
[m] House call

2 posters
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
They could wait a little before taking a shower, it would give them both time to recover a little at the very least. He knew his heart was still beating slightly faster, while his breathing had steadied by now. His hand kept moving softly through Míngzé’s hair while he drew figures on his stomach.

If he had been ticklish there it might have been bad, but this was fine. He asked whether Míngzé would want him to stay the night and he noticed a pause in the strokes. He wanted Míngzé to say yes, because he didn’t want to leave him here alone in a place where he had been attacked. But if the other didn’t want him here, there wasn’t much he could do.

He noticed that Míngzé turned his face so that he couldn’t see his expression and he realised that Míngzé would most likely tell him that it wasn’t necessary. Had all he said till now been like nothing? Where he said he would be fine with seeing him at his worst. He knew he had thought about how he would help him pick up the pieces if necessary.

To his ears it sounded like Míngzé was making excuses, thinking of ways that it would be too much of a burden on him. He heard the hitch in Míngzé’s voice and knew that it wasn’t just from what they had done just now. So he softly grabbed Míngzé’s chin, so he couldn’t look away this time. ”You aren’t a waste of my time okay? And my father will be fine for a few days, if there is really an emergency that he can’t handle he will contact me.” It had always been that way and Míngzé needed him, at least he wanted to believe that.

”So let me rephrase that: do you want me to stay?” He wasn’t going to let the other turn away this time, he wanted to know what he truly felt and not just an answer that he would give someone because he didn’t want to burden them.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé told himself it would be fine if Lamar left later that day. He has a busy life filled with a lot of responsibilities. Who was he to pull him out of that life? The man shouldn’t even have been in his apartment in the first place. It was all because Sāng had texted him.

His hand trailed the man once more, his strokes less smooth than they’d been before. Words spoken by one of his friends rang in his head. No, things would be fine. Lamar would confess he was indeed too busy with his life and leave. Which was f—

A hand gently grabbed his chin, giving him no other option than showing his face. Because that was what this was. He could not see the look portrayed on Lamar’s face, but he could see his. An open book unable to lie in this very moment.

“I—” he stammered, his voice betraying him at the first sound. Lamar told him he was no waste of time, but would he really think so too if he was made aware of his secrets?

Do you want me to stay?

Earlier tears had almost been spilled, but back then he had managed to step them. It is how they ended up in his bed. But now it felt like everything was crumbling down again, with much more destruction as before. Tears burned in the corners of his eyes as he was no longer able to keep them to himself.

How he wanted to be able to say ‘no’. To let the man go home and be done with it. It would all be much easier, but he could not say it. Everything that happened that day was catching up to him, raging havoc within him. ”Yes. I—” His bottom lip trembled slightly as a tear broke free and traveled down his cheek.

The back of his hand roughly rubbed the tear away.  “Fuck— sorry, I— I’m so sorry—”Before Míngzé himself knew what he was doing, he broke free from Lamar’s arm by pushing himself into a sitting position. No matter how his body protested, he moved away from the man. No longer feeling comfortable that came with being fully naked, he pulled on his blanket, wanting to toss it over his shoulders. But he could not get it loose.

His hands were trembling, causing him to fumble with the fabric. Frustration built up within him as he had the idea that he kept failing over and over again. Slowly, more tears were following.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He watched carefully, trying to determine how Míngzé was really feeling. It might be a bit forced to ask it like this, but he would rather have the truth from him than a lie, just so it would be more convenient for him.

What he hadn’t expected was for Míngzé to look at him with a look that told him he was on the verge of possibly crying. Had he pushed too far? Or was it that the emotions were starting to catch up to Míngzé? That what they did had only been a distraction for a moment. He had been afraid that this was how it would be, it had been why he had tried to hold back initially.

Once a tear escaped he felt like he wanted to wipe it away, that he wanted to take Míngzé in his arms and comfort him, let him break if that was what he needed right now. But before he could do anything of that Míngzé pushed himself away, getting into a sitting position. For a moment he hesitated about what to do, would Míngzé even want him to do anything here.

It was when Míngzé started to struggle with the blankets that he started to move. It was clear that he felt vulnerable and wanted to cover himself up as a result. That was more than fair and understandable. He grabbed the blanket and pulled on it so that it would get loose, taking it in his hands before wrapping it around Míngzé’s shoulders.

At the same time he wrapped his arms around Míngzé and just held him like that for now, the blankets between them. He would let him cry as much as he wanted and needed. ”No need to apologise.” He told him softly. He couldn’t say everything was going to be alright, most of the time it wasn’t what people wanted to hear at this point. ”Just let it out alright?” And if Míngzé didn’t want all of this, all he would have to do was push him away.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The euphoric feeling was quickly fading, making room for everything he did not want to feel. He should’ve known that it would end like this really. Their moment together had been too overwhelming to keep it together. One wrong question and he lost it. Or maybe it had been the right question.

All Lamar had to do was agree with him, but he’d seen right through the facade. Míngzé was in no state to pretend.

If only the damn blanket—

His rushed movements came to a halt as he noticed Lamar helping him. The blanket underneath him moved until it wrapped around his shoulders. Ignoring all the discomfort he got hold of either side, fully covering himself. It gave him a weird sense of security. Lamar’s around him added to it, more than he would want to admit.

With his shoulder hunched forward and his chin nearly touching his chest he made himself smaller. “I can’t,” he said honestly as he shook his head. Míngzé feared that if he cried now, he would not be able to stop anymore. There was too much bottled up and he simply couldn’t. Not then.

“I just need a second,” Míngzé muttered, his voice raw with emotion. Even though he said he would not cry, he could feel the wet tears run down his cheeks. His shoulders were only trembling slightly and he leaned back in the safety of the other man’s arm.

All he had to do was pick himself together as he’d done so very often. And yet a quiet sob escaped. The moment it did he pressed a hand against his lips. No, he would be fine.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He wrapped his arms around Míngzé along with the blanket, knowing that he was crying by now. He had seen him break and even when Míngzé told him that he couldn’t, he wanted to make sure that he could. He should have known this would come after what they had done, it might have been better if he pushed earlier, but he had wanted to give him the space he needed.

With every word he knew that Míngzé might need more than a second and that was fine. As Míngzé leaned back into him, he wrapped his arms tighter around him, kissing his head once more, trying to be comforting. The sound of a sob tugged at some strings in his own heart and he made sure to hold on tight.

”Take as long as you need.” He told Míngzé, whether it took seconds, minutes or even longer, he would help pick up the pieces. If he broke apart, he would make sure to bring him back together. ”Don’t worry about it, it’s alright to fall apart.” He meant it, every word of it. ”And if you do, I will help you pick up the pieces.” This was something he was sure about, despite the guilt, despite the doubts that were there, this was the truth.

It was just a question of if Míngzé would trust him or believe his words even. He might not believe or trust him at all and push him away. He would hardly be able to do anything about them, not without trust or a sense of security at the very least.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

How he felt guilty for pulling this man through this whole mess. Lamar should not see him break apart like this. Back in the barn he’d made him a promise, but this was not how he wished it to go. Far from it. This whole evening Lamar had been picking up the pieces without him even knowing he did so.

This whole day he’d been pushing away the shock from it all. First by calling Sāng, then having Lamar around. He thought that maybe, it would be enough to move on. What a fool he was to think he could start a new day tomorrow while pretending nothing had happened.

The few sobs that escaped quickly turned into real crying, yet Míngzé managed to muffle out most of the sounds. There was no describing how small he actually felt in that moment, but all that time he said nothing. Lamar deserved an explanation by now, but he couldn’t. He did not trust his own voice.

Míngzé had no idea how much time passed as he sat there, shoulders slightly trembling from time to time, trying to ground himself by focusing on Lamar’s comforting presence and touches. At some point he found a strand of peace and the crying slowly stopped.

His voice was still weak and fragile, making him sound as if anything could cause him to cry once more. “She’s a friend of mine, you know. The one that—” A lump in his throat made it impossible to continue. He could not get the words over his lips. “Or was— I guess” A weak and sad smile broke through at the sense of loss.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
For a moment he was afraid that Míngzé would push him away, but instead of that happening it seemed that he sought comfort in his presence. He decided not to say anything more for how, to just let Míngzé let all those emotions out, the thing he should have done first instead of taking him to bed, but that was not something he could turn around now, not anymore.

He kept his arms around Míngzé as he softly kissed his head from time to time, a hand caressing him comfortingly, to make sure that he would know that he was still there, that he would be there for as long as he would need.

After a while he noticed that the crying was slowing down, stopping even. He had no idea how much time had passed, but that didn’t matter. He didn’t let go yet though, not when he heard Míngzé speak about the one who had attacked him. He had heard from Ruisang that it had been the same person that had scratched him, but Míngzé told him that she had been a friend.

He frowned a little, if Míngzé had thought of her as a friend, then he could understand why it had been so shocking, besides the fact that he had been attacked in his own apartment. ”I don’t think that normally a friend wouldn’t do this to you, no.” He told him softly. ”That must have made it extra hard for you though.” He wasn’t judging anyone here, he just tried to imagine what it would be like. If suddenly he got attacked and hurt because of one of his friends, he wouldn’t even know what he would do if it came down to that.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Again he wanted to be able to turn back time to a moment when all there had been was Lamar. Everything else had felt meaningless at the time, completely pushed aside by him in the best way possible. Míngzé wanted that back instead of whatever he was giving the man right now.

Míngzé tried to rub the tears away from his eyes, push the emotions away and keep the sobs to himself, but it proved to be an impossible task.

The other deserved to know after their time together, it was the least he could do. But where and how to start? How could he even explain it without any context.

A friend would not do this, Lamar reminded him of. Míngzé heaved a shaky breath. She’d asked him how he could still trust Sāng after everything he had done. But what had he really done to him? Yes, there was the threat, but that was because he wanted his friends safe and he had never acted upon it.

This… this had been completely different.

“She was on edge and irritated, I knew that much but— we all are sometimes— I never thought— it just happened.” Míngzé squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his teeth when his voice broke once more.

There had probably been many warnings, all of which had gone over his head. The look in her eyes might have told him enough, or the way she held her body. But he couldn’t have known.

“And now I can’t even take a proper shower,” he laughed sadly, trying to bring a bit of light back to this situation.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
Now that Míngzé was calming down a little it seemed like he was starting to tell him a little about what had happened. It must have been sudden, since Míngzé couldn't just read someone's gaze to see what they might do.

There must have been a breaking point for the woman, but to take it out on Míngzé was something he couldn't just imagine someone doing. ”It's not your fault.” He told him, wanting to make sure that Míngzé knew that.

At the mention of a shower he smiled softly, that was something he could definitely help with. ”I will help with that.” He told him. ”We can take one together.” And he would be able to keep the wounds in mind.

”Shall we take one then?” He decided to ask, knowing that it might even be hard for Míngzé to make it there, but if need be he would at least try to carry him there. Or they would have to think up another way to help him get clean.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It’s not your fault.

Those words made him feel empty inside. It surely felt like it was all his fault. If he’d done things differently from the start, this would never have happened. But Lamar could not know that and he would not tell him. All Míngzé could do was stay completely silent.

In the safety of the blanket wrapped around him and with Lamar’s arms around him he found peace again. His eyes were slightly red, burned and his eyelids felt even heavier than before. If only he could fall asleep right there and then.

Míngzé hummed softly at the idea mentioned by Lamar. For the first time in a while he turned his upper body around a bit, facing the other. “I’d like that,” he answered with a small smile, one that at least reached his eyes this time.

No matter how pleasurable it all was, afterwards he always felt dirty, which was only normal. “Follow me.” With slight hesitation he moved forward, unsure if he even should, but he placed a soft kiss against Lamar’s cheek. A thank you.

Míngzé left the safety of the blanket and those arms, a cold chill immediately running down his spine. He moved to the edge off the bed, gave himself a few seconds to adjust before standing up. As a hiss threatened to escape, he bit his lip to hold it back. His legs still felt weak and his aching body did not.

“Like I said, a truck,” he tried to joke. There was no way he could hide the discomfort from the doctor. Luckily the bathroom was right next to his bedroom, so they did not have to go far at all. But Míngzé waited and held out his hand for Lamar.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He knew that his words might feel empty to Míngzé, but he had wanted to say them at least, since in his eyes it was the truth. With what Míngzé had told him, it seemed like the woman was the one who had attacked without him noticing the reason for it. Yes, she had been irritated and on edge, but that was still no reason to do this.

He would have let Míngzé fall asleep if they didn’t need a shower, but since they did he asked whether they should take one. He watched as Míngzé turned around and saw a smile on his face that seemed to be genuine this time. That was good.

He didn’t mind the thank you he got as Míngzé pressed a kiss against his cheek, a smile creeping on his own face. ”Alright.” He could assume where the bathroom was, these apartments often weren’t that complicated, though he followed quickly after Míngzé, wondering if he was going to be alright to stand on his own.

He hadn’t intended to hurt Míngzé, but he couldn’t deny that everything combined might be too much. It was clear that Míngzé was feeling discomfort, but that wasn’t something he could change at the moment. He stepped off the bed beside Míngzé and grabbed the man’s hand within his own. ”Are you going to be alright?” He could still attempt to carry him.

It was mostly worrying that made him ask this. If he had been confident enough that he could carry the man he would have done so, but he wasn’t. He could still try though, but for now he would see what Míngzé would do.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It seemed like he always managed to worry Lamar. It made him wonder if he really looked that fragile, but he liked to believe not. He gave a few reassuring nods. “I will,” he promised the other, softly squeezing his hand. “Besides, I’ve had worse.” He shrugged quickly. The scars already decorating his skin were proof of just that.

While he had to take it slowly, it was manageable enough to get him towards the bedroom. One step at a time until his body started to adjust slightly. It was unfair that women had it so much easier.

The bathroom was rather small with only the necessary. A shower instead of a bath, because there was no room, a sink right next to the toilet and a small closet filled with towels. He already grabbed a pair for later.

Even now he still had no idea how to do this. “So, tell me doctor, what next? If I’m not mistaken, stitches shouldn’t get wet.” Míngzé tried his best to smile at that. There was more they shouldn’t have done, which was exactly how they ended up here.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He had worse? Of course he had seen the scars, but he had not decided to ask about them, just like he wasn’t going to ask what had been worse. If Míngzé wanted to tell him, he would at one point. It wasn’t like the man owed him any answer about this.

He followed Míngzé through his apartment as the man slowly made his way to the bathroom. He knew that after the shower he would need to find his clothes and see if he could do something about those bloodstains, but that was something he wasn’t going to mention to Míngzé yet.

So instead he followed him into the bathroom and looked around to see what they were working with here. It had the necessary things, so that would work. A shower was all they needed after all, though there was the matter of stitches indeed.

”You’re right about that.” He told Míngzé as he looked around the small room. ”Is your shower head fixed to the wall or is it possible to move it. Then we can just avoid your arms for now with the spray.” That would be easy enough if that was the case. ”Otherwise we will have to either cover your arms or only wipe you clean.” He himself would definitely not prefer the last one for himself, but it was Míngzé’s choice.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It really was one problem after the next with him, but Míngzé managed to hold back a sigh and keep other emotions to himself. It was bad enough that he’d cried once, he did not want to do that again and have Lamar see him like that twice in one day. Or no— it would be a third time.

“It can come off.” Carefully he stepped into the shower and removed the shower head before aiming it at the ground. He turned it on, waiting for the water to heat up. “It’s an older apartment so it will take a few seconds,” Míngzé explained with a small smile. Normally Lamar could use this time to undress but— that was not necessary.

“There also should be washcloths in the closet as well.” (Because washandjes are something otherworldly) Míngzé preferred not to be sticky or crunchy when he went to bed so he would make sure he was clean.

He held his hand underneath the stream, the warmth pleasant against his skin. “This good for you?” Míngzé stepped a bit out of the way so Lamar could join him.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
It really helped that the shower head could come off, it meant that they could move the spray however they wanted and could avoid the areas that shouldn't get wet. It felt a bit too much if he started to use his affinity here too, especially with how Míngzé seemed to dislike affinities.

He watched as Míngzé started the shower, probably waiting for it to be at the right temperature. Once it was he asked whether he was fine with this and he held his hand under the spray as he stepped inside the shower with Míngzé.

”Should be fine.” He agreed. He smiled at Míngzé, though he knew he couldn't see it. ”So how do you want to do this? Should I wash you first?” That way they wouldn't accidentally get the stitched wound on Míngzé arms wet, though he wasn't going to stop him if he wanted to do this himself.

And if Míngzé wanted to wash him in turn, he really wasn't going to complain. He would let the man do whatever he wanted at the moment.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The shower was small, but he was sure they would manage just fine. It was not like they could get any closer than they already had been. With the shower still pointing at the ground, he gave Lamar enough room to join him. They had to stand practically against each other.

Míngzé hummed softly in response to the question being asked. How could it be that he felt a bit uncomfortable now? After everything it was the idea of being washed by the man that made him uncomfortable. It was not something anyone had ever done to him. He could just feel his face heat up.

“We could start with me,” he said, clearing his throat right after. “Get that out of the way.” Míngzé showed a weak smile. No matter what, making sure he was clean was probably for the best if they wanted to avoid an infection.

From the very small plastic shelf in his shower he grabbed a bottle, his fingers first tracing the shape to make sure he had the right one. “Soap,” he said as if Lamar would not know what it was. He also handed him the shower head.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
They had to stand close together, but he didn't mind, before this they had been even closer, so he shouldn't be this aware of Míngzé standing close to him, but he very much was.

He watched the man closely as he was clearly grabbing the stuff they would need. It was his shower, so he was very sure that Míngzé would be able to find what he needed.

So once he got handed the soap and shower head, he put the soap at a place where he could easily reach it, as he took the shower head in his hand. ”Alright, just tell me if something is uncomfortable.” He told Míngzé, wanting the man to tell him when he did something the other didn't like.

He turned the shower head towards Míngzé's chest, making sure the water wouldn't hit his arms, but it would wet the front, where it was definitely needed for Míngzé to get clean.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

After he’d broken down earlier, he gradually felt himself picking up the pieces, feeling better again. As much as was possible. Some things would need more time to heal. Much more time. But he did not want to dwell upon it too much.

Which was why he tried to make a little fun of the situation. No matter everything.

His golden eyes were directed at Lamar, searching for his eyes he would never find. By now he knew perfectly well what he felt like, but he would never know what he truly looked like. How his lips would move when he laughed or smiled, the soft rimples at his eyes as he did so. All those little details.

Lamar spoke up before his mind had time to wander off too far. Blinking a few times he came back to reality. “I’m well aware you’re perfectly capable of being careful and gentle,” Míngzé said with a small hint of a smile. In order words— “I trust you.” And how hard it was to earn that trust.

When he could feel the water moving up, he did the same with his arms. He held them in the air, not wanting any water to touch them. “I’m standing here like I’m some criminal.” And Lamar was holding him under fire.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He was very capable of being careful and gentle, that was the truth and yet he had left marks where Míngzé had already been hurt quite a bit. He reached out the hand that wasn't holding the shower head and let his fingers trace some of the bite marks he had left in his neck. ”Are you really sure of that?” Even if he asked it, he knew he was capable of it.

He couldn't describe how it felt when Míngzé told him he trusted him. It was a good feeling and at the same time a complicated one, because he didn't know whether he deserved that trust. Not when he had done what he himself wanted in the end while not taking into account that Míngzé had been injured. It was still not something he was going to say out loud for now though. Those doubts would do Míngzé no good at this moment.

As Míngzé raised his arms he smiled, he did look a little like a criminal like this. ”So what crime did you commit?” He asked as he lowered the showerhead a bit more, making sure to cover every part of Míngzé's body. In a bit he would get the soap, but for now he was interested in what the man would answer.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Ah yes, the bites that covered his skin. Mingze held his breath when Lamar touched a delicate spot on his neck, where he traced the mark left there. "We all lose control sometimes." He tried to hold the other´s gaze as well as he could.

Part of him wondered if he had said something wrong, but he quickly dismissed the idea. He would not let his thoughts wander off too much. Although... he was rather failing at that already.

Mingze raised one questioning look while doing his best to keep a smile from his lips. "I don´t know officer," he responded calmly a hint of a grin broke through. "You tell me, I am completly innocent." Mingze shrugged lazely. The water moved further down so he dared to lower his arms a little. "What are the charges?" No, he would behave. He would not make another mistake so soon.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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