
[journey] killer in the mirror

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
journey card

Hey! So Linn has done his first three journeys. The TLDR of that is that he fought a grandma, lost, but then kinda won and promised his soul to his dark affinity. He's gone to Shadowfell after, where he got his Dragapult. Click for journeylist.

I am open to anything, really. Trauma is always welcome, but making him feel useful would be great, too. Just remember that he got stabbed in the abdomen not too long ago, and please don't stab him again. Or do. Because that's kinda funny.

(this is my 1st time) looking for:
In terms of Pokémon, I'd really love Type Null 🙏 a Galaxy Ralts. I just want something sweet and cuddly that can kind of help him see that maybe he's not as bad as he views himself. Also view my Wish List for other Pokémon/items.

TLDR of this post: he's outside. at night. gl.

Navigating the solitude of his own company proved to be a strange experience for Ruìsāng. The newfound silence left him stuck between a freedom to breathe and an overwhelming void. The persistent ache in his stomach served as a reminder of his recent ordeal, prompting visits to Viktor under the guise of medical supervision— a convenient escape from the quietude of his apartment. The thought of moving away lingered in his mind, yet he wasn’t even sure where to start.

Amidst this, Ruìsāng wanted to do better, and there were moments where he thought he could. However, these moments were often eclipsed by despair so profound it found him frantically scrubbing at his hands in front of the mirror, attempting to cleanse away the phantom blood that marred his conscience.

This night had been particularly harsh, plagued by nightmares that momentarily erased the memory of his mother’s passing. The sound of distant weeping jolted him awake, and he’d thought it to be her. Stepping out of the room, he’d remembered — and everything came crashing down again.

Driven to a breaking point in the early hours, around 4AM, Ruìsāng resolved to escape the confines of his own thoughts, stepping into the night with Hēixié at his heels.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Stepping outside, you instinctively try to find yourself the shadows, finding yourself at east within the darkness. However, the silvery light of the full moon blocks your path to the shadows, forcing you to step in the light that feels almost foreign for you as you walk through the streets of the city, which at this hour feels more like a ghost city than anything else. Fixating on finding something to keep your mind of the nightmares still plaguing the back of your mind, you find yourself on the edge of the outskirts of the city. Looking up, a few things are fighting to catch your attention.

  • Option 1: As you ventured into the night, drawn to a nearby park bathed in the silvery glow of the full moon, the shadows danced in the moonlight, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. As you strolled along the path, you heard a soft, haunting melody carried by the gentle night breeze.

  • Option 2: In the quiet hours of the night, you felt compelled to explore an abandoned warehouse on your left. The eerie creaks and distant howls filled the air, trying to beckon you to enter and explore.

  • Option 3: Within the silvery light of the full moon you see an ancient, overgrown forest that seemed to defy urban logic. The moonlight filtered through the dense canopy, creating an ethereal glow. Hēixié, sensing an unusual energy, trying to get you to follow her.

What will you do, or do you deem all of the options mundane and continue your walk in the moonlight filled path before you.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The darkness enveloped Ruìsāng not as an adversary, but as an ally, cloaking him in a secure embrace, a sanctuary where he felt an unexpected sense of belonging. Hēixié, attuned to the shadows that had been her domain for so long, remained closely connected to him, a silent guardian.

His wandering was aimless, guided more by instinct than intention, until a distinctive bark sliced through the stillness, drawing his focus. The source, Hēixié, appeared captivated by the sight of a forest that seemed to materialise out of nowhere. Ruìsāng, stepping into the silver glow of moonlight, found his curiosity piqued yet tempered by caution. He couldn't shake the unease that whispered warnings of past encounters where a random appearance of nature had nearly cost him his life—involving a seemingly harmless grandmother.

This prompted him to glance at his companion, a silent question hanging between them. “You want to go check it out?” he inquired. Resignation tinged his voice. “Then let’s go,” he resolved, stepping forward.

let's check out # 3

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Ignoring the other sounds around you, you decide that following your pokémon is the best course of action. The Vulpix barks at you once, before entering the enchanting forest before you.

Opening your eyes, you didn't even notice that you closed them before, when you set foot in the forest, makes it clear that this isn't a normal forest. The energy that fills the area tingles in the back of your neck, almost as if you stepped in a dream. Memories of the last time someone tried to screw with your brain come rushing back, but this time the feeling is different, warmer, more inviting. The total opposite of your encounters with the hag.

The ancient trees whispered tales of balance disrupted, their roots entangled with the city's essence. A feminine spectre emerged from the ethereal fog, a guardian of the delicate ecosystem hidden within the greenery. For a moment the spectre floats in place, before slowly disappearing in the fog again. You're not sure if it just took a peak at you, or that it wants you to follow it. When you look down, Hēixié is staring at the place the spectre had just been with clear intent.

How do you proceed?

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng was acutely aware of the risk involved in venturing into the unknown. However, Hēixié's eagerness to explore this particular area hinted at a distinction from the grandmother's domain. He had briefly endured its confinements, but for Hēixié, it had been an ordeal spanning months, perhaps even years. He trusted her judgement, believing she would not be drawn to something reminiscent of that.

As they crossed the threshold into the forest, the atmosphere shifted. Unlike the oppressive aura of the grandmother's lair, this place felt warm, welcoming even. It stirred memories of the first encounter, when the promise of peace had been dangled before him.

The sudden appearance of a spectre halted him in his tracks, a chilling reminder of what Vince had shared. Ruìsāng glanced at Hēixié. Her awareness of the spectre confirmed its presence wasn't just a trick of his imagination. “Of course,” he muttered under his breath, a mix of resignation and irritation colouring his words. If he’d end up with another hole forcefully stabbed through him, he’d throw a fit.

Want to check it out?” he proposed to the Vulpix, curiosity piqued despite the potential for danger. Taking a cautious step forward, he prepared to follow the spectral figure.

let’s follow it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

As you cautiously step forward, the spectre begins to glide through the fog, leading you deeper into the heart of the enchanted forest. Hēixié follows closely, her fur standing on end, sensing the spectral figure's energy. The air is thick with a mysterious tranquillity, a stark contrast to the unsettling atmosphere of the grandmother's lair.

While you're walking, and with the roll of 55 on the dice, you see the following appearing in the fog:
Someone has come through this section of forest and dug the soil away from the trail to form a sort of top-down view of a home. The 'pit' is about 6 feet down, and contains furnishings and walls formed from the soil, avoiding tree roots where it can. The house meanders along the path and is not traditionally square or regular. The path is untouched, but bisects this 'house' of sorts.

Unsure what this could mean, you have the choice. Will you inspect this piece of 'art' before you, or will you continue on your path following the spectre, deeper into the forest and leaving this artwork behind you to never be seen again.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng's eyes widened in disbelief, then narrowed in concentration as he beheld the enigmatic house materialising from the fog like a scene from a tale. His pace decelerated instinctively, a silent signal to Hēixié, who remained vigilant a step behind him. Their bond, though not as intuitive as with Lìeyàn, was strengthening.

Zhè tā mā shì shénme yìsi,” he whispered under his breath, as he reverted to his mother tongue. The initial intention to pursue the spectre remained, yet he advanced with caution, his senses alert to the possibility of this being either a peculiar prank or something far more enigmatic.

Pausing, Ruìsāng crouched slightly, extending a Pokéball forward with a sense of purpose. “Follow the spectre, Mómó. Keep out of sight and stay safe,” he instructed the Dragapult. With a swift, almost imperceptible movement, it vanished down the path, embarking on the mission he had laid out, while Ruìsāng decided to check out whatever this was.

Sāng stays to check this out, sends Dragapult onward.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Looking in disbelieve, you watch the house appear from the fog, piquing both your interest and making you cautious about what is going on. You decide to go check it out, while you sent your Dragapult to go after the spectre.

Guided by a natural curiosity, you step closer to the house, or the top down view of it. For it to be seen better, you decide to let yourself glide down the 6ft into the pit. The moment your feet touch the soil underneath you, you feel that something is amiss. Having Hēixié with you, gives you some relieve, but maybe it wasn't the best decision after all.

you've rolled a 87 on a d100 for an encounter.

You feel a rumbling underneath your feet and when you set one step in the direction of the house, the following happens.

A small portal opens up under the house, expelling bright red light to the heavens. It disappears when reaching the sky high enough. With in the middle, on the ground, a woman.

A woman?
A woman clad in black and purple robes, her eyes silvery white, smears of blood over her face and hands. She looks angry at you.

What will you do?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng's relationship with fear had always been distant, almost alien. Life had not held for him the meaning that others seemed to cling to so desperately. The spectre of death had loomed indifferent, neither a threat nor a concern, simply because there had been nothing of true value for him to fight against its inevitability. The notion that others might grieve his absence was acknowledged but diluted by the belief that they would find solace elsewhere, with others more integral to their lives than himself.

Yet, standing at the precipice of a decision, a newfound hesitation coursed through him. For the first time, there was a reluctance borne of having something, or someone, worth the struggle of survival. Emboldened by curiosity, he still slid down the slope. He refused to let the fear of death dictate the boundaries of his existence. He knew he was strong enough to get out.

However, the ground's sudden tremor upon his landing, followed by the emergence of a radiant light and the appearance of a woman, caught him off guard. His initial reaction was one of wariness, a reflex honed by too many encounters with troublesome women.

What’s wrong with you?” Ruìsāng demanded, his tone a mix of annoyance and caution. Hēixié lowered herself, her eyes a faint red in the darkness of the night.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

When you ask the question to the woman, she turns towards you. Her head making a snap towards you, her silvery white eyes glaring at you. Fresh blood still dripping from them as she opens her mouth. For a few seconds, not a single thing can be heard. As if you watched in slow motion, the sound hits you a few seconds later, almost trying to blast you back into the dirt behind you. You look up, see the woman pointing at you. With a stretched out hand, she comes towards you on high speed, like a ghost being drawn to a bad person. You find no way out as the finger collides with your body and the woman disappears.

you've rolled a 10 on a d20. The AC was 13.

you've rolled a 41 on a d100 for a "Mark of Darkness".

you've rolled a 6 on a d6 for the amount of hours.

When you open your eyes and look down, you see a gaping hole in your chest where your heart is supposed to be. Trying to touch it makes you feel nauseous. Looking up, both the woman and the house are gone and your Dragapult is floating in front of you, with the spectre right behind it. Now that it is this close, you can almost see through the fog what the spectre is.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Panic surged through Ruìsāng, a tumultuous storm of alarm and disbelief. The woman's glare, menacing and unforgiving, seemed to freeze time itself, drawing a stark, terrifying parallel to a past moment— a blade protruding grotesquely from his abdomen. But this horror was different, and yet, equally, if not more, petrifying.

A ghastly void had appeared in his chest, an unnatural, gaping wound that seemed to mock the very essence of life. The instinctive reach of his hand towards the injury only intensified his horror, a visceral reaction threatening to overwhelm him as he recoiled in shock. Tears blurred his vision, a physical manifestation of his distress. His mind raced, unable to reconcile the reality of his survival with the severity of his condition.

He barely managed to lift his gaze, a shudder coursing through him at the sight of the spectre looming before him. Its presence, while not initially seeming malevolent, did little to help his fear.

What the fuck?” The words escaped him in a high-pitched, desperate squeal, a stark contrast to his usual composure. “I—

The phrase became a mantra, echoing endlessly in his head.

What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

With panic setting in and your repeating of curses, both your pokémon and the spectre behind him take a step back. It is only Hēixié that stays at your side, seeing the comparison with what happened last time. It barks to the spectre, as if it's trying to ask for help. The spectre hesitates, as if its unsure what to do with you in this condition. Slowly, it moves forward, the fog still obscuring your vision of her.

you've rolled a 15 on a d20 for a wisdom save. The DC was 16.

The curse that took your heart is taking root in your mind, making you unsure about what you see is true or false. Memories from your earlier encounters make your decision making troubled. As you look up to the spectre, a memory of the hag flashes before you, filling you with fear. Your mind and body working as one, both not listening to your commands, and you run. Past your pokémon, past the spectre, deeper into forest.

Coming to a halt in front of a tree, one as big as one of the building in the city. It has a whimsical glow around it and while you stop  just twenty feet in front of it, you can clearly see something sitting between its roots. Slowly, your troubled mind eases, letting you think clearly again now that you're removed far enough from the cursed place. But when you look around, you're alone.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The world around Ruìsāng felt like deception, unravelling thread by thread as he staggered back, his heart hammering against his chest. The old woman — the hag — who had once offered solace to his battered body and spirit, haunted him as a grim reminder of the betrayal he narrowly escaped. He had danced on the edge of surrender, tempted by the end of pain, yet something had pulled him back from the brink.

It was in these moments — collapsing into Sim’s shop, being saved by Vik, and finding understanding in Vince's acceptance — that Ruìsāng discovered reasons to cling to life. His existence finally worth enduring. He was on the cusp of embracing a future filled with possibilities, a life. He would have never accepted her offer now.

But as his mind betrayed him, personified by the hag's visage invading his thoughts, Ruìsāng's instincts took over. Terror propelled him forward in a desperate sprint, the primal urge to escape.

Breathless, his body protested the exertion, pain flaring with every step until he was forced to halt, teetering on the edge of collapse. He thought he saw something sitting underneath the tree, but… Then he looked around, trying to find Hēixié, only to fail. The absence of her made him feel unsafe. Panic set in as he realised the gravity of his situation — pursued by unseen forces, vulnerable due to his injuries, and the potential wrath of Viktor for running with his wounds.

What the fuck was he going to do now?

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Pain is making you almost unable to think, it is blurring your vision as you heave for air, trying to suppress the pain coursing through you. Without your pokémon around you, you feel utterly alone. A feeling that you haven't had for some time now, as you take a look at the tree in front of you. Fog rolls in around your ankles and when you look over your shoulder, you can see the spectre gliding in behind you. It gives you one look, before gliding towards the tree. Your pokémon, however, are nowhere to be seen.

A few feet in front of you, the spectre looks around, motioning you to come closer. As you look at where the figure is going, you see how the fog falls from its shoulders, revealing a Gardevoir. The pokémon gives you one last look, before continuing its way towards the roots op the tree.

Walking up to the tree, the Gardevoir is sitting between its roots, a circle of smaller pokémon all around it. You recognize the pokémons to be Ralts. When the Gardevoir notices you coming closer, it ushers the Ralts to gather behind it. It doesn't seem to be trusting you entirely.

Trait: Galaxy

One of the little pokémon walks from behind the Gardevoir, it wobbles a little bit, falling over while walking towards you. The Gardevoir holds out its arms, trying to stop it. You think they are communicating through telepathy, as there is no sound to be heard. However, the Ralts is still making its way towards you, stumbling and falling over. Almost as if its sick and weak, maybe that is the reason the Gardevoir doesn't want it to come close to you.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The phantom spectre loomed before him once more, yet Ruìsāng's trusted Pokémon were nowhere in sight. His frustration ignited, red eyes burning with the intent to confront the apparition for its silence on the whereabouts of Hēixié and Módào. Their absence was a void he felt keenly, a pressing concern that clouded his thoughts.

However, as the spectre beckoned him forward, Ruìsāng's anger gave way to cautious curiosity. The shadows around them remained still, offering no premonition of danger. With measured steps, he advanced, his scepticism shadowing each move until the mist before him parted to reveal a Gardevoir. Relief washed over him at the sight, a gentle reminder of the familiar amidst the unknown. A Gardevoir— a beacon of hope that perhaps his Pokémon were safe after all.

Guided by the Gardevoir, Ruìsāng found himself before a tree, its roots cradling a small group of Ralts. His approach was tentative, halted by the sight of one peculiarly hued Ralts stumbling towards him. Despite the sharp pull of pain from his stitches, he knelt, offering a smile of encouragement to the struggling Pokémon.

Hey little one…” His voice was soft, tinged with concern as he sought answers from the Gardevoir. “What's happening here? Does it need medical attention?” His gaze shifted between the Pokémon and its guardian, a mixture of confusion and concern etching deeper lines into his already furrowed brow.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

you've rolled a 14 on a d20 for Pokémon Handling, the DC was 12

When you kneel down before the Ralts, it looks over its shoulder towards the Gardevoir. The pokémon shaking it's head softly, as if it doesn't want it to come closer to your. Your soft words however have piqued the interest of the Ralts. It stumbles further, before falling into your arms. Looking up at you, you can see its eyes looking at you, growing bigger with the second. The Gardevoir, however, is looking at you with a watching eye as a mother looking at its child doing something that its not suppose to do. It has a worried look on its face, with its eyes flicking from you to the Ralts, making sure that nothing is happening.

The Ralts however, raises its hands, trying to climb on top of you. With its head only inches in front of yours, it heaves it hands to place on your temples. You see the pokémon glow for a moment, and a warmth feeling is flowing from the Ralts towards you. When you close your eyes, you feel the panic and the pain in your abdomen subside, as the Ralts is using Heal Pulse, to calm you down.

The moment the glow disappears, the Ralts falls into your arms, breathing weakly. The Gardevoir immediately rushes into action, snatching the Ralts from your arms. Its body glowing blue as you feel the Psychic energy around you. It looks at you with hatred in its eyes, as if you just made the condition of the Ralts even worse.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
As the delicate form of the Ralts collapsed into his arms, Ruìsāng's instincts kicked in, cradling the fragile creature with a care he scarcely knew he possessed. Frozen on his knees, he held the Pokémon with a reverence born of fear— fear of harming something so vulnerable. His mouth parted in confusion.

The Ralts clambered up to meet his gaze, its large, expressive eyes locking onto his. In that moment, a serene blue glow enveloped them, and Ruìsāng almost automatically let his eyes fall shut. A tranquility washed over him, his pain melting away into a gentle hush. Breath escaping in a soft exhale, he reopened his eyes to a world subtly altered by the Pokémon's touch.

Panic surged through him as the Ralts collapsed again. “No, no! You shouldn’t have—” he stammered, his voice a mix of awe and distress. Lifting his gaze to the Gardevoir, he sought understanding, an apology forming on his lips. He hadn't wished for this.

The Ralts was taken from his arms, leaving Ruìsāng adrift in a sea of guilt. “I didn’t mean for this to happen— Please, is she sick? I’m so sorry,” he whispered. The Gardevoir's hatred-filled eyes struck him, and he flinched under the weight of that look.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

With the sense of tranquillity washing over you by the powers of the Ralts, you notice that it also erases the illusion that had been placed over your mind, as the hole in your chest slowly disappears. But you can't have peace for so long, as the Gardevoir snatches the Ralts from your arms when the healing stops.

The pokémon looking at you with hatred filled eyes, your pleas falling on deaf ears. The blue glow of psychic powers extending from the pokémon to you, filling your head with the voice of the pokémon. "Devil touched by darkness. How dare you come to this tranquil place. Cast your shadow elsewhere."  

The Gardevoir raising its hands, with the blink of an eye, both your pokémon land besides you. "Take your pokémon and leave this pla-" The words disconnect abruptly when the Ralts in the Gardevoir's arms reaches out to the bigger pokémon, a soft childlike voice filling your head this time. "N-no. Leave him. No devil. T-there is life in darkness." But the voice is weak, a whisper compared to that of the Gardevoir.

Will you...

Try and persuade the Gardevoir, find out what the Ralts means by "there is life in darkness"
Leave the place, the pokémon insulted you, and you have your pokémon back.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Devil touched by darkness.

What a fitting title.

As these words reverberated within his consciousness, his Pokémon materialised, as if summoned by the moment. The Dragapult, embodying a stark contrast to its formidable nature, sought refuge behind Ruìsāng, seemingly convinced of his ability to provide sanctuary. Meanwhile, Hēixié, ever the protector, positioned herself defensively in front of him, her stance bristling with defiance towards the Gardevoir.

Stop it, Hēixié,” Ruìsāng's command was a whisper, a gentle reprimand. The Vulpix, taken aback, cast a glance over her shoulder, her surprise quickly morphing into a focused determination as she assessed the Gardevoir.

The Ralts's voice, soft yet unmistakable, filtered through his thoughts. There is life in darkness. It was an odd thing, the persistent belief of others in a light within him, a counter to the darkness that so defined his self-perception.

Ruìsāng wondered aloud, then, “Life?

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

you've rolled a 15 on a d20 for persuasion. The DC was 15.

While not using your words, it is the actions that you decide to take that makes the Gardevoir lower her guard a bit. It genuinely thought you would snap at your pokémon when it was ready to pounce. But you handled with care and gentleness, not with aggression as it had expected. But it was the Ralts' voice that filled your mind once more. "You're touched by darkness, but there is a spark of life hidden away." The Gardevoir sat down, the Ralts was still weak but it could sit up and lean against the body of the bigger pokémon. Both of them look up at you. "You're not yet consumed by darkness, something is keeping life within your grasp."

Next it is the Gardevoir that speaks to you. "This Ralts is a special one. Where most of our kind shy away from the darkness, this one seems to be drawn to it. But it is making it sick. It is in need of good care, life and light. Not a devil like you." While it's tone of voice was softer then before, you can still clearly hear the disgust that it harbours for you.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
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