
Ghost town

2 posters
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The sharp cry of “No!” cut through the chilly air, echoing off the graffiti-streaked walls of the narrow alley. The boy’s voice, trembling with fear, seemed out of place in the late-night stillness, disrupted only by the distant, muffled sounds of the city's nightlife.

Huddled under a flickering streetlight, he clutched Zinnia to his chest. Her soft fur provided a small comfort against the cold, damp air that carried the stale scent of garbage from the nearby bins. Tears welled in his eyes, blurring the scene as he gripped his cane with his other hand, knuckles whitened from the strain.

He could barely make out the figures of three men, their features obscured by the shadows. The faint glow of a nearby neon sign cast an eerie light on their faces, revealing smirks that chilled him to the bone. They were dressed in ragged clothes, and their heavy boots scraped against the wet asphalt. The alley, normally a shortcut he'd take without a second thought, now felt like a trap.

His arm tightened around Zinnia, who trembled against him, her tiny heart beating fast. She was a friend. The thought of these thugs taking her away ignited a fierce determination in him. Though his body shook with fear, he wouldn’t give up.

He squared his shoulders, the cane raised defensively. He knew he wasn’t a match for the three men in strength, but he was ready to fight with all the courage he had.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70
Zenji Shinazugawa
I did a whoopsie and deleted this post by accident fucking clownerij clown

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
“What the hell do you guys think you’re doing?”

he new voice, sharp and commanding, reverberated through the alley. Kieran's gaze snapped to the source, his body tensing instinctively. The man who strode into view seemed like a character ripped from the pages of a thriller novel—towering in height, broad-shouldered, and ruggedly handsome. He exuded an aura of raw strength, the kind that suggested he could effortlessly end a fight with a single punch, while Kieran felt like the type who’d crumble from just one hit.

In a whirlwind of movement, one of the assailants was suddenly hurled against the wall. Kieran winced as the man received a brutal knee strike. Chaos unfolded rapidly, and Kieran's heart raced with fear and confusion.

Then, as if the scene couldn't become more surreal, a massive bird descended from the sky. Kieran stumbled backward, almost losing his balance, his eyes brimming with tears as he clung to the Pikachu with a desperate grip. The enormity of the bird, its wingspan casting a formidable shadow, was overwhelming.

Time seemed to warp around him as Kieran stood, paralyzed. His magenta eyes were fixed on the man now slumped unconscious from a head kick, while his ears strained to track the ominous flutter of the bird’s wings. The primal part of his brain screamed for action, but he remained rooted to the spot, overwhelmed by the rapid cascade of events.

When the tall man instructed him to leave, Kieran was torn between gratitude and a surge of fear. “I— Shouldn’t we call someone? Are you—” His voice faltered, torn between the urgency to ensure medical help for the injured and the hesitation to leave the scene, especially with the imposing stranger still there. The stranger, despite his formidable appearance, had taken a punch, and Kieran couldn't shake the concern for his well-being.

You should come,” he blurted out, his voice a mix of apprehension and determination. “I—” His thoughts trailed off, his mind still reeling.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
A small girl, one that could easily be swooped up by his Braviary if he so desired, stared back at him. As Zen looked her over he wondered if perhaps it was a boy. But no, that was a girl. At least he hoped it was one. It was hard to tell with the lighting. He decided not to really make note of it... Until they spoke after he instructed them to leave.

Although a bit higher pitched than his own he could clearly hear it was a guy. This caught him off guard and he lifted a brow. Call someone...? He looked around at the two man that still remained. One still had the lights on but was clearly in pain, the other was out for at least a few minutes. That kick would have done enough damage for him to at least feel it for the rest of the year, if not longer. He hoped for the asshole it would last him a lifetime. "Don't bother, it would only cause more of a hassle," Zenji instructed the guy. if they called for someone, it meant the police would get involved. With them involved Zen would have a whole new issue on his hands. And he didn't want to switch up his identity again.

He should come? His eyes went over the other as he stepped closer. His gaze going to the Pikachu in their arms. He hummed. "Fine," he said softly. "Let me walk you back home. You'd be safe that way," Zenji said, just so that they would both agree on an arrangement where they didn't need to remain here. The tall man looked over his shoulder at the two men.

He glanced back at the kid and simply started following them if they would start moving. Only now did he see the cane. His eyes went over it before he looked back at them. "Are you crippled?" he asked straight forward. If that was the case he could always offer to carry him. Or just lift him up and take him somewhere better. If he was indeed limited in movement this could take all night, after all.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran's delicate features had often led to mistaken assumptions about his gender, a misunderstanding that had ironically spiralled into his current predicament. The aggression from the men, initially seeking his attention and then swiftly turning hostile when ignored, left him bewildered and shaken. He couldn't fathom the swift shift from interest to anger.

Despite the ordeal, Kieran felt an urgency to call for help, not for himself, but for the injured men sprawled around. Their actions, though reprehensible, didn't diminish their right to care in his eyes. And then there was the man who had intervened, his tall, imposing saviour—a figure who both reassured and intimidated him.

Gratitude flickered across Kieran's face as the man offered to walk him home. “Alright. Yes. Thank you,” Kieran responded, his voice soft and tremulous, barely containing a stutter. He cast a shy glance upwards, meeting the other's gaze through his lashes. A rush of self-consciousness surged through him, urging him to look away before his cheeks betrayed the warmth flooding them. Amidst this whirlwind of emotions, Kieran couldn't shake off the concern for the injured men, nor for the man who had received a blow in the face. He felt an obligation to offer some aid, however small.

Without a word, Kieran began to walk, his steps hesitant, the turmoil of the night weighing on him. He paused as the man spoke, a question halting his escape. “What?” Kieran asked, spinning around, a flicker of confusion in his eyes. It took a moment for realisation to dawn. “A little bit?” he replied uncertainly, the words hanging awkwardly. “Well, yeah? Officially, I guess,” he added, struggling to articulate the complexities of his condition. How does one casually mention a broken back?

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
If someone had told him that he would be saving some person from being mugged, or whatever the hell those men were going to do, he would be rolling his eyes and sighing. It wasn't like he hadn't done something like this before. It was more that he had promised himself that with this new life he would keep a low profile. He couldn't allow himself to be known anywhere he went.

So, in a way, he was happy the other didn't go on the fact someone had to be called. No, there was no need for that. If he needed care for the punch his boss could help with that. If those men needed help the next stranger to cross their paths could do so. He wasn't going to extend a hand to someone that hunted on the small like that. That was just disgusting.

He offered them to walk them home and they seemed happy with it. The thanks that was thrown his way made Zen nod. He wasn't really paying attention to the awkward glances and the fact they were a bit shy about the situation. His eyes had already gone up as he scanned the area for the giant bird that acted like his shadow. And as always, the flaming crown atop it's head could be seen in the reflection of a window. He had no idea if the Pokémon was either perched atop a building, simply keeping watch, or if he was up to something more... Gorey... But honestly- He didn't want to know.

Zenji followed the other calmly, his eyes going to the cane as he asked quite a straight forward questioned. Were they crippled? It caught them off guard for sure as they looked at him. He came to a halt and looked down at them. A little bit? How is someone a little bit crippled? Officially they were... "So... You're handicapped?" Zenji asked, as if to confirm once more, taking a step closer as he kept looking the other straight in the eyes. They were quite close now, which caused him to nearly break his neck to look at them.

Without any warning, Zen went through his knees as he stepped forward and with one quick movement swooped the other quite literally off their feet. Scooping them up as he hunched down a bit and quickly corrected himself. One arm behind their back as the other was nestled under the others legs. He adjusted his arms a bit when he stood back up fully, both for his own comfort as well as theirs. He was now carrying this stranger around bridal style, whatever must people think... If it hadn't been for the pikachu in their arms he would have simply thrown them over his shoulder.

"What way?" he asked calmly as he looked around for a moment and kept on walking. They had to leave the alleyway anyway. It was just for as soon as they were more in the open. "This comfortable for you? Or would you prefer a piggyback ride?" His eyes went to look down at the stranger for a moment.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The barrage of intrusive questions Kieran had endured in his life paled in comparison to the shock of the man’s assumption. It was like a verbal jolt, startling him into silence. Yes, he was recovering from an injury. Still, the blunt words felt like an unanticipated slap in the face, stripping him of his composure. He found himself staring at the man, speechless, his grip tightening around Pikachu in a desperate search for comfort.

As the man moved closer, Kieran's sense of vulnerability intensified. He had never felt so small, so… The word 'crippled' echoed in his mind.

The man then moved before him, and Kieran barely had time to react before he was suddenly hoisted into the air. A startled scream, high-pitched, escaped him. “What?!” he exclaimed, feeling a sharp strain in his back. Tears sprang to his eyes. The Pikachu, nestled against his chest, looked up in confusion, her small body pressing into his clothing for reassurance.

You can’t— You— I— What— You can’t just—” Kieran's words tumbled out in a flustered stammer, his face flushing a deep red. “Put me— No! No! Why are you still— Put me down!” he protested, his voice rising in desperation. He remained as still as possible, mindful of his back and the pain that any sudden movement might cause. Even in his distress, he was relieved he hadn't dropped his cane, now awkwardly clutched in his hand while being carried in this unceremonious fashion.

What the fuck.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
All Zenji had wanted to do was make the other more comfortable and be generous with his actions. They were crippled, which meant they weren't that mobile. And if they weren't mobile it meant he could help them by carrying them... Right? Was that not a logic thought? He wasn't really familiar with people who were handicapped like this, but he had read stories about it and had heard people talk about it. This only seemed natural to him.

However, the other didn't seem to agree as they started yelling in high pitched tones. The tall man came to a halt when they kept going. He was now convinced this was a girl by the way they were screaming. Puzzled by what he had done wrong he looked at them, a frown on his face. What couldn't they just do? Lift them up? Was that not something you should do with a cripple? Hm.

When they told him to put them down, Zenji hummed and went through his knees as he gently put them down again, supporting them so they wouldn't fall over. "Okay..." was all he said for a few seconds as he kept supporting them, just to be sure they wouldn't fall over or get hurt.

He swallowed and sighed shortly after. "Isn't it better if I carry you? You're crippled," his logic was simple, yet in a way it showed how foreign he was with the concept of people who were physically limited.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Relief washed over Kieran as his feet finally touched the ground, his brief and unexpected ascent into the air concluding not in abduction but in an awkward release. He found himself a safer distance from the unconscious men, yet not far enough for his comfort. This awareness prickled at the back of his mind, a persistent reminder of the danger still lurking nearby. Despite this, exhaustion and exasperation rooted him to the spot, his purple eyes wide with disbelief as he fixed his gaze on the towering figure before him.

Isn’t it better if I carry you? You’re crippled.

The words echoed in Kieran’s ears. “No!” The word burst from him in a yell, his face still flushed with a mix of embarrassment and indignation. The absurdity of the situation was almost too much to comprehend. The man’s demeanour didn't seem mocking; rather, he appeared genuine, which only added to Kieran’s confusion.

I broke my back. My legs work fine!” Kieran asserted, his voice tinged with frustration. He punctuated his statement by tapping his cane against the ground, the sound sharp and clear in the cool night air. He glared up at the man, a tumult of emotions swirling within him. “You can’t just pick up crippled people. And I’m not— I’m fine. Just not that quick. You—” His words trailed off as he exhaled sharply through his nose, a futile attempt to regain some semblance of control over the situation and his racing heart.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
A loud no echoed through the alleyway and Zenji narrowed his eyes slightly. Okay, that was clear. No need to yell at him. She could have also just told him that it wasn't okay. But instead she seemed so upset, as if he was the guy who had originally attacked her and not the strangers who were still a few metres away from them.

She broke her back, their legs were fine. Zen hummed softly and nodded slowly. Okay... How was he supposed to know that? He had asked her and all she had given him was a very undecisive answer. So he had taken matters into his own hands. Then they went on that he couldn't just pick up crippled people. The rest of the words were strung together in a way that the tall man couldn't quite tell what they were talking about or what they wanted to say.

He cleared his throat and straightened himself back to his full length, letting go fully of the person. "Right, sorry, I didn't know," he said as he looked in front of himself. Was he ashamed? A little, but he tried his best as to not show it. "So... What way?" he said quickly after that to try and get the conversation, and just the situation in general, away from this point.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran couldn't help but notice the shift in the man's behaviour, as the other looked ahead. He blinked, a flicker of surprise crossing his face as the man loomed over him once again. The apology, while brief and somewhat awkward, was acknowledged with a nod from Kieran. It was a start, a glimmer of hope that the man might learn from this bizarre encounter. But that was all it was—an apology, a fleeting admission of ignorance, followed by an uncomfortable glance away. In that moment, Kieran found himself inexplicably curious about the thoughts swirling in the mind of his peculiar (and undeniably attractive) rescuer.

As the man inquired about the direction to his home, Kieran released a resigned sigh and began to move again. They weren't far from his home, which was fortunate considering the biting cold that seemed to seep into his bones, exacerbating the stiffness in his muscles and making each step more challenging than the last. He kept this struggle to himself, silently fearing another well-intentioned but mortifying aerial rescue.

The thought of his brother witnessing this entire ordeal brought a reluctant relief; at least he was spared that embarrassment.

As they walked, Kieran's breathing gradually steadied, and the flush of exertion and embarrassment began to fade from his cheeks. “Thank you,” he said, his voice steadier now. “Not for carrying me!” he hastily clarified, eager to dispel any misconceptions. “But for helping. Let me— Let me offer you a drink. And some ice,” he added, extending an olive branch in the form of hospitality.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
The girl sighed when he asked for directions. He was just going to make sure she got home and then he would be on his way. He didn't want to hang around the area just in case police came around or more of those people. Granted there wasn't much he couldn't handle, but he was relatively happy with where he was now and it would suck if a simple scuffle ruined it all.

Zenji walked somewhat behind and somewhat next to the small figure. Hands tugged in his pocket as he adjusted his pace to the stranger. His eyes didn't go to her, but he did glance upwards every now and then. The flaming head of the Braviary didn't go unnoticed. It would seem he had discarded of the third man and had now circled back around to meet with it's owner. Damn demon bird...

The soft voice of the other reached him, thanking him. He looked at them for a moment as they started to clarrify that it was for helping and not carrying them. The neutral expression remained on the tall man's face. An offer for a drink... And some ice. Hm...

Zenji looked back in front of himself as he thought for a moment. One drink wouldn't hurt anyone, surely. "It's no problem," he said calmly. "Fucking cowards shouldn't pick on the weak," a mentality he had inherited from his family for sure. "A drink sounds nice..." His deep voice sounded a bit more muffled as he mentioned the last part, his eyes going back to the sky as he saw the Braviary circle back to scout the area. Hm.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The moment the man hoisted Kieran up, as if he were a bride in a wedding gone awry, an air of awkwardness enveloped them. Despite the discomfort and a twinge of pain, Kieran felt compelled to express gratitude. The man had, after all, extended his help, albeit in an unconventional manner. Kieran's appreciation was genuine, but it was mingled with a sense of unease. He had always resisted the notion of being a damsel in distress. The thought that someone might perceive him as incapable of making it home on his own gnawed at him, undermining the progress he'd made in his recovery.

When the man casually remarked on his weakness, Kieran inhaled deeply, attempting to quell the rising tide of emotions. He wrestled with the words, the label of 'weak' echoing in his mind. Part of him wondered if there was a harsh truth in that assessment. Was he truly weak and dependent? Clutching Pikachu closer to his chest, he found a small comfort in her presence, her soft fur against his skin as he quietly conceded, “Yeah…

The sidewalk under their feet marked the transition to a busier street, signalling that they were nearing Kieran's apartment. The proximity to his safe haven offered a subtle sense of relief.

Did you get hurt?” Kieran asked, his concern genuine yet tinged with hesitation. The memory of the man receiving a punch lingered in his mind. Despite his own mixed feelings, Kieran couldn't ignore the worry that surfaced for the well-being of his impromptu saviour.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
Zen didn't speak the way he did to hurt others. He simply did to state his opinion. He had always been the type to stand up for the smaller guy, something his father had done as well. It had been the thing that had got him in trouble in the past and now he was almost scolding himself that it had nearly happened again.

It was rather silent between them as they kept on walking, mostly because the tall man wasn't the talkative type. Especially when it came to strangers. He had always been classified as more of an introvert than anything else. His eyes went upwards again as they turned into a more established street. His gaze quickly catching the large shadow that passed by them.

"Huh?" he said as another question was thrown his way. He cleared his throat and grabbed his phone, quickly turning on the front camera to check his own face. And yeah, there it was. His cheek had receieved the punch, which was now a bit discoloured. Although barely visible in the dim streetlight he still sighed at the sight of it. "A bit bruised..." he said softly. "But it's nothing. It will heal," Zenji assured the girl as he put his phone back in his pocket.

He kept on walking next to her, or a bit behind her even. His eyes going slowly to her cane every now and then... Until they settled on the Pikachu. "Does she have a name?" he asked as if to try and start some small talk.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171
Kieran Merlotte
Each time the imposing shadow of the bird swept overhead, Kieran felt a tremor of apprehension ripple through him. He knew logically that the bird likely posed no threat, yet primal instinct urged him to edge slightly further under the protective overhang of the nearby buildings. While his injured back ruled out the possibility of flight, these small, sideward movements afforded him a sliver of perceived safety.

The man’s reaction to Kieran's concern about his face was one of nonchalance, prompting Kieran to raise a curious eyebrow. “Used to getting punched in the face?” he inquired, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and incredulity. Kieran had learned a thing or two about treating bruises, and he mentally prepared to assist with some ice.

At the mention of his Pikachu, Kieran’s expression softened. “Zinnia, like the flower— because it suits her colour,” he explained with a fond smile. Zinnia had been a gentle soul who had appeared during one of Kieran’s anxiety attacks, offering solace and companionship. It didn’t occur to Kieran in that moment that the man now knew his Pokémon’s name, but not his own.

Upon reaching his apartment complex, Kieran invited the man inside. “Alright, please come in. Let me get you some ice and something to drink— what do you like?” he asked, allowing Zinnia to hop down as he unlocked the door. He led the way into his surprisingly spacious apartment, its layout and decor reflecting a blend of practicality and aesthetic appeal. The living room boasted a light, wooden floor and was adorned with natural hues, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. The apartment, located on the ground floor, had subtle modifications for accessibility, though they were not immediately apparent.

Please, sit,” Kieran said, gesturing towards the white couch.


Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
He looked over to the girl when she moved a bit more to the side, most likely scared of the Braviary that kept following them. He didn't blame her. That damn pest wouldn't leave him alone for a second. And even though he had been raised along the oversized turkey, he knew it didn't respect him and wouldn't listen to him at all. The best he could do, is use himself as a shield. Annoying, but if it worked, it worked.

He let his eyes go back to the streets when they asked if he was used to getting punched in the face. He shrugged. "It's been a while, but I guess you can say that," Zenji said calmly. Being punched in the face didn't often happen in the ring s people had manners. Sure, you could go for the head, but seeing as the damage it could do it was frowned upon. Yet, he had done so too, so really he was no better than those men.

A small smile came on his lips when he heard the name of the Pikachu. What a cute name. He hummed in agreement when she explained it was because of the colour. Looking back at the odd coloured Pokémon, he nodded. "I can see the resemblance, it's a good name," It was an indication he knew about the flowers and what she was talking about. Perhaps something that people wouldn't expect at first glance, but he enjoyed tending to plants and had always kept several flowers and plants in his room growing up. He missed that... But really, he couldn't complain about such things. There were more extreme matters at hand.

Zenji followed the small person. His eyes going over the building before he stepped in. Seeing the giant Braviary land on the building across the street, his eyes locking with his own for a moment, he simply lifted a brow. Better behave, stupid thing.

He stepped inside and looked down at the girl who started to speak. Ice and a drink, he nodded calmly. What would he like...? "I'm fine with anything... Would you have some coke? If not, water is fine as well," he wasn't extremely picky. His eyes went over the interior and he was surprised to see how beautiful it was. Very light coloured with lots of wood. It held a very natural complexion that Zenji could appreciate. He liked this kind of design as well.

He took off his jacket, which revealed the black, sleeveless compression shirt he was wearing under it. He folded his jacket over his arm and looked over at the stranger when she invited him to sit down. He nodded slowly and stepped more inside, calmly taking a seat as had been asked of him. "Thank you," he said calmly, placing the jacket over his lap. "Does this happen to you often?" he asked her, clearly hinting the fact that she had gotten cornered by tugs like that. It wasn't like he wanted to pry, but more as see if she was actually safe being by herself.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran watched, slightly taken aback, as the man casually mentioned being used to getting punched. His lips curled into an awkward grin, his eyebrows arching in surprise. “Ah…” he stammered, momentarily at a loss for words. “I see.” What was the appropriate response to such an admission? ‘I’m sorry,’ seemed inadequate.

Despite the man’s reticence, Kieran found some comfort in their shared interest in Zinnia. At the mention of her name, the man noted the resemblance, which immediately brightened Kieran’s expression. “Right? My mother had some in our garden back home – the red and orange ones with bright yellow,” he said, his voice taking on a wistful tone as he recalled the vibrant beauty of his childhood home. There was a nostalgia in his words, a longing for the simple, natural splendour that the city lacked.

When the man requested a coke, Kieran responded with an enthusiastic “Yeah, of course.

Once arrived in the kitchen, he opened the refrigerator, revealing a collection of carbonated drinks – a testament to his mother's well-intentioned over-preparation for social gatherings that rarely occurred. He was more of an orange juice and water person, but the variety of sodas stood ready for any guest's preference.

Retrieving two glasses from a higher cabinet, Kieran filled one with water and the other with coke. The bottle proved a bit stubborn, but with some effort, he managed to open it. He left his cane leaning against the kitchen counter, carefully balancing the glasses as he returned to the living room, where the man’s question caught him off guard.

What? Get cornered?” Kieran echoed, a note of surprise in his voice. He attempted a light-hearted response. “Every Tuesday, I suppose,” he joked with a shrug. “No, but… I’m not used to city life. Back home, things like this just don’t happen,” he explained, a hint of unease creeping into his tone.

Returning the question, Kieran asked, “Do you often step in to rescue strangers?” His curiosity piqued, he took a step back, ready to return to the kitchen for the ice but waiting for the man's answer, eager to understand more about this unexpected saviour.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa

She seemed a bit taken back by his honesty and he looked over at her for a moment. Deciding not to say anything about it and simply staring out in front of himself. It was fine.

He was happy to find something they both liked. He wouldn't tell her that he was a huge plant dad and adored tending to them, but it was hard to miss his interest in the way he spoke about the mon's name. He listened as she spoke of her home. Red and orange ones with yellow, they were her mother's. "That sounds lovely..." he spoke softly. "My mother had some too, she had the same coloured ones but also the pink ones and the hybrid ones," Zen said calmly. It was one of the few things he could still vividly recall from her.

A coke it would be as she agreed. He nodded slowly and just looked around. Waiting for her to come back. He tried to relax himself and take a deep breath. It had taken a little while for her to come back, but Zen figures it was because she had a bad leg... Or whatever it was that caused her to use a cane. He didn't want to ask about it again. He simply nodded and offered her a bit of an awkward smile. It was a kind of expression that made him seem like he wasn't used to smiling genuinely at all.

He asked if this happened often and she replied. Zen listened and frowned slowly, before he realized that she was joking. Hm. She wasn't used to city life and he nodded as he could understand that. "Ah... I see," he said. "The city can be dangerous when it's dark... Not all major cities... But apparently Sanctum suffers from such nightlife as well," he looked down at his drink and took a sip.

He heard her question and he looked back up to her. "Yes... Well- Yes and no," Zen said truthfully, clearly unsure how to word his answer. "I kind of hate it when people get... Put in such a situation. It used to get me in a lot of trouble back when I was younger. Kind of got it beaten out of me... In a way. I was told to not play a hero anymore, so I didn't," he shrugged. "Kids be kids... Nowadays I try to not get involved. But it always pissed me off... It's hard to explain," he didn't know why... He had always tried to use intimidation as a way to force people away. And if that didn't work... Well...

He heard some sirens outside and blinked in surprise. Looking at the window, before looking back at her. His eyes didn't betray that he suspected her of doing anything wrong, but he was weary. He simply averted his gaze back to hid drink and didn't say anything. She wouldn't... Right?

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The man mentioned that his mother had the same flowers. “Ah! That sounds gorgeous. I wish I had the space for a garden here,” Kieran shared, a hint of longing in his voice. “Though it would be difficult.” The regret was palpable as he reminisced about the days he’d spent helping his mother.

The words about the city's nocturnal dangers caused Kieran to sigh. “Yeah. Guess no going out at night alone, huh?” A pity.

As the conversation turned to the man's habit of offering aid, Kieran found himself admiring the stranger's altruism. The mention of past repercussions for his interventions prompted a thoughtful nod from Kieran. “Well, I’m very glad you were there. I’m not sure what I’d have done without you,” he expressed his gratitude sincerely.

The abrupt wail of sirens jolted Kieran. Chastising himself for neglecting his duties as a host, he darted into the kitchen, retrieving an ice pack with practised ease.

Returning, he gently offered the cold relief to the man, careful not to exacerbate any pain. “Please tell me if it hurts,” he urged, concern etching his features as he bent forward just a little, pressing the ice pack against the man’s cheek “Is there anything else you need?

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa

He heard her comment on the fact that she would like a garden here too. Zenji looked around for a moment, but he didn't really see a balcony or anything around. "Do you not even have a small balcony or something?" he asked her, wanting to know from her and seeing what she would say on it. Maybe there was one in her bedroom. If that was the case she could always start a mini garden. Her saying it would be difficult made him look at her and he couldn't help but turn a corner of his mouth up. "Aren't most things which are worth working for?"

The dangers of the night weren't unfamiliar to Zenji and he made sure to let her know. From what he could puzzle together from her words she came from a small village, probably more countryside and with a small population. It sounded nice, but he could also understand why a younger person would choose to move to a bigger city. "Not necessarily," the tall man said as he sipped from his drink. "Pokémon can be trained as guards too. Houndoom, Arcanine... All those dog Pokémon are very popular... Sometimes even for those needs," he shrugged and looked at the table. "Gives some of them a bad reputation, but you just have to train them well you know? Or get one from a person who knows what they are doing," yeah. "I know it's not my place to advice you about anything, but perhaps looking into that might be good for you. See it... More as a friendly suggestion," yeah.

It would seem she was glad that he had been there after he explained himself a bit more. He nodded slowly. The thought of what could have happened lingering in the back of his mind. "Scream fire," he said calmly as he looked back at her. "Scream that there's a fire... It will attract people... Just screaming in general will not," a little tip she could hopefully use if she ever did get in a situation like that again.

The sirens made him feel uncomfortable so he remained as he was, perhaps a bit tense. Seeing that the girl went back to fetch something from the kicten. He looked up and then averted his gaze back at the table in front of himself. His paranois thoughts swirled around in his head. Hm...

She came back and he looked up slowly. She came closer, urging him to tell if it hurts, before pressing the cold pack against his cheek. Only now did he notice that it did, indeed, hurt. For a moment he flinched since he wasn't used to the gentle care at all. His eyes fixated on her with a stern expression on his face. Only when she asked if there was anything he needed, did his gaze ease up. His body releasing some of the tension it held. It was fine. He was fine. This was all... Fine...

He blinked a few times, avoiding eye contact now. He wasn't used to this kind of treatment. "Uhm... I think I'm good... Thanks," he said slowly. "So... Uhm... I haven't yet introduced myself," and normally he never did. But she had been so kind to him. "I'm Zenji," he said calmly.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
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