
[journey] it's a heartless city

2 posters
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
journey card

Hi! This is my first attempt at looking for a Raichu-coloured Pikachu, Galaxy/Azula Ralts or Sakura Female Espurr (I handed that to Cat) a fun Male Espurr. When it comes to traits, I am looking for and open to: Poison, Psychic, Fairy.

So, Kieran recently moved here and is currently walking around in a park around 11:30PM. He is still in the final parts of physical rehabilitation after taking a nose-dive off a cliff at age 16. He has terrible trauma when it comes to psychic powers and cannot physically strain himself too much.

So, have fun (:

Kieran wrapped his coat tighter around him, the crisp chill of the air a stark contrast to the warmth of his apartment. Escaping the confines of his new urban life, he felt a refreshing sense of freedom. The past weeks had been a whirlwind of change, leaving his quaint village behind for the sprawling city. His parents had been pillars of support, handling the logistics of the move so he wouldn’t have to lift a finger. Their departure from his apartment, though bittersweet, had left Kieran with a newfound sense of independence, and yet, an unexpected pang of solitude crept into his heart.

Longing for a slice of nature amidst the concrete jungle, Kieran found himself gravitating towards one of the city’s parks, a decision that justified his choice of neighbourhood. He savoured the moment, drawing in a deep breath, eyes shut, as he attempted to sieve out the urban scents and embrace the fleeting natural aroma that lingered in the air.

The night had already draped its velvet cloak over the city, with the clock inching closer to midnight. The park was mostly deserted, a few souls braving the winter’s bite. This solitude was a welcome respite for Kieran; the silence was comforting, almost companion-like. He strolled leisurely, the sound of his footsteps on the pavement mingling with the soft whisper of the cold breeze, relishing the tranquillity that the night offered.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 122
IC Posts : 122
This is only
the beginning

It is a very calm night. The sky is clear, save for a few clouds, and the huge moon is visible from everywhere you look. There is a soft wind, which is cold but not unpleasant. Some would call this a perfect winter night. All that is missing now is snow.

As you continue your walk through the park, you leave every soul behind you. Now, it is only you and whatever Pokémon lurk in the shadows of the park, finding a place to sleep for the night. Nothing seems out of the ordinary with a roll of 5.

You pass an empty bench that is lit up by a sole lantern pole standing right behind it. From where that bench is placed, you’d have a perfect sight over the lake. The light flickers for a moment, turning completely off for a few seconds before illuminating the bench once again.

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran’s sense of observation had never been his strong suit. Growing up, his elder brother was his guardian, always there to shield him from trouble. Later, it felt as though he lived under a watchful gaze, others always poised to intervene before he could find himself in a dangerous situation. He didn’t need the protection; he wasn’t about to put himself at risk, not after the painful lessons etched in scars along his back.

Those scars twinged slightly in the cold, but he dismissed the discomfort, focusing instead on the rhythmic tap of his cane against the ground as he walked. The park’s serenity and natural beauty were soothing, almost reminiscent of home, if only he could fully escape the persistent urban smell and the light pollution.

A solitary bench, in the flickering glow of a streetlight, beckoned him to rest. Kieran welcomed the opportunity to ease the strain on his back, a result of his increased walking since arriving in the city. As much as he appreciated the absence of his mother’s constant vigilance, he couldn’t deny a growing sense of longing for her presence. Resolving to call her soon, he extracted his phone, holding it horizontally to capture the beauty of the park’s small lake.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 122
IC Posts : 122
This is only
the beginning

The bench is a nice change of pace. You sit down for some much-needed rest after you have strained your muscles a bit too much. A smart choice, as you still have a long way back home. The bench is cold, but luckily it has not rained today, so your pants stay dry.

A perception of 2 gains you nothing. It is a normal evening with your typical evening noises and temperatures. Nothing around you really piques your interest as it is simple and mundane. The only thing you notice is how it is a tad bit colder, but it is getting late, so it is only normal.

Again, the lantern starts flickering, the light growing dimmer every time it turns back on. It flickers rapidly until it simply stops. Darkness engulfs you with the absence of this one light, and a cold wind passes by. The night is fully taking roots.

Will you stay here or continue now that you have rested for a bit?

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran, though no expert with a camera, skillfully captured the lake’s beauty in his photographs. He had plans to send a weekly message to his mother holding multiple photos, a silent affirmation: “I can do this. I can live on my own. I’m healing.” These small ventures, like a peaceful visit to the lake, which once seemed so unattainable, were now part of his new reality.

As the temperature dropped, Kieran snuggled deeper into his jacket, slipping his phone back into his pocket. Unfortunately, his chosen spot for respite proved less than ideal as the overhead light flickered unsteadily before succumbing to darkness.

With a resigned sigh, he hoisted himself up, leaning on his trusty cane for support. He scanned his surroundings briefly before making his way back to the lit path. The biting cold was bearable, but wandering in the dark, he decided, was a discomfort he could do without.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 122
IC Posts : 122
This is only
the beginning

You leave the cold bench alone in the dark as you continue down the path. The path is illuminated by another lantern pole every few meters, creating a serene feeling. Walking outside at this time of night is a peaceful experience. No longer are you surrounded by hundreds of sounds, people yelling, cars driving too fast, or music coming out of numerous stores. Here in the park, it is you and nature, and nothing more.

As you walk, you soon come to a crossroad. An old oak tree stands in the middle. No leaves hang from it, and some of the branches have broken off. The tree has been here for a while, but at some point, it died.

Both paths look about the same. The one that turns to the right will most likely lead you towards a walk around the lake, while the other continues through the trees. Both paths are decorated with lanterns, ensuring you know where you step.

Now the choice is yours. Will you go left or right?

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran ambled along the path, his movements measured and unhurried. One hand found comfort in his pocket, while the other maintained a steady grip on his cane. A soft melody escaped his lips, a sweet love song, its lyrics whispered into the quiet of the night, blending seamlessly with the gentle rustling of leaves.

Reaching a fork in the path, Kieran paused, casting a curious glance first to the left, then to the right. The right path promised a scenic walk around the lake, a view he had grown fond of. Yet, the left path, lined with trees, offered a shelter from the brisk wind, a tempting prospect on this cold evening. After a moment’s contemplation, he decided on the left path.

The allure of a forest-y walk, coupled with the comfort of lessened wind, was an inviting choice. The well-lit trail reassured him, as he ventured into the embrace of the trees.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 122
IC Posts : 122
This is only
the beginning

You decide to take a left turn, heading towards the shadows of the trees. Winter has overtaken the landscape, and all leaves have fallen from the trees by now. The moon shines bright in the sky, its light gently illuminating the path in front of you. Stars are decorating the sky even more, some hidden behind a few clouds.

At your left side, you walk past a road that has been blocked off by a small wooden gate. There is an old sign that says "private" and "danger, keep out," but it is only hanging onto the gate by one last chain. The gate is slightly open, and it would be easy to get in if you wish to ignore the sign.

The path ahead, however, radiates a peaceful existence. There is the rustling of leaves as something over there just left the safety of a bush. Will you check out what this is, or will you enter a restricted area?

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Under the night sky, Kieran found solace in his solitary walk, even as aches echoed in his bones, remnants of an accident he often wished had never occurred. He knew the futility of such thoughts; longing for a different past was a fruitless endeavour. He harboured no resentment towards his brother for the ill-fated adventure they had embarked on. Instead, he found himself yearning for normalcy, for days without constant pain. Yet, Kieran understood all too well that life wasn't a fairytale where one could make a wish into reality.

His path led him to a slightly opened gate, behind which lay an area marked by an old, weathered sign warning of danger and forbidding entry. Peering through, a faint smile played on his lips as memories of youthful escapades flooded in. He recalled sneaking into the property of a notoriously gruff man, whose fierce dogs would send him and his friends dashing for safety. There was a thrill in the idea of exploring beyond the gate, but practicality held him back. His current limitations meant a quick escape, if needed, was out of the question.

Caught between nostalgia and caution, Kieran’s attention was abruptly diverted by a rustling sound. Curiosity piqued, he turned towards the source of the sound, stepping cautiously in its direction. “Hello?” he called out gently.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 122
IC Posts : 122
This is only
the beginning

A sound coming from the path ahead catches your attention and causes you to ignore the forbidden path for now. You call out, but only silence answers your call. As you slowly head forward, you notice a light flickering in the distance. It goes out, then instantly blinks on again, only to go out not a second later, instantly turning on, out and then on again. The next time the lights go out and on again, it takes much longer for them to go out again. The light turns on once more, again staying on for a longer period of time before turning off and repeating the same thing yet again.

With a perception of 18, you notice that there is a pattern. Each time the lights flicker three times at a quick pace before flickering three times but much slower, and then three times fast. It is in a pattern of fast, slow, and fast again before the light turns off for a while.

Right underneath the lantern pole is a bench that gives you a perfect view over the lake.

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Distracted by a peculiar sound, Kieran temporarily abandoned the forbidden path. As he moved forward, a profound silence enveloped him, deep and total. Each step he took was deliberate, a careful negotiation of the shadow-draped path under the sporadic guidance of the streetlights.

His heart began to race as he noticed a lantern in the distance, its light flickering erratically. It was a mesmerising interplay of light and dark, capturing his attention wholly. The lantern’s glow would vanish, plunging the surroundings into darkness, only to flare back to life moments later. With each cycle, his pulse quickened, a rush of adrenaline mingling with a growing sense of intrigue.

Kieran’s eyes narrowed, focusing intently on the lantern’s rhythm. He found himself unconsciously tapping his cane in sync with the light’s pattern: quick flickers, a slow and steady pulse, then rapid flashes once more. A deliberate sequence, meticulously repeating before the light extinguished for a brief interlude.

Furrowing his brow, Kieran approached the lantern pole. There, he discovered a bench, offering an unobstructed view of the lake. He hadn’t walked that far back, had he? Confusion etched into his brow as he took a step back, eyes widening. He hadn’t. He would have known if he had. Then how was he back?

Fighting against the rising tide of fear, Kieran steadied himself. He couldn’t allow his mind to spiral into chaos. Drawing a deep, calming breath, he took a seat on the bench, determined to regain his composure. He pulled out his phone, snapping a photo of the scene before him. Then, with apprehension, he opened his photo album, seeking to compare this picture with those he’d taken earlier. His fingers trembled slightly as he scrolled, searching for answers.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 122
IC Posts : 122
An identical but blurry

You compare the new picture with the one you have taken earlier, but one thing you notice immediately. The first one is sharp and easily recognizable. While it is nothing professional, the quality is very good, and you can see even small details. There is a tree sticking out from the water, a resting place for some Ducklett, there is a large patch of weed in the left corner, a big rock in the middle of the water, and even a piece of trash that is stuck near the edge.

The second picture, however, is different. Where the other is beautiful and sharp, this one is a blurry mess. It is barely recognizable. You vaguely manage to discern some details, and as you compare it to your earlier one, you notice the similarities. It is the same picture. Everything from the first one is in this picture too. You can try to take more pictures, but all of them will come back the same. No matter how hard you try and change the settings, you will never be able to take a clear picture.

The noise has also returned and is coming from the path ahead. More rustling leaves, the only sound you hear, save for the wind moving through the trees. Just what will you do now?

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The first photo Kieran had captured was crisp and clear, a testament to his basic yet effective photography skills. The lake, captured in its tranquil splendour, was as he remembered it – a visual narrative frozen in time. However, as he swiped to the next photo, his brow furrowed in confusion. This image was a stark contrast – blurry and indistinct. He was certain he had been steady when he took it, his practised hands adept at capturing still moments.

The discrepancy between the two photos sent a wave of bewilderment through him. What was causing this?

Kieran’s hand instinctively rose to his hair, fingers gripping tightly in a familiar gesture meant to ground him in reality. But as the edges of panic began to blur his thoughts, the action felt futile. His eyes darted around desperately, seeking something, anything, that could anchor him against the rising tide of anxiety.

Realising the imminent threat of a full-blown panic attack, Kieran made a conscious decision to take control. He sat down abruptly, the bench a solid presence beneath him. He buried his head in his hands, an attempt to shut out the world and focus inward. Slowly, he began to count, each number a lifeline pulling him back from the brink. One, two, three... the numbers marched on.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 122
IC Posts : 122

A silence permeates the air as you choose to sit back down, mentally counting the numbers. In tandem with your own quiet contemplation, the world around you seems to settle. Every Pokémon has retired for the night, and the city's usual bustle has transformed into an eerie quiet. The distant hum of cars has vanished. Under normal circumstances, this scene would be serene and peaceful.

Above you, the lantern pole resumes its erratic behavior. Quick, slow, and then quick again—a familiar pattern before the light stabilizes, casting its glow as if nothing occurred.

Is there truly something amiss, or is it just a trick of your imagination? Could the path you took have led you in a circle? These urban landscapes remain a puzzle, the surroundings as unfamiliar as every path you walk on in this big city. It stands in stark contrast to your quiet hometown. It was a lot. The anxiety has been building up ever since the first day you moved here. Has it finally overwhelmed you completly? Is it too much to bear?

As you sit there, face buried in your hands, a sensation pricks at the back of your neck—an awareness of being watched. But for how long, and by whom?

Then you feel it, a familiar feeling creeping into your mind. A familiar intrusion into your thoughts.


A low, aged voice, wise yet unsettling. An intruder seeking your attention.

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
For any other, the boundaries of the forest might blend into the realm of the unknown, but not for Kieran. He had a sixth sense, a visceral connection to the earth beneath his feet. The ache in his bones served as a compass, guiding him back when he wandered too far. His muscles, like tight cords, would strain, urging him towards the safety of home. Today’s walk was brief, a mere brush with nature, hardly enough to lose himself in the wilds. There was no logical explanation for his unerring sense of direction. It was a mystery, even to him.

As a creeping unease wrapped its cold fingers around him, Kieran felt his pulse quicken. In a desperate bid to regain control, he started counting silently, a mantra to anchor his racing thoughts. Gradually, his heartbeat returned to its regular cadence, the frantic drumming in his chest subsiding.

But then, an eerie sensation prickled at the back of his neck — the unsettling feeling of unseen eyes boring into him. He tried to dismiss it as a trick of his traumatised mind, a phantom borne from past horrors.

Compelled by an inexplicable force, he raised his gaze.

In that moment, a chilling presence infiltrated his thoughts, rooting him to the spot.

Help us,” a voice whispered, reverberating through the corridors of his mind. Panic surged like a tidal wave, overwhelming him. Memories of that day flooded back with crippling intensity. His breath hitched, each inhale a battle, as the ghostly plea echoed. In the grip of this visceral fear, Kieran sat paralyzed, the forest around him morphing into a prison of his own mind’s making.

No,” he whispered, his voice tinged with desperation, as he collapsed inward, drawing his knees to his chest and encircling them with quivering arms. “Get away. Find someone else. Please,” he pleaded, each word a fragile whisper carried on a breath of fear.

His mind echoed with the silent mantra, ‘Not again. I can’t do this again.’ The very thought of being puppeteered by an unseen force sent shivers down his spine.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 122
IC Posts : 122

Fear settles into your bones the moment the voice penetrates your mind. There is no escaping it, and you know it. Against these powers, there is nothing you can do. You are completely and utterly powerless. Begging— that's all you can do really. Beg and hope that whatever it is, listens to you.

"No." The voice in your head sounds resolute and stronger than before. It does not seem like it has any bad intentions; there is a kindness to it. Not that it matters now that fear is consuming you. "He— wants— you. Only— you." You notice how each word seems to be a struggle. Almost as if they are not used to talking, so they have to speak slowly and articulate clearly.

Then you feel it, the presence in your head is sending out a reassuring feeling. It feels warm and almost comforting, as if trying to tell you everything is alright. "We— are— friends." Again, the voice talks.

With a roll of 13, you notice something next to you has jumped on the bench too. If you were to look, however, there would be nothing there. "Pwiewke," you hear, but the sound is muffled, as if whatever is making a sound is in another room. You notice there is a hint of worryness in the noise, but nothing more.

"Don’t— Listen— Ignore— It—" The presence has raised the voice in your head, sounding stronger once more. Almost as if it is slightly angry now.

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte

The moment the voice resonated in Kieran’s mind, a visceral shudder ran through him. He recoiled instinctively, his body tensing as if trying to coil into an impenetrable shell, desperately seeking to barricade his thoughts against the invasive presence. The voice, though seemingly benign, sent waves of icy dread down his spine. Despite their words indicating friendship, their presence, to him, was that of an enemy.

Kieran’s experience had taught him the treacherous nature of such forces.

He vividly recalled that moment, the memory etched in his senses. He could still feel the invisible tendrils of psychic energy wrapping around his consciousness, pulling him toward the cliff’s edge with an inexorable grip. His feet had moved against his will, each step a betrayal by his own body, controlled by an unseen puppeteer.

Kieran remembered the terror that had gripped him, paralysing yet sharp. He had been a mere spectator in his own body, unable to even blink as the force commanded his limbs with cruel precision. The edge had loomed, the ground crumbling slightly underfoot.

Then, the fall itself – a sensation of weightlessness followed by a jarring, brutal impact. He could still feel the shock of his back slamming against the jagged rocks, the breath knocked from his lungs, his body tumbling helplessly downwards. Each collision with the unforgiving stone was a burst of pain, a vivid imprint on his senses. The world had spun, a dizzying, chaotic whirl of sky and earth, until he lay crumpled at the base of the cliff.

Such memories made Kieran’s current struggle all the more desperate, his fear not just of the voice, but of the catastrophic control it could exert over him once again.

In the midst of the chaos, another presence was heard. Kieran strained his eyes, trying to see, but it was like trying to grasp smoke. A cold shiver of dread coursed through him, a creeping suspicion that his mind was invaded by an unseen foe.

Driven by panic and defiance, Kieran brought his fist crashing against the side of his head, a desperate attempt to dispel the phantom intruder. The sharp pain was a fleeting anchor in the storm of his mind.

Let me go!” His voice cracked as he shouted, the words tearing from his throat. Tears streamed down his face, unbidden and unrestrained, mingling with the sweat that beaded on his brow. His breathing became ragged, each breath a laboured battle against the invisible force that sought to claim his will.

His cry echoed in the eerie silence, a raw and harrowing sound that laid bare the turmoil within him. Kieran's fists clenched and unclenched spasmodically, his whole body trembling with the effort to resist, to maintain some semblance of control.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 122
IC Posts : 122
To trust or not to trust
that is the question

Panic claws at you, digging its claws deeper and deeper into your mind and every part of your body. There is no escaping it once it starts and might only get worse over time. Whatever being is there, hidden somewhere around you, notices it too. It is strong, an immense power you have never felt before, not even last time something like this happened.

You can feel the presence gently brush against your consciousness, its invisible tendrils enclosing your mind with a warm and comfortable feeling. Immediately, you notice what it is doing. The being is trying to force you to calm down and give in to its voice, but that is not what you want. You don’t want anything in your head telling you what to do, and somehow your screams and willpower are enough.

”NO! ALLOW— ME” the voice in your head screams, loud enough to hear its echoes. Something is starting to crack in your head, but it is not your mind. No, the being has lost its grip over you, even if it is only a tiny amount.

At the same time, you can feel something gently pull at your sleeve. Only when you look, there is still nothing there, but somehow you know this has nothing to do with whatever being is in your head. Where the being in your head feels strong, authoritative, and indestructible, this feels truly kind, gentle, and warm. It is nothing like the forceful tendrils from before. You can feel it get closer as it almost nestles against you without letting go of your sleeve. Even though you cannot see it, you feel the small shape against you.

Even though its seemingly warm and comforting nature, will you allow it to stay? Or do you decide not to trust it after all?

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran felt as if he were locked in a relentless battle of the mind. The more desperately he tried to expel the invasive presence from his mind, the more tenaciously it clung, its psychic grip tightening like a vice. It was an invisible, yet overwhelmingly real force, wrestling against his mental barriers.Kieran screamed, his voice a raw echo of his fear. For a fleeting second, the creature’s hold wavered.

Gasping for breath, Kieran doubled over, the effort sending sharp spikes of pain up his already strained back. Tears blurred his vision, carving hot trails down his cheeks. Suddenly, a touch, light as a feather, pulled on his sleeve. He flinched in response, but did not pull back. His eyes searched the empty air, yet his skin whispered of a presence: something gentle, a soothing warmth that contradicted the cold terror.

With trembling fingers, Kieran reached into the void, his touch meeting what felt like soft fur(?). He closed his eyes tightly, imagining, willing the creature to be tangible, present. He tried telling himself he’d see it if he were to open his eyes, to validate its existence beyond his tormented mind. “Are you here?” he whispered, his voice fragile like thin ice. “Are you really here? I think I’m losing my mind,” he confessed, each word heavy with the fear of unravelling sanity.

I’ve always feared this,” he admitted, a choked laugh morphing into a sob, a sound that resonated with deep, unresolved anxiety. “I always feared that it would come to this,” he murmured, his words tapering off into incoherence. He clung to the warmth, to the sensation of warmth under his fingers, as if it were a lifeline anchoring him.


Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 122
IC Posts : 122
You encounter
a pieleke

As you start to talk, you can hear faint mutterings in the distance, as if someone is replying to what you are saying. Sadly enough, you are unable to hear what it says, only that their voice is soft and almost reassuring. It buries itself further against you, touching your hand with its soft fur, trying to confirm your suspicions. It was really there and not a construct of your mind.

The world around you becomes a blurry mess for a second, almost as if it is glitching out. For a moment, you can see through the facade that has built itself up all around you. Even if only for a second, the world seems more real than it has been before, something that you did not realize before. Whatever has you in its grab, it quickly rebuilt everything.

Something, however, has finally broken through. An orange creature is leaning into your touch, sadness clearly visible in their eyes. All this time it tried to help you, pull you out of this nightmare, and now that you have let it, it can finally help you. For now, it does not seem like it has noticed that you are now able to see it too.

There is only one thing. Your actions have now pulled the Pikachu into whatever this world is too, and something else is angrier than ever before.

Character sheet
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