
[m] House call

2 posters
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
His hands were nearing their destination and it didn’t seem like Míngzé would protest. The only thing he heard was a question whether he knew that he didn’t need to do this. It was a bit too late to be asking that now. ”I wouldn’t even have mentioned the text if I wasn’t prepared to do this.” He told Míngzé, a small chuckle escaped him just at the thought.

His fingers hooked around the waistband of his underwear, giving Míngzé a second longer to protest if he wanted to, before he pulled the underwear down, revealing what was hidden underneath. It had been a while since he had done this for anyone and it wasn’t like he had done it that often, but there was really no turning back now.

He wrapped his slim fingers around the length, stroking it to make sure it would be easier to take in. He carefully watched Míngzé’s reaction, making sure to remember what the man did and didn’t like. Once he was satisfied with Míngzé’s reactions, he moved his fingers one last time, before taking him in. He decided to start slowly, teasingly, trying to see how patient or impatient Míngzé would be. His tongue moved around slowly, while he had moved one hand to Míngzé’s hip for support, the other still assisting.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé thought he was prepared for what came next, but he was not. How wrong he was. His underwear fell down quickly and a chill brushed against his skin. He was completely naked, leaving nothing to the imagination.

The hands he could handle. They reminded him of their last time together, bringing a hint of a smile to his lips.

But then—

First it was the warm breath, only then came the lips— the tongue. A gasp escaped before he was even aware, pushing his hips forward while at the same time leaning more into the table for support. His fingers curled up, digging in the furniture below.

His free hand ended up at the side of Lamar’s head, holding him in place.

The soft throbbing pain through his arms was meaningless as he barely registered it at all. A shiver ran down his spine. Each breath he took shaking. How glad he was for the table behind him, giving him all the support he needed.

The wounds hurt, but it was nothing compared to the sensations rushing through him. Lust and arrousment taking complete control.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
Last time the roles had been reversed and when they had gotten to this point Shae had interrupted them. Consequently they hadn’t been able to finish and he had broken his wrist. It still wasn’t healed completely, but good enough that he was able to do some things with it once more, like he had done for Míngzé today.

He didn’t mind that the roles were reversed this time, he wanted the other to not strain himself, not with what had happened and this was something they could do like this. He did his best to keep moving, making sure to change the pace from time to time. One moment faster, the other a bit slower.

He wanted Míngzé to enjoy this, but he didn’t want to tease him too much. Where the man had teased him quite a bit last time, he himself mostly didn’t tease someone too much. The hand on the side of his face was only encouraging him to keep moving, to make sure that Míngzé would enjoy this, especially since there was no one who would stop them this time.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Was this the right moment? Certainly not. But that did not matter at all. Before Lamar had come here, he’d been afraid. The silence around him too suffocating. It’s why he called his friend, for the idea of safety. It’s why he did not really mind the idea of Lamar coming over, even when he did not want to get him involved in all of this.

But no questions were asked. He looked after his wounds and now—

Gods, now Lamar made him forget all of it. No artifact. No Deity. No pain. Only them. The desire left him breathless, waves of pleasure sending shivers down his spine. He lost all control over his body.

Mingzé let out a low moan, a sound of pleasure that seemed to vibrate in the air around them. His hand moved down to Lamar’s shoulders, nails digging in the shirt that was protecting his skin. Such a shame. How he longed to feel the other’s skin.

He had no idea how much he needed this. Wanted this. Wanted him.

Consequences be damned.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He wasn’t going to drag this out too long, knowing that it wouldn’t be fair and maybe even too straining for Míngzé in his current state, but he enjoyed the noises he managed to get out of him. They were only encouraging him to do more, to take him in deeper.

He could feel Míngzé’’s fingers digging into his shoulders and was a little glad that there was still a shirt between them, though a part of him wouldn’t have minded if marks had been left there. His own grip on Míngzé’s hip tightened in response.

He was trying to push Míngzé over the edge now. He could understand how Míngzé wanted to forget about everything for a moment and he was more than happy to oblige. It wasn’t like this did nothing for him, it was affecting him too, but the focus right now was Míngzé and he wasn’t going to force the man to do anything else.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Having the other around him like this was maddening in all the right ways possible. The movements, the strokes, everything was becoming more deliberate by the second. His heart felt like it wanted to escape the prison of his chest.

It was too overwhelming. Too much. His breathing became more ragged as every sensation became overwhelming. His entire being was being completely consumed.

The tension in his whole body built up and his body shuddered in response. His hands clenched tightly as he was certainly not letting go of the other. A powerful wave of pleasure surged through him as a deep involuntary groan escaped his lips.

Only the table was keeping him upright as he leaned against it completely as his legs felt weak. His grip relaxed and his breathing calmed down ever so slightly. Míngzé moved his hand form Lamar’s shoulder, over to his neck, his thumb against his cheek.

“Kiss me,” he breathed quietly, his voice raw.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He could feel what he was doing to Míngzé, could tell it from how his body was reacting and it was what spurred him on. What didn’t make him stop even as the grip on his shoulders tightened even more. He could feel the tension building, till at once it all released itself.

He sat back the moment it was finished, swallowing to make sure nothing was left. He was breathless as he sat there, staring up at Míngzé. The man was beautiful like this and he had been the one to undo him to this extent. Just the sight stirred something inside him and he rose to his feet once more, still being a bit careful with his right wrist. It wouldn’t do to have something happen to it once more.

The moment Míngzé told him to kiss him, he smiled. ”As you wish.” His own voice was raw from what he had been doing only moments ago, but he didn’t hesitate as he placed his left hand behind Míngzé’s head and pulled him closer, pressing his lips hungrily against Míngzé’s. He knew he wanted this, but a part of him also knew that he should hold back.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

His heart skipped a few beats and his breath got caught in his throat by those few short words.

No matter that he was still out of breath, he welcomed the deep kiss with his own, leaning into it fully. His hands trailed to the man’s back, disappointed by the soft fabric underneath his touch. It was not what he wanted. It was in his way.

Without asking anything he searched for the bottom of the shirt and when he did his hands disappeared underneath. His skin was hot to the touch and he let his fingers trace the muscular back of the other.

Míngzé was the one to break the kiss, resting his forehead against Lamar’s as he had to catch his breath. Each inhale and exhale was deep.

“Thank you,” he muttered softly. Míngzé’s emotions were a hot mess, the weight of it all seemingly coming crashing down now. “For being here.” He hated how his voice broke a little and he wished he would have hidden it better. It was all so much.

Worst part of all was that he could feel his eyes burning below his eyelids. But he refused to cry. Instead he pulled Lamar closer.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
A part of him knew that Míngzé was trying to find some comfort in him, to help him forget what had happened. He didn’t know what it was, except for what Ruisang had told him and the scene he had seen the moment he had arrived. It had told him enough that Míngzé had been attacked in his own home and he didn’t need the reason to understand why he would need this right now.

So when Míngzé broke the kiss and rested his forehead against his own, he could tell that Míngzé was trying not to cry. It was there in the way his voice broke and the way he looked. It did hurt him to see Míngzé like this, but a part of him was glad that Míngzé had wanted him to come here. Otherwise Ruisang wouldn’t have contacted him.

Míngzé started to kiss him once more, pulling him closer, hands now having found their way underneath his shirt. He let the man do this for a moment before breaking the kiss once more, his eyes focused on Míngzé. ”You know there’s no shame in crying after what you went through?” Sometimes it was better to let emotions out. ”It’s just you and me here, no one else will know.” His voice was soft. He wasn’t going to take away what the other might need, not when he could easily lend him a shoulder right here.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

There really was no describing just how vulnerable he felt. A result of everything that had happened upon that point. He felt each and every emotion so strongly. What was keeping him together was this man standing here against him, holding his naked fragile body.

A lump formed itself, one that was hard to swallow. Lamar’s words made it even more difficult and for a moment he felt so extremely small.

But no.

Míngzé swallowed the lump in his throat and straightened his back ever so slightly. His eyes were still burning, but he would not, could not give in. “No, it’s good,” he said, his voice a bit strained but he managed a smile on his lips.

A very soft, tender kiss brushed against Lamar’s lips. His golden eyes were open once more. “Trust me, I’m good,” he whispered against those lips. Míngzé would repeat those words over and over again until he himself started seeing them as truth.

Because truthfully, he hadn’t been fine in a long while.

He bit down softly on Lamar’s lips, wanting to kiss him with more passion than ever before.

“I did promise you I’d make up to you,” he whispered with a smile. Slowly his hands trailed off, going down to the other’s butt, only to be stopped by more fabric.

He had to forget. He would forget. Even if only for one day.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He wanted Míngzé to know that it was fine to break in front of him if that was what he needed and yet the man clearly kept himself stubbornly strong. Refusing to cry when it might be what he so clearly needed. But he wasn't going to push any further than this, not if Míngzé wasn’t ready to face it yet. ”Alright.” He answered quietly. ”Just know that I’m here when you do need it.”

Right now he might be what was helping Míngzé keep it together, but the moment he broke he would be here to pick up the pieces to help put him back together. He wanted to make sure that Míngzé knew that it would be alright whenever that was going to happen. His hand softly brushed against Míngzé’s cheek, he softly kissed him back before the kiss turned more passionately.

He knew that he should stop here, the rational part of him knew that. It wasn’t alright to keep doing this while the other was injured and yet there was a part of him that wanted this. And that part was starting to win it when Míngzé’s hands touched his butt and the man told him that he had promised to make it up to him. ”That you did,” His voice barely above a whisper. There was no need to speak louder here after all.

”And you said that I would have to find out for myself, so what do you have in mind?” He shouldn’t be doing this, he really should stop here, but the words were already hanging between them and he knew that the rational part was slowly starting to slip away.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

No longer thinking straight, he’d lost all common sense. In the back of his mind he knew they should not be doing anything else. They should stop here if they were smart, but his voice of reason did not make the right decision either and Míngzé would not be the one to complain.

This was what he wanted. What he was craving. And no one could stop him anymore.

Both were reminded of the promise made during Lamar’s birthday. The situation was less than ideal, but he no longer cared. He moved his hands slowly forward. “Everything,” he whispered against the others lips, before planting a soft kiss.

“Make everything that happened before this meaningless.” With newfound strength in his legs, fueled by determination pushed Míngzé himself away from the table, stepping out of the pants that lay at his feet. At least here, he knew where everything was. He could guide Lamar to wherever he wanted him to be. “All I want is you.” Míngzé made to undo the button of the other, all while gently pulling in it, urging him to follow. His apartment was small, his bedroom close.

“Do whatever your heart desires, make me feel things I’ve never felt before, until I can think of nothing else but you,” he said with a hint of a growl in it. A few kisses were planted against the other’s neck, his teeth brushing against his skin softly. His hands trailed back to the other’s butt, his movements becoming more urgent by the second.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He should step away, he could still step away right now, then this moment would be broken and he might not regret his actions later. What had Míngzé done to him, for him to be so easily swayed like this? He wasn’t even intoxicated this time, but the moment to step away had passed.

The moment he heard the word ‘everything’ there was no longer a chance to step away and he knew it. He kissed back hungrily, knowing that he wanted this too, despite him trying to rationalise that this was not the right moment. That Míngzé was doing this right now to forget everything if only for a moment. But would that be so bad? They both might regret this later, but in the moment it was what they both wanted.

As Míngzé started to tug him along he followed, a soft smile on his face. ”Show me the way then.” He wasn’t familiar with his apartment after all and he assumed that Míngzé would want to get out of this room, the room that was such a stark reminder of what had happened. He would really need to try and clean it later.

But that thought didn’t linger for long when Míngzé told him to do everything his heart desired. To make him only think about him. Well, if that was what he wanted he would do his best. He felt the kisses in his neck that were definitely going to leave a mark. His own hands found their way to his butt, squeezing there softly as he trailed kisses from his cheek, down to his collarbone. Biting softly down there to leave a mark.

He let Míngzé drag him along to wherever the man wanted to take him right now and then he would show him. Would make Míngzé think only of him and wouldn’t give the man a chance to think about what had happened before all this.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

For a moment he thought that maybe Lamar would decline. That he would be wise and say no. It wasn’t like Míngzé was in the best state of mind, his vision clouded by a mixed bag of emotions. He shouldn’t be using the other as a distraction, but he did not care.

Lamar was fine with it, so what did it matter?

Kisses were placed against his neck, sending waves of pleasure through him each time those lips brushed past his sensitive skin. Acontented hum vibrated in his throat. Lamar was making it so damn difficult to feel even a little bit sorry about the decision he made.

His breath hitched, slightly surprised when feeling teeth. It was Míngzé’s own fault. The word everything had rolled off his own lips. He would hardly complain.

As they slowly made their way towards his room, he tried to help Lamar get rid of his shirt. Or more like he did not really give him another choice. It was only in his way.

They managed to reach his bedroom safely, confirmed by his knees touching the bed. A first step to forgetting. For a moment Míngzé let go, if only to lower himself onto the bed at least a little bit carefully. Would it matter in the long run? Perhaps not.

“Everything,” Míngzé reminded the man as he sat there, hands placed next to him to not immediatly fall back.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He realised what he was doing the moment he bit down to leave a mark. The skin had already been matted with several injuries and he was only adding to them. No complaint came from Míngzé though, but he did think that he would try to minimise the marks he would leave.

Though there was a part of him that wanted to make Míngzé forget about the wounds, by leaving his own marks, he was just not going to do that. He would keep it to a few at most. He helped Míngzé get rid of his shirt, leaving it somewhere on the ground between the living room and the bedroom. He wasn’t sure where exactly it landed, but that was something for later.

He wasn’t going to get rid of his pants halfway in case he broke another wrist, that was not something he would like to have to explain again. He kissed Míngzé as they reached the bed, watching as the man carefully sat down on the bed. While Míngzé did that, he started to unbutton his own pants, taking them off, before closing the distance once more, only his underwear still remaining.

He smiled when Míngzé once more repeated that he should do everything to make him help forget. ”Of course.” He said as he grabbed Míngzé’s chin to have him look up, so that he could kiss him passionately. Once he broke the kiss, he lightly pushed against the man’s chest. ”Scoot back a little.” That way he would be able to climb on the bed with him.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

No shirt. No pants. Míngzé was glad with the naked skin he felt under his hands. It was so much nicer to feel his heated body instead of the soft fabric. That alone was enough to make his mind spinning. Normally he was all for teasing, but right now he did not mind. He wanted the other to consume him now, not later.

Lamar’s hand appeared under his chin, softly pushing his head up, his eyes desperate to catch a glimpse of the man, but to no avail. He kissed back, the kiss deep and filled with longing. An involuntary groan escaped when the connection was broken and he was softly pushed back.

“Of course,” he hummed. As was asked of him he pushed himself further onto the bed, giving Lamar all the space he needed. The moment of no return was long past them by now.

The soft bed was a great improvement from their previous accommodations, of which he did not complain. In a way he even preferred the barn. At least there he was free of this pull. This cold feeling was such a stark contrast to everything else he was feeling. Lamar made sure Míngzé felt warm to his very core, the artifact desperate to take it away.

It called to him, but Míngzé ignored it completely.

Míngzé reached for Lamar, wanting to pull him closer by whatever he could grab. He searched for his face, wanting those lips on him once more.

The artifact remained in the back of his mind, there was no escaping the dark tendrils that seemed to be filling this whole room. He felt guilty for bringing Lamar in such close proximity when he had no idea it was even there.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
The moment Míngzé pushed himself further onto the bed, he followed. Moving onto the bed, he took place between Míngzé’s legs. Míngzé pulled him forward, closing the distance between them. He kissed Míngzé once more on the lips, before he kissed his cheek, his chin, his neck. Being careful of any wounds, while slightly nicking the skin with his teeth.

His left hand was mostly supporting his weight as he leaned forward, knowing that his right wrist might not be able to handle that yet. He did use his right hand to trace his fingers over Míngzé’s chest. His fingers splayed as he moved his hand from the top to lower, where it rested on his hip for a moment.

He knew he could keep teasing Míngzé, but he had wanted to forget everything. Well, he would make sure he did. He brought his lips once more to connect with Míngzé's, while his hand travelled from the hip to the more sensitive region. He knew that it had been in his mouth only a short time ago, but this time he started stroking it softly with his fingers, while he kept kissing Míngzé.

Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Everything was too sensitive, a result of what had come before. His body reacted immediately, hips moving forward as he so desperately wanted to lean in the kiss. Míngzé had to break the kiss as his head fell slightly backwards, a sigh rolling down his lips as he bit down his own lip, eyes squeezed shut.

It seemed almost unfair how completely Lamar had him under his control at this point.His breathing grew heavier with every passing moment. These touches made his head spin. Míngzé almost wanted to shift onto his stomach, but he fought the impulse, wanting to savor the moment just a little longer.

Míngzé threw his arms loosely around his shoulders. A soft protest of pain shot through them no matter how careful he was. It was quickly overshadowed anyway.

One hand was pressed flat against the back of Lamar’s head, the other resting on his back. Mingzé leaned back, intending to pull Lamar down with him until he felt the cushions beneath him. Only then would both hands roam over his back, one of them quickly trailing off to his hip, only moving lower until he found the other.

He would return the favor, make up for what they could not finish last time. Make it even better than before.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
As Míngzé threw an arm over his shoulders, he leaned in closer, kissing him even deeper, wanting the man to know how much he wanted this. Míngzé chose this moment to lean back, taking him with him as he leaned partially on his left arm to not put too much pressure on Míngzé. He was still wounded after all.

His other hands was still working down there. He trailed his fingers down the length, only to start stroking a few times, to make sure that Míngzé would really feel it. Meanwhile he could feel Míngzé's hands travelling over his back, one heading down to hip. He was still wearing his underwear, but he was quite sure it wouldn't be long before it was taken off now.

Of course last time they had been interrupted, but this time they wouldn't be. He kissed Míngzé one more time, before slightly leaning back, taking in the sight before him or rather said underneath him. ”You're beautiful.” He couldn't help but say as he admired the man before him. He would let him know how much he wanted him and would help him forget everything except for him as he did.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

With ease he managed to lower Lamar over him. Although it was hard to focus solely on that. The other was doing wonders to his body. In response Míngzé dug his fingers in his back hard at the building tension.

What they were doing helped. Before his mind had time to wander off, it was reminded of the presence of the other. Only the pain was distracting from time to time. A reminder of why he was doing this now. But if Lamar kept his promise, he would even forget those.

His fingers hooked at either side of the underwear, pulling them down as Lamar would not need them anyway. Each and every movement more urgent than the one before.

Those golden unseeing eyes of his looked up at Lamar. He knew the other was there, slightly towering over him, making his heart race fast in his chest. Hands trailed up the other’s thighs slowly.

Míngzé could almost feel the other’s eyes burning on him. “Words are meaningless,” Míngzé said, keeping his voice steady no matter his heavy breathing. How he wanted to hold his gaze right now, see exactly what expression he was wearing.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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