
Lost and found

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Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé had done it. When he’d walked through those doors he’d been so certain of his choice, but now that he had left through those doors he was not so sure anymore. He needed the money, but he couldn’t keep working in that place. When he first contacted he was not coming to work for a few days because of his arm, but then when it was time to go back, he called in sick once more.

A deep sigh rolled over his lips. It was too late now anyway. A bus stopped and without giving it a second thought he entered and sat down on an empty seat. With this all behind him, Míngzé could feel how tired he was. He let his eyes rest for a moment, not afraid that he would miss his stop because it was the last one anyway.

It did not take long before he fell into a slumber. His head rested against the window next to him and he had folded his cane and placed it on his lap. This had never happened to him before, as he was always paying close attention to where he was going, until now. Somehow it was easier to fall asleep here than in his own bed.

[ Voor Kieran ]


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran’s first foray into the city was a mixture of wonder and challenge. The towering cityscapes and the constant hum of activity thrilled him, yet the reality of navigating this urban jungle was a different story. Especially when it came to public transport. Today’s encounter with the bus was a testament to that— it was like a mountain to climb for someone with his mobility issues. He had mustered his strength to board, offering a tentative smile to the bus driver. But the driver’s expression soured instantly, mirroring the bitter taste of unwelcome in Kieran’s mouth.

Leaning on his cane, Kieran felt it was both a necessity and a shield in this fast-paced environment. The city’s rhythm was at a pace he couldn’t join; his body simply wouldn’t allow it. Each step was measured, a defiance against the throbbing pain in his back and the weakness in his muscles. Rushing was a luxury he couldn’t afford.

But today, even his cane couldn’t convey his need for a moment’s patience to the bus driver. As the vehicle lurched forward, Kieran’s world spun into chaos. A sharp, involuntary squeal escaped him as he was propelled forward, crashing unceremoniously into the lap of a stranger. His face pressed awkwardly against the man’s stomach, arms flailing for balance, the pain and shock mingling to bring tears to his eyes.

I’m—” Kieran’s apology was cut short by a sharp twinge of pain, his voice barely a whisper. Well then.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

For once his mind was not  haunted by memories when he closed his eyes. All he could hear was the murmurs of people around him and the occasional cracking sounds produced by the bus. They did not bother him, on the contrary, they were almost a pleasant change.

Abruptly his slumber got disturbed. It started with a high pitched noise that was highly annoying. Before he could even open his eyes, something fell onto his lap. A sound left his mouth as his breath caught in his throat. Míngzé’s first instinct was to get up and jump aside, but the weight was too much and held him in place. Instead his hands felt around, desperate form something to cling onto.

Slowly he came to the realization that it was a person on top of him. WIth wide eyes he looked down at the person as his heart was still trying with all its might to escape from his chest. “Whatthefuckareyoudoing,” he said in one quick breath. His face was clouded by horror as he looked down.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Good things did not just fall into your lap, unless you were this stranger, apparently.

In a twist of fate, Kieran found himself the unwitting centrepiece of a stranger’s day. As he lifted his gaze, a pair of striking golden eyes met his, widening in astonishment. Their silent exchange spoke volumes in the briefest of moments. Too weak to pull himself up, Kieran resignedly sank to the floor, his back against the cool metal, eyes glistening with the sheen of unshed tears.

Behind him, an indignant grandmother, wielding her cane like a weapon of justice, berated the bus driver for his carelessness. Her words about ‘paying attention to the poor handicapped girl’, though misdirected in gender, were a fierce defence of Kieran’s plight. It was a small, albeit misplaced, gesture of solidarity.

I— I was— I was walking and he drove and my cane slipped. I’m sorry!” Kieran's voice was a mix of apology and confusion. He realised the bus had halted, likely due to his accidental fall. Trapped between the desire to leave and the practicality of his situation, he felt lost. His cane, his lifeline, lay somewhere out of reach. And there he was, unsure and vulnerable on the floor, unsure how he’d even stand up.

He missed home

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

While his mind was still hazy with sleep, a whole situation was erupting. There were more people screaming, some old woman, the driver who was pinning the blame on anyone but himself, other passengers who were talking to themself. It was a lot and he could not catch up. The weight from his lap disappeared, but he could not see a shadow hovering over him that meant the person was standing again.

Míngzé released a shaking breath he did not know he was holding. Slowly his muscles relaxed a bit and he lowered his arms only to grab the seat in front of him and lean a bit forward. He surely lost a few years of his life due to this little exchange.

A voice broke through, but it came from an unexpected place. Míngzé leaned to the side, and sure enough he saw someone sitting on the ground. His eyebrows were knitted as it all started to make sense, but adrenaline was still pumping through his veins and the older woman’s angry voice was not helping one bit.

“Shit,” he muttered more to himself as he closed his eyes for a second. It was fine, it was all fine. “No it— don’t worry about it,” Míngzé said while still catching his breath, but waving the apology away. Someone behind him said through the bus that someone should help them, but they themselves did nothing. Because of course not.

Carefully he reached out, his hand still shaking and trying to place it against the other. “Are you alright?” Because he wasn’t and he was not even the one who fell. There had also been something about his cane slipping so he probably had some problems of his own.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
In the wake of his recovery from a coma and the rehabilitation that followed, Kieran found himself more emotionally fragile than he had ever been. The world outside the sanctuary of the hospital and his home seemed overwhelming, and his defences were easily breached. Thus, it was no surprise when a tear traced a path down his cheek. The murmurs of the other passengers swirled around him, their tones tinged with pity, but Kieran chose to shut them out, focusing instead on his own turmoil, which only served to fuel his tearful state.

The stranger, however, did not react with anger or irritation. Instead, his words were gentle, urging Kieran not to worry. Feeling the touch of a hand against him, Kieran attempted to swipe away his tears, a futile gesture in his emotional state. “Yes?” His response was feeble, almost lost in the surrounding noise.

I— I don’t think so,” Kieran then confessed, his voice quivering with a mix of embarrassment and helplessness. “I think I’d like to… get out but,” His gaze drifted, landing on his cane lying some distance away in the bus aisle. “I’m not sure how to get up,” he admitted, his voice tinged with a bashful discomfort.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

With every passing second Míngzé could feel his own heartbeat slow down. They were still in a bus and some guy just slipped and fell over. Those things happened. It was nothing major. If anything the other had it worse since he was the one who fell and was sitting on the ground.

Worry flooded over him as he was being told that the other could not get up from where he was sitting. Which was bad. “Did you get hurt?” Míngzé asked with concern as he was readjusting his posture, ready to get up himself. No one else was making any attempt to help her, even the older woman was only yelling at the busdriver instead of making herself useful.

His cane was strapped to his wrist with a cord which he’d done to keep it from falling while he’d been resting his eyes. “Looks like we’re not getting anywhere anyway, so let me— just give me a second.” Carefully Míngzé stood up, making sure he would not trip over anything either before they both ended up on the ground. He held on to one of the bars of the bus, his cane hitting the metal, as he held out his other hand.  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran’s response was hesitant, a light shake of his head prefacing his attempt to articulate his condition. “Well—” he began, pausing as he pressed his lips together, searching for the right words.

I am… not well,” was his initial, somewhat cryptic reply. Quickly realizing the ambiguity of his statement, he added, “I broke my spine? A few years ago. It’s… better now, but not good,” his tone carefully balanced to convey his situation without over-dramatizing it. His intent was not to elicit sympathy, but to make clear why he couldn't simply stand up unaided. He needed assistance, and perhaps a moment to collect himself in a seat where he could catch his breath.

It was then that Kieran noticed something about the other person: he too had a cane. This observation brought a slight furrow to his brow. Was the stranger visually impaired? The question lingered in his mind, but was left unvoiced as the other person asked for a moment. Kieran hummed in agreement, nodding to acknowledge the request.

I’m sorry,” he murmured softly. As he spoke, his hand moved to his back, pressing against his spine, seeking reassurance from his own body. The pain, though ever-present, was manageable for the moment. It was fine, or at least as fine as it could be under the circumstances.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

More whispers filled the bus the moment the other mentioned his injury. Now they definitely did not want to help and even Míngzé himself became somewhat hesitant. A conflicted expression painted his face as he tried to come up with something to say. “Shit, that—” It was all he could say. He shook his head, knowing fully well that he also did not like it when people felt sorry for him. It would change nothing. “Better is an improvement from worse,” he sighed. Now he could only hope things had not gotten worse again because of his fall.

Getting up was not that bad with the bus standing still, but he could almost feel everyone’s eyes burning on both of them. They probably only now realized that maybe, they should’ve jumped in for help instead of letting him do everything. Too late for that. “Things happen, it’s fine,” he tried to reassure the other after a second apology.

He really wanted to help the other stand up, but there was something that held him back. With concern burning in his golden eyes he looked down at the figure sitting there. “Do you think it’s safe for you to stand up?” In House they were always talking about the dangers of a back injury. Those people were not allowed to move because it could make things even worse than they already were. But that was as far as his knowledge went.   


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran's response was a bright smile, a small beacon of positivity amidst the discomfort of his situation. “It is!” he responded with genuine enthusiasm. It was a peculiar thing to find a silver lining while sitting on a cold bus floor, but Kieran recognized the progress he had made. Two years earlier, such a fall might have reset all his hard-earned recovery. Now, he felt a cautious optimism, a sense that he might be alright after all. Perhaps, in some odd way, falling into a stranger's lap had been a stroke of luck.

Awareness dawned on him that the stranger might have difficulty seeing his nod, prompting him to verbalise his response. “Yeah… though it would be nice if you could help,” Kieran said, acknowledging his need for assistance. “Just pull me up gently and I’ll be as good as new!” His words were accompanied by a smile, an attempt to mask his tears and put on a brave face.

Kieran's next concern was retrieving his cane, which lay out of reach on the bus floor. Bending to pick it up wasn’t a viable option, given the ache in his back. Fortunately, it seemed that the elderly woman, who had earlier championed his cause, was already on the case. Her actions, while assertive, were a welcome intervention in his moment of need. With her help, and that of the stranger, Kieran felt a flicker of hope that he could navigate this minor crisis and soon be on his way.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The tone in the other man’s voice changed immediately and was filled with enthusiasm. It was not at all what Míngzé had expected given the circumstance he was in. He lifted one edge of his mouth, forming a subtle smile.Hopefully this was proof that the other was indeed fine, minus the fact that he’d fallen and couldn’t get up.

He hummed in response to the hint that they could use his help. Of course he would. Míngzé raised an eyebrow however at what came next. Was it that easy? All you had to do was fall over, have someone help you up gently and you would be as good as new. ”I might give that a try someday too,” he said calmly. How wonderful everything would be if it was that easy.

Mingze held out his left hand, waiting for the other to grab onto his hand. Even after they had reassured him, he could not help but worry. "Alright? I’ll count to three.” He needed to be ready too in order to pull him onto his feet again, otherwise they might both end up on the ground. “One, two—” he started counting as he tightened his grip. “Three.” Míngzé took a step back as he used his own weight to pull the other carefully to his feet. It was considerably more difficult to help someone stand up if you could not properly see.  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran's chuckle was a light-hearted acknowledgment of the stranger’s comment, though he knew all too well the challenging reality behind his optimism. He had been just sixteen when a trip dramatically altered his life, leading to a journey of rehabilitation. Those years, filled with the painstaking relearning of basic functions like walking, talking, eating and even getting dressed, and coping with a sense of profound loss, had reshaped his perspective. Now, hardships seemed less daunting compared to the struggles of his late teens.

As the stranger prepared to help him up, Kieran focused on the familiar routine that had become second nature to him. He steadied his feet, grounding himself for the effort. At the count of three, he pushed upwards, relying on the gentle pull from the other to rise without straining his back. It wasn’t the most graceful manoeuvre, but it was effective and preserved his fragile spine.

Thank you, now—” Kieran began, his gratitude cut short by the sounds of the elderly woman's curses. The bus doors swung open just as his cane was handed back to him, along with an affectionate cheek pinch from the woman, who now called him a ‘sweet lady’. Despite her well-meaning, albeit slightly misguided, concern, Kieran's focus was on exiting the bus. “I am fine. Thank you. I would like to go outside,” he said, his voice carrying a barely perceptible tremble. His request to the woman was clear, his gesture indicating his eagerness to leave.

The tears still lingered, a warm sting in his eyes, as he prepared to step out into the open air. Just a few moments outside, a chance to breathe and compose himself, and he would be able to face the city once more.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

When Míngzé counted, it was for both of them. If the other started pulling himself up before he had readied himself, he would tumble over and end up on him this time around. But all went well. The other was back on his feet in one easy movement and Míngzé let out a sigh of relief. Good, no backs were broken because of the fall.

Míngzé let go of the other’s hand in order to take hold of one of the metal bars. He opened his mouth to say something after he was thanked, but never got the chance. The old woman squeezed between them, forcing Míngzé to take a step back. While the two of them were talking, he unfolded his cane and moved to stand in the doorway to keep it from closing.

Words of concern kept flooding out of the old woman’s mouth, even after she was being told by the other that he wanted to leave. “I think he’s fine,” he said, voice a bit louder that it would break through her yammering. “Keeping him here won’t make it any better.” At this point Míngzé was done with this bus too. He would walk the rest of the way home or wait for another bus if it was too far.

He held his cane against the exit of the bus before placing one foot outside. The driver was getting irritated again too, screaming something about losing time and needing to go. Once again Míngzé held out a hand to help the other stepping out of the bus if he needed it.  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran found himself struggling to interject amidst the grandmother’s well-meaning but overwhelming words. He appreciated her intentions — her efforts to help were genuine, but what he longed for was the simplicity of fresh air, a moment of solitude to gather his thoughts, perhaps accompanied by the comforting warmth of a chocolate milk and a good cry. He couldn’t bring himself to be impolite, though, so he offered a smile, doing his best to hold back the tears.

Rescue came once more in the form of his fellow passenger. The stranger suggested that staying on the bus wouldn’t do Kieran any good. As the man stepped off the bus, Kieran’s eyes widened in surprise. “Hah? You don’t have to—” he began to protest, but his desire to leave the bus was too strong. He glanced at the grandmother, nodding in gratitude, before making his way to the doors.

With the man’s assistance, Kieran carefully descended from the bus, relieved yet slightly embarrassed to need help with the high step. “Thank you,” he expressed his gratitude again, as the bus doors closed and it sped away, leaving them behind.

Kieran’s emotions began to bubble up again, tears threatening to spill as he spoke. “I’m sorry— I’m sure you shouldn’t have gotten out here… I didn’t expect him to start driving when I was still standing or I wouldn’t have taken a bus,” he rambled, his voice quivering on the edge of breaking.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Finally the older woman understood that this guy just wanted to leave the bus and be done with all this. That did not stop her from continuing to talk, saying that he should be more careful, some not very nice words about the driver and more. Míngzé had stopped listening and simply waited for the other.

When the other started protesting, Míngzé simply raised an eyebrow but stayed quiet otherwise. Eventually he could feel the other’s hand in his again and he helped him out of the bus. “Don’t mention it.” The fresh air was a nice change, although he could feel his tiredness breaking through again now that the adrenaline was leaving his body again.

As they were now out of the bus he grabbed his phone. Míngzé had no idea at what bus stop they were now and how far of a walk it would be to get home. If it was too— the other started rambling. Slowly he looked up from his phone, not really hearing what the other was telling him. It flew over his head but he knitted his brow in concern. Was he about to cry?

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Míngzé asked, ignoring all the rambling that had just flown his way. Arceus, what if he had hurt himself more than he let on. He looked him over, as if that would help him in any way.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
As Kieran’s gaze locked with the stranger’s golden eyes once more, a brief moment paused his anxious thoughts. The man seemed to bypass Kieran’s rambling entirely, focusing instead on his well-being. This simple act of concern prompted Kieran to exhale a sigh, though he managed a nod of reassurance. “I am okay. It happened a long time ago so it’s not as fragile as it used to be. I think I was lucky to fall into your lap… hah…” His words were tinged with a mix of gratitude and awkwardness.

It does hurt, but it’s… I think it’ll be alright if I can sit down somewhere for a little bit.” He glanced around, a frown creasing his brow as he tried to get his bearings.

You— do you know where we are? You shouldn’t have gotten out… Do you need me to call you a cab?” Kieran’s voice wavered, betraying his attempt to suppress the rising panic.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

For now it was still fine, but he could not shake the feeling that this person might start crying any moment now. It would be a reasonable reaction to pain, but what was he supposed to do then? Saying words of courage, calming people, those things he could do. Dealing with someone who was crying? No, Míngzé would be lost. Yet the other told him that he was in fact fine. “Glad to be of help. I’m pretty sure I lost a few years of my life by being your pillow.” A smile tugged at one corner of his mouth. One thing was for sure, he would never fall asleep on a bus ever again.

The other mentioned his need to sit down. “Are there no benches around?” Míngzé asked. Most bus stops had one. The one he was supposed to be at had one, but that was not where they were now. if not, they might have to go look for one.

Again there was that tone in the other man’s voice. “Let me look it up. No need to call a cap, my home should be nearby,” he said calmly, trying to show that he really did not mind. Míngzé opened an app on his phone and it asked for a voice command. “Way home.” He had to wait a bit before the voice sounded again, telling him where they were, how far away he was from his home and how long it would take him to walk there. Which was the problem. “One hour and fourty-two minutes? That can’t be right,” he muttered to himself before looking at the other person. “What bus were we on?” There was no way…


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran’s smile held a touch of embarrassment as he scratched his cheek, responding to the man’s remark about losing a few years of his life. “Yeah… I did scare you a little, didn’t I?” he said, half-apologetically. The image of the man’s startled expression flashed in his mind, reminiscent of a startled protagonist in a low-budget horror film.

When the topic of finding a place to sit came up, Kieran acknowledged the presence of benches nearby with a hum. However, he quickly added, “Yes, but the cold… it makes it worse,” expressing his preference for somewhere warmer. The chill in the air wasn’t just uncomfortable; it aggravated his condition, blurring the line between the ache from the cold and the pain from his fall.

Relief washed over Kieran as the man assured him that calling a cab wasn’t necessary, mentioning he lived close by. This information helped ease the burgeoning panic in Kieran’s chest, at least momentarily. But then the man’s estimate of an hour and forty-two-minute walk home struck Kieran as odd. The bus was nearing its last stops; even at a slow pace, it shouldn’t take more than fifteen minutes to reach most destinations from here.

No clue,” he confessed. He had simply followed directions to the bus he needed, not paying attention to the specifics. “But… Did you take the wrong one? You don’t live here?” Kieran asked, curiosity piqued.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The other had definitely managed to scare him back on the bus. Which was not surprising. “Just a little. I eh— was sleeping when you fell,” Míngzé explained before he cleared his throat. That was also a bad decision on his part now that he thought about it.

Those benches were not good enough. Well, it was more that they would not help him in any way as it made things worse. “Oh,” Míngzé responded very intelligently. He could not imagine how it would be to be perfectly fine and then have something happen that would change your whole life. His eyesight has always been bad, he never got to experience what it felt like to be normal. This was his normal, but for this man everything had been different.

Míngzé rubbed his eyes as he tried to keep himself from sighing. Apparently it had been a good thing that he’d gotten off, who knows where else he would’ve ended up. “I must have, because I have no clue where we are,” he muttered, feeling a bit beaten. It was his own fault really as he’d been too careless. His hand dropped to his side again. “Fuck.” Why was everything going wrong? Míngzé really hoped this was not a reflection of the choice he had made today. A glimpse at the future.

It was fine. Everything would be fine. All he had to do was figure out where they were and then he could hopefully find an easy way home. “Perhaps we should find a place for you to sit down first,” Míngzé said as he lowered his phone in an attempt to ignore his own problems.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran’s response to the revelation that the man had been asleep when he had his unexpected landing was laced with a tinge of humour. “A rude awakening, huh?” he asked, a bit of awkwardness creeping into his tone. He mused to himself about the irony of his situation – he had hoped for a more figurative kind of ’falling for someone’ upon entering the city, but reality often had its own plans.

As the man admitted his lack of awareness about their current location, Kieran’s expression shifted to one of mild concern. The stranger’s curse added to the sense of disorientation. When the suggestion to find a place to sit down first came up, Kieran gave a slow, contemplative nod, mulling over the idea.

Then, with a more assured smile, Kieran made an offer. “What if I treat you to a coffee? For, ehm, helping me out there. That was very kind of you,” he said. He felt a sense of relief knowing he hadn’t interrupted the man’s journey home but had, in a way, saved him from wandering further astray.

I can get you a cab afterwards. It’ll be no trouble,” Kieran assured him, wanting to return the kindness he had been shown. Then, with a light-hearted tone, he attempted to make light of his situation. “The one good thing about breaking your back is the cash you get, I guess,” he joked. But almost immediately, he realised the joke might be a bit too much and regretted saying it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
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