
[m] Almost Christmas means it wasn't Christmas

2 posters
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
He laughed shyly. "Never been a fan of dresses, my younger sister would beg me for hours to dress me up. Let's not do that again." He scratched the back of his head, keeping his head a bit tilted and smiling softly. Fond memories, yes. But there were only few of those, as most of his days were filled with lessons and teachings from his father. But he didn't want to ruin the mood of today with childhood problems. He was here for a good time, to celebrate Christmas and have fun on the Christmas Market. "I'd reckon." He chuckled, when Sang said that he had been told that braids look good on him. "Maybe another day."

Was it wrong of him to be happy about the turn this conversation had taken? To admit to himself that he had missed being this close to the man in front of him, having his hand on his lower back and their lips hovering over each others. Maybe it had been a bit self-centred of him, while not being able to speak what it was that he wanted. Something that he had always been struggling with. So when Sang told him to pull back if he still wanted to go to that Christmas Market, Vince knew that he had one change and one change only.

Before he could voice that, however, Sang had taken matters in his own hand, pressing him to the counter. There was a clear message here and Vince would lie to himself if he hadn't thought the same thing. Giving Sanga quick kiss on his lips, he smiled. "Let's stay in then." He said softly, his voice low, a soft blush on his face. Maybe, just maybe, he had hoped a little too much for this.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Vince’s response about his disinterest in dresses elicited another chuckle from Ruìsāng. “You would look so pretty in them, of course,” he commented with a solemn nod, though his expression quickly broke into an amused grin. Dresses and the like weren’t really Ruìsāng's forte, and he admittedly found little appeal in them.

Ruìsāng questioned what he truly desired from this scenario with Vince. If Vince had chosen to pull back, would Ruìsāng have felt a tinge of disappointment, or would it have stirred something else within him, something unfamiliar? His past encounters had often left him with a sense of self-disgust, an urge to scrub away the memory of fleeting touches. But with Vince, it was different. He didn’t want to erase his touches; he wanted to savour them, to explore Vince’s skin, to discover the ways he could elicit more from him.

Perhaps, Ruìsāng realised, he did know what he wanted, but admitting it was another matter.

When Vince suggested they could stay in, Ruìsāng’s eyebrows lifted in a mix of surprise and delight. “Oh?” he replied, a playful, knowing grin forming on his lips. “Am I a bad influence?” he teased, the words light but charged with an undercurrent of excitement. In one smooth motion, he moved his hand to Vince’s upper leg and effortlessly lifted him onto the counter.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Vince huffed softly when Sang told him that he would look pretty in them. "Let's not go there." He said, not wanting to be put in dresses again. Those were the only times he was happy that his father would call him for yet another battle lessons. Mostly just because his sister started with the make-up. However, he also had appeared at battle training with make up on, not to the liking on his father. But he would be the one to get punished, not his sister.

Sang had made him a promise and even thought Vince still was a bit hesitant about that part of exploring everything, he was happy with the steps that he was making. For years, his entire childhood, there was invested in him finding a suitable wife, someone who would take care of every whim he had. And it had taken only one semi drunk night in a karaoke booth to shatter that believe. To make him question everything that he had been taught. And now, even without the alcohol in his system, he didn't want to stop this, all of this. He wanted it to continue, to let him explore some more of his own believes.

Vince chuckled softly when Sang called himself a bad influence. "Ma- Oh." There was a hint of surprise in his voice when he was suddenly placed on the counter, actually looking down on the man before him. He never wanted to see himself as above people, even with his standings he actually was. He enjoyed being on eye level, so that he could see what others saw. He told himself to be more assertive, especially in situations like this, telling the other what he wanted and didn't. Taking initiative a bit more. Thus, he grabbed Sang's face, kissing him deeply.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The moment Ruìsāng lifted Vince onto the counter, their height dynamic shifted slightly. Vince, now slightly elevated, made a sound that was music to Ruìsāng’s ears, drawing a chuckle from him. He looked up, his gaze laced with a mixture of amusement and an intensifying desire, as he stepped into the space framed by Vince’s legs. Placing a firm hand on Vince’s upper leg, he anchored Vince against him, their proximity leaving no room for distance, no space for hesitation, unless Vince voiced otherwise.

In this charged atmosphere, it was clear that Vince had (ever so slightly) more confidence. He seemed to have found a footing in his desires, at least for the moment, as he initiated another kiss. This time, there were no lingering secrets ruining the kiss. While Ruìsāng had never explicitly revealed the breadth of his experience, he doubted it’d be a surprise. But the specifics of his past were irrelevant; his focus was solely on using his experience to envelop Vince in a wave of sensation so profound that it might just make him forget his name.

I’ve been wanting to do this,” Ruìsāng murmured, pausing briefly to catch his breath. Then, he reached behind Vince’s neck with his free hand, drawing him in closer once again. The gesture was both a claim and an invitation. He wanted this. He’d been wanting this.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
And he was stuck, yet again. Stuck between Sang's body, and the counter he was sitting at, with a hand firmly placed on his upper leg. Yet, this time, it sparked a little less awkwardness within him, as this was that he had wanted, that he had initiated himself. There was another feeling mixed in, something more akin of pride. He was proud of himself of the steps he had been making, a road to rediscover himself or something. Just like the lie that his father had told the nation, at least if he had to trust the news that he had seen from times past.

At least this time, he knew what he wanted, there was still some blushing combined with it, as he wasn't entirely confident in everything just yet, but at least he knew. It was easier, in a more personal space, and because this had happened before. His gaze met Sang's, wondering if his eyes reflected the longing that he had felt for this man before him. But thinking wasn't worth the time right now, shutting down his thoughts was not an easy task but one he wanted to try to keep himself from panicking.

He chuckled softly to Sang's words, when they briefly parted ways. Vince was never for the witty comebacks, but this time he was fast enough. "Told you that you were going to need that hand." He smiled, seemingly proud of himself, letting out a soft laugh. He let himself be drawn to the man, reacting to the hand in his neck. Placing his forehead against that of Sang. "I've missed you." It was nothing more than a whisper, a truthful one at least. He had missed this, all of this, and by Arceus, he had wanted this.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Admitting desire was akin to summoning loss. To him, love and yearning were like death on his lips. His experiences had taught him a harsh lesson: the moment he acknowledged needing someone, they would either drift away or become indifferent. This pattern had been etched into his life’s narrative, beginning with his mother’s departure, followed by the betrayal of a place he once called home, and the cold indifference of those who deemed him unworthy of their care.

Confessing a want, particularly for someone, was a monumental task for Ruìsāng. The word ‘friend’ itself barely managed to escape his lips, let alone anything deeper. To vocalise this longing for Vince, to not recoil from its truth, was an act of trust so profound that Vince might not fully grasp its meaning. Yet, understanding wasn’t necessary at this moment. Ruìsāng was aware they both carried their own scars, their own haunted pasts. Still, they were here.

Vince's words struck a chord, causing his eyebrows to arch in surprise. A soft chuckle escaped him as his hand crept higher on Vince’s leg, squeezing gently in silent agreement. He was about to respond when Vince spoke those three words:

I’ve missed you.

Ruìsāng wondered if anyone else ever had.

Then, let me make it up to you,” Ruìsāng replied. “I’m here. I’m yours, however you’ll have me,” he continued, closing the gap between them once more to gently press his lips against Vince’s.

So tell me what you want.” The words were an offer; a pledge. For Vince, Ruìsāng was prepared to offer himself in ways he had never dared before.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Vince might be someone they, as they would say, love too much. Yet he had a complicated history with the feeling. He had known a motherly love, felt the brotherly love for his siblings, but missed the love of his father, who never actually had liked him. He had missed that sense of security, of being taught how to love and be loved. It might have been a reason behind why he was so damned awkward about this all.

But now, he felt like that weight fell of his shoulders, as if he finally could be what he wanted to be, and with the one he wanted to be with. He will not voice it, not yet. Speaking it would put truth behind it and he couldn't do that just yet. He would keep it in mind, to himself, a closely guarded secret.

He smiled when he heard the chuckle coming, he could make him laugh, that was great. But his next words made him look away for a moment. Maybe that was a bit too vulnerable? Too... soon? Not that he could lie, he didn't want to lie to him anymore. So it had to be said. He looked back when Sang spoke, again, gently pressing a kiss on his lips. He wanted to grab the mans face, pull him deeper in that kiss, not letting go till his lungs would scream for air again. But there was something he had to tell him first.

"You made me a promise, last time." His golden eyes focussing on his. "I want you to keep that promise." There was the tiniest shake in his voice, as it was something that he didn't speak easily about. He swallowed. "This time, I don't want you to hold back."
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
During their initial encounter, in Ruìsāng’s eyes, they had only touched the surface of what could be. He had been convinced back then that Vince was unsure of his desires, and Ruìsāng, already a catalogue of regrets, was determined not to become another entry in someone else’s list of regrets.

He had always been adept at distancing himself, at avoiding the deeper entanglements of the heart. But Vince, intriguingly different from those who usually caught Ruìsāng’s eye, had sparked a genuine interest in him, an unusual thirst — not just for physical intimacy.

With Vince, it wasn’t just about satisfying a fleeting craving; it was about the person himself. Ruìsāng felt his heart pounding with an intensity that was both exhilarating and unnerving. Every moment apart felt like a withdrawal, a longing to close the gap, to claim the breaths they shared.

When Vince referenced a promise, Ruìsāng’s brow furrowed in confusion. His mind raced through their past conversations, recalling moments and words exchanged. He remembered advising Vince that he deserved better, the comment about kneeling, and the irony of how their dynamics had shifted on that subject. But a specific promise? That detail seemed just out of reach.

This time, I don’t want you to hold back.

Fuck,” Ruìsāng breathed out, the word escaping him as he leaned in to capture Vince’s lips again. The kiss was a bridge, a closing of the space between them, fueled by a need to erase any distance. One hand remained steadfast on Vince’s neck, the other gripping his upper leg, a silent yearning to draw him in even closer, to leave no room for anything between them.

Yet amidst this fervour, Ruìsāng needed clarity. “What promise? Remind me,” he asked, his voice a low murmur against Vince’s lips. If he had indeed made a promise to Vince, it mattered to him to honour it. He’d do anything.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
There was this something, this connection that he had never felt with anyone. This longing to get to know this man better, in every possible way. Right now, he was mostly wanting for the physical side of things, wanting to pull the man in an embrace and not letting go again. He didn't know how to express it in words, of anything else. He just knew what he wanted and for once, he was happy with that feeling. For once he was his own boss, and he could do whatever he wanted. And right now, he wanted Sang.

He chuckled softly when he brought up the promise that the man had made for him, noticing that he had absolutely no clue what he was talking about. It was strangely adorable, how he was thinking hard about what they had said to each other in all the other places they had met. Especially within the lounge, especially in that room. His smiled, however, when Sang only muttered one word, before pulling him in yet another kiss. Hungry for the connection that had formed between them, he leaned in, deepening in, asking for permission. His heart beating fast in his chest, his mind racing, all kinds of scenarios forming in the back of his head. But for a change, all positive. Carefully, he wrapped his arms around the upper body of Sang, keeping him close, yet afraid to hurt the man.

The moment he broke away, although briefly, he locked his eyes on him. Smiling shyly when he had to remind Sang about the promise that he made. A cruel thing, as it meant he actually had to repeat the words that had been playing through his mind so many times already.

"I believe you promised to fuck me next time."
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
As Vince’s words hung in the air, they took Ruìsāng by surprise, freezing him momentarily. This level of directness was something new, a departure from the usual hesitancy that characterised their earlier interactions. It was a boldness that Ruìsāng hadn’t anticipated, yet it ignited something within him, a flame that craved more of this newfound assertiveness from Vince.

With a slight pull back, Ruìsāng took a moment to gaze at Vince, his surprise morphing into a soft chuckle. He remembered urging Vince to express his desires openly, and here Vince was, doing just that, with a certainty that left no room for doubt. Despite the tremble in his voice and the shy smile, Ruìsāng sensed no pretence, no hesitation — Vince knew what he wanted.

Leaning in again, Ruìsāng’s lips found Vince’s in a kiss. His grip on Vince’s upper leg tightened, drawing him inescapably close, erasing any space that might have separated them. Part of Ruìsāng had always inclined towards caution, wanting to pace their encounters to match Vince’s comfort. But now, with Vince’s clear expression of desire, that caution melted away under the heat of his own longing. Ruìsāng hungered, yearned, and there was no longer any reason to restrain.

You’re—” he began, his voice a husky whisper, but the words were lost as he once again sought Vince’s lips. “You’re going to kill me,” he breathed out, the statement both a jest and a raw acknowledgment of the effect Vince had on him. And Ruìsāng was willing to surrender to that fate.

But… your wish is my command,” he murmured against Vince’s lips, his hand travelling from Vince’s neck down to his hip, slipping beneath the hem of his shirt. His fingers rested just above Vince’s hip bone, holding him close. In this moment, he was entirely Vince’s.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
As the words lingered in the air, he was subconsciously preparing himself for some kind of rejection. Sang had promised him to be gentle last time they were this close to each other, now he had voice what he wanted before hand. There was nothing that could hold them back, neither of them. Still, he was afraid that there would come a wholehearted "no". It made fear spread through his body, but the word didn't come. In stead, Sang pulled him in closer, giving him to room to escape anymore. And he gladly let himself get captured.

He chuckled softly when Sang told him that he was going to be the death of him. The same words he had spoken last time, although a little bit different. "As long as it's me and not some creepy grandma." He jested softly, his golden eyes sparkle. He had wanted this for some time now, too shy to actually asked for it, too awkward to make a move. Now, he had thrown every single bit of lingering doubt out of the window, knowing exactly what he wanted.

A blush flashed on his face, the consequences of his words setting in. He had no experience, none at all. He never wanted to lead this, but he might be able to let it go on instincts. Feeling how a hand disappeared under his shirt, he smiled shyly, capturing Sang's lips once again, softly biting on his under lip, asking for permission to explore deeper. In the back of his head, still careful not to hurt the man in bandages.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The sudden mention of a grandmother in such a charged moment caught Ruìsāng completely off guard. His reaction was almost comical, a single eyebrow arching slowly. The contrast between their escalating intimacy and the abrupt, quirky reminder of a grandmother was so stark, it could have been a scene straight out of an indie film.

With a groan that quickly turned into a chuckle, Ruìsāng decided to roll with the unexpected turn. “Lesson one,” he whispered, leaning in closer, as if the very air Vince breathed was essential to him. Their lips met again, and a mischievous smile played across his lips. “No grandma talk,” he teased, the smile evident in his voice.

The feeling of Vince biting his lip, an action so characteristically gentle and cautious, elicited a soft, involuntary sound from Ruìsāng. He allowed it, embraced it even — he’d allow Vince everything.

We should take this… to the bedroom,” Ruìsāng suggested, his voice low. Though he relaxed his grip on Vince's leg, he maintained their closeness, unwilling to break away just yet. “Take this off,” he demanded with a soft pull at the other’s shirt. His words were commanding, and Vince would undoubtedly meet each of Ruìsāng's demands.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
The groan that came from Sang almost made him duck, afraid that something bad would happen. he felt the hot breath of the man on his face, which made him look at him again, listening to the words. Was he actually going to give him a lesson now. He chuckled a bit, but listened. Feeling their lips against each others, he wanted to stop listening. "Noted." He breathed softly, when he got a slap on the wrist about naming that creepy grandma that was haunting the man before him. Pressing his lips squarely on Sang's, greedily asking for permission. He was done waiting, done letting his own feeling being tuck to the depths of his being. He knew what he wanted, finally.

The fact that he got the permission he wanted, made his heart flutter a bit. Letting go of the man's upper body, he grabbed Sang's head, slowly exploring the permission that he had just gotten. It felt so much easier, now that he knew what he wanted, now that he had more confidence behind himself. Now he wanted to have what he couldn't get the first time and he was damned if he didn't get it.

Vince hummed softly when Sang told him that they should take this to the bedroom, his eyes flashing to the couch for a quick moment, but he bit his tongue. Not his house, he would not make suggestions. Another order came through, to take his shirt off. He looked at Sang with a sparkle in his eyes. "Is this only going to be me again, or will you finally give me a glance of yourself?" He asked, while pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the side.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The assertive side of Vince, the one who knew precisely what he wanted and wasn't afraid to express it, was undeniably alluring to Ruìsāng. There was an undeniable charm in this newfound boldness. If Vince were to command him right now, Ruìsāng felt he would willingly acquiesce, not out of fear or obligation but driven by a genuine desire to fulfil Vince's wishes. This shift in dynamics, where Vince took charge without hesitation, was intoxicating, especially when Ruìsāng was the focus of his desire.

As Ruìsāng suggested moving their encounter to the bedroom, he noticed Vince's eyes momentarily drift towards the couch. Ruìsāng was amused by the thought. He intended to make Vince feel intensely desired, to create an experience so memorable that Vince would be emboldened to explore further, to seek more in future encounters—if there were to be any. Ruìsāng wanted this to be a moment free of regret, a memory cherished and longed for. The couch would, quite frankly, not suffice.

The question hung in the air—would it be Vince undressing again, or would Ruìsāng reveal more of himself this time? “Patience, my sweet bǎobèi,” he whispered. He leaned in, bestowing a tender kiss upon Vince’s lips. His kisses trailed Vince's jaw, then down to the sensitive skin of his neck, lingering at the junction where neck and shoulder met.

You will get everything you’ve asked for,” Ruìsāng assured him, his breath warm against Vince's skin. He’d get even more, if he’d ask for it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
He had forced himself before, the last time they had been in such a close embrace. Forcing his mind to shut up and just go with the flow. It had taken some time to get used to, but in the end it had worked out. Now there was the question if he could do that again. Letting things go, just do the first thing that came up to him, letting a primal instinct take over. Vince wasn't good with losing control, he preferred to know what was going to happen. So this was unknown terrain for him, something that he had to get used to. But deep down, he knew that Sang wouldn't do anything against his wishes, which reassured him more then he would voice.

There was this struggle, within him. By wanting to take control, being assertive, telling what he wanted. But there was also this shy personality, the one that just wanted to let someone love him like he was the last person in this room. And both of them gave a conflict, one that was buzzing around in his head. As he flicked his eyes to he couch, he caught the gaze of Sang, how made him sure that that might not be the best option right now. Wanting to let out a disappointed sigh, he swallowed it. Unfair, he thought, but maybe the man was right, the bedroom had more space after all.

Sang called him impatient, which made Vince pout shortly. Already missing the softness of Sang's lips on his, he hummed softly when the man started the trail down his neck. "You're the devil." He voice softly, a soft whimper in his voice. He got promised everything he would ask for. With one hand, he forced Sang's face up, firmly claiming his lips. "Then give me all of you." He breathed to his lips in a fleeting moment of separation.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng was treading unfamiliar territory. When he himself had no experience, he’d been with someone a few years his senior. Ever since then, those were the people he’d go for, those who could make him forget everything but the moment. This was different. Caring for someone, guiding them gently through new experiences rather than surrendering to unbridled passion, was new ground for him. He moved with caution, mindful not to overwhelm Vince, keenly aware of the delicate balance between encouragement and pressure.

The soft whimper that escaped Vince was met with a smile from Ruìsāng, felt rather than seen against the warmth of Vince’s skin. When Vince pulled his face up, claiming his lips, Ruìsāng surrendered willingly, recognizing that they were his to claim. The request for ‘all of him’ sent a thrill through Ruìsāng, and instinctively, his hand traveled down Vince’s body. It moved down to the other’s waist, his hip, his ass, and then pulled him against himself, leaving no room between them once again.

Yet as his hand wandered and their closeness intensified, Ruìsāng realised the potential for things to escalate right there in the kitchen. That wasn't the ideal scenario, not for what he envisioned, not for the care he wanted to take with Vince. Also not for his poor groceries.

Vince,” he said, his voice roughened with desire, a hint of urgency threading through his words. He moved his hand under Vince's leg, his other arm wrapping around Vince's waist, drawing him in even closer as he softly bit the other’s lower lip.

If you don’t get moving now, I will carry you,” he half-threatened, half-promised. Ruìsāng’s physique, honed by regular workouts and fighting training, certainly lent credence to his ability to make good on that threat. He’d most likely make it. Probably.

It would still be safer if Vince walked.

But then he’d need to let go.

What a predicament.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
He loved to see what his words only could do to this man. How every single one made them get closer together. As of now there was virtually no space between the two, both hungry for each other. The feeling of his hand travel down his body sent a thrill through him. He had been patient, he had been waiting. He wondered how he could've stayed away from this man. They were different, Sang was the brute force where he was the subtlety, the talking and softer approach. Yet in moments like these, they were the same, connected through emotions and a heating desire.

The roughness in Sang's voice sent a shiver down his spine. That was something he's love to see more often, the man losing his cool and control. Letting himself go for once. There was the slimmest sliver of doubt in his mind, worried that he wouldn't be able to handle that, but he pushed it far away. He was not here to doubt himself, he wanted to enhance his resolve. The soft bite on his lower lip sent him back to the reality he was in right now.

He hummed when Sang told him to move, before he would carry him. "Not with that hand, you're not." He spoke softly. Were Sang did know how he was built, he still had no clue what the man looked like beneath those bandages. Still, he wasn't going to let him hurt himself more. Softly pushing, he tried to get some space between them, at least so that he could come down from the counter. Kissing him fleetingly, he smiled. "Lead the way." And make haste, he followed up within his mind. He was done waiting, playing around it.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The notion of carrying Vince was swiftly abandoned, thanks to Ruìsāng’s injured hand. A soft sound of frustration, a deep, resigned rumble, escaped his lips – a reaction to his own limitations. Throughout his life, Ruìsāng had been no stranger to enduring pain, to pushing through discomfort with a stoic resolve. But now, with Vince gently easing him back, he was reminded of the need for caution, despite how easy it might have been

As Vince planted a quick kiss on his lips and urged him to lead the way, a fresh grin spread across Ruìsāng’s face. Seizing Vince’s belt, he drew him close again, stepping back simultaneously. His lips reclaimed Vince’s with renewed fervour as he deftly worked to undo the belt. This was Ruìsāng’s reward, his prerogative. He deserved this moment of indulgence, this taste of what was to come. His desire was palpable, a greedy longing to have everything Vince had to offer.

With each step backward, guiding them towards their destination, Ruìsāng worked to peel away that extra layer separating them. It was a slow, deliberate undressing, an unveiling of Vince layer by layer. Their lips remained locked, a greedy, claiming kiss that spoke volumes of Ruìsāng’s intent. “I want…” he murmured into Vince’s mouth, words blurred by their closeness. “You,” he affirmed, for that was all.

Ruìsāng’s wanting was all-encompassing – a desire to explore every facet of Vince, to claim his lips, skin, body, and even his mind. He yearned to be the sole focus of Vince’s thoughts, for his name to be the only sound on Vince’s lips, for his touch to be the dream Vince chased with closed eyes. He wanted to leave his mark, both physically and emotionally.

In his pursuit of these desires, Ruìsāng was relentless.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Their connection was almost palpable. For every moment they spent separate, he missed the feeling, he longed for the feeling. After that first moment in the booth, he had planted himself in Sang’s life, he had explored how the two of them would work together. People used to call him a bad attitude magnet, as every single one of his friends were’t exactly the best people to be around. But this was the first one where he didn’t care as much. He would always be alert around his friends, knowing that they wouldn’t do anything to him, but knowing that things would happen to them if they were together. This man, he wanted to protect, he wanted to take care of. He wanted to rip out every point that hurt him and destroy it with his own two hands. He wanted to see him happy, genuinely happy. He would become stronger, he wouldn’t let him worry about him anymore. He wanted to be his.

Urging him to lead the way got him rewarded with yet another hungry kiss, one that he greedily accepted and returned. Feeling hands work around his belt, he let his hands roam freely over the man’s body, still tender around the bandages, still wanting to know what was underneath. But he wouldn’t force him to do anything he didn’t want, but he couldn’t be sure bout how this day was going to end, but he had his hopes up.

It was a complicated dance, lips interlocked, hands working around each others body. Vince had taken it upon himself that he was done waiting for Sang’s permission, softly tugging on the ones belt. The words breathed to his lips, made him growl softly. ”Take me.” He answered hushed, reclaiming his lips. Worries out of the window, together with every bit of self respect he still had. He wanted to feel that body underneath him, on top of him, against his own skin. ”Make me yours.”
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The complexity of his emotions was as palpable as the heat of their bodies. He found himself caught in a paradoxical desire: on one hand, he longed to envelop Vince in the safety of his arms, to shield him from a world that seemed intent on inflicting pain. Yet, beneath this tender, protective urge, there was a deeper, more primal craving. It was a desire to delve into the very essence of Vince, to awaken a passion so profound that it would leave him breathless, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears as he uttered Ruìsāng's name in a fervent, desperate whisper. Ruìsāng was wholly consumed, ever insatiable, always yearning for more.

As they moved together towards the bedroom, the dance of their intertwined bodies was almost ritualistic, marked by the urgent meshing of lips and the clumsy, eager fumbling of hands. For Ruìsāng, it felt akin to a first time, a novel and exhilarating experience. His mind was awash with the intoxication of the moment, even as his experienced hands moved with a purpose. He was drowning in the desire to mark Vince, to claim him so thoroughly that anyone else who dared look upon him would instantly know to whom he belonged.

The moment they reached the bedroom, Ruìsāng's foot shot back, nudging the door open. Vince's whispered plea, “Take me. Make me yours,” was a catalyst. Groaning into the kiss, he spun them around and threw Vince onto the bed with a force that was none too gently. The landing would luckily be soft, but Ruìsāng gave Vince no time to gather his thoughts, immediately positioning himself atop him, straddling his hips. In this moment, Ruìsāng leaned in close, his breath mingling with Vince's, and whispered a single word that encapsulated the entirety of his desire, his claim, his passion.


In that word lay a declaration, a promise. It was a word that spoke of possession and protection, of overwhelming desire and the promise to cherish.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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