
[M] What a mess

2 posters
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

After the reading Simmy had given her, Djodie had needed some time to think. Because how was it possible that a stranger, that didn't know her situation, was able to give her such descriptions?

She hadn't want to worry Kaye, so she had just given the loss of her job as an explaination for when the woman had texted her.
After leaving her on read for three days.

But it could have been just a coincedence, right? Just an odd timing of the cards she had picked. Surely, that was the explaination. Kaye did the best she could. Because here they were, and Kaye was the one that had asked for them to meet.
She was trying.

Djodie was just trying to force her hair into a bun, when she heared the doorbell ring. Shit - shit. She let her hair go - which surely was a mess now - and ran over to the door.
"Sorry," she stumbled as she opened the door. "I lost track of time." Her hair a mess, her make-up just half done, luckily she was dressed nice.
Duster got up from the couch and walked over to her, growling as he walked, until he noticed the woman. He gave her a slightly annoyed look and turned around to lay on the couch again.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
With two bottles of champagne securely tucked under her arm, and a tiny giftbox in the other, Kaye gracefully emerged from the Uber, seemingly unfazed by the driver's disapproving gaze. She looked forward to seeing the redhead alone again. Ignoring the judgmental glances, she confidently crossed the street, her anticipation building with each step as she ascended the stairs to Djodie's apartment. The prospect of meeting the redhead alone, under vastly improved circumstances from their last encounter that brought her here, filled Kaye with a sense of excitement.

This time, Djodie didn't need rescuing, and the hope for a genuinely enjoyable and uneventful night fueled Kaye's mood. She hadn't firmly decided on the direction she wanted the evening to take, but a subtle expectation lingered—that with a bit of alcohol, Djodie might lean towards a more intimate atmosphere.

The thought brought a sly smirk to Kaye's lips as she approached Djodie's door.

She half expected the redhead to be all over her within no time. She wanted to say it usually didn’t take a drop of alcohol, but now that she stopped to think about it, the only time they had not shared any alcohol, they had spent their time in enjoyable company. Kaye had left and both their clothes had stayed on.

Well, the night was young.

With a confident press of the doorbell, she stood there, bottles and gift in hand, eagerly awaiting the redhead's response. After a few pregnant pauses, the door swung open. Djodie appeared in the doorway with an urgency to her demeanor. Kaye swallowed the urge to make a teasing remark about it, opting to lean forward and brush a stray hair from Djodie’s face. A gentle smile accompanied her reassurance, “No worries, my dear.” Now for the next problem .. ”Can I come in?”  The question was more directed at the Lycanroc, her gaze subtly shifted to the imposing figure of the Lycanroc growling protectively behind her. Kaye hadn't disclosed to Djodie the near miss with the creature. Opting to keep that information to herself, lest it would lead to unwanted questions why he had been so aggresive towards her.  Her hands were literally full, clutching the bottles of champagne and the delicate gift. If the Lycanroc decided to make a move, the potential for disaster loomed over the precious cargo.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Everything stopped as her eyes fell on the woman on her doorstep. Her doubts about that reading, her doubts regarding those phonecalls. She dismissed it all. Whatever it was, surely wasn't worth her worry. Kaye leaned in and brushed a stray lock of hair away. Djodie smiled shyly and lowered her eyes.
As the woman asked if she could come in, Djodie turned her head towards the Lycanrock. While it had come to check as she had opened the door, he had now turned around and jumped on one end of the couch again.
"Yes, ofcourse. He'll be fine." She turned back to Kaye. "Please come in."

As she closed the door behind the woman, Djodie only now noticed what she carried with her, and - oh. What she was wearing. Oh my. Djodie tore her thoughts away, and tapped on the table as a hint that Kaye could place the bottles there if she liked. She surely had plans for them, bringing two bottles of champagne.
"I though you didn't like champagne?" She remembered from the bonfire. But maybe this was better quality champagne? Djodie had to admit that it was not in her alley, as she normally would drink something sweeter.

"How have you been?" She now realised that they were still standing in her kitchen - shouldn't she ask Kaye to sit down with her?
How did this all work?

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
A shy smile painted across Djodie’s features, that familiar red hue faintly visible while she cast down her eyes. The delicate gesture sent a subtle spark through Kaye, reigniting that familiar feeling between them. In that moment, the unspoken connection lingered in the air, wrapped in the gentle exchange of glances and the soft curl of Djodie's smile.

Djodie cast a glance over her shoulder towards her Lycanroc. Kaye saw it retreating back towards the living area and while she harbored reservations about the creature roaming freely, she would take every small victory with him she could get. She stepped inside at the invitation of her companion, enveloped herself in the warmth and cosyness that was Djodie’s apartment as the door shut behind her. As Kaye shed her coat, revealing the outfit underneath, she noticed Djodie's eyes wandering, prompting the sly smile from earlier to play briefly across her lips. With a careful awareness, she kept Duster within her peripheral vision, standing in a way that allowed her to discreetly observe him.  

The champagne bottles found their place on the dining table, but the small gift box disappeared in her pocket with the idea to give it to her later at a more opportune moment. “I don’t. However, I like to make an exception for the more .. exorbitant variants.” she declared, a discreet way of expressing her preference for quality over the mundane. The fancy phrase served as a subtle declaration that, in Kaye's book, the cheap variants were simply not worth the indulgence. “I’ve been well. Thank you. However, I dare say I have been better than you. How are you holding up?” she asked this with a fair hint of concern laced in her voice, hinting at the text Djodie had sent her yesterday informing her about her losing her job. She moved a bit closer at this question as she gazed down at the redhead.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Kaye walked in and shook off her coat, and Djodie noticed she still held Duster within her line of sight. Maybe she didn't really trust him, which was fair, considering he had tried to bite her.

Kaye expressed that she mostly didn't like champagne, but indeed made an exception for some variants. As the woman asked her how she was holding up, Djodie had to stop herself from dismissing the question in a sarcastic way.
Kaye would see right through it anyway, she didn't have to put up a show. "Well it certainly was unexpected." she sighed. "Okay, it sucks. It really does. I have some savings - it will be fine for a short period of time. But I really loved my work." She pressed her lips together, then extended her hand out towards the living room.
"Please, let's have a seat."

As she walked on, Duster remained perfectly comfortable on his spot. "I know you're obviously not afraid of anything; but I can beam him in the ball if you're more comfortable? A small challange lay under her words and an innocent smile painted her face.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye looked down at Djodie with an apologetic look on her face as she listened how Djodie explained her struggles. She accompanied her towards the living room where the Lycanroc still held a dominathe pokémon appeared to merely “tolerate” her, a fact Kaye perceived with thinly veiled disdain,

Despite the creature's forbidding stance, Kaye harbored a certainty that any move towards Djodie, even something as innocent as sitting beside her, would trigger the Lycanroc's aggression. The pokémon the one obstacle that sat between her and the woman she longed to take in her arms. She had never told Djodie that Duster had attempted to bite her when he was still a Rockruff and wondered just how aware Djodie was how much her companion mistrusted her. He had witnessed everything she had done to the man with the snake tattoo .. and those kinds of pokémon remembered.

Kaye’s gaze snapped down at Djodie’s words, who was now looking up at her with feigned innocence. The grim woman’s eyes narrowed. “No.” she said slowly with slight irritation in her voice. She did not look the Lycanroc in the eye directly, opting to gaze at spot past him whenever she wanted to keep an eye on him. Direct eye contact was one of the worst things she could do in this situation. He would perceive it as a challenge and she’d rather not have him take a chunk out of her leg for real. Commanding him would not work either. He was  the kind of block headed dog that would scoff at her attempt to command him. No, he’d only listen to Djodie.

So she did the only thing she could do in this situation. Kaye’s hand went to her back pocket and she produced a small but strong smelling treat she used to train her Glaceon. She made them herself and while the cat pokémon was the only pokémon she was currently training, she had often used it on others as well.

Kaye held her distance as she held up the treat. She assumed a non threatening stance, putting one hand in her pocket and letting her shoulders slump as she regarded him through eyes that could almost pass for bored. In her pocket, she had a firm grip on Bishop’s pokeball. She threw the treat on the floor in between both of them and retrieved a second, holding it up again for him to see before lowering it towards the ground. This one she did not drop, huncing over slightly but never bending so she remained standing tall. “Truce?” she asked him calmly.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
Kaye shot her an apologetic look as the redhead told the woman about the way she was feeling. It sucked. Djodie had really loved her quiet mornings at the coffee shop. The daily conversations with the regulars. She had even seen people grow during her time, people getting in relations, getting promoted on their jobs. It made her life more interesting, helped to keep her grounded. There were a lot of people who had vented to her.
People trusted her. Came to her, appreciated her.

As they went to sit down, Djodie noticed that both Kaye and Duster kept their eyes on each other. Djodie asked the woman if she needed to beam him back, but Kaye declined slightly irritated. It threw Djodie off a bit, so she silently just watched the woman reach into her pocket and collecting a treat from it.
Duster lifted his head, following her movement as she threw the treat in his direction. He got up, growled shortly but went to eat the treat after he sniffed it thoroughly. His tail seemed to relax a bit more, his eyes growing more soft as he stepped towards her. Still cautiously, occassionally lifting his lips to growl at her. For a moment Djodie feared he would indeed bite her. But then he seemed to calm down, gently got the treat from out of her hands, then turned around to lay down in one of the corners. Djodie exhaled, relieved.

"For a moment there I thought he was gonna get you." Djodie said. She leaned back on the couch, more relaxed now. Noticing the desire inside her to just nestle herself to Kaye, lay down and finally relax again. She just didn't knew if she could...
Figeting, she sat there for a few seconds before pushing away her worries and leaning in to nestle herself next to the woman. "I'm happy you're here," she said softly.
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
The tension in the room remained palpable, and Kaye could feel Duster's watchful eyes on her. He was not the first pokémon to regard her like that and it brought her back to the early days with her shiny Garchomp. Once he evolved he had quickly become too much to handle and that had nearly cost her dearly. In the end ..  it had cost both of them. He had paid the ultimate price.

Kaye pushed away the memory and focused back on the Lycanroc. The air seemed to have thickened when she had thrown the treat in his direction. His head liften, sharp eyes tracking the trajectory of the treat that had landed on the floor with a barely audible thud. A short growl escaped him before he cautiously approached, sniffing the treat with calculated suspicion. Kaye kept still as she observed him through careful eyes.

To her relief, Duster's tail relaxed a bit, and his eyes softened as he stepped tentatively towards her. Still, there were occasional lifts of his lips, accompanied by low growls, keeping Kaye on edge and signaling that he could very well decide to take a small bite if she were to make a single wrong move. The threat of a bite lingered in the air, and for a moment Kaye thought that Djodie’s fear would be well founded.

But then, as if sensing the tentative truce, Duster calmed down. He gently took the treat from Kaye's hands, his demeanor shifting from hostility to a more docile acceptance. With a final turn, he retreated to a corner, laying down.

As Kaye observed Duster settling, she couldn't help but acknowledge the delicate balance she had just navigated. The unspoken understanding between them lingered, offering a glimmer of hope for a more relaxed evening. She turned back towards Djodie with a satisfied, albeit smug look on her face. She liked showing off ..

Kaye finally took a seat next to the redhead now that the couch was no longer occupied by her hungry pet. She took up a relaxed position, with one arm lingering over the back of the couch much like she had done during their first meeting in the Golden Eye. The memories of that day came flooding back. How she had waited until the last moment to touch her .. lingering touches here and there until Djodie had finally settled closer in next to her.

This time, however, it  seemed that not much teasing was necessary. She noticed Djodie’s fidgeting, but opted to not yet take over. Hoping .. wanting her to make the first move. After a few more moments of hesitation, the couch dipped slightly as Djodie scooted across the soft fabric and nestled against Kaye’s side. Her chest swelled up and a warm feeling ignited in her chest. Her arm moved almost automatically as she curled it around the smaller woman next to her and pulled her closer against her. Kaye pressed her cheek against the top of Djodie’s head, words lingering on her tongue. I missed you, she thought. A silent answer to Djodie’s words. Words she probably never wanted to utter out loud and yet yearned to utter out loud. A long sigh escaped her as she sat like that. Enjoying the flowery smell of Djodie’s hair and her smaller body pressed against her taller, more muscular one. A perfect fit one could almost say. A few silent moments passed as she sat like that, eyes fallen shut. Until she opened them again to gaze at the bottles of champagne still standing on the table.

“A shame they are so far out of reach, for I am finding it increasingly difficult to allow you to slip out of my arms.” Kaye whispered in a husky voice, eyeing the bottles with content longing.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
There came no answer, but Djodie hadn't really expected any. No verbal answer, that was. However the woman wrapped her arm around Djodie and the redhead thankfully layed her hands around the woman's wrist while the leaned to her body. Feeling Kaye's cheek on her head and the girl smiled as she closed her eyes for a second and exhaled.

For a few moments they just lay there on the couch, Djodie's upper body was moving with every breath Kaye took, and the girl could almost hear the heartbeat in her ear. She closed her eyes as she reajusted herself and waved her fingers through those of Kaye. She kept her eyes closed untill she heared the woman's voice again.

Djodie opened her eyes, followed the woman's gaze to the table - ah, the champagne.
"Is that so?" Djodie smiled as she turned to the woman. She didn't even want to let her go, but leaving those bottles on the table would be a waste. Djodie pushed herself up with one arm. With two fingers of her other hand she softly asked Kaye's cheek to turn towards her, then kissed her softly. Her hand wandered to Kaye's neck, softly caressing the skin, before she broke the kiss, and made an attempt to get up from the couch to get the champagne.
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
What followed was a moment of absolute bliss. Reprieved from the entire world as she held Djodie in her arms and felt her nestle closer against her. Their hands intertwined as Djodie’s head rested on Kaye’s chest. As Djodie adjusted her position, Kaye’s hold on her side grew stronger. Pulling her impossibly close as if she wanted the redhead all to herself.

Kaye's attention lingered on the table, where the bottles of champagne awaited their moment. Djodie's smile caught her gaze as she opened her eyes, redirecting her focus to the redhead.

"Is that so?" Djodie's words were accompanied by a warm smile, one that Kaye had grown fond of. The taller woman felt a gentle pressure on her cheek as Djodie used two fingers to guide her face towards her. The soft kiss that followed was tender and unhurried, a momentary escape from the outside world. Djodie's hand traced the curve of Kaye's neck, leaving a lingering sensation on her skin. Kaye’s eyes fluttered open again when she felt Djodie attempting to pull away to retrieve said champagne. Much too soon for her liking.

In response Kaye curled both her arms around her, tightening her hold around her. She leaned down to press an open mouthed kiss right under her ear, followed by a second one a bit lower. Pacing herself to go as slow as possible to drive her victim crazy. Lower .. and lower .. trailing a path all the way down to the hollow of her throat where she pressed one final kiss. Not yet dipping lower.

“Now you may go.” she murmured against her skin before she pulled away and released her hold on her with a mischievous smirk. Leaning back to assume her earlier comfortable position of both arms resting beside her on the head of the couch and crossing her leg over the other. An example of confidence as if she hadn’t just turned their innocent moment into something that could have easily led to something else. “Now.” Kaye added with a little shake of her head towards the table. Eyes lingering on the spot just above the valley of Djodie's breasts were an obvious mark of her lipstick rested on full display.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
[quote="Djodie Archeron"]
As she attempted to pull away, Kaye pulled her in closer, not allowing her to go just yet. Djodie's eyes widened in surprise for a moment, before she tilted her head up to give Kaye access to her neck. The woman kissed her right under her ear, and Djodie's breath sped up as the woman trailed down her throat.
She couldn't help it, but a soft moan escaped her already. Kaye drove her up with kisses placed just under one another, slowly making her way down until she reached the hollow in her throat. She placed one final kiss, pulled back and let Djodie free. A gasp left the redhead mouth, as she tried to get her mind to calm down.
'Now.' Djodie almost shot up at the command, trying to keep a slow, relaxed pace as she walked over to the kitchen table, grabbed two glasses and the bottles of champagne.

She walked back to Kaye, set the bottles on the table and opened one. Djodie turned to the table, her back to Kaye as she slightly bended over to pour in the drinks. She placed the bottle down, turned around with the two glasses in her hand, placed a knee next to Kaye's legs and with a small push from the ground she went to sit on Kaye's lap, facing her.

She handed the woman a glass, took a sip of her own and let a finger slide softly over the woman's jaw. Part of her was curious to see if she could provoke the woman like she did her. Another part already knew that would end with herself begging Kaye for kisses or touch.
Maybe that was why she was curious.
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
With hurried movements Djodie came into motion at Kaye’s command. It earned her an approving smirk as she watched her go. Hips swaying as she retrieved the bottles of champagne and the glasses. The heat that danced under Kaye’s skin wasn’t quite settling down however. A feeling that got noted by the grey haired woman who made the mental note to perhaps throw caution and common sense over board and ravage her as soon as she got her hands on her. It had been too long .. and yet the promise of going slower and adjusting to Djodie’s pace was one she planned to keep. However difficult that would turn out to be .. Kaye began to find it increasingly difficult to keep her hands off the redhead when they were together.

Kaye observed Djodie's graceful movements as she walked back, carrying the bottles of champagne. The sound of the bottle popping open echoed in the room, and Djodie turned her back to Kaye to pour the drinks. As she slightly bent over the table, Kaye's gaze couldn't help but appreciate the curve of her figure. Djodie placed the bottle down, turning around with two glasses in hand. Kaye's breath caught as Djodie knelt next to her legs, and with a small push, she smoothly settled onto Kaye's lap, facing her.

Djodie offered her a glass that she accepted, following it up by taking a sip. A movement that Kaye mirrored. The liquid went down easy. A dry but pleasant blend. Djodie’s hand moved up to let her fingers wander over Kaye’s jaw. The touch was gentle but deliberate. Eyes began to flutter shut as she enjoyed the touch. Stirring up a curious mix of feelings that were at war within her. The one that craved her touch wanted to succumb to the provocative gesture and throw all common sense in the wind. Another part, wary of losing control, resisted the pull.

As her eyes opened again, focussing on the redhead that was settled on her lap, she threw back the entire glass of champagne and set it aside on the armrest of the couch. Her hands settled on Djodie's hips. Adoration flooding her veins at the thought that Djodie felt comfortable enough to push her boundaries with her and boldy take what she wanted.

One thing was certain. She wanted to see more of this bold side of her.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
Gods. Kaye picked the glass over from Djodie, and followed her into taking a sip. Djodie had to admit that she did not have enough focus to recognise the taste or see if she liked it or not. Her focus was completely on Kaye and there was no room for anything else.

As Djodie softly let her fingers linger over the woman's jaws, Kaye closed her eyes. Djodie felt a warmth wash over her, seeing what she was able to do to the woman. Shortly after, Kaye met her gaze again and the woman thre back the entire glass of champagne back. For a moment Djodie looked at her with widened eyes, before taking another sip and softly placing her lips just below Kaye's jaw.
Softly she sucked the skin in her neck, her hand lingering on her shoulders. Djodie pulled back for a second, hindered by the glass in her hand. Without thinking, she shot the liquid back as well - something she surely would regret later. She placed the glass away, and let one hand trace the tattoo's on Kaye's shoulders, that were peeking through her shirt.
Gods... Djodie held her breath back as her fingers slowly decended down on the tattoo's, now lingering between the woman's breasts. Oh God.

The girl let her hand linger there, as she leaned in again and kissed the skin beneath Kaye's jaw more eagerly now, slowly trailing down her neck, onto her collarbone.
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
The intent to keep both hands free for whatever was to come next was met with a widened stare from Djodie, who took a modest sip and began to lean in to place a soft kiss on Kaye’s jaw. Lips trailed down to place one a little lower, slightly sucking the skin as fingers roamed over her shoulder. This prompted Kaye to let out an appreciative hum.

Maintaining composure took a considerable effort, and Kaye consciously left her hands resting on the head of the couch. She relished the illusion of being in total control, allowing the anticipation to linger in the air. Yet, the facade of composure was a delicate balance. Djodie's touch had a way of unraveling even the most carefully crafted restraint. The temptation to let her hands explore, to give in to the magnetic pull between them, lingered beneath the surface. It was only a matter of time before the carefully constructed composure would begin to crack, revealing the raw, unbridled desire that simmered just beneath the surface.

Just then, as the thought of giving in lingered in her mind, Djodie’s hand ventured. Traced the tattoo’s that peeked through the fabric of her shirt. The gentle exploration ignited a subtle spark, sending a tingling sensation across her skin as her heart rate began to increase in speed. Kaye let her own hand fall to the crook of Djodie’s hip, the other coming to rest on her upper back began to trace absentminded patterns over the fabric.

A light hum escaped her as her pale eyes fluttered shut in contentment. Hand lingering on her tattooed shoulder as the redhead leaned in to place an eager kiss beneath her jaw. Her lips began to trail down a sure path down to her neck, mapping a path onto her collarbone that made Kaye’s hand slide up to find purchase at the base of Djodie’s neck. Not squeezing, but holding for the support she needed in that moment. Kaye’s fingers hooked under Djodie’s chin just as she had began to venture even lower, opting to lift her head back up so Kaye could claim another kiss. Her free arm pulling her closer for another embrace. Pulling the smaller woman against herself as her finger stayed hooked under Djodie’s chin to tilt it up for a second kiss. “That felt so good, baby,” she whispered in Djodie’s ear, voice thick with want. She pressed another kiss to the shell of her ear. Not missing how her own chest had began to rise with certain intensity. Fingers stroking Djodie’s cheek in an affectionate gesture. “ .. so good ..”

Kaye’s eyes fell on the bottle of champagne that stood near the edge of the table as if it was calling out to them. She absolutely did not want to let go of the redhead, nor see her leave her lap. She was in firm agreement that letting her off her lap would be the biggest mistake known to man. So, she curled one arm firm around Djodie’s waist. Untangled her hand from underneath Djodie’s chin and reached forward to pour the champagne into both glasses. All the while she held a firm grip on her catch. Strong muscles in perfect balance as she set the bottle down again and handed Djodie her glass back, before leaning back against the plush pillows on the couch.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
A finger under Djodie's chin caused a shiver to go trough her back and the girl obediently lifted her head. Kaye guided her head back up, and claimed a kiss. The girl almost automatically placed her hands in the woman's neck. One hand waved through Kaye's hair and as the woman broke their kiss, Djodie needed to catch her breath. Kaye wrapped an arm around Djodie's back an pulled her closer, her hand still under Djodie's chin as their lips met again.

'That felt so good baby,' warmth rose over her, flattered by Kaye's words. For a moment Djodie closed her eyes and leaned into Kaye's hand on her cheek. A gasp left her mouth as Kaye pressed a kiss onto her ear. "Already?" Djodie whispered. "I haven't even started yet dear." Djodie didn't allow herself to pause, as she softly pressed another kiss in the corner of the woman's mouth.
Kaye collected their glasses again, and Djodie felt the woman firm her grip on her. Djodie wrapped her arms around her back as Kaye leaned forward to refill their glasses before sitting up straight again and offering a glass to Djodie. The redhead to a few sips, veagly feeling the effect that the alcohol had on her already.
"You're not trying to get me drunk, are you?" Djodie asked playfully.

With a few more sips, Djodie placed the now half full glass on the arm rest of the couch and eagerly kissed the woman once again. One hand lingered in her neck, softly caressing the skin while her tongue asked for access. Djodie's other hand started to carefully play with the chain on Kaye's shirt, trying to loosen it. Djodie pulled softly on Kaye's bottomlip before pulling back. She ran a hand through her own hair, stroking it out of her face before taking in the sight in front of her.
"I could get used to this." she whispered. "You're beautifull," a small kiss under her ear before she pulled back, reached over to her glass and downed the remains of her drink.
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye reached over to take a hold of her own glass, taking a longer sip and pausing a moment to savor the dry taste of the dark champagne. Her eyes settled back on Djodie who took a few sips of her own. She seemed too preoccupied to really care too much for the drink she downed, a thought that amused Kaye greatly.

Kaye chuckled softly, a sultry glint in her eyes as she met Djodie's gaze. "Well, I must admit, the idea did cross my mind," she replied, her voice carrying a teasing tone. "But I wouldn't want you to blame the alcohol for what's about to happen between us."

Djodie took some final sips of her drink before moving forward again, capturing Kaye’s lips in another passionate kiss. Letting the taste of the alcohol linger between them. Kaye eagerly opened her mouth to grant her access, her own fingers traced gentle patterns on Djodie’s back as the kiss deepened. Conveying a sense of both desire and tenderness.

She felt a slight tug at the chain that held both sides of her shirt together as eager fingers began to look for a point to loosen the tiresome accessory. Kaye’s heart rate picked up again as she moved forward to chase after Djodie’s lips when the redhead broke the kiss with a playful tug at her bottom lip. Amusement sparkled in Kaye’s eyes as she held her arms curled around her companion. "Getting used to it, huh?" she mused, a twinkle in her eyes. "I certainly hope so. Because, my dear, this is just the beginning." Kaye's hand trailed down Djodie's arm, fingers interlocking with hers. "And as for your compliments, well, I could say the same about you. Absolutely stunning." She too pressed a hungry kiss under Djodie’s jaw. Suddenly feeling the overwhelming want to explore further. She wanted to be closer. Even more close than they already were. Feeling the unmistakable need rise that threatened to consume her.

She reached for her own glass with a sigh, taking a leisurely sip before setting it aside. "Let's see where the night takes us, shall we?" Kaye suggested, her expression suggesting a mix of excitement and anticipation as she reigned herself in once more. She barely felt the effects of the alcohol. Used as she was to the strong liquor she downed on a daily basis.

With desire in her eyes she cupped Djodie’s face between her hands and pressed a tender kiss on her lips, which began to become more urgent as the moments went on. Her hands began to trail over the side of her neck, nails tickling the skin with a featherlight touch as her other hand roamed down to squeeze her ass.

She was slightly panting when she broke the kiss. “I want to see more of you.” Kaye murmured as she caressed Djodie’s back with a tender touch. Briefly reaching over to take a sip from her own glass.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
Djodie shakely drew in another breath. Kaye locked her fingers between her own and the woman placed a hungry kiss under Djodie's jaw. A gasp escaped her lips and her expression betrayed the desire she felt. Gods, she needed this woman all over her.
Djodie moaned in disapproval as Kaye's lips left her neck to get a hold of her glass again. Yet Kaye took a few sips, placed the glass away before cupping her face with her hands.

Djodie answered the kiss eagerly, leaning in as she felt Kaye's hands trailing down on her body. Djodie's fingers had finally, finally found a way to get rid of that goddamn chain, and for a moment Djodie's hands just lingered right above the area she had just 'unlocked'. A feeling of want seemed to almost drown her from within, almost getting too much for her.
The girl arched her back and pushed her hips back into Kaye's hands, while her own hands carefully made her way under Kaye's shirt. Occassionally looking up to Kaye's eyes to see if this was alright. God she needed more. She needed it all from this woman. The woman that just could make her fold with a single word.

'I want to see more of you,' Djodie's hands lingered under Kaye's shirt, as her eyes darted back to those of the woman. "More of me?" Djodie repeated with a high voice, as if she was contemplating if she would let her. Her fingers continued to tickle the skin under Kaye's shirt, lingering around the curves of her breasts.
Djodie leaned in, sucked on the woman's earlobe and whispered "More how?" one hand trailed up, softly placing a finger under the woman's jaw to keep asking it in her direction.
She wanted to rip Kaye's clothes off right at the spot, but there was something about this slow teasing that she enjoyed way to much.
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
When Djodie's hands hovered just above the area she had unlocked, a magnetic pull seemed to draw Kaye in. The overwhelming want emanating from Djodie mirrored Kaye's own cravings. Kaye's hands found their way to Djodie's hips, reveling in the arch of her back and the subtle push of her hips against Kaye's touch.

As Djodie's hands slipped beneath Kaye's shirt, Kaye felt a surge of heat coursing through her veins. Djodie's occasional glances into her eyes sought permission, and Kaye responded with a subtle nod, conveying the affirmation that mirrored the escalating passion between them. Kaye was captivated by the vulnerability and longing in Djodie's gaze, understanding the unspoken need for more.

In that moment, as their connection deepened, she glanced down to look at Djodie who sought clarification. Another reminder that this whole dance did not come as natural to her as it came to Kaye. Hands lingered around the curve of her breasts. Impossibly close, but not yet moving further. Kaye closed her eyes with a groan as she felt Djodie’s teeth graze her earlobe, followed by the sensation of her lips and her tongue closing around it. Kaye squeezed in approval as her heart soared.

Her own hand came up to close around Djodie’s fingers. Pale blue eyes boring into the deeper ones of her companion. “Everything.” she panted. ”I want to see everything there is to see of you. Feel everything there is to feel of you, and taste everything there is to taste of you.” Kaye pressed a soft kiss to the palm of Djodie’s hand. Eyes darkened with downright hunger, yet holding on to the connection they currently shared by keeping Djodie’s gaze locked in her own. “and I want you to see everything of me. Do you understand?” she whispered as her free hand finally found access under the hem of Djodie’s shirt. Nails began to scratch leisurely over her lower back. Circling and swirling .. trailing down a path to Djodie’s front where she stopped. Thumb staying in place to trace lazy circles under her belly button. “I want you.” she whispered.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
Her silent questions were answered with a subtle nod from Kaye, which sparked something inside Djodie, cleared the tension in her mind and allowed the slight fog from the alcohol and downright lust to take over her.
Djodie's hands explored further under Kaye's shirt.
Her fingers softly following the curves of her breasts, carefully following their curves until her fingertips found a nipple. Djodie leaned in to place her lips in Kaye's neck again, softly sucking the skin as he fingers softly circled around her nipple and flicked it. God she wanted the woman shivering.

Djodie sat back up straight, as Kaye waved her fingers to one of her hands, and she found the woman locked down her gaze again. However Kaye's words send a shiver over Djodie's back, the subtle dominance the woman displayed pushed in her shoulders. A feeling Djodie surely started to appreciate, to say the least.
"Yes - yes I understand." Djodie gasped, prisoner to Kaye's gaze. The girl shivered into Kaye's touch on her back, as she calmly made her way towards Djodie's front, drawing circles under her belly button.
It allmost became to much. Djodie felt that fire inside her again. Not haven noticed when it started to boil up, but surely it was ablaze now.

'I want you.' It was all she needed to have the fog in her mind, the fire deep inside her, take over. Djodie leaned in and placed a hungry kiss on Kaye's mounth, asking for access, while she fought not to go mad from Kaye's touch - which she needed lower, really. The redheads hands started to eagerly pull Kaye's shirt out of her pants. Djodie broke their kiss, out of breath, as she rolled up Kaye's shirt, tickling her ribs. "Shirt -" She needed a moment to catch her breath. "Off."
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye's eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and desire as Djodie struggled to maintain composure under her intense gaze. The shiver that ran through the younger girl only fueled Kaye's confidence. The gentle circles drawn under Djodie's belly button were deliberate, a teasing dance that hinted at what was to come.

She could sense the rising heat within Djodie, an unspoken yearning that mirrored her own. Kaye reveled in the control she held, her touch a potent elixir that set Djodie's senses ablaze.

When Djodie's lips met hers in a hungry kiss, Kaye felt the magnetic pull of desire intensify. Djodie's request for access was met with a sly smile, and Kaye willingly surrendered to the passionate exchange. The redhead's eager hands tugged at Kaye's shirt, and she couldn't suppress a chuckle at Djodie's urgency. As the fabric was peeled away, exposing her skin, Kaye felt a delicious shiver run down her spine.

Kaye allowed Djodie to roll up her shirt, revealing her midriff and tickling her ribs. The sensation sent a surge of excitement through Kaye, and she couldn't help but admire the hunger in Djodie's eyes. The command for her shirt to come off was met with a teasing grin, and with a slow, deliberate motion, Kaye complied, allowing the fabric to fall away.

A breath escaped the older woman as she took the moment to enclose both of Djodie’s hands in her own. Fully aware there was nothing left to the imagination now that her entire upper torso was bared. “Slow down. I’m not going anywhere.” she said with a soft chuckle, releasing Djodie’s hands again to give a tug on Djodie’s own shirt. Peeling the fabric over her head and throwing it aside to level the playing field. Kaye had not  worn anything under her own shirt, a decision she was glad she had made before she drove over here. With deft movements she unclasped the buckles and clasps that held onto her pants. Opening the zipper but not taking it off yet.

Kaye’s hand closed around the back of Djodie’s neck. Holding her in place with a firm grip. She leaned forward then, breasts pressing against Djodie’s front. Aware that only her necklace remained in place, the leather tight around her neck and the silver chains tickling her pale skin in all the right ways. “Get to work, girl.” she murmured in Djodie’s ear as both her hands slid down to close around the smaller woman’s body. Pulling her in close as she slid down to take up a more favorable position, allowing Djodie access to do what she was told to do.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
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