
Keep on surviving

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Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

For almost an hour he’d tried to do it himself, but finally he gave up. His right hand was shaking and sweat covered his forehead. This was not working. Míngzé leaned forward by resting on his right arm while he kept his other slightly in the air. The burning pain radiating through his arm was sickening and his badly wrapped bandage pressed down on already badly damaged skin.

When he woke up that morning, it had felt like he hadn’t slept for days and now it was even worse. Míngzé softly cursed as he was trying his best to bite down the pain. He desperately wanted to believe that it was not too bad, that the burns were not severe. However, when Míngzé was applying the salve he had, he could feel that it was worse than just some red skin.

Something gently brushed against his foot, followed by quiet whines. Right. That was also still here. “I don’t suppose you can help?” he muttered to the creature who responded by placing his front paws against his leg. “Thought so.” What a mess.

Fifteen minutes later Míngzé walked down the hallway on his socks and in clean pajamas. The creature hobbled behind him and stood still when Míngzé had found the right door. He could not bother Lányù with this, she would worry too much. Everyone else would definitely immediately call her if he asked them for help. Sāng had his own problems to deal with. Which left him with one option.

Míngzé knocked on the door and waited. The creature sat down on his foot and he could hear it jawn. “Yeah, me too,” he muttered. Whatever that thing was, it was still very small. Everything they needed was in a small box in his hands and the badly applied bandage still pressed down on the wounds that covered his arm and a small part of his hand.

Hopefully Mindo could handle the sight.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Despite her greatest efforts, Mindo was disappointingly still a light sleeper. Being without a home very quickly did that to a person, and even now that she was in a more comfortable environment, it was a proved to be a ratherdifficult habit to break. So the rhythmic knocking on the door caused her a rude awakening she was not too thrilled about. Mindo groaned, her curtains still closed and the room a mess as it always was. Entangled in the blankets, she tried to turn over and ignore it - but found that she couldn't. They rarely got visitors, especially at this hours. Curiosity killed the cat, and now it killed her sleep. Loudly complaining, she stroked Soot who was still sleeping at her foot's end. He looked up lazily, but with a gesture of her hand she told him to remain in bed, giving him a small kiss on his forehead. Yawning, Mindo got out of bed, threw on an oversized jumper against the cold and didn't bother opening her curtains before leaving her room. With an annoyed expression she kicked on her slippers and made her way to the door, opening it with a swift swing. "What do you-" her annoyed words died out when her brain, still foggy with sleep, recognized the person in front of her. She stood there blinking for a bit, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. It took a few seconds before she registered the state he was in.

"Míngzé? What the hell?" Suddenly awake, she took in the bloody sight of him. She was too well versed with fire not to recognize that the wounds on his arm were burns. Furthermore, there was a small, extremely cute, houndour at his feet. One she had not seen him with before, but surely it could not have been the cause of so much harm, right? Thoroughly confused, she looked from him to the pokémon. "Jesus, dude, what happened? Are you okay?" she was still too surprised and sleepy to hide the genuine concern in her voice. Stepping aside, she made way for him to enter shitty appartement. Lucky for him, she wasn't squeamish.


Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

After his first few knocks he waited for a bit. When he could hear nothing happening at the other side, he tried again, and again. Every knock became a bit more desperate. What was he even doing here? Bothering someone he’d met at an amusement park. They were still pretty much strangers and here he was. Knocking on her door with an arm covered in burns. Míngzé made up his mind and wanted to turn around and leave when the door opened.

She was not exactly thrilled to see him, at least not at first and it did not become much better. “Hi,” he said a bit awkwardly, forcing one corner of his mouth into something that resembled a smile.

Míngzé had expected her to ask questions, who wouldn’t. Initially he wanted to come up with some stupid story how he was cooking but fucked up somehow. Firstly, it would be anything but believable given how far the burns reached and how severe they were. Secondly, he was simply too tired to lie.  “I was stuck in a burning building until it collapsed on me, so no, not really no,” Míngzé answered tonelessly. Even now he wanted to simply pretend it never happened, but he was way past that point. Her figure moved to the side, which he took as an invitation to enter her apartment. The creature on his foot fell to the side when he moved, but happily followed him inside.

Once inside Míngze felt a bit lost. New environments were always tricky and right now he was not in the mood to find his way around the apartment. “I tried to do it myself, but I think I only made it worse.” At his feet the small creature was biting his toes and Míngzé moved his foot a bit, trying to get it away but it did not work. “Can you— Do you want to help?” That he had no idea who else to contact, he kept to himself.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
'hi'. that's what he decided to go with. Just a 'hi'. Mindo stared at him in awe, her brows pinched together in a frown that spread over her entire face. She'd had neighbours at her door asking for sugar and salt before, sure, but this was the first time someone knocked asking for fucking medical attention. That was favor was in a different league entirely. Once again, Mindo rubbed her eyes. As the sleep wore off, the severity of his wounds became more and more apparent. Something dangerously close to worry tugged at her heartstrings.

His story did very little to better the situation. "Dude, what the fuck?" she said exasperated and stepped aside, letting him enter her home. It was a mess, as per usual. Dirty dishes (mostly belonging to her) were scattered all over the place, the cupboard she had 'fixed' once again hung loosely on its hinges. In any other situation, she'd have been happy that Míngzé could not really see the dump the place was. At this moment though, she had other things to worry about than the state of her appartement. "How does-," she sighed and pinched her nose, interrupting herself. "Ugh, never mind. Just sit down" remembering his disability, she hurried over to one of their kitchen chairs and led him to it, guiding his hand to the back of the chair. At this point, Soot must have heard their voices - as she heard a soft thud followed by the tapping of his nails, signaling that he had jumped off her bed and was now joining them. Seeing the strange pokémon in its house, he instantly raised his hackles. Mindo threw him a warning glare. "Be nice," she hissed at him. The baby houndour seemed a little scared in the strange place, staying close Ming. Normally Mindo would be swooning over the baby, but now there were more urgent matters at hand. Gently, she moved the creature slightly away from him.

"Yeah, no shit, idiot," her voice was dry as she replied to his extraordinarily intelligent conclusion. "Why are you not at a hospital goddamnit?" the hostility in her voice did very little to hide her worries. "I'll fucking try," At the very least, she had some street smarts to save his ass at the moment, as it had saved hers in many others. She was certainly no doctor, but at the very least she knew the basics on how not to die 101. "Stay here," she told him as if he had anywhere else to go. The redhead hurried over to the bathroom and then the kitchen, before returning with a glass of water, some supplies, pills, and a big fuck off bottle of whiskey. "Take the painkillers and a good few sips of alcohol, trust me on that one," Her mind was doing Olympics. Why was he here, why did he have an adorable little baby Houndour with him? Why the burns, why go to your idiot neighbour who nearly dies herself, all the time? Her eyes met his, reflecting her confusement.


Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Telling her how it had happened was maybe not the best move, but at the same time how believable did it sound? Even he had trouble believing that was what happened and he was the one with flashes of memories in his head. Every time it felt like his head became a bigger mess. The first time it had been easy to push it all aside and tell himself that it was all in his head. There had to be a logical explanation. That time he woke up being totally fine. Physically at least, but how could he tell himself it was all in his head this time?

Míngzé really was too tired to argue with her. It was a relief when she offered to sit down because his head was dangerously spinning. “I’m not sure,” Míngzé responded to her unfinished question as he accepted the help towards a chair. The thing at his feet followed him closely, a bit too close as it almost made him trip. Mindo’s own pokémon growled and for a moment he knitted his brows. Could it be that— no, the pokémon was probably growling at him for disturbing them this early in the morning. There was definitely something at his feet, but he was not entirely sure it was real.

Sitting down felt nice and he drew a relieved breath. “Is it that bad?” Míngzé asked as worry clouded his face. He looked to the side at his arm, but it did not tell him anything. There was maybe a slight discoloration as far as he could see, but the wounds and blisters were not visible. He’d felt them before, but had hoped it was less worse. “I thought it would be fine.” Besides, what would he tell them? Surely they wanted to know how this happened.

As she told him to stay, he nodded once and started removing his ill applied bandages. It was anything but a pleasant experience, especially since it stuck to him in some places. But he managed to remove it entirely before Mindo returned.

Mindo gave him painkillers and a bottle. Normally he would deny the alcohol, but this time he took her word for it. Without trying to think about it he accepted the pills and immediately swallowed them down with whatever she gave him. The taste was horrible and the cough that followed burned his throat. Sadly enough, that was the least of his problems.

“Have your dreams ever physically hurt you?” Míngzé tried to leek her in the eye, knowing full well how deranged this made him sound.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
In her head, she tried to unravel the story at play here. What on earth could have happened, for him to get his arm burned to a crisp and come to her about it? She remembered him saying he moved here only a little while ago, but was he truly so lonely? Was there no-one else to care for him? Mindo bit her lip, inspecting the burns and racking her brain on how to treat them best. With her slight pyromaniac tendencies, she used to deal with burns and blisters a lot. Ever since she got her affinity, that slowly dissipated, and knowledge was starting to fade. One thing she remembered quite clearly though, was to always cool it with water first

Grabbing a clean cloth, she started running the water and soaked it. “Are you serious? A burning building collapsed on you, and you thought it’d be fine?” she groaned, before turning off the tap and returning to the chair he was seated on. His loud coughing managed to make a grin break through. “Yeah, that’s horrible stuff, but you’ll thank me in a bit,” she elaborated before pulling out a chair for herself to sit on. As she was about to press on the wet cloth, the sight of his wounds made her hesitate. Mindo let out a soft whistle, and lingered over him. What if she messed him up even more? She barely knew what the hell she was doing, what if she just made everything worse, like she always did? The redhead bit her lip. She really didn’t want to hurt him.

“You know, I’m really not a medical professional,” she muttered. Then again, she didn’t really have a choice, did she? She couldn’t exactly tell him to fuck off and leave to a hospital without help, he couldn’t even drive a car for arceus’ sake. Once again, she sighed. “I’m gonna cool it, it might sting,” One last second she hesitated before reaching out for his arm. Gingerly, she grabbed his hand with her own, her warm fingers hot against his cold skin. It made her shiver, though not entirely due to the cold. With bated breath, she carefully wrapped the cold, damp cloth against his wounds, paying close attention not to touch the blisters with her hands. The silent tension between them was sharp and fragile as she worked.

It was his question that caught her off guard. “Wait, what?” Looking confused, she stared at him, still processing his question. “Shit, Míngzé, did you hit your head too?” she sat up, trying to inspect his head for any injuries.


Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé knew how it must sound. It was a wonder Mindo remained at least a little bit calm in this situation. When she put it like that, it made only more sense for him to go to a hospital. But he could not shake the feeling off that it had all been a weird nightmare. Maybe the creature at his feet was indeed the one who’d burned him. Wouldn’t he be hurt more if it really happened. Yet, when he closed his eyes and let his thoughts loose, he could remember it. Even when those memories were a mess.

“It will be fine, I trust you.” He tried to give her a smile, but it did not reach his eyes. No matter what, she will do a better job than he had done and in that he trusted her. Which was all that mattered at this point. When she warned him about the pain, he nodded. Míngzé was not really used to pain. He has had his fair amount of papercuts and has his knees or elbows multiple times, but none of it could really compare to this. He bit down on his finger as Mindo started working. The pain was clearly visible on his face and his breathing was a bit heavier.

Did he hit his head… it was what he hid behind the last time something like this happened. Everything was just something his mind had made up after hitting his head and then spending a night on a cold beach. That made more sense than alternatives. Yet, now Míngzé did not know anymore. He thought he did but at the same time it still felt like a dream. But dreams could not hurt you unless you were in a movie.

“I wish,” he sighed deeply, waving his other arm at Mindo to make her stop looking for something that was not there. He looked at Mindo for a moment and drew a deep breath. After this she would certainly think he was crazy, but what had he to lose?  “I went to sleep, certain things happened in my dream— or more like a nightmare and I woke up with this.” He raised his arm for a second, indicating the burns but he winced at the movement.. “That’s why I asked, because if it was anything but a dream, I don’t think I would be sitting here right now. Which makes no sense.” No, he would’ve been dead for sure. No one could experience those things and live on to tell the tale.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
She let out a humorless laugh. “That’s like the stupidest thing you could do,” she made no attempt to hide the bitterness coating her voice. She’d stolen from him the first time they met, and that certainly wasn’t the worst on the scale of things she’d done to people much dearer to her than him. Even if she did try, fucking up was just in her dna. Especially in moments where it mattered. Still, she gritted her teeth and got to work. She’d warned him, so the blame was on Míngzé for being stupid enough to stay.

Despite her anxiety, though, she did a halfway decent job. After finishing, she sat back to inspect her work. The towel sat steady and covered all the raw skin that he had tried to patch up. Idiot. Probably the worst thing you could do was bandage it immediately, without cooling it. They’d have to wait a bit.

When he started talking about dreams, Mindo assumed he must’ve had a concussion. He dismissed her worries with a wave of his hand, and when she sat down again he started talking.

After he finished, Mindo fell quiet for a long time. Was he shitting her? She didn’t believe a word he said, all of it sounded completely nonsensical. Then again, would he lie to her? Mindo had met a lot of liars in her time, and Míngzé had very little in common with them. Besides, what would he gain from coming to her doorstep asking for help, only to lie about what happened? Unless he had something to hide, of course. Mindo bit her lip, not entirely sure how to process this, let alone how to react. Míngzé didn’t seem like a bad guy, but she’d been fooled before. Ugh. “O… Kay,” she started, a large frown plastered on her face. It was clear she didn’t believe him, but she was being polite about it.. “But how’d you end up in a burning building? Why is there a puppy with you, and where is your lizard?” and those were only a few of the questions she had.


Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Mindo might be right and maybe it was stupid to trust her, but for now she was his only option. So far, whatever she was doing, was not too bad. It hurt like a bitch, but she was doing her best to be gentle, something he could appreciate.

The silence that followed took over the whole apartment. If he paid close attention, he could almost hear his own heart beating in his chest. Míngzé did not look at her, instead kept his eyes on his arm. Focussing on the burning pain was better than trying to figure out what went through Mindo’s head. A mistake. Once again he had said something he should’ve kept to himself. Right now she might have come to the conclusion that he was an absolute lunatic.

Finally she broke the silence again and relief washed over him. She shot all her questions at him in one go. Perhaps the silence had been a better option. The first question told him enough. She did not believe a word he said. A sigh rolled over his lips and he closed his exhausted eyes. Yet at the same time he was happy she mentioned the creature. At least he was not imagining things. “Qiān has been in his ball for a while now,” Míngzé said to answer the easiest question and the only one he could really answer, although he could not shake off the guilt that came with it.

“As for your other questions,” Míngzé started as he moved in his seat and sat straighter with his back against the chair. He raised one shoulder and laughed an empty laugh. What could he say? That he first drowned before waking up in a place on fire. A tightness spread through his chest and he quickly pushed those thoughts aside. “No idea, like I said, I was in bed and woke up in some building I did not recognize. As for the creature—” The pup was curled up into a ball and fast asleep at his feet. “Until now I was not even sure it was real.” Míngzé knew it was better to stay quiet, but it was an effect of the few sips he had. His alcohol tolerance was very low, not to mention everything else going on.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
As he spoke, she stuck her legs under her body, sitting cross-legged on the chair across from him. Her messy red hair was still tangled from her sleep, red locks poking out of her lopsided ponytail. Her pyjama consisted of an oversized band shirt she'd stolen years ago, and a messed up pair of sweatpants, nothing too charming. Míngzé on the other hand, looked strangely pristine - apart from his horribly burned and bandaged arm, that was. His sleek, night-black hair draped over his shoulder and chest, framing his face. Mindo realized she'd never seen him with his hair loose before. He didn't leave her much space to ponder that.

"What, why?" she asked immediately, confusion evident in her voice. It was uncommon to keep a pokémon in it's ball in this region, and for once that was a sentiment Mindo shared. Desperately, she tried to piece the story together. Could something the lizard had done caused his burns? But how on earth would that make sense, when he was a water type? She bit her lip. Nothing he was saying made sense. It was clear Míngzé had taken notice of her disbelief, but could he blame her? His story was so distorted and vague, not to mention that it was a dream. Dreams were weird, that's simply what they were. What dreams were not though, was something that could physically harm you, or dump a puppy on you. It didn't diminish her worries, though. Quietly, Mindo tried to keep her cool and not tell him he was insane. She really was trying here.

"It's a houndour. A small one," and fucking adorable at that. "Did he.. Come from your dream, too?" she asked, puzzled. "And you're 100% sure you weren't kidnapped in your sleep?"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Sometimes he was glad he could not see the looks on people’s faces. Right now he could imagine how Mindo was looking at him. She did not believe him and he did not expect her to. It was fine. He just needed to hear himself say it and even then it was hard to believe it himself. Yet, something had changed. No longer could he pretend it was the imagination of his own mind, like Mindo was able to do.

How long has Qiān been in his ball already? A month? More? Míngzé had lost track of time. It had been a very long time, especially for a pokémon that never spent a minute of his life in a pokébal. “I needed space and he did not allow me any.” Which only started to make more sense. The pokémon had not been able to keep him safe, lost him even, and did not want to let that happen again. “It’s better like this, for now at least.” Although, at this point he was scared of how the pokémon would react and with each day that went by, that feeling got fueled.

A houndour. Míngzé moved his toes and could feel the pokémon at his feet twist in response. He hummed softly. “Who knows.” Pokémon did not magically appear out of nowhere. At least, not these kinds of pokémon. “He was there when I woke up and I never owned one before, make of that what you want.” In other words, yes. The houndour yawned again in response, clearly not ready to wake up yet.

“Perhaps,” he muttered. Kidnapping. Míngzé let the thought float around in his head. But it made no sense. As if it wanted to remind him, he could feel the tightness in his chest again. Míngzé closed his eyes and placed his hand against his chest. “Trust me, the first time something like this happened, I also thought I was losing it,” he said as the corner of his mouth twitched in an attempt to smile at it. And maybe he had finally snapped.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Uncharacteristically quiet, she took in his answers to her questions. Nothing about it made any sense at all. Her gaze drilled into him, as if that would unravel the secrets he seemed to hold. It made her mind race. Either he was straight lying to her face , or he had truly lost his mind. "The first time? You're telling me these things have happened on multiple occasions?" Mindo brought her thumb to her mouth and absentmindedly bit down on the loose bit of skin, a nasty habit that often came back up when she was troubled. Nothing made sense! It was way too fucking early, nothing made sense, and it made her increasingly uneasy. A silence lingered for a bit, and eventually, a thought broke through.

Did it really matter? Whether he was telling the truth or simply spinning a very unbelievable story, it was undeniable the guy was having some serious troubles. Hell, he felt desperate enough to come knocking at her door like some hungry stray. The redhead forced herself to stop prying, and instead returned her attention to his wounds. "At least you got a cute dog out of it, I fucking guess," rubbing her temples, she got to her feet once again and inspected the wet towels. "Okay, think that's been like 10 minutes. This might sting," she started removing the cloths with surprising care, inspecting the wounds and replacing them with clean, dry ones. As she worked, she kept her eyes on his limb and away from him, shifting awkwardly. "Hey, dude, eh..." she was clearly a little awkward. "Are you... You know, okay?"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Fuck. Míngzé bit his tongue for a moment. He should stay quiet, but what was the point? The more he said, the less believable it all sounded. “A short while ago, I accidentally went for a swim. Which I can’t— I can’t swim,” he said with an empty laugh. “Although my clothes were dry. Which is stranger.” But it happened. He knew that now. “Just eh— stay away from the beach.” If this happened to him, it could happen to others too and he did not want that.

The dog. He was a whole other fucking problem. Míngzé had enough troubles with Qiān as it was and now he had this mysterious thing that did not leave him alone. He sighed deeply. “Would you keep it?” Míngzé asked as he turned his head towards her. “A pokémon that was just there after what might be the worst nightmare of your life?” It was a houndour, which was a fire type and his arm looked like something had set it on fire. For all he knew this pup had something to do with it.

Those were probably problems for later, what came first was his arm. The cold temperature of the towels had certainly helped cool it down. It did not burn as badly as before, but not for long. “Just do it,” he muttered. It all got worse again from there. Míngzé gritted his jaw and was opening and closing his other hand as a distraction. At her question he firstly only shook his head as he prepared himself first to keep his breathing steady. “Absolutely— just terrific— do you have more of that eh— stuff?” Sweat had formed on his head, caused by the pain his body had to go through. Another drink might help numb the pain some more.  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Once again Mindo found herself to be grateful of the fact that Míngzé was unable to see, for there was no way she could hide the absolute disbelief on her face. Why the fuck would he go for a swim? And where was his water type pokémon in all of this, goddamnit? Mindo pinched the bridge of her nose with the tips of her fingers. "Dude.." she swallowed whatever other words she wanted to say, shaking her head. Once again, it didn't really matter, did it? Whatever the truth was, she highly doubted that the slender man would purposefully get himself in a situation which such dire consequences.

Contemplating, she bend over and scooped the puppy up. It yipped in surprise, but it clearly was just a baby. Mindo looked him over, gently stroking his ears before putting him in her neighbor's lap. "I know you can't see, but it's literally just a puppy. Nothing demonic about it, I promise you," she said dryly. "Of course I'd keep it, it's fucking adorable," besides, whatever trouble Ming was in, houndours were loyal to the very end. She'd know. It might be good for him to have another shadow. Even if it was just a little thing, it would grow up big one day.

Working on his arm, she tried to be as gentle as possible. But nothing about here was particularly gentle, and she definetly wasn't too skilled at any of this. In the end, she did manage at least a halfway decent job. Silently, she passed him the whiskey once more. With some hesitation, she grabbed his hand and quickly guided it to the bottle."That's not what I meant," she said, leaning back and folding her arms over each other. "Look you don't have to tell me shit, but just.. Are you okay? Are you in trouble with anyone?" was he having a psychotic breakdown? Or did he owe some shady people money?

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Without any kind of warning the creature was laced on his lap. His initial reaction was to lean back, creating more space. All the pup did however, was jawn, turn around a few times and curl back into a ball. A sigh escaped and he placed a hand on the warm body. “You can’t be too careful in this world,” he muttered. But if it was just a pokémon and nothing more it could stay. For now.

It was all very uncomfortable for many reasons and while she was helping he thought about tapping out every now and then. All that would do was delay the inevitable. Míngzé had been telling the truth and nothing else, but it was evident that she thought otherwise. He let her guide his hand to the bottle and took a deep breath before he drank from it. The taste was still horrible. With a grimace he placed the bottle down again. “Only if death is a person.” His yellow eyes rested on the bottle. Was it truly death that was haunting him? Did those voices he heard belong to them?

His fingers traced the bottle as he simply sat there. “Look you— this all sounds completely fucking insane and I’m sorry,” he started hesitantly. The alcohol in his system luckily numbed the pain somewhat with the help of the painkiller. “It was not my intention to drag you into all this shit.” In a way he felt guilty for it. They had seen each other once and now here he sat, asking so much of her. This had really been his last resort, as he did not know where else to go. “But— still— thank you, for all of this,” he ended with a sigh as he rubbed his tired eyes.  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????

A snicker escaped her lips. "And here I thought I was the cynical one," she said dryly, reaching forward towards the curled up puppy to scratch behind his ear, in the spot that Soot always liked. "It's a bit of weird color, but nothing demonic. I'll let you know if he starts to cry blood or something," a shadow of a smile painted her lips, though only for a split second. Despite everything, his dog was awfully cute. Mindo didn't have to look behind her to know that her own dog was watching her with rising jealousy, though he obeyed and stayed in his spot. She'd give him a treat for being a good boy later.

For now her attention was back on Míngzé again, who was either getting shitfaced already or edged closer and closer towards losing his mind. Death? A person? Mindo opened her mouth to ask him if he joined some religious cult, but closed it again. What the fuck was he going on about? At least he seemed self aware about the lunacy of what he was saying. Lost in thought, Mindo bit her lip. She desperately wanted to know what was haunting him, but did it really matter? In the end, she sighed and shook her head. " 'S alright, guess that's what neighbours are for, huh?" she snorted. "Just... If you're in trouble with anyone, I might know some people," okay, that was enough niceness from her for a while. Why was she being so nice to him? Mindo sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Wanna get shitfaced and forget about it together?" if therapy didn't fix it, there was always alcohol.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Right now he was not in any state to start some discussion as to why he did not fully trust this strange pokémon. He was so very tired and it did not matter anyway. It was not like she believed him anyway. WHich was probably for the better. “Please do, I don’t want to have to wash blood out of the carpet,” he forced a smile on his lips. It was just a pokémon. Maybe if he kept telling himself that, he might start believing it too.

Míngzé hummed softly. He couldn’t help but feel guilty for bothering her with this. This had nothing to do with her and yet here she was. Later, when things had calmed down he should do something for her to thank her. It was only right. She mentioned she knew some people and for now, he did not think much about it.

“I don’t drink,” Míngzé said matter of fact, knowing fully well how that sounded right now. This however had been different. It was not drinking to get drunk or whatever reason people had for drinking. But to be fair, did it even matter anymore. Reluctantly he lifted the bottle once more, he could vaguely see the reflection of the light. “Although I guess this is different.” Without giving himself more room to question his choice he drank, the taste had not changed since the first time. “That’s so awful,” he muttered with clear disgust before handing Mindo the bottle.

What she’d told him just now popped back up into his mind and made him frown deeply. “How do you know people that could help?” From what Míngzé knew about her, she was just some normal girl he had met during a festival and happened to be his neighbor.  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
His words made her chuckle. Would it really bother him, though? If he couldn't see it, what was the harm, right? Though Mindo quickly realized that having blood splatters all over his appartement might not be a great look to any visitors. The blind murderer... Honestly, it was kind of a sick serial killer name.

Now that he wounds looked relatively clean, Mindo managed to relax a little bit. In any other circumstance she might've felt some kind of way being around a neighbor in her lousy pyjama's, but, well.. Yeah. Not like Ming had much of an opinion on the fact her hair was more of a birds nest than usual and she wasn't wearing a bra. Heh. Bit of a shitty thought, but having a blind... Acquaintance? Neighbor? Well, whatever Ming was to her, his blindness was, to her, more of a perk. Leaning back in her chair, she gestured Soot to come over, who did so immediately. Her own houndour jumped on her lap and kept a watchful eye on the puppy, his hackles raised slightly.

Ming's respons elicited a not so charming snort from her. "I don't drink, he said, whilst taking a drink," she teased him for his hypocrisy. "Trust me, I'd be the last to judge," she reached for the bottle and put it to her lips, the liquor burning through her throat. Whiskey before breakfast, well, hadn't done that in a while. "I know right, I love it," cheapest liquor money could buy, of her fingers could steal. She loved the smokey taste, the way it seemed to warm her from the inside just as a cigarette did. Her eyes found Ming again, who unfortunately remembered something she'd mentioned. "Just... Acquaintances. Work, people I know from way back when, y'know. It doesn't really matter," she dodged his question. "Why do you ask?" she probed.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

While his arm still hurt, it was a little bit better now. It was overshadowed by his growing fatigue anyway. No matter the fact that he just came out of bed, Míngzé felt like he hadn’t slept at all. And maybe he hadn’t. There was no telling what had exactly happened and it was maddening.

Míngzé felt the pup on his lap move as it looked up at the other houndour, but it quickly nestled itself closer against him. He looked down at it, still unsure what to do with the creature. Its whole existence was a mystery to him, one he did not like.

There was a small smile on his lips. “I’d like to use the argument that this is a special occasion.” It definitely was and the fact that the alcohol numbed the pain was a welcome detail. However, Míngzé made a face when she told him she liked it. “Can’t say I agree.” Perhaps he would get used to it at some point, but right now he had no plans of making this a normal occurrence.

Softly he hummed as Mindo answered his question, even though he was only half listening to a word she said. “No reason really,” Míngzé answered with a shrug from one shoulder. “Only trying to distract the mind.” He tapped his own head a few times. With how low his alcohol tolerance was, and the fact that it was early in the morning and he was tired while drinking on an empty stomach, he quickly felt the effect. “The fries-loving girl. That’s all I really know about you,” Míngzé said almost lost in thought, his words already a bit slurring.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
His reply made her snort. A 'special occasion', yeah, all right. "Well then, next time you're burned to a crisp, feel free to come knocking again. I'm always down to drink," she replied dryly, a grin plastered on her face as the few sips she'd taken were already taking effect. No surprises there, with whiskey on an empty stomach. "Though I'd prefer it you got your ass kicked in the afternoon or evening, instead of morning," morning drinking wasn't quite her jam, as it usually meant the hangover already kicked in before the day was even over. Besides, she preferred to sleep in, thank you very much.

As he probed further, the grin on her face disappeared. Míngzé looked like a decent guy. The kind of person who always did their homework on time in highschool. The guy who always followed recipes to the t. Certainly not someone who'd be entirely cool with her being involved with various criminal activities. Or at least, she used to be. Maybe she misjudged him, but regardless, she wasn't to eager to cough up her unsavory past to a near stranger. Still, his efforts to get to know her a bit better were... Well, they were nice. "Heh, well, that is one of my main characteristics," she joked, reaching for another sip from the bottle. The slurring of his words hadn't gone unnoticed, but she wasn't one to deny him a refill, let alone herself. "Nah, well, I'm 23, I work as a barista and a bartender in a shitty bar and a shitty café and, eh, I don't know man, I like the color red," she blabbed on. "That help paint a clearer picture?"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
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