
[VE] Making memories

3 posters
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
From time to time she wondered how this all would be if she hadn't lost her memories. Would she have been able to understand the connection that she felt with the bear? Most likely she would, but there was no way to know now. She might not even have been here to get the bear if she had her memories, she might have never met Ming and somehow that thought made her feel sad. Yes, she would have loved to have her memories back, but with what had happened recently, she was actually scared of getting them back. What if she changed? What if what she did in the alley was something she did more often before she lost her memories? What if that was who she was? If that was the case, she might never want to discover them.

She looked at him, a little curious about how he would react to her words, whether she was the only one that felt like this after calling him cute just now. It seemed to surprise him and the chuckle that followed told her that she at least hadn't offended him by calling him cute. She just decided not to follow up on it, knowing that if she would she would keep on blushing. Just at the idea she could already feel the warmth coming back, so she needed something else to focus on.

And food was just the right thing for that. She did wonder what they would sell here though. What kind of food would a festival provide? She still wasn't that familiar with all the types of food and definitely not the ones from a festival, but she looked around, searching for something that she might want to try. She noticed a stand with a sign that said they sold crepes. She saw some people walking away with folded crepes, filled with various fruits and other things topped with wipped cream. It looked interesting and definitely like something that would taste good. "How about some crepes?" She proposed. Unless he had something else he would like. "Unless you don't like that?" She really didn't know much about his tastes yet, so she could only guess for now.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Míngzé had not expected her to call the bear in his jacket cute, or no, she’d called him cute. It was nice, but he did his best not to think too much about it. He could still recall Xīyuàn’s comments. All he was doing was helping her find her way in life after all. It was— yeah. Best not think too much about it.

They were her for her, so it was only fair that she also got to decide what they were going to eat. Míngzé hummed in agreement when she proposed to get some crepes. “Those are usually very good,” he told her. Last festival Míngzé had also ended up with them, after Qiān refused to give him anything but fries.

As they were making their way towards the right stall, Mingzé’s cane moved from left to right, telling him about possible bumps. A while ago he used to hate the thing, but as he had no other choice, he’d come to accept it. But it was moments like these, that his irritation towards the thing came back to the surface. What he noticed was a pressure, as if something was pushing the cane away. What happened was nothing major. A young boy, younger than twenty was with a group of friends and was walking backwards, not paying attention towards where he was going. The result was that he nearly tripped over the cane when it moved to the outside.

“Watch out you fu—” the young man growled almost insulted, but his words died on his tongue. Yet the angry glare remained.

“I’ll try harder next time,” Míngzé replied, his tone tinged with irritation. Seeing as the kid had not finished his sentence he probably realized what he’d said was wrong, but that did not matter.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She had no idea how they would taste, but they looked delicious, so that was good enough for her. She was glad that Ming seemed to be fine with them, saying that they were usually very good. She did wonder how they would taste and what choices she would have to put inside it.

But before they found their way to the stall, something happened. She saw the group of youths coming closer, wondering if the one that was going backwards would notice in time that they were coming their way. Sadly that wasn't the case and the boy almost tripped, trying to blame Ming before realising his mistake. She glared at the boy, pursing her lips rightly at Ming's words. He shouldn't have to say that, not with an idiot like that.

The angry glare of the boy showed that he was not that remorseful about his words. "You don't need to try for an idiot like this." She told Ming, ignoring the boy for now. Her words had clearly stirred something, since the anger was clearly still showing on his face. How much she wanted to put him in his place, but she didn't do so any further. She just flashed her claws, a glare on her face, making sure that the threat was clear if he tried anything more than this. Normally a small girl wouldn't seem that threatening, but with her that wasn't the case and his fear was almost palpable for her. "Shouldn't you be apologising?" She told the boy.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


This was not the first time something like this happened, although it was not a weekly or even monthly occurrence, luckily. Almost each time ended the same way, which is why Míngzé did not make a problem of it. It stung, yes, because in the end they all swallowed their words after seeing him. They felt sorry, that was what it was.

By telling them he would try harder next time, he would only fuel their guilt. Which was better than making a scene. Already he could hear them stammering, unable to form logical words. Lucina told him he shouldn’t do so, to which he only hummed in response. He would explain later.

That was, at least, before Lucina continued. Míngzé frowned and turned his head towards her. There sounded a stammering apology before the boy and his friends turned around and left. He clenched his jaw as he vaguely saw the disappearing into the crowd. “It uh— It’s best to just let them be, really. Going against them might only make it worse,” Míngzé explained with a soft shake of his head, followed by a sigh.

“Let’s get something to eat now.” He flashed her a smile before tugging at her arm. This really was only a misunderstanding and he would not let it ruin their day. They would feel worse about this whole ordeal anyway. “You should also try a milkshake if they have any.” He would keep the swings of his cane minimal, to prevent this from happening again.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
If this had been about her she might have just let it go, but it wasn't. She knew Ming might not appreciate her butting in like this, but she couldn't leave it alone, not without them understanding that they couldn't act like this. She noticed Ming looking at her when she asked the boy to apologise, seeing the frown there. She had expected him not to like it, but she had gotten the boy to apologise, which was enough.

She listened to his words, wondering if that really made it alright. Not going against people like that might make it worse too after all. "Is that really alright?" She asked him. She could understand it a little from his point of view, but for her it wasn't logical. If someone ignored her, she would ignore them too, but if someone were to try something against her... It was better not to think about that now, not after what happened in the alley.

The moment he mentioned the food and tugged her arm, she understood that this wasn't something that should ruin their day. Not like this, they had a lot of things to see still and they shouldn't let this ruin it. She had no idea what a Milkshake was, but if Ming recommended it, it would most likely taste good. As they got closer to the stall, she noticed that they did indeed have milkshakes, but with a lot of flavors too. "Any recommendations when it comes to flavors?" She asked him. They had chocolate, banana, strawberry and even more. Meanwhile she would also have to chose what she would want on her crepe. This was going to be complicated.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


It was fine. Those boys had noticed their mistake, although Míngzé couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d missed something, and were now gone. In the end that was all that mattered, but Lucina did not seem to share the same ideas. “Really,” he acknowledged with a nod and a small smile. There were worse things that could happen than this.

Míngzé hummed softly. It was difficult to make decisions for someone else, as everyone had a different taste in things. Maybe she did not like the same things he did, which was totally fine. “I always go for vanilla, but feel free to try any you want. People also seem to like the banana flavor, especially with freshly added bananas mixed in between. It’s really up to you.” The vendor had heard him talking, and already asked if that was his order. Míngzé could almost hear the man smile. “Yes, and a crepe with hot chocolate sauce, nothing else. For you, Lucina?” he then asked, head turned towards her. Hopefully she already made her decision as other people were already standing behind them.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She was quite sure that she wouldn't be able to do nothing when it came down to it, but she would respect what Ming wanted for now. There were more important things to decide, namely choosing what kind of milkshake and crepe she would want. Ming told her that he always chose a vanilla one, but that banana might be good too. She was a little curious about that one, so she was fine with him deciding upon that for her.

Now the harder question came, the crepe. Ming simply chose a crepe with some hot chocolate sauce, She knew she wanted the chocolate sauce too, but a little bit more than that. She noticed that a line was forming behind them, so she shouldn't take too long to choose. "Can I have one with strawberries, whipped cream and hot chocolate sauce?" She hoped it wouldn't be too much, since she was curious about how it all would taste together. It was still a little weird that she could just order things like this now. Where before she would receive annoyed looks, especially when they found out that she had no money, it was completely different now.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Once both had made their decision, all they had to do was wait. Luckily for them, it didn’t take very long. Their order was placed before them, but even with this— Míngzé reached out and the owner handed him his milkshake. It was all he could really carry. Yet he flashed the man a smile, thanking him for the help.

Míngzé didn’t want to tell Lucina that she had to carry everything else. “Is there still room to sit anywhere?” he asked, forcing his voice to remain casual. The way his heart softly ached only fueled a certain anger. This, all of this should not bother him anymore. It hadn’t done so in years.

By clearing his throat, he pushed away the thoughts again. “How are things with Xīyuàn?” Míngzé inquired, genuinely curious. Until this moment, they had been too busy, but now there was finally a moment to spare. Having Lucina around had been nice, but it was still better this way. Of that he was certain. “Are the two of you getting along?” Compared to him, his cousin was a whole different person and he would understand if it was too much at times. He would also not be able to live with her for a long period of time. Even when he loved her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
It didn't take long for their order to be done and when she saw the crepe, her stomach started rumbling. She still wasn't really used to eating regularly, so she had gotten used to the gnawing feeling that indicated hunger, but now she felt a little embarrassed that her stomach had responded to the prospect of food. Ming grabbed his own milkshake, to which she carefully grabbed the rest, she didn't want to drop anything after all.

Ming wondered if there was any room to sit, which would make it easier to eat. There weren't really any tables, but she did notice a bench that was still free, hopefully that would be enough for Ming. "There is a bench available a little ahead." She told him, guiding him to the place. She didnt mind doing this, guiding him where necessary. It even felt a little like she was repaying him for everything he had done for her. But it must be frustrating for him, to have to rely on someone like her in this situation.

Once they sat down, Ming asked her how living with Yuan was. She had to be honest that it had been a lot at the start, even now from time to time, but she couldn't really complain. It was more than she had had before going to Ming and she would have been satisfied with only a room with nothing in it, but it had even had furnitures. "There's a lot to get used to and to learn. I didn't know that you could turn lights on with your voice." She had been so surprised the first time it happened. Wondering if it was a power or something, but it was something called 'google home'. She still didn't understand how it worked exactly, but she knew how to use it. "We're getting along well enough." It wasn't like she disliked living with Yuan and it was a whole lot better than living on the streets.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


There was only a bench left, which was probably more than he could’ve hoped for. Not having some stable surface would provide an extra challenge, but he would manage. “Perfect,” Míngzé said with a small smile, following her towards the bench and carefully sitting down. He placed his milkshake next to him before folding his cane and also placing it somewhere next to him. Next he held out his hand to accept his plate and place it on his lap. All Míngzé needed to do now was be careful and hope not to spill any hot chocolate on his clothes or the teddy bear.

Míngzé was trying his best to cut his food with his plastic fork, keeping the pieces as small as possible. He really should’ve gone for something easier to eat than this, or ditched the sauce because that was making his life difficult. Otherwise he could’ve eaten it with his hands.

“Oh yeah, I’ve never shown that to you, I also have some stuff that works that way. It’s easier.” Especially easier than this damn crepe. Finally Míngzé was able to take his first bite and it was extremely underwhelming with no chocolate at all. Somehow this reminded him of something. “I hope she gave you a spare key. Did you know she locked me out of my own apartment during new years eve?” Míngzé sighed but there was a small hint of a smile on his lips. Although it had once irritated him greatly, he now found it so absurdly ridiculous that it almost made him chuckle.

Mistakes were made that day. Míngzé took another bite, but now he ended with a mouth full of sauce, which was also not great.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

[ valentine ] amigou

Lucina, On your way to another festival attraction, a Shiny Amigou, its fur a soft blend of black, tan, and white, approaches with a curious gaze. It carefully examines the Harmony Bear, then, feeling safe, rubs its head against your knee, looking up at you with a sense of trust and seeking gentle affection.

[ valentine ] amigou

Míngzé, As you walk through the festival holding your Harmony Bear, a fluffy Amigou with tan patches cautiously approaches. Its big eyes fixate on the bear, and with a tentative sniff, it slaps your leg, looking up at you with a look of pure joy.

Character sheet
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
They headed over to the bench and she gave Ming his crepe once he had put his milkshake down. She wondered if he would be able to eat properly like this, but he would most likely hate her suggesting to help him. She put her own Milkshake beside her on the bench and kept the crepe in her hand. She knew that cutting it into pieces would be a little harder with her crepe, seeing as how she had more filling, so she decided to just grab it with her hands and eat from it like that.

She had found out that it was indeed easy to turn the lights on and such things. Though if she was alone, she mostly just didn't turn the lights on, she hadn't had it on the streets and she could see well enough in the dark. But when Yuan was there, she did turn them on, since the other seemed to have more trouble in the dark. "I was really surprised the first time, but now I know how to use it too." At least, she thought she knew how to use it. "Yes, she did give me a key and I didn't know that. Hopefully that won't happen to me." Even if she had a key if the door was locked with more than the key it would be hard for her to get inside.

Something distracted her, a pokemon. It had been interested in her bear and just as she wanted to ask it what it wanted it started to rub against her knee. A little surprised she reached out a hand and carefully stroked its head. "Hello there," Looking to Ming, she noticed that the same pokemon was there, just a different color. "Do you know this type of pokemon?" Maybe Ming had felt something like this before? She herself had no clue, just that it looked cute and felt soft. She petted the pokemon, which resulted in the pokemon pushing herself against her leg. She was definitely going to keep this one if she wanted to stay.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


This was the last time he would even buy something like this to eat at a festival. It was too much of a struggle, especially when trying his best not to struggle. He kept the irritation off his face, instead forcing a calm expression to take over. Would she notice if he threw it away without even finishing half of it?

“I’m sure Xīyuàn can explain everything, she knows a lot about that kind of stuff, and also helped me set up my small setup.” Maybe one day he would also make everything work on voice commands, now they are only the most basic things. “Just tell her I’ll come for her neck if she does.” While he could laugh with it now, that did not mean he wanted her to do it to someone else. Especially not Lucina.

Just when he wanted to take another bite, chocolat unknowingly dripped down, luckily on his plate, he could hear Lucina speak up again. A confused expression formed on his face as he raised an eyebrow and lowered his fork again. “Wha—” he started until something softly hit his knee. “A pokémon?” he asked, clearly puzzled. Indeed, when he bent forward he could see a dark shape moving at his feet. “I don’t— where did they come from?” The one at his feet jumped on the bench next to him, sniffing at his crepe. Míngzé already raised a hand to shoo it away, when the creature pressed her head against his head. The fur was very soft and he reached out to pet it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She was quite sure that Yuan would explain anything she needed to know too. She smiled at Ming's reaction. She hoped it would never happen, that she wouldn't be locked out, but it was good to know that Ming would be on her side if something like that were to happen.

They got interrupted by two pokemon. She had no idea what they were, but they seemed to be interested in the bears at first. Ming didn't seem to have any idea about what kind of pokemon these were, but that was fine. They looked cute and felt quite soft. "I don't know, suddenly they were here, seemingly interested in the bears." That was how much she had seen. "Mine has a different color than yours though. Though they look the same." She had no idea what shinies were, so she just thought they were different in color.

The pokemon kept rubbing against her legs and she petted it once more. "Alright, you can stay." Hopefully Noir wouldn't mind having another pokemon in the same room. She picked up her milkshake and took a sip. She hadn't known what to expect from it, but it was colder than she had expected. "This milkshake is cold." Yes, she had been holding it before, but hadn't realised that it would be this cold. The taste was great though. "This flavor is good though, how about yours?" She asked Ming. He had gotten vanilla if she had remembered right.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Míngzé felt how the creature next to him only came closer. He moved aside, closer to Lucina in an attempt to keep some distance. “Yeah some pokémon are different from others, be it because they are shiny, have a trait or sometimes it is simply the difference between a male and a female,” Míngzé explained absent minded as he was struggling with the thing that sat next to him. Without knowing which species this pokémon was, he had no way of telling her why hers was different.

“They’re supposed to be that way.” While Míngzé had no fear for pokémon, he did not particularly like wild or stranger pokémon. He could not read them like others could and had no idea how kind or mean they were. This one however did not give up and placed its paws against his arm to get closer to the teddy bear at his chest.

A hum rolled over his lips at the next question of Lucina, but then felt the pokémons cold nose against his neck. “I uh— shall we go towards the next big thing?” Minzge jumped to his feet, unfolding his cane in the process. “There is some kind of search, how about we do that next?” He was not hungry anyway and perhaps he could get away from this stranger pokémon.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
Ming came closer, trying to avoid the pokemon that had gotten closer to him and started explaining why pokemon could be different colors. She had never heard of pokemon that could be shiny or traited. She wouldn't even know the difference. "I have no idea what a shiny or traited pokemon is, but if that's the case one of these might be like that." She told him. Even if she knew that it was the case, she didn't know which one.

She could tell that Ming was trying to stay away from the pokemon, while the pokemon only tried to get closer. "It seems to want to get closer to you." She commented, though if Ming didn't want to take it with him, that wouldn't be strange. She finished her milkshake and petted the pokemon once more. She would need to think of a name for it and maybe find out what kind of pokemon it would even be.

Ming suddenly stood up, speaking about something they could do next. It wasn't a bad idea to get moving if he wanted to try and get rid of the pokemon, maybe it would give up on its own. She wasn't planning on shoving hers away, so the pokemon could just follow her. "Sounds good," She said while standing up herself. "I am kind of curious what we would need to find." She had never done this and kind of hoped that it would be easy to find, though a bit of a challenge would make it interesting too.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Even pokémon colorations were a mystery to Lucina, which should not come as a surprise anymore. “They have a different color compared to the standard ones you would normally come across. People view them as more valuable because of it.” Something that did not really matter to him.

Míngzé looked in the direction of the strange pokémon with a troubled expression. It wants to get closer Lucina told him. “Right.” What if he did not want it to get closer to him? Míngzé thought it was a good idea to keep going, maybe the creature would give up at some point. Yet he was aware that it kept following the two of them, sometimes softly touching his leg. His plan was simple, ignore it long enough, and it would eventually hopefully go away. Once more he held onto the other's arm as they continued.

“I assume something Valentine related, although I have no idea what.” Normally this was a festival he skipped each year, so he had no idea if this was a yearly occurrence or not. Seeing as they were here anyway, there was no harm in trying. “Although, you might need to do all the hard work,” Míngzé said with a small smile. Things like hide and seek were not actually things he was very good at, surprisingly.  

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She would really need to put more research into pokemon if this was going to happen more often. Like she didn't even know what she had to look for right now to be able to get information about this pokemon. She didn't know the right words to put in to do the search. She now knew what shiny pokemon were, but she still wouldn't know which pokemon was shiny or traited. Especially if she didn't know what their normal color was.

She watched the pokemon that was following Ming from time to time. It was clear that Ming was hoping that it would give up if he kept ignoring it, but the pokemon kept following. Just like the one that seemed to be interested in her, but she had given it permission to follow her. Noir might like it to have another pokemon to play with and now she was in a position where she could take care of more than one pokemon. It was better though if she didn't traumatise this one. It was better if this one wouldn't have any fear for her.

She didn't mind that she would have to do all the hard work, she was just curious what kind of event it would be. As they got to the place it seemed like it had something to do with a pokemon named Togetic and that they needed to find its arrows. "Seems like we need to find an arrow for a pokemon named Togetic." She told Ming. Now it was just a question of how this search would work, but they would find out soon enough she expected.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

[ valentine ] cupid's quest

You find Togetic hovering near a secluded part of the festival, away from the festival's main attractions. Its expression is one of mild distress, offset by a hopeful gleam in its eyes as it spots you. In a flutter of wings, it presents you with a delicately crafted letter, its seal a heart, glowing faintly in the dim light. The letter, once opened, reveals a riddle, its letters curling like the ribbons of love it seeks to protect:

Where hearts converge under the gaze of night,
A silent watcher stands, bathed in light.
Not a word it speaks, yet stories it holds,
Guarding the tales of love bold and old.
Seek 'neath the stars where shadows play,
There, Cupid's arrow lies hidden away.

This riddle, enigmatic and alluring, is designed not to have one definitive answer, and while there is no "wrong" answer, the reward awaiting you at the end of this adventure is influenced by how closely the location you identify aligns with the riddle's description.

Once you believe you have found the location the riddle describes, you are to press a kiss against the note. This act is the key to summoning the mischievous guardian of love itself.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Míngzé raised his brow as he noticed how a pokémon approached them for this part of the event. There was a letter, which of course meant nothing to him. He patiently waited for Lucina to read it out loud and as she did, he hummed silently. Riddles were never one of his strong suits, but at least it was easier than something he needed his eyes for.

“That could be a lot of things,” Míngzé thought out loud. It was a lot to remember too. “Hearts converge under the gaze of night, and then what?” Meanwhile, the pokémon rubbed her head against his leg, only for Míngzé to ignore her completely. His mind was racing as he was trying to uncover this riddle.

“Shall we go sit down for a moment?” If they were going to solve this riddle, he would need some time to think this over. Perhaps he would record it with his phone, otherwise he had to ask Lucina the same question over and over again. 

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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