
The Ballad of Buck Ravers

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Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
He nodded. "That's good. Keep him close, he sounds like a good one for you." He chuckled softly. He genuinely thought so, as this boy seemed to be the anchor that Sang was desperately in need for. Taking the last drag from the cigarette, he put it out on the table and shot the but in a trashcan in the corner. Letting the smoke escape from the corners of his mouth, he let his gaze shimmer on the boy, lost in thoughts for a moment.

Sang echoed his words, disdain within them. He wondered how much truth was in their and how hard he wishes for the fact to be truth. He blinked a few times, sighed softly and pushed himself of the table. "You know how I think bout your mother, Sang, and this duty you  think you have to her." He shrugged, walking up to him and placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "It was good talking to you again, kiddo. We should do this more often." He smiled, softly squishing his shoulder. "Sadly, I have to cut this visit short. I still have some work to do tonight and you have some things to think about, I reckon." Casually walking towards the gate, he leaned against the wall. "Keep me posted, understand. And keep that boy close."
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Contrary to his expectations, Viktor didn't advocate for distance between Ruìsāng and Vince; rather, he suggested keeping him close. Ruìsāng’s gaze dropped, a slow nod acknowledging the advice. Here, in this sanctuary, he could confess his desire to hold onto Vince, despite the (il)logical part of his mind screaming for separation. It seemed absurd now, the idea of pushing Vince away, when everything within him gravitated towards keeping him near.

Viktor’s candid thoughts on Ruìsāng’s mother prompted a heavy sigh. There was no rebuttal, no fiery defence to offer. He longed to counter Viktor, to defend his mother against any criticism, yet the words wouldn’t come. He knew, deep down, that Viktor was right. His resistance to accepting this reality came from a twisted sense of loyalty.

Their conversation drew to a close, and Ruìsāng offered his gratitude. “Thanks for putting up with me, Shīfù,” he said. The term ‘Shīfù’ held a nuanced meaning for Ruìsāng — while it primarily signified ‘master’ or ‘teacher’, the potential interpretation of ‘father’ in its composition was not lost on him. In their unique bond, this nickname felt appropriate.

Viktor’s parting words, to keep Viktor informed and Vince close, elicited a chuckle from Ruìsāng. “I’ll make sure you get an invite to the wedding, old man,” he quipped lightheartedly. Stepping out the door, he knew he did have a lot to think about.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay