
[m] Almost Christmas means it wasn't Christmas

2 posters
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
He really should have thought this more through. Doing groceries around this time was one big hell. Thankfully, he knew about  this little store that had exactly what he was looking for. Evidently it was right around where he was suppose to be. It had been years since he last eat this, although he had been in this store numerous times. It was just a shame that within his upbringing, cooking wasn't one of the skills that were deemed useful. By now he should've had a wife who did that for him. He enjoyed the smells within the store, where they even made some fresh produce.
With his basket full of ingredients, and some snacks he thought Sang would love, he walked towards the counter to pay. Thankfully he had found a recipe only that shouldn't be too difficult or take days to make before hand. Maybe he would even ask if Sang could teach him, he'd love to have some traditional food back in his life. As sometimes, he did miss this.

With two bags full of food stuff, he walked around the corner, looking up at the big building and sighed. Maybe he should have asked for the exact number that Sang lived at, as he had no idea which number he had to press while standing in front of the door. Going over all the names, he found one that he knew, although his gaze lingered on another name. Ming lived here as well? That was a coincident. He smiled, before pressing on the number next to Sang's name, hoping that he would be home at least.  
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Christmas. Every December, like clockwork, his mother would vanish into thin air, leaving him grappling with a silence that seemed to consume the very walls of their home. As a child, he sought refuge in Alastor’s house, but after they took in that guy, Ruìsāng found himself increasingly drawn to the numbing embrace of his workplace, anything to escape the hollowness of his own house that would stretch on until January.

Yet, each year upon her return, his mother’s promises of change hung in the air, as fleeting and insubstantial as winter mist. Promises that dissolved like morning frost under the sun’s warmth.

This year, however, was different. Vince’s unexpected invitation had sparked something in Ruìsāng—a flicker of something akin to hope, or perhaps just the desire for a change. He hadn’t even considered the option of refusing, instead asking for some favours at work to secure the day off. Now, his apartment, usually a mirror of his mother’s turmoil, was in a perfectly tidy state. The Mawile dozed on the couch, while the Vulpix curled up in one of the kitchen chairs.

The intercom's ring sliced through the quiet, pulling a grin onto Ruìsāng’s lips. Sauntering over, he responded with a smooth, “Merry Christmas, Bǎobèi. First floor up. Door’s unlocked,” his voice a blend of anticipation and ease. He buzzed Vince in, ended the call, and pushed his own door open, leaning casually against the dinner table. His red eyes openly awaited Vince's arrival.

Vince hadn’t specified his preferences for the evening’s meal. Ruìsāng was now faced with the challenge of impressing with a recipe untried.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
He jumped when he heard a voice over the intercom. He wanted to react, but the connection cut off and he was left with the zooming sound of the door opening. Pushing against it, he entered the building, looking around before he wondered if he should take the elevator or just take the stairs. It was only one floor, he could walk that. He used to train more than that he did right now, but this was only one flight of stairs, that should be possible.

So he picked up the bags and started walking up the stairs, cursing himself half why through, as the plastic bags were cutting in his hands. Elevator next time, he was sure about that. But when he finally reached the floor, he placed the bags on the floor and sighed. Looking at the numbers on the door, he quickly made out that he had to continue on for a moment. With both bags in his hands, he walked up to the door with the correct number, placing a hand on the handle. It felt weird to be able to just step inside, without knocking first. So, he did just that. With a bit of difficulty, he knocked on the door before opening it. "Hi. Happy holidays, Byeolbit. I brought dinner." He chuckled softly, holding up the bags.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Between Vince and Ruìsāng, a lot had happened. They’d met through a texting mistake, which bloomed into… more. That first, asymmetrical blind date had been the catalyst, igniting a connection that Ruìsāng had thought would flicker out after maybe one more night. Yet, Vince had reached out again, and despite all odds, Ruìsāng had rushed to his side.

Now, standing at a juncture, Ruìsāng found himself harbouring a deep appreciation for Vince. But he wanted more than just shared traumas; he craved something he could not — or would not dare — name. Well… He craved to pin Vince against a wall, searing his own name into Vince’s consciousness with a fervour he would not forget. But those desires were best left for later.

For the time being, Ruìsāng wrestled with a yearning he couldn’t quite articulate, even to himself. It was a pursuit of something. Something… good.

His phone rested in his grasp as he fired off another message to work. He put it down and turned his attention to the door just as Vince stepped in. Today, Ruìsāng wore something different from his usual casual wear—a white button-up shirt hugged by a black vest.

A cheeky grin curled the corner of his mouth. “There’s my prince,” he greeted Vince. He moved towards the other, his left hand reaching out to relieve him of one of the bags. His bandaged right hand, raised awkwardly, kept him from taking the other as well.

How’s Christmas treating you?” Ruìsāng inquired, his hand lingering near Vince’s, while he himself stayed just a bit too close. His eyebrow arched curiously.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Since last time they had seen each other, Vince had had a lot on his mind. The standard what if's that would always plague him now sounded.. more intense, making him fearful. He never wanted them to happen, it made him question things he shouldn't be questioning. It kept him up at night longer than he wanted to, giving him an almost tired expression on his face, now that he was standing in the door way.

He rolled his eyes, yet smiled when Sang called him his prince. He wasn't even a prince, he was an heir to an patriarchy, something completely different, but he couldn't seem to change the mans mind about his title. One he didn't want to be called anyway. Snatching the bags away, he shook his head, looking at him with a look that quietly said "not with that hand you don't". His golden eyes looking around to find a suitable place for the groceries when they snapped back to Sang's, listening to what he had to say. Better now that I'm here. No, he couldn't. No. He shrugged. "As good as it can be, I believe. When your other two friends just broke up, one is entirely overworking herself and the other is probably either fucking some poor girl or OD'ing in a slum." He spoke with a sad look on his face. Maybe it was better that he came here, so that he didn't have to listen to the sob stories of Kayn, or helping him out in some didge again. "And for you?" He asked, a smile on his face returning.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
When the bags were pulled out of reach, Ruìsāng couldn’t help but pout. “My left hand is perfectly fine,” he reassured, his tone light yet tinged with a mock indignation. His hand, deliberately left close to Vince’s, seemed to hover with an air of innocence.

The response he received, however, was not the merry tale of holiday cheer he had half-expected. Instead, it was a story that made Ruìsāng internally question Vince’s choice of friends. But rather than delve into that, he saw an opportunity.

Then it seems like I should take your mind off of other people,” he suggested, his voice lower as he deliberately invaded Vince’s space. He leaned in just a little more, red eyes focussed on the gold in the other’s.

My Christmas?” he inquired, his voice feigning innocence while his fingers remained tantalisingly close to Vince’s hand. In a fluid motion, he made another grab for the bags. “Just got a whole lot better,” he admitted.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
"Na-ah, my groceries, you're going to need that hand." The words slipped out before he fully comprehended the meaning behind them, resulted in a slight flush on his cheek. Followed by a sigh and a small laugh when Sang said that he should take his mind of those friends. It was probably for the better, if he stopped worrying about Kayn and Madison. But they were still his friends and he had to check up on them eventually. His gaze finding Sang's, lingering just a little bit too long. "That was the idea behind me coming here, non?" He said with a smirk, maybe pushing the boundaries a bit further than he had in mind.

He couldn't lie to himself, not wanting to feel a bit of happiness when Sang said that his Christmas became a whole lot better. "Than I hope you're hungry." He laughed, this time letting him grab one of the bags. "I have a whole lot of ingredients, will sent you the recipe in a moment and some snacks. It's not the most difficult thing, but it has a hint of nostalgia and I hope you'll like it." And thus he started rambling again, while placing the bag in the kitchen and rummaging in them. "Ah, there it is." He picked up two big jars, filled with a reddish substance. "Kimchi." Vince said with a smile.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng was going to need his hand later, according to Vince. A sly grin that unfurled across Ruìsāng’s lips. Vince’s cheeks flushed a captivating shade of red in return. “I sure hope so,” Ruìsāng replied, his voice just a little lower. Thoughts of what might transpire later that evening danced tantalisingly in his mind, wanting to find out just how much Vince had been thinking about that pretty mouth of his. But for now, he reminded himself, he needed to exercise a semblance of restraint. After all, he could behave. Probably.

As Vince’s words hung in the air, Ruìsāng’s grin broadened. “It sure is,” he echoed, his mind drifting back to their first encounter. Vince had been a bundle of nerves then, a shy figure at the bar with an endearing smile. Now, though still tinged with a hint of shyness, Vince had a new certainty in his desires that only added to his allure. Perhaps it was this evolution, or maybe other, deeper reasons, that made him more attractive.

Finally, as one of the bags passed into his hands, Ruìsāng’s curiosity piqued. He delved into it with childlike eagerness, his eyes lighting up at the contents. Vince mentioned he’d send over a recipe soon. A dish steeped in nostalgia, possibly from Baesin. Ruìsāng wondered if it might be a familiar creation.

Upon following Vince into the kitchen and learning of the dish, Ruìsāng’s face lit up with recognition. “Ah! We call it ehm— Xīnqí. I’ve used it before,” he said, his grin widening. He recalled assisting Chief with the dish and later exploring it during his university days. The process, involving days of fermentation, had been tough, but its results undeniably rewarding.

What’s the plan?” Ruìsāng inquired, eyebrows raised in curiosity. With Kimchi as the key ingredient, there were many possibilities. If they’d go with some type of bowl, Ruìsāng would get a chance to show off.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
He chuckled a little bit, not knowing how to react to that. There had been the occasional thought, he had to admit. Where he, late at night without a wink of sleep, wondered what would have happened had he either not lied to the man, or had just more experience in general, that night, in the booth. He most of the time stopped himself before it could get too bad, mostly combined with a heavy blush on his face. Still, he wasn't sure what was going on. But right now, that should be the least of his problems.

He smiled when Sang told him that is sure was the reason why he was here. Enjoying some time with a friend, yes, he still called the man a friend. Even if he wasn't sure if that title would ever be returned, he wanted to spend more time with him. Getting to know him better, being sure that he was safe and sound. Vince chuckled to himself at that thought. Knowing that Sang could probably defend himself way better than he ever could. Still, he had been worried of late, after the whole granny story that heh ad told him. But he wouldn't bother Sang with that now, this was supposed to be a jolly time, so he was ready to make it like that.

"Oh nice!" He said with a smile when he placed the jar of kimchi on the counter. "You can make such good things with it, but I think that eating it straight from the jar is best." He continued, placing a second jar on the counter, knowing exactly that Sang wouldn't have enough for the dish if he didn't. Quickly, he emptied the groceries on the counter, looking around for the fridge. "You mind...?" He asked, pointing at the fridge to ask for permission to place the products in there. "So, I was thinking about Kimchi-Jjigae, it's a traditional kimchi stew." He said with a smile, placing the last things on the counter. "And now, not one that has to be left on the fire for a couple of hours. It's actually quite easy." He picked up his phone, copied the recipe that he had found and sent it Sang. "There." He smiled.

Recipe - click
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
In Ruìsāng's world, permanence was a rare commodity. Aside from Alastor, his life was filled with transient interactions—brief, bright encounters that flickered and faded like stars at dawn. Acquaintances from the bar and elsewhere flitted in and out of his life, none leaving a lasting imprint. He kept them at arm’s length, neither knowing nor caring for the details of their lives, just as they remained oblivious to his.

Yet here was Vince, standing in his living room. Ruìsāng found himself smiling, genuinely and without reservation, as Vince talked about a dish from his homeland. The kitchen counter, now cluttered with groceries, exuded a sense of domesticity that felt alien yet strangely alluring to Ruìsāng. The idea of a ‘normal’ life often felt like a far-fetched dream, a jest, and yet, the ease with which Vince fit into the space around him made it seem almost attainable.

When Vince gestured towards the fridge, asking for permission, Ruìsāng chuckled warmly. “Make yourself at home, please. I don’t mind,” he responded, his words echoing a sentiment that surprised even him. He realised he was less afraid of the thought of Vince staying than the possibility of him leaving, and that realisation in itself was terrifying.

Vince outlined their culinary project for the evening—a stew, but thankfully not one that demanded hours of simmering. As Ruìsāng looked over the recipe Vince sent over, he nodded in approval. “Alright. Easy,” he smiled. Curiosity flickered in his eyes as he asked, “Have you made it before?” He was intrigued by the notion of preparing a traditional dish for Vince, though he wasn’t sure how well Vince would do in the kitchen himself.

So I don’t remember how much I’ve told you besides doing a business major,” he began, “but I am in my last year of hospitality management to open up a restaurant. I’ve finished my commercial cooking and culinary courses, so I should be able to make this with my eyes closed,” he said, his grin reflecting pride. “Cooking is something I learned to do when I was very young. I’d like to think I’m good at it now.” Which was why he had offered, of course.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Vince only smiled softly when Sang told him to make himself at home. He never liked it when people told him that, as he was raised with a certain respect and would never ever go through someone's cabins, even with permission. Still, he made use of it now, placing the ingredients that were supposed to be cold in the fridge. After that he took a long look at the mess he made of the counter, placing everything in order from start till finish so that Sang would have an easier time finding everything that he would need for this dish.

He shook his head when Sang asked if he had made it before. "I have some fond memories about this dish, but sadly I lack the culinary skills to make it myself. My father never let me and my brother learn how to cook, as we should have wives or staff to do it for us." He chuckled, but there was a sad undertone in his voice. "My sister did though, but she was quite young and mother didn't let her in the kitchen often." His gaze drifted off in the distance, as if he was reliving a memory of sorts.

Snapping out of it when Sang explained his study to him, which made him realise something. "Besides the.. eh.." He stopped, looked around and gestures. "Situation with your mother, I don't really know that much about you." He laughed, but the smile didn't reach his golden eyes this time. "But you will be great." He continued. "At cooking and having your own restaurant and all that. I'll come and dine when I have the time, when you're ready."
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Vince’s mention of the dish came with an admission of lacking skill in the kitchen. His explanation, touching upon expectations of having a wife or staff to cook, drew an amused raise of Ruìsāng’s eyebrow. Before delving into his own extensive cooking experience, Ruìsāng paused to listen as Vince spoke again.

It was true, Vince knew little of Ruìsāng. He had mastered the art of concealing his true self, maintaining surface-level interactions to avoid the pain of eventual detachment. He had shared fragments of his current experiences with the monster with Vince, yet never ventured into different terrains of his life. It was a protective mechanism, a shield against the temporary nature of relationships he had come to expect. However, there was a growing sense within Ruìsāng that Vince might actually want to understand the man behind the facade.

That is still a long way off, but you are welcome wherever I end up,” Ruìsāng responded with a playful wink, his smile briefly giving way to a more contemplative expression. “Let’s make it together. It’s never too late to learn how to cook,” he encouraged Vince.

And it’s not too late to learn more about me, either. I’m not—” Taking a deep breath, Ruìsāng prepared to venture into uncharted territory. “I do not share often. But there’s no better time than today,” he admitted as he leaned back against the counter, arms folded.

My parents didn’t speak the common tongue, so I grew up speaking Fènghuáng at home. My mother—she was different back then, kind and sweet, but out of place here. I remember she introduced me to school as Sū Ruìsāng, leading everyone to call me Sū for a while,” he shared, a soft smile playing on his lips as he recalled a bittersweet memory.

I met my best friend when I was just a toddler. I didn’t speak the right language, and he was—well, a bit odd. But we clicked, and we’re still very close. He’s why I play the guitar. He’s a musician, too, and I think the two of you would get along. I… would like for you two to get along.” Ruìsāng continued. “Custody was taken away from my parents, and I ended up in foster care for a few years. It was returned to my mother when I was twelve. My father wasn’t around anymore, so that’s how this all ended up,” he explained, gesturing around the place.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
It made him happy, knowing that he would be welcome. It made him even happier when Sang told him to help with preparing the dish. "I do intend to keep all my fingers. But I can help. Mom let me do some small things when she was cooking, like cutting the meat or making the past. And snacking out of the jar of kimchi." He laughed, his golden eyes glancing over the jar on the table. He did want to have a snack, but this is why he had bought two jars. Maybe later tonight, they could open the other one, having a snack together. Vince caught himself smiling at that thought, before focusing back to the man of the house.

When Sang spoke about himself, Vince fell silent. Leaning against the counter top, his arms crossed before his chest. His golden eyes half closed while he listened. The corner of his mouth slightly curled up while he envisioned the story that Sang was telling him, feeling himself positively glow that the man was even willing to tell him. As he had got to know Sang as one of the more private people within his friendship circle.

A soft chuckle, when he spoke about getting called Sū for a while. He knew how difficult it was to not be able to speak the correct language. He had the privilege that he had been raised bilingual, but still, he spoke his mother tongue more when he came to Cerynia.

It was when Sang spoke about his best friend, that Vince fell silent. Feeling the positivity come from the man, which made him feel happy. Happy that he had something positive in his life. He smiled, wondering who this person could be. Still, he took a deep breath when the story came to an end and the willingness to walk up to Sang and give him a hug was most certainly there. But he went against it, only looking up. "Seems to me that your childhood wasn't as bad. We both had a pretty shitty time after the age of ten, or twelve in your case." he chuckled softly.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Vince’s comment about keeping his fingers intact drew a chuckle from Ruìsāng. He seemed enthusiastic to help out, however, which Ruìsāng counted as a win. It would be nice to do together. “If you like it today, let me teach you how to cook properly,” Ruìsāng offered. “Unless you’re still waiting for a wife to do it for you,” he added, his grin broadening.

As Ruìsāng narrated parts of his life, he was aware that he was only skimming the surface. This was an initiation, an opening gambit in revealing his true self. Today was about giving Vince a glimpse, a silhouette, of who Ruìsāng was beneath the layers he had so meticulously constructed. He sought to draw back the curtains, even if just a fraction, and gauge the impact.

Vince’s reaction, a mix of happiness and curiosity, was reassuring, but Ruìsāng's smile faded as he corrected Vince's assumption about his childhood. He couldn’t allow the past to be sugar coated. “It… It wasn’t good. My father wasn’t a good man and foster care wasn’t easy,” he confessed.  He didn’t want to downplay it. While he had no intention of getting into the specifics today, Vince wanted to know him, so he had to know why he pushed people away and didn’t share

Things were hardly ever permanent, so I learned not to attach, not to share, and simply— not to care. It has been a very long time since I’ve tried to share anything with anyone, so… It…” He paused, scoffing lightly, shaking his head as he met Vince's gaze once more. “It isn’t easy, but with you, I want to try,” he admitted. He opened his mouth to add to it, but the words were stuck in his throat.

It terrifies me.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
"Arceus no. I'd like to be able to make myself something better than instant noodles and take out. I might not look like it, but it's starting to set." He laughed when Sang asked him if he was still waiting for getting a wife. If he had a choice, which he actually had now that he was severing his ties to Baesing even more, he already knew what he wanted. Deep down, he had already decided.

Vince shook his head when Sang said that it wasn't good, that his father was not a good man and foster care had been awful. Slowly, he walked up to the man, a smile on his face. "It is never easy." He said softly, stopping in front of him and taking his hands in his own. Feeling his own heart flutter when Sang said that he was willing to try, for him. He squeezed the mans hands slightly, giving him a heart-warming smile. "You're doing wonderfully." His gaze meeting that of the man before him. "Slow steps, Byeolbit. Slow steps." He was happy for him, maybe a bit too much. Knowing that he was willing to change for him, to chance his life for the better. "Don't force it, it's never good if it's forced." He placed a hand on Sang's cheek, caressing his face with his thumb. "And I'll be here, if you need me, I'll be here."
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Vince’s aspiration to learn more than instant noodles elicited a reaction from Ruìsāng, his nose wrinkling in distaste. “Those are the worst,” he confessed, clearly baffled by Vince and Alastor’s preferences for such culinary monstrosities. “I’ll teach you. I’d like to keep you healthy for a little while longer, and it’ll be fun,” he agreed with a nod. It would be a nice way to spend some time together. So… domestic.

As Ruìsāng navigated the unfamiliar territory of opening up, Vince’s reactions were encouraging. There was no hint of disappointment, only a genuine delight in whatever Ruìsāng was willing to share. This encouragement was a balm to Ruìsāng's inhibition, assuring him that his efforts were not only appreciated but also valued. It spurred him on, fueling his willingness to continue sharing bits of himself.

The warm touch of Vince’s hands enveloped Ruìsāng’s, drawing an involuntary smile to his lips. He was reminded to take slow steps; not everything had to be revealed at once. The gentle pressure of Vince’s hand against his cheek prompted Ruìsāng to lean into the touch.

I’ll be here, if you need me, I’ll be here.

No one ever was. But for once, Ruìsāng believed the words.

I’m not. I want to,” he responded to Vince. “I…” he paused, gathering his thoughts, working up to something within the chaos of his mind.

I like music, good food, travels, I prefer places without too many people, and I—” His voice faltered momentarily, his jaw tensing as he wrestled with the next admission.

And I would really like to kiss you right now.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Vince laughed. "I knew I could find at least one friend that knows how to cook." Asking Kayn was a no-go, as the man ate as unhealthy as he did, the problem being that it didn't show on him. He had always been envious about that, as he himself had to actually watch his in take. "But thanks. Learning how to cook was on my to-do list, but it somehow never came to be. Something with being in a studio all day." He shrugged lightly. It was weird though, that he didn't know how to make a proper meal, yet could spend all day in bed watching cooking shows. It just didn't seem to get stuck, not that he actively tried to cook anything yet.

Sang reacted to him, just like he had done the previous times. It made him happy, got his heart all fluttering and all. It forced a smile on his face. His golden eyes sparkling. As long as Sang remembered to take things slow, they would get there. He would finally see, hopefully, that he wasn't as bad as he thought he was. Vince would show him, that could be a resolution for next year. He smiled when the man continued his train of thoughts. Although it seemed that he was lost in his own brain, scrambling to find the correct words.

He wanted to urge the man to slow down, but he couldn't help but smile at what he had to say. "I—" He wanted to react when Sang finished his sentence, one that shut him right up. His golden eyes big, but he couldn't hide the smirk on his face. "Like this?" He asked, pressing his lips on Sang's.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng chuckled in response to Vince’s remark about finding a friend with some cooking skills. The words Vince spoke were met with an easy nod from Ruìsāng. “I’ve always liked it, so we can make it work. We’ll just pick some days and some recipes, make you a culinary chef before you know it,” he replied, his grin spreading with genuine enthusiasm. Then, with a playful glint in his eye, he added, “And if all else fails, you can always convince me to be your new wife.

The moment Ruìsāng spoke, it was as if time paused. Vince’s eyes widened momentarily in surprise before he swiftly bridged the gap between them. Ruìsāng’s eyes fluttered shut, his hand instinctively reaching to Vince’s lower back, drawing him nearer. His breath hitched in his throat. In this embrace, Ruìsāng sought something beyond the words he’d always lacked — a need for closeness, for a touch that would say more than his words ever could.

Like that,” Ruìsāng whispered, his breath mingling with Vince’s, their proximity unbroken. “Exactly like that,” he murmured again, his lips seeking Vince’s once more. They would soon have to pull away, lest he give in to the overwhelming urge to lift Vince onto the countertop. This need felt almost like a physical force. The unspoken words lodged in his throat felt like a rising tide, threatening to drown him if he didn’t find some outlet, some way to express them.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
"I'd like that." He confessed. Taking every opportunity to spend more time with him. And learning how to cook was a good plus, as it had been something that he wanted to do for the longest time. He just hadn't found the time for it, or the a good teacher. The internet wasn't always as helpful after all. He laughed softly when Sang offered to be his new wife. "Don't think my father would like that. Although, I can braid that hair of yours, we'll find  you a good dress. Maybe." He shook his head. "No, I prefer you the way you are." Secrets and all, traumatic experiences enough between both of them. Complete opposites, yet finding each other time and time again.

It might have been an impulsive thing. Not thinking about the consequences, just giving in to the thoughts that had been playing around his head for so long now. Giving in to the yearning in the back of his mind, how much he had missed the embrace of someone else, something else than a friend, or a person who wanted to make use of him. Just an embrace, one of warmth and friendship, one of this. Smiling against Sang's lips, he eagerly answered, not wanting to spill more words about it. So many words fluttering around his mind, yet coherent sentences were none. He wanted to speak to him what he wanted, what he had missed, but for now he was lost, drowning in things, feelings, emotions, that he might not fully understand just yet.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The simplicity of everything, the straightforwardness of it all, was like a refreshing breeze to Ruìsāng. A small, cautious voice in the recesses of his mind hinted that it might be too good to be true, that something might shatter this still. Yet, in the present moment, he embraced the ease. The invitation to teach Vince to cook was just that—an open, genuine offer to spend more time together, accepted without the usual back-and-forth of playing hard to get. It was … easy.

Ruìsāng couldn’t help but laugh when Vince playfully suggested braiding his hair and dressing him up, followed quickly with a preference for Ruìsāng just as he was. “It’s alright, bǎobèi. If a dress is your kink, we’ll see what we can do,” Ruìsāng quipped back, his tongue peeking out teasingly. “Though I’m told I look good in braids,” he added with a nod, although braiding was a skill beyond his repertoire.

Touch was Ruìsāng’s language, his way of expressing what words often failed to capture. The press of his lips against Vince’s, the guiding hand on Vince’s lower back, spoke more than his words ever could. Feeling Vince smile into the kiss, Ruìsāng mirrored the gesture.

If you want to make it to the market today…” he began, intentionally creating a sliver of space between them, a momentary retreat to suggest restraint, “then you should pull back.

Yet, in an act of defiance to his own words, Ruìsāng spun them around, pressing Vince against the counter, invading his space with an intensity that left no room for escape. It was a clear message— fuck the market.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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