
A night to remember

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

This was awkward to say the least. Every other person would’ve been just fine. Yeah, their head might spin a little, but they would be able to walk in a straight line with a bit of effort. Not him. If he tried he would only be making a bigger fool of himself.

Lamar quickly appeared at his side providing the support and guidance he would need. Míngzé’s jaw was clenched. This was not how he envisioned this to end. Here he was looking like some drunk guy that did not know when to stop drinking. Not at all the impression he wanted to make.

Míngzé held on to Lamar’s upper arm, his grip tighter than usual and also standing closer. “I uh—” he muttered as an awkward smile flashed over his lips. He should make fun of the situation, perhaps show it was not such a big deal. “Sorry— for this. I knew this would happen and still I drank too much,” Míngzé apologized while shaking his head. He kept his eyes to the ground, trying his best not to lean too much on Lamar.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He should have asked how good the other was with alcohol before giving him what he himself normally drank. He knew that not everyone liked it and it was quite strong, so he should have accounted for this. It was the reason why he had kept himself sober though, even if people often called it cheating, it was mostly so that he could be responsible in situations like this.

”No need to apologise.” He told Míngzé, making sure that he had a good grip ons his arm and that he wouldn’t just fall down. ”Can you move or do you need to sit down a bit longer?” He could get him some more water to help. Though if he was able to move it couldn’t hurt to get him some more food and non alcoholic drinks there.

That was if Míngzé still wanted to go there, otherwise he could just take him home, but seeing as how he had said to still be hungry, getting something more to eat first sounded like the better idea. As soon as Míngzé could move that was.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Having Lamar standing next to him granted him a feeling of safety. Combined with shame. A red color crept up his face as he was asked if he could even move. Did he look that bad? Surely he hoped not. “No, no, it’s fine, I’m fine,” he tried to reassure Lamar, gently tapping his arm. If only he had something that could turn back time, right now he felt like he could use it.

“The problem is walking, in a straight line I mean, without falling .” It would make ‘falling for someone’ a bit too literal. Not to mention the pain that would follow if that were to happen. On a positive note, he had a doctor with him ready to help.

Míngzé unfolded his cane, which did not go as smoothly as it normally went. “Just lead the way, and I’ll follow.” Whilst trying not to cause them both to end up on the ground. They were still on the rooftop and he would already feel much safer when they were inside. Or downstairs on the ground.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He had just wanted to make sure that Míngzé wouldn’t fall over the moment they tried to move, but he hadn’t intended for the man to be ashamed. ”Alright.” He would do his best to catch him if he were to fall anyway, but it was easier to prevent it.

Walking in a straight line was something he could definitely help with, he would just have to make sure to keep the man from straying. ”Just hold on to me then, I will make sure to get you down.” He told Míngzé as he started moving towards where the elevator would be, throwing one look back to make sure they had taken everything with them.

Once they arrived at the elevator, he pushed the button to call it to the roof. He kept his eyes on Míngzé, making sure that the man would keep a hold on his arm. Of course he could have chosen to grab the other’s hand instead of letting him hold onto his arm, but this way he could provide more support and Míngzé could lean on him if he needed to.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

The next day he would send him a text message he decided right then and there. An apology for in incapabilities of controlling gravity. That was the least he could do and very necessary. No matter the fact that Lamar told him it was fine.

As they walked, Míngzé really tried his utmost best to not sway. Place one foot in front of the other, keeping his upper body straight, don’t lean on him too much. It helped not one bit. With each step he noticed how much he needed the support at his side.

A wave of relief washed over him as they entered the elevator, giving them a moment of peace. “So, what are your thoughts? About this whole thing?” Míngzé was curious what his answer would be and if it would match his.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
They didn’t need to wait long before the elevator arrived and they stepped inside. For a moment it meant that they didn’t need to move anymore, the elevator would do it for them. It was here that Míngzé asked what his thoughts were about this whole thing. ”About you or the date?” He asked with a small smile on his face.

He would answer both though, if Míngzé wanted to know he was willing to let him know what he thought about all this. ”The date has been quite pleasant, despite the brains.” He said with a slight chuckle. ”Though they could have chosen a location that better suited the participants.” But that was really not up to him.

He knew that the other part was still there too. ”And what do I think of you?” He repeated the question one more time. ”You’re definitely good company and cute.” Even if Míngzé felt ashamed about the fact that he had gotten drunk, there was really no need.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

“Well I—” Míngzé started, wanting to prevent the conversation from going about him. It was one of those things he never felt comfortable about. A relieved sigh nearly escaped when it was the date itself that Lamar started talking about.

He listened intently to what Lamar had to say about it. “One thing we won’t soon forget,” he said followed by a chuckle. The brains definitely left an impression. His legs were growing tired from standing there, carrying his weight. Already his shoulder was touching Lamar’s and he leaned further into it, looking for more support.

Quickly he shrugged. “I don't mind.” Mostly because they couldn’t have known about his lack of sight. He did not like to think about it too much. There was nothing he could do to change it anyway and everything he did think about it too much, he could feel a sharp sting in his chest.

For a second his mind was drifting off, only to be saved by Lamar’s voice. Míngzé blinked a few times, straightening his back some more and forcing his legs to carry more of his weight.

Oh no—

Míngzé unconsciously held his breath. It should not matter what people thought of him. Not knowing what else to do, he laughed. He doubted many people would agree with him. “Cute, uh?” He raised one of his brows. Not what he expected at all. Good thing his face was already red.

“You’ve been— are wonderful company as well. I truly mean it.”

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
Maybe he should have let Míngzé answer what he had meant with the question, but at the same time he wanted him to know that he was enjoying this not just because of the date, but himself too. Míngzé told him that he didn’t mind the fact that they had chosen a location like this, but with how he was carrying the weight of the man it might have been better if they had been downstairs somewhere. Not that he minded, he could handle it. Cody was a lot harder to take along like this, since he was quite a bit taller.

He told the man that he was good company and that he was cute. Míngzé had already been red, but he wondered if that had made him blush or not. Something he might need to find out another time. He smiled when he heard his answer though. ”Good, wouldn’t be good if you found me boring.” It meant that there might be more another time and that this might not be the last date at the very least.

They had arrived downstairs by now and he was wondering how close a mcdonalds would be from here. He was quite sure that one shouldn’t be too far away, but he wondered if Míngzé would manage to walk there. ”It shouldn’t be too long a walk, but will you be able to manage?” If not then they could take a cab, since he hadn’t taken the car in case he would be drinking.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

How different things might’ve been if his date had been some he did not know. All he’d wanted out of it was a good time. An opportunity to forget everything and simply live. That was it. One wrong push and everything could turn to shit so he wanted to enjoy evenings like this.

The fact that he knew Lamar, changed it a little bit.

A short chuckle sounded. “Not at all, you’re fun.” He patted Lamar below his shoulders. Lamar was exactly what he needed right now. No weird deity shit or stupid dangerous goals, but a doctor that was helping people, who went on a blind date to have a good time too. Normal. He liked normal.

They made it outside, and now their only goal was to reach the mcdonalds. Wherever it might be. His plan was to trust Lamar and follow him.

“I’m drunk, not a cri—no scratch that, I’m very much a cripple.” That did not change the fact that he was capable of walking. Wisely he let go of Lamar’s arm, straightening his back as he did so. His head felt like he was at sea, but he had a point to prove.

All he had to do was concentrate, and so he did. Míngzé moved away from Lamar and took his first few steps forward. The rhythm of his cane was off but he managed to walk in a straight line. “See? Perfectly fine.” Sadly it was not true, his so-called ‘straight line’ went from left to right and with each step he had to concentrate on standing up right.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He asked Míngzé whether he would be able to manage the walk to the McDonalds, which shouldn't be too far. The moment the man let go of him though, he knew it might have been better if he hadn't asked. A part of him knew that he shouldn't let Míngzé try this while clearly quite drunk, but another part didn't want to offend the man.

He followed closely, making sure that he would be able to prevent anything really bad from happening. He didn't know what Míngzé was even attempting when he saw the man walk, most likely he was trying to walk in a straight line, but was failing quite badly at it. Instead of going straight ahead, he swayed from left to right.

”You're capable of walking, yes.” He dared to admit. ”But please hold onto me, so that we can go in the right direction.” It almost felt like a miracle that the man hadn't fallen yet and he would rather prevent that from happening.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Lamar did not trust his capabilities, which was fine. It was nice to know someone was behind him, ready to catch him if he were to fall. It did not happen, but Lamar preferred it if he held onto him. Míngzé came to a halt and waited for the other before grabbing hold of his arm again.

“Because you asked so nicely.”

Oh how his mind was spinning.

The regrets he would feel the next morning.

They did not matter right now, he had a good time, which was all he wanted out of this experience. A headache and an empty stomach is just part of it.

Míngzé grabbed his phone from his pocket, the light nearly blinding —no wait— the bright light came as a surprise. “Hey Google, open maps and find the nearest McDonald's.” He had no idea where to go and he had no idea if Lamar knew. This was a very smart idea if he’d say so.

Only a five minute walk. “That’s not too bad.” As his cane was mostly in his way, he folded the thing and gave it to Lamar for safekeeping. Another smart idea.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
His words had managed to stop Míngzé in his tracks at the very least and as the man waited for him he walked closer, slightly holding out his arm for Míngzé to grab onto. He watched as Míngzé grabbed his phone asking where the nearest McDonald's was, which he already knew, but he wasn’t going to say that out loud now.

”It’s not that far.” He agreed and it should be short enough of a walk for Míngzé to manage if they went like this. He took the cane from Míngzé, making sure to keep it in one hand, while he made sure that Míngzé kept holding on to his arm. He started moving again, this time making sure that Míngzé wouldn’t stray away from him.

The walk itself didn’t take long, but with someone who was slightly drunk at your arm, it took a little longer than the estimation of five minutes. ”I can see the building.” He told the other, which meant that soon enough they could order some burgers to fill their stomachs with.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

It was a good thing their destination was not far. Walking was not that easy anymore, mostly because his orientation and balance was nonexistent anymore. With Lamar’s help it was a bit easier, but he did not want to get dragged along through the whole city.

Lamar could see the building and as they walked closer, Míngzé expected to see lights burning inside. Especially with the cover of the night it should be obvious to him. But there was nothing. Surely he was not so drunk that even his eyes had given up. Was that even possible?

“Is it me, or does it look closed?” Míngzé asked with his head tilted to the side. All he wanted was a brain-free-burger and he was even denied that.

This McDonalds was indeed closed because they were redesigning the whole interior.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He could see the building, but that was all really, because the moment they got closer it seemed it was closed. It had taken quite a bit of effort to get here, but it seemed that it had been in vain. He had no idea if there was even another one close nor if Míngzé wanted to try that.

”It does look closed.” He agreed and here he had actually been looking forward to having a burger after what had happened with the brains. ”Seems they’re redesigning or something.” Which meant it wouldn’t be open for at least another few days.

So what to do now? It might just be better if they headed home, they would have to leave the burgers for another time. ”Do you want to head home then?” He decided to ask Míngzé, he would help the man to his home if that was the case, since he wasn’t sure he would be able to make it on his own like this.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
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