
[Journey] All through the nighttime

3 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It worked. They did not seem to notice him at all and Míngzé even ended up finding a bench. He sat down, glad to give his body a bit of rest. As he sat there, he listened to the conversation between the two people. From what he gathered, he might be at the right place. Sadly enough, he was still nowhere near discovering where exactly he needed to go.

Míngzé gritted his teeth, once again pushing the idea that he could not do this away. He had been unable to help Djodie, but he could do this. The conversation came to a stop and he could hear the officer coming closer. What was there to lose? Míngzé stood up from his seat. “Excuse me, officer?” he said with a hand slightly raised, trying to get her attention.

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation.” There was a careful smile on his lips, but also a hint of uncertainty. “You see I just moved here and I must say— I’m a bit worried.” Míngzé moved his cane in front of himself and held it with both hands. If they knew he was blind, they might not find these questions stranger. “Are there any places I can better avoid? I wouldn’t want to get in any trouble.” His heart was beating rapidly in his chest as his unfocused eyes were on the officer. Dai went to sit at his feet, calmly waiting and behaving like the perfect obedient dog.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 138
IC Posts : 138
Police officer

The clicking stops. You have the uncanny feeling of being watched. "Good afternoon, sir,". Her voice is calm and has lost its fringe of suspicion it had appeared to carry when she spoke to the seller earlier. Even though her expression remained obscured by your blurry vision, you feel as though your clever ploy is successful. The officer seems convinced you mean no harm. "No need for your concern, sir. We officers work hard to keep this lovely city safe and accessible, for everyone," her emphasis on everyone does not go unnoticed. "However, I do advice you to avoid the warehouses further down the docks at night. We have gotten some reports about suspicious activity there. Nothing we can't handle, of course, but I'd advise to avoid it regardless,"

Do you go on your way and attempt to find the specific warehouse yourself, or do you inquire further, and risk making the officer suspicious?

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé could feel his heart hammering in his chest as he stopped the officeren and went on to speak with her. It was his hidden intentions, the fact that he was trying to gain information, which made him nervous. Not that he was doing anything wrong, but that did not matter. He made a smile appear on his lips. “Thank you so much officer.” Normally when he spoke to someone he tried to have a bit of eye contact, in this situation he was really trying his best to make his eyes wander, not knowing where to look. A poor blind person who wanted to stay out of trouble, that was exactly what he was.

He could ask for specifics, but felt like that was pushing his limits. Míngzé was not that great of a liar. “I’ll be sure to avoid those places in the future.” Not that he normally had any reason for being there. He waited for the officer to leave, carefully listening to her footsteps, before he would make his way towards the warehouses.

This whole thing, it was so much and he was living off adrenaline. Míngzé couldn’t exactly say he felt safe, because that was not at all the case. He simply tried not to think too much about it. There were things that gave it away however. He was sweating, held on to his cane as if his life depended on it, and was a bit too distracted by everything. Just what the fuck was he doing playing the hero?


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 138
IC Posts : 138
The harbor

The officer nods at you, her suspicion not yet raised. "Just doing my duty. Have a good day, sir," With that, the clicking of her heels signifies you that she seems to have left. For good now. Hopefully.

It is starting to grow quiet now, the evening dawning on you and painting the sinister buildings in a dim orange light. The only sound accompanying you are the cawing of wingulls and the distant hum of the city behind you. Your cane helps you navigate towards the very place the officer has warned you not to go, clicking on the cobblestone as you make your way down. The sea is now visible, together with some large, dooming structures. Your blurry vision tells you very little, but there appear to be two buildings reminiscent of warehouses. You are at a loss for where to go, when a sudden chill settles upon you. Something cold and wet seems to slither up your spine. It is familiair, and haunting.

Find me

As if some force has taken control of you, you find your feet bringing guiding you towards the building on your right, knowing within your inner core that this is where you are needed to be. There is a huge, metal door blocking your entry, yet still you do not find yourself to be discouraged. Upon further investigation, you find another door on the left side of the building. It appears to be some kind of fire escape. The lock on the door seems to have snapped open, and it creaks open.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

This was a stupid idea. He should not be here. There was no way he was fit for the job.

With each step, Míngzé felt more and more unsure. Draid settled deep into his bones. Still he only felt himself going forward, straight into the hands of danger if you'd ask him. It was not  too late to turn back and pretend this all never happened. But that simply was not who he was. He desperately wanted to help others too, be the hero for once.

Large building towered over him. For some reason he felt like he was at the right location. Dai was still at his side, staying very close to Míngzé. The creature did not know what was going on or why they were here in the first place, he was simply following. “I think we’re—” Míngzé started, but the cold chill down his spine sent a shiver through the rest of his body. It was still so very unsettling.

Find me

Again the same thing. Míngzé heaved a deep breath. “I’m trying, I really am,” he muttered while he started walking again. It was almost as if his legs had a mind of their own, like they knew exactly where to go. He went for one of the buildings, first toward something he could only assume was the entrance, which was large and imposing and very much locked, before ending up at the side.

Míngzé could not shake the uncomfortable feeling coursing through him. The idea that he had not simply made this choice himself, but that something had brought him here was unsettling. He hated it. Something creaked, causing his heart to nearly skip a beat. “Fuck,” he muttered quietly. How the heck was all of this even possible.

Carefully Míngzé reached out, first feeling the cold metal of the door. All he had to do was gently pull on it and the door opened. His breath was stuck in his throat as he heart was hammering in his chest. Naturally he was very nervous, scared even because he would be stupid if he wasn’t. “Do you see anything, Dai?” he muttered to the small pokémon, who responded with some silent noises. “Yeah, me neither.” Míngzé took a deep breath, before taking his first step inside the building. It would do him no good to let his eyes adjust to the change of brightness, if there even was any. Yet he listened carefully to every sound, trying to not make any sound as he took yet another step.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 138
IC Posts : 138
The harbor

You make your way inside. The darkness engulfs you, leaving you feeling disoriented and lost. Your blurry vision is of no help as you try to navigate this maze of cages, junk and metal, but perhaps your other senses are. An unpleasant smell lingers. It smells like sweat, fur, and other unsanitary liquids. This, together with the many faint noises and whines, tells you that you are not alone. In fact, you are surrounded by many, many stacks of cages - filled to the brim with pokémon.

You try to focus on the connection you felt earlier, but feel that it has wavered. As if your guide has drifted off in an even weaker state. You know that it's here, but now you need to find it.

As you take a moment to regroup, you find that you have three options:

Go straight forward. Right in front of you, you can discern an unnatural light course. It appears to be a path that leads you deeper into the warehouse, towards the main source of noises. Choosing this path will likely lead you to the largest group of cages,  however, it would mean stepping into the light. You are unsure if there is security present.

Go to your right. You spot a small, dark passage only faintly illuminated by a distant window. It leads you past a few other cages, but you are unsure if they are empty or not. You think this passage might lead you to the same place as going straight forward, but you cannot be sure.

Go to your left. You see this corridor  leading you towards what looks like a small office. There is no light on, but you do see a computer screen that is flickering.

What will you do?

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Dai stood close to him and Míngzé could feel him pressed against his leg. He also did not trust this place. Carefully Míngzé reached out to something next to him, feeling the cold metal touching his fingers. They were clearly bars of some cage.  He held his cane like a lifeline as he stood there, hands shaking as the realization of what exactly he was doing came crashing down on him.

What was he doing?

More than once Míngzé had asked himself that question tonight. This was not something he should be doing. No, people who were trained for this, they should be the ones stepping into this warehouse. And yet here he was, playing the hero he so desperately wanted to be. There was a lump in his throat and only the adrenaline kept him going. He tried not to think about the risks and the what if’s, only told himself that he could do it. He was not useless. Part of his reason for being here was exactly that. To prove to himself he was right, that he was not useless.

And yet Míngzé was lost in this unfamiliar place. There was only so much he could discern and his heart was beating in his throat. There was light in front of him and a few other smaller ones around him. Next to him he heard Dai’s soft whining as he only moved in closer. Míngzé wanted to tell him they would be fine, but he was not able to form any words.

It was a stupid idea, but did he have any other options besides turning back and letting this go? It would mean failure, again he would let someone suffer because he was not strong enough or too stupid to realize someone was right for being worried.

Míngzé took a staggering breath before taking a step forward towards the light straight ahead. And one more. One hand was still resting on the cage, tracing it as a guideline. Slowly he took another step, only to come to a halt before he would directly step into the light.

It was only then that he noticed he was shaking all over, that tears actually burned in his eyes once more that evening. He could not do it. What was he thinking? He was no hero. What if by some strange miracle he found the creature, then what? He could not do it. Fear, panic and uncertainty had taken root that instant. On unstable legs he turned around too quickly and for a moment he lost his balance. Because his hand was still on the cage, he could use it as support and it kept him from falling to the ground, although it sent a cry of pain through his ribs.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 138
IC Posts : 138
option four
mental breakdown

You feel powerless in this strange, uncanny place. The feeling of dread that has been haunting you, finally seems to overpower you. Whatever bravery had been installed in you, has now left. You find yourself to be hurt, lost and scared in a strange place. As the hopelessness settles on you, that familiar feeling creeps up on you again. Something cold and wet seems to slither up your spine, caressing your limbs as it makes it's way to your neck. You desperately reach for whatever appears to be entangling you, but find nothing tangible. A buzzing starts to fill your ears as the temperature suddenly drops, and cold sweat pearls on your forehead. You know this feeling. They have returned.

"Ah, there he is again, the pathetic little coward returns," the distorted voices burst through your thought. The pressure on your throat increases, and though you are certain you're on dry land, it feels as if cold water is filling your lungs. "We send our coward a guide. A gift. And what does he do? He falters, he whines, he cries, he shakes, he falls," the pressure builds. "u̷̢͇̽̍N̵̠̘̓͠G̵̲̈̂R̴̨̘͆a̸͈̠͌t̵̯̗̓E̴̥̽f̵̢̀u̶͕͙͑̇L̸̝̰̒̏ ̷̪͙͒Ẇ̷̧̘͘o̷̭̊͜͝R̷̬͎͗M̵̬̞͝" the voice screams in your head, overshadowing any of your thoughts. It overwhelms you, and forces you to the ground as you struggle to breathe. "Pathetic little coward, pathetic little coward, pathetic little coward, patHETIC LITTLE COWARD, PATHETIC LITTLE COWARD, P̵A̸T̵H̴E̵T̸I̸C̶ ̵L̶I̶T̸T̷L̵E̸ ̵C̵O̴W̷A̵R̴D̴, P̵̨̖̜͇͕͑̎̕A̵̡̛̖͕̅̽̓T̶͓̳̀̎͊̂͂Ȟ̸̨̛̤̰̫̂͒͝E̵͈͖̿̾̆T̸͖͇͔̊́̅̎̇̑I̵͇̳͑̈̂-"

All of the sudden, the voices die out, leaving you breathless and shaking on the ground. You feel a force straining to shield you from the voices, and you recognize it as the creature that you have been looking for. You do not see it yet, but it is here. And it is helping you.

Your fall to the ground had caused a clatter, one that seems to have alerted the people running this place. You hear alarmed voices, but they are still far away. The door through which you came is still ajar, and not too far away. You could run now, or make a last attempt at finding your guide. Across from you, there are three cages. You will likely have enough time to inspect one or two of them and still escape in time. There is a small one, a large one, and one which appears to have bitemarks on the bars.

What will you do?

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It started with a familiar coldness that sent goosebumps to his skin and a shiver down his spine. Míngzé tried, he really did, to block them out, but it was no use. Soon the voices echoed through his mind, their sound overpowering every thought he had.

”Shut up, shut up, shut up—” Míngzé whispered but even his own voice was pushed back by the voices in his head. Pressure built up in his chest once more, only fueling his fears more. Everything was cold, so very cold. It did not take long for his legs to give out. His fingers curled around his hair as he pulled on it. The pressure on his chest, the feeling of water filling his lungs once more scared him more than anything else. The idea of not being able to breathe. Míngzé was desperately trying to take deep breaths, but together with his own panic it was nearly impossible.

And then they were gone. Only his own frail mind and pathetic state left as proof that it had even happened. They were right. Míngzé could only agree as he sat there with his knees pulled up and slightly leaning forward. The strength to stand up was lost to him.

In the distance he could hear the voices of people. They had heard him and were now coming his way. This was where he should stand up and leave or just do something, but he was frozen in place. That other presence had helped him yet here he was, unable to do anything. It made him wonder why he even tried. Because each time he tried anything, he failed.

But that way of thinking would not help him or anyone else either. Slowly he lowered a shaking hand and opened his eyes again.Not that it mattered, it was too dark and he hated it. With one hand reached out he moved forward on all fours. If he stayed low, they would maybe not immediately notice him. Again something cold touched the tips of his fingers, another cage like one of many. Just how many pokémon were locked up here? It was sickening.

His hand moved further over the cage and it was then that he noticed the slight dents in the bar, as if something had tried to bite his way out of it. It made sense, what other option did they have? He continued tracing the cage while he was still on his knees. If it had a lock he wanted to know if it was one he could open without the use of a key. Yet his hands were still unsteady and his whole body was still shaking, no matter what. That one pokémon had helped him, which was the reason he kept trying.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 138
IC Posts : 138

Cold shivers run up and down your spine, leaving you feeling like a trembling mess. As if a fever has taken over your body. The voices in the background linger, though you cannot discern what they are saying, you hear the urgency in their voices. They're coming for you.

You crawl forward, the cold ground hard and merciless against your shins. That horrible sensation, that horrifyingly wet presence, seems to have evaporated, leaving you alone with your thoughts - and the creature behind the bars. Your fingers dance over the bitemarks, lingering between the cold metal until you feel something wet... And moving. It nuzzles you with its hard whiskers, but you feel something wrapped tightly around it's snout.


Two red eyes gaze upon you, unsettlingly familiar. As you make contact, something unseen sparks between you.

Find me

You appear to have found your so-called guide, but you sense that you do not have much time left. Your cold fingers find a lock, it is beaten and battered - but it still holds. The bars are damaged in some places, the bitemarks leaving them weaker than before. Still, it would take quite a bit of power to break or bend them. The cage is too large and heavy for you to carry on your own. How will you proceed?

You have 2 attempts left

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

As his fingers trailed the cold bars, he was looking for something, although he did not know what. There were bite marks all over that dug deep into the metal. If he was not careful he might even cut his hand. Whatever pokémon was inside, clearly wanted nothing else than to get out of there, which made sense. His hand continued on, until something else touched his hand. Míngzé’s first instinct was to pull back, only to reach back inside the cage. Somehow he knew.

Míngzé released a deep breath he was holding as a smile broke through on his lips. This was one of those moments where he could cry, but they were not out yet. “Hi,” he whispered. In this place it was impossible for him to see anything at all, but he almost knew that if he could, he would see her silver fur. “I’ll get you out of here, I promise,” he said with a shaky voice as his hand was softly stroking her. For a moment he stopped to remove his coat, before turning back to her. His mind was a mess as he tried to work fast. “Let me first help you with this.” Míngzé had to work fast but he did his best to remove whatever was around her nose.

“If I can get this off, I might need your help breaking the bars, I’ll use my coat as a lever to hopefully break it, but if you can help, in whatever way, do it,” Míngzé whispered quietly as he was trying to get the thing  off her snout. Maybe if he could use all his weight, he might be able to break at least one of the bars with her help and hopefully that would be enough for her to squeeze through. He put his coat through the bars, intending to use it as a lever to make the weak point break.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 138
IC Posts : 138

As your fingers graze over the soft, ruffled fur, a sense of familiarity washes over you. You have never seen this creature before. It should be a stranger to you, yet you find yourself greeting it like a friend. You have felt its heartbeat. You have heard it's thought. You have seen through its eyes. You've been it.

The thought, though unsettling, helps you now. It appears to know you equally well, trusting you to lace your fingers around the fabric wrapped around its snout. Even if it speaks a tongue entirely different to yours, its intelligent eyes appear to understand you. The ninetales leans in closer, allowing you to fumble with its restraint.

you've rolled an 18 on a d20

The fabric appears to be a lace of some kind, and it is bound tightly around the ninetales shout - snapping it shut. On a stroke of luck, you manage to find one of the knots. Taking the outer end between your lean fingers, you pull.... And find that it gives in. Bit by bit, you manage to hook your nails under it and edge it off. The ninetales whimpers softly, its skin raw from the tight restraints. Still it stays, moving every so often to help you free it. It takes all your willpower, but eventually, you succeed.

The Ninetales darts around the cage wildly, fervently rubbing its painful snout with its huge, silvery paws. It barks at you and growls, warning you to get away from the cage. If you do, you find yourself at a safe distance from the fiery attack the Ninetales spews on the bars. It burns your coat in the process, but seems to melt the metal slightly. The bars have become more supple due to the heat, and with full force, the ninetales repeatedly slams its body against it. After several attempts, the bars give way, and the pokémon darts out.

You have freed your guide.

In a second. The ninetales seems to have disappeared. You find yourself alone in the darkness, the voices now clearly running towards you. You wonder if after all, the creature has left you alone, forgotten, to die.

That is, until you feel a wet nose against your palm. It nuzzles you, encouraging you to get to your feet. The large pokemon pushes against your legs, urging you towards the exit.

You need to make a run for it.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

To his surprise, the rope that was tightly strung around the pokémon’s snout came loose. It was anything but easy without knowing what he was doing, but it was working. When it fell to the ground, he released a breath he did not know he was holding. His hands fell to his side and for a moment he closed his eyes. It was the thrill of the moment, the adrenaline, that again came to the surface that pushed him forward. In the cage itself it sounds like the pokémon is celebrating too in her own way. A smile broke through on his face as he sat there. It was still not over, far from it.

Then sounds, barks and growls echo from the cage. Quickly Míngzé crawled out of the way, placing one hand around his ribs and with the other he got a tight grip around his cane. “Come one Dai,” he hisses as he moves to the side. The voices in the distance only became more clear as they also realized something was going on. A new sense of dread settled in his bones. If this worked, they still had to make it out alive.

A fire erupted next to him and Míngzé raised his arms to shield himself from the heat. Dai growled at it for a moment, especially when the pokémon started hitting the bars with her body. He could still remember how beaten his —no her— body had felt earlier, and now this. He dismissed the idea quickly as it felt too unreal. He could hear the iron bars break and the pokémon managed to escape.

All of this caused everyone to be on high alert and Míngzé could hear them running, coming closer each second. Unlike the pokémon who’d just helped. She seemed to have moved on. It was fine, he told himself. She was free and that—

Again he could feel the wet nose against his hand, only this time he did not pull back immediately. It was clear what she wanted him to do. “Alright, alright, just—” Míngzé clenched his jaw as he rose to his feet. His legs still felt unstable and it did not help that he could hear the alarmed voices in the distance. Fuck. He started moving forward in the direction he thought the door was. Running was no option, not with all these cages around so with one trembling hand in front of him, and the other holding his cane. “You might have to help me, again,” he said with a heavy heart. He did his best to walk as quickly as he could, but that caused his to bump into at least one metal cage.

But he was almost there. He could do this.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 138
IC Posts : 138

Your ribs ache. Your legs are still trembling. Your brain feels like it's been taken apart and put back together several times... And still you rise to your feet. Guided by a newfound sense of accomplishment, bravery, and the somehow familiar wet nose of your new companion - you brave onwards.

The creature nuzzles you with a sense of urgency, clearly eager to leave this place and never returned. Hastened by the voices in the background, you hurry towards the door you came in with. The ninetales growls, nipping at your ankles. It attempts to guide you in a certain direction, but you still find yourself colliding with a cage.

you've rolled a 11 on a d20. The AC was 10.

The distant voices drown out the clatter. You hear running footsteps, but with the help of your new companion, you find the door you came in with. As the last of its tails leave the premise, you shut the door, leaving the horrid, damp and dark space behind you, without much of a trace from your entrance. You find yourself back on the streets, aching to go home.

Congrats! You have obtained a ninetales.

your journey comes to an end.

Character sheet
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