
Tunnel vision

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Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

For the first time in his life, Victor had been neglecting his school work. Instead of studying, he spent his free time training with Edgar and researching new moves or combinations that could help them in a battle. That night in the forest and gaining an affinity had changed everything. He still didn’t know what any of it meant and training, becoming stronger so he could defend himself and Edgar in the future, was the only productive way he had of keeping himself busy.

It made him even more disorganised and lost in his own thoughts than he could otherwise be. He forgot about coursework and came late to classes because he’d lost track of time while training or researching.

Right now, he didn’t notice where he was walking and bumped into someone. The feeling took his breath away. No, no, this couldn’t be happening. “Did I touch you?” he asked while he turned around, panic slipping into his voice, before he recognised the person he’d hit: Ming. While they were in different classes, they’d gotten to know each other; though it had been a while since they’d seen one another.

Victor didn’t go for the pleasantries that normally went with seeing someone again after a while. Instead, he stared at the other with wide eyes as he waited for an answer or any signs that he’d accidentally poisoned the man.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


To put it mildly: his exams this period had been horrendous. It was why one of his teachers had asked him to pay them a visit and discuss it. While it was impossible to explain all the struggles he carried on his shoulders, they had come to a conclusion. At least for the remainder of this year, he would drop out of school and maybe next year if things were better, he could try again.

Still, it was with a heavy heart that Míngzé left. He was never one to quit, and yet it was all he seemed to be doing these days. The additional pressure school would give him was too much, so it was not like he had another choice.

Accidentally he bumped into someone and an apology rolled off his lips immediately. Míngzé's plan was to continue and go home, until he heard the voice. With a raised eyebrow he turned around. “Victor?” he asked somewhat confused. They knew each other, but it had been a while since they’d spent some time together so he couldn’t be fully sure.

Míngzé held his cane closer to his chest to prevent people from tripping over it. “Yeah, you did, but it’s fine, really,” he said with clear concern in his voice. “Are you alright?” While he was unable to see the man’s face, he could clearly hear the distress in his voice.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

“No it’s not,” Victor spoke rapidly. “But I don’t think there was any skin contact,” he said, thinking of where he’d bumped into Ming and the amount of clothes he was wearing to prevent anything from happening. The only skin that someone could come into contact with was his face, everything else was covered, and as far as he could tell, they’d just bumped shoulders.

Now that he had calmed down a bit, Victor explained. “You just have to be careful around me. It’s— I got a poison affinity and I have no idea how to control it.” He’d finally found some agency over his own life by coming to Cerynia and escaping from his father’s hold, but now he’d lost it again in just one night.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé knitted his brow as Victor continued on. By now he was turned completely towards him and kept his cane close to him, that way it was resting against his shoulder. “I don’t think so, no,” he confirmed, although the confusion lay thick on his voice. Victor was not making any sense at all. They did not know each other that well, but from what he knew, the other was not a germaphobe or anything.

Until Victor explained and Míngzé’s eyes widened in shock. “Fuck, that is—” he started but he did not know what to say. Without realizing it himself, he took a step back. Out of all the affinities that were known, poison must be one of the most dangerous ones that existed. “How did— are you alright?” Worry clouded his face and he wanted to reach out, only to pull his hand back. This kept happening. Each time those affinities managed to get hold of someone, their lives took a turn for the worse. He kept both hands on his cane now, to avoid any accidental contact.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

While Victor wanted as much distance between them as possible so he wouldn’t accidentally poison Ming, It hurt to see the other take a step back. This affinity had taken the ability to just be comfortable around other people away from him and he resented it for that.

Victor shrugged. “As much as I can be,” he answered. “It’s difficult,” he admitted. It wasn’t just not being able to touch others, there were also the nightmares and the newfound fear of bug pokémon. He wasn’t really alright if he was honest with himself, but he couldn’t not be alright. There was school, his father at home that still expected him to perform, and Victor himself who didn’t want to pause and give himself the chance to break down. And amidst all his fears, he was somewhat curious about what he could do with this affinity if he could learn how to control it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

People were mad if they only saw affinities as something good. While Mingze did not know Victor that well, he knew this was not something the other deserved. He was meant to help people, cure them from diseases, not inflect them on others. Which was exactly what his new found affinity seem to do. In this moment, his own troubles seemed less important than the one his friend carried with him.

Mingze stood there a bit awkwardly, although worry was clouding his face. "Understandable," he muttered. The idea of getting poisoned himself was one that scared him. He had troubles enough as it is and he had a feeling it would hurt Victor even more than it would him. Mingze gritted his teeth and looked away for a moment. "If you want we can go to the cafeteria, get something to drink and then if you want to, we can talk. Does not need to be about that- problem of yours." He was not someone who would push people into talking. But if it helped Victor, he would listen to whatever he wanted to talk about.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

It was clear that Victor wasn’t thriving at the moment. The events in the forest occupied his mind all the time and he spent so much time training and researching that his school work started to suffer from it and his already horrible sleep schedule had been wrecked even more, leaving him tired all the time.

The only ones he’d talked to about his affinity yet were Sang and Archie. He hadn’t wanted to bother anyone else with his problems, afraid it would only make them turn around and run away. Ming offering to talk first surprised Victor, he didn’t really believe he was worth anyone’s time, then it made him smile. “That would be nice,” Victor said. He didn’t know yet whether he wanted to open up further about his affinity, but it felt good to know someone wanted to listen to him.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé liked to believe he was someone who was always there for his friends. If they needed help with something, he wanted to give it to them. When all they needed was someone to talk to, he would be there as well. Only lately he started to feel like the latter was all he could provide.  

“Let’s go to the cafeteria, it shouldn’t be too busy right now.” Most people were already on their way home, and especially if they sat all the way in the back, they could talk in peace. Míngzé already turned on his heels, back towards where he came from and toward the cafeteria. “Those affinities, I know how da— difficult they can be.” Dangerous. He did not want to call them dangerous when talking to Victor given the affinity he had. Normally he would ask the other for help, as it was easier to follow someone when he held onto them, but now he decided to rely on his other senses and his cane. ALl while keeping a bit of distance.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor agreed and followed Mingze towards the cafeteria. He knew the place wouldn’t be too busy at this time of day as most people had already left campus. Only a few unlucky students still had lectures at this hour. Normally Victor would’ve already locked himself in his room or the library, until a few months ago he would’ve done it to study, but since he’d gained his affinity he spent that time looking up information on affinities and on moves he could learn Edgar.

The other’s comment about affinities made Victor look at him. “Do you have experience with affinities?” He’d learned in his first months in Cerynia that most people here knew at least someone with an affinity, Mingze was probably no different.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

They found a table that was in the far back of the cafeteria. From where they sat, they could faintly hear the voices of others, but no one would bother them here. The realization that this was probably his last time here for a wall, was weird. Normally he would come here between his lessons, but now that he quit he would not come here again.

“A few,” Míngzé said, followed by a soft sigh. At that moment he had no idea if he was going to reveal everything. While they knew each other, Míngzé would still need some time before he would fully trust the man. “My sister awakened hers last year, almost burned my place down as she did.” There was a small smile on his lips, one that carried a hint of sadness. “A fire affinity.” But also only after hearing about his story. She shouldn't have had to go through that.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

While there were habitual and cultural differences between Galar and Cerynia, Victor had found affinities to be the biggest distinction between the two regions. He’d heard of them back home, had developed an interest in them and had read about them, but nothing had prepared him for living in Cerynia. Even something as simple as seeing someone cool a drink with an ice affinity still impressed Victor after all this time in Sanctum city.

Victor listened as Mingze told him about his sister. With his experience with controlling his own affinity it didn’t surprise Victor that she’d almost burned down a house when she’d just gotten her affinity. Newly acquired affinities were dangerous. But there was a question on his mind that he needed to ask. “Did she learn how to control it?”

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Victor’s new question kept him quiet for a few seconds. “As far as I’m aware she has not burned down any more houses,” Míngzé said with a careful smile. “She struggles still.” An affinity was not a simple thing, even though some believed it was. People were sometimes careless with them, even when that was a stupid thing to do. Perhaps there were people who were indeed lucky and had no struggles at all.

On his lap Míngzé was fiddling with his cane. There was so much more he could say, but did he trust Victor enough? A sigh rolled over his lips as he leaned back. He knew his own affinity had evolved in some way. Things were clearer to him than they had been when it all first happened. “I don’t think it has to stay an uncontrollable struggle. The real question is if that is what you want, or if you don’t want that affinity at all.” There was some sort of hesitation in his voice as he spoke. So far his efforts had been fruitless, but Míngzé believed there was a way to separate with an affinity. There had to be.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor nodded when Mingze said she still struggled. It gave him some hope to hear that Mingze’s sister had gained better control over her affinity, but knowing that she still wrestled with the ability didn’t help to lift the pit in his stomach. It seemed having an affinity would, while it would get better, be an eternal struggle.

But then Mingze seemed to read his thoughts and said it didn’t have to be like that. “Is that possible?” Victor asked incredulously. Was it an option to not want an affinity? From what he knew, it had seemed an affinity was an irreversible gift, or curse depending on how you looked at it, and Victor hadn’t made up his mind yet which of the two ways he viewed it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Victor asked the question that had been haunting him for a while now; is it possible? Míngzé sighed sharply before raising his shoulders. “No idea,” he said honestly. It was not something he heard a lot of people talk about. He had given the idea a thought before, but only recently he had started to look into it a bit more.

“I like to believe that it is,” Míngzé said with a determined nod. “I intend to delve deeper into this, try to figure out if there are people who have tried it before. If it is possible, I fear it won’t be easy.” That was almost a guarantee. The moment someone receives an affinity, it becomes part of them. Míngzé liked to believe that he would do anything if it would free him from this curse.

For a moment he contemplated telling his own story, only to decide against it for now. “How did it happen?” Míngzé carefully asked, hoping he would not overstep his boundaries.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor sat on the edge of his seat as he waited for Mingze to tell him more, but the other didn’t know. Deflated, Victor leaned back in his chair. Mingze went on though that he wanted to find out whether it was possible. Victor nodded, interested in the possibility even if he wasn’t sure what he thought about it. “No, I don’t think it will be easy,” Victor agreed. If it was easy, the procedure would already be known all around the region.

The question didn’t come unexpected, but Victor still breathed in deep to steady himself before he started to tell the story. “I was in the forest on a run, but got attacked by Spinarak and Ariados. They hit my murkrow with a string shot.” It wasn’t fun to talk about, but it had become easier to tell, easier to detach himself from the pain he’d felt back then. “I tried to get to him but there were just too many and one got on my back and poisoned me. I don’t know how, but it didn’t feel like normal Spinarak poison. It was so much stronger and I was going to die… but then I felt that if I stopped fighting the poison, it might spare me, work together with me. When I woke up, I had an affinity.” He kept what had happened the next day to himself for now.

Everything Mingze had told him so far, raised a question within Victor. “Do you have another reason for wanting to be able to get rid of an affinity?” The man had told about his sister, but it was already a year ago since she’d gotten her affinity and Victor didn’t believe it could just be that. Something more recent must have happened to bring Mingze’s desire to be able to get rid of affinities to the front.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé remained quiet during the whole story, his worrying frown only getting deeper as Victor continued. To be attacked by some creature and have the choice basically taken away from you. In a way it reminded him of his own awakening. Míngzé too did not have the feeling that he had another choice, especially not at that time. “That sounds awful.” Míngzé leaned back in his seat.

It was not that Míngzé liked these sorts of conversations, far from it. Because of this he did not reply instantly and thought about his words more carefully. Not saying anything was already a response on its own. There was another reason, even more personal than his sister. “Yeah,” Míngzé sighed. The only other person he really talked to about this was Sāng. Everyone else had no idea. “I have one too.” When he did not talk about this he could almost pretend it was not even there. However, Victor had told his story and maybe it would help if he knew he was not alone in this. “Ghost.” There was a smile on his lips that did not reach his eyes.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

In the beginning, Victor had tried to ignore his affinity, but the nature of his abilities had swiftly rendered that impossible. Poisoning Edgar had shown that he couldn’t hide his affinity if he didn’t want to hurt people. Telling Mingze exactly how he’d gotten it, however, was a choice he could make and after contemplating for a moment he told the story.

Victor nodded. “It was. It’s difficult to forget,” he admitted, the pain visible in his eyes and voice. It had been awful and the experience still haunted his nightmares. It had changed his perspective on affinities: not only seeing them as something exclusively positive anymore.

Now, Victor turned towards Mingze. He didn’t believe the other wanted to find a way to get rid of an affinity only for his sister, there must be a more recent, more visceral reason—and there was. Victor’s eyes widened when the man revealed he had an affinity. It put Mingze’s earlier words in perspective and made the reasoning behind his desire clear. “How?” Victor echoed the question the other had asked him earlier. “If you want to tell,” he added; if Mingze wanted to get rid of his affinity so badly, the way in which he’d gotten it couldn’t be any less traumatic than Victor’s own experience.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

In a way Míngzé wanted to be glad for Victor, that he’d found a way to survive that horrible experience. But at what cost? This did not sound any better. “I can imagine,” Míngzé sighed, the hint of understanding was clearly there. Those things traumatized people, leaving deeper scars behind than those visible to the eye. “Yet, I’m glad you are still here.” There was a small smile on his lips, one that did not fully express joy. Being alive was what counted the most for now.

There were some things Míngzé rather not talked about at all. This was one of them. For some reason, he did not want everyone to know. To say it was difficult was an understatement. In this moment however, it might help Victor in some way. He was not alone in this. Míngzé expected the next question that followed, he’d asked the same one after all. He fiddled with the folded cane in his hands.  “The sea— something was pulling me under, I think. It’s all a bit hazy, really, but—I died.”His voice died towards the end of the sentence. It still managed to send a shiver down his spine. The idea of dying again scared him so much ever since that day.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor had told others about his affinity before, but Mingze was the first one that seemed to truly understand his pain. A small smile appeared on Victor’s face as he agreed with the other: “Me too.” Victor had seen death before and if there was one thing he was sure about, it was that he didn’t want to cross that boundary yet.

It became clear why Mingze understood: the other had been through the same. Victor winced as Mingze spoke of the sea, his mind going back more than a decade to the day his family had broken in pieces forever with the loss of his brother. “You died,” Victor echoed in a whisper. “But you came back,” he said after a moment of silence. Was it truly possible to come back from something like that? “Do you hear the dead now?” His curiosity was probably insensitive, but Victor didn’t think of that.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Hearing it out of someone’s else’s mouth was strange. Míngzé reluctantly nodded, glad he could not see the look the other gave him. “I worry that if I hadn't accepted this affinity back then, I wouldn't be here today.” As the vague memories came back to him, so too did the pressure on his chest. Míngzé knew he was in safety, no water was filling his lungs, yet the memory lingered. “It is not what I wanted, but what choice did I have?” Death was among his greatest fears.

A soft frown appeared on his face as Victor asked a new question. “I— it is hard to explain,” he said, not really wanting to talk much about it all. “In a way, I guess, yeah.” They were not words, more emotions and the awareness that he was not alone. It was truly horrible. “I fear I’m not the right person to help you control it, I’m afraid.” Míngzé smiled softly. His affinity controlled him more than it was the other way around.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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