
[journey] my shard of light

2 posters
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
journey card

This is my first attempt in the search for a Psychic Affinity, or a Pokémon from his wishlist. You can find the links to my previous journey here: 1.

Kieran is currently walking around at the edge of the city centre. He isn't physically strong due to the partial spinal fracture in his past, so keep this in mind. He cannot run, crawl or climb at all. He has his Pikachu on his shoulder and it's about ~4PM.

I know Cynthia has a story for the Liepard, but other than that - I'm pretty open to anything. I am mostly interested in a Psychic Affinity right now, but could be open to others if the story is fun!!

Kieran's gaze lingered on the papers cradled in his hands, each sheet a tangible whisper of the future. With deliberate care, he folded them, tucking them into his bag like cherished secrets. Today marked a leap into the unknown, a pulse of impulsivity that resonated with the rhythm of a dream long pushed down. He had taken a significant step, one that felt almost surreal in its immediacy— he had purchased an old building, a vessel ready to be transformed into a café.

The echo of Zenji’s words, that all worthwhile endeavours demand effort, played softly in his thoughts. His physical limitations limited him, but that did not mean he couldn’t do it. He was poised on the cusp of making his dream tangible, a testament to the belief that one need not abandon their aspirations but, instead, learn to mould them with the contours of reality. He let out a happy sigh, before walking on.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

With the papers securely placed in your bag, you walk through the city. It is already getting later in the afternoon, shadows having grown longer since the middle of the day. It is a bit cloudy, one moment the sun breaks through and bathes you in its warmth, the next it disappears behind a cloud, leaving you to feel the cold without its rays of light.

As you move forward, several things seem to be happening around you. As you pass by two people who are standing on the corner, hidden in the shade of the building, you can hear them arguing. They seem to be arguing about what the best way would be to capture a pokemon they had been requested to find. Though you don't catch any more details than this.

As you pass by an alley, something seems to shift, but the moment you look towards it, nothing seems to be wrong, yet you can feel your Pikachu tensing, her attention focused on what was happening there. From up ahead you can hear a little commotion, though from here you can't tell what is happening there.

You have overheard two people talking about capturing a pokemon they had been requested to find. With where they are discussing this and how they are arguing about it, you get the feeling that this might not be with the right intentions. You could decide to keep listening, try to gain more information or decide to follow them once they head out. Or you could try to find clues yourself if you want to do something about it.
A slight shift in the surroundings happens in an alley. Though the moment you look at it, it seems to have returned to normal and yet your Pikachu seems to have reacted to it, keeping her attention focused on it. You could go and investigate it or leave it as is. It might have been a figment of your imagination.
There is a commotion up ahead, though from where you currently are, you can't tell what is happening there. It might be nothing or something big might be happening.

your journey begins...

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran's attention snapped as murmurs of capturing a Pokémon drifted to his ears. His brow knitted in concern, torn between the possibility of an innocent search and the fear of a more sinister motive. A queasy feeling twisted in his gut, urging him to investigate. Yet, as he poised to follow the voices, an unusual disturbance in the air, a subtle but unmistakable change, caught his attention from the alley beside him.

His body stiffened, the ghosts of past traumas surging forward, causing him to wrap his arms around himself in a protective embrace. “It's just in your head,” he muttered under his breath, attempting to soothe his racing heart. However, the moment Zinnia's gaze shifted towards the same unsettling quiet of the alley, Kieran's self-reassurances crumbled. It wasn't just his imagination; something was unfolding, and the curiosity mixed with a deep-seated need to prove his fears unfounded propelled him forward.

Is someone there?” His voice barely cut through the thickening silence as he edged into the alley, each step heavy with hesitation. The dread of confronting his inner demons, the ones that whispered of unseen dangers lurking in every shadow, gnawed at him. Kieran needed to shatter the illusion, to reassure himself that the shadows held no power over him, that the alley was just an alley, and nothing more.

Let's check out the alley

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

With everything that is happening around you, you decide to head into the alley, wondering whether someone is there. But as you call out, nothing answers you. As you carefully make your way inside the alley, Zinnia seems to keep focused on what is ahead, urging you to go through the alley.

you've rolled a 7 on a d20 for perception, the DC was 10.

With this perception, you don’t notice the subtle shift that happens in your surroundings. As you continue to the end of the alley, a scenery appears before you, one you wouldn’t expect to find at this place in the city. It is a park, fields of grass surround a lake, a path winding through them with several benches here and there. In the background you can see some of the higher buildings of the city.

Everything seems quite serene and as you take in your surroundings nothing seems out of place for now and yet Zinnia is telling you to move forward, to follow the path. What will you do?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Zinnia had pulled him back from the brink when something threatened to ensnare his mind. Despite this history, Kieran found himself drawn forward, stepping into the alley with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. What awaited them was strange— a park, complete with a serene lake, an unexpected oasis that seemed to defy the city itself. Kieran's confusion deepened as he glanced back, half-expecting the urban landscape to reassert itself, but when he turned again, the tranquil scene remained steadfast.

With a gentle encouragement from Zinnia, Kieran's hesitation began to melt away. He reached down to scratch her beneath the chin, a small gesture of companionship and trust. “Are we going to keep walking, then?” he inquired softly, his voice laced with a newfound resolve. Taking a deep breath, he chose to trust in Zinnia's guidance, stepping forward into the park.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

With the encouragement from Zinnia you start to walk the path that lays beside the lake. As you walk, you notice that it is quiet, too quiet. There isn’t even a breeze that ruffles the leaves on the trees. As you look towards the water it is completely still, just like everything else around you. Like everything in this place is frozen in time.

Because of this there is something that immediately catches your eye. A flicker of movement a little farther ahead. You can’t make out what it is, but you can tell it keeps moving near the trees, staying clear of the water. Near this spot you can see something shimmering just above the lake, but whatever this is doesn’t have a concrete form.

What would you like to investigate?

The movement in the trees. This will be easier as it already has a form, you will just have to find a way to keep it in place for a bit.
The shimmering above the lake. You would need to think of something to make the shimmering take form if you want to investigate this further.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
In the midst of a scene that felt suspended in time, a subtle disturbance within the trees caught Kieran's attention, breaking the stillness. He squinted, focusing on a peculiar shimmer hovering above the lake, an enigma that defied physical description. Time was of the essence, and Kieran felt the weight of curiosity and fear press upon him.

Let’s see what’s moving there,” he instructed the Pikachu perched eagerly on his shoulder. With a spark of determination, Zinnia leapt into action. Blessed with agility, the Pikachu darted towards the treeline, her swift movements a blur as she vanished into the verdant embrace of the trees, poised to unravel whatever secret lay hidden.

option 1

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

You decide to go and investigate what is happening within the trees, leaving the shimmering for what it is at this moment. You sent Zinnia ahead, the Pikachu moving swiftly through the trees. You follow at a slower pace, but what you can see from where you are is that your pikachu is closing in on whatever it is. But as your pikachu is closing in, it doesn't seem to stop moving, doesn't even seem to react to Zinnia.

As you get closer, you notice that the one moving through the trees is a child. The boy seems to run around, sometimes going behind a tree and sneaking a peak around it, as if he is looking for something. When he doesn't spot it, he moves to the next tree, inching closer and closer to the water. But just before he reaches the water he turns around and goes back to where he started. What will you do? Will you attempt to communicate with the boy? Or will you try something else?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The figure stirring in the distance resolved into a boy, drawing Kieran's attention. He watched, perplexed, as the boy ventured near the water, searched for something with earnest intent, then retreated only to repeat the sequence. The scene unfolded like a loop in time, captivating and slightly unsettling. After a moment of observation, curiosity overcame Kieran, prompting him to step in.

Approaching the boy, Kieran reached out, gently trying to catch his arm. “Hey! What are you searching for?” His voice was soft, laced with concern.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

As you catch the arm of the boy, he stops in his tracks and seems to do nothing at first. At the same time you get the feeling that you should be touching the boy and that you are holding him in place, yet there doesn’t seem to be any physical contact, you can’t really feel his arm in your hand.

The boy watches the water ahead, an expression akin to worry edged on his face. ”I’m looking for my friend.” The boy finally said, taking his arm back from you and moving towards the water where he kneels down, staring into it. He holds out his hand, reaching for the water, but at the first touch of water he draws his hand back quickly. Like the water would hurt him. At that moment you noticed something. As the boy reached out his hand, you would have expected to see a reflection upon the water, but that hadn’t been the case. There had been no reflection, not even now that the boy stood up to his full height again. What will you do?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran's alarm escalated as he grappled with the eerie sensation that his perceptions were being manipulated. Despite the unsettling feeling of emptiness, as if clutching at air, he steadfastly maintained his grip on the boy, determined to protect him from whatever anomaly they were facing.

Seeking to understand and alleviate the situation, Kieran gently probed, “Can you tell me about your friend? When did you last see them?” His voice was soft, imbued with concern, as he attempted to piece together the puzzle before him. Crouching beside the boy, Kieran aimed to meet his eye level, seeking connection and trust. He cast a cautious glance towards the water, curious if his reflection would appear where the boy's did not.

Extending a finger towards the seemingly innocuous water, Kieran tentatively touched its surface. He was driven by a need to understand the source of the boy's fear, to discern any hidden properties the water might hold.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

As you kneel beside the boy, he turns his head at you. But it doesn’t seem like he is looking at you, more like he is trying to remember something. ”We were playing near the water.” The boy said as he turned to look back into the water. ”One moment he was there, the next he was gone.” The boy seems confused. ”I don’t remember what happened after.” Though the boy says that you see him looking around, like he is trying desperately to remember what has happened here.

you've rolled a 15 on a d20 for perception.

You cast a look upon the water and notice that your own reflection is visible there, you notice that things closer to the water are also visible, but the boy himself isn’t. As you reach out your hand and touch the water, you can touch it and it feels like your fingers are indeed touching water. Yet no ripples appear upon the water. What you also notice with your perception is that the shimmering from before seems to have come closer. Though it is still hovering above the water, it seems to have followed the movements of you or that of the boy. What will you do?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Listening to the boy's story of play turned to sudden disappearance, Kieran couldn’t help but empathise with the confusion and fear etched into his young face. The struggle to recall exactly what had happened, to make sense of the inexplicable, resonated with Kieran, sparking a deep desire to offer assistance or comfort in any way he could.

As he peered into the water, seeking answers or perhaps a clue, Kieran noted his own reflection, unmarred by the touch of his fingertips against the surface. The water's stillness, immune to disturbance, hinted at a manipulation of reality rather than the manipulation of his own mind he initially suspected. The distinction did little to ease his anxiety.

Hovering above the water, a subtle shimmer caught his attention once more, suggesting a connection to the strange occurrences. With a mix of caution and curiosity, Kieran addressed the unknown presence, “Hey—what are you?” His voice was gentle, an invitation rather than a challenge.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

The boy doesn’t seem to notice the shimmering that you can see, he seems focused on the water and its surroundings. Meanwhile you focus on the shimmering, even asking it what it is. It comes closer, yet staying just out of reach, not taking a specific form.

you've rolled a 2 on a d20, the DC was 10.

As you ask it what it is, it stills, staying in place. For a moment it seems like it is considering your question, wondering whether it should answer you. But then it turns away from you, not giving you any kind of answer and seems to focus on the boy at your side. As the attention switches to the boy, he stands up and turns around. The boy heads towards the trees, leaving you and the shimmering behind. It didn’t seem like the boy had acknowledged the shimmering, but the moment it got close, something had changed for the boy and caused him to turn back to what he had been doing before. What will you do? Will you follow the boy, try something with the shimmering or do something entirely else?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The boy seemed oblivious to the shimmer hovering above the water, which, upon his words, paused in its approach yet remained silent, offering no clues to its nature or intent. In a sudden movement, the boy headed towards the shelter of the trees, but Kieran's gaze remained steadfastly fixed on the mysterious glimmer.

Zinnia, think you can coax it over?” he softly requested. The Pikachu, understanding the plan, gently dipped her tail into the lake. With a delicate touch, she sent a whisper of electricity skimming across the water's surface, right beneath the shimmer. It wasn't meant to harm, merely to tease— a gentle nudge to capture its curiosity.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Leaving the boy for what it is for now, you focus on the shimmering. The shimmering itself seems to watch the boy as he heads into the trees, but when the boy is out of sight it turns towards you, watching you closely.

You ask Zinnia to coax it to come over and you can tell that it is interested in the sparks that are skimming across the water’s surface. There is a curiosity there, like that of a child as the shimmering heads closer to the source, to your Pikachu. It abruptly stops just before the shore, still hovering above the water. Like it can’t get any closer. It moves from left to right, but never gets any closer. You can softly hear some sounds now that it is closer, but nothing clear enough for you to make out. There might be some kind of barrier here, something that keeps it away. What will you do?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
As the shimmering light attempted to draw nearer, only to halt abruptly as if meeting an unseen resistance, Kieran's interest deepened. His magenta eyes stayed fixed on the phenomenon, pondering the nature of what he was observing. It didn't seem random or merely a trick of light; it appeared to possess a kind of awareness, a curiosity mirroring his own. Zinnia, too, seemed captivated by the spectacle, her gaze fixed intently over the water.

Settling on his knees, Kieran leaned forward, the intrigue pulling him closer to the edge of discovery. He extended his hand cautiously, half-expecting to encounter some form of invisible boundary that kept the shimmer at bay, or perhaps, to directly interact with the light itself. The idea of making contact, of possibly allowing passage through whatever barrier held it back, was a gamble he found himself willing to take, driven by a blend of curiosity and a desire to understand the true essence of the light before him.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

You settle down on your knees, stretching your hand out over the water, but the barrier you might have expected to find is not there, at least not for you. The shimmering can clearly not come closer to you, cannot get away from the water, but your hand can cross the gap between you two. The moment you make contact with the shimmering, it settles around your hand, seemingly disappearing inside you.

you've rolled a 5 on a d20 for a wisdom save, the DC was 12.

The moment the shimmering completely disappears, your vision turns black. It doesn’t stay like this for long though, the moment light fills your vision again, you find yourself standing beside the lake, however this time it is clearly autumn. The leaves on the trees have turned brown, clouds blocking the sun in the sky and the water that had seemed so quiet before is now more turbulent.

You notice that your hands are holding a kitestring, the string leading to a kite that has the face of a pikachu. You notice that the hands are a lot smaller than your own, indicating that this is not your own memory. The child looks beside him and you notice a familiar Pikachu sitting there, it is Zinnia. The Pikachu runs ahead and the boy follows, pulling the kite behind him.

The wind picks up, lifting the kite into the air, blowing it left and right. The boy follows after the Pikachu, till suddenly the string gets tucked from his hands by a strong gust of wind. The boy watches as the kite flies away, getting stuck in one of the branches hanging above the water. The boy quickly runs towards the tree, starting to climb it. You can hear the protests of the Pikachu, probably warning the boy, but he is not listening, instead only climbing higher.

Once he reaches the right branch, he carefully tries to reach the kite, stretching his body, but then an ominous creak sounds and before the kid can do anything to save himself he plummets down in the cold water. Desperately the boy tries to struggle, to move his limbs to get back to the surface, but some plant had stuck itself to his leg, making him unable to swim up. His desperate movements only cause his body to need more oxygen. The need for air starts to burn and his movements become more sluggish. Finally he can’t hold his breath anymore and gasps for air, only for water to fill his lungs instead. You can sense the panic setting in, the feeling of helplessness as the boy’s consciousness fades to black.

You find yourself back at the water’s edge, gasping for breath, the sensations from the memory still lingering. As you look to your side, the boy that had headed into the trees was standing beside you, staring at you. ”You shouldn’t have done that.” The boy tells you and a shiver runs down your spine. Zinnia seems to be defensive, placing herself between you and the boy. The Pikachu seems almost angry. Another voice sounds, this time in your mind. ”Help… me…” What will you do?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The instant Kieran's fingers grazed the mysterious shimmer, it vanished, engulfing him in darkness. A surge of panic momentarily seized him, only to find himself abruptly transported back to the familiar surroundings of the lake, albeit under altered circumstances.

Time seemed to warp, presenting a scene that felt eerily like a memory yet couldn't be— because Zinnia was here too. His confusion deepened, magenta eyes scanning the surreal tableau unfolding before him, seeking clues to the puzzle that had ensnared him.

His alarm spiked during the boy's sudden descent into the water. Kieran's instinctive shout and futile attempt to swim to the rescue only amplified the terror gripping him. The situation spiralled, his consciousness ebbing away into darkness once more.

Jolted back to reality, Kieran found himself at the lake's edge, his breaths coming in sharp gasps. Relief washed over him as he spotted Zinnia nearby, seemingly unaffected by the ordeal.

The earlier boy's anger contrasted sharply with another distant cry for assistance, slicing through the lingering fog of confusion and fear. Without a moment's hesitation, Kieran responded to the call for help. “How can I help?,/G>” he offered, ready to leap into action, despite the fear running down his spine.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Despite your hesitation, you ask how you can help. The boy in front of you seems displeased as you ask this, clearly not happy with you offering to help the voice, which you realise was most likely the voice of that shimmering form. ”Save me from him.” The voice is now clearer and it reminds you of the memories you have just seen, the voice belonging to the boy you have seen the final memories of.

”You want to save him?” The boy speaks incredulously, the voice sounding a lot older now, not one that would belong to a young boy. One moment the boy is there, the next he disappears. Something shifts and you find yourself face to face with a pokemon, one that is clearly powerful, too powerful for you to fight.

This pokemon's level is too high for you to be able to fight it.

The Alakazam seems to be watching you as it hovers in front of you, not touching the ground. Amusement crosses his face as it seems to think of something. ”Alright, I will make you a deal.” This time the voice resonates within your mind, possessing a depth and age to its tone. ”You can have the boy, but I want something in return, something from you.” You realise that the Alakazam is seriously offering you this, but that what it wants in return might change you forever. ”The choice will be mine, it might be a memory, some knowledge or even an emotion, I will take what pleases me and in return you can have the boy and you might even get something out of this yourself.” The Alakazam has laid out his conditions, what will you do?

If you take the deal…

You might lose something important to you, a memory, an emotion or some knowledge, it depends on what the Alakazam wants to take in place of the boy. In return you will be able to free the boy’s consciousness and take it with you. Furthermore you will gain the psychic affinity for letting the Alakazam touch your mind and take something from you. Keep in mind that this will change you forever and that what you lose will never be returned to you.

If you don’t take the deal…

You won’t be able to save the boy here and will have to leave him behind. The Alakazam is clearly too strong for you or Zinnia to take on. You will have to find a way to get out of the Alakazam’s grasp and you will most likely never get a chance to save the boy again.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
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