
Keep on surviving

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Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

A smile formed on his lips. It was nice to know he was still welcome here, even after all this. “I still don’t drink,” he reminded her, although jokingly this time. In a span of three months, he’d drank more than he had his entire life. “I’ll be sure to tell them if they ever try something like this again.” If only he knew who they were. “Surely they’ll listen if I drop your name.” Not something he would ever do. This was his mess and he did not want to involve any more people.

The main one I assume.” To think this is where they would end up. They met over fries and now he came knocking on her door for help. Míngzé couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty. Guilt that was luckily quickly pushed to the back because of the effects of alcohol and Mindo who started talking about herself.

Míngzé looked at her while he listened, his still burning arm resting on the table. He really tried to listen carefully to everything she said, but in the end only one thing remained in his head. “Like your hair,” he noticed as he pointed in the general direction of Mindo. Even he could see the fiery red locks on her head. “You’ll have to tell me again some other time, all I remember is red and fries.” His words were already sluggish. Maybe one day, he would be able to drink more than this. But that day was not today.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Once again he repeated his disdain towards alcohol. The slight drunken slurring of his words made her lips curl up into a devious grin. Sure he didn't. Mindo rolled her amber eyes at him, forgetting his blurry vision in her state of intoxication. His mention of they, though, didn't go unnoticed. So there were people involved? It still puzzled her. "Yeah yeah definitely, everyone knows I'm the scourge of this city," she chuckled. Arceus, if only.

His sudden comment made her snort. "Heh, yeah, like my hair," dumbass. It really was a shame he 'didn't drink', as she found his non sober state to be very amusing. "I'm also sporting a fire affinity, so red like fire, everything, 's all red," she blabbered on, uncharacteristically opening up now that there was alcohol in her bloodstream. "You really have no tolerance at all, huh? " bold statement from someone shaped like a twig. Though her years of borderline alcoholism had done her some favors in this regard. "But you have to admit, the pain is more tolerable now, eh?" she leaned back a bit, petting Soot that had now settled on her lap. It'd be great if the little fucker evolved, but she'd miss having him as a warm lap dog. "But, wait, like, you can see my hair color? Then how do your eyes work?"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé couldn’t imagine that Mindo was someone who looked imposing. “The worst,” he agreed. So far she has given him no reason to even consider if those words held some sort of truth.

A soft groan rolled over his lips at the mention of affinities and he leaned back in his seat. There was clear annoyance written all over his face. “No, no, no. In this house we don't speak about— this isn’t even my house.” Not that it mattered. Míngzé shook his head at his own stupidity. His head began to feel pretty heavy. “Nope, not at all. Sāng had to carry me home last time.” Or well, he had to support him, but was that not basically the same. Surely it was.

She’d talked about herself, so it was only fair if he answered her questions. If his answers would actually answer something, that was something entirely different. “Badly,” Míngzé responded immediately, followed by an uncharismatic snort. During his dream, he’d been able to see. Or that is what they made him believe anyway. “You, for example,” Mingzè starts while gesturing towards Mindo with both hands. “Are a blob.” It was impossible not to laugh at his own words, only a sign of how badly his tolerance was. “A blob— as I said, with a red head.” That was about it. People with blond hair or even gray were nothing more than a moving blob.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
His very clear dismay of affinities caught her off guard. In all honestly, she kind of assumed him to be the spiritual, ghosty kind of type. He had the long, luscious hair for it, and the stories to match. Considering he apparently believed in dreams that could either burn or drown him, him being the kind of person who was mesmerizing by affinities wouldn't have surprised her. She was proven wrong, though. Quite so.

"Pff, thankfully not. If you were my landlord, I'd probably try to strangle you," she barked out a laugh. "Or force you to fix our fucking cabinets," she'd tried herself a thousand times, and they just ended up getting worse and worse. "Ooh, Sang? Didn't know you had a boyfriend," she teased, an amused grin plastered on her face. Apparently, affinities were just another sore subject. Even in her intoxicated state, she started to realize the dude had some demons.

His crude explanation made her burst out in laughter. She tried to imagine what that would be like, everything shaped like a blob. Arceus, she'd be so fucked. "I'll take a blob," she said, as if seriously considering his words. "I'll make sure not to dye my hair so I'll be recognizable for you buddy,"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé raised an eyebrow at her, a smile tugging at his lips. “Can’t promise you they’d be straight or stable.” He had never even put together a cabinet or any kind of closet. People had to do it for him. If she asked him nicely, he would try it. Maybe only because he was tipsy and it sounded like a very good idea.

A loud laugh escaped after a moment when she came to the conclusion that Sāng was his boyfriend. The alcohol made it more funny than it should be, but he kept laughing until his stomach hurt, the pain radiating through his arm. “Fuck,” he cursed, his voice still amused and with a laugh breaking through. “God no, I’d probably come for his neck after living together for a week,” he explained with a chuckle. Or maybe it wouldn’t be that bad, but right now that was the image he had in his mind.

The grin stayed on his face when his explanation made Mindo burst out in laughter. “Not like you have a choice.” Everything and everyone was almost the same. There had been a time when it had been different, but that was far away in the past. “Much appreciated,” he said with a small bow. “It makes you a better looking blob than all the others,” Míngzé declared, gesturing in a half-circle as if indicating other people.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Ah. Yeah. Okay, fair. Having a blind man fix her cabinets might not be all that productive. Mindo snickered at the thought of having all doors be upside down and crooked, even more than they were now. Mindo was quite good in 'fixing' things. That was, fixing things, as she did back on the streets: just make sure it worked for the time being. It didn't have to look pretty, it just had to do its job. That mentality was clearly evident in the state of her cabinets. They worked, though. For the moment at least.

Her remark about a boyfriend made Míngzé burst out in laughter. Sure, it might've been funny, but jesus, he really must not like the guy if this was his reaction. Either that, or it was family. Yikes. The girl raised an eyebrow at him. "Sure sounds like an interesting friend," to be fair, she loved Lixia, but living with her would probably be an equally disturbing nightmare. Imagine having to share a bed. A life. Heh... Mindo reached for another sip.

"So, not even if I'm like, really close? Usually people see better up close, right?" not that she was planning to, but his answers genuinely piqued her curiosity. As she was lost in thought, imagining her life with his vision, his remark took her by susprise. Mindo snorted loudly. "Pff, wow, Míngzé, are you flirting with me?"laughter followed. "Honestly, being called a 'better look blob than other blobs' is probably the nicest thing I've been told in a while," she snickered with a sigh, rubbing her eyes. "Okay okay, I need to take Soot for a walk. I know you say you don't drink, but please come get smashed with me again some other time. I enjoy drunk Míngzé," she lifted herself to her feet, grinning.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

“Not me, that only makes you a way bigger blob,” Míngzé explained, his words slurring. It was weird to think people could see textures on skin, or small details on objects, as he has never been able to see any of those. A grin came to his lips at the sound of her laugh. “Only if it’s working,” he said jokingly with a wink followed by a chuckle. Oh god— alcohol was clearly a bad idea especially in his state.

He raised an eyebrow at Mindo’s words. “That’s hard to believe.” While they had not spent that much time together, he liked her. Yet of course, he barely knew anything about her, but that could change in the future.

When Mindo said she had to go outside with her pokémon, Míngzé gave her a small nod. He raised to his feet himself, completely forgetting that there was one sleeping in his lap. The pup tumbled to the floor, looking all kinds of confused. “Next time, I’ll bring orange juice.” Míngzé felt how wobbly his legs were and it was a good thing that he lived down the hall. Each step would take him great effort not to fall to the ground. But there was a promise in his words, otherwise he would not have said ‘next time’.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
His admittance to flirting of all things made her burst out laughing, nearly causing the poor pokémon on her lap to have a heart attack. Still chuckling, she petted it in an apology. "No comment," She hummed, thoroughly amused. Her eyes drifted over him, taking him in in an entirely different way than she had before. He wasn't her usual type. Really, he was much too sweet, too kind. He looked like the type of guy to apologize after smacking her too hard. Though, perhaps that was nice for a change, and that beautiful, beautiful hair....

Fucking Arceus, she needed to get her mind out of the fucking gutter. It was time to go. She was balancing on this thin line of being sober enough to be rational, and drunk enough to do something entirely stupid. Before she'd cross over that threshold, she needed to get out. Thankfully, Ming agreed. Once again she laughed as the poor pup tumbled to the ground. "Míngzé!" She exclaimed with a laugh. Thankfully, the pup seemed okay. Mindo walked the both of them to the door. "Cool, cool, I'll bring the vodka then," she joked, snickering slightly at the state he was in. At least he wouldn't feel the pain anymore. "Make sure to keep those wounds clean, don't get them infected," she leaned on her door frame, watching him hobble over to his own door. "Bye Míng," what a guy.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
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