
[M] Oh well, the devil makes us sin

2 posters
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
The ride back to Kaye’s apartment felt charged. Something unspoken hanging between her and Djodie as they sat in the backseat. She still could feel Djodie’s lips on hers when she had kissed her. A chaste, sweet little kiss that suited her red-headed companion.

Kaye did not like her apartment. An empty, hollow place that underlined how alone she was. The nights were the worst. She would often wake up in a cold sweat, unable to fall back asleep. Imagines flickering behind her eyes that she wished she could forget. She could never let go what had happened on the streets. What she had done, what she had seen. How it had felt. The years spend in hunger and despair. Most of the time she would make her way to Kavya, hoping to spend the night there to chase away the demons still clinging to her. But Kavya could not always be there. They were nothing more than friends with benefits, both of them reaching out to the other when they felt like it. No strings attached. A few delicious hours spend to forget about all else until the sun rose and Kaye snuck out the door. Those other nights she had to make do with whoever she could find or whoever happened to have a place on their couch. Dirty excuses made, a ‘please and thank you’ later, and it would be another night well spend, nightmare free.

She should have suggested to return to Djodie’s apartment, really, she should have. It had been a long time ago since she had invited someone over, in her domain, and she herself had not been home for weeks. All trepidation went out the window however, as soon as the taxi came to a halt. Kaye shot Djodie a hungry smile, paid the driver and got out. She worked her way up the concrete stairs, stained and dirty from the elements, and stopped in front of her apartment door. After a short battle with the apartment keys, she managed to get the door open and motions for Djodie to step inside, after which she followed. The door closed behind her with a soft thud and Kaye’s hand shot out to the light switch and the lights above the dining table lit up.

The apartment looked just how she left it. Clean and sleek. Moonlight falling through the high windows overlooking the combined kitchen and living room. She shrugged off the coat, heedlesly throwing it over the back of one of the chairs. The leather coat she wore got removed with more care, exposing her muscular arms, the slate blue tattoo’s screaming in contrast with her pale skin. The sleeveless turtleneck hugging her torso comfortably. Finally, Kaye’s pale eyes settled on Djodie. “Come here you.” She growled as she seared forward, gloved hands cupping her face and claiming her lips with fiery intensity.

Apartment for reference: click

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Djodie had noticed the slighty shocked impression that had sat on Kaye's face after she kissed her.
It hadn't been long after that the woman indeed took the steps to get them both to her place, and without knowing it, Djodie found herself in a cap. She nestled herself to the woman as they sat in the backseat.

Kaye payed the driver and Djodie followed her upto her apartment. The woman opened the door for her and motioned her to walk in. Djodie stepped into the dark room, a bit frightened of the dark, but reassured by the feeling of Kaye's presence behind her. Kaye flicked a switch and Djodie looked around for a moment, taking it all in. Then, her eyes where drawn to the woman as Kaye took off her coat and revealed her muscled, tattoo'ed arms underneath. Djodie's mouth formed a silenced 'wow'.

Kaye asked commanded her to come and Djodie eagerly did. Feeling Kaye's hands on her cheeks and her lips on hers set the redhead on fire. Djodie's hands ran upto Kaye's back, a bit hesistant at first, but quickly gaining more confidence as she went on. Placing one hand in the woman's neck and the other right above her chest.
As Djodie broke the kiss, she quickly took off her own coat and stepped out of her heels. Without them she was again smaller, but she wasn't planning om having comments about that. Without thinking - the alcohol made sure of that - Djodie stepped back to the woman and kissed her again, softly trying to push her to somewhere seated.
Either a chair or a bed.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Djodie answered her kiss eagerly, her hand running over Kaye’s muscular until it settled in her neck. Her dainty fingers resting there comfortably and Kaye thought it felt like they had always supposed to be there. The kiss was broken before Kaye could deepen it and she was about to protest in earnest, before Djodie had her coat off and her heels discarded, hands already pushing against Kaye’s chest in a soft demand as their lips met again. Her hands grasped Djodie’s hips, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss as her tongue searched for access.

Right then, she decided. Two things, in fact. The first would be that she had to reign herself in tonight and take things slower. Go by the other's pace. If it had been anyone else, she would already have them naked on her bed. The second being that for now she wanted to make sure that Djodie was enjoying herself. She was more of a giver than a receiver and was more than happy to oblige. So, she let her hands wander, giving her ass a good squeeze in passing as she closed her arms under her behind and hoisted her, walking backwards while she carried her with her. Gazing up in her eyes before, Kaye sank back against the large cushions of her couch, and lowering Djodie on her lap. Her hands slid upwards, stroking her back with slow and meticulous care, both bathing in the moonlight falling through the large windows behind her. “You taste so sweet on my tongue,” She murmured, her voice deeper than it had been before, absolutely not unaffected by this little dance they were having. Her back resting quite comfortable, the weight of the other person pressing down on her legs. Her gloved hands still engaging in their slow strokes.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

As Djodie broke the kiss to get herself out of her coat, she noticed the expression on Kaye's face. The redhead stepped out of her heels and walked back to the woman with a smile. "Easy now," she teased her, voice a bit high. Kaye's hands grabbed her hips and Djodie felt an unfamiliar sensation go through her body as she held back a gasp.

She went on tiptoes as Kaye squeezed her ass, and she picked her up after. Djodie folded her legs around her back automatically, not breaking their kiss this time, wrapping one arm around Kaye's back and one hand still on her cheek, slowly going down to caress Kaye's jaw.
Kaye walked to the couch as she sat down, and slowly lowered Djodie onto her lap. Djodie arched her back as she felt Kaye's hand over her back and she sat up, her fingers stroking the tattoo's on her shoulders.
The words of the other made Djodie blush, but not in an uncomfortable way. "I'm so glad I took a leap of faith for once," Djodie breathed. Because, if she hadn't, this would never had happened. Djodie carefully brushed a lock of Kaye's hair away with her fingers, then lowering her hand along her cheek, her jaw, her neck, as she followed the contour of Kaye's turtleneck top. Djodie hooked a finger on the end of it, tickling the skin of Kaye's ribs softly, then pulling the fabric.
"Can - can I?" she breathed, suddenly very aware of what intentions her own mind had. Noticing her body react to it in an unfamilliar, but very comforting way.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Under her fingers she felt Djodie’s back arch, Kaye herself tensing up a little as she felt the soft strokes tracing over her tattoos. A shudder running through her, eyes focused on Djodie’s eyes, then her lips again. Her eyes widened slightly when Djodie gently brushed a stray lock away, the tender gesture causing Kaye to regard her with interest, curiosity stirring inside her. Wondering where she would take this next. She leaned into the other’s touch, pressing a soft kiss on her palm in passing, enjoying the feeling of Djodie’s hand caressing her jaw, closing her eyes. Her breathing speeding up slightly as she settled her hands on both sides of Djodie's waist, thumbs drawing soft circles against her sides, thinking somewhere in the back of her mind she had to take those damn gloves off.

Kaye’s eyebrows rose as she felt fingers hooking under the end of her own top. Her smile widened as she took this opportunity to press deeper against Djodie’s sides, reminding her for a moment she was still very much in charge. “My, what an eager little thing you are,” She teased, though giving her an approving squeeze. She brought her left hand up and pulled her glove off with her teeth before discarding it to the side and making short work of the remaining one. “Slowly now.” Kaye directed her, maneuvering herself to allow Djodie access. Noting with a spark of amusement that her dark purple lipstick had stained Djodie's lips and the side of Djodie's neck where she had kissed her earlier in the Golden Eye.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589
Djodie Archeron

The woman tensed under her touch as Djodie stroke Kaye's hair away. She noticed with a smile the effect she had on the woman, as she saw Kaye's chest going up and down faster as her hand caressed the woman's face. Djodie shivered as Kaye's hands sat in her sides.

The woman raised an eyebrow as Djodie tugged at the bottom of Kaye's shirt, and as she met her gaze she felt that familiar feeling in her gut that pushed her down, made her want to submit to the woman in her every wish. That feeling deepend as Kaye squeezed her sides, as a reminder who was in control. Djodie felt a shiver go trough her body as she tensed and sqeaked a little. It tickled.

Still, an approving squeeze followed and Djodie watched with tense breath as Kaye pulled of her gloves with her teeth and Djodie could feel her body tense up, her neck tintling in anticipation. At the allowing words, Djodie tugged on Kaye's top once again, the woman maneuvring with her so she could take it off, and Djodie's breath sped up as the woman sat now in her bra in front of her.
Her hands had a little tremble as she carefully followed Kaye's collarbone, down by the shoulderbands of her bra, and softly stroking down to the cups, lesving her fingers there, softly stroking the skin.

Djodie felt something light up inside her body. She wanted everything. She wanted to have the womans lips all over her. Without a doubt this time, Djodie bended to the woman again, placing her lips in Kaye's neck, sucking the skin more eagerly now, as her fingertips tugged at the cups of her bra.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
It was an absolute feast to see the little reactions crossing across the other's face and coursing through her body. Djodie was a very visible affected by not only Kaye’s ministrations, but also the slow revelation of skin as her top was taken off. She couldn’t help but chuckle as she saw Djodie’s eyes widen and her breathing picking up in speed. A heat was stirring under her own skin as she felt hands touching her bare skin, stroking with a softness that made her feel light headed. A low groan escaping her, hands gripping tighter around Djodie’s sides as she closed her eyes in enjoyment. Squirming slightly under her when she felt lips eagerly sucking at her skin. A moan escaping her, leaving no doubt about it what she was feeling.

Abruptly, she let go of Djodie’s sides, fingers sliding over her partner's hands before she enveloped them with a decisive but soft squeeze, halting her in her movements. Kaye’s chest was rising fast, breathing sped up considerably as she gave Djodie’s hands another squeeze. A disagreeing murmur rising from her throat. “You’re going to have to work for that.” Another chuckle escaped her as she felt her smile widen. She pressed another kiss against Djodie’s lips, hungrier this time, with notable more urgency than before as her tongue found entry. She draped Djodie’s arms around her own neck, deepening the kiss as she leaned forward, hands returning to their previous spot on Djodie’s thighs, sliding further back to hike up her dress and finally, finally feeling bare skin underneath. Her arms pulled the other closer, reveling about her lips, her tongue, her skin ..

When she broke the kiss she was slightly out of breath, eyes darkened and chest rising fast. “Gods, you taste good, sweet girl.” She let out with a notable tension to her voice. Feeling a tug in the pit of her stomach, thinking that her pants felt entirely too tight for her liking. Nails scratching her skin before she brought her hands back from under Djodie’s dress, her right-hand sliding down fabric to expose a shoulder, pressing an open-mouthed kiss on her collar bone and trailing back up towards her neck, left hand traveling up the back of Djodie’s neck and grabbing a handful of hair, the promise of a tug there but not quite pulling yet.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589
Djodie Archeron

Djodie's heart pounded as hard as it could, rushing the blood through her veins, trying to keep up with what was happening. The redhead's eyes widened as she heared the moan from Kaye's lips, and felt the squeeze in her sides, causing herself to tremble. As her hands where sliding over her body, exploring every bit of skin she could find, she was suddenly brought to a stop.

Kaye squeezed her hands softly, but left no doubt in the meaning of it. Djodie tried to pull back, break her wrists free - tried to see how far she could go. How much she could challenge the woman. Djodie whimpered as Kaye said she had to work for it, big smile on the womans face.
"I'm not working to you?" Djodie whispered, nodding to the starting hickey in Kaye's neck. Kaye guided her hands to her neck so Djodie could wrap her arms around her. Shivering as she noticed where Kaye's own hands where going. The woman kissed her and Djodie eagerly answered, granting access imediatly, as her mind didn't know what to give attention to anymore. Kaye's hands wandered over her tighs, and Djodie felt like she couldn't breath as she felt the woman pushed up her dress and felt her fingertips on her bare tighs. God, please.

Kaye broke the kiss as she locked eyes with her, Djodie couldn't even find her words.
"I - Oh my God..." her eyes followed Kaye's hand as it trsiled upto her body and het one of her shoulderbands slip off. Kaye pressed a kiss on the colorbone and Djodie gasped. Only noticing Kaye's otherhand when she grabbed her hair.

A moan left her mouth without her even realising, which made it quite clear what she thought. Shivers went through her body as she let her head fall slighty back.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Taking back control spurred her on, feeling herself moving and heart rate picking up. Gasps, ragged breaths and a moan filling the quienesst of the apartment. Delighting in how Djodie was reacting to her. Feeling a tension deep in her coil. She could speed up, take what she wanted right now but where would be the fun in that? No, she would take it slow. Draw every sound out of her and leave her begging for it in the end. Kaye’s hand tensed, red locks locked in her fist as she pulled ever so slightly as Djodie craned her neck. Kaye’s lips sought purchase just below her collar bone, kissing the skin slowly, lips trailing up to her throat, just below her chin, her jaw, listening for any sign of discomfort. When there was none to be found, she continued.

Her free hand pushed down the fabric on her remaining shoulder. A chaste kiss pressed at the corner of her mouth, lips kissing a trail back down to to her throat, then to her collarbone, and finally claming the unblemished shoulder. This time she placed an open-mouthed kiss, tongue trailing over the skin, tasting the salt and the bitter remnants of her perfume. Her hand finally relaxed, massaging the scalp while her hand trailed down to rest around the back of her neck. Nails drawing lazy circles just under her hairline. Kaye locked eyes with Djodie, holding her gaze as she, very slow and carefully, guided her dress down, exposing the red garment underneath. Red with lace. It suited her.

“May I?” A few heartbeats passed, wanting to continue only if given explicit consent. Hands finging purchase once more on Djodie’s sides, against the skin that felt warm, soft, smooth. Perfect.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

A moan left her mouth as Kaye pulled her hair slightly, and Djodie layed her head back, giving in. Kaye left her sight, due to the position her head was in, making the feeling of the kiss on Djodie's collarbone far more intense. Djodie shivered as she felt Kaye's lips move up to her throat, her jaw. Djodie closed her eyes and couldn't stop a tremble from her body.

For a moment she tensed up when she felt the remaining shoulderstrap from her dress dissapearing, but she quickly relaxed again as Kaye kissed the corner of her mouth. Djodie tried to move her head, wanting to kiss Kaye again, taste her lips. Only to remember that the woman was holding her back and she couldn't.
A soft whiper left her mouth. Kaye's lips trailed down trough her neck, her collarbone, to her shoulder. As she let her hair go, Djodie carefully bended her neck again as she felt Kaye's hand massaging her neck.
As she was caught in the woman's eyes again, her breathing intensed as she felt Kaye hook her fingers on her dress and carefully sliding it down. Very slowly, and Djodie felt like she was about to explode.

She needed Kaye's hands on her.
"Yes, please!" It sounded desperate, she heared it, yet she didn't care. The alcohol slowly drowning out, leaving Djodie's gaze more focussed than it probably had been before.
Carefully Djodie let her own fingers slide on Kaye's shoulder, following the tattoo's again as she nonchalantly (?) made her way to the cups of Kaye's bra, going around them like she was told, and tugged on the buckle underneath.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Oh, what a delight. Moonlight bathed them in pale rays as Kaye studied her face. The flushed cheeks, her breathing shallow and quick, her expression leaving no doubt in mind what Djodie felt. She was so deliciously responsive. Gods, above, she would enjoy unraveling her tonight. Her plea lay sweet on her tongue, sounding desperate, perfect. She ignored Djodie’s request, throwing her an approving smile but not granting her permission just yet. Instead, Kaye leaned forward, bringing her mouth close to her ear. “Good girl.” She growled, nibbling on the shell of her ear while her hands settled on Djodie’s back, unclasping her bra and very gently taking the excess piece of clothing off. Kaye’s eyes darkened as she took in the sight.

Her hands very gently caressed her sides, cupping her breast, while her free hand drew lazy circles on her skin. Flicking a nipple as her lips claimed her neck, flowing down to her shoulder with enough vigor to leave a mark. Hand still caressing her exposed breast, fingers lazily stroking and touching. Trying to coax out more lustful sounds. Working her up.

Pulling her close, she pressed another kiss against her lips, sensual and deliberate. “You’re doing so well, Djodie,” She murmured with earnest praise deepening her voice. “So well ..” Warm danced over her own skin, a want becoming almost too much to ignore. Yet, she continued. Reveling in unraveling her. Taking pleasure from giving pleasure.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589
Djodie Archeron

As Djodie's fingers tugged at the buckle of Kaye's bra, Djodie realised that she was holding back, wanting the permission from Kaye. The woman looked at her, knowing, and denied her.
Kaye leaned forward as she whispered words in her ear that set the girl on fire. Djodie was pretty sure that heer cheeks became the same color as her hair.
At the same time, a warm feeling fell over her. Like hugging her, making her feel secure.
And on fire even more. "Kaye..."

Kaye's hands went to Djodie's bra and she easily unhooked it. As she took it off, Djodie nervously watched her expression. As Kaye's hands worked their way up from Djodie's sides again, the girl inhaled deeply, holding her breath. It escaped as Kaye cupped her breast. Djodie sat her hands on Kayes shoulders, digging her fingers in without noticing.
The woman flicked her nipple and a shiver went through Djodie's body as she let out a moan. The woman went on, stroking her noe bare breasts.
Djodie bit her lip, but failed in trying to keep in the sounds.
Shivering and moaning everytime Kaye touched or even came close to her nipples.

The woman kissed her again, Djodie eagerly waved her fingers through her silver hair and wrapped her other arm around Kaye's shoulders, fingers still digging in.
As the next praise rolled over Kaye's lips, Djodie couldn't stop an eager sound.
She pulled her arms back, fingers tucking at Kaye's bra again, wanting more.
"Off." she whimpered, out of breath. "Please," stretching the word, pleading, whimpering. Even her legs where trembling at this point, shaking occansionslly.
"Off?" She tried again, her fingers playing around the cups, sneakily trying to go under them, teasing her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Lustful sounds were heard as Kaye continued. Stroking and touching and kissing and holding. Letting out a restrained noise when she could almost feel the want in Djodie’s voice when she whimpered her name. Oh gods, if she could capture this moment she would. Almost losing herself completely in this moment as her body moved almost on it’s own accord. Accustomed to this dance she was performing, one she very well knew, one she danced often. Fingers digging in her own shoulders, grabbing in an almost frenzied rhythm that spurred her on. Ripples of pleasure stroking over her own skin as Djodie’s hands found purchase in her gray locks, Kaye hooking an arm around her to hold her steady as she felt the girl cling to her for dear life.

A throaty chuckle escaped her, pressing a soft kiss on the bridge of her nose and shaking her head. “No, sweet girl, not tonight. Tonight is all about you,” She reassured her. She cupped her face, caressing her cheek with her thumb in an attempt to ground her. “Let’s get you upstairs so I can take what I am owed.” Hooking an arm under Djodie’s legs, she picked her up bridal style and carried her up the stairs towards the loft where her bed was resting. Large windows overlooked the seating area and kitchen, Kaye’s shirt alongside Djodie’s bra discarded on the cough, black dress discarded on the floor.

She placed Djodie on the bed and took this moment to finally undo the many claps and buckles, pants falling on the floor, stepping out and kicking at it mindlessly. Discarded and forgotten. Kaye climbed on top of the bed, settling next to her companion against the many pillows, pulling her close as she draped one leg over Djodie’s and kissing her deeply as she cupped her cheeks. When she broke the kiss she gently let her thumbs stroke over her cheeks, breath ghosting over her lips as she looked deep into her eyes. “Do you still want more?”

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Djodie leaned her head a bit on Kaye's hand as she cupped her cheek, stroking softly. Closed her eyes for a fee seconds and the chaos in her head quieted down just a bit. As she felt her body being lifted by Kaye, her eyes widened as she quickly wrapped her arms around the woman's neck, clinging on thightly. Relaxing a bit after she realised she wasn't going to fall.
Kaye brought her upstairs, the aesthetic of the loft asking for Djodie's attention - and in every other situation she had probably taken the time to take it all in. But this was not that time.

Kaye layed her down on the bed, her bra and black dress stayed forgotten on the couch. Djodie lifted herself up a bit by her elbows, pulling one leg up just a bit, and looked at Kayed breathlessly as she undid her pants, and all the clips and buckles that came with it.
Oh how she wanted to touch that...

Kaye climbed on the bed, pet herself down next to Djodie. As she was pulled towards Kaye she couldn't help her eyes gazing over her body, fingers following the tattoo's once again. Kaye kissed her and her body trembled, a whimper coming out of her mouth.
As Kaye pulled back, she asked if Djodie was still sure.
The girl nodded as she bit her lip. "Yes, I do." She breated. "I am just... a bit nervous." she added, almost to softly for Kaye to hear. In the back of her mind scared, that the woman would maybe be irritated.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Djodie bit her lip as she nodded, an adorable sight, though with nervousness present in her voice when she spoke. Her voice barely above a whisper, hurriedly spoken. Kaye nodded knowingly, remember her first time, but also wondering if this was just her first time with a woman or her first time in general. She gently hooked a finger under Djodie’s chin, tilting it and forcing her to look her in the eyes. Wanting her to not only hear, but see Kaye’s intentions reflect in her eye before she spoke. “I understand. I’lll go slow, and if at any point you want me to stop, just tell me and I will. If at any point you want me to slow down, just tell me and I will.” Her thumb briefly brushed over Djodie’s lower lip, before leaning in for one more kiss, this one hungrier and more urgent than all the ones that came before.

She let go with a heaving chest, throwing her one last devious smile, before she propped herself up on one elbow, fingers of her free hand trailing a lazy pattern from her throat, down through the valley of her breasts, stopping shorty to caress just above her belly button. Studying Djodie’s face, her deep blue eyes, red strands framing her sweet face. The way how her body reacted and remembering the way how she had said ‘please’. That little word carrying so much gravity.

Kaye’s touch was light at first, but deliberate. Taking care to build up the other’s pleasure from a low simmer to a boiling heat. Stopping when needed and continuing when wanted, all the while whispering praise in Djodie’s ears. Telling her how good she was doing and how perfect she looked right now. Pressing soft kisses against her neck, speeding up, slowing down, speeding up, slowing down. Reassuring her. Linked together in shared pleasure. Bringing her to that edge and guiding her over it with experienced hands and a reassuring, praising kiss against her temple.

Kaye withdrew her hands and pulled Djodie in her arms, waiting for her to come down from her high.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Djodie felt like her breath stopped when Kaye hooked a finger under her chin - Djodie blocked out the image of Nikoloas doing the same earlier, before it could fully enter her mind. She felt vulnerable as she looked up into Kaye's eyes, but couldn't deny that she found comfort and lust in that same feeling.
Kaye promised her that she'd go slow, and kissed her once more, Djodie waved her hands in the silver hair again, digging into her shoulder as Kaye let go.

The woman pushed herself up on an elbow and Djodie clawed a hand in her upper arm, anticipating. Her other hand digged into the matress as her eyes widened, following Kaye's hand, trailing over her body.
The girl lifted her chin up as she felt Kaye's fingers on her throat, sumbitting at once, giving the woman access to her troat almost eagerly, then lifting her head back up, her eyes fixated on Kaye's trailing hand.

She felt like she exploded. Djodie dug her fingers into Kaye's upper arm, clawed her other hand into the matress once more, as the fire into her body was skillfully build up. Kaye's praise whispers in her ear made the girl whimper, body reacting, as Kaye finally took her over the edge and Djodie couldn't stop from screaming her name.

As Djodie tried to steady her breathing, Kaye pulled her close to her, the girl thankfully layed her head on the womans chest, rolling on her side against her, and draped on arm and a leg over the woman.
"Oh my god" She whispered, as she found het voice again. Slowly taking her head up to softly kiss Kaye.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Silence filled the bedroom, as for a brief moment nothing else was heard than labored breathing, a feeling of profound satisfaction making itself known to Kaye as she rolled on her back, welcoming Djodie in her arms. She answered the kiss, smirking down at the red head who had perfectly draped herself over her. “I would ask if you enjoyed that, but I think even the downstairs neighbors know the answer to that question.” Her arm shot out towards her nightstand, just barely able to reach it from her position on the bed and not quite ready to let the redhead go yet, pulling open the drawer and pulling out a cigarette and lighter. She put the cigarette between her lips, lit it, and let her head fell back against the pillows and she took a long inhale, pausing five full seconds before she exhaled with a deep sigh.

For a moment Kaye said nothing, choosing this moment to stare up at the ceiling, allowing the tranquility that had now washed over her to settle, like an invisible blanket enveloping her. She took another drag, closed her eyes and listened to Djodie’s breathing. Not wanting to open her eyes yet, she stayed like that, mind already starting up again to return to mull over not only this entire encounter, but already returning to the pressing matter she had to attend to in the morning. “Was I your first?” The question left her lips suddenly. Breaking the silence finally.  

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

The redhead felt a calmness come over her, as her head slowly moved along with Kaye's breathing. As she spoke, Djodie shortly lifted her head. Shame red moving through her face as she grinned. "They do not!" she said with a small laugh, playfully pushing Kaye's shoulder, then laying her head back down.
Her eyes followed Kaye's movement, now not willing to lift her head up, as she watched the woman grab cigarettes and a lighter. Djodie half expected the woman to ask her to move, but she didn't. Djodie scootched a bit closer to her, pulling her leg higher so that her knee was about on Kaye's hips now. Her hands slowly making circkles on Kaye's shoulders.

After a silence, Djodie was surprised by the question. "Euh..." she started.
"Yes, you are."

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye let out a chuckle, hand running over Djodie’s bare shoulder. She was just about to make another teasing remark, when she heard it. The sound of a phone buzzing coming from somewhere next to the bed below her. Her head shot up, the moment broken as she was roughly pulled back again to the reality of the situation. She put the cigarette between her lips, manouvred herself out from under Djodie and quickly made her way to the other side of the bed where her pants laid out in a sloppy pile. With a quick glance she picked up, slinking back on the bed, elbows leaning on her arms. “Yeah?” Was all she said to the man on the other end of the line, cigarette rolling between her fingers. It is done. Our friend is off on a long bus ride to Toronto. Kaye nodded to herself, taking a long drag of her cigarette and processing this information. “He shall be missed.” She was glad he was gone. It would hurt her wallet for a while, no doubt, the man had been her top earner, but he had became too much. Creating too much noise. A loose canon .. A thing she could not afford right now. He shall be missed. The man on the other end agreed, sounding as unconvincing as she had done. “I’ll call our manager tomorrow morning.” The man on the other end chuckled. Enjoying some company, ey, boss? She hung up.

The remaining tension she had felt coiling in the pit of her stomach had now lessened enough for her to relax, exhaling with some vigor but noting what a glance at the clock that it was two in the morning. She took one last drag of her cigarette, pushed it down on the ashtray on the nightstand, placed her phone under a pillow, and crawled back over towards Djodie, lifting the covers for her in a silent invitation.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

A protesting sound came out Djodies mouth when Kaye's phone buzzed, and the woman manouvered away from under her. The girl watched her as the woman picked up the phone and sank back on the bed again.
He shall be missed. Djodie lifted herself up on an elbow, looking towards Kaye. Was everything okay?

After the woman put down the phone, she crawled back to the girl, opening the blanket in an invitation. Djodie studied her face, worried.
"Is everything okay?" she asked, crawling under the blanket, nestling herself to the woman. She had half expected her to show Djodie the door after...
As she layed against Kaye's chest again, her eyes quickly became heavy, and without hearing if there was an answer, Djodie fell asleep.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
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