
Ghost town

2 posters
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
As the conversation veered towards the possibility of a garden, Kieran's thoughts drifted to the patio— a far cry from the yard his mother had nurtured, but a space with potential nonetheless. The suggestion that creating something of his own might be challenging was met with understanding; the man stated that the most rewarding endeavours often required effort. “You might be right,” Kieran mused, warming to the idea of creating his own little garden. Perhaps, he considered, it wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility.

The discussion transitioned to the topic of dog Pokémon as potential guardians, sparking Kieran’s interest. The man's later comment elicited a chuckle. “You saved me. I’d appreciate your advice,” Kieran expressed. He acknowledged the practicality of having a Pokémon companion for added security and assistance, though he dismissed the idea of an Arcanine, as it would not fit through his door.

The application of the ice pack elicited a flinch from the man, causing Kieran to nearly pull back. Yet, he maintained, inquiring after any other needs. As the man gradually relaxed, albeit with averted gaze, it seemed fine.

The other introduced himself. “Ah! That’s a nice name. It’s not from around here, is it?” he ventured, continuing to hold the ice pack with a steady hand for as long as the other wouldn’t take it from him. “I’m Kieran. It is nice to meet you, Zenji, despite the circumstances,” he offered a smile.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
Sometimes, when his memories tugged back at what had been home for him, he really started to miss it. Yet, he knew that this kind of homesickness could never be cured again. He wasn't allowed to let it get to him anyway. The reason for his arrival here and the sacrafices he had made along the way... They would all be in vain if he gave into that feeling. A near silent whisper of the past, however, in the form of a shared interest was both a positive and negative thing for the tall man. He let the idea be, just so he could let it go himself.

The girl chuckled when he spoke, saying that he had saved her so his advice was appreciated. He couldn't help but look at her for a moment as she said that. Really now... "You... Take advice that eagerly from anyone who saves or helps you?" troublesome. He frowned slowly, not entirely sure what to thing on the matter. It didn't sit right with him that such a seemingly innocent person could even exist in this world. Could she not see the harm that she did to herself with such a mentality?

The ice pack situation was an odd one for him. People never tended to him like this. Let it be the fact he prefered to keep himself secluded or not seek out help right away. He felt a bit... Uncomfortable. Seeing as this was a sign that he had a weakness and, from what his father would always tell him, that wasn't something men were even supposed to do. Of course... Walking into a modern world that had shifted and with how time changed people and views too, it was dated for sure. Yet, Zenji did sometimes think that way, especially when there were others around who needed more aid naturally. And well... Since he wasn't familiar with people who had a handicap... The entire situation was just a mess for him.

Introductions came and he nodded when she asked about it. "Uh no..." he said calmly, looking back down. "I think it originates from somewhere around the Johto region, was popular back when my dad was young," he lied, just so that he didn't need to elebrate if it ever was brought up again. The girl then offered her name and it was now his time to look at her. "Kieran," he said, in a way feeling the name. "I've never heard of that name... But it's nice to meet you too," he nodded slowly.

Zenji lifted his hand and cleared his throat. "I can take over if you want," he said, hinting to him taking the ice pack from her. He waited for her reply before he decided that perhaps they could make some small talk. "So... You're from Cerynia but not Sanctum city right?" he asked carefully. "I'm pretty new to the region myself... Any uh... recommendations on places to visit?" or more like what were spots to avoid. Sure, he was living in the largest city of the region, but sometimes that was a positive, as it meant he could just blend in and live his life in the background like he was supposed to at this point. Troublesome, but not that problematic if you asked him.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The moment Kieran embraced the advice with open arms, surprise flickered across the other's face, an unexpected twist in their interaction. “Yeah? What's wrong with taking someone's advice?” Kieran wondered, marked by a gentle tilt of his head and a furrow of confusion knitting his brow

The revelation that the man had roots in Johto—or at least, his father did—drew a smile and a nod from Kieran.

When Zenji offered to take over the ice pack, Kieran's agreement was accompanied by a gentle caution, “Yeah, just be careful.” He passed it on and took a seat on the adjacent couch, positioning themselves comfortably for a more engaging conversation. His hands cradled a glass of water, from which he sipped thoughtfully before Zenji's next words drew his attention upward.

If you're fond of flowers, the Hollow in spring is wonderful— fields upon fields blanketed with vibrant hues,” Kieran shared with a smile, his voice carrying a note of wonder. “In our village, we believe that Shaymin has something to do with it, as multiple travellers have told us that they’ve seen it there,” he acknowledged. It was just a rumour, but he hoped to see it himself someday.

Other than that… well, if you’re the active type… which looks like it…” He halted his words, caught with a hint of embarrassment, his cheeks colouring as he hurried his words. “Eh— Then the mountains are good... Very nice. And if you like rides, LuminaLand's roller coasters are unmatched,” he managed.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
What's wrong with taking someone's advice? Zenji tilted his head slightly at that question. "You're... Serious..." he said softly. Goodness... What a person this gal was. "Alright... Let me name some reasons for you..." he said with a sigh. "People that want to use and abuse you, people that would want your money and manipulate you... People that want to steal your information, your money, your belongings, your... Pokémon," he sighed again. "In some ways they will come at you in certain... Forms... You should think critically before putting your trust in other folk," this was really concerning... If she knew what kind of guy he was, she wouldn't be so happily chatting with him.

He took over the icepack from her and nodded slightly. Adjusting his hand a bit to make it more comfortable for himself to hold. He looked as she took a seat and for a moment it felt like things would die down. So... he decided to speak up, make small talk, in a way. He wasn't used that, that much for sure... BUt it would seem he had aimed for the right question.

The Hollow... He did like flowers, so that sounded nice. Hearing the tales of Shaymin was also one that warmed his heart, it was one he had heard a lot when it came to blooming plants. "Do you... Have a tradition to celebrate it in your village?" he asked, knowing that some places held festivals or special events just for Pokémon and the things they brought with them. "I do enjoy nature a lot, love flowers, it sounds nice," it was worth to go have a look, at least.

What she said next, however, made him frown. He saw her blushing and he lifted a brow seeing the display. What? He looked down at himself for a moment. What was wrong? Had he said something...? The way she halted her words and seemed to stumble was strange too, not one that Zenji was overly familiar with. Not in a situation where he had one on one time with someone. Yet, she moved on and spoke of what he asumed was an amusement park... Alright.

He looked back at her and then around the apartment, before he nodded slowly. "I don't want to be rude but... I'd assume you are not... The very active type?" he didn't mean it in an insulting way... But it wasn't like he expected her to run a marathon seeing as she needed a cane to walk. "I do enjoy going to the gym and working out... Maybe the mountains could be nice for a good work out... Maybe a run..." he wasn't too familiar with hiking mountainous areas, so he would have to look into that. "You ever been there?" Seeing as she was limited, he doubted she did... But if she had, perhaps she could tell him more about it. If not... Well, he could always offer, right?

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Forms?” Kieran echoed, his tone laced with a cautious curiosity. Zenji's warnings about the ways people could exploit him—stealing his information, Pokémon, or even personal items—had instilled a sense of wariness. The concept of being targeted in various forms puzzled him; the notion that someone might have the intent to deceive or harm was foreign and unsettling.

The topic of village traditions sparked a visible shift in Kieran's demeanour, his hesitation melting into an eager nod. “Yes, we have a few,” he began, his voice warming with pride. “In our village, we cultivate the Gracidea flower. When it blooms, we present it to someone as a gesture of gratitude, a way to express our appreciation. And it's more than just flowers; the bloom season transforms our village into a market, alive with colours and scents. It turned into a dating season.

Upon being questioned about an active lifestyle, Kieran chuckled. “No, I wouldn't say I am,” he confessed, the reality of navigating life with a back injury shading his words. The conversation then veered towards physical activities, and as Zenji shared a love for the gym and mountain adventures, Kieran found himself nodding in understanding. My village is near the mountains. That's where...I had my accident,” he shared, a trace of melancholy threading through his voice. “I've hiked up many mountains. The view has always been beautiful.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
She came back with a question towards him. He held back a sigh from his lips. Oh boy. "Yes," he said as calmly as possible. "Like come onto you strongly, some people might display physical or romantic interest in you. Some might force it, like what has happened tonight... But not every malicious attempt is a forceful one," wise words for someone his age, perhaps, but he knew how much people couldn't be trusted. NOt after what had happened.

He listened to Kieran speak of her village. Gracidea flowers...? He had heard of them but never actually saw one in real life. "That's very cute and sweet," he said honestly as he moved his hand a bit to better place the ice pack. "It's kinda like your own secluded version of valentine..." he nodded slowly. "Way less cash grabbing and more honest things from the heart... Sounds nice," he wasn't really familiar with such a festivity back in his homeland as valentine only recently had started to pop up when he had left.

Hearing her speak of not being the active type he thought that would be it, until she spoke. She mentioned the mountains, it's where it had happened. Zenji tensed up slightly, bowing his head a bit. "Oh- Apologies, I didn't mean to bring something like that up," he said as he hoped it would at least make her feel less awkward or pressured in it all.

She then spoke of hiking... She had hiked many mountains. "I agree," he said calmly. "Can you still enjoy that... Or only if there's really good roads to the top or better transport?" he stopped himself. "Of course... I don't mean to be invasive... I'm just... Curious if you can still enjoy such things," he nodded once again. "Seeing as you seemingly recall those memories so fondly,"

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran's eyes widened in bewilderment when Zenji cautioned him about potential romantic or physical advances. The concept seemed to only add to his confusion. As Zenji elaborated that not all harmful intentions come with force, Kieran's expression deepened with concern. “But I can't imagine any of them stepping in to protect me from such situations,” he voiced gently.

Zenji's analogy to Valentine's Day sparked a recognition in Kieran, who agreed with a light smile. “Exactly, something like that,” he said, his smile broadening. “I’ve noticed everything here leans more towards commercialization. It feels quite bland, doesn’t it?” Kieran shared his disappointment, having initially romanticised Valentine's Day until he learned it was largely a push for increased sales. The revelation had dampened his enthusiasm.

Upon Zenji's inquiry about his ability to hike, Kieran hummed in contemplation. “Perhaps, if there were a Pokémon capable of carrying me, or something along those lines,” he mused, his mind wandering to whimsical solutions. When his mind involuntarily added, or a handsome stranger, it brought a sudden warmth to his cheeks, prompting him to hurriedly clear his throat. “However, I think it might be too demanding for me at present. Maybe, in the future.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
It seemed the girl had a bit of stubborn view of the world as she came back on his wise words with... Something that seemed to be a compliment for him? He frowned a bit as he looked her over... Before humming softly. "I suppose..." he said, his voice now a bit more quiet. He was a bit taken back as he had no way to turn this around or give her any advice. She really had cornered him with this one and it left him speechless.

Luckily, that didn't mean the conversation fell silent as they spoke of the event and how it was similar to valentine. He nodded when she spoke of how bland it all was here. "Yes. It is," Zenji agreed with her. "Valentine wasn't something very popular where I'm from. Only the past four or five years I would say it started to pick up. We had something similar to valentine but it's celebrated at the first day of spring and is not only for couples, but a celebration of new life and so on, which also includes love of course," However, he had been familiar with the concept for as long as he had known, mostly because he knew about the rest of the world, which couldn't be said about everyone in his life back then.

The conversation went along to hiking and Zen listened to what she said. He didn't make the connection at all from what she was saying and simply nodded as he said; "Yeah, Machamp is known to carry people around in... I think it was Alola region..." Hm... "They have four arms so even if climbing is involved they can carry you," And they were extremely strong, so a perfect fit. However, Kieran said she thought it be too demanding right now. He nodded slowly. "I see," he said. "That's unfortunate... I'm sorry... But if it's something you can look forward to I'm sure you can find a way, eventually,"

He lowered his hand a bit as he looked down at the floor. "So... What do you like to do..." He had to hold his tongue as he nearly added if you are that immobile. It would inappropriate... Right?

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Upon hearing the man reminisce about a spring celebration from his homeland, Kieran responded with a thoughtful hum. “We have a spring festival here too. I've heard it’s quite the affair—overwhelming, but in a good way,” he said, his smile conveying anticipation. Spring seemed to invite romance, drawing couples to such events in droves. “Actually, many of the local villages welcome extra hands during that season to lighten their workload. It's a nice escape from city life if you're interested,” he added, fondly reflecting on the communal spirit of the season. For Kieran, spring was undeniably the time of year he cherished most.

The conversation took a turn when the man humorously suggested transportation via a Machamp. Kieran’s expression wavered slightly at the thought. “Doesn’t sound particularly comfy,” he conceded, his mind wandering to more practical alternatives like a Mudsdale, perhaps equipped with a customised saddle for a smoother ride. However, realising the complexity of his desires, he shelved the idea for the moment, appreciative of the man’s encouragement to keep it in mind for the future. “Yeah, thanks for that,” he responded, his gratitude soft but genuine.

“I’ve always been drawn to music. The piano, especially,” he revealed. “And reading... It’s been a great comfort,” he admitted. Curious about the man’s indoor pursuits, he inquired, “How about you? What’s your go-to activity on a lazy day?” eager to learn if the man harboured any quieter passions.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
He looked over at the girl as she spoke of a spring festival. He hummed softly. Overwhelming... "Most festivals are like that right?" he said calmly. It were only the few he had known that weren't that way. However, Kieran seemed excited and he listened to what she had to say. "Yea, that sounds nice, I might check that out, thanks," he said softly, his deep voice muffling slightly as he spoke in such a manner.

He suggested her a Machamp, as that was what some regions liked to use. He couldn't help but let a smile slip as he saw her expression and heard her reply. Hm... The conversation about her abilities and what she couldn't do, didn't quite lay comfortable with what Zenji liked to talk about, because it was such a far away from home show for him. So... he was glad she didn't push.

He listened to what her things were. Music... The piano... That was actually quite nice. And reading... Well, he wasn't really surprised to hear that. She did sound and look like the quiet type who would adore that. A nice cup of tea and coffee to the side and just... Relaxing. The question was returned to him, however. He hummed. "I play the guitar," He said calmly. "But I haven't played in ages... I left my guitar back home," it was the truth, seeing as he couldn't just take it with him when he left. "Well... Beside going to the gym... I like to bake and cook... And I like plants... But again..." he looked down at his drink and took a sip. "I wasn't able to really bring my plants from back home, so... I only have this one orchid I got the other day," and really, there wasn't much work to that.

He thought for a moment, looking up at the ceiling as he nodded. "Come to think of it... I haven't really taken a lazy day since I've come here," so, he hadn't really enjoyed any of the hobbies he had listed. "Things have been very hectic... Finding a job and a place to stay. I do have that now, but sometimes you tend to stay stuck in the motions you are used to," his constant need to be ready. To pack everything back up and just... Leave again. No need to get attached.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
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