
The Ballad of Buck Ravers

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Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770
Viktor Vektor
With a smile he placed his phone face down on the table, the day had been slow, his usuals didn't have an appointment till later this week, so he could easily take the rest of the day off. And to spent the rest of the day with Ruìsāng was a day well spent. He kicked his little chair off the edge of his operation chair, rolling back to his table with the big television screen on it. Looking at his watch, he still had some time probably, till the kid would be here. He turned on the television, changing channels until he found a rerun of some old fights, of which he already knew the outcome, the strategies and the winnings.

Stretching his arms above his head, he kicked the chair underneath the table after standing up. That match had always been a bummer, not nearly as interesting as the real matches. He walked over to a small cooler in the corner of the room, looked inside and sighed. Closing the cooler again, he looked atop the small fridge to find the bottle he was looking for. Taking it with him, he placed it on his main table, lit a cigarette and sat down on the small chair again. There was nothing he could do now, besides waiting.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The most harrowing realisation was that they were all right.

Vince, Viktor, every single soul who whispered that his mother was a lost cause, they had hit the mark. And Ruìsāng, deep in his bones, knew the bitter truth of it. Yet, this understanding did little to quell the guilt within him. Was she not his mother? Were they not supposed to be bound by an unconditional bond? Was it her incapacity to love unconditionally, or was it he who had fallen short of being loved? Had his heart grown cold towards her because of her own failings, or was it his own inability to love that had wedged the gap?

And if, by his decision, she met her end — cast out and abandoned — would her blood forever stain his hands? How far must one go before the weight of responsibility settles squarely on their shoulders? Drag a fish from its watery home, and its death is on you. Leave a child in the cold, and the law labels you a murderer. So, what then, if you turn your back on a woman too far lost in her own destruction? Were you a monster too, or just too selfish to see past your own pain?

Amidst this turmoil, time spent with Viktor offered a rare respite. Ruìsāng’s mind was a stormy sea — thoughts of Vince, his mother, what befell Alastor, the lurking monster, and so much more swirling chaotically. He couldn’t make sense of any of it. Fragments of his story were known to some, but the full weight of it remained his burden alone, too heavy, too frightening to share.

Navigating his way inside had become second nature, a path he could tread blindfolded. Normally, he’d keep Mawile safely ensconced in her Pokéball, but with Hēixié's shadow trailing him, he’d started letting Lìeyàn roam free. He noticed a softening in her demeanour, or perhaps it was merely Hēixié's malice that cast Lìeyàn in a more favourable light.

Don’t even think about petting her, she bites,” Ruìsāng called out as he approached the man, nodding towards the dark-furred fox at his side.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
He had placed his head against the wall of his clinic, listening to the sounds all around him. This place would never be entirely silent. Not with his two pokémon roaming freely, or the water dripping in the far back where he still had to fix the leaking pipe, or the people outside that would walk across the shop, not knowing what was further down. He enjoyed it, this little place. He had called it home for so long now that it actually started to feel it again. He had moved so many times, that having a spot for himself, even if it was as ramshackle as this, was a home to him.

A smile came over his face when he noticed a particular set of footsteps coming down the stairs. He had left the gate open, not many people would dare to get inside here, not with Rogue at the entrance. He counted, one set of human footsteps, one of that pokémon that he knew the kid had, but there was something else. Very light, very fleeting. Viktor pushed himself from the wall when he heard Sang's voice. Telling him not to pet the Vulpix that was standing at his side. He had noticed that Rogue had followed the boy and his pokémon, now looking at the black fox like pokémon. "You heard him ,Rogue. Stay clear of the Vulpix." He commanded his Excadrill, who backed off and sat herself down in a corner of the clinic, sharpening her nails.

Grabbing the two glasses he had prepared, he quickly poured in the scotch and gave Sang one of the glasses. "You look you went to hell and back.." With one foot he pushed his own chair towards the boy, silently telling him to sit down, while he leaned against his table, his arms crossed over his chest and his drink between two fingers. "What happened."
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The Vulpix, Hēixié, cast an irritated glance at Ruìsāng as he issued his warning to Viktor. Thankfully, Viktor heeded the caution. Lìeyàn had always been fiercely independent, her loyalty reserved exclusively for Ruìsāng. Consequently, he often kept her confined within her Pokéball. But now, observing the Vulpix, Ruìsāng pondered if perhaps he had been too harsh in his judgement. She was obedient, after all. She leaped to his defence, never turning her fangs against him — well, not anymore, at least.

Settling into a chair nudged his way, Ruìsāng leaned back, cradling the glass of scotch in his hands. He watched the amber liquid swirl, then took a contemplative sip. The irony wasn’t lost on him — shunning an alcoholic mother, only to seek solace in a drink himself. And the deeper irony that he funded their living expenses through the sale of alcohol.

When Viktor inquired about what had happened, Ruìsāng didn’t hold back.

Mom’s vanished off the map again. I’m buried in exam prep. Got ambushed by a grandma. And there's this boy... I know I should keep him at a distance, but I can’t,” he recounted, casually summing it all together.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
And there it was, a waterfall of words of which he could only gather so much. He had asked what happened and this was not exactly a clear answer. So it looked like he had to dissect it himself, again. Taking a sip from his drink, he thought, knowing Sang he wouldn't want to talk about his mother. She was a disgrace and didn't deserve the title of human, not in his eyes at least. He had seen some despicable humans in his life, was even forced to save some of them. But that woman, she was able to get the blood from underneath his nails, and he had only seen her once or twice tops. So he decided against that.  

Exam prep, sometimes he forgot that the kid was still in school. He had even gifted him some tools to make his work easier, knowing that he could probably afford them himself. It was the sentimental thought about it. Viktor raised a brow when the boy spoke about getting ambushed by a grandma, which was the only thing that could explain the bandages, yet he wasn't sure about the how. The last part let him chuckle, he had never seen Sang this flustered talking about someone else.

"So, where do you want to start. Was it this grandma that did this to you?" Using his glass to point at the boy, at his bandages to be precise. "I thought I taught you better than that." He chuckled softly, drinking from his glass again.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
With a slight pout betraying his youth, Ruìsāng momentarily shed the mantle of responsibility that seemed permanently draped over his shoulders. Here, in this moment, he was just a young man in his early twenties, not the bearer of the a weight heavier than he could carry. This space, this company, allowed him to acknowledge his struggles without fear of judgement. He had confided in Viktor before, met not with exploitation but support, fortifying him in ways for which he would always hold a deep-seated gratitude.

Their conversation veered towards the monster. Viktor’s gaze landed on Ruìsāng’s bandages, prompting a huff of annoyance from him. “It is actually worse than it looks,” he grumbled under his breath. He knew that if Viktor caught sight of the wounds concealed beneath his shirt and bandages, he might just take it upon himself to hunt down the creature responsible.

She wasn't human. Teleported me out of reality, sprouted claws. We fought, and I managed to bite off her finger, but then she... did this,” Ruìsāng recounted, motioning vaguely at his bandaged form. “I don’t know. I don’t want to know. I’m going to kill her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
He had put the boy under his wing because he had found him standing in a back alley, punching a wall and almost breaking his hand. He had seen potential in him, someone who deserved better than the cards he had to deal with. He wanted to make sure that the boy stayed on the correct path, yet troubles seemed to be finding him wherever he was going. Viktor's blue eyes narrowed when he told him that it was actually worse than it looked like. He reminded himself that Sang was not just a patient, he was family and he couldn't just demand him to go in the chair so that he could do a check up on him. However, it might be needed, sooner of later.

"You bit her finger off?" He asked, somehow keeping his cool and drinking from his scotch. If he wanted to hear some kind of mystical story, he would ask for the girl up front. He did not expect this from Sang, not at all. He sighed softly, placing his glass on the table. He placed his hands next to him on the table, leaning on them. "How?" He only asked. He didn't question anything that he had told him thus far, but he wanted an answer, and that demand could be heard in his voice. "How are you going to kill someone like this?"
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng acknowledged Viktor’s inquiry about the finger with a nod. As Viktor probed further, wondering about the strategy for such a daunting task, Ruìsāng almost quipped a sarcastic ‘with my teeth’ before the actual question was asked.

How would he kill a monster?

A faint, almost wistful smile played on his lips as he looked up at Viktor. “We fought once, and I managed to break free with a headbutt. The second time, she trapped me with what I thought was a beast, but it was just this little one,” he gestured towards the Vulpix.

She’s got fire in her. I saw the monster’s hands, charred. Tested the little one in the fighting rings — she’s got enough fire to incinerate a house, if needed,” he said with a nod. He left unsaid the fact that such a blaze might consume him as well; he had already resigned himself to the notion that this inevitable showdown with the grandmother would end decisively, one way or another.

I’ve gotten the better of her twice. There’s not much else to do but brace for a final confrontation. Next time, it has to end for good,” he shrugged, a sense of fatalism in his tone. Evading her was futile; he could feel the curse tugging at his chest, an insidious call to return to its origin.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
He listened to the story that Sang spun together, a plan so ridiculous that it might actually work. He chuckled softly at that realisation, picking up his glass again to take a sip. Slowly he nodded, letting the plan go through his head once more. It seemed that Sang’s life had become a lot more interesting since the last time they had spoken and he was, in a weird way, happy about that. That boy deserved so much more, so much better. However, he had to admit that this grandma story wasn’t exactly what he had in mind for him. ”That might work.” He agreed slowly. ”Use whatever knowledge you got from her against her.” He heaved his glass in acknowledgment. ”Don’t die before her and run if it gets too warm under your feet, remember that, Sang.”

While he had the feeling that the boy wasn’t  entirely telling the truth agains him, he wasn’t going to push this topic much further. As he noticed the annoyance and anger boil underneath his skin. So, Viktor decided to drop the subject for now, switching to hopefully a more lighter thing to talk about. ”How’s the exam prep going? How long do you still have?” He knew the studies that Sang was doing, silently laughing at him for taking an easier subject than he had done in his youth. Medicine wasn’t for everyone after all, but he had seen Sang glow and grow in his studied, so he hoped that he could bring it to a good ending.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Viktor suggested utilising whatever insights Ruìsāng had against the monster. Ruìsāng nodded in agreement, though a creeping sense of dread tightened around his heart, almost as if the curse itself sneered at the idea of triumph. Was surrendering his only path? No, he refused to yield so easily. He would fight, even against the odds.

Viktor’s words of caution — not to fall before his nemesis — were met with a faint, somewhat distant “Yeah,” from Ruìsāng, his affirmation more reflexive than convinced. His later words, however, fell upon deaf man’s ears.

When the conversation shifted to his academics, Ruìsāng confirmed, “My grades are holding up. I’m chipping away at it bit by bit. It’s only a few weeks away.” His life was a juggling act — balancing the demands of caring for his mother, work, social commitments, and academics. Unlike those who could cram at the eleventh hour, Ruìsāng’s schedule demanded a steady, consistent effort. Learning never came effortlessly to him; it required dedication and hard work, but he was doing well enough.

I’ve been thinking of talking to Chief about working full-time after this academic year ends. Maybe take a break before deciding on pursuing my master’s,” he shared. Chief, another pivotal figure in his lifeg, had been his mentor in language, culture, and bartending. A kind soul, though not as deeply entwined in Ruìsāng’s personal struggles as Viktor, he was nonetheless someone Ruìsāng respected and appreciated.

Behind this contemplation, however, lay an unspoken truth: the overwhelming strain of managing work, university, and his mother’s care was reaching a breaking point. Pausing his studies might be his only respite, a chance to catch his breath financially and emotionally.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
His warning mostly fell on deaf ears and Viktor wasn't sure what to think of that. Something was worrying the boy and he couldn't get to the bottom of it. But he knew that he could take good care of himself, even with him pulling all the short straws. He couldn't be more proud of what he had accomplished already.

He shifted the conversation, making sure that they wouldn't linger too long on something that would end up getting annoying or agitating. So he asked about how his studies were going and if he was good enough prepared for the exam season. Academics had changed a lot since he had been in university, and that was in a whole other region where they put way more pressure on prestige than they did here. Which meant that he was always interested in how Sang was holding up and how much it differ from what he was used to.

"Good to hear." He said with a smile, finishing his drink. His hand hung above the bottle, contemplating if he should pour himself another one. He still had some work to do after this visit, depending how long Sang would stay. Did he care about that, thought? He picked up the bottle, pouring himself another drink, a bit more this time and held it up to Sang, is he wanted to refill he was welcome to. "Maybe it's better for you to take a sabbatical, mentally and physically." His gaze lingering on the bandages of the boy. It still didn't sit right with him. "But at least you have something to work towards, a place to start after school. That's good." A smile on his face, while he placed the glass on the table.

"So, what's about this boy."
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Viktor’s suggestion of a sabbatical elicited a scoff from Ruìsāng. “Paying bills doesn’t take a break, and it’s not like home’s any refuge,” he retorted. He wrinkled his nose in distaste. “She’s been dragging strangers home whenever she can stand straight. When she can’t, her wailing keeps me up through the night. I can’t remember the last time I slept properly,” he sighed heavily. “Working’s the lesser evil compared to that circus,” he concluded, frustration evident. The constant drain on his money caused by his mother's habits left him with limited options.

As the conversation shifted to Vince, Ruìsāng’s jaw tightened. “I’m not sure,” he confessed. “He’s... genuinely good. The type who’d lend a hand without a second thought for himself,” Ruìsāng explained, his words measured, as if each one was carefully extracted from a deeper, vulnerable place within him.

We started talking by chance. Things... happened, and I ended up getting closer than I intended. I’m not sure if I should have,” he said, his voice trailing off. Struggling to articulate his feelings and thoughts.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
Viktor chuckled softly when Sang started about that paying bills didn't take a break."I meant from school, not from work. Get some more experience, give yourself some time to get away from the academic stress." Sipping from his drink, he reminded himself about his own stress at university. The late nights, the all nighters, the stress before a practicum. He had done and seen it all, within the eleven years he had spent studying. "See if you can go work full time, or spend some time here. I can always use an extra hand, you know that." He offered with a soft laugh in his voice.

Listening intently, he could almost hear the wavering in Sang's voice, he was uncertain about things. As if he was ready to disappear again and leave the trouble at the front door. "And you're not." He spoke, casually, when the boy explained that the other one was one to help whenever it was needed, disregarding his own life. "He sounds like a good boy." Viktor agreed, placing his drink on the table, grabbing his pack of cigarettes and lighting one.

"And what is it that you're afraid of?" He asked, blowing the smoke out and watching it raise to the ceiling. His blue eyes focused on the boy in front of him.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Viktor's clarification about a sabbatical specifically from school led Ruìsāng to a slow, contemplative nod. The notion of quitting, of not striving for the top, felt like an admission of defeat, yet he couldn't deny the allure of a reprieve. School had never truly been his calling, and the prospect of some breathing room was undeniably appealing. “My current job would jump at the chance to have me on more hours,” he acknowledged. Still, the idea of working at Chief’s place, a quieter environment, was tempting. The simple routine of serving coffee to regulars seemed like a peaceful alternative to his current chaos. If only the monster could be left in the past.

When Viktor probed into the roots of his fears, Ruìsāng’s response was a blend of scoff and resignation. “I am my parents’ child — I weave lies like my mother and carry grudges like my father. He doesn’t need the burden of my demons, and I don’t know how to shoulder his,” he admitted, his tone carrying the weight of an unchallengeable truth.

I’ve always had a talent for destruction, for breaking things. But preserving something precious? That’s never been in my nature.” He had accepted his nature, his propensity for destruction, as an immutable fact of his being. That is, until he encountered something, or someone, he desperately wanted to protect and keep intact.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
"Then take it." He suggested when Sang said that his work would jump on every opportunity to give him more hours. "You're always welcome here if you want a change of pace." He smiled softly. It had been a bummer that Sang had never showed any interest in what he was going, but he would not force the kid to do something his heart wasn't into. He had to follow his own interest and do whatever he wanted to do. And Viktor knew that he would make a pretty good chef, one day.

He had been hitting a sour patch when he had asked about the boy. But he knew that if Sang was stuck with something, he had to force it out of him. Otherwise he would hold up the problems and explode when someone less suitable was around. "You are your parents' child, you are not your parents." He said casually, setting the drink at the side and letting his eyes glance over the boy. "Neither of your need to shoulder each others' demons. Let it ease in beforehand. See if the two of you are compatible together." Look at him, a middle aged man, giving advise as if he ever had been in a serious relationship before.

"Let him guide you." He followed up. "Can't change your nature, but you can learn from your mistakes." He had always been destructive himself as well, he knew how Sang was feeling at this moment. But he wouldn't let him end up like he had done before. "And if he's willing to deal with your destructiveness, let him be. Just don't break him, break the world around him."
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Viktor’s assurance that he was always welcome brought a nod from Ruìsāng. There was a challenge in feeling at ease in any space, given his uneasy relationship with the concept of ‘home’. Yet, deep down, he recognised this place as a sanctuary, a rare haven. “Thank you,” he responded, his gratitude genuine.

Viktor’s acknowledgment of Ruìsāng’s struggles — without sugar coating or outright denial — was oddly comforting. It was a stark contrast to the well-intentioned but sometimes misguided attempts of others, like Vince and Ming, to alleviate his self-doubt. Ruìsāng was acutely aware of his own nature; affection and perception from others didn’t alter the core of who he was. He understood that one's inherent traits remained unchanged despite external perceptions. Loving a gargoyle didn’t strip away its stone, and all.

Viktor’s advice struck a chord. He didn’t suggest a change in Ruìsāng’s inherent nature, but rather an opportunity to learn from his past and possibly allow Vince to help navigate his complexities. The idea that Vince might willingly choose to engage with his destructive tendencies was a novel, yet seemingly logical perspective. “I won’t,” Ruìsāng affirmed softly, when Viktor cautioned against breaking the boy. This advice offered a semblance of comfort, a new viewpoint.

Seeking a shift in the conversation, Ruìsāng did what he did best: being a little shit.

I’m not sure if I should be taking advice from a middle-aged single man,” he remarked with a solemn nod, yet his hand was already positioned for a quick escape, anticipating the need for a swift dodge, just in case.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
He only nodded when he got thanked for offering his place to the boy in front of him. He was the least he could do for someone in need of guidance. The same was with Simura upstairs. He didn't have to pay her for using up her basement, but it made him feel better, as if he wasn't a leech on her business.

He smiled when Sang told him that he wouldn't break the boy, but instead break the world around him. It was probably what he needed right now. Sang needed someone who could guide his anger, not work against it. If this boy was capable of caring for him, even with his destructive nature, there was a future for them. As long as there was something that he could react his anger towards.

Viktor laughed when Sang remarked that he probably shouldn't take advice from a middle aged man. "Probably, but I don't think there is any better advice for you out there." He looked at the liquid in his glass, drinking some more from it and letting it swirl around. Placing the glass on the table, he hesitated for just a moment, before reaching to the bottle and refilling it. "Tell me more about this boy. Do you think he will be good for you?" He would lie to think that it has sparked his curiosity. Sang wasn't someone that would easily care for another human being, so if someone piqued his interest, Viktor had every right wanting to know about this kid.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
In the wake of Viktor’s words, Ruìsāng scoffed lightly, a cynical chuckle escaping his lips. “Ain’t that the truth,” he muttered, his tone laced with a mix of irony and resignation. The line between monster and victim in his life was blurred — perhaps they weren’t mutually exclusive. It was a thought that lingered in the back of his mind, an unspoken struggle between his own actions and the circumstances thrust upon him.

Ruìsāng’s gaze settled on his scarcely touched glass, his mind seemingly elsewhere, uninterested in the drink before him. When Viktor brought up Vince and whether he would be good for Ruìsāng, a frown creased his brow.

I think he’s the kind to lose himself in caring for others,” he confessed, acknowledging Vince's selfless nature. On the surface, the answer seemed straightforward — yes, Vince could be good for him. But the complexity of his life painted a different picture. “It’s just... with my mom and everything else—” he sighed, his expression one of weary resignation. He shrugged, as if trying to dislodge the weight of his thoughts. “If she wasn’t around, if I didn’t have to work so much just to keep us afloat... if I could sort out this whole mess... then, maybe,” he mused, his voice trailing off.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
Viktor let his eyes rest on the boy, wondering what was going on inside that head. Why he was beating himself up so much. Taking another sip of his drink, he knew that this had to be his last one. He still had work to do later tonight, and he might need a steady hand for that.

"You think he will lose himself in caring for you?" He asked, looking at the liquid in his glass. He placed the glass on the table, took a drag from the cigarette still burning between his fingers and tapped the ash on the floor. He blew the smoke out through his nose, sighing softly. "I'd almost recommend the two of you to go away. Take a vacation, have fun together, stop worrying for a moment." A soft chuckle escaped him. "But I know you wouldn't. Deep down you care for that shitbag of a woman calling herself your mother. Even if you would get thrown the perfect opportunity to get rid of her, you wouldn't take it." He leaned back, letting the cigarette slowly burn up between his lips. He sighed and went through his greying hair with his hand. "You can't cling to what is destroying you, Sang. I've told you that before, one day you have to let it go."  
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
No, I wouldn’t let him. And that path wouldn’t bode well for either of us,” Ruìsāng firmly stated in response to Viktor’s musings about Vince losing himself in caring for him. He had a clear understanding of Vince’s character — determined, unwilling to back down if he believed it was the right thing. The memory of how challenging it was to dissuade Vince from coming to the warehouse lingered vividly in his mind.

A faint smile touched Ruìsāng’s lips at Viktor’s suggestion of a vacation, a wistful glimmer in his eyes. Perhaps, he mused, if circumstances were different — if his mother’s presence ceased to be a factor, if the monster left him in peace — then maybe, just maybe, he and Vince could find a respite together. A brief escape from the relentless demands of life, something he had only ever experienced with Alastor.

Shitbag. Get rid of her. What is destroying me,” he echoed Viktor’s words. “But she’s my mother. I’m bound by duty to care for her, like she did for me when I was small. I can’t say for sure what changed during the time I was away. She wasn’t always this way,” he reasoned. “At least, I don’t think she was.” Doubt crept into his voice, casting a shadow over his childhood memories. The more he delved into the recesses of his past, the more he questioned the reliability of his recollections. The same troubling realisation surfaced repeatedly: his mother had never truly defended herself, and crucially, she had never shielded him either.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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