
Turn of the screws

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Letting his pokémon out of his pokéball after more than a month was something he knew he should not be doing inside his apartment. Normally he went to the beach if Qiān needed some time to get all the energy out, but Míngzé did not even want to get near that place. That is how he ended up in the park on a small field of grass near the lake.

Míngzé stared at the pokébal as he had been doing for the past few minutes. Delaying this any longer would only result in another month of the pokémon being locked up. With every day that went by, it became harder  and more difficult. Míngzé trusted Qiān, and yet he was afraid of how the pokémon would react.

Without giving himself the chance to back down again, he threw the ball and was greeted by the unfamiliar red glow. He was well aware people were against the usage of pokéballs and he couldn’t agree more, but this was different.

The moment Qiān became aware of his surroundings, he looked around almost hysterically. “Qiān.” In an instant the pokémon was at his side and he could feel his hand against his chest. Qiān stood with his back towards him, facing someone else Míngzé had not noticed before. The Inteleon pointed one hand at the person like a finger gun, only this one could really fire something. With his other hand he made sure Míngzé could not get any closer.

“Hey, it’s fine, everything is alright Qiān,” he tried to hush the pokémon, still oblivious as to what was happening. Mingze placed a hand against the pokémon's arm, but it did nothing.

[ Vince ]


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
He had promised Winnie that they would go play in the park, in the little lake that was between the greenery. Thus, he walked up with the white and blue Buizel running wild before him. ”Don’t go too far.” He yelled after the Pokémon, knowing that she would not listen. It was like raising a small child. Nazar was in that regard way easier, but that Pokémon just needed someone it could trust. Winnie was different, in every sense of the word. Her pink and white fuzzy coat was different from the streamlined orange one that her species should have. He had also noticed that she was part ice type, and not a full water type like the others. Which she demonstrated by freezing a patch of water and sliding over it. Having the time of her life. Vince smiled, walking up to the railing to watch what she was doing, when a red light caught his attention. He had seen a few pokeballs in his time, the last one being from Sang when he showed him his Mawile. He understood why Sang kept her in a ball, even if he didn’t like the concept of the contraptions. So he turned around, to see a familiar figure standing there. Tilting his head, he wasn’t sure if it was who he thought it was. ”Winnie.” He called his Pokémon to him, before walking up to the man. ”Hi, Ming?” He spoke, softly, as he still wasn’t sure if he had the correct person in font of him. ”You found your Inteleon back?” He looked up the Pokémon, who clearly wasn’t happy with that he was in the aura of his trainer. So, Vince held his hands up, to make sure that he wasn’t a threat. Winnie standing next to him, doing the same thing.
+ Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

In the light provided by the sun, Míngzé could see the green head of hair. As the other mentioned his name he frowned. It had been a while ago and a lot has happened since, but he vaguely remembered that person. It was a good thing that he only knew one person with green hair. “Vince,” he greeted the man. Qiān took a big step back, his hand now against Míngzé’s chest, forcing him to take a few stumbling steps back. “Qiān!” he said angrily, but the pokémon was ignoring him completely. He wanted Míngzé to leave this place, but the man wouldn’t budge.

Míngzé did not understand Qiān, although in a way he knew why the pokémon behaved like this. Everyone would see the pokémon was on edge, with his muscles tense and a bewildered gaze in his eyes as he looked from Vince to the pokémon with him. He was simply afraid. Afraid that he would fail to protect Míngzé again, that he would lose him. In a way the pokémon blamed himself for what had happened and now he did not want to leave his side.

“Yeah, Qiān came back soon after you left. He had been helping some kid rescue their pokémon from a tree,” Míngzé sighed. Back then the pokémon had been helping a random stranger, now he was holding someone else who clearly posed no threat under fire.

Now he also noticed how Qiān was behaving strangely. “If I were you I would be careful, he hasn’t been himself lately.” Which was partly because of his confinement to the pokeball. Míngzé’s grip on the ball got tighter, ready to use it on the pokémon if needed. For now the pokémon looked at Vince with narrowed eyes and was ready to shoot if he came too close.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
The man recognized him, good. But that didn't make the pokémon look any less worried about him. Winnie looked at both of them, one to the other, trying to get the attention of the Inteleon, who was clearly not doing too hot. Even Ming noticed that, as he snapped angerly to his own pokémon. It didn't seem to work all that much and Vince wondered what had happened between the pokémon and its trainer. Something was not quite right here.
The green haired boy nodded when Ming explained that the pokémon, name Qiān, had returned quickly after he had left the scene. He remembered that moment, he had been called away before he could help the man out with finding his pokémon. He was glad that everything had worked out in the end though. Just like Ming told him, something had the pokémn rattled, as he was behaving irrationally right now. Vince noticed how the man held the pokéball and he wondered if that could be the cause. He grabbed his back, slowly, reaching in to grab a snack and holding it up to the pokémon. "What happened between you two?" He asked, his eyes fixated on the pokémon, yet the question was towards the man. "I'm not going to harm you, nor your trainer." He spoke softly towards the Inteleon. "Something happened to you, am I right? Between you and your trainer?" Vince breathed in deeply, softly humming the tune that he had learned in the forest.
+ Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

If things got out of hand, he could still return Qiān to his ball. It was not his best option, but it would work. The only problem left was the fact that he would only make the problem worse. Vaguely he saw how Vince moved and Qiān got instantly tense. The snack that the other held towards him, completely ignored for now.

The question that was being asked made a corner of his mouth twitch. “We got separated a while ago when we were at the beach. It was only for a few hours, but he has been acting strangely ever since,” Míngzé repeated the sentence he had rehearsed over a million times. It was longer than just ‘a while’. A whole night had passed before he finally woke up again like nothing happened. Qiān had been worried sick and his behavior after became too much. Locking him up had not been the best idea, it was only avoiding a problem that got worse over time.

The moment Vince directed his attention fully towards Qiān and started talking to him, he could feel the pressure on his chest getting worse. The pokémon really wanted him to back away but Míngzé stood his ground.

Qiān narrowed his eyes slightly, firmly standing between this new person and Míngzé. His gaze never left the other and he noticed every small movement. Yet, something made him slowly lower his arm, no longer holding Vince under shot. He gave a nod accompanied by a noise that confirmed Vince’s assumption.

“I tried bringing him to a therapist, but that did not end very well,” Míngzé added as he looked between the two, not really knowing what was going on.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
The humming continued while he listened to what Ming was telling him, trying to connect the dots. There wasn't something wrong with the Inteleon, not physically at least. This was a mental problem, something had spooked the pokémon and he was trying to make up for it. Vince tilted his head, looking at how the aggressive stance disappeared slowly. A small smile on his face, where he relaxed a bit more. He could do this, he could resonate with this pokémon. Figure out what was going on. Ming told him that he tried bringing him to a therapist, which didn't seem to work. Vince couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. As if pokémon therapists knew what they were doing. The only thing they wanted was making money. "You say that the two of you got separated for a time?" He echoed what Ming told him earlier. "And I believe you told me that he was your support pokémon, correct?" His golden eyes still focused on the pokémon, interrupting his humming only to speak with the trainer. "What happened when he had found you back?" He asked, shifting his eyes to Ming for the shortest of time. "How did you react? What did you tell him? Did you reassure him that you were ok? Or did you immediately put him in his ball?" Vince's gaze flashed to the pokéball that Ming was still holding. + Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It was strange, but whatever Vince was doing seemed to somewhat work. It went better as the previous time he’d let Qiān out of his ball during the therapy. Míngzé took a deep breath. While he did not want the help of others with this, it was hard to deny that help when it was working. He hummed softly. “For a few hours, yeah,” he added without revealing how long.

Right before all of that happened, Qiqn had been unruly, doing whatever the hell he wanted and not paying too much attention towards the one he should’ve been helping. Then because of his careless behavior someone had happened. “He is, yes, or was, I don’t know.” What if his pokémon was too damaged to do his job?

Míngzé’s grip around the pokéball got tighter. Everything that happened that day was kind of a blur to him. “I— We went home and I Guess I did not really reassure him?” It was a question that was also directed at himself, because he had no idea. If he had said anything to him, he could no longer remember. “Once we were back home I—” Instead of finishing the sentence, he tilted the pokeball a little, indicating that he locked him up as soon as they got home.

Qiān who still stood in front of him looked away from Vince for the first time, locking eyes with Míngzé. Slowly he was lowering his guard a bit, but he still quickly turned his head again towards the other, taking a step closer to Míngzé. He simply wanted to protect him and make sure nothing would ever happen to him again. Because he felt something had happened to Míngzé, but he had no idea what happened during the hours they’d been apart.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Vince sighed softly when he listened to what Ming had to tell him. It only made his suspicion more obvious. He wondered if it was because of Ming's poor eyesight, of because of his affinity that he just ... knew? Or at least had a feeling about what was going on here. He looked from one to the other, wondering how he was going to do this. There was something off about Ming too, as if he wasn't sure what he was telling him. Maybe he didn't fully remember? At least it sounded like he wasn't entirely telling him the truth about what had happened. Vince sighed again, putting the snack back in his pocket and relaxing his stance a bit more. "I think that there is the problem." He spoke, his golden eyes fixated on Ming this time. "He's worried about you." He clarified. "Losing you for an uncertain amount of time, after which you told him nothing and just locked him away." Switching his entire body towards the man now, he poked Ming with one finger, letting the emotional state of the pokémon slightly influence his behaviour. "How would you like it when someone close to you got hurt, told you nothing about it and kept you out of everything. Wouldn't you try to get an answer, to let the other see or feel that you still cared. That you still want to protect you?" The green haired boy pinched his nose, before pointing towards the Inteleon. "There is nothing wrong with him, he's just worried and tries to do his job harder because he almost lost you once already. He's just being extra careful." Vince had to stop himself from not bonking the man on the head for being this oblivious to the feeling of his pokémon. Yet, he wasn't sure if others would notice it as good as he did. + Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The moment he could feel something poke him, he immediately took a step back, looking down momentarily. But Vince carried on, the words he used cutting deep. “You don’t understand,” he said through gritted teeth, his voice strained. His golden eyes were almost looking straight at Vince as he shortly shook his head. “It’s not as simple as you make it out to be.” Nothing about this was normal or easy. It was more than them simply losing each other on the beach. But Vince could not know, all he did was try to help, but at that moment it did not feel like it was helping.

Míngzé’s eyes widened at the words being used by Vince, his breath catching in his throat at the same time. Almost. No, it was more than thay, wasn’t it. As his breathing got a bit deeper, he could almost feel the burning sensation in his lungs even when it was not even there. “This isn’t working,” Míngzé said abruptly. At the same time he turned on his heels, turning his back to both Vince and Qiān. No, there was nothing wrong with Qiān, it was all him.

He wanted to simply walk away and leave them behind, but Qiān was faster and caught his arm. His burned arm was still in the process of healing and this caused a wave of burning pain through his arm. “Let go,” he now growled as he wanted to jank his arm free, but it was no use as his pokémon was a lot stronger.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
”It is never simple.” Vince poked the man once again. Of course it wouldn’t be as simple as he would make out. That wasn’t his intention at all. He just had to get it in Ming’s head, that the problem was with both of them. That he had handled the situation wrong and that the Inteleon was now reacting to that. But it didn’t seem that the man was willing to listen anymore to him. He told him that this wasn’t working, promptly turned on his heels and was ready to walk away. Vince felt hopeless, for the first time, looking at something that he actually understood, yet he couldn’t make it clear to the other one. Softly sighing, he made himself ready to let the man go. If he wasn’t willing to listen and maybe fix the problem, there was little that he could do.
The Inteleon seemed to have a different plan, as he grabbed his trainer by the arm. Vince could swear he noticed a hint of pain in the golden eyes of the other man and he stepped forward. ”Listen to your Pokémon.” He said, clearly. ”You might never be able to trust each other again, if you don’t stop and listen.” Winnie walked past him, towards the man and placed her paws against the back of his legs, trying to push him closer to his Pokémon. ”You are blaming yourself for what happened, correct? I do not know what happened, I don’t need to know. But you.” His gaze stern when he looked at Ming. ”Need to stop beating yourself up and let your Pokémon help you. He understands you better than you thing he does.”
+ Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

This time when the other poked him, he pushed his hand aside. While he did not mind physical contact, he did not appreciate being poked like he was a pincushion. Everything Vince told him was true, he realized that much, but it was all so very complicated. If anything he almost regretted letting the pokémon out of his ball.

And while he was done with all of this, Qiān held him back but the moment he noticed that he was hurting Míngzé, he let go. Worry was written all over the pokémon’s face. All he had to do was listen, at least that is what Vince told him. But what was there to listen to? He could not listen to a pokémon that was always in his face, not giving him the chance to make his own choices.

When something touched his leg, he yerked away immediately, looking down but whatever was there was too small for him to really see. Qiān however shot into action, stepping in between Míngzé and the pokémon. It only left Míngzé confused as he backed away some more and crossed his arms.

Míngzé narrowed his eyes as Vince kept talking. “That’s the thing, isn’t it? He can’t help, not with this.” There was no helping him with this problem, he’d looked for solutions but so far he came back empty handed. One pokémon would not make a difference. “He might think he understands me, this, but he doesn’t. Besides, he does not help, all he does is make sure I can’t breathe because he won’t give me the space to do so,” Míngzé slightly raised his voice as he looked from Qiān to Vince and back again.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
"Oh for Arceus' sake." He cursed, throwing his arms down and turning around. He was starting to get annoyed with this man, as he just didn't seem to want to listen. Just listen. And he had no way of making it more clear to him. The solution was clear as day, yet he didn't seem to hear it. Nor see it. Or do anything about it.

His golden gaze followed the two, trainer and pokémon and how they interacted with each other. There was something wrong about it. Ming didn't accept what the Inteleon was doing, and the pokémon was only trying so hard to be of assistance. As it was also clear when Winnie tried to come between them. The Inteleon quickly getting in between. With a short whistle, he called back the Buizel, who hid behind his legs. She was only trying to help, but didn't want to get the wrath of either of them over herself.

"Then tell him that!" Vince spat at the man. "You are keeping your own pokémon in the dark. You think he can't help with whatever is going on with you. That's fine. But don't shut him out, just tell him that he can't help and have to figure it out yourself." He stepped closer to both pokémon and trainer, not afraid about whatever the Inteleon would do if he got too close to his trainer. "Communication is key. Even if you don't share a language. You're the problem here, not your pokémon." He spoke stern, with a hint of the authority that was drilled in him from a very young age.  
+ Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

You’re the problem here. Míngzé glared at Vince who seemed to believe it was his right to judge him at every corner. Putting all the blame on him while he knew nothing about this impossible situation. Nothing. Absolutely nothing and yet here he was teaching him a lesson. “You talk a lot of pretty words about communication and talking to my pokémon, but you never once stopped to think about the why.” If the situation had been less complicated he probably already would've talked to Qiān, they had been together so long. But right now that was too much. He could not bring Qiān into this when he was still trying to figure out whatever this was exactly.

This was getting too much. While Míngzé had anticipated some problems, he did not expect this. As his heartbeat was getting faster he could feel how breathing also became heavier. A pain he knew was not there, still erupted from his chest, almost as if his lungs were on fire. “Fuck— just— just give me a minute,” Míngzé told Vince with one shaky finger in the air as he turned his back towards him. He had his eyes closed as he tried to gather his bearings with no luck. Air was still entering and he tried to focus on that, but it did nothing to help him calm down.

Qiān expression was one of utter worry as he looked from Vince to Míngzé and back. He had taken a step forward, but was hesitant to come too close. While he wanted to help, he did not know how and he was looking at Vince for support. He reached out for Mingze , but did not touch him as he had no idea what was going on.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
"Maybe because you're not willing to tell the why." He huffed, placing his hands in his pockets, so that he wouldn't do anything stupid. His gaze flashed from the man to the pokémon, wondering what would be the best way to get these two to see eye to eye again. Or maybe, maybe he should just let it go. Give it up, walk away, again. But no, he wanted to get this fixed. Even if it was only a little bit, a bit of understanding regained between those two. That would be enough, a stepping stone, so that they could figure it out together afterwards.

But he stepped back, when he noticed a shift in demeanour from Ming's side. Semi afraid that the man would suddenly attack him because of his words, he stepped back and looked at what was going on. The black haired man asked for a moment, turning around. Fear gripped his own heart now, afraid of what he had done. Maybe he had pushed the man too hard, were his words too harsh to comprehend. Vince swallowed hard, wanting to reach out and ask if everything was ok, but he couldn't.

His gaze found that of the Inteleon, who was trying to do the same thing that he was. He stopped, thinking. Nodding to the pokémon. "Slowly, give him space, don't force it." He whispered. "There are things he has to figure out himself, but you can help." He walked up to the pokémon, keeping an eye on the man. "Reach out, armlength, not closer. If he wants to accept, he will. Show him that you want to help, but that it's his decision to accept or refuse. Don't be angry when he does, not everything can be helped by or with a pokémon."
+ Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

What Vince said next was the truth. He did not want to talk about the why, not before he had this figured out completely. While Míngzé knew what had happened, it was a whole other thing to accept it and make peace with it. Which was the real problem. Because how can he make peace with something that only caused problems?

The tight feeling in his chest did not want to disappear and only got worse. Which was absolutely stupid as he was standing here on the land, walking around and just breathing. There was no reason he should feel like this. It was all because of this stupid conversation. “It’s fine, it’s nothing,” he said while waving his hand. While he did not fully hear what Vince was saying, he could put two and two together. Now they only have to believe him, because he did not believe it himself.

With the idea that maybe walking would help, he started pacing back and forth. Qiān had done like Vince told him and held out an arm, but pulled back at seeing this. One thing was for certain, walking did not make it any easier. “Is there a bench or something nearby? Somewhere to sit?” He did not know who he was asking this to, Vince or Qiān but he did not care. The pokémon did not know either and looked at Vince once more for help, pointing at a bench a bit farther away.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Vince's golden eyes narrowed, looking at the man who was most certainly not ok. If only he could get through the stubbornness that he was displaying right now, than he might be able to help him out in one way or another. But he seemed to be stuck in not wanting any help. Still, Vince couldn't just let him go, not if there was at least a little part that he could help.

So he nudged the Inteleon towards its trainer. If there was someone who could be able to help, it had to be his pokémon, right? Even if he had the feeling that their relationship was strained, there was still this trainer/pokémon bond. Or so he hoped at least. And he was trying, yet Ming wanted to have nothing off it. He had started pacing, for reasons unknown, as he still didn't know what was going on. Vince started to feel helpless, a little inkling of doubt infiltrating his mindset.

When Ming asked for a bench or something so that he could sit down, Vince looked around. He noticed that the Inteleon was looking at him as well, as if he had all the answers in the universe right now. His gaze followed to where the pokémon was pointing and nodded slightly. "I believe your pokémon as found something." He praised the Inteleon, pointing at him that he could slowly try and help Ming to guide him to the bench. "Shall we sit down then?" He asked affirmation, walking past Ming and just a little bit towards the bench.  
+ Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

All he wanted was to sit down. Who was helping him did not matter. He wanted to sit, calm down and catch his breath again. Míngzé nodded a few times when the question came if he wanted to sit. He place a shaking hand against the bench before he sat down.

Once he sat down he released a shaking breath. He leaned forward, placing his arms on his legs and sat like that for a while. His eyes were closed and he tried to simply focus on his breathing. It was fine, everything was fine because it had to be. “Fuck,” he muttered quietly, leaning a bit more forward. Qiān stood there, more lost than ever as he had no idea what was going on. This was nothing he had ever seen before. And he was not alone, Míngzé had also no idea what had happened.

Míngzé folded his hands and dug his fingertips into his skin. “Why did you not just listen when I said it was not that simple,” his voice had an edge as he spoke. The pokébal had ended somewhere next to him on the bench. “This is not something you can fix by just talking.” Even Míngzé was not sure if he was still talking solely about his problems with Qiān.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
He was wondering what went wrong, where he went the wrong direction. He just wanted to help, but it felt like he was talking to a doll, an empty husk. Sighing softly, he walked after the trainer and his Pokémon, there wouldn’t be much more that he could do. If he didn’t want to give more information, he couldn’t provide any help.

The moment the man sat down, he looked like he was going to keel over. For a moment Vince was afraid that he had pushed him too far. That it was his doing that the man was sitting here, with shaky breathing and looking at the ground as if he was going to throw up. He noticed the Pokémon not knowing what to do. The Inteleon looked just as lost as its trainer and Vince wondered what exactly had played between the two. Because this didn’t look like just a simple case of overprotection. Something else had happened and Ming didn’t want to talk about it. He nodded to the pokemon, gesturing him that he could be standing either next of behind him. Just because the man didn’t want any help, doesn’t mean he had to push his pokemon away.

When Ming spoke, Vince’s brow went up a little. But he looked down, maybe the man was right. He had no idea what had happened and it might have been a catalyst for this all. ”Maybe if you provided more information I would be able to speak. But you’re too stubborn to accept any kind of help.” He reacted, his golden eyes looking up to the man on the bench. ”Because you think that it’s better to push everything and everyone away because you’re feeling helpless. Your Pokémon is mortified to help you, he’s lost because you keep him in the dark.” Vince turned around, his back to the man and took a deep breath. ”There is more that happened on that beach, but you’re afraid to speak about it. Maybe that’s why you’re sitting here like some kind of empty husk!”
+ Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

One thing was clear, Vince had no idea that what he was doing was anything but helping him. Míngzé had hoped the other would understand that there were reasons he did not want to talk, but no. If anything the other continued, telling him he had to talk. Míngzé buried his hands in his hair as he tried to simply ignore everything that was being said. Which proved to be impossible. “Can’t you shut the fuck up for once?” Míngzé only noticed he was yelling after the words had left his mouth. Every breath he took was ragged and he hated how it built up pressure in his chest. His eyes were burning, but he bit back any tear that might want to break through.

Even Qiān noticed that this was getting out of hand. His trainer was clearly in distress and it was only getting worse whenever this other person talked. The large pokémon stepped in between the two, his gaze calmly on Vince. While he did not look threatening, it was clear that he wanted this to stop. No matter how Míngzé pushed him away, he was still loyal to the core and one of his tasks was to protect him.

At this point he felt truly horrible and completely drained. His mind was a complete mess and he felt trapped. All he knew was that he had to go. Staying here clearly only made things worse. “Just leave, alright? Before you make things worse than they already are.” All he really wanted right now was to be left alone.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Vince set a step back when the man raised his voice against him. Message clear. He huffed softly, wanting to open his mouth and go against it, but the Inteleon stepped between the two, making it clear that he had crossed a boundary. The green haired boy sighed softly, putting his hands in his pockets and whistled. The pink fluffy Buizel sat up from in between some bushes and came rushing back to his side. ”Suit yourself.” He spoke softly, not wanting to escalate the situation even further. It looked like he had done enough damage already.

He turned on his heels, his pokemon behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he gazed upon the man one last time. ”You should try to find someone you trust. You can’t do this on your own, even if you think you can.” He spoke carefully, before sighing and turning back. He had tried, maybe a little too hard, but he had tried. And if the man didn’t want to be helped, he shouldn’t be pushing more buttons. Who knows what would have happened if he had continued. Shivering by that thought, Vince walked on, leaving the man alone with his pokemon and his secrets.
+ Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
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