
[se] Volbeat and Illumise Sightings

Djodie Archeron
Mi-do Seong
Victor Schultz
Archibald of Aerithorn
Lucina Roth
Kieran Merlotte
Sun-Hi Seong
12 posters
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

[ spring ] volbeat and illumise sightings

As twilight deepens, the anticipation for firefly sightings draws crowds. The natural spectacle transforms the night into a canvas of living lights.

As twilight descends upon the tranquil landscape of Cerynia, a mesmerizing spectacle unfolds before your eyes. Glowing orbs of light emerge from the shadows, fluttering delicately like ethereal dancers against the canvas of the darkening sky. Illumise and Volbeat, their luminous bodies aglow with a soft, enchanting radiance, weave intricate patterns through the air, their movements synchronized in a mesmerizing display of natural grace.

As they twirl and dart among the swaying grasses and gently swaying branches, the air becomes alive with the soft hum of their wings and the faint chiming of their melodies. Each delicate movement leaves behind a trail of shimmering light, like stardust scattered across the twilight sky, casting a magical aura over the serene landscape.

As you stand amidst this breathtaking scene, surrounded by the gentle glow of the fireflies, a sense of peace and serenity washes over you. In this fleeting moment, time seems to stand still, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of nature's symphony, and revel in the magic of the twilight dance of the Illumise and Volbeat.

Once per year, these beautiful pokémon perform their mating ritual, swirling each other in captivating movements. People from all over Cerynia gather all over the Eldergrove Forest, including the Serenity Lake, to watch their enchanting dance. Bring a picnic blanket and your pokémon, as they appear to adore this scenery just as much. Especially Amigou appear to be enchanted by the sightings, bringing them to either this event or the Easter celebration may have a special effect.

On April 8th, as the volbeat and illumise perform their mating ritual, you may choose to watch them at either Eldergrove Forest or Serenity Lake. The best time to spot them is during the twilight hours, but the firefly pokémon continue their dance until the late hours of the night. You may choose to go alone and meet people here, or bring a friend, loved one, or even a lover.

Participating in this event may grant you a something special, and allows you to view the wonderful scenery whilst bonding with your human and pokémon companions alike. Bringing your Amigou to either this event OR the Easter celebration may trigger an event.

Complete the form below to let us know your character will be taking part in the Volbeat and Illumise Sightings. Limit of one sighting per character, with a maximum of three characters per player.

<div class="signupsh se">[b]I'm looking at the fireflies![/b]

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Bringing Amigou:[/b] Yes / No
[b]Link to thread:[/b]

You can sign up for this event until May 05th, 23:59.
To request a Pokémon encounter, head to the service channel.

Character sheet
Sun-Hi Seong
Messages : 46
IC Posts : 33

Sun-Hi Seong
I'm looking at the fireflies!

Character Name: Sun-Hi Seong
Player Name: Ei
Bringing Amigou: no
Link to thread:

Character sheet
Nickname: Sunny
Age: 20
Birthday: 17th of August
Occupation: Police trainee
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
I'm looking at the fireflies!

Character Name: Kieran Merlotte
Player Name: Wap
Bringing Amigou: Yes
Link to thread:

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
I'm looking at the fireflies!

Character Name: Lucina Roth
Player Name: Cynthia
Bringing Amigou: Yes
Link to thread:

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256

Archibald of Aerithorn
I'm looking at the fireflies!

Character Name: Archibald of Aerithorn
Player Name: Cynthia
Bringing Amigou: No
Link to thread:

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz
I'm looking at the fireflies!

Character Name: Victor Schultz
Player Name: Tess
Bringing Amigou: No
Link to thread:

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Mi-do Seong
Messages : 231
IC Posts : 197
Mi-do Seong
I'm looking at the fireflies!

Character Name: Mi-do Seong
Player Name: Sans
Bringing Amigou: No
Link to thread: edit; toch niet met ying ;(

Character sheet
Nickname: Mi-Mi
Age: 27
Birthday: 1 OF MAY
Occupation: Rich girl - Poet
Sexuality: Bisexual
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

I'm looking at the fireflies!

Character Name: Djodie Archeron
Player Name: Juul
Bringing Amigou: No
Link to thread:

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
I'm looking at the fireflies!

Character Name: Vince Newman
Player Name: Quinty
Bringing Amigou: Yes
Link to thread:

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
I'm looking at the fireflies!

Character Name: Ruìsāng Sū
Player Name: Wap
Bringing Amigou: No
Link to thread:

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
I'm looking at the fireflies!

Character Name: Simura von Sylverstern
Player Name: Kip
Bringing Amigou: Yes
Link to thread:

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Celina Faure
Messages : 23
IC Posts : 10
Celina Faure
I'm looking at the fireflies!

Character Name: Celina Faure
Player Name: Cynthia
Bringing Amigou: No
Link to thread:

Character sheet
Nickname: Cel
Age: 27 years
Birthday: 10/10
Occupation: Professional photographer
Sexuality: Bisexual
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