
On top of the world

2 posters
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589
Djodie Archeron

She didn't ecxactly know why, but her encounter with that prick prince, had hit her harder than she was willing to admit. Both times he had complete degraded her, pushed her to the ground with nothing but his words.
Djodie had found refuge in The Golden Eye. She found that the bartenders here were a bit more easy going. They didn't ask questions, as she ordered her fourth shot, besides that fact that she sat alone.
Maybe this prickprince has been right. Maybe she was indeed good for nothing. With that thought she downed the shot and enjoyed the burning sensation in her throat. She sat the glass back onto the counter and raised her hand with two fingers.
She was ready to forget this day. To wake up tomorrow morning hung over. Or maybe to do something increadibly stupid.


Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201
Kaye Mercer
What a day. Rain was pouring outside, glistening the streets and causing a chill to hang in the air. None of that was felt however inside the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the Golden Eye. Kaye sat in her usual corner, alone for a change and not joined by eye catching company. Her gloves lay discarded on the table and her fingers were stroking the rim of her scotch glass absentmindedly. The smooth tones of the live jazz band playing on the other side of the establishment worked wonders for her ever raging stream of thoughts that occupied her mind.

Kaye’s pale eyes caught wind of their new patron the moment she walked through the door, her fiery hair a stark contrast against the black and yellow tones of the establishment. She took a seat at the bar, her back facing towards her and away from Kaye’s prying eyes. The band ended their slightly uptempo song and entered a calmer melody. As she sat there, observing the red head, she watched as she downed shot after shot. Cheap liquor that went down easy and didn’t hurt as much when you checked your bank account the next day.

Poor thing ..

Kaye raised finger to signal the waiter who almost passed her, and instructed him to bring the girl a drink. A real drink. He nodded and made his way towards the bar. Pale eyes followedh is movement as the bartender took the order and began, preparing the drink with refined elegance. She watched as he put the final touch to it and placed the Ruby Rose cocktail on the bar in front of the redhead, leaning forward to tell her where the drink had come from.

Kaye chose that moment to adjust her gaze and throw the rest of her scotch back in one fell swoop, placing the glass back down on the coaster, wiping her lips with her napkin, and finally look up to hopefully catch the gaze of the woman at the bar.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Bartenders walked on and off, and Djodie enjoyed watching them making the most colourfull, luxurious drinks. Her eyes followed multiple yellow, blue and even purple drinks leave the bar.
She was surprised, however, when one of the bartender poured a pink liquid into a glass and placed it in front of her. Djodie's eyes went up, confused, as the bartender leaned in and told her that the girl at the table in the corner ordered it for her.
Good thing that the shots already got away of her denial.
Djodie picked up the glass, and took a sip from the drink.
Arceus. This was good. She turned on her barstool, her eyes searching the corners of the bar, until a woman indeed locked down her eyesight. Djodie tilted her head, stood up, wiped the wrinkled out of her black dress and walked upto her table.
Her red heels clicked on the wall, their color matching her hair.

At the woman's table, she took another sip as she couldn't help but take in the sight. There was something about her that intrigued Djodie.
"Thank you. This is alot better than those shots. Allthough they are quite helpfull to take the edge of." Djodie laughed softly.
"My name is Djodie. Can I join you?" Altough that might be an obvious answer.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201
Kaye Mercer
Blue eyes met blue eyes as Kaye locked eyes with the stranger. Patiently, she studied the other, noticed how the red head tilted her head before she began to make her way towards the corner. Satisfied that her gesture had the desired effect, she sat back in the corner seat, one arm draped over the back in a relaxed stance.

The other stopped at her table, reveling at the way how blue eyes took her in as she resisted the way to sit up and puff out her chest. Instead, she locked eyes with the other woman and regarded her quietly.. “You certainly looked like you needed it.” Kaye said, a slow smile briefly passing over her face. “Please,”  She continued with an approving look after the woman introduced herself as Djodie and asked if she could join her, motioning to the empty space next to her. Her eyes briefly flickered over towards the nearest waiter, who had already been glancing in their direction, and then vanished to get her another scotch. “Djodie.” Kaye repeated, liking how easy it rolled off the tongue. “Pretty name. You’re brave for joining a mysterious stranger who sends drinks” She added with amusement evident in her voice, and a glint in her eyes.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

As their eyes met, the woman leaned back into her corner seat, draping one arm on the rest. If the drink didn't give Djodie the gay hint, this very much did. It also made her question her own sexuality but she was already to tipsy to even care. As Djodie walked over to the table, the woman explained that she looked like she needed the drink.
She couldn't disagree on that. "Well that's certainly true."

After the woman invited her to sit down, Djodie did so, taking a sip of her cocktail again, downing large amounts each time.
The woman repeated her name, and Djodie felt a shiver going down her spine.
"Brave or rather incredibly stupid." according to mister prickprince. Another sip went down her throat. Djodie was a bit startled as the waiter brought a scotch for the woman, she didn't see him coming.
"As for the mysterious stranger part. I didn't catch your name?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201
Kaye Mercer
Djodie slipped beside her on the seat as the waiter returned with the scotch glass. Kaye reached over to place her gloves out of Djodie’s way, tossing them carelessly on her corner as she finally settled her gaze on her companion. She was small, a good head shorter than herself she reckoned. Her eyes were shade of deep blue, much deeper than Kaye’s own paler blue eyes. “Maybe both. I’m curious which one you are gonna be tonight.” She remarked when the waiter walked off. “Kaye Mercer. My brother owns this ‘fine’ establishment. I do hope they have been serving you right, my brother tends to not keep his employees to high standard. ” There was an edge to her voice, a swift look of displeasure shooting across her face, as she eyed the waiter again that had brought her the scotch. He was currently occupied taking the order of table sixteen and made a nervous impression. Her eyes narrowed but she settled her gaze back onto Djodie, crossing her leg over the other and regarding her with a steely look.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

As she sat down, Djodie felt the woman's eyes go over her, much like she had done herself earlier. The woman than replied to her that she maybe was both brave and stupid, and Djodie thought that she liked that idea better. Both was good. For now.
The woman introdiced herself after she confessed that she was curious wether Djodie would be brave or stupid tonight.
"Well, this makes it so that that difference less and less noticable." Djodie said with a soft laugh, shortly raising her glass. As she took another sip she couldn't deny that her head started to feel fuzzy, light. The first barriers inside were gone, her shyness, insecurity. Making it a lot easier for her to just enjoy her evening - who knew where it would bring her?
Kaye then explained that her brother was the owner of the bar. And said that she hoped that Djodie was treated well.
"Ah," Djodie laughed. "That's why he is looking like he's about to pass out. I am sure you quite scare them." Djodie looked at Kaye with a playfull spark in her eyes, shifting her wait towards the woman so she could scootch a little closer without drawing to much attention to it.
"Worry not, they have treated me quite well. They don't ask too many questions, even when you're alone, downing 4 shots in a row." Djodie followed Kaye's eyes and watched the waiter a few tables away, looking like he was about to cry with Kaye's gaze on him. Djodie couldn't help but laugh a little.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201
Kaye Mercer
The jazz band finished their song and switched over to a piano solo that complimented a more contained setting and Kaye took this moment to take a hold of her scotch glass, twirling the honey colored liquor around before taking a small sip from it and enjoying how the burning sensation lit up her throat. Her companion seemed to down her drink with quite some vigor and that made her wonder just how well the little thing could hold her liquor.

Kaye raised an eyebrow when Djodie took the opportunity to scoot a little closer, closing the distance with a feigned nonchalance that did not escape her. She chose not to comment on it, yet, but certainly did not mind it and took the opportunity to place her other arm on the back of the seat, behind Djodie but not quite touching her yet. She wasn’t sure yet about this one ..

“Good. As they should-” Kaye remarked with a low hum. “But you have made me curious about you. Downing shots like lemonade on a weekday, that kind of day, hm?” She inquired, looking down at her red headed companion with interest.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589
Djodie Archeron

As she scootched closer, Kaye placed her arm on the back of Djodie's seat. She half expected to feel her fingers on her shoulder, but there was no such feeling.
Had she read the woman wrong?
The woman then asked her what happened that made her down shots like that on a weekday. Djodie had lost al realisation what it in fact was a weekday, and that she was supposed to open the café tomorrow. She looked at her glass, where just a bottom of the drink was left.
Wel, working tomorrow wasn't going to happen. She sipper the last bit and placed the finished glass on the table.
"Well," she started. Noticing that the boundary in her head that kept her from infodumping was... less available.
"I had an... encounter with a certain person, twice." Her eyes lowered, calculation what she wanted to share or not. Djodie felt the urge to just spill it all out, to lay everything on the table and just rable on about what happened.
"You could say that I met the prince of edessa. I bumped into him earlier this week, I fell over, and if that wasn't enough he started to really push me down. Degrading and everything. Normally I don't give in that easy, and I mean I tried, but he had me backed against the wall... And I felt so, I don't know. I don't understand." Djodie sighed as she stroked hair behind her ear.
"Well, and today he came into the café where I work. I just, I guess it really weighs on me." her voice became more quiet as she admitted that, also to herself. Get yourself together. The girl straighted her back, flipped her hair over her shoulder. "So, yeah. Drinks make it better. I will probably have forgotten it tomorrow, it's no big deal." Djodie smiled to enforce her words as she lifted a finger to signal the waiter.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201
Kaye Mercer
The remains of Djodie’s cocktail were downed after a slight hesitation on the redhead’s part. She seemed unsure if she wanted to tell the rest of the story. Kaye observed her quietly, sending a reassuring smile her way to encourage her to continue. The first sentence of her story captivated Kaye’s interest completely. In her head she asked herself the question of how this civilian had met with a prince. Did she attend the university perhaps?

Kaye’s earlier musings about the girl’s alcohol tolerance went out the window as Djodie continued her story. She did not give Kaye the impression she was drunk yet, and that meant that she could only imagine the things she would spill if she had a few glasses more to drink. Kaye herself took another sip, a faint smile on her face as she let out a soft laugh. “My, my, all prim and proper with your black dress and pretty smile, but underneath you aren’t so well behaved.”  Kaye’s eyes narrowed as she took in the sight, shifting a bit closer while her arm still rested behind Djodie’s head, taking advantage of her own height to lean towards Djodie as she craned her neck and looked down on her. “Is that why you decided to join me at my table? Adventure awakened, perhaps learning things about yourself you hadn't even considered?” She asked in a low voice, taking note of the flowery perfume that she felt trickling in her nose. "Feeling adventurous enough to accept a drink from the mysterious stranger in the corner and wondering where it might lead? Wondering about the other side that prince unveiled to you. Perhaps even concidering not forgetting, but indulging?" She whispered in her ear, before pulling back a few centimers, carefully studying Djodie's face to see what kind of reaction this would provoke.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Djodie's cheeks reddened as Kaye stated that she wasn't so well behaved as she looked. Even with the alcohol in her system, she didn't know how to react, having the woman state a fact that she herself was just about to discover.
"I - I." Nothing else she could manage to push out of her mouth. Kaye came just a bit closer als she lengthened herself and Djodie gasped for air as the woman looked down on her.
Djodie felt that same sensation in her body, her innocent eyes looking up on Kaye, she felt the blood rushing trough her cheeks. Her heartbeat had sped up.

Learn things about herself that she hadn't considered. Djodie's chest was moving quite a bit faster as she realised that Kaye was hitting just the right spots. She didn't question her experience or her feelings like Djodie did. Obviously, this woman knew just about how she was feeling, what caused it, and how she could use that.
And, appearently, how she could teach and show Djodie more about it.
As Djodie was still unable to find her words, Kaye continued. If Djodie, perhaps, accepted her drink to find out a bit more. Both about her submissive feelings but also about her feelings towards woman. But perhaps Kaye didn't even realise that this was Djodie's first encounter with a woman. In this setting anyway.
"I-" Djodie searched for her words, not knowing what exactly she was supposed to say. Part of her wanted to crawl back into her shyness, but another stronger part wanted to know exactly wat Kaye could offer her, how she could make her feel.
"I get a feeling you can show me more about just that?" she eventually breathed, her voice high and a bit shaky.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201
Kaye Mercer
Djodie’s deep blue eyes widened slightly as her cheeks got a prominent crimson shade, and Kaye couldn’t help but widen her smile in amusement, delighting in Djodie’s flustered state. The poor thing all but stumbled over her words. It was a delight. It had been a long time since she had elicited such a response from another woman, choosing to mostly look for company amongst experienced ladies, ladies who were quite a bit more spicy than her lovely companion here. There was something about her Kaye found compelling, to say the least. Something that made her unable to look away.

A silence fell as Kaye waited patiently for the red head to continue, studying her face with a curious look in her pale blue eyes as she practically heard the gears spinning behind her red locks. Djodie hesitated, and for a moment Kaye thought she was going to be turned down but tonight proved to be full of surprises indeed. Her eyebrows raised in slight surprise, but soon a warm smile appeared again at the way how Djodie’s voice had shot up an octave or two. “Indeed I can, sweet girl.” She murmured with a slightly deeper voice, a few of her pale locks falling in front of her face as she leaned back in a little closer. “Do you want me to?” Kaye asked calmly. Her expression hardened as she awaited the response, her serious demeanor leaving no room for any different interpretation. 

Behind Djodie's head she carefully motioned with her thumb towards the approaching waiter to "take a hike", the man turning around and pretending he suddenly had to do something else back at table three.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589
Djodie Archeron

The waiter came back with another cocktail for Djodie, and she thankfully wrapped her hand around the glass, welcoming the alcohol into her body to make this situation easier. She noticed that Kaye smiled as her cheeks reddened and Djodie lowered her eyes.
Kaye then answered that she indeed could show Djodie more. Kaye's voice was deeper and Djodie held her breath as Kaye leaned in. Looking from one eye to another, Djodie felt her heart beat in her chest and a tremble went over her body.
"I think I do." Djodie breathed. Biting her lip she met Kaye's eyes again.
"Yes, I do." she repeated, more surely now. With Kaye so close to her, Djodie had to lift her chin up, and her exposed neck was tingling, remembering the way that the prickprince's fingers had felt on her chin before.
And she couldn't deny that she wanted this woman to do just that. To feel her hand under her chin, lifting her face up and to feel just that submissive, tintling feeling. Djodie's cheeks went aflame again, so she lowered her eyes, trying to maintain the chaos that was happening inside her mind. The feelings and sensations that where flying through her body, making her feel and realise things that she didn't notice before - or didn't want to.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201
Kaye Mercer
It was endearing to see Djodie’s flustered state. The way her breathing had sped up and her eyes were seemingly looking everywhere. Their proximity causing a healthy warmth to spread trough her body as well that could no longer be attributed to the liquor in her system. She narrowed her eyes at Djodie’s first answer. ‘I think so’. Unsure. Hesitant. No, not good enough. ‘Yes, I do.’

There it is.

Kaye said nothing for a moment, her pale eyes roaming down to look at Djodie’s neck she was so graciously offering. She could see it then, the things she could do to that neck. How she could press her lips against her exposed throat, biting and kissing at the skin until-

‘Please.’ That one little word cut off her stream of thought and her pale eyes instantly shot up again, capturing Djodie’s gaze and wondering how much of her train of thought had shown on her own face. Kaye let out a deep, slow breath and leaned back a little, while her fingers softly danced over the back of Djodie’s neck, thumb and pointer finger pausing at both sides of her neck, nails trailing softly in a light caress. “Just like that..” She murmured with darkened eyes and an approving, warm smile. She grabbed the scotch glass with her free hand grimacing as she threw the burning petrol back in one go. Nails still dancing over the back of Djodie's neck, keeping her eyes fixed on her to ensure that at no point she looked uncomfortable. Glad for the relative privacy this dark corner of the Golden Eye offered.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Kaye had narrowed her eyes at the redhead's first answer, but Djodie had blurted out a second answer before Kaye could even react. Djodie saw Kaye's face relax, but also getting a certain expression over it that Djodie couldn't quite place.
She felt the woman's eyes go over her neck as she said that seemingly magic word. 'Please.'

Kaye's eyes flew back to hers. Djodie held her breath as she watched the woman sit back a little, when she felt Kaye's fingers on her neck. Kaye's eyes locked her own and Djodie was unable to look away. The hair in her neck went up for a moment as she felt Kayes fingers over her neck. She felt her thumb and pointer finger on either sides on her neck. Her nails softly stroking.

Hare gaze still captured by Kaye, but Djodies mind began to wander off. Thinking about what this woman could do to her, yet alone with her hand in Djodies neck. Her mind wandered off as she imagined herself being pushed to the ground, on her knees, while Kaye's hands where all over her.
Djodie's cheeks reddened once again as Kaye's nails brought her back to reality. A shiver went through her body and suddenly she realised that she was in a bar.

Djodie's eyes went over the limited number of tables she could still see - not wanting to move her head. She saw no one, even the waiters seemed to skip their dark corner.
"Won't they notice?" Djodie whispered. But there even was something about that idea that... well... wasn't all bad.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201
Kaye Mercer
In her mind Kaye was focusing on the question at hand. What was she really after? Djodie did not seem too opposed to any of the attention Kaye was giving her, and she herself had to admit that she wanted this moment to last as long as possible. Intrigued and curious about this red-headed stranger that had taken a seat at her table and was now a few centimeters away from being draped over Kaye’s lap.

The thought had crossed her mind more than once.

As her fingers softly caressed Djodie’s neck, alternating between soft strokes of her fingers and sudden sharper touchesof her nails, she noticed Djodie’s eyes darting around. It took everything in her at that moment to resist the urge to tap with a nail against Djodie’s cheek and say: ‘eyes on me’. The things she wanted to do .. Instead she opted for the restrained approach.

“They might. Do you want me to stop?” Would she mind, though? She had been adventurous enough to not leave her sitting there like a fool. The allure of a handsome stranger reeling her in like bait. Responding with delightful expressions as Kaye’s fingers still continued their steady touches. Yet, there was no way to know what kind of intentions Djodie had. She had thought she might have been after a one-night stand like every one else Kaye approached these days, but perhaps this one wasn’t as bold as she had previously assumed. “Tell me what you want.” She purred softly.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Djodie shivered as Kaye's touches went back and forth from her soft fingertips to her more sharp nails, causing Djodie to stay alert constantly, not being able to drift off. Kaye answered that they might. And if she wanted her to stop. Djodie carefully shook her head.
"No! No." She didn't want her to stop. Djodie wanted Kaye to keep going, and do so much more to her. Slowly she noticed Kaye touched her neck with her nails everytime Djodie's eyes darted off. Understanding the thought behind it, Djodie fought with all her might to keep her eyes on the woman. But everytime she felt her om her skin again, she couldn't hold her eyes still. That and the fact that Kaye's gaze was intense.
'Tell me what you want.' Djodie's eyes shot at the woman. For a moment she didn't know how to react. But her body reacted automatically, closing in the remaining space between them. She could easily sit on her lap now...
"I want..." she hesitated for a bit, feeling shame through her mind. "I want more. I want to feel your hands over me. I want to feel how soft your lips are..." breathing heavily, she needed a moment to catch her breath.
"I want you to show me more of that submissiveness..." It was not more then a whisper.


Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201
Kaye Mercer
Oh, this turned out to be the absolute highlight of her day. Watching as Djodie struggled to form a coherent thought to articulate just exactly what it was that she wanted. Kaye truly was in luck tonight. She moved closer, closing the distance between them. Kaye felt a warmth spread through her when she felt Djodie nestle against her, her own hand leaving the comfort of Djodie’s neck, nails tracing a path down to her lower back as she went to eventually curl her fingers around Djodie’s waist, pulling her closer against herself and pressing into her side.

Djodie's next words settled in and Kaye felt that familiar ache deep in her gut. She closed her eyes for a few moments, taking in a deep breath to not break composure. Grounding herself by giving Djodie’s side an encouraging squeeze. The thoughts that were raging through her head were downright sinful, the noises of the restaurant and the smooth jazz tunes drowned out by it. Nothing else mattered anymore, but this moment in The Golden Eye’s dark, little corner.

Kaye leaned forward then, lips hovering near her ear. “What a clever girl.” A few heartbeats passed, inching closer to the shell of her ear. Closer and closer- until she suddenly lowered her decent and placed her lips against Djodie’s neck, her pulse raging under her lips, free hand shooting up to squeeze just above her knee. The smell of flowers prickled in her nose then, filling her head with sweetness and innocence. God, she wanted to ravage her right where they sat. She wanted to pull her in her lap and kiss her until she was breathless. Hands working her until she was desperate. Until she was begging. Her lips traced upwards as she placed another kiss just below her jaw- and began to pull back. Way too soon for her own liking. But alert not to push too far, yet. Knowing they would have to take their business elsewhere all too soon ..

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Kaye leaned forward, and Djodie held her breath once again as she felt Kaye's hot breath on her skin.
A warm feeling went through her body after Kaye's encouraging compliment, as Djodie felt her hand trail down from her neck to lower back, to Djodie's side, pulling her against Kaye.
Djodie nestled her body next to Kaye's all to eagerly, when the let out a gasp as Kaye had set her lips into Djodie's skin. Kaye's free hand was placed just above Djodie's knee and she felt like she couldn't breath.
She could just in time turn the moan that was about to come out her mouth into a gasp as she let her head drop into her neck, giving Kaye all the space of her exposed jaw and throat eagerly.
Djodie's body began to shake as Kaye's lips explored her throat and she held her breath as she felt Kaye come closer, but then pull back.
Djodie looked at her with wide eyes, when Kaye explained that they maybe should go else where. She only nodded as she leaned in closer, locking her eyes on Kaye's, then on her lips, to softly place hers on them.
"Maybe we indeed should go somewhere else." she whispered.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
A fiery ignited as soon as Djodie’s lips met hers and she was eager to respond, squeezing Djodie’s side a little harder and other hand coming up to softly cup her cheek. It was over before it began and Kaye made a mental note to show this girl how a real kiss felt when they got home. She let out a chuckle. “Eager, are we?” She teased. When she finally unwrapped herself, motioning for the waiter they were leaving, she made short work of ordering a cab. Knowing that around this time at least a few were around in this area, so luckily they wouldn’t have to wait too long. The waiter was instructed to ‘put it on her tab’  when he returned with both their coats. She was fairly certain she absolutely did not want to see the bill until she had a good drink tomorrow morning. God, Kaz would skin her for this. Fuck him. Was her immediate thought  to that. That rat bastard could go to hell tonight.

Eventually they found themselves outside, cab pulling over next to them. When they were both seated, she assumed a comfortable position and before they knew it, the engine roared to life and the cab began to move.

Follow up topic: here

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
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