
[journey] it's a heartless city

2 posters
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
In an instant, as if conjured by his desperate need, a creature materialised. Without hesitation, he reached out, pulling it close to his chest with a grip that spoke of desperate relief. It felt like a lifeline, a tangible anchor, grounding him as his mind wrestled with the overwhelming intrusion. He became acutely aware of its perfectly round, black eyes gazing up at him just as he enveloped it in his embrace, tears dampening its fur in a silent testament to his relief and gratitude.

I’m sorry. Hi,” Kieran whispered tenderly to the creature, his voice a delicate balance between the stirrings of panic and the soothing presence of something real, something tangible in his arms. It radiated a comforting warmth, its mere existence a kind reassurance that brought a faint smile to his tear-streaked face. His fingers gently combed through its soft, short fur, finding solace in the simple, physical connection.

What happened? Where—” he began, his voice still soft but steadier now, the creature's presence drawing him out of his spiralling panic. Holding onto it, feeling its reality against his skin, was all that returned his rationality. “Do you know?” he asked it, a glimmer of hope in his voice. The earlier, invasive voice had fallen silent, at least for the moment.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 122
IC Posts : 122
A new

The Pokémon seems just as happy as you to finally be able to hug you. They nestle deep against you, happily returning the hug you give them. All this time they have tried to warn you. While they want nothing more than to be there for you, something is still distracting them.

When you follow the Pikachu’s gaze, you see how he is looking over at the lake. It is like they are looking at something, but when you look up at the lake, there is nothing there. From the way their ears drop to the sad noise that leaves their mouth, you can tell the Pokémon is sad for something.

”Why— you— ruin— everything”

The voice sounds once again, even angrier than before, but it is no longer simply in your head. It is all around you, consuming all other sounds around you. Ripples of power are moving through the environment, like a strong wind that wants to push you over. There is no denying the strength that this creature possesses.

Your new companion jumps out of your arms and goes to stand in front of you, clearly defending you. Electricity dances around their cheeks, ready to fight if necessary. Noises leave their mouth, as they are clearly talking to whatever other being is there. Sadly enough, you can not understand a word from what is being said.

“You— won’t— win”

While the Pikachu might be eager to fight, there is no telling if it will be able to win this battle. Will you stand your ground and help the Pikachu throughout this fight against an unknown enemy? Or do you prefer to run for now?

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The little Pikachu nestled in Kieran's arms radiated a comforting warmth, its fur as soft as silk beneath his touch. It seemed content in the closeness they shared, yet there was a noticeable distraction in its demeanour, a sense of awareness of something unseen.

Suddenly, the voice echoed again, this time laced with an even sharper edge of anger. Kieran couldn't help but flinch, the sound enveloping him, pervasive and inescapable. He was weary, utterly drained from constant battles against mental manipulations. The thought of enduring yet another mind game was unbearable.

As the intensity of the situation heightened, Kieran felt a wave of panic wash over him. He instinctively curled inward, a protective reflex, releasing a whimper laced with fear and desperation. The Pikachu leaped from his embrace, its sudden departure leaving him feeling even more vulnerable.

No! Please— Let's just get out of here, okay? Let's go,” Kieran stammered, his voice trembling with urgency. He struggled to his feet, fumbling for his cane with trembling hands. His only thought was escape, to flee this suffocating place and return to the safety of his home. He cast a hopeful glance at the Pikachu, silently pleading for it to join him. Together, maybe they could find a way out of this nightmare.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 122
IC Posts : 122
Your journey
ends here

It becomes clear the Pikachu is angry at something. An unknown force. No matter what opponent you are faced with, this pokémon will fight it. But when you call out, telling them to go, they peak their ears and join you at your side. The determination however stays, and the pokémon’s eyes are still focused on the water.

“You— will— return—”

The voice seems to quiet down with each letter until it is no more than a faint whisper, a gentle breeze flowing around you. Around you the world seems to shift, colors seem more bright all of the sudden and you are instantly aware of the amount of sounds around you. Night creatures that are lurking around you, Murkrows that are fighting in the trees. Everything feels more real.

The pikachu is still at your side, a look of confusion but also determination painting his face. It is still looking towards the water, but it is unknown why. After a moment they seem to snap out of it and look at you. Without much of a warning, the pokémon jumps up and climbs all the way to your shoulder. It nuzzles their nose against your cheek. From now on, the two of you are a team. The bond will still have to grow, but maybe in time, you might uncover more secrets.  

Character sheet
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