
Carefull what you wish for

2 posters
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Djodie still couldn't get used to the dark so soon, as she lost al sense of time. Not being able to see if it was five a'clock, or close to midnight. The clock however, send the answer for her, for it was over midnight.
It had been some time since she had still been outside at this hour. To be honest she had been able to get her mind off of the situation for a while. But she hadn't been able to let it all go.

Djodie had returned Duster to it's ball, maybe she was a bit paranoid.
It appeared she was not. As she was about to return the ball to her pocket, it was snatched from her hands. It took her a second before the realised what happened. Djodie screamed as the figure ran off, with her Pokeball, and chased after it.
No - no no. Duster was all she had now.
Without thinking, Djodie caught up with the man, and tried pushing his body to the wall. She succeeded to unbalance him, and while she caught him off guard, pushed the Pokeball so Duster was let out.
The little Rockruff looked around a for a second, before the realised the situation and grabbed the man's ankle. The man cursed, kicked at Duster and grabbed Djodie by her throat, slamming her towards the wall.
Duster yelped as he got up and charged at the man again, the man grabbing a knife from his pocket.

It happened fast. Without thinking, Djodie pushed herself from the wall, and manouvred herself between the man and her Pokémon.
The knife, supposed to hit Duster, cut Djodie, leaving a nasty cut in her arm. Djodie cried out as the man stumped his elbow on her jaw and for a moment, Djodie only saw black spots.

As her sight became clear again, the man and Duster, where gone.
Shit. Had she blacked out? Shit, shit....
For a moment she just stood there, on the verge of tears. Not a clue what she should do.
Call, she should call someone. Shakily, she opened her purse, trying to reach her phone, as something else caught her attention.
A piece of paper, with a very familiar lipstick on it.

Without straight thinking, she typed the number and called.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
“Call.” was Kaye’s definitive answer as she matched the chips Marcus had thrown on the table. A deadly silence hung over the poker table as Kaye, Marcus, Lewis, and the twins stared at their cards. No one breaking their poker face. The minutes ticked away. “Get a fucking move on, then.” Lewis hissed to his left when Nickolaj’s eyes stayed trained on his cards. “Shut up. I am thinking.” he shot back, his eyes never leaving the cards in his hand. “Don’t do it too hard, I can hear your brain straining from all the way over here.” Marcus interjected. Nickolaj flung his cards on the table with an angry scoff. “Fuck it. He said, eyes flaming. Stupid bastard had just lost 1K. “Finally.” a deep sigh left Kaye’s lips as she took a drag from the cigar that had been smoldering on the ashtray on the table between Kaye and Marcus. The green felt of the poker table was worn, covered in all kinds of stains. It was a very mediocre setup, situated in the back of one of the safe houses The Syndicate owned. Rows of canned food, booze and cleaning supplies stood against the wall of either side of the table. A bunch of newbies usually slept upstairs while the more experienced members tended to stay downstairs. Nickolaj and Venyamin were two promising members, eager to work and quick with their fingers. They had lifted Kaye’s cigarettes out of her pocket when they had first met. The tallest of the two, Nickolaj, had bumped into her in the doorway and in that half a second timeframe lifted the package without her noticing. Venyamin was the quiet one of the two, but very good with finding jobs. The kind she needed right now. Nickolaj wasn’t very bright, she had to admit, but he could pick pockets quicker than anyone she had ever met. Venyamin worked best when they were together, so it was more of a get two for one type of deal.

As Marcus reached over to take the cigar from Kaye, carefully concealing his cards from her gaze, she felt her phone begin to vibrate in the lower pocket of her leather pants. Her blue eyes automatically settled on her work phone that lay into view on top of a deep yellow stain next to her mountain of poker chips, as if she wanted to confirm that someone was calling her right now. Not on her work phone, on her private phone. Frowning she reached down, fingers working the little strap until she could peel them back and pulled out the phone. As her eyes read the number, she mentally tried to go over who in the god-damn christ could be calling her. Nothing came to mind as she picked up, throwing some chips on the table with a bored: “Hello?”

The sound of panicked, muffled breathing was heard. “Kaye? I’m sorry I didn’t know who else to call…” Kaye felt herself tense up, perplexed by the voice on the other end. A voice she had expected to never hear again. “There’s blood and I- I think he took Duster!” She was on her feet instantly, marching through the door onto the back porch. “Djodie?!” Concern laced her voice as it felt like somebody had just doused her with ice-cold water. “What’s wrong, are you hurt?” Djodie’s breathing began to shake, coming out in fast and shallow exhales. Kaye already began to look for her coat- only to find she had left it on the chair in the storage room. Fuck. “I- don’t know,” came Djodie’s answer. “He took my Rockruff- he-” A moments pause. “He had a knife!”. Kaye’s mind was working overtime as she stormed back inside and threw on her coat with her phone pressed between her ear and shoulder. Her insides twisted in painful knots, but her voice came out leveled. Clear and composed. “Where are you?” She asked, ignoring the nosy looks of the four men, grabbing Marcus’ his Glock 27 that hung in it’s holster over the back of his lawn chair, storing it under her coat against her waist and moving towards the dimly lit living room. Three newbies that were loitering on the couch, watching an episode of Pawn Stars, hastily sast upright and pretended to be busy when Kaye stormed past. “I don’t know.” Came Djodie’s answer and Kaye grabbed the car keys that hung on the small ring next to the front door, threw it open and walked towards the 5 seater USV that stood parked in the driveway.. “Can you get to safety? To a place where there are more people or where there is lots of light so others can see you? Try to send me your location if you can.” Kaye was careful to keep the rising tension out of her voice, fearing what could happen to Djodie if she wasn’t able to send her location. Soft whimpering sounded through the receiver and Kaye wanted to scream. Memories flooding back to her that she did not want to think about right now. Reminding her of someone else. The screen of Kaye’s phone lit up with a loud ping, link to a live location popping up in a message. She placed the phone on the phone stand on the window and rammed the car keys into the ignition. “I think I’m bleeding…”. “I’ll be right there, don’t move.” was all Kaye said before she hit the gas.

The drive that took a normal person about twenty minutes, Kaye managed to do in ten. She pulled over next to a park at a modest street in Sanctum where the pin on the screen was still pointing. Trained eyes scanned the dark pathways and shadows looming behind every tree and bush as she exited the vehicle, listening for any sort of disturbance. Kaye found it both relieving and horrifying, the silence greeting her like an unwelcome veil that was being lowered over her body. She held Bishop’s pokeball in her hand, ready to send the Typhlosion out to set the nearest threat ablaze, not wanting to actually use the gun that was resting snugly on her hip, concealed from view under her clothes. Kaye’s eyes looked at the screen one more time, before she saw a figure standing a few meters ahead. Red hair. Djodie. Kaye was next to her in an instant, eyes frantically scanning every conceivable inch of her for injuries and hand reaching out to touch under her cheek when she saw the bright red cut against Djodie’s pale skin. An unconscious movement that surprised herself as she moved forward. “What happened?” She asked with concern and even fear lacing her voice, barely conceivable, but there. “ Are you all right? Where does it hurt?” Face contorted in worry. Memories flickering someplace in her mind, though she pushed it away. Her entire attention focused on the red-head in front of her.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Djodie wasn't even thinking as she typed in the number, not even questioning if it was actually hers. Not thinking about the way they parted ways. Her brain had shut all that off for now, only letting her remember the safety she had felt while she had spend the night.
The phone rang, and Djodie tried to stop her body from trembling, while she steadied herself against the wall. Lightly she tapped her face, flinched, and watched her fingers as she pulled her hand back. Blood. The guy had caused her a nosebleed.
That was probably not all.

"Kaye?" Djodie started as the phone was picked up. Only now realising the fear and panick in her voice. Her breathing sped up and she closed her eyes, desperatly trying to calm her body before she'd start hyperventilating. "I'm sorry, I didn't know who else to call..." she blurted out. "There's blood and I - I think he took Duster!" Voice no longer calm as she felt the panic finally took over her.
"Djodie?! What's wrong, are you hurt?" Kaye's voice on the other hand felt like it gripped Djodie's mind and set it back on the ground, calming her. Railing in her racing thoughts and forcing them to a stop. But her mind wasn't listening. Panic raced through her as she scanned her body for pain. Besides her jaw and nose, Djodie's right arm started pounding. She realised there was a cut in her coat, and the light, cream color had some red stains to it.
"I don't know. He took my Rockruff, he -" Her voice broke as the tears started rolling. Her Pokemon, shit. Who knee what that man would do to him? The way Duster had tried to fight him of... the kick he got from the man... "He had a knife!" Panic now in her voice.
"Where are you?" came Kaye's voice again, and Djodie looked around, her vision blurred by her tears, and as she realised nothing looked familiar, the panic grew even more. Shit. Hoe far had she ran after the man?
"I don't know" Djodie repeated her earlier answer, her breathed shallow as she tried to force in air.
"Can you get to safety? To a place where there are more people or where there is lots of light so others can see you? Try to send me your location if you can.” Djodie closed her eyes for a second, forcing her breathing down, as she carefully pushed herself away from the wall, looked around and started walking towards the nearest streetlight. Her legs where shaking, and anyone who now saw her walking, would think she was drunk. Drunk and vulnerable.
"Uh, yeah, okay." Djodie murmered as she sended out her location to the silver haired woman, while stumbling towards her goal; the faint yellow light that came from the streetlight. There was a bench nearby, but Djodie felt to fearfull to sit down. Scared that if she did, she wouldn't be able to get away fast enough if something happened.
"I'll be right there. Don't move."

It was cold, and while she could ofcourse move a little, but she felt frozen. As it was quiet now, she had only her thoughts. Her arm was pounding, and when Djodie pressed her sleeve to her nose, she noticed it was still bleeding. There was a painfull pounding in her cheek was well.
She didn't know how much time had passed, when Djodie noticed the silver haired woman. She quickly walked over to Djodie and scanned her. Tears finally broke through and Djodie whimpered as the woman asked where she'd hurt, and reached out to her cheek.
"I - cheek, arm." But she didn't pay too much attention to it. As she looked around her, in the direction the man had ran off to. "My - my Rockruff, Kaye, he kicked him. He's hurt" Ignoring the fact that she herself was bleeding. She didn't care. She cared about Duster.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
A chilly wind brushed past them, promise of winter in the air. It was quiet, eerily so in the desolated park, even though the heart of the city was no more than seven minutes away from where they were standing. Kaye did another quick scan of the surrounding area but saw no one. In the back of her mind, a connection was made. That this indeed was an area where Syndicate members were active. The relative quiet neighborhood made it an easy choice. Kaye’s blue eyes settled on Djodie again, thumb still softly stroking her cheek, wiping away her tears. When she realized what she was doing, she awkwardly retracted her hand. Fearful of overstepping her bounds.

Her eyes cast down on Djodie’s arm, noticing the red gash that painted the skin, blood sticking to her clothes. Her slender fingers closed around her wrist, giving her a reassuring look before she drew her arm closer to inspect the cut. Gently turning her arm a bit to the left, then back to the right so the overhead streetlight could paint a clear picture on the wound. Judging by the look of it, it wasn’t super deep, but it looked painful, to say the least. Stitches? Maybe. It was hard to tell. “I’ll get him back.” Kaye murmured, letting of of Djodie’s wrist and sinking through her knees so she was more at eye level with the girl. “Who hurt you?.” Her large hands closed around Djodie’s as she regarded her with worry in her eyes, tension evident in her voice. “Tell me everything.” Kaye's thumbs began to stroke softly over the back of Djodie's hands in an attempt to reassure her. Let her know that she was listening, and here for her. She wanted to reach out and wipe away the blood painting her gorgeous face, but fear of rejection held her back. Coiling in the pit of her stomach like a den of snakes.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Kaye was scanning their surroundings, which made Djodie tense. Were they in danger? Was Kaye scared?
But the feeling flattened out as Djodie felt Kayes hand on her cheek, her thumb sofly stroking away her tears. The girl closed her eyes and leaned in for a moment, before Kaye pulled her hand back.

Djodie followed her gaze as Kaye gently grabbed her wrist. Djodie whimpered when Kaye turned her arm a little, the blood that had dried nu being pulled by her coat. In a reflex, the tried to pull her arm back to her, but fought it with whatever she had left, knowing that Kaye only wanted to help her.
"I'll get him back," the woman reassured Djodie. The girl looked up at her with big doe eyes.
"Really?" Her voice high, soft, just above a whisper. The woman now sank through her knees, and wrapped her hands around Djodie's. "Who hurt you?" Djodie looked at her, curling her fingers around Kaye's wrists softly. Trying to retrace the image of that man back from her mind.
But it had been dark, and Djodie had payed more attention to Duster then to the man.
"I... I can't remember..." She started, pulling one hand back to stroke a piece of hair out of her eyes, visibly irritated at the fact that she couldn't remember. How stupid could he be? Her Pokémon was gone and she didn't even have a description to give someone.
"He was taller then me. But not taller then you. Dark hair, black clothes..." But she couldn't remember details that would make him stand out. God, how stupid she was. Unconciously, her hand had searched for Kaye's again.
As Kaye encouraged her to tell everything, she did.
"I was just walking home, already had Duster in his ball and that man suddenly snatched it out of my hand. I chased him down that street," she nodded in the direction. "I caught up at him, and I got Duster out of the ball. He bit the man's ankle, but the man pushed me to the wall, kicked Duster. He was just trying to protect me. Man pulled his knife and I just... I don't know, I think I jumped in between. I don't remember..."
Her voice hurried as she only now noticed that she was shaking.
"Man elbowed me to the face and I guess I blacked out... Next thing I know both man and Duster gone..." God she was terrible. Kaye would probably agree, she would tell her now what a terrible person she was for letting that happen go her Pokémon.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
The description Djodie provided wasn’t much to go off, though she knew that if he truly was a Syndicate member she wasn’t going to have much trouble finding him. If he wasn’t, well, that would certainly complicate the entire situation. Kaye nodded, humming as she took a hold of Djodie’s hand again when she reached out. She felt her heart make a leap when she mentioned the knife, the image of Djodie being assaulted by the figure very clearly pictured in her mind. She herself let out a shaky exhale she hadn’t realized she was holding. Feeling the need to take her in her own arms and telling her it was going to be alright. The tall woman refrained from that impulse, instead giving her hands a squeeze. “It’s all right, you’re safe. I-” Kaye hesitated. Yes, what exactly was she going to say? Now that she was here, realizing how embarrassingly quick she had mobilized herself- did she even have any right to tell Djodie she was safe when the last thing she had done was kick her out of her bed? Well, common sense tended to lose to what the heart felt, right?

“How about I’ll take you home? Get you cleaned up, tend to those wounds, get you safe and warm...” her voice trailed off, bracing herself for rejecting that was sure to come. “You let me worry about finding that man and getting Duster back, yes?” she added softly, showing her another easy and reassuring smile, but adjusting her eyes for a moment. Rising to stand but not yet letting go of Djodie’s hands as she gazed down at her, expectantly but patiently in case this was as far as she wanted to go. Though, she would be damned if she would let her stand out here in the cold, alone and unprotected. Her hands were cold and fitted perfectly in Kaye's larger hands, she noted somewhere in the back of her mind ..

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

"It's allright, you're safe." Djodie didn't even hear the hesisation that followed in Kaye's voice. Her brain still blocked, heartbeat as if she'd ran a marathon. Images flashed before her eyes. The moonlight reflecting in the knife. Duster charging at the man's ankle. The man slamming her body to the wall by her throat. The tattoo in his neck.

The tattoo in his neck. Djodie suddenly looked up at Kaye, eyes big. "There was a - um - A tattoo in his neck. Curled a bit, I think. Maybe a snake?"
The tall woman rose up and Djodie shakily followed her onto her own feet.
"Home sounds good..." Djodie whispered, nodding at Kaye's words. Slowly looking around them to see if she'd recognise the area, but she didn't. She pulled her phone out of her purse, touched the 'home' on the navigator app and handed it over to Kaye - she couldn't even replicate the adress right now. Luckily it was saved as home on her phone.
"Thank you..." She said at the next words. A part of her wanted to stay here, look for Duster, but she also knew that she wouldn't find him here anymore. She didn't even know how much time had passed.
A shiver went over her body and she felt the pounding of her wounds again. "I'm cold..."
And surely Duster was too. Djodie couldn't help but keep staring at the abandoned street that she had lost Duster on. There was no way he had won that fight. The man had probably returnes him to his ball, and was long gone by now...

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Djodie rose up with her, letting go of one of Kaye’s hands as she searched for her phone. Kaye held on to her other hand as she looked down on the girl who managed to pull out her phone out of her purse and hastily searched for her location app to get a direction in which they needed to go. She reluctantly let go of Djodie’s hand and took a hold of her phone, throwing a quick look at the screen. That would do. It wasn’t a long drive. Kaye placed her hand against Djodie’s upperback, an absentminded gesture meant to reassure both of them, as she began to walk towards the 5 seater SUV parked haphazardly next to the side of the road. Kaye noticed that her eyes kept drifting down to the girl, as if she desperately wanted to know if it looked like any sign of discomfort would arise.

A shiver went through her companion, feeling her momentarily shake against her hand, gaze snapping over to her. Noticing her worried stare past her, the direction the man had fled towards. Kaye suddenly became very aware of the pistol resting against her hip. She quickly opened the buttons of her Lurin furred coat, the leather coat hanging heavy on her palms when she shrugged it off her shoulders and gently draped it over Djodie’s form. Paying close attention to push the pistol deeper under her shirt. “Here you go, sweetheart.” she murmured gingerly, hand lingering perhaps a bit too long on her shoulder before she retracted it.

The SUV’s warning lights were still flashing by the time Kaye opened the door to the passenger seat, waiting until Djodie was seated comfortably before she shut the door and made her way towards the drivers seat. This time she put Djodie’s phone in the phone stand and took off. The scent of stale cigar and brand new leather trickled her nose, no doubt the tobacco smell that was permanently plastered against her coat, noticeable for her little passenger. Kaye handed Bishop’s pokeball to Djodie, the ball twitching in her hand as she had fished him out of her pocket. “Can you hold him for me, he gets restless if I put him in my pocket,” Ignition fired, gas pedal pressed and soon streetlights began to flash past them.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

The woman placed her hand against Djodie's upperback and she let her lead towards the car. The girl still cautiously looking at every side street, every dark corner that was just out the reach of the citylights. Involuntairily leaning a bit more towards Kaye whenever the passed a dark corner. Scared of what might jump out. Her mind fooling her, creating pictures with which she had trouble to tell what was really where and what was not.
Her attention was drawn back to Kaye as the woman let her go and wrapped her own coat around Djodie. Thankfully she grabbed the front, holding the - rather large - coat to her body.
"Thank you," she absentmindedly let her fingers glide over Kaye's hand as a thank you.

Kaye gave her a pokéball, asking her to hold it, as he was groeing nervous in her pocket. Djodie wrapped a hand around it and placed the ball to her stomach, like hugging it. The ball kept still, but she didn't know if it was comfortable or confused.
"What is in it?" Having no clue what species she could think of with Kaye. She wouldn't be surprised be something large, strong.

As they drove in the street that Djodie recognised again, she pointed at a parkingspot. Kaye parked, and when they got out, Djodie carefully handed her the ball again. Without thinking, she grabbed the woman's hand as she walked in front of her to her apartment.
By the door, Djodie let go to search for her keys, and tried to open the door. Her hands kept shaking and she just couldn't manage to get the key in. Come on now.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that Bishop’s ball stopped twitching the minute it was out of her pocket and neatly disposed of in Djodie's hands. She had them wrapped around the shiny surface, like a ward to ward off evil spirits. The corners of her mouth briefly twitched upwards. “Hisuian Typhlosion.” she took a turn at the crossing between Fifth and Seventh avenue, following the path the waypoint was guiding her towards. After a short while she turned into a parking lot, circling towards the spot Djodie was pointing at and neatly parking the vehicle at the designated parking spot. She waited a moment until her companion had gotten out before she grabbed the pistol from under her clothing and stored it in the glove compartment, making sure the redhead didn’t catch sight of it. The danger had passed and there was no need to bring that kind of shit inside with her.

Kaye walked around the SUV, expecting Djodie to go on and lead her to her apartment door- what the tall woman had not calculated were the soft fingers curling around her own hand. She tensed up, but did not attempt to pull away. Eyebrows briefly raised in surprise, before she followed Djodie towards the front door. A keyring emerged from her purse as Djodie began to attempt to open the door, hand leaving hers again as Kaye stood there for a few pregnant seconds, waiting patiently. Djodie’s hands shook violently as she tried to pry the key in the keyhole, causing a flash of sympathy to go through the tall woman. She closed both her hands around the smaller hand, fingers briefly closing around them as she held Djodie’s hand steady and guided the key into the hole. Reluctantly, she pulled her hands back again when she heard a click and the apartment door flung open.

Once both of them had stepped inside, Kaye turned to Djodie again, feeling a fuzzy feeling coiling near her stomach. This felt .. interesting, to say the least. Standing in Djodie’s own domain. “Why don’t you take a seat while I go find some disinfectant, bandages and the like?” suggested the tall woman, blue eyes resting on Djodie with a reassuring edge to them. “Bathroom?” Seeing the redhead standing, dressed in Kaye’s own coat that nearly swallowed her whole .. adorable. It made her plesantly warm inside. Wait- no, focus.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Warm hands closed around her own small, cold shaky hands, as Kaye hold her hands still and helped her guide key into the door and opening it. As the click was heared, the woman pulled her hands back, and Djodie stepped into the appartment. As the readhead pushed the lightswitch, multiple small lights around the window lit up, as wel as a stronger light by the kitchen. Leaving her small living room in a warm and soft aesthetic.

As Djodie closed the door behind them Kaye turned to her. Asking her to sit down while she would find something to take care of Djodie's wounds. As she asked where the bathroom was, Djodie pointed to two doors in the back. "The left - no, right - I can't remember now. One of those doors." she said with an apologizing smile and carefully took off Kaye's coat, hung it over one of the chairs and carefully got herself out of her own coat.
For a moment, Djodie turned a small circle around her feet, not sure where to sit down, then finally made her way towards the couch that was covered with blankets in multiple soft colors. She sat down, pulling one of the blankets over her legs for she was still cold - and so that the blood from her arm wouldn't stain her couch if it would start to drip.

The bright blue eyes fixated on one of the pillows. That had once be bright white, but now had a brown greyish color, due to Duster laying on it all the time. Shit. Tension and fear started building up inside her again, as her leg started twitching and she was unable to keep it still. As Kaye had returned to her, the girl gazed her bright blue eyes at her.
"Why would that man take Duster..." Djodie looked at Kaye, as if expecting or hopeing for a sort of magical explaination that would make sense to her. But she knew that Kaye couldn't give her that sort of explaination. It wasn't fair to ask that of her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
With a curt nod Kaye set out in the direction pointed, quickly finding the moderate bathroom. She took a washcloth, bandages, disinfectant spray and a bunch of paracetamol and made her way to where Djodie was sitting, tucked under a blanket in a comfortable nook of her couch. Her apartment felt more warm and inviting than Kaye found her own apartment to be, which made sense. Djodie most likely wasn’t sleeping in a different bed each night, unlike Kaye who rarely was home.

Kaye placed the items on the coffee table, turned around to fetch a bowl filled with lukewarm water and quickly returned to plop herself down on the edge of the couch, facing Djodie. She saw the hopelessness in the girl's eyes, unable to grasp why it had to be her Rockruff that was taken. It had been a totally random, wrong place, wrong time sort of situation. Duster wouldn’t be harmed, that would only damage the merchandise, if the man didn’t decide to keep him for himself and raise him up to be a fighter. There wasn’t an explicit rule for members to be forced to give up the spoils, though if it had been up to her, there would have been. If this would turn out to be a Syndicate member, that is. Though the thought about a ‘snake tattoo’ in his neck was one Kaye couldn’t shake.

“Why do criminals do the things that they do?” she heard herself say. It was comical. Why did she do the things that she did? Or did the things that she had done? Survival, mostly. Money, at some point. Greed, yes, even Greed. Now, it was a way of life so integrated in her being, she was never going to get out. Or want to get out. Not now, not now she finally had it all after fighting so hard for it. After giving up everything. “Hard to tell.” she shrugged, indicating that there wasn’t much else to say on the matter.

Kaye dipped the washcloth into the bowl with water, careful to wring it out well enough so she wouldn’t spill water all over the floor and couch. “Let’s get you cleaned up first.” Carefully the tall woman shuffled closer, she briefly placed a hand on the bump where Djodie’s legs were trembling under the blankets, giving her knee a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll start with wiping the blood off your face. I’ll be careful.” briefly she held out her hand, pausing as if waiting for Djodie to pull back. She then cupped her cheek with her free hand and began to wipe at the blood that was caked on her face with her other hand that held the washcloth. She did it with extremely gentle, meticulous strokes to make sure she would not accidentally bump against Djodie’s nose. Every so often her blue eyes would flicker to those of her companion, before they shot back to focus on the task at hand. Thumb of her left hand twitching a few times, as if enticed to stroke at Djodie’s cheek. She suppressed that urge. Wiping her cheeks with slow strokes, around and under her nose to get rid of leftover blood, past her chin and even very briefly over her lips to get the few stray droplets caked on there. She let her hand fall down to indicate she was done, holding it out with an expectant look. “May I have your injured arm?” she murmured with a slightly husked voice.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Kaye sat herself down on the edge of the couch, facing the red headed girl. Djodie looked at her with big eyes as the woman answered that it would be hard to tell why the man had taken Duster. Djodie let her eyes down, still finding it difficult to process.
The woman pulled Djodie out of her toughts as she talked Djodie through her actions, and Djodie nodded. Kaye cupped her cheek while softly wiping a washcloth over her cheek with the other hand. For a moment she held in her breath as she felt the woman's warm hand against her still cold face. Unconciously leaning into her hand just a bit.

'I'll be carefull,' the words instantly brought Djodie back to that night in Kaye's apartment, as she had said those exact words, when Djodie had confessed her nerves. Just before...
Just before she had kicked her out the morning after. But here they were.

Djodie's eyes rested on Kaye's pale blue ones, as she followed her gaze. Mostly focussed on her cheek, but occassionaly looking upto hers. As Kaye let her hand down the woman asked for her injured arm. Djodie carefully pulled up the sleeve of her shirt. As she noticed it was stuck, she dipped her fingers into the bowl with water and let it drip over her arm, causing her to be able to pull the fabric from the wound softly.
A bit hesistant, she stretched her arm out to Kaye.
"Thank you," she spoke softly, not completely understanding why Kaye had even answered her call.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Without hesitation Djodie pulled up her sleeve, taking care to get rid of the excess blood that was caked around the sleeve by letting the water drip off her fingers. In any other circumstance, Kaye would have made a comment about that. Picturing doing something else with those fingers, but the thought passed quickly. Focusing automatically on the task at hand. The desire to care for the redhead was one that had gripped her tightly ever since she had heard her voice echo through her phone. She wanted to make her feel better, take away her pain- wait a minute? Kaye physically recoiled for a moment, frown crossing her pale face. What the hell was she thinking?

A bit more hesitant this time around, Djodie extended her arm towards Kaye. She very gently took a hold of her, thumb pressing against the inside of her wrist to pull it a little closer to her. She let the wrist rest on her lap as she began to clean the blood that had accumulated around the wound with methodical movements, not liking the way how her insides were coiling. Care for the girl? What the fuck was she thinking? “Thank you.” Those words brought Kaye back from her musings, paler blue eyes looking up to meet the darker ones of Djodie. She paused her movements, for a moment not moving an inch as she stared into those eyes. “For what?” it was out before she could stop it, her voice low and husky. Her responding to Djodie’s distressed call had been .. well, natural? Automatic? Gods, she had been out the door before the call was good and done. Nervousness flooded through her, awkwardly clearing her throat to desperately take some control back over the situation and by extension, herself. Stupid fool, get your head straight. “Of course, I- .. I wanted to. I- .. I couldn’t leave you out there like that.”

Kaye let her gaze drop back to Djodie’s arm, putting the cloth back in the bowl and reaching over to grab the disinfectant spray and the bandages. “This might sting a little, the wound isn’t deep so I’m going to bandage it up”. she took a firmer hold of Djodie’s wrist, shook the spray can a few times and sprayed a generous amount over the cut on her arm, softly muttering soothing words as she reached for the bandage and began to carefully wrap it around the wound with a steady hand. A practice she had done many times to not only herself but her brother as well. "Stay still for me." Unconsciously she moved a bit closer as she worked, closing the distance enough that there was perhaps half an arms length between them. Bend forward over her work until she deemed it finished. Kaye let out a soft sigh. “All done.” she murmured with an easy smile, letting go of her wrist and placing the bandages back on the table.

That same nervousness was beginning to trickle back under her skin as a silence fell, not really liking the close proximity and at the same time feeling an urge to close it. Kaye pushed herself off the couch.
“ .. I should go.” she did not expect Djodie to want her around any longer than necessary now that she was sitting comfortably under her blanket, safe and patched up. She had done what she had come for. After what happened last time, she’d rather avoid being kicked out altogether by leaving on her own accord. Take some much needed control back from this whole confusing mess.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Djodie scootched a little closer as she felt Kaye pull her wrist, letting it rest on her lap. As Djodie had thanked her, Kaye stopped in her motions for a moment, looking at her. 'For what?' Djodie tilted her head a bit, quickly lowering her eyes as she noticed the slight discomfort on Kaye's face. Slightly smiling by the woman's next words. Deciding not to answer, not wanting to make Kaye more uncomfortable.

She felt the grip on her wrist tighten as Kaye warned her that it might sting a bit. Djodie watched her put down the washcloth and grab the bottle of desinfectant. Djodie whimpered and couldn't hold back the reflex of trying to pull her arm back. As expected though, she was no match for Kaye's strength. As she tried to relax again, feeling something boil up inside her, as the woman wrapped her arm with the bandage. As she was done, Kaye let her wrist go and put the bandages back onto the table.

A silence fell, and Djodie noticed the tension rise inside the woman in front of her. Before she could say a word, Kaye had stood up from her couch, saying that she needed to leave.
Djodie's legs stuck into her blanket prevented her from rising quickly, so she just grabbed Kaye's hand without thinking. "You don't," as she realised what she was doing, she let the woman's hand go, felt her face redden but fought the urge to look away.
"I would -." She wasn't sure what she wanted to say. "You don't have to go." She said quietly. "I want you to stay." she clenched her jaws together.


Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
As it turned out, tonight was absolutely filled with surprises. Kaye had already begun to half turn away, but froze immediately when she felt Djodie’s warm fingers close around her own. Her piercing blue gaze snapped back with evident surprise on her face, momentarily at a loss for words. A pleasant red hue crept upon Djodie’s face and she had to suppress the smile she felt tugging at the corners of her mouth. Her eyebrows raised in surprise as Djodie began to form her request, the nervousness not letting go of Kaye as she was still fully expecting some form of rejection. Half expecting her to bring that moment up, wanting an explanation or something.

Kaye was not ready to give that to her yet.

Confliction was written all across her face, regretting the loss of Djodie’s hand around her own. That word. That one word has such an effect on her. "please". Heavens above .. “All right.” came her answer, barely above a whisper as the faint hint of a smile crossed her face. Awkwardly she settled down on the couch, forcing herself to lean against the soft fabric and at least assume a position that gave Djodie the illusion that Kaye was keeping everything together. Part of her wanted to ask her the ‘why’. A bigger, more prominent part of her wisely pushed that away in favor of enjoying the moment and avoiding the answer that she might not like. Kaye’s hands sought for something to occupy them with, so she settled on grabbing a stray pillow and holding it close against her chest. Time to take on the role she at least knew how to handle right now. “Let me- can I take care of you? Just ask anything and I’ll get it for you. Anything, tea, coffee, something stronger perhaps?” it was asked with a knowing look, wondering how Djodie was faring with the aftermath of the attack. Understanding that settling the nerves with a drop of alcohol could be desired. At least, that’s how it always was for her.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

For a moment there was silence, where Djodie felt her nervousness grow under the pale blue eyes that where fixated on her. She kept holding onto Kaye's hand, refusing to let go, scared for what answer might come.
As she was about to try and persuade her to stay, Kaye's answer mare it clear that there was no need for that.

A bit of a surprised look painted her face, as she had fully expect Kaye to reject her question and leave. Djodie smiled as the woman sat down and put her arms around a pillow.
My my, was there something soft underneath that sturdy surface? Pushing that thought away, knowing fully well that it was the middle of the night and there was no guarantee that Kaye would be here the next morning.
As a matter of fact, Djodie expected her to be gone at the time she would wake up tomorrow morning. Her doe-like eyes looked at Kaye as the woman asked if she could do anything for her. Tea, coffee - alcohol.
Djodie shortly raised an eyebrow. Alcohol, well, that turned out so great last time. With a smile in the corner of her mouth, she shook her head. "I've let the alcohol stay aside for a couple of days. But tea will do, thank you." For the moment not realising that Kaye wasn't familiar in her place, and that she should've pointed the places out, but her mind simply wasn't put of for that as of right now.

As she gazed to the clock on the wall, she noticed it was close to three in the morning. God, no wonder she was this tired. In the back of her mind, the question lingered: what now? She was still too tense to even want to sleep alone; seeing figures in the shadows of her appartment, but she knew she couldn't ask that sort of thing from Kaye.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
The couch felt pleasantly comfortable. Inviting even. Feeling herself answer the smile that Djodie had given her when she had sat down. Though at her question, Djodie chose the safest option. “Tea, then.” Kaye acknowledged with a hum, placing her safety pillow back in  it’s nook, rising to her feet and making her way to the kitchen area. She filled the cooker with water and put it on, spending the time it took for the small amount of fluid to heat up to look around the cabinets for a mug and the tea. From their previous encounter, Kaye had an idea the girl had a sweet tooth. Djodie enjoyed the cocktail she had order for her, and ordered some sweet cocktails of her own after that. So, perhaps a strawberry tea with a tiny scoop of sugar.

Kaye returned with a smoking hot cup of tea, placing it on the coffee table between the bandages and other medical supplies, and took her place again on the couch. Her arm found rest on the head of the couch, leg crossing over the other, a familiar position she often found herself in. Gods, I could use a smoke. ”Here you go, darling. I hope I got the flavor right.” there was a pause, the question that had been lingering beneath surfacing. “Might I ask, what brought you to go take your Rockruff for a walk at this hour?” she asked then, curious look on her face. “You don’t strike me as the night owl type.” a teasing glint shimmered in her eyes, easy smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She moved her hands up to her neck to loosen the dark tie that was situated around her neck, the excess accessory feeling restricting now that she sat so comfortably. It disapeared in her back pocket, only the top button opened while the rest remained buttoned up. There was hardly a need to keep her formal appearance on now that she was no longer with the boys.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Djodie kept focussing on the sounds of the woman in the kitchen, to keep her mind distracted, away from making figures in the dark that weren't there. She pulled the blanket up to her waist as if that would protect her. As her eyes drifted off to Duster's pillow again, her hand started plucking at the self-sticking bandage to keep occupied.

Kaye quickly returned with a mug of tea, saying she hoped she'd get the flavor right. "I'm sorry - I didn't think to ask." However, the strawberry smell rising from the mug made her smile and an approving sound followed quickly. Her mind was a mess, she hoped the woman would understand.
As she wrapped her hands around the mug and softly blew to cool it off, Djodie listened to Kayes next words. She placed the mug back onto the table and kept quiet for a moment, forming her words.
"I am not, normally I'm more of an early bird." Djodie smiled. "I just, I guess you could say I've neglected him a bit for the last week or so. Wasn't in too good of a mindspace -" Stop talking. Djodie clenched her jaw for a moment, figuring out what to say now. She didn't want to offend the woman or put her in an uncomfortable situation.
"Listen, I guess I overstepped a bit last time. I am sorry, I did not want to make you uncomfortable or worse. I am sorry if I did something wrong."

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye studied her face when Djodie had placed the cup of tea back on the table and began to form her explanation. She noticed something about her, the smile faltering .. She had neglected her Rockruff because she had not been in the right mindspace. An unpleasant feeling settled in her stomach, Kavya’s words resonating within her. ‘I don't know what your plan is with her, but I do say that you've left her emotionally vulnerable’ Kaye shot her a worried look but did not interupt her, instead choosing to wait. She had a good guess where this conversation was heading and to say that she absolutely did not want to address any of this right now, was an understatement. She averted her gaze and let out a deep sigh, settling on the cup of strawberry tea, smoke billowing from the cup in graceful circles.

There fell an uncomfortable pause after Djodie’s words. Kaye’s brows furrowed as an uncomfortable, but above all tired expression settled on her face. ‘You know how those kinds of girls are. They don't know how the game works, they expect more, and when that doesn't happen.... ’. Kaye closed her eyes for a moment, collecting her thoughts and forming her words to make sure she would not be misunderstood, or trip over her own words. Her piercing blue eyes settled back on her companion, feeling herself tense up in preparation as another deep sigh left her again. “You did nothing wrong. I should be the one apologizing. I took you home while I should have made it clear to you what the intentions were.” the guilt Kaye had been feeling now came back tenfold, crushing her like an avalanche. Piercing blue eyes averted again, jaw tensing as she sat up straighter and avoided Djodie’s gaze. “I truly want to apologize, I- .” Apprehension crawled under her skin like ants. This was all getting too much, she wanted to go, the familiar urge to fucking run for her life winning it from common sense.

With a monumental effort of willpower, she reached forward and took Djodie’s hand in hers. A small spark lighting up where her skin touched hers. “.. I gave you the wrong impression of me. If you .. have regrets about what we did that night .. then I understand.” she said in earnest, averting her gaze again, corners of her mouth slacking down. “I- .. when- .. -did you feel like I took advantage of you .. ?” hesitation made her words die down, feeling thoroughly uncomfortable wading in these unfamiliar territories. Talking about feelings .. hells below, that was not her strong suit. It took everything in her not to pull her hand away and run like the fucking wind. But the thought that Djodie might have regrets about the whole thing, that one thing, weighed heavy on her. Heavier than most things. Heavy enough to make it feel like her chest was about to constrict.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
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