
[Bonfire] Say you want me

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Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Djodie had made her way towards bonfire that Ming had told her about. She had been a bit nervous at first, but the food, good company and champagne had taken care of that for her.
She had even tried the questionable shaped brownies from Ming - that actually turned out to be pretty good, as long as you didn't look at it.

However the girl could get a little overwhelmed, so she took a moment to take a seat, with a glass of champagne in her hand, just to reload her social battery a bit.

[+Kaye (there we go again)]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
With a groan Kaye retreated her aching fist from the bowl of water, the ice cubes that littered the surface clinking in protest as she did. The fingers of her good hand were aching with maddening intensity. Wrist prickling and her knuckles a screaming red. She flexed them with a grimace painted across her face. Guess she had to take her gloves out tonight. It was no bother, she wore them often, after all. It was just .. not good timing, to say the least.

A deep, trembling rumble sounded behind her and Kaye cast a stray glance over her shoulder. Bishop lay flat on his stomach on the rug next to the coffee table. Yawning. His eyes squinted as he did so. The Typhlosion had burst out of his ball as soon as Sang had returned him and she had been humble. Had he done so at Djodie’s, it would have been disastrous. But he didn't. So she couldn’t be mad.

Duster’s pokéball rested in an empty fruit bowl on the kitchen counter, right next to the bowl with ice cold water. She had to go to quite some trouble to get it but one thing was certain. The culprit would not ever rob from Djodie again. Not even come close to her again. Or come to this part of the city again. That she had made crystal clear to him. The anger she had felt wasn’t entirely gone yet. The white hot fury as she had beat him. Beat him until he cried for mercy and eventually even cried for his mother. It had felt good.

And now she had the bruises on her knuckles to remember him by for the upcoming days. He had been so confused. So, so, utterly confused. For all he knew he had done his job. Stolen a pokémon intended to sell it or raise it for battling. He had done exactly as Kaye had instructed him to do.

Except he had touched someone he wasn’t supposed to touch. Laid his fingers on her.

Her anger had simmered down enough for her to quietly do her make-up, get her hair in gear and get dressed. Choosing her signature black gloves to not only act as an accessory, but also hide her bruised and pained knuckles. black cargo pants with her favorite pair of boots and a simple white shirt. The two top buttons left undone so her cleavage was showing. Though that got covered up when she picked out the fur coat Kavya had gifted her. The heavy, white fur that lined the neck and shoulders would keep her warm tonight. Though, she had a sneaking suspicion that she might as well have dressed in nothing. When she was with Djodie, she needed little clothes to keep her warm.

“Get up, lazy bastard.” She bit towards the Typhlosion that had moved exactly zero inches since they had walked through the door. He opened one eye, unimpressed. “We are walking.” and with that she tossed him Dusters pokéball. Bishop shot up, reflexes fast like a viper as he caught it between his fangs. With a huff he waddled after Kaye with a slow pace that he knew would drive her up a wall. “I swear I will sell your worthless ass one of these days.” Kaye hissed when he finally pried himself through the door and looked up at her with a bored expression in his beady eyes. She wouldn’t sell him, though. She had made that threat at least once a week for the past seven years. He was used to it by now.

When Kaye finally made it to the scene of the crime, the smoke from the gigantic bonfire bellowing up in the air and the choir of voices greeting her, she had to admit it looked cosy. The scene was too tame for her liking, knowing that under different circumstances she would spend the evening with the boys. Or alone, working. But these were different circumstances.

She made a quick inventory to make sure that there were no pokémon directly in sight, and made her way into the crowd. Eyes scanning the area. Her eyes settled on a woman with red hair- but Kaye quickly noticed the woman was not only too tall to be the one she was after, but her red locks were a deeper shade than Djodie’s. Her eyes briefly settled on Sang, who was sitting on a log by the fire, looking particularly cozy with a boy Kaye did not recognize. A smirk crossed her face. Cute. She wasn’t going to let him live that one down.

And then Kaye saw her. She sat by herself in a quiet part away from the heat of the festivities, glass of champagne in hand and Kaye was left staring. Turn around and walk away. Was her first thought, though it seemed to sound eerily quiet. Somewhere in the back of her mind. Somewhere where Kaye did not pay it any mind. She was left standing there. Like some fool as all her courage left her. Remembering that this familiar scene was one that she was so afraid of. Bishop was the one who took initiative. The Typhlosion walked in a direct line towards her with a slow but sure stride. With a hiss she caught up with him, opting to walk in front of him so Djodie would not notice him - and the present he carried just - just yet.

The distance was closed too soon and Kaye stopped at the table. A generic greeting lay on her tongue. What came out however was the opposite of what she should have said. Remembering Sang’s words eerily well. “I had hoped I would find you here tonight.” she murmured with a warm smile. 

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Something inside her lit up, suddenly. Djodie lifted her head and glazed around, trying to find the reason her body was acting up. For a moment she was scared that her eyes would find a snake tatoo, but that wasn't the case.
Oh no, that wasn't the case at all.

Djodie's eyes settled on the woman she had hoped - just not really expected - to see here. But then she noticed the Typhlosion that was walking right behind Kaye, as large that it was hard to miss. For a second Djodie's eyes went big, realising that she had had him in her house, even for a few hours.
Damn, maybe she should apologise to Sang...

Djodie directed her eyes back to Kaye as the woman sais she'd hoped to see her here. The smile on her face made Djodie melt, and she shyly wrapped her fingers on the champagne glass - wanting to kiss the woman, ofcourse, but not knowing if she could.
"I didn't expect you here." But the happyness to see her was present in her voice. For a moment Djodie's eyes went over Kaye's face, her clothes, taking her in. "You look wonderfull." Somehow everything thay came out of her mouth sounded stupid.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Djodie’s eyes roamed over her body and Kaye had to fight the urge to puff out her chest. Instead she wished she had something in her hand. Like a champagne glass for example. Something to keep them occupied. Instead she looked Djodie dead in the eye and said dryly. “I know.” She took that moment to fish a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket, followed by the golden engraved lighter and lit one. After she took a long drag, she turned to Bishop. The Typhlosion regarded her through bored eyes. His jaws still clamped shut around the pokeball. For this next part, she had to be careful. Preferring to remain standing. There was a reason that she risked keeping her trigger happy Typhlosion out of his confinement. He sensed it too. Behind his careless demeanor he was more than awake and ready to strike.

Kaye’s head turned back to Djodie and for a few moments she said nothing. Just observed her with a strange look in her eyes. Marveling at how her red hair seemed to look like it was on fire in the glow of the bonfire and candles that were spread all around. “I came to give something back to you that’s yours.” Kaye eventually said with slight hesitation, not wanting to cut right to business but feeling that prolonging it would not do her good. “I found him. The man that attacked you that night. He won’t come near you ever again.” The last words were spoken with unwavering certainty. Her eyes serious and every inch of playfulness that she had shown moments prior was gone from her demeanor. Images flashed in her mind. How he had whimpered and begged. A stark contrast as she stood next to Djodie, surrounded by people partying and laughing while music buzzed in the background and Sang had his arm around Vince’s shoulders.

With a quick movement of her hand she held it out to Bishop, who dropped the pokeball in her outstretched palm. The surface of it felt warm to the touch due to his natural body heat. “Here. Safe and sound. He was kept in a cage, but seems otherwise unharmed.” Though from his cage he had witnessed everything Kaye had done to the man that had stolen him. After handing Djodie the pokéball she took a few steps back. Bishop, instantly alert and ready, straightened his posture and took a stance next to her. Every trace of tiredness gone from his face. “I will admit. He doesn’t like me much, that pokémon of yours.” Damn dog had nearly bit a chunk out of her leg when she had opened his cage. Luckily her partner had managed to beam him back in his pokeball before he had done it. “He’s smart for that.” She said, briefly showing an approving smile. She placed a hand on Bishop his head, giving it a squeeze and assuming a neutral stance. The Typhlosion doing the same, except for his eyes. Fiery and trained on the ball in Djodie’s hand. He would not go unless Kaye told him.

He was a mean son of a bitch with a mean bite. But if he did not listen as well as he did when tensions were high, she would have kept her world and indeed sold him seven years ago.  

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

'I know' Djodie looked at her, pulled up one eyebrow and a smile formed on her face. "Oh that ego of yours." She said teasingly. Djodie followed the woman's movements as she took a cigarette out of the box. If she'd have the chance for it once, Djodie would take that cigarette away. Though she had to admit that it suited Kaye.

Her eyes shot back to Kaye's as she stated that she was here to give something back to Djodie. For a moment the redhead stood there, blinking her eyes, waiting for more explaination.
She had found him. And he would never come near her again. Relief washed over her and Djodie felt her shoulders relax. "Oh thank god..." Djodie tilted her head as Kaye held out her hand towards her Pokémon - to which Djodie still felt a bit cautious - adm gave the pokéball he dropped to her.

Djodie wrapped her small hands onto the warm surface - probably thanks to the Typhlosion.
"Kaye - Oh my god - thank you." Without thinking she stepped forward and pressed a kiss on her cheek. Stepping back, not even fully noticing Kaye's reaction, she pressed the button.

A white beam set the Pokémon on the ground, but the beam of light didn't disappear quite yet. With a frown Djodie placed the ball and her glass on the table, shot a look at Kaye, before looking back to her pokémon.
After a moment, the light disappeard, and before them stood... "A Lycanrock..." Djodie blinked her eyes a few times, slowly bended through her knees a little - though that wasn't exactly neccesary anymore.
Duster stood there, in his new found Dusk Lucanrock form, looking at his paws. As he heared her voice, the Lycanrock turned around and met her eyes. He pressed his head in her chest and Djodie closed her arms around him.
She had him back. Kaye had actually done it.
As the Lycanrock took a step back, he looked around, and layed his gaze on Kaye. Djodie stood up straight, placing her hand on his head, not sure if he would latch out. Or what she could do if he did.
But Duster did no such thing, there came a sound out of his mouth, a small approval maybe, and he sat down at Djodie's feet.

Tension lowered, Djodie now focused on Kaye again. "How...? He was a Rockruff a few days ago?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Djodie's face blossomed with delight as her eyes fell upon Duster's pokeball, a sight that brought a warm smile to Kaye's lips. Before Kaye could formulate a response, Djodie took an unexpected step forward, leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on Kaye's cheek. The gesture caught Kaye completely off guard, and she instinctively cast a few nervous glances around, but Djodie appeared entirely absorbed in the pokeball cradled between her hands. She held it out and .. -

The light that appeared at the place where the Rockruff would normally materialize seemed to grow in intensity, a sight that was familiar to the veteran pokémon trainer. She momentarily shielded her eyes, knowing that even fully evolved the Lycanroc was no threat to her Husiuan Typhlosion. Great .. she thought, glad that her colleague had beamed the dog back in his ball before he had sunk his teeth in her leg. Teeth that would have probably grown in strength and size had they gone on for longer. Receiving a bite from a fully evolved lycanroc would be .. unfortunate. And quite painful. And an absolute nuisance.

The light that appeared at the place where the Rockruff would normally materialize seemed to grow in intensity, a sight that was familiar to the veteran pokémon trainer. She momentarily shielded her eyes, knowing that even fully evolved the Lycanroc was no threat to her Husiuan Typhlosion. Great .. she thought, glad that her colleague had beamed the dog back in his ball before he had sunk his teeth in her leg. Teeth that would have probably grown in strength and size had they gone on for longer. Receiving a bite from a fully evolved lycanroc would be .. unfortunate. And quite painful. And an absolute nuisance.

Kaye flexed her knuckle reflectively at her side, feeling the ache of her knuckles. The light faded and there he stood. Bright orange skin, reminiscent of the dusk from the setting sun. As Djodie greeted him, Kaye quietly observed him and moments later met his gaze. Ah, well at least he wasn’t feeling like taking a bite out of her anymore. That was fortunate. She felt Bishop getting excited next to her, and decided it would be best to return him to his ball, lest he decided to do something stupid. She beamed him back and leaned against the high table they had been standing next to, assuming a more relaxed stance.

“I imagine they did some training with him. He must have been close to evolving before they nabbed him from you.” Kaye said with a shrug. Not intending to linger for very long on the subject. “I will admit. I feel more at ease knowing you have him at your side when you inevitably decide to go out at midnight again.” If anyone were to bother her, at least it wasn’t anyone from her crew anymore. She grabbed a glass of champagne from a nearby tray and took a sip. “Anyway, you’re welcome, red.” She said, raising her glass for a moment towards Djodie and gave a wink. “If you ever need anything. Just call and I’ll be there.”

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Too occupied with the pokéball, Djodie didn't notice Kaye's discomfort she had caused her. As she had let her new found Dusk coated Lycanrock out, she clearly needed a moment to see where he was - and what he was.

Djodie nodded at Kaye's explaination. She hadn't done - if any, training with him, so this was the only logical explaination. Djodie followed Duster's gaze as it settled on the woman, and the redhead smiled. "I think he's starting to like you now."
How could he not? How could anyone not like this woman?

“I will admit. I feel more at ease knowing you have him at your side when you inevitably decide to go out at midnight again.” The words made her cheeks color crimson once again, as that was their standard color when Kaye was around by now.
The realisation that Kaye was worried about her.
"Well, you never know where that stupidly brave actions would lead me." Hinting at their first encounter at the Golden Eye, where Kaye had asked if she was about to be brave or stupid that night.
Djodie was starting to think she hadn't been that stupid after all.

"Thank you. Please now that counts for you too, okay? I owe you one." Before she could give the woman more attention, Duster had stood up again, head low, teeth bare, growling at the mass of people he just now seemed to notice.
Djodie frowned in confusion - he normally loved people. As she noticed he was about to bite someone, she quickly grabbed the pokéball back and beamed him in it, before the person could notice what almost happened.
Maybe it hadn't been the smartest move to let him out in a crowd after what happened. "Easy now." Djodie whispered to the ball, guarding it with her hands again, like she had done with Bishop's.
"Are you sure you aren't hurt?" Djodie asked, eyes back on Kaye, as they took in her body once again, just to be sure.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
The air was alive with laughter, snippets of animated conversations, and the crackling of the bonfire that cast dancing shadows across the worn-out surroundings. On the other side of the flickering flames, a group of revelers laughed loudly, their drunk hooting echoing through the night. Meanwhile, at the far edge, near the corner of the eastern flats, some other adventurous souls had already succumbed to the intoxicating atmosphere, their joyous cheers mingling with the clinking of glasses as they engaged in lively drinking games.

Kaye had to admit, the place looked dilapidated in comparison to the usual hangout spots she could be found at. It certainly was a shrill comparison to the fancy places Kavya and her often dined. And yet, she felt a sense of familiarity. How many years had she spent in a place like this, and how many years longer in places even worse?

She took another sip of her champagne and gave Djodie an approving nod at her comment, catching her meaning. It of course eluded to their first encounter, one that was so memorable. That brought a thought to Kaye’s own head as well. How Djodie had tasted on her lips. How she had responded to her touches. Her begging- A low growl shook her from her thoughts. Eyes locating the source of the noise. The Lycanroc stood with his hackles raised and his lips curled up in a snarl, eyeing the group of people that was ever growing in volume through wary eyes. She sat a bit straighter, but Djodie seemed to have it under control. It was something she often saw in pokémon who got kidnapped under traumatic circumstances. They developed these kinds of behavioral problems. Problems she had to correct when she took one under her own wing. It reminded her of the time she had gotten her hands on a stolen Talonflame. He had vehemently hated men and attacked every single one of them that came near. Kaye had found it particularly entertaining, though it was unpractical and she had spend months getting him to a point he would tolerate them enough that he would follow simple commands if they were near.

“I’m fine, you need not worry about me.” Kaye said with a hearty chuckle. The idea of her being in danger caused a glimmer of mirth to flicker in her eyes. It was more the other way around. She was the danger. Nevertheless, she downed her champagne and straightened herself. Now that her nuisance of a Lycanroc was out of the way, it was time to get to business. “Shall we?-” she motioned towards a spot not too far from the bonfire, a sort of premade log that was far enough away that they would not be in Sang his direct line of sight and they had relative privacy. It was near an old elm tree, casting a faint shadow over them. Only the warm light of the flames would lighten their faces. It would be perfect.

Kaye made her way towards it, settling on it and pulling her coat momentarily closer around her. Though she opted to open the top buttons when she felt the warm flames of the fire caress her face. She trusted that with Djodie near, even the flames would not warm her as much as she could. "I hope you don't mind we sit down a little closer to the fire. I want to hear more about you-" Kaye's eyes turned towards Djodie, her voice had been low and the implication of it had been evident. "Though I do hope they serve something better than champagne here .." it was said with a honest look of disgust. It had tasted like piss or accreted water.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

After her tension had simmered down, Djodie smiled at Kaye's words. 'You need not worry about me.' Djodie quickly eyed around them, making sure they were in no ones direct sight. Without thinking, she layed two fingers in Kaye's jawline, softly pressing, but not bold enough to 'force' her to look at Djodie.
"I think you misunderstood. I can and I will." Djodie smiled, a hint of playfullness on the surface. She quickly pulled her hand back, not wanting to go too far, she had only intended to tease Kaye a little, hopefully get her off guard a bit.

As Kaye invited her to go sit by the bonfire, Djodie found herself surprised, but eagerly nodded and walked with her to one of the logs. It was perfectly private, away from prying eyes. Away from Sang's line of sight - she could swore she had seen him with Vince, but she wasn't sure if it was actually him.

"Ofcourse I don't mind." Djodie answered Kaye's words, suddenly focused when Kaye asked if there was something else to drink. "Yes - I've - Table -" For some reason she couldn't talk when she was around Kaye. Her face turned red like a goddamn tomato, as she murmered for Kaye to wait here, as she walked towards the table where she'd seen a lot of booze. She picked two glasses, filled one for herself with a pink, sweet smelling liquid, and found some rum that she was sure would be more up on Kaye's alley.
With the glasses, she returned, and handed one to Kaye. "I hope I got it right?" Djodie sat back down next to her, and tried a sip from her own drink, it was a sweet tasting liquid, and the alcohol was barely noticable.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
At Kaye’s remark, Djodie sprang into action. Set on getting both of them some better alcohol. A devious smile played on her lips. The fire’s flow accentuated the crimson hue that crept upon Djodie’s cheeks, an involuntary reaction to their proximity. Stumping over her words in wake of the need to get Kaye something to drink, herself included. It was an adorable sight, painted with a sincerity that made Kaye feel things. Things she still wasn’t sure she liked.

Patiently she waited for her companion, eyes briefly gazing into the flickering flames. Feeling their heat and allowing herself to bask in it for a moment. Her eyes opened again when she heart shuffling in the grass and looked up to see Djodie return. An eyesore of a drink for Djodie, and something darker that smelled like petroleum. Kaye took a tentative sniff. It wasn’t the high class rum she was used to, but it was leagues better than the champagne she had consumed earlier.

Kaye closed the distance, moving so near that they were side to side, feeling the pressure of Djodie’s arm against her own. Looking down at the redhead, Kaye raised a single eyebrow, a playful and devious smill still playing on her lips. The flickering firelight danced across their faces, casting a warm glow on the scene. “You’re as red as a rose. What could be on your mind? Nothing improper, I hope?” Kaye teasyed, her voice carrying a playful lilt. Their proximity only created an even more charged atmosphere.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

As she sat down, studying Kaye's expression to ensure herself the approval of the drink. That insecurity went out of board as she felt Kaye closing the distance, felt the pressure of her arm against her own. Even tho she wasn't held, she did not dare to move. Did not want to move. She wanted this woman against her and she wanted to feel every piece of her skin.
The realisation of those thoughts, which she couldn't blame on the alcohol this time, made her face redden even more.

Thanks to their height difference, Kaye automatically looked down on her, and Djodie found herself captive to Kaye's gaze. Unable to look away, just wanting to give in. A playfull and knowing smile grew on Kaye's face, as she threw her teasing words at Djodie.
Red as a rose, she would have said as a tomato, but Kaye managed to make even the color of her face sound gracefully. God.

"Improper thoughts?" Djodie fought with everything she had to keep composure, looking up with her doe eyes. "I would never." Djodie tilted her head a bit, looked from Kaye's left eye, to her right, to her mouth.
"Those thought must be your own..."

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
At her honeyed words Djodie made an attempt to look innocent. Giving her the big doe eyes in an attempt to sway her and feign innocence. Not missing how the deeper blue eyes studied her face, before settling on her lips. “My own? Accusing me of the capability to have such dirty thoughts,” she exclaimed, a carefully crafted noise escaping her lips as if she were genuinely appalled by the accusation. “You wound me by thinking so low of me.” she added, though beneath the facade, she knew the accusation was completely correct.

Kavya and Ruisang might as well have instructed a goldfish to climb a ladder, given how effortlessly she dismissed their words in the wind, logic be damned. “Why is it then that you are so red? It’s not because of me, is it?” she went on, regarding her through amused eyes. Kaye couldn’t resist to playfully probe, fully aware of her ability to deepen the flush on her companion’s cheeks. Perhaps her hair hadn't always been red; it might have turned permanently crimson from the reflection of the embarrassment that frequently adorned her face.

That thought made her chuckle lightly. Not moving away from their close proximity.  

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Djodie sniffled at Kaye's words, letting her fingertips slide slowly over Kaye's lower arm. "Wound you? Well..." her fingertips left her arm to follow soft traced around Kaye's hips. "I will make that up to you soon." Retracing her fingers, not wanting - or not being bold enough - to go any further. Perhaps this was better. Just giving the other a hint of what was going through her mind. Not too much, but surely not too little.
As Djodie noticed their drinks were getting low, but before she could act on that, Kaye's voice filled her ears. Djodie didn't know if it was possible - but it felt like her face reddened once more - but surely she had reached the max now? How much more red could she get...
Maybe she was about to find out.

"Because of you?" Djodie let a silence fall. "You sure would like that, wouldn't you?" A teasing smile painted her face as she shot her eyes up at Kaye once more. Expression far from innocent now. She noticed Kaye stayed exactly where she was, knowing exactly what being so close did to the redhead. Djodie stood up while making a half turn, her glass in her hand, shotting the remains and extending her hand to ask for Kaye's glass.
"Let me get us a refill." She said, taking Kaye's glass, intentionally breaking their heated moment just for a minute, as she quickly walked to the table and filled their glasses again.
As she returned, she gracefully sad back down, perhaps slightly touching Kaye's thigh with her own 'by accident'.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye’s piercing blue eyes, like shards of ice, settled on the finger that traced suggestively over her lower arm. With a raised eyebrow, she regarded Djodie again, an enigmatic smile still playing on her lips. Kaye remained immobile, more than curious to see just how bold Djodie would be tonight, though mostly pleasantly surprised at the boldness of the other.

"Well, will you now?" Kaye mused aloud, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. Unaffected by Djodie's display of bravery, and touch of foolishness. Kaye's composed demeanor remained intact. It turned out Djodie was indeed a little of both .. Stupid and brave.

Without breaking eye contact, Kaye handed her glass to Djodie, who had turned an even deeper shade of red. Clearly in need of some space, and Kaye gracefully moved back. A soft chuckle escaped her, reveling in this small triumph, and she turned her attention towards the dancing flames, a satisfied glint in her eyes. When Djodie returned, she felt the brush of fabric against her own thigh. Instead of responding she accepted the glass, took another sip, and placed it next to her on the log. “And how exactly do you plan on making it up to me then?” Kaye asked her then, low in a whisper. Facing straight ahead but looking at her from the corner of her eye.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Foolishness was making itself known to her short after she acted. The lack of broken composure from the woman made Djodie nervous and unsure. Made her want to get that assurance she could so desperatly long for. Kaye's pale blue eyes felt like they pierced right through Djodie.

In loss of her words, Djodie quickly got up to get them both a drink, which she much needed by now. As she returned and sat down, temporarily brushing against Kaye's thigh, Djodie thought to herself what the hell she was doing.

'And how exactly do you plan on making that up to me then?' For a moment the girl froze, studying Kaye's face as she felt a little stunned by the fact that Kaye was facing forward. Untill she noticed the woman still had her gaze on Djodie - and she relaxed a bit.
"I - uh..." Yes? She had to formulate words now. Words on what she would want to do. Formulate her not so proper thoughts into correct and provoking sentences.
Something she failed to do. Or she could turn it the other way around, "How would you like me to do that?" But she wasn't fooling anyone anymore, as it was clear that Kaye still and again had the upperhand, and Djodie was just exploring how brave she felt right now.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Around them the music drummed on. Voices echoing around them. Serving as a reminder that they were very much in the open. Though Kaye had no fear of anyone of importance spotting them together. And thus, her eyes settled back on the flames, as if pretending that they were the most interesting thing to her. Crossing her legs to give her long heeled foot some reprieve. It did not go unnoticed how the woman next to her began to fidget. Her earlier boldness seemingly fading fast.

“Hmm, I can think of a few things.” she said in response to Djodie’s question. She turned back towards the redhead then and met her gaze. For a moment internally weighing her options and wondering how far she could push her. How easy she would give in if she did, because Kaye had no doubt she would give in eventually if she was so readily falling apart. She reached to the side to pick up her glass. “But that is not what I asked.” Another dosage of rum went down when she had brought the glass to her lips. It burned on the way down in a way that she had grown to appreciate. The heat of it conveying itself through her whole body and bringing a rosy tint to her cheeks after a good night of drinking. That point was not yet reached, but Kaye had no intentions of stopping this little game so soon. Not now that she was having so much fun. “Well?” Kaye asked, looking at her expectantly and swirling the brown liquid mindlessly around in her glass.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

'I can think of a few things.' Yeah, well, thinking wasn't the problem. Djodie shivered shortly under Kaye's gaze, quickly downing an amount of her alcohol as Kaye did the same, allowing herself to at least try to get her head straight, try to formulate words and not fail their game so soon.

Kaye pushed once more, gently, but the methaphoric weight on Djodie's shoulders was noticable. Her mind conflicted, wanting both to find out how far she could go, what she could say to provoke a reaction. And another part wanted to surrender to the woman. Lay herself bare to her and let her take over.
But the latter hadn't got the larger part in her head now.

'Well?' Thought flew around in her head, screaming for attention. Her mind had thrown al logic overboard. Djodie's eyes trailed off to the fire, fingers tapping on her glass.
"Well." She started, exhaling shakely, trying to gain composure. "I was thinking maybe a dinner? With a home made dessert, hmm?" She paused, leaving chance for the air between them to charge.
"Maybe something with strawberries? Or whipped cream?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
It was almost possible for Kaye to see the metaphorical cogs turning in Djodie’s head. The internal conflict that Kaye loved to inflict on others. It was a game Kaye reveled in—the intricate dance of uncertainty she loved to inflict on others. It brought a sly smile to her lips. Patience was a virtue Kaye had mastered, and she was willing to let the anticipation linger in the air. Crackling much like the bonfire they both sat besides. She settled into the moment, knowing that extracting an answer from Djodie might be a slow and deliberate process. The allure of the chase was undeniable, and Kaye relished every moment of it, willing to invest an entire night if necessary. After all, the journey was often more exhilarating than the destination.

Djodie's gaze remained fixed on the flames, avoiding direct eye contact with Kaye as she carefully chose her words. The gentle tapping of her fingers against the glass betrayed her inner conflict. The answer that was given however served Kaye for the perfect opportunity for even more teasing. Kaye turned back towards her companion, a sly smile creeping up her lips. ”Strawberries and whipped cream?” she reached back for her glass, her piercing gaze fixed on Djodie and locking her into her gaze. “If you want me to eat you for dessert, no need to ask so formally, darling.” And she downed the rest of the rum.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Djodie could almost feel the way Kaye was revelling by seeing her like this. To have Djodie struggling in trying to please her. Because, at the bottom line, that is what she wanted. Kaye turned to her, a smile on her face as she locked Djodie's eyes in her own.
The redhead partly hated what effect the woman had on her already. She didn't really do anything, and still, Djodie was at her feet.

'If you want me to eat you for dessert, no need to ask me so formally, darling.' Djodie's eyes widened, she lost all her ability to form words and a noticable shiver went up her legs. The girl pressed her lips together and tore her eyes free from Kaye's gaze.
All het boldness was gone, she tried to formulate something sassy, but nothing other then 'please' came up in her head. And she was sure there would be plenty of room for that word where they were heading now...

Eyes shooting in all directions, as she finally exhaled to try and release the tension, and poured back the remains of her drink. Biting her lip once more, "I would like that..." There wasn't even a hint from her boldless left. Her voice was small, tense, and left no uncertainty about how she was feeling.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
And there it was. Djodie's cheeks turned an impossible shade of crimson, a vivid manifestation of the embarrassment that washed over her. The look on her face left absolutely no doubt about the thoughts infiltrating her mind—a mix of surprise, mortification, and a hint of want. Her eyes darted in every direction, desperately seeking an escape from the spotlight that had unexpectedly shone on her. Fidgeting nervously in place as if she were trying to physically shake off the awkward moment that had unfolded before her and tried to find the words to answer her.

Kaye quietly observed her with a knowing smirk on her face, chuckling deeply as she downed the remainder of the rum. Already picturing it in her mind. Djodie’s naked skin, her tongue gliding over her skin .. The sweet taste of whipped cream mixed with the salty tang of her skin- the momentum abruptly interrupted by the insistent buzz of her work phone in her pocket, jolting her out of the moment. Kaye’s face contorted, the flush of want giving way to a flash of anger. With a swift motion, she retrieved the device and cast a glance at the absolute fool who dared to interrupt her.

A deep, trembling sigh escaped from between Kaye's lips as she carefully slid the phone back into her pocket. The anger that now burned behind her eyes was palpable. "I'm... truly sorry—" Her voice wavered, a subtle tremor attempting to restrain the fury that raged through her like an unbridled fire. "I am afraid I have to cut our evening short." she hissed, her eyes narrowing into slits as she delivered the explanation. The words carried the weight of both apology and frustration, and her gaze remained sharp, as if daring anyone to question the legitimacy of the unexpected intrusion.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
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