fury. She stretches her claws as if she considers taking everything you have and crumbling it under her very own fingers. "How's your hand?" she finally manages to force over her lips, her voice carrying an insidious edge.

Her anger dissipated as quickly as it had surfaced, replaced by a dismissive shake of her head. "But it matters no more," she whispers, a haunting prelude to a darker revelation. The warehouse seems to shudder in response to the weight of her words. "You're just like them, and you will suffer just like them," she continues, her claw absentmindedly tracing over the burn marks on her own arms.

With those words, she dismisses you, turning her back on you as she starts walking away. She fears no hell from you.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng successfully provoked the monster, and a victorious grin spread across his face. Just a bit more. He yearned for her to unleash her fury, to lunge at him with those claws. It had happened before, a moment that allowed him to escape—she had lost a finger, and her nose bore the mark of their previous encounter. He could bring her down with him; he refused to be weak.

The monster accused him of failing to grasp the bigger picture, but Ruìsāng welcomed the dangerous glint in her eyes. He recognized that look, having seen it reflected in his own gaze before. Just a little more. One final push, and—

Then, she calmed down.

Inquiring about his hand, she caught him off guard, and Ruìsāng involuntarily clenched his fist, a hiss escaping through gritted teeth. When she proclaimed him to be just like them and turned away, his eyes widened. Was she… How did she dare turn her back on him?

You…” he hissed, his gaze shifting to his side.

A hammer.

Without a second thought, he seized it with his right hand, ignoring the pain coursing through his body. With a determined resolve, he sprinted toward her, attempting to swing the hammer forcefully into the back of her head.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Oh, you poor, fierce soul. Did you really think she would turn her back on you if she for a second feared your retaliation could bring any more harm upon her being? Oh no, YOU have done enough. And to think she wouldn't expect you to do more.. ah, such a shame.

The hammer, heavy with the weight of vengeance, hangs frozen in the air as your intent to harm Granny meets a cruel reality. Every step forward, a proclamation of defiance, sends shockwaves through your body. Your heart stutters, and then starts pounding irregularly. Every move, every step, suddenly takes up more energy than you can handle. The dark veins on your chest pulsate heavily with her magic, with the curse she bestowed upon you. Did you really think attacking her would work?

As you stagger and stumble, each movement becomes a laborious struggle against the relentless grip of the curse. Her wicked laughter pierces the air, drowning out the sound of your own erratic heartbeat. "Save your strength, son, you might need it." Cold sweat drips down your spine as you grapple with the worst of all sensations—a heart not beating as it should. it forces you down to the ground once more.

Each pulse reverberates through your body like a drum of doom, amplifying the torment of your physical and mental anguish. Granny's parting words linger in the air, a chilling echo as she fades into the distance, leaving you behind in a torment of her making. The dim lights above you flicker with an erratic pulse, casting disjointed patterns across the decaying walls of the warehouse. Each stuttering flash adds to the disorienting symphony, as if the very fabric of your surroundings is unravelling.

This has to be fake.


This can not be real?

Paranoia tightens its grip on you, a relentless force that distorts your perception of reality. Just as you think things can't get worse, your heart calms down and the world grows quiet. From behind you, a low rumbling growl resonates through the room, heavy footsteps closing in on you. Not a grandmother. Definitely. Not. A. Grandmother. A monster, maybe?

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

The initial plan was straightforward—close the distance, wield the hammer to bash her skull in, and willingly face the claws that would inevitably rip out his heart. Death awaited, but clinging to life now only postponed the inevitable. Ruìsāng craved control over his fate, to meet his demise on his own terms.

Yet, every step sent shockwaves through his body, his heart betraying him with each irregular beat. She had him ensnared, reduced to a puppet dancing to her tune. Collapsing to his knees, the hammer clattered to the ground, and sweat dripped from his forehead. Pain radiated from his hand as he caught himself, but the physical agony paled in comparison to the helplessness that wrapped around him like a cloak.

He was a puppet, strings manipulated by a monstrous force. A frustrated fist slammed against the floor, the pain spreading through his body like a sinister echo. A puppet, unable even to save himself from her grasp. Fuck.

But then—the lights flickered, and an inexplicable pulse resonated through the air. Ruìsāng's red eyes widened as he desperately searched for the source. His breath quickened, yearning for his heart to heed his commands, to be his once more.

Footsteps. A growl.

A presence, something different from the monster. Panic surged within him as he crawled forward, his injured hand clutching the hammer before he looked up. The imperative to rise, to escape, echoed in his mind, but he remained frozen on the ground, despite his heart resuming its rhythm.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

You look up, meeting piercing crimson eyes like your own, staring at you with an unsettling intensity. The dark creature rises from the ground, its true form obscured by the shadows, but there’s no doubt it stands at close to two metres tall. A row of dangerously sharp teeth gleam in the dim light, hinting at a primal hunger transcending the boundaries of the tangible world.

The figure's form is elusive, like an ever-shifting spectre, making it difficult to focus on its true shape. It defies perception, a nightmarish entity that seems to warp the very fabric of reality. The air around it shimmers with an uncanny distortion, as if your mind struggles to reconcile the existence of such a monstrous being.

Is it even real?

A guttural snarl escapes from its mouth, sending tremors of fear through your very core. The creature approaches, its tall form looming over you, its claws scratching against the cold concrete floor, a haunting rhythm that seems to echo the impending doom drawing nearer.

Oh, that looks very real.

Oh, dear Sang. What will you do now?

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Before him stood a creature unlike anything he had ever encountered. If he thought the monster from before terrifying, this entity was worse. Unlike the monster, with its seemingly touchable anatomy—vulnerable eyes, nose, and fingers—this new… thing defied logic. Teeth, eyes, but no apparent weak points. It was a nightmare given form, an enigma that seemed to defy the rules of combat. Ruìsāng couldn't discern where to strike first. Fighting a stronger opponent was a challenge he had faced before, but this? He didn’t know where to start.

He weighed the hammer in his hand, took a deep breath, and scanned the room. The creature snarled, and against his own will, Ruìsāng flinched. Closing his eyes, he sensed its approach. He couldn't afford to succumb to his knees; he had to act, or everything he'd endured would be in vain.

So, he waited, letting it draw closer, closer…

When it was about three metres away, Ruìsāng caught his breath, flinging the hammer straight between the creature's eyes. Seizing the opportunity, he pushed past it, aiming for the door he had spotted earlier. The unexpected strike hopefully creating a window, a chance to escape.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

The monster draws closer and closer, a true nightmare in the dimly lit warehouse. Its shadowy form looms over you as it snarls, shaking you to your very core. Before you, the creature bares its teeth, showing a row of sharp fangs that could easily snap you in two if you ended up between them. The lights flicker above, and its form distorts for a split second.

In a surge of adrenaline, you hurl the hammer with precision. The dice favours your desperate attempt, and with a resounding 18, the projectile meets its target. A deafening, shrill screech tears through the air, as if metal scrapes against metal. The shadowy creature recoils, its red eyes momentarily vanishing into the darkness. For an ephemeral moment, hope flickers in the dim-lit space.

Something in the dark crashes to the ground, causing an unsettling quake that shakes the very foundation of the decaying warehouse. The walls and ceiling groan miserably, as if the whole structure might come falling down on you. Did you .. just defeat a monster with a hammer..?

You sprint towards the door, fueled by the fleeting hope of escape. The lights above flicker once more, casting an ominous dance of shadows. Just as you think you could make it, a blast of embers erupt from the abyss the creature had vanished into, hurtling towards you with malevolent intent. You might want to.. dodge.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Today, Ruìsāng confronted the inevitability of his demise. He could have embraced the idea of peace in death, but that acceptance came with a condition—he yearned to take her down with him. If he were to meet his end, it had to be on his own terms, free from the curse that festered in his heart and the monstrous entity that sought to maul him. Thus, he had to escape. He had to fight.

With determination coursing through him, he hurled the hammer toward the beast and sprinted before the weapon even found its mark. The creature vanished, overshadowed by the quaking surroundings, the very foundation of this surreal place trembling as if on the verge of collapse.

This place wasn’t real. It couldn’t be.

He had escaped from similar illusory landscapes before, and despite the odds being against him, he’d come out on top.

Ruìsāng pressed forward, making a beeline for the door, disregarding the pain pulsating in his chest and arm. His feet carried him as fast as possible. The fire behind him drew nearer, and…


He pushed his limits, running as far as his legs could propel him. Then, with a desperate twist, he threw himself sideways to the ground, feeling the impact against his ribs. Tears welled in his eyes, but he fought through the pain, pushing himself back up. Casting a glance over his shoulder, he tried to run again.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38
is it a monster
or a pokémon?

Despite the searing pain and exhaustion trying to consume you, a fierce determination propels your body forward. Even the grandma underestimated your ability to continue fighting, she must be livid. Yet, you run. You run despite the wounds etched into your flesh, despite the insidious curse that tightens its grip on your heart. As if defying the very essence of her malevolence, you leap with impeccable timing, narrowly dodging the blast of ember. The fiery projectile finds its mark against the crates behind you, while you fall to the ground, all air forced out of your lungs.

The abandoned crates groan under the impact of the spreading fire. The orange flames casting long shadows over the warehouse, the ceiling above painted with dark smoke as the blaze takes hold of the rotten wood. Miserably creaking, the stack of crates succumbs to the flames, tipping over with a resounding crash. But you’re already on your feet, long on your way towards the door to even feel the effects of its fall. But something else does.

Amid the chaos, a sharp cry pierces the air, not of a monstrous entity but of a creature in distress. One look over your shoulder tells you a tale you did not expect. The room is illuminated in short bursts of ember, each flash revealing a creature struggling beneath the fallen wood. Its form only lighting up from amidst the darkness in short bursts of embers coming from its jaws, as it desperately tries to get the pile of wood off it, trying to do what you have been doing all along: survive. But it’s too small, too weak - if only someone would lift the wood a little.

It seems you’re not the only unfortunate soul who has befallen grandma’s vengeance. Will you choose to forsake the poor creature? Or will you allow it a second chance at life, at the odd chance you might forsake your own chance of getting out? The door is so close..

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Against all odds, Ruìsāng summoned the will to fight, to survive. Determination burned within him as he vowed to escape once more, to hunt down that tormentor and exact a reckoning. He had grown sick and tired of her sadistic games, and the next time their paths crossed, he swore to drive a stake through her heart, just like they did to creatures that had overstayed their welcome in this world.

He was so close.

Then, a cry pierced the air, diverting his attention. He looked over his shoulder, witnessing something struggling beneath the wooden crates. There was an unmistakable sense of distress, and fire emanated from its teeth. Ruìsāng instinctively took a step back, on the verge of fleeing, almost turning his back. But this was no monster. This was a damn pet.

And it was hurt.

And unlike him, it was probably not cursed.

Ruìsāng's gaze flickered toward the door, torn between escape and a desperate desire to help. “Fuck!” he hissed, turning around and making his way toward the crates. Falling to one knee, he disregarded the pain, using both his hands to lift the wood. “If you... dare bite me,” he hissed at the creature, hopefully creating just enough space for it to escape. “Run!

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38
it's a
feisty vulpix!

The creature spits flames in a desperate attempt to burn its way out from underneath the weight of the rotten wood. The air fills with the acid scent of charred wood, but the creature’s attempts are futile. As you drop to your knees next to the trapped creature, it snarls at you, baring its teeth in a show of ferocity. Those big red eyes, pointed at you, show not just feistiness - they betray a deep-seated fear, a fear instilled by encounters with beings akin to yourself - humans.

It seems wary of your intentions, at first wanting to crawl away from your reach. Yet, when you lift the rotten wood up, the creature hurries out from underneath the crates. Its fur, normally sleek and elegant, now carries the smudges of char and dust. It turns to you, taking a cautious step away from you, red eyes locked on you. And then it bares its teeth. Definitely thinking of biting the hand that tried to help it. Sound familiar? Or is this a different situation?

Meanwhile, the flames of its futile attempt to escape grow all around you, the air thickening with smoke.

Character sheet
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