
A light in the dark

3 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Míngzé raised his eyebrow in amusement. It was evident from Sāng that he felt bad, and that there was guilt eating away at him, but this was a little dramatic. He noticed how the other ended up on the counter. For a moment Sāng was about to reveal something else, before he abruptly stopped himself. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Sāng,” Míngzé mused. “I’m sure he has already forgiven you.” Thinking back to Vince pleading at his doorstep, Míngzé figured the kid had likely forgiven Sāng the moment he learned the other was still alive.

“Oh, yeah, right, I don’t know if I told you already, but I quit my job at the end of last year. Only now I can't find another place where they are willing to hire me.” There was this one place he wanted to give a chance, but so far he was not sure if it was really for him. Most companies had no use for someone like him. Time was money and no matter what, he would always need more money.

“So uh— I hope this drink is on the house,” Míngzé said with a half-hearted jest, raising his glass. Otherwise he might need to do the dishes in order to pay for it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
“I know. I can still feel bad,” Ruìsāng admitted with a slight pout. The confession, followed by Vince’s embrace, had been a moment of vulnerability and acceptance. And Ruìsāng gradually opened himself up to the idea of trusting others, and Míngzé was slowly being woven into this circle.

Míngzé’s mention of his situation prompted a thoughtful frown from Ruìsāng. “And that’s it? I— Do you need help finding something?” he pondered aloud, his mind racing through possibilities. The thought of Míngzé struggling to find work due to his disability struck a chord with Ruìsāng. “I’m not sure about a bar or a kitchen, but…” he trailed off, considering other avenues where Míngzé could be appreciated. He contemplated leveraging his connections, perhaps with the chief or the boss-man, but wondered if it could work.

At the suggestion of a drink on the house, Ruìsāng’s mood lightened, a chuckle escaping him. “Hǎole hǎole, of course it is,” he assured Míngzé. “How about we go home after this, have one more drink at my place? I’d like the company,” he proposed, a sincere invitation.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Míngzé tried not to think about it too much, but when he did he came to the realization that the life he’d built was slowly crumbling down. First school that had gone horribly wrong, then his job. Those two things secured his future. They were the reason he was able to live on his own. Yet now he’d lost both.

A chuckle escaped at the mere idea of working at a bar or a kitchen. “Yeah no, I don’t see that going very well, too much chaos,”  he answered with a small smile that did not fully reach his eyes. That last job had been everything but perfect, he hated it, but they paid him well enough that he could afford a place of his own.  “Anyway, I’m open for ideas, and until then I’ll just have to be careful. Our landlord understands the situation so he’s giving me more time to figure things out.” But even his patience would run out eventually because he wants to see his money as well.

“At least I won’t die of thirst,” Míngzé tried his best as a lighthearted joke. If all else fails, he could come here to get something to drink. Which was something. Sāng proposed to go to his place next to have another drink, and Míngzé nodded. “I understand, you just don’t want to carry me home again.” There was a small grin on his face. After the conversation they just had, it would be good for both of them to keep it a bit lighthearted. “No, that sounds like a good idea. I’ve actually never been inside your apartment.” As the realization hit him he sipped from his drink again.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The moment was punctuated by the sound of shattering glass, drawing a startled reaction from Ruìsāng just as Míngzé commented on the chaos. The swift response of a colleague to clean up the mess brought a chuckle from Ruìsāng. “Yeah, I guess even dishes and cleaning would be tough. What kind of jobs do you think you could handle?” he inquired, genuinely interested in exploring options for Míngzé. Despite having a network of acquaintances, Ruìsāng was aware that Míngzé’s opportunities might be limited, even at places like Viktor’s or Sim’s.

Míngzé’s jest about not wanting to be carried home elicited a weary sigh from Ruìsāng. “I plan to take my car back and take a few shots myself,” he responded, his tone tinged with a mix of humour and resignation. The idea of navigating public transport wasn't appealing, nor was the thought of driving under the influence. Yet, the prospect of unwinding with a drink, or several, in his apartment seemed increasingly inviting, especially if he didn't have to do so alone.

When Míngzé expressed having never visited, Ruìsāng chuckled. “Nothing too exciting. It’s become somewhat of a Pokémon sanctuary lately, thanks to Vince leaving a few of his behind,” he explained, his smile broadening at the thought. “But let’s head out once you’re done with your drink,” he suggested, tapping the counter playfully.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


One would think that dishes and cleaning would be something easy that everyone could do. Not him, especially not in a chaotic place like a bar or restaurant. At home he could do everything his way, but not in a work setting. Which was always his biggest problem. “Hard to say. Something organized and not chaotic, where time is not money and I can do everything at my own pace. I’ve looked into working at a Pokémon Shelter, but still have to hear back from them.” It was something he was used to after his work in the lab, but perhaps that is exactly why he had not heard anything from them. Those two places were complete opposites.

Míngzé hummed softly. Having Sāng drive them home would be much easier and quicker than having to do it another way. Not that it would matter to him, he was used to doing everything by public transport. With their new plans, Míngzé took a bigger sip from his cocktail, a bit too much this time as he felt the need to cough again.

Sāng’s explanation about his place being a pokémon sanctuary because Vince left his over there, made him raise an eyebrow. “I take it he won’t be there then?” Which was probably for the better, with everything he learned now, he was not too keen on seeing the kid instantly. Míngzé would not even know what to say to him now if he saw him again. “I’m going as fast as I can,” he said with a smile and drank again to prove his point. It was almost empty anyway. Already he could feel the heat coursing through his body and the somewhat numb feeling it brought with it. Curse his none existing alcohol tolerance.  

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
As Míngzé's words hung in the air, Ruìsāng found himself deep in thought. The urge to assist a friend in need was strong, propelling his thoughts towards those who had consistently stood by him through thick and thin—Viktor, Simura... Míngzé's disdain for his newfound affinity was no secret, yet Ruìsāng couldn't help but see a silver lining, a potential path forward.

Can’t you, like—talk to ghosts now? Is that what it does? Because my Jiějiě would definitely appreciate your help,” Ruìsāng suggested. It was a clumsy offer, but genuine.

When Míngzé inquired about Vince's presence, Ruìsāng's response came with a slight hesitation, a delicate dance around the full scope of reality. “He…” he started, choosing his words carefully. “There were family issues, so he’s in Baesin.” The explanation wasn’t a lie, and skipped the murder.

Alright,” Ruìsāng affirmed. He navigated his way around the bar, signalling that it was time to depart and avoid any potential wrath from the boss-man.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


At the mere idea of doing something with his affinity he made a face. That was out of the picture. The less he was confronted with it, the better. “They don’t exactly— talk. Which is good, perfect, I already feel like I’m going mad sometimes as it is.” Having them actually talk to him would drive him mad for sure. Although, there had been those unsettling voices. Thinking back to them already sent a shiver down his spine. He shook his head. “No, it would be a bad idea.”

Whatever further struggles Vince had, were none of his business. Míngzé simply nodded and hummed in response. After that he quickly —maybe a bit too quick— drank the remainder of his drink and then they were good to go. His head already felt lighter than when he first walked in here, but Míngzé ignored it and tried his best to act as if he was still normal.

The drive home did not take that long either, especially since they were now going by car. “So about his pokémon, how many are there exactly?” Míngzé asked while he exited the car. Dai had jumped out first and was now waiting for him. In a swift motion he unfolded his cane again, ready to head inside. “Are they friendly?” While he liked pokémon, he did not like them if he did not know them. 

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Míngzé confessed to feeling on the brink of madness already, and that it was a bad idea. “Yeah, I thought so, sorry,” Ruìsāng murmured, his apology a soft echo of their dwindling hopes. It was a shot in the dark, his last card to play, yet the seed of hope that someone, somewhere might possess the answer lingered.

Driving had never been Ruìsāng's hobby. Yet, the journey was brief, a fleeting passage that led them to the familiarity of their apartments. The relief of arriving did little to ease the discomfort of exiting the car, a silent battle against pain as he closed the door.

Eh… I forgot to count," Ruìsāng confessed, sheepishly looking at the other when asked about the number of Pokémon awaiting them. “They are all friendly, nowhere near as strong as mine. You're in safe hands,” he assured, his humour a balm to the uncertainty of their situation.

Lìeyàn isn’t here either, she’s with Vince,” he added, a note of wistfulness threading through his words. He did miss them both.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Days were rough. It was visible from the dark circles that had made a permanent home underneath her eyes. The setbacks lately had come one after another, and they had left her in a disheveled state of dismay. Once again she found herself beaten up, sore, and without money - which was of course exactly what she needed. Mindo sighed, the cold evening turning her breaths into small clouds. She had propped herself against the entrance of their building, smoking a cigarette or two, or three, or.. Whatever. The cool wind and nicotine did something to soothe her state of anxiety.

She was nearly nodding off, when a car parked not too far away. She paid little attention to it, until a familiar sound made her perk her ears. By now, she'd grown accustomed to the sound of Míngzé's cane on the pavement, having heard it on plenty of occasions. Something reminiscent of a smile lingered on her lips as she turned towards the source. "Hey Míng-" his name died out on her lips as she noticed he wasn't alone. And this time, it wasn't his freaky little girlfriend who accompanied him. Mindo froze, momentarily too caught off guard to formulate a response. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights."Oh for fuck's sake," she growled in defeat. Of all people, of course these fuckers knew each other.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Dai hopped out of the car before Míngzé did and already ran for the front door. On moments like these he questioned the pokémons abilities. Perhaps he was not the right one to help him with daily things after all. It was fine. He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself the way it was now.

Sāng assured him that Vince’s pokémon were all nice, although there were a lot of them apparently. He hummed softly in amusement. “We’ll see about that.” Other people’s pokémon were always a bit too unpredictable to his liking, but surely it would be fine. At the mention that one of Sāng’s pokémon was with Vince, he shot him a surprised look. “Oh, alright.” It probably had something to do with everything that had occurred, but if Sāng was not willing to talk about it, he would not pry. It was, however, a reason for him to be more concerned.

A familiar voice sounded and Míngzé turned around to face her, a small smile plastered on his lips. “Hi Mindo,” he greeted her in return as he raised a hand. It was around then that she spoke again and he raised an eyebrow. The way the tone in her voice changed so abruptly. “Not the warm welcome I expected,” he muttered to himself, confused by the sudden change. Unless— it would make sense if Mindo and Sāng knew each other too, they lived in the same building only on different floors.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng's expression darkened instantly at the sight of the redhead, his mood souring as she breezily greeted Míngzé. The coincidence — or perhaps, in his eyes, the cosmic joke — that these two were acquainted only added salt to the stab wound. The unwelcome exchange that followed, exactly what he had hoped to avoid, left him grappling with a rising tide of irritation.

Ah, the devil graces us with her presence,” he quipped with a forced smile, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “I was under the impression such misfortunes only befell those who dared utter its name.” His fingers raked through his hair in a gesture of frustration, a prelude to the heavy sigh that escaped him, laden with unmistakable annoyance.

Was there something you needed?” he asked, barely concealing his impatience. “Míng-gē and I were about to enjoy a much-needed drink. Something that has just become all the more pressing.” His words were a thin veneer over his growing annoyance, making it abundantly clear that her timing — and by extension, her presence — was less than appreciated.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
As the little blond shit approached, Mindo shot daggers at him, momentarily forgetting Míngzé's presence - and the fact that he was blind. "Not you, him," she hissed, her amber eyes not leaving the duo for an instance. It was quite clear that their encounter had been a friendly one, judging from the way dipshit was gently guiding him towards the door. Mindo sniffed. As Míngzé's companion spoke, her anger only flared. "I live here, dipshit," she retorted an obvious fact, before granting him the pleasure of seeing her middle finger.

A drink? Mindo's brows shot upwards in surprise, but quickly found each other again in a frown. She blatantly ignored his question, instead, her attention shifted towards Míngzé. If he'd been able to see, he'd see a look of betrayal in her amber eyes. Here he was, spewing nonsense about not drinking alcohol, and then off he went to do exactly that with the enemy. Bitch. "Huh, thought you didn't drink," she said with a huff, her tone sharp. Tsk, he couldn't even pronounce his name properly. "Why are you with him? Please don't tell me you two are friends," for the love of Arceus, of course they fucking were. Why wouldn't they be? That blond piece of shit was like a piece of gum stuck to her shoe, it seemed to follow her everywhere she went.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé stood there completely dumbstruck for a moment. Even before Mindo confirmed it, he came to the realization that these two knew each other and were not on good terms it seems. Sāng even went as far as calling her the Devil. “That’s a bit harsh,” he muttered silently. He felt like he’d fallen into a cage of wild pokémon that were about to fight. While he was not able to see either of them, his gaze shifted between the two as they spoke.

And now apparently he was at fault too. If the situation had been different, he might've explained his reasoning. “Hey, whatever is going on between the two of you, has nothing to do with me,” Míngzé said as he raised both hands in surrender. This was getting out of hand and fast. A deep sigh escaped and he rubbed his eyes. Now he was wrong for being friends with Sāng, apparently. “Is this really necessary?” If only he was able to see the dead stares those two were giving each other. Not that he needed it, he could almost hear the venom dripping from their voices.  

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Very mature,” Ruìsāng’s voice dripped with sarcasm, his eyes narrowing slightly at the redhead’s middle finger.

The conversation took a turn when the redhead pointed out Míngzé didn’t drink, and commented on their friendship. Ruìsāng couldn’t help but scoff, his disdain barely masked.

We are. And frankly, no one wants to drink the bottom-barrel liquor you seem to favour,” Ruìsāng shot back, the memory of a shared, and decidedly unpleasant, drink serving as evidence of his point. He then shifted his attention to Míngzé, drawing a line in the sand.

We’re actually heading to my place now. So, unless you’re inclined to join and elevate your standards, have a good night,” he said, a clear invitation for the redhead to take her leave.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Her neighbor was now visibly confused, and almost, almost, she would've felt a little sorry for him. After all, he hadn't asked two be caught betwene two bitching pieces of shit. In a different universe, she might've thought this entire encounter to be hysterical. In this one, though, she couldn't really see past the blond's presence to see the humor in the situation. At her slight dig at Ming, he threw his hands in the air as a sign of peace. Mindo scoffed softly, rolling her eyes as she took another drag from her cigarette. He had lied to her about not drinking. Either that, or he was even more in denial than she had initially thought. By now, Soot had positioned himself in front of her, his hackles raised at the nameless dipshit. Mindo let him.

"Very mature," she repeated right back at him when he mentioned her not so refined taste in liquor. He was right, of course, but that was beside the point. "As far as I'm aware, you live in the same shithole I do, pretentious prick," No-one with actual money would choose to willingly live in this rat's nest. If he was truly as much of a connoisseur as he framed himself to be, his priorities were shit. "Actually, I'd love to," she answered to his question, her voice laced with sarcasm. Somewhere, the thought of free drinks was more than alluring, but it did not yet overshadow the disdain she felt towards him.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

While Mindo and Sāng were going back and forth with their comments, Míngzé simply stood there. He could not suppress a sigh and for a moment he thought about leaving. Letting them sort their shit out themselves while he would go home. Dai sat at his feet and was just as confused as he was.

To his surprise Sāng actually asked Mindo if she wanted to join them. What surprised him even more was Mindo who agreed to actually join them. “What?” The question was out before he had time to swallow it. They had been at each other's throats moments ago, and now they wanted to grab a drink together? Totally lost for words he turned around until he saw the small dim light that told him where the entrance was.

“Just so you know, I won't testify as a witness if either of you decides to kill the other.” And after raising a hand to wave he simply walked away. He would not wait for those two to sort their shit out and if they didn’t, then he would simply go home anyway. The only problem was the alcohol in his system— at least that is what he would put the blame on if he knew. Míngzé saw a light and simply assumed it was where he needed to go, unaware he was off course and not heading towards the entrance at all.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The moment the redhead devil accepted his invitation, Ruìsāng found himself regretting the impulsive proposition. As the reality of his spontaneous offer settled in, a fleeting look of surprise crossed his face, quickly morphing into a slight grimace. “You would?” he echoed, scepticism lacing his tone, the words slipping out just as Míngzé spoke as well. Despite the inner turmoil, Ruìsāng's pride anchored him in place, unwilling to retract the invitation now extended. If she dared to step into his realm, he was determined to showcase the art of a truly refined drink, perhaps even convince her of Míngzé's genuine enjoyment in his company.

Admittedly, this was very petty, but he’d been through a lot..

When Míngzé's voice broke through his thoughts, Ruìsāng's attention snapped back to the present. He caught himself before a dark joke could escape his lips, about having killed enough people this year. Observing Míngzé heading in the wrong direction, Ruìsāng's reflexes kicked in. He reached out, clasping Míngzé's hand with a firm yet gentle grip. “I won’t testify if you walk into traffic, gēgē. We’re headed this way,” he remarked with a resigned sigh as he redirected Míngzé’s course.

I was thinking of challenging Míng-gē to a game of truth or dare. What do you say, demon? Care to join us?” The invitation, extended with a blend of jest and challenge, served as an olive branch of sorts as he pulled Míngzé towards the door of the building..

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Wait. No. Did the both of them actually think she was being serious? Was he being serious? Confusion flickered in her eyes as her gaze drifted from her 'friend' to the blond piece of shit next to him. Just as she was about to tell him she'd rather die, Míngzé decided to take the spotlight by acting a fool. Míng sure had a flair for the dramatics. It might've made somewhat of an impact, if he hadn't made a fool of himself by heading straight towards the busy road.

Mindo suppressed her laughter, and instead got to her feet. Even if she was a bit annoyed with him, she much preferred for her newfound friend not to turn into roadkill. "Míngzé, that's not-" her voice was drowned out by his, as they both attempted to coax the blind man away from his demise. Well, at least they had one thing in common. It was almost endearing, if only he had simply shut the fuck up afterward.

The challenge in his voice only raised her hackles. Angrily, Mindo puffed out some smoke. "You know what? Sure. Míngzé owed me a drink anyway," unsure about what the fuck she was doing, she went along with that little game of his. She'd much rather get shitfaced with just about anyone other than him, but by Arceus, Mindo wasn't one to back away from a challenge. She'd happily swallow her own disdain if it meant torturing him.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

If these two were going to start some pity fight, they could do so without him getting involved. Convinced that he was going for the entrance, Míngzé started walking. This was a path he took almost daily, he recognised the light above the door. The ugly dim yellow light that was sometimes flickering on and off. Only something was amiss—

Before Míngzé was able to figure it out himself, he felt Sāng’s hand around his, stopping him while at the same time he could hear Mindo’s voice. His brow knitted together as he looked at the light he’d seen. It was still there but moving closer. A car, not the light he thought it was.

“I knew that,” Míngzé said immediately while turning back towards Sāng. No he didn’t. “Glad it helped you two stop butting heads.” He ended his sentence with a firm nod. That one shot combined with the one cocktail. After their drive home Míngzé had hoped that the effect would’ve worn off, but apparently that was not the case at all.

His hand traced Sāng’s until he found the spot right above his elbow ditch. The extra support it would offer him felt like something that he needed. A game of truth or dare. There was only one way that could end, especially if Mindo joined them too. It was only normal that she— no wait, she actually agreed to it, saying that he still owed her a drink. “That's true— I guess, although, I owe you much more than a drink.” That whole morning when Mindo had helped him was kind of a blur to him, which was no surprise.

A smile formed on his lips. “Let’s do this then, what could go wrong?” Perhaps not the question he should be asking.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng found himself adrift in the conversation, choosing to keep his confusion to himself. He lacked interest in Míngzé's debts, preferring to remain an outsider to the drama. His eyes rolled almost reflexively as Míngzé pondered what could go wrong, prompting a wry, "Well, what couldn’t?" from Ruìsāng, his amusement thinly veiled. Despite their last shared drink passing without incident, he harboured some reservations.

Guiding Míngzé to the first floor, Ruìsāng maintained a silence that spoke volumes, only breaking it to caution, "Try not to provoke the Pokémon this time, okay?" His smile was a mixture of innocence and mischief. "There's a whole legion of them. He's quite the collector," he added with a sigh that somehow managed to sound affectionate.

Upon opening the door, they were greeted by a tranquil scene, most of the Pokémon having retreated to their resting spots. He assumed the Ralts pair had turned in for the night, while the Buizel lounged in the living room, its presence unmistakable. As for the Mimikyu, Ruìsāng preferred ignorance to its whereabouts. Hēixié, meanwhile, had taken refuge under the table, emitting soft growls, and the overgrown dog was conspicuously absent.

"Make yourselves comfortable. I'm off to fetch some drinks. Do we need snacks?" Ruìsāng asked as he moved into the kitchen.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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