
We're on the borderline

2 posters
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye’s eyes fixed on her empty glass, turning it around in her hand as her gaze slowly became distant while she considered his words. The good in her? Did she have it? Sometimes she thought that she did, but then her mind would wander back to her ex. Anger began to make itself known again, though it was all aimed at herself. The soft glow of the karaoke room’s lights reflected in her eyes as she finally responded, her voice tinged with a mix of anger and vulnerability. “Isn’t that what everyone wants, someone that sees the good in them?” Kaye had a feeling that Sang could understand this statement better than most. Better than the white collar workers who went to church each sunday and lived their life in virtue and goodness. People like her, who had done terrible things to get where they wanted to be. People who had no regret about any of it. Not even-

Shakily Kaye managed to get back on her feet, swaying slightly as she did. “I should go.” she declared suddenly. With unsteady steps, she aimed for the door, room spinning uncomfortably around her. The alcohol made itself known with a vengeance.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Kaye asked if being liked wasn’t what everyone ultimately desired. Ruìsāng responded with a thoughtful hum. “There’s a significant difference between liking someone and merely liking the way they make you feel about yourself,” he pointed out. Maybe, he thought, for people like them, caught up in their own worlds, every action was inherently self-centered like that. Perhaps they were both incapable of love, and this semblance of affection was the closest they would ever come.

Abruptly breaking the moment, Kaye rose to her feet, declaring it was time for her to leave. Ruìsāng remained seated, making no move to get up. Instead, he leaned back comfortably in his seat, his red eyes tracking her every move with a casual, yet attentive gaze. As she prepared to depart, he offered a final, seemingly innocent reminder with a sly smile. “Don’t forget the tip,” he said, his voice laced with a hint of playful entitlement. After all, he mused, he had earned at least that much.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Someday she might actually do something with Ruisang’s words. For now, she was more than grateful to push it all the way to the far back of her mind. The recent bout of soul-searching and emotional vulnerability had left her yearning for a reprieve.. Kaye halted, hand on the doorknob as Sang’s words settled into her being. She scrunched up her face in thought, his words landing slow- tip. The tip .. ah yes .. “Right.” she muttered to herself, a realization dawning. Turning around, Kaye made her way back to Sang with a thoughtful frown creasing her forehead. With a thoughtful frown she felt around in her left pocket .. nothing, all right, right one then. She put her whole hand in it, fingers poking and prodding but to no avail. Nothing. All right, back pocket- Kaye let out a frustrated sigh. How about the right back pocket?

Finally at last she found the fold of bills she had been looking for. She took them out and let them go through her fingers, but deemed herself too drunk to care much to divide it. “Fuck. Whatever.” she declared, nonchalantly pushing the entire stack of bills into Sang's hand—a generous $500. “Enjoy that, you leech.” It was said without any threat or malice. Unsteadily she wobbled back to the door, a quiet but sincere “Thank you” slipped from her lips in subtle acknowledgement, before she allowed the door to fall shut behind her.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
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