
[journey] killer in the mirror

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Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Hēixié positioned herself between Ruìsāng and the Gardevoir, her body language a delicate balance of readiness and restraint. She lay down, her posture embodying a silent vow to leap into action if necessary. Yet, she chose to observe, her trust in Ruìsāng's judgement anchoring her actions.

The Ralts shared something with Ruìsāng, speaking of life that persisted within the shadows that enveloped him. As Ruìsāng absorbed these words, a gentle smile graced his lips, his thoughts immediately alighting upon vivid images of loved ones— golden eyes shining with warmth, a smile that lit up the darkest corners of his world. These were the beacons that had guided him through his darkest times, the anchors that had kept him tethered to life.

Pondering the following message, Ruìsāng voiced a concern, “Can darkness afflict it with sickness?” The notion seemed alien to him; never had he encountered such a thing. Shaking his head to dispel the thought, he sought to clarify his position. “I’I’m not— Do I really seem like I’d hurt her? Please just— I think she needs medical care. Let me help,” he pleaded.

Behind him, the Dragapult, a silent witness to the unfolding scene, ventured a cautious glance towards the Gardevoir, its expression tinged with melancholy.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

The Gardevoir is hesitant to answer your questions, looking from the Ralts to you. It seems torn between telling you and not letting you into secrets guarding by their kin. The Ralts meanwhile, although it is visibly weak and breathing, is making yet another attempt to get to you. You, still connected by the other two pokémons by psychic energy, can feel how it is getting weaker by the minute. The Gardevoir is also noticing this, trying to shield it with its own body. "It is not the darkness that is making it sick. But it is in need of life and light. That's why I'm keeping it here, so it can reconnect with the tree." The pokémon looking behind her, to the ethereal looking tree and the Ralts' sitting before it.

The Ralts, however, still trying to get to you, falls down before your feet. Looking up at you, its voice is weak, but filled with a strange sense of determination. "You." It shudders, reaching out for you, both mentally and physically. "You're not evil, there is light besides you."

While you're looking at the Ralts, you didn't notice that the Gardevoir moved back to the circle of Ralts, seemingly conversing with the other pokémon.

Will you take care of the Ralts in your arms, or see what the Gardevoir is speaking about with the other pokémon?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Please, stop,” Ruìsāng's voice barely rose above a whisper, his plea soft for the Ralts that strained to reach him. Desperation laced his every word, a raw, aching need to help, to fix, to save, but shackled by the harsh reality of his limitations. He stood there, torn by his desire to intervene and the ghosts of his own past that whispered caution. The memory of being ripped away from home, by hands that promised salvation yet delivered him into a nightmare, haunted him. He couldn't—wouldn't—become the very monster that still prowled the shadows of his sleep.

The Gardevoir spoke of an ailment not born from darkness, offering a sliver of hope that perhaps Ruìsāng wasn't the harbinger of despair he feared to be. “I believe medical care, not just life and light, is what's needed,” he countered, his voice a gentle murmur against the doubt screaming within him.

As the Ralts drew nearer once more, Ruìsāng's resolve wavered. He caught and cradled it, a fragile hope in his arms, feeling to see whether it had a fever. Memories of being taken, of hands that claimed to protect, surged forward. He couldn't—wouldn't—take her away without the Gardevoir’s permission. The Ralts spoke again — stating there was light beside him and Ruìsāng smiled softly. “I know. He’s all I could ask for,” he admitted, a knowing smile on his lips. There was light in his heart, because he had someone who could be that to him.

Facing the Gardevoir once more, Ruìsāng's resolve hardened. This tiny, frail life in his arms needed medicine and care. He stepped forward, a silent vow in his heart, past the Vulpix. “Life and light alone are not enough. She needs more than what you or I — or this tree — can offer,” he implored, his voice steady, his heart heavy. “I've done things I wish I could erase, made choices that have darkened my soul. But I wouldn’t hurt her. I’m not— I’m not a monster.

Maybe he ought to finally believe that.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

you've rolled a 10 on a d20 for persuasion.

While you try to plea with the Gardevoir, you can see her look up, interrupting her conversation with the other Ralts. Calmly, maybe a bit too calmly, she hovers towards you, the connection between you two once again established. Looking up to the pokémon, with the Ralts in your hands, you see how her face morphs, becoming more darker, more nightmare fuel. A strong psychic energy is washing over you, almost forcing you to do drop the Ralts on the ground. "You know nothing about our kin, devil. You think that your machines and your balls can save a life, but you know nothing about saving a pokémons life." The psychic energy wavering just a little bit while the Ralts in your arms stirs. "Only the light of Xerneas can heal her affliction, only one pure of heart can reach that state. She is spotted, not yet as dark as you are, but spotted nonetheless. That's why she is drawn to you. That's why she is sick."

The Gardevoir calms down a bit, her face morphing back in her natural state, now you can see tears rolling down it as well. You have the feeling that there is more going on. That this is not just a mentor looking out for a student, but a mother fearing for her child's life.

Will you try to plea with her again? Now knowing this information.

your journey continues...

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Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
For too long, Ruìsāng had cast himself in the role of the villain, a soul marred and tainted, unworthy of the light for fear of extinguishing it with the abyss that seemed to reside within him. Yet now, he was utterly exhausted by this narrative. Exhausted of feeling as though all the battles he'd weathered, all the demons he'd faced down to emerge on the other side, meant nothing. He'd laid everything on the line, time and again, for the sake of others— only to be judged eternally by the shadows that clung to him, by the consequences of decisions made in moments of desperation.

How dare they.

Do I know nothing of saving a Pokémon?” His voice droppedas he gestured towards the Vulpix at his side. “I snatched her from the inferno she was forced into. When she repaid me with her teeth, did I abandon her? No,” he said, his words a testament to his resolve. Hēixié had been a storm in those first days, yet not once had Ruìsāng regretted extending his hand in salvation.

You can't even begin to fathom the lengths I've gone to to keep those I love safe.” Demon. Devil. Life had never offered him the courtesy of guardianship, yet he had always stood in its stead for others.

So, let me help her. If it's light she yearns for, then know this— the light inside the hearts of those I keep close outdoes any radiance a tree could offer.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

you've rolled a 16 on a d20 for intimidation. You get a +2 buff, resulting in an 18.

Your words push the Gardevoir back. The sudden anger making her both fearful and distraught of you. Not certain she understands what you mean, you feel a different kind of psychic energy wash over you. This one warm, reaching, as if it's trying to see your memories. It's digging in your brain, but on a gentle way, as if your in a warm soothing bath. The Gardevoir standing still, tentacles of her energy reaching out to you. When she finds the darkness deep within you, you feel a shudder, a cold fear coming over you. She isn't just afraid of what's inside you, it is terrifying her. Slowly, you can understand why she is hesitant to trust you.

But she also finds light, small and warm, a flickering flame keeping the darkness away. One that she's willing to touch, to embrace. Watching in silence as the memories flood back, the source of your happiness, the love and caring you have showed towards your pokémon, to those you consider close to you. Slowly, she starts to understand why the Ralts was drawn to you.

Slowly, the energy ebbs from you and the connection breaks. "You have endured terrible things." Her voice filling your head. "She was right, there is light and warmth within you. It is small and it needs nurturing, but it is there." Crossing her arms before her chest, she lets out a sigh. "Keep my daughter save, help her. She will be a valuable asset in your own discovering, there is not just darkness inside you, Ruìsāng Sū."

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng felt the Gardevoir's presence tentatively reaching out towards him. Instinctively, he tensed. Yet, in that breath of time, he chose vulnerability. Eyes closed, he allowed the Gardevoir access to the hidden chambers of his thoughts, where fears roamed free and unchallenged. If she sought to glimpse into his soul, he would not bar the door.

When Ruìsāng's eyes fluttered open, meeting the Gardevoir's gaze, something unspoken passed between them— understanding. The weight that lifted from his shoulders was palpable. Perhaps, he dared to think, he might begin to accept the possibility of redemption, to see himself as the Gardevoir did: not as a vessel of darkness, but as one harbouring a flicker of light, desperate for air to breathe, to grow. Maybe, he wasn't beyond salvation.

The Gardevoir spoke of the tender light within him, a beacon of potential that required care and protection. Ruìsāng understood all too well. His desires were simple, rooted not in ambition but in the innate need to protect, to preserve the light in a world too often shrouded in darkness.

Gazing down at the Ralts, his resolve solidified into a quiet promise. “I will keep her safe. You will not regret this,” he assured the Gardevoir. “Thank you,” he offered.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

The moment you accept the Ralts and promise to take care of her, the Gardevoir smiles at you and walks back to the circle of Ralts sitting at the roots of the tree. All of them stand up and look at you, heaving their arms together with the Gardevoir.

As you blink, you're standing in front of a little gate that doesn't seem to be attached to anything. A fairy gate, as they call it. The sounds of the bussing city slowly returning to your senses, overwhelming you for a moment. As you try to discern if this was all just a fever dream, you conclude that it couldn't have been, as the Ralts snuggles in your arms. It breaths slowly and weakly and it need of direct care. Good luck, take care.

With this, your journey has come to an end. With a new companion and a promise to the Gardevoir, you have a new goal to work towards. Knowing that you there is light within you, you now have the choice to cherish it or to snuff it out.

your journey continues...

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