
[Ve] you promised me you'd take me there again someday but you never did

4 posters
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122

Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Kavya took a drag of her cigarette as she stared at her phone screen, waiting for something that probably wasn't going to come. A text, a call—Kaye wouldn't do that now. Not after how Kavya had treated her, going cold on her like she did. Even after the affair, she avoided—no, ignored—the silver-haired woman. She looked straight past her when they were forced to cross paths and pretended like she didn't exist. She'd gone silent for weeks, until today. It was all last-minute, really. Kavya was supposed to go to the festival with someone else. But he bailed on her, because, of course, he did. Men were like that. Still, the ever-crafty Kavya had tried to turn this into an opportunity. She'd been ghosting Kaye, leaving her without answers for long enough now. 

It was time to make an approach, and so she did. Kavya had her own goons, one who could work efficiently and on short notice. So sending one of them to get her message across to Kaye in person, wasn't a problem. The message in question? A bouquet of roses with a card attached. One that would invite the silver-haired woman to meet her here; today, at the Harmony Festival. They had frequented the festival together before, but that had been some years ago now. The question was, If Kaye would come. If she would show up. If she hadn't, then it would have all been for nothing. Then Kavya's subtle yet deliberate method of manipulation hadn't worked. And that was a hit to the ego, which Kavya rather wouldn't take. So it was a test then, a test to see if weeks of pushing Kaye away would untimely draw her in.

The woman finally pocketed her phone, and threw her burning cigarette away. The damn thing was nothing more than the bud anyway. Kavya contemplated lighting a new one; she felt like she needed too. But decided against it in the end. She's been smoking too much already anyway; she should really try to cut back a little. Instead, the woman decided to spend her time watching the crowd of people who walked in and out of the festivals. Young couples mostly, blossoming love. Innocent and sweet. They had no idea how ugly love could turn. But she knew—oh, oh, she knew all too well. That is why she didn't really do love; fooling around, sure; building some sort of connection, yes. But love? Actual love? No, no, that wasn't for her.

The woman took one more glance at her watch. Kaye had already missed the time they were supposed to meet by 15 minutes. A deliberate action or a sign she wasn't going to come. Kavya wasn't sure, but she also wasn't going to wait around any longer. She'd rather enjoy the festival alone, then. So the woman slowly started to move away from her spot, looking back a few more times. Perhaps hoping to see Kaye's familiar face coming up after all.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
A bouquet of flowers and a dull note. That had been Kavya’s first response to her. At first, Kaye had understood the play. She’d done it herself plenty of times. Though she had never expected it to come from Kavya. That was a hard pill to swallow and a bitter lesson to learn. Kaye had quickly fallen back into a pattern of complete denial. Busying herself with work, more work, some drinking, card games with the boys, an extra visit to Djodie, work.

Kaye had underestimated Kavya. She had expected her silence to last a week at most. Then another week had gone by and they had crossed paths in the hallway of the Golden Eye. Their eyes had not met as Kavya kept her eyes strictly faced forward, but Kaye had already a response ready on her tongue. But she hadn’t even gotten the chance to finish it, as Kavya had simply passed her by as if she was nothing but air to the twin-haired woman.

When the initial shock had worn off and Kaye’s patience was beginning to wear thin, she had sent a message. Of course those were left unopened at best, read at worst. Kaye had then taken the bold step to simply go and arrange a meeting to get this whole thing straightened out, only to be redirected to some pencil pusher Kav has on her payroll.

The message was loud and clear then.

The bouquet of roses, expensive ones, smelled sweet. The note that had a whiff of Kav’s usual perfume on it. Kaye had thrown them back in the messengers face and instructed him to fuck off before she would say something unkind. All anger from the passing week had accumulated to a boiling point. She had zero intentions to meet her at the designated place. The festival they had once attended years ago when their relationship had still been in its infancy. It had been shortly after the breakup with Rosalind and Kaye’s feelings had been high. Kav had made for an excellent distraction, until she turned into a little more. With her dangerous smile, honeyed voice and eyes that made Kaye feel like she was going to drown in them if she stared for too long.

So by the time that Kaye somehow ended up in a cab towards the festival, she was fashionably late. She deserves to stand out in the cold until the sun comes back around. I should make Kaz throw her out, hire a new bookkeeper, Kaye mused as she looked out the window and saw the gloomy clouds gathered. The promise of snow in the air.

The sickening smell of strawberries and other sweet things lingered in the frigid air as Kaye exited the vehicle. The aroma, carried on the breeze from the nearby festival grounds, painted an ironic contrast to the tension that hung between her and Kavya. Spotting Kavya's dainty form a little further ahead, her back turned, Kaye paid the driver and lit a cigarette before approaching.

“Done with your little tantrum, then?” Kaye's words, delivered with a cutting edge, sliced through the air as she stepped past Kavya. The festival's vibrant colors and joyous sounds seemed to mock the somber atmosphere that enveloped the two women. Kaye finally regarded Kavya for the first time in weeks. There was a storm in her eyes, a tempest of emotions brewing beneath the surface.

She wrestled with the urge to unleash a torrent of cruel words, to adopt a biting tone that mirrored the bitterness she felt, and to give in to the hateful intentions that had been festering during their weeks of silence. Instead, she took a measured drag of her cigarette, letting the smoke hang in the air between them like an unspoken challenge.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122

Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Annoyance surged within her as her attention was caught by the snarky comment Kaye threw at her. With a swift motion, Kavya turned her head around and drilled into the icy blue eyes of the silver-haired woman with her own. Kavya didn't like this air of arrogance Kaye had about her; it meant that she hadn't quite learned her lesson. And while the wine-colored woman never expected the Syndicate's lieutenant to break out of desperation at her feet,. She had wanted to knock her down a peg, to dial down her ego. And it was clear that, thanks to the storm of emotions she could see swirling in Kaye's eyes, she hadn't quite achieved that to the level she wanted yet. 

She should have taken more time; 4 weeks clearly wasn't enough. Next time, it'll be four months. But that was for next time, right now. She had to try a different method. "Fuck." The word felt strange on her lips, even alien. Kavya never swore, ever. It was unladly like in her opinion. But it made the very rare times that she did it even more impactful. A frown appeared on her face as she finally tore her gaze away from Kaye. Instead, she slowly slid it downwards, her pupils moving subtly from left to right. To signal that, she was thinking very deeply about something.

"That tosser got it all mixed up." She groaned in frustration, pretending as if her underling had made a mistake and got two people mixed up, which brought Kaye here. And it hadn't all been a deliberately planned out on Kavya's part: "He wasn't supposed to go to you; I specifically told him the message was supposed to be delivered to djo-" She cut herself off, and her pretends faded. Instead, she started to grin, wickedly. She had promised herself not to stand between them, despite having countless opportunities to do so. She had only wanted to mess a little with them both and get a little insight into their relationship. As she did find it fascinating. But that didn't mean that her intentions couldn't change. Or, at least, that she couldn't use her connection to Kaye's little redhead against her. 

"Nevermind." Kavya said as she shrugged, her grin still adorning her face. "You are already here. It'd be a shame to have made you come all this way for nothing." She said nonchalantly. Completely talking over what she had just said a moment earlier. Kavya gestured to Kaye to go ahead, but she didn't actually wait for the woman to do so. She simply started walking without her. "Let's just enjoy the festival shall we?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer

Kaye blinked.

It felt like a foreign word. Something so out of place that it took Kaye a moment to register that Kavya had indeed just swore. It took her completely by surprise and almost made her forget her own anger, if only for a moment or two.

Silently she watched as Kavya seemed to be lost in thought. Kaye’s own surprise made way for suspicion. Eyes narrowing slightly. She did not like the direction this was taking. The cigarette she had between her lips narrowly stayed in place as Kaye’s mouth dropped slightly ajar by the wild turn of events. Feeling her irritation flare and turn into ice cold anger. Momentarily frozen and too shocked to say a word.

Kaye’s hand shot out and closed around Kavya’s upper arm like a vice. Roughly pulling her against her chest and staring her down deeply into her twin eyes. “Watch your mouth. Her face was only inches away from that of her lover. A steel edge to her tone. In her anger she squeezed. Giving off a clearer warning than she had meant, though in her anger she did not particularly care if she was hurting her or not. “Joke about that again and see what happens.” She hoped it would bruise.

The taller woman released her roughly, turning around with a sway of her hips. Isolith moved under her coat, but with one firm push, the Mimette was shoved back into her pocket. “Really, Kav. Some cheap flowers and a bland note. That’s hardly the kind of thing I have come to expect from someone of your class. How perfectly dull.” She continued with a sigh and on a much more nonchalant tone, dismissing the whole matter with a flick of her wrist and entering between the festivities of the stalls around her.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122

Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Kavya wondered if Kaye realized just how much she betrayed herself at this moment. And her feelings. Her feelings for that little redhead. She wouldn't have lashed out like this if Djodie hadn't meant anything to her. If she was just a simple fling like so many other girls before her.

“Joke about that again and see what happens.”

Kavya didn't flinch and didn't react in any way. She simply stared at the other woman with her signature look painted all over her face. Eyes half-lidded, yet sharp. The corners of her mouth turned up ever so slightly. A hum escaped her lips. She was intrigued by the threat. Kavya didn't believe that Kaye actually had what it took to hurt her. Not really, not severely. Nothing she couldn't handle. "Who says I'm joking?" She bit back, her eyes sparking with challenge. Kavya reached up a little, pressing her body even more against that of Kaye until their chests were impossibly close together. It made it even a little harder to breathe. "Me and Djodie are pretty close, you know?"

It was a shame that Kaye decided to end their little moment so abruptly, Kavya was enjoying herself rather a lot. It wasn't often she could play in on Kaye's feelings like this. As Kaye released her, Kavya took a few steps back. Making distance between her and the other woman. She then brushed over the sore spot on her skin. Even the faintest bit of friction over the damaged skin sent waves of pain through her entire arm. She was sure a bruise would form. As she looked up, she could see Kaye shoving something back into the confines of her jacket. A new Pokémon perhaps? Kavya didn't care too much to find out. 

The words the silver-haired woman threw at her before she sighed and flicked her wrist. It Caused Kavya to narrow her eyes. She zero'ed in on the woman as she started to immerse herself in the festivities. Taking up Kavya's earlier-formed proposal to "just enjoy the festival," Kavya then shrugged. "A simple gesture for a simple girl." She said, as her eyes fell over several stalls and the goods they were selling. 

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and amusement as she watched Kavya's stoic reaction. The woman had a way of remaining unshaken, her signature look etched on her face like a daring challenge. Kaye had delivered a threat, but Kavya's response only fueled the fire. The slight lift at the corners of her mouth and the half-lidded, sharp gaze spoke volumes. Venom dripped from Kaye’s eyes. She knew full well that Kavya was only doing this to get under her skin, and the fact that this woman was the only one in the world who could achieve just that made her all the more annoyed.

"Who says I'm joking?" Kavya retorted, eyes sparking with defiance. Kaye could sense the challenge in the air, and it irked her that Kavya seemed so confident. It made her want to squeeze harder. The proximity between them heightened the tension, their chests almost touching.

“Simple? Why excuse mse, princess. Of course someone of your status wouldn’t want to be caught dead with some slump rat like me. Even though you were all too happy to warm my bed until pretty recently.” That fact still pissed her off. The audacity of Kavya to treat her like some common whore she was fucking on the side. Gods, this woman was driving her up the fucking wall. That, and the very simple reason that was precisely the kind of insecurity she still carried. Kaye could never forget where she came from. Knowing how easy it was to lose it all over again. She'd never indulged Kavya with the details of her past. All she knew was that she and Kaz came from the streets before they worked their way up. The details were hers to fill in.

“Hm-hm, I never took you for the jealous type.” Kaye remarked curtly, her eyes sliding over the cutesy red and pink items displayed on the stall she and Kavya strolled past. “Getting closer to the girl I’m fucking? If I had known that was what it takes to get your attention back again, I would have done this earlier.”” Her eyes lingered on a particular pink teddiursa plush with heart eyes and ‘I heart u’ written on its belly.

“Maybe I should buy you a little friend here, make it up, hmm?” she suggested. Eyeing her from the corner of her eyes with a sly smile. A slightly mocking tone creeping back in.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122

Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Kavya knew how to get a rise out of Kaye; she knew her insecurities and her interests. Perhaps not to the detail. But she knew enough for it to be used as a stick to beat the silver-haired woman with. Kaye's little tirade made Kavya sigh. Her eyes landed on Kaye. "To be fair, you do make quite the splendid slumprat" She began, her voice dripping with venom. "A shame that slumming it with you isn't as entertaining as it was before." Even a princess needed some excitement in her life, after all. 

Kavya wondered if Kaye understood what she meant by her words. Probably not the full extent of it. If she believed the statement at all. She probably thought it was just some snarky comment. But for Kavya it was something deeper. That day in her office, when the deed was done. Kavya felt so empty. So numb. Even when their drug-fueled encounter had been so intense. It made her think that perhaps she had been burned out by Kaye. This relationship they had - it had persisted for many years after all - had reached its end. 

And yet, it would be a lie if she said she was completely convinced of this notion. Because right here and now, that didn't seem to be an issue. Right now, Kavya had fun with Kaye, toying with her like this. She didn't even mind it when Kaye started to treat her a little roughly. So perhaps that intimacy wasn't totally gone yet. Or maybe her behavior has rekindled that spark again. Not that their bond had always been based on loving words and cuddles. But it hadn't quite this been this antagonistic before. 

Kaye accused her of being "the jealous type." But nothing could be further from the truth. Kavya didn't do jealousy. She didn't care who Kaye slept with, or who she held dear. Their bond was in her eyes; entirely only focused around them. Other people didn't matter. “Getting closer to the girl I’m fucking? If I had known that was what it takes to get your attention back again, I would have done this earlier.” Kavya followed the icy blue age of the silver-haired woman towards a garish-looking teddiursa teddy bear. 

Kaye suggested buying it for her. So she'd have a little "friend." The bookkeeper scoffed. And she waved her hand dismissively. "I don't want that garbage." She said, a little harsher and colder than she would've liked. "Maybe your little girlfriend would like it, though." She suggested it instead. Kavya pictured Djodie as the kind of person who'd love a stuffed toy like that. She'd probably even sleep with it. 

"Speaking of your girlfriend, I do wonder exactly why you like her so much. Is it because she bats her little eyes at you? Or the way she makes barely qualifying for conversation - conversation?" Kavya smirked as she looked at Kaye waiting for her reaction. "No wait- I get it now; she makes you feel all big and strong, doesn't she?" She couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "Always there to stroke your ego and shower you with gratitude for swooping in like a hero when needed."

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

[ valentine ] amigou

Kaye, you notice an Amigou with a beautifully curly tail watching you from a distance. It seems to be staring at the Harmony Bears and doesn't approach you.

Character sheet
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kavya of course did not appreciate the gesture. Kaye knew for a fact she despised this sort of thing. No, if it wasn’t priced with at least three zeros at the end, Kavya hated it. Though the following comment was ill struck, she did have a point. Djodie would like it. “Exactly, perhaps I should buy it for her.” Kaye said casually, signaling to the vendor she wanted the plushy and with exactly zero intentions of giving it to her. She froze at Kavya’s words, stuffed plush in hand and turned around slowly.

For the first time in a while, Kaye was speechless. In her mind going over any egregious error she might have made for Kavya to regard her with such venom.

“Yes.” Kaye hissed with barely contained rage. “She is easy. Doesn’t talk back and doesn’t make me ever tire of having to put up with her. Someone who actually wants to spend more time with me after I’ve fucked her. It's a nice bonus that she also keeps her legs closed.” The callousness in her tone betrayed the simmering resentment that had built up over time. “So if it is going to be a recurring theme that you want to toss me aside like I’m one of your other whores once you grew a conscience after our drug infused escapate, I’ll save us the hassle and let you find your enjoyment someplace else. Go pop some pills with the company you can buy. Otherwise, I’ll keep my mouth shut from now on before I say something unkind.” Kaye's words, heavy with disdain, lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the conversation. Looking down on her lover with a look of resentment on her face.

Her pale eyes were drawn towards a small creature standing between some stalls, regarding them with wagging tail and sparkling eyes. Kaye stuck the small teddiursa in a spare pocket of her coat. Throwing an arm around Kavya and pulling her closer against her. “But I doubt you can ever find someone who makes you scream like I can.” Kaye murmured in her ear.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122

Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

“Exactly, perhaps I should buy it for her.” Kavya hummed, the thought of snatching the plush out of Kaye's hand and ripping it apart flashing through her mind. Would Djodie still like her present then? If it was all torn and tattered? Most likely - Kaye could give her anything in any condition, and she'd still like it. The girl had no standards after all. But Kavya decided against it in the end.

Kaye didn't like Kavya's words of truth; of course she wouldn't the bookkeeper hadn't expected anything else. But she was a little surprised to find that the reality she had sketched was enough to silence the silver-haired woman. To render her speechless. Even if it was just for a short while.

Because she soon found it again. Kaye was a lot of things, but she was also strong. That Kavya wouldn't deny. One could beat her down physically or verbally, but she always got back up again in the end. Not only that, but she'll fight back too. Kavya listened quietly, and carefully, to Kaye's words. A confession, and accusation, a threat. Kaye didn't hold back this time. Which only delighted Kavya all the more. If she could get her this riled up, it meant she was pushing all the right buttons. 

Kavya didn't meet Kaye's gaze; she didn't want to strain her neck by looking up. She merely kept looking forward. "Kaye," She said with a rather calm and tranquil voice. "It won't last." It almost came out as a whisper, as a haunting echo. A thought swirled in the back of the silver-haired woman's mind, one she tried to push away. But kept coming back. "You two are simply too different." Like night and day. "Those things you listed—you might find them to be attractive qualities now, but you will tire of them. It's too much sweetness for you, Kaye. And you can deny it all you like, but you've never had a sweet tooth and never will. You want someone - well; someone who's a little more on the same level as you"

Kavya sighed as she reached behind her and moved, guiding her hand through her long, silky, wine-colored hair. Maneuvering all of it over her shoulder. "Not to mention that you aren't very good for her, either." Kavya knew Kaye, and her antics. Her little tricks, suddenly leaving. Going silent for days... Not to mention her work-related activities. "You can't stand there and tell me your relationship with her is a healthy one." A chuckle escaped Kavya's lips. Healthy was boring in her mind anyway, but she was sure the redhead didn't see it that way. It was what she surely wanted, and needed, more than anything. 

Kavya had seen the dog too; she had an eye for hidden gems, after all. But before she could make any move towards it. An arm was thrown around her, one that pulled her close. Once again, Kavya was pressed closely against Kaye. The bookkeeper could feel the other woman's hot breath on her skin as she whispered into her ear. "Did you know you have the most fragile ego? Can't take the very thing you've done to others so many times yourself." Kavya mused softly. Calling back the complaints Kaye had about how Kavya treated her. 

"But you are right, no one quite makes me scream like you do." The twin-colored-hair woman mused. "Just like how I make you feel quite like nobody else can." The soaring highs, the crashing lows. Pushing, pulling. Blowing hot, blowing cold... Kavya reached forward, finally meeting Kaye's eyes with her own. Her arms gently took a hold of Kaye's shoulders. As she pressed her lips lightly against those of the other woman. Creating quite the tender moment. Despite all the unpleasantness that had come before. Though, it didn't last very long. As Kavya quickly pulled away again. A small grin adorns her face. "Now go get me that dog."

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
KKavya’s sudden change in tone made Kaye instantly look down again. The next words that had come out were probably the last ones she wanted to hear right now. Especially from her. The idea that they were discussing the girl Kaye was fucking with the other woman Kaye was fucking .. it didn’t work in her mind. Djodie, with her red hair like fire and her flowery perfume ..

“Why .. listen to Lady morality over here,” Kaye said, face painted with a mocking smile. "Giving me advice, how wonderful indeed." The anger from before had faded slightly. What had now taken center stage was a numbing feeling of unease, annoyance .. and something else. The tall woman wasn’t quite sure she wanted to know what it was. So she did what she had been doing forever now. Push that shit down.

She turned away from Kavya with a flourish of her hair, figuratively pulling back from the entire conversation. A deep sigh escaped her as she pinched the bridge of her nose. How the fuck had they gone from petty cruelty, flinging it at eachother like monkey shit, to this? “Relationship?” she had called it. Kaye could call it a lot of things but a relationship? That implied many things. Things that weren’t true. Or were they? I should call her. Kaye thought miserably.

The taller woman cocked her head to look at Kavya then. The twin haired woman with the twined eyes and her twinned personality. Kaye felt truly unhappy as she looked at her lover, torn between wanting to strangle her and kiss her. “Kavya ..” Kaye began, but she was once again at a loss for words as the revelation that had just come from her partner, had sounded like nothing short of a declaration. Pride welled up in her chest at the confirmation.

Yes, Nobody could make Kavya feel like she could. Nobody .. and she would make sure nobody else ever would. Not now. Not while she had her. She finally did.

It went in slow motion as Kavya reached forward to hold Kaye’s shoulders. The kiss was not answered as Kavya leaned in to press her lips against Kaye’s. The moment wasn’t meant to last long as the next order followed and Kaye turned away once more. Glad to heed her lover’s call and get the rare mutt that was still staring at them with a wagging tail.

“I hate dogs.” Kaye said out loud, regarding the little beast with utter contempt. She ought the let Kavya do it herself for once. Toying with the idea to make a great show to catch it, only to let it escape on purpose. Hah! The idea almost made Kaye laugh aloud. No, she’d never lose in front of her. Not while this perfect opportunity presented itself.

The playful canine had a magical charm. The kind Kavya liked and Kaye despised. But if the lady wanted the dog, Kaye would get her the dog.

Her usual method wouldn’t do since there were too many witnesses and it wouldn’t do to let Bishop out. He’d set the entire plaza ablaze. Instead she approached it and crouched down, feeling in her pocket for the treats she used to train her Glameow. She knew that gaining its trust was the key to a successful capture. With a soft smile, she crouched down, making herself smaller and less intimidating. Putting up her best performance so the horrid beast hopefully wouldn’t make a run for it.

Slowly and deliberately, she extended her hand towards the pokémon, offering the tempting treats. The creature eyed her cautiously, sniffing the air before tentatively inching closer. She noted with a knowing look that it looked rather thin. It was hard to tell between it’s thick fur, but she guessed it was a stray that had been lost for a few weeks.

As she waited for it to approach she spoke softly, her voice a melodic invitation to friendship. She avoided sudden movements, allowing the pokémon to approach at its own pace. As it nibbled on the offered treats, Kaye shot a look over her shoulder at Kavya. Self satisfied smirk on her face.

She sat there for a while like that. Sometimes she’d move out of the way as other people passed them, and each time she did so, the pokémon began to move less further away. Wanting more of the tasty treats Kaye had made herself. High in protein and excellent to still hunger. It became bolder .. moving closer to nuzzle at the pocket the treats were in.

That was the moment Kaye pressed the pokéball she had held hidden in her other hand against it’s fur. With a yelp the dog got sucked into the ball, the round shape wiggling wildly in her hand. Kaye rose back to her feet and threw the ball in an arc towards Kav. Putting her hands in the pockets of her coat and regarding the woman, lips drew back in a thin line showcasing her dissatisfied mood she was still in. Vixen. She thought bitterly.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122

Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Kavya scoffed at Kaye's snarky comment. She was the perfect person to give Kaye advice. She was, after all, the mistress of love. Never having any trouble with it. Unlike Kaye. Kavya always had a line of lovers waiting in the wings. With whom she was able to do anything she wanted, without any strings attached. Kavya was loved, but she didn't love. She had trained herself, not too. As a way to protect herself. So her heart wouldn't be broken, or- Kavya's eyes narrowed as she looked at kaye- torn. 

Love was a shallow emotion anyway, a mix of a fear of being alone and lust. How many times have people said they loved her over the years and that they'd do anything for her? That they couldn't bear to live without her? Only to be over her within a few months? Enough times to prove her point.

Kaye was remarkably silent; perhaps Kavya had touched another nerve? Or maybe she was just thinking about something else—someone else. It made Kavya just a little uneasy. Seeing Kaye like this. She wasn't used to seeing the silver-haired woman, so she lost. Almost saddened in a way. Kavya had wanted to take her down a peg. But not like this.

This wasn't fun; this wasn't entertaining. Couldn't she revert back to idle threats? The roughhousing, the arguing - like before? Or had Kaye found the ultimate counter to Kavya's little game? By simply refusing to play it?

Maybe that's why Kavya decided to change her approach, in an attempt to reel Kaye back in. Some hushed words, gentle touches. Lips pressed together. Only, even that didn't really work. All the bookkeeper got out of the lieutenant was one spoken word. And then - nothing. It sounded like the beginning of a sentence, but if it was, the rest never came. There was only silence on Kaye's part. 

She did heed her command, however, though not very enthusiastically. Loudly proclaiming that she hated dogs. To be fair, Kavya wasn't a big dog person either. Dogs were just a little too messy and too loud for her taste. But still, she preferred them over cats. Dogs were loyal, at least. Perhaps even to a fault. But that to Kavya, that was even better. Unlike cats, one could feed them, house them, and what did they give in return? Nothing, nothing of value. You couldn't rely on a cat to protect yout home. You couldn't rely on a cat to help you when you were ill. You should be lucky if you get a few head rubs here and there, but that was it. And that wasn't good enough.

"And I hate you." Kavya almost wanted to say it; it was on the tip of her tongue. "I am in hate with you." But she didn't; she merely bit her lip as she watched Kaye make a fool of herself. Kavya couldn't really see what she was doing, but whatever it was, it took much too long. The twin-haired woman impatiently tapped her feet as she looked at her watch every so often. After a short while, she had to stop herself from just leaving Kaye, just leaving this damned festival, and going home. And perhaps she would've if the dog hadn't been worth the wait. 

Kavya watched them from a distance, sighing every time Kaye avoided the people passing her. Until finally, finally, she did what Kavya had told her to do. To secure that dog for her. Before the poor thing even knew what was happening, it was stuck in a pokeball. One that was quickly thrown Kavya's way. Greedily snatched it out of the arm and held it in her hands. She grinned wildly as she saw her reflection on the shiny surface of the pokeball. Kaye walked back over to her, looking just as disgruntled as before. "Thank you, Miss Mercer." Kavya said with a mockingly polite tone. 

"Now, I have to think about a name for this little canine." She mused, several names swirling around in her head already. Djodie- was the most prevalent one. A good fit too; Djodie was a dog herself in a way. Or at least her character was dog-like, obedient, loyal, and overly trusting... Kavya chuckled softly to herself as her eyes flicked back to Kaye. "Suggestions?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kavya caught the pokeball nimbly from the air, seemingly happy with the little gift. Of course she was. The rarity of the pooch only amplified Kavya’s desire to have it. In that sense, she was a lot like Kaye herself. The rarer the pokémon, the more likely she wanted it. Kaye had loved it when she had send her shiny Garchomp out in the arena and the crowd had ‘oohed’ and ‘aahed’ at the sight of the shiny scales.

Kaye quietly reminisced to that feeling, wishing she could be standing there right now. Alas, she was here. Amid sweet stands and pink and red flowers. The festive atmosphere clashed with the storm brewing within her. She couldn't shake off the bitterness that seemed to intensify with each step. The vibrant displays of affectionate gestures around them only served to accentuate her own discontent.

What a waste. Her eyes turned to Kavya then. The sour taste still in her mouth like a venom. Her eyes narrowed as she pretended to contemplate the question for a moment. As if she could give a damn what she would name the mutt. Her gaze adjusted, a mask of forced indifference concealing the turmoil beneath. The mere thought of naming the creature felt like an insignificant task compared to the internal struggle she was grappling with.

“Come on,” she spoke then, lips pressed tightly together in an unhappy line as she urged Kavya to continue. She didn’t even know where they were looking as the whole valentine festival was a pretense at best for the two women. Her anger was simmering, laying in wait below the surface. Ready to burst at the next poor fucker who decided to make her day even worse than it already was. “Hurry up along, I’m getting bored.” she muttered over her shoulder to her paramour settled at her side.

Her pale eyes scanned the surroundings without registering the romantic spectacle around her. Instead, they searched for an escape route or, better yet, a vendor selling something stronger than the sickly sweet atmosphere that surrounded them. Kaye's internal monologue yearned for a distraction, a reprieve from the festivity that felt like a cruel joke. Let's get this over with, she thought, her mind already fixated on the prospect of drowning her irritation in a well-deserved drink.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
With her red hair wildly forced into a bun, it wasn't that noticeable. Where it head been neat before she had left her apartment, the weather on the februari day was harsh, cold and windy. She had spend some time with Kieran walking over the Valentines event. Ofcourse - she had hoped to spend this day in different company. Altough she hadn't really expected that to happen, she couldn't quite force out the disappointed feeling.

As they were walking along the stands, Djodie's eyes fell on something - someone familiar. What? Surely she was mistaken, right? Surely the person was too far away and was just looking a lot like - wait.
If it really was Kaye she was seeing along the stands across from where she was standing, the woman who stood there with her, was quite familiar as well. Djodie swallowed. No, it surely was just a coincidence, there was no way - besides, Tori had said she barely knew Kaye, so why would she -.

What. Was. Happening.

Djodie stood there, frozen. Completely forgotten about Kieran, or Duster. The girl really hoped her eyes were playing games with her. That some Pokémon would appear once again, and made her realise she was halucinating. But there wasn't. The situation that unfolded before her eyes was all too real.
No - this was something she couldn't handle. Something she would rather forget. Just act like it didn't happen. Kaye surely wouldn't mention it, and if she would tell herself she didn't see it just often enough, it would become the truth eventually.

The redhead tore her eyes of and focussed back on Kieran. Tried to force her mind to be present with what was going on. Tried to focus on Duster and the new - strange - Pokémon at her feet, focus at the bear in her hands. But she couldn't. After what felt like an eternity, Djodie murmured an apology to Kieran, turned around to see Kaye walk upto Tori - filthy, lying piece of trash Tori - with a Pokéball in her hand. As the redhead closed in, she realised she had no idea what she was about to do. She just knew this was something she couldn't accept.
"What are you doing here."
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122

Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Oh? Kaye didn't even want to help her with a finding a suitable name.Of course, Kavya was never actually going to pick anything Kaye would suggest, but the fact that she didn't want to humor her was what irked the bookkeeper. How terribly boring! Kavya pocketed the pokeball in her long coat. But she didn't move otherwise, not even when the silver-haired woman, with quite the snappy tone. Urged her too. Kavya stood completely still, like a statue. "Ask me again," She said, her voice laced with annoyance. She wasn't just going to hobble after her like some dog. "And do it properly this time." 

Maybe she should just leave right now; this isn't working out. This attitude Kaye had was starting to become very draining. And besides, she'd already gotten everything she wanted out of this meeting. So really, there was no point in continuing this pretense. "I'm getting bored too; this whole affair is turning out to be rather dull." Kavya sighed as she feigned a yawn, like the actress she was. "I think it's best if we part ways here, hmm? I don't really want to waste any more of my time on such a tedium."

The bookkeeper didn't wait for a response from the silver-haired woman; she simply turned away from her. And walked away; however, Kavya didn't get very far. She'd only taken a few steps when a familiar face appeared. The bookeeper couldn't quite mask her surprise. She could only blink as the redhead approached her, anger, confusion, and much more clearly displayed on her face. "What are you doing here." 

Kavya quickly regained her composure, her eyes narrowing and the corners of her mouth curling upwards. She hadn't anticipated this turn of events, but... it was quite the opportunity. Once she wouldn't let her escape. For a few moments more, Kavya ignored the redhead in front of her. Deliberately, she reached into her coat pocket, retrieving a cigarette and lighter. Djodie could wait; if Kavya was going to do this, she needed a smoke first. Once the cigarette was lit, she slid it between her lips and returned the pack and lighter to the pocket from which she had retrieved them. As Kavya took a long drag, she felt the familiar rush of warmth spreading through her body. The taste of the smoke danced on her tongue. She felt a sense of calm wash over her, momentarily easing the tension that had been building within.

Her attention flicked back to Djodie, Kavya leaned forward and exhaled, directing all the smoke towards the little redheads face. "Same as you, I presume." She mused, her voice a mocking one. "I came here to enjoy the festival." Kavya turned her head, looking back - at Kaye. Kavya won't have much time before she would wise up and put a stop to this. The wine colored woman couldn't let that happen, not before she'd said everything she wanted to say. "But that's not what you mean, is it? You want to know what I'm doing here - with Kaye." The bookkeeper was sure to emphasize the name as much as possible.

"I suppose I should come right out and say it- rather surprised you didn't put two and two together before, but then again, you aren't exactly very smart now, are you?" Not very pretty, and not very bright- Kavya really didn't know what Kaye saw in her. "I don't even know if it would change anything." The bookkeeper sneered, a devilish twinkle present in her eye. "She could do anything, and you'd be willing to look past it because you are just that much of a slut for her."

Kavya took another drag of her cigarette. "You know, that isn't even the worst thing. The fact, you're a dirty whore. It's the way you pretend you aren't. You aren't fooling anyone with that innocent and cutesy mask you put on, sister." Fumes from the smoke swirled like a cloud around her, casting a hazy veil that softened the edges of her surroundings. Causing Kavya to zero in on Djodie even more.

"The only cute thing about you is how hard you try."

She should start to wrap things up now. She could almost hear Kaye storming her way. "But to answer your question, I am here with Kaye. Because I guess you could say, We have a bit of a situationship, something we've had for years." Though, they probably won't anymore after today. Not if she would stood in between them. Which she will, Kavya was sure. That tricky little vixen wouldn't let go so easily.

"And my name isn't Victoria, it's Kavya." With a decisive flick, she tossed her cigarette to the ground. Swiftly, she stomped on it with her heel, ensuring it was extinguished before she walked away.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
It took Kaye a few meters to realize Kavya was not following her. She turned around with an annoyed expression plastered on her face, half expecting the twin haired woman to have wandered off and left her all by herself. Frankly, Kaye would have liked nothing more for it to be that way. Save herself the time and frustration so she could drown her firecracker mood with some scotch, whiskey. Kavya refused to move, fucking fantastic. Kaye did not answer her, instead stared at her with eyes that looked a mix between bored and completely fed up with all her theatrics. Kavya seemed to have the same idea. Kaye turned abruptly, walking away with a sure thread and crackling expression on her face.

Kaye risked one last glance over her shoulder to make sure Kavya had actually fucked off herself, expecting to see her hear swaying on the beat of her swaying hips. What Kaye was not ready for was the familiar sight of Djodie making her way through the crowd and walking up to Kavya with an expression that Kaye could only describe as ‘irritation’. Kaye’s stomach sank. Fuck.

She made her way back through the crowd, but it was all too late. The tail ends of the conversation reaching her ears as she stepped past Djodie to stand in front of Kavya. “You went too far.” she hissed, voice laced with dripping malice. Isolith had made its way out of Kaye’s inside pocket of her coat, squirmed its way out of the color of Kaye’s coat and stared at Kavya with glowing eyes. “We’re done.” Was all she said as Kavya turned around and walked away.

Seething she turned around to Djodie, her flaming eyes reaching those of the redhead. What was there to say? “Well, anything to add?” she asked coldly. Now that the game was over and everything had fallen apart, what use was there to play nice. After all, Djodie could never have handled her when she had been true. Herself. Kaye the fucking Syndicate lieutenant. She did not expect Djodie to go easy on her either. Isolith had nestled itself in her neck, the creature holding on to her for dear life as it had turned it’s glowing, purple orbs down to Djodie. Teetering with excitement as it was able to sense Kaye her flaming anger.

Gods. I need a drink. Right now. Kaye thought with a pained expression, reaching to light a cigarette in a desperate attempt to grasp at anything to bring her comfort. Even the sensation of the nicotine smoke filling up her lungs could bring Kaye's anger down.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
There was something wrong. Djodie felt Tori’s eyes on her as she closed in. There was nothing to be seen for that sweet, empathic aura that Tori had on their earlier meetings. The wine woman noticed her, Djodie realised, but took all her time to calmly light a cigarette, take a drag, and direct all the smoke right in Djodie’s face.

For a moment the redhead stood frozen, no idea what the actual fuck was happening here. Then, finally, the wine haired woman answered. ‘I came her to enjoy the festival.’ Djodie clenched her jaw together. Tori took a quick glance at Kaye before shifting her focus back on Djodie. The next words came out and Djodie crossed her arms before her chest.

‘You are just that much of a slut for her.’ Djodie’s eyes widened. What now? Djodie lost her composure as the woman continued to beat her down. The smoke had clouded their surroundings. Just enough for Djodie to feel trapped.
“Please stop…” She whispered, not capable of producing anything more of a defence. But the woman was not quite done with her. Djodie casted her eyes down, already regretting walking up to them - as she noticed Kaye had noticed them as well and was starting to walk towards them.

‘We have a bit of a situationship, something we’ve had for years.’ Djodie swung her head back towards the wine haired woman. Excuse me? Surely that wasn’t true, right?
She didn’t have much time to think as Kaye had closed in on them. The silverhaired woman stepped past her and hissed something towards Tori-Kavya. Djodie didn’t fully register the words.

Not until Kavya walked away and Kaye turned towards her, with fire in her eyes that made Djodie want to disappear into a hole in the ground.
‘Anything to add?’ Kaye sneered at her. With a confused, hurt expression on her face, the redhead needed a moment to realise what had happened. She was just about to voice a response as she realised: ‘We’re done’. Did that mean - excuse me?

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Djodie lashed before she could really think it through. What did that mean? Was what Kavya had told her, was that true? Did Kaye not even try to deny it?
“I think I must have misunderstood something.” Djodie bit at her. Slowly a fire awakened inside her, as she tried to register what Kavya had said to her. What Kaye’s response had been. That kiss she had witnessed.
“All that shit on my couch, after you recued me? All that ‘I want to make it up to you’ crap? What the fuck? Did you mean anything about it?” The gears in her head were spinning wildly.
“You started with that crap. Probably your conscience showing up by accident? I didn’t ask you for anything. But there you are, making and breaking promises, then overloading me with expensive shit! You can’t buy a person!” Djodie’s voice was raised, occasionally off key, and she had to rail herself in with everything she had to not start screaming at the woman in front of her.

Without realising what she was doing, Djodie’s hand was already raised and swinging towards the woman’s face.
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
As Kaye’s eyes fell on the redhead, she could see the hurt and confusion clear on her face. Painted like a fine canvas as Djodie adjusted her eyes while her brain tried to catch up with what had just happened. Kaye felt bile rise in her throat. Bitterness taking a hold of her as it became a perfect accumulation of everything that had transpired between her and Kavya, ready to let it all go at Djodie who did not deserve such a fate and yet had made the critical error to think she had some kind of say in this entire affaire.

Djodie’s tone was sharp and cutting as her eyes shot back up to Kaye. Fiery anger revealed for the first time since they had met. Kaye raised an eyebrow as she settled one hand on her hip, thoroughly displeased expression on her face as her brows knitted together in a thin line. Well, well, look at this. The little bird could bite after all. In any other circumstance Kaye might have found it impressing. Now she found it so very tiresome.

The slap hit her right across her cheek. The sting leaving nothing up for misinterpretation. People that passed them shot the couple curious looks. Some laughed softly as they passed, for they found this sort of thing endlessly entertaining. Another heartbreak couple that would leave love behind at the festival of love. Kaye’s hand closed around Isolith. The Mimette had made itself out of the collar of her shirt with glowing purple eyes, ready to unleash an attack on Djodie.

Kaye squeezed harshly around its body, slowly turning her head back to Djodie to look down on her with molten eyes. She put her hand against her cheek, feeling the burn beneath her fingers and laughed. Isolith let out a squeak of pain, squirming in Kaye’s firm grip as it tried to gasp for breath. The tall woman ignored it. “You tread on dangerous ice, sweet girl.” Kaye said, voice bereft from any of the usual warmth she so frequently used when she was with Djodie. “I’ll let it slide this time seeing as you are blissfully unaware of just how far out of your league you are right now.” Her free hand dropped from her cheek, found a cigarette and held it out the Mimette. She released her iron grip and Isolith made choking and coughing noises, but obeyed the silent request- lit the cigarette with a tiny, purple flame, and quietly retreated back into one of Kaye’s coat pockets where it curled up.

Kaye’s piercing eyes fell on Djodie, looking down on the girl with contempt. “What exactly is it that you think I did? I want to say that you did not enjoy the little gifts I sent you, but I know that isn’t true. No, you liked them. Cherished them. I even want to go as far as to guess you didn't even think of selling them despite your little financial problems, because the thought that someone cared enough to send you those expensive gifts was enough to render you disarmed completely. You are correct. I can’t buy your love, for I had it firmly when I made you come undone in my bed that very first night.” Kaye placed the cigarette between her lips and leaned forward into Djodie’s space. Smelling a whiff of her flowery perfume. That same smell Kaye had grown to love so much. How many times wouldn’t she wake up and think she’d smell it, only to discover her bed was cold or occupied by a perfect stranger. It had been nothing but a dream.

Tender fingers closed around Djodie’s chin as she leaned even more forward, locks cradling her face as the scent of her premium tobacco began to overwhelm Djodie’s flowery scent. Drowning it out completely until there was nothing left. “Don’t put the blame on me, darling. I broke no promise, broke no vow. You kept coming back to me time and time again, like the obedient pup you are. That’s what I like about you. What I have grown to love.” Tobacco swirls curled around them, making the proximity feel utterly overwhelming and suffocating. “So throw your little tantrum all you want, it means nothing to me. But don’t you dare put this on me. I have you right where I want you to and I didn’t even have to make an effort. That was all you, darling girl. ” Kaye’s fingers released Djodie chin as she leaned back.

Instantly the Typhlosion was at her side. He stood tall, eyes focused and sharp as the ring around his neck flared up. Kaye could feel the heat through her coat at the close proximity. The typhlosion let out a yawn, scratched it's ear and huffed. His expression mimicked that of it’s master as it became bored at the sight of it's opponent. Standing at her side, eying the Lycanroc and being thoroughly unimpressed.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
Djodie wanted to disappear. Right there on the spot. But now that she had started, she couldn't just let this go. Still, when the tall woman shot the words back at her, Djodie shivered and cast her eyes down.
'What exactly is it what you think I did?' Djodie was about to fire an answer back, but Kaye was far from done.
Djodie's eyes shot down, unable to look at Kaye, as the girl crossed her arms before her chest, just to keep her hands occupied.

'I can't buy your love, for I had it firmly when I made you come undone in my bed that very first night.' Her bright blue eyes shot back at the woman.
"Oh, right. Just before you showed me the door that next morning." Djodie bit at her. "After leaving your phonenumber in my purse, ofcourse." Slowly Djodie started to wonder what she even
saw in Kaye.
The tal woman leaned in, a lit cigarette between her lips and just as the girl was about to step backwards, Kaye's cold fingers curled around her chin and Djodie found herself frozen.
Kaye locked her eyes in her own and Djodie clenched her jaw. Realising how much she had missed - craved, even - the woman's touch.

'You kept coming back to me time and time again.' Djodie shivered as conflicted emotions occupied her mind. The crave of Kaye's touch, the betrayal, the environment that started to become suffocating.
"Let go of me..." Djodie whispered, it all became too much.
'I have you right where I want you.' Just as Djodie was about to pull her head away, the woman let her go.
"I kept coming back to you?" Djodie started. That wasn't true. "I called you once. And everytime we've seen each other, has been at my place. So who's coming to who here?
I didn't tell you I was at the bonfire, you came to me. I didn't tell you I fell through that ice, you came to me."
The girl dug her fingers in her own arm in an attempt to stay calm.
"Don't make me think this is my fault." she bit.

The next moment, the Thyplosion stood right next to Kaye. Djodie noticed Duster immeadiatly get onto his feet, but only to re-arrage his body before Djodie's, so he was blocking her from Kaye and the Pokémon.
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
The fight Djodie had shown before deflated right before Kaye’s eyes. The girl cast her eyes down, voice lowered like the obedient little thing she was. Somewhere, deep inside a gnawing began in Kaye’s mind as this sight reminded her of something long ago. Something she did not wish to remember.

So she pushed that shit down and swallowed the bile.

“Do you really think it was a coincidence we only met at your place?” Kaye asked, amused with a curl forming around her dark lips. “No, my darling, it is not. That has been a deliberate decision on my part, seeing how you did not take it well the last time we met at my house. Besides, you never once showed me the door or didn’t allow me in.” The cigarette smoke swirled in dancing patterns. Happy patterns that reflected nothing of the grave situation before them. People around them continued on with their day. Laughing and talking, no longer interested in the love struck couple. Love songs were heard in the air as the music intensified in the distance.

Yet here they stood.

“I went through all the trouble to retrieve that dog of yours. I could have easily let him rot if I so wanted. No, I didn’t. I cleaned up your mess and never once heard one complaint.” As if the Lycanroc had heard, he moved into position between her and Djodie. Kaye didn’t even look down at him, instead keeping her steely gaze fixed on Djodie. “I must admit that this entire affair is making me grow weary. I did not endure Kavya’s moody nonsense to listen any longer to these accusations. The yelling? Unnecessary. It's unbecoming of you, sweeting.” She said with a definitive tone to her voice, taking one last drag and throwing the cigarette in the grass with a sharp movement. Crushing it between her heel. “So sell my gifts to pay for your rent, I don’t care either way. Whenever you see sense, you know where to find me. Otherwise, best stay out of my way, Djodie.” Kaye’s head was pounding as the desire for a drink grew ever so stronger. She was so fucking done with this entire day. Her eyes reflected the anger inside them. “Come!” she hissed to Bishop as she turned with a swift movement, coat swaying in the wind.

Kavye could rot. Djodie could rot. She was going to get a drink.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
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