
[journey] better off dead

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Nothing that was happening made sense. Ruìsāng realized this world wasn’t real, but what about it was? Why had he been attacked by fire moments ago, only for this little thing to now be in need of rescue? His head tried to grasp at straws, but as the pain surged through his body, he let go of it. It didn’t matter anyway. He needed to get out of here, or at least get whatever this creature was out. Maybe it would be able to burn the witch.

The creature escaped and Ruìsāng let the wood clatter to the floor, tears in his eyes as his hand throbbed in protest. When he turned around, the creature — now clearly a strangely coloured Vulpix — bared her teeth at him. Really, now?

You—” he started, before his eyes moved towards the exit. “I’m not your enemy!” he hissed, unable to believe she would bare her teeth at the actual saviour in this situation. Without thinking, he grabbed her by the scruff and lifted her up from the floor, ignoring the instant pain shooting through his arm at the effort and, soon after, what he assumed were teeth digging into his bandages.

You—” he hissed through his teeth, giving her a shake before trying to run out the door, avoiding and escaping the flames that threatened to swallow them both, the little black demon in his arms.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38
Run, boy,

Thick, dark smoke curls around you as the warehouse goes up in flames, the old crates an easy target for the dangerous embers casted earlier by the pokémon. The black Vulpix thrashes and growls within your grip, her sharp fangs sinking into your hand in an act of pure defiance - lucky you, she doesn't have the energy to bite off your finger. When you don't release her, too determined to escape together, she opens her jaws and threatens to cast embers over you. Instead of showing you a brilliant display of her own strength, however, the Vulpix caughs violently. Her movements becoming weaker with the second, her energy used and crushed under the time she spent in this godforsaken place.

You reach the door, just as the ceiling of the warehouse creaks above you. Bits and pieces of metal come crashing down, threatening to bury you below them if you do not decide to escape through the very door before you. One step through that door, and you stumble into a dark hallway stretching out for as far as you can see. Do you proceed? What do you seek? Vengeance? A way out?

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
While Ruìsāng's hand screamed in protest, he clutched the struggling Vulpix against himself as he sprinted out the door. Despite being in the safety of his arms, the creature thrashed and fought as if oblivious to the sanctuary it provided. In those chaotic movements, Ruìsāng recognized the struggle to understand another's intentions, a struggle he, too, knew well. He won little by saving her. Leaving her behind would have been the easier option, especially when she tried to burn his arm off.

Emerging through the door, he almost wished for the illusion, assuming that's what it was, to dissipate and reveal the familiar cold, dark streets. Instead, he found himself in a hallway. The enveloping darkness pressed against him as Ruìsāng squinted, desperately hoping to discern something, anything, but it proved hopeless.

Here, then. If you want to go that badly,” he remarked, unceremoniously dropping the Vulpix to the ground.  “Walk yourself out if you’re going to bite,” he added before venturing into the hallway. He knew he should be searching for an exit, but the prospect of encountering her again, if she were indeed present...

Well, he'd willingly take that risk.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38
Run, boy,

The thick, acrid smoke wraps around you like a sinister shroud, the hungry flames snapping at your heels as you stumble into the dimly lit hallway. Above you, the warehouse's ceiling groans in protest, the loud creaking a foreboding warning for what may happen if you linger too long.

You unceremoniously drop the melanistic Vulpix to the ground, but although the creature growls at you as if she has decided she doesn't like you, she doesn't stray away from you either. I guess you're stuck with her now.

As you survey your surroundings, the promise of salvation flickers through the smoke—a dim streetlight casts feeble rays on a slightly ajar door. Out there lies Cerynia's very own industry district. How she got you here? There's no way of telling. Yet, this is no longer one of her illusions - the reality that you are within a burning, old warehouse a stark contrast opposed to the demonic illusion you encountered before. There lies but one choice ahead of you: run, unless you wish to be buried beneath ashes and metal.

But beware, dear Ruisang. This is not over. The curse Nanny bestowed upon you still tugs at your heart, black veins elluding a darkness unknown to humanity. The grandma will be back for more, for the vengeance she seeks after you took from her. You best come prepared, lest she will take all that makes you you.

Character sheet
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